abstract = {As the number of nodes in cluster systems continues to grow,
leveraging scalable algorithms in all aspects of such systems becomes key to
maintaining performance. While scalable algorithms have been applied
successfully in some areas of parallel I/O, many operations are still
performed in an uncoordinated manner. In this work we consider, in three file
system scenarios, the possibilities for applying scalable algorithms to the
many operations that make up the MPI-IO interface. From this evaluation we
extract a set of file system characteristics that aid in developing scalable
MPI-IO implementations.}
author = {Rajeev Thakur and Robert Ross and Robert Latham},
title = {Implementing Byte-Range Locks Using {MPI} One-Sided Communication},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting (Euro PVM/MPI 2005), Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3666, Springer},
month = {September},
year = {2005},
pages = {119-128},
author={William Gropp and Robert B. Ross and Neill Miller},
title={Providing Efficient {I/O} Redundancy in {MPI} Environments},
booktitle={Proceedings of EuroPVM/MPI 2004},
author = {Jonghyun Lee and Xiaosong Ma and Robert B. Ross and Rajeev Thakur
and Marianne Winslett},
title={{RFS}: Implementing Efficient and Flexible Remote File Access for
author = {Weikuan Yu and Jeffrey Vetter and Shane Canon},
title = {{OPAL}: An Open-Source {MPI-IO} Library over {Cray XT}},
booktitle = {International Workshop on Storage Network Architecture and Parallel I/O (SNAPI'07)},
year = {2007}
title = {Towards a High Performance Implementation of {MPI-IO} on the {Lustre} File System},
author = { Phillip M. Dickens and Jeremy Logan},
booktitle = {Proceedings of GADA'08: Grid computing, high-performAnce and Distributed Applications. Monterrey, Mexico},
month = {November},
year = {2008}
author = {Phillip Dickens and J. Logan},
title = {A High Performance Implementation of {MPI-IO} for a {Lustre} File System Environment},
journal = {To appear: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience},
year = {2009}
author = {J. Logan and Phillip Dickens},
title = {Using Object Based Files for High Performance Parallel {I/O}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE 4th International Workshop on Intelligent Data acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications. Dortmund, Germany},
month = {September},
year = {2007}
author = {J. Logan and Phillip Dickens},
title = {Dynamic Object Based {I/O}. (Invited Paper)},
booktitle = {To appear: IEEE 5th International Workshop on Intelligent Data
acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications},
year = {2009},
month = {August}
author = {Wei-keng Liao and Alok Choudhary},
title = {Dynamically Adapting File Domain Partitioning Methods for Collective {I/O} Based on Underlying Parallel File System Locking Protocols},
booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC08), Austin, Texas},
year = {2008}
author = {Arifa Nisar and Wei-keng Liao and Alok Choudhary},
title = {Scaling Parallel {I/O} Performance through {I/O} Delegate and Caching System},
booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC08), Austin, Texas},
year ={2008}
author = { Wei-keng Liao and Avery Ching and Kenin Coloma and Arifa Nisar and Alok Choudhary and Jackie Chen and Ramanan Sankaran and Scott Klasky},
title = {Using {MPI} File Caching to Improve Parallel Write Performance for Large-Scale Scientific Applications},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC 2007), Reno, Nevada},
month = {November},
year = {2007}
author = {Wei-keng Liao and Kenin Coloma and Alok Choudhary and Lee Ward},
title = {Cooperative Client-side File Caching for {MPI} Applications},
journal = {International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications},
author = {Wei-keng Liao and Kenin Coloma and Alok Choudhary and Lee Ward},
title = {{Cooperative Write-Behind Data Buffering for MPI I/O}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th European Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface Conference (EURO PVM/MPI), Sorrento (Naples), Italy},