2007-05-09 12:18:39 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# generator for Open MPI
import sys
import os
import optparse
import ConfigParser
# global stuff
configext = " .package " # the name of the configurations files
configfiles = [ ] # list with all found config files
params = 0 # contains the cmd line options
packages = { } # directory for packages
options = [ " name " , " type " , " license " , " summary " , " files " , " version " , " description " , " group " , " vendor " , " requires " ]
shell_cmds = { }
compilers = { " default " : { " compiler " : " default " ,
" cc " : " " ,
" cxx " : " " ,
" f77 " : " " ,
" fc " : " " } ,
" gcc " : { " compiler " : " gcc " ,
" cc " : " gcc " ,
" cxx " : " c++ " ,
" f77 " : " f77 " ,
" fc " : " gfortran " } ,
" icc " : { " compiler " : " icc " ,
" cc " : " icc " ,
" cxx " : " icpc " ,
" f77 " : " ifort " ,
" fc " : " ifort " }
copyright_template = """ #
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
# University Research and Technology
# Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University
# of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights
# reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart,
# University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Additional copyrights may follow
# don't stop with an error if we don't pack all files at once
% define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 0
build_macro_template = " %% { !?build_ %(name)s : %% define build_ %(name)s %(value)i } \n "
build_command_template = '''
BUILD_PACKAGE = % ( default ) s
for entry in % ( files ) s ; do
for file in $ RPM_BUILD_ROOT / $ entry ; do
if [ - e $ file ] ; then
if [ $ BUILD_PACKAGE == 1 ] ; then
eval export OMPI_PACKAGE_VERSION = ` % ( version ) s `
rpmbuild % ( mode ) s - - define \' _topdir %% _topdir \' --define \' build_ %(name)s 1 \' --define \' build_default 0 \' --define \" ompi_package_version $OMPI_PACKAGE_VERSION \" %% {ompi_specfile}
global_template = """
# global Open MPI stuff
% % define ompi_name % ( name ) s
% % define ompi_name_prefix % ( name_prefix ) s
% % define ompi_version % ( version ) s
% % { ! ? ompi_package_version : % % define ompi_package_version default }
% % define ompi_extra_version % ( extra_version ) s
% % define ompi_release 1
% % define ompi_prefix % ( prefix ) s
% % define ompi_build_root % % { _tmppath } / % % { ompi_name } - % % { ompi_version } - % % { ompi_release } - root
% % define ompi_source % % { ompi_name_prefix } % % { ompi_name } - % % { ompi_version } . tar . gz
% % define ompi_url % ( url ) s
% % define ompi_specfile % % { _topdir } / SPECS / % ( output ) s
% % define ompi_configure_params % ( configure_params ) s
% % define ompi_compile_root % % { ompi_name_prefix } % % { ompi_name } - % % { ompi_version }
# fix configure
% % define _prefix % % { ompi_prefix }
% % define _sysconfdir % % { _prefix } / etc
% % define _libdir % % { _prefix } / lib
% % define _includedir % % { _prefix } / include
% % define _mandir % % { _prefix } / man
% % define _pkgdatadir % % { _prefix } / share / % % { ompi_name }
compiler_template = """
# compiler settings
% % define ompi_compiler % ( compiler ) s
% % define ompi_cc \" %(cc)s \"
% % define ompi_cxx \" %(cxx)s \"
% % define ompi_f77 \" %(f77)s \"
% % define ompi_fc \" %(fc)s \"
build_template = """
# Build section
% % if % % { build_build }
Summary : Configure and build the Open MPI tree
Name : % % { ompi_name_prefix } % % { ompi_name }
Version : % % { ompi_version }
Release : % % { ompi_release }
License : BSD
Group : Others
URL : % % { ompi_url }
Source0 : % % { ompi_source }
BuildRoot : % % { ompi_build_root }
% % description
This part build and install the Open MPI source tree .
% % prep
% % setup - q
% % build
OMPI_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = \" %% {ompi_configure_params} \"
if [ \" %% {ompi_compiler} \" != \" default \" ]; then
OMPI_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = \" $OMPI_CONFIGURE_FLAGS CC= %% {ompi_cc} CXX= %% {ompi_cxx} F77= %% {ompi_f77} FC= %% {ompi_fc} \"
% % configure $ OMPI_CONFIGURE_FLAGS
make - j4
% % install
% % clean
% % files
% % defattr ( - , root , root , - )
% % endif
install_template = """
# Install section
% % if % % { build_install }
Summary : Install a already compiled tree
Name : % % { ompi_name_prefix } % % { ompi_name }
Version : % % { ompi_version }
Release : % % { ompi_release }
License : BSD
Group : Others
URL : % % { ompi_url }
Source0 : % % { ompi_source }
BuildRoot : % % { ompi_build_root }
% % description
This part build and install the Open MPI source tree .
% % prep
% % build
% % install
cd % % { ompi_compile_root }
rm - rf $ RPM_BUILD_ROOT
make DESTDIR = $ RPM_BUILD_ROOT install
# create a module file on request
if [ % ( modulefile_condition ) s ] ; then
% % { __mkdir_p } $ RPM_BUILD_ROOT / % ( modulefile_path ) s / % % { ompi_name } /
cat << EOF > $ RPM_BUILD_ROOT / % ( modulefile_path ) s / % % { ompi_name } / % % { ompi_version }
# NOTE: This is an automatically-generated file! (generated by the
# Open MPI RPM). Any changes made here will be lost a) if the RPM is
# uninstalled, or b) if the RPM is upgraded or uninstalled.
proc ModulesHelp { } {
puts stderr \" This module adds Open MPI v %(ompi_version)s to various paths \"
module - whatis \" Sets up Open MPI v %(ompi_version)s in your enviornment \"
append - path PATH \" %% {_prefix} /bin/ \"
append - path LD_LIBRARY_PATH % % { _libdir }
append - path MANPATH % % { _mandir }
# profile.d files
if [ % ( profile_condition ) s ] ; then
% % { __mkdir_p } $ RPM_BUILD_ROOT / etc / profile . d /
cat << EOF > $ RPM_BUILD_ROOT / etc / profile . d / % % { ompi_name } - % % { ompi_version } . sh
# NOTE: This is an automatically-generated file! (generated by the
# Open MPI RPM). Any changes made here will be lost a) if the RPM is
# uninstalled, or b) if the RPM is upgraded or uninstalled.
if test - z \" `echo $PATH | grep %% {_prefix} /bin` \" ; then
PATH = \$ { PATH } : % % { _prefix } / bin /
if test - z \" `echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH | grep %% {_libdir} ` \" ; then
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = \$ { LD_LIBRARY_PATH } : % % { _libdir }
if test - z \" `echo $MANPATH | grep %% {_mandir} ` \" ; then
MANPATH = \$ { MANPATH } : % % { _mandir }
if test \" $CHANGED \" = \" 1 \" ; then
cat << EOF > $ RPM_BUILD_ROOT / etc / profile . d / % % { ompi_name } - % % { ompi_version } s . csh
# NOTE: This is an automatically-generated file! (generated by the
# Open MPI RPM). Any changes made here will be lost a) if the RPM is
# uninstalled, or b) if the RPM is upgraded or uninstalled.
if ( \" `echo $PATH | grep %% {_prefix} /bin` \" ) then
setenv PATH \$ { PATH } : % % { _prefix } / bin /
if ( \" $?LD_LIBRARY_PATH \" ) then
if ( \" `echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH | grep %% {_libdir} ` \" ) then
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH \$ { LD_LIBRARY_PATH } : % % { _libdir }
if ( \" $?MANPATH \" ) then
if ( \" `echo $MANPATH | grep %% {_mandir} ` \" ) then
setenv MANPATH \$ { MANPATH } : % % { _mandir }
% % clean
% % files
% % defattr ( - , root , root , - )
% % endif
package_template = """
# %(name)s package section
% % if % % { build_ % ( name ) s }
Summary : % ( summary ) s
Name : % % { ompi_name_prefix } % % { ompi_name } - % ( type ) s - % ( name ) s
Version : % % { ompi_version } % ( name ) s_ % % { ompi_package_version } % % { ompi_extra_version }
Release : % % { ompi_release }
License : % ( license ) s
Group : % ( group ) s
URL : % % { ompi_url }
Source0 : % % { ompi_source }
BuildRoot : % % { ompi_build_root }
Requires : % ( requires ) s
% % description
% ( description ) s
% % prep
% % build
% % install
rm - f % ( name ) s . files
rm - f % ( name ) s . files . tmp
for i in % ( installed_files ) s ; do
2007-10-24 17:48:30 +00:00
for file in $ RPM_BUILD_ROOT / $ i ; do
echo $ file | sed " s#$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/##g " >> % ( name ) s . files . tmp
2007-05-09 12:18:39 +00:00
sort - u % ( name ) s . files . tmp > % ( name ) s . files
rm - f % ( name ) s . files . tmp
% % clean
for i in ` cat % ( name ) s . files ` ; do
rm - f $ RPM_BUILD_ROOT / $ i
rm % ( name ) s . files
% % files - f % ( name ) s . files
% % defattr ( - , root , root , - )
% % endif
default_template = """
# default
% % if % % { build_default }
Summary : Open MPI
Name : % % { ompi_name_prefix } % % { ompi_name }
Version : % % { ompi_version } % % { ompi_extra_version }
Release : % % { ompi_release }
License : % % { ompi_license }
Group : Development / Library
URL : % % { ompi_url }
Source0 : % % { ompi_source }
BuildRoot : % % { ompi_build_root }
% % description
Open MPI is a project combining technologies and resources from
several other projects ( FT - MPI , LA - MPI , LAM / MPI , and PACX - MPI ) in
order to build the best MPI library available .
This RPM contains all the tools necessary to compile , link , and run
Open MPI jobs . Additional this RPM also contains modules for communicating
via shared memory and TCP networks . Components for other transports ( e . g .
Myrinet , Infiniband , . . . ) are provided in separate RPMs .
% % prep
% % build
% ( build_cmds ) s
% % install
% % clean
rm - rf $ RPM_BUILD_ROOT
% % files
% % defattr ( - , root , root , - )
% % { ompi_prefix }
% % endif
changelog = """
# Changelog
% changelog
* Tue Jun 27 2006 Sven Stork < stork @hlrs.de >
- switch to specfile generator
* Wed Apr 26 2006 Jeff Squyres < jsquyres @cisco.com >
- Revamp files listings to ensure that rpm - e will remove directories
if rpm - i created them .
- Simplify options for making modulefiles and profile . d scripts .
- Add oscar define .
- Ensure to remove the previous installation root during prep .
- Cleanup the modulefile specification and installation ; also ensure
that the profile . d scripts get installed if selected .
- Ensure to list sysconfdir in the files list if it ' s outside of the
prefix .
* Wed Mar 30 2006 Jeff Squyres < jsquyres @cisco.com >
- Lots of bit rot updates
- Reorganize and rename the subpackages
- Add / formalize a variety of rpmbuild - - define options
- Comment out the docs subpackage for the moment ( until we have some
documentation - - coming in v1 .1 ! )
* Wed May 03 2005 Jeff Squyres < jsquyres @open - mpi . org >
- Added some defines for LANL defaults
- Added more defines for granulatirty of installation location for
- Differentiate between installing in / opt and whether we want to
install environment script files
- Filled in files for man and mca - general subpackages
* Thu Apr 07 2005 Greg Kurtzer < GMKurtzer @lbl.gov >
- Added opt building
- Added profile . d / modulefile logic and creation
- Minor cleanups
* Fri Apr 01 2005 Greg Kurtzer < GMKurtzer @lbl.gov >
- Added comments
- Split package into subpackages
- Cleaned things up a bit
- Sold the code to Microsoft , and now I am retiring . Thanks guys !
* Wed Mar 23 2005 Mezzanine < mezzanine @kainx.org >
- Specfile auto - generated by Mezzanine
# class to represent a package
class Package :
def __init__ ( self , name ) :
self . options = { }
for option in options :
if option == " name " :
self . options [ option ] = name
elif option == " files " :
self . options [ option ] = [ ]
elif option == " version " :
self . options [ option ] = " /bin/echo unknown "
elif option == " group " :
self . options [ option ] = " Development/Library "
elif option == " license " :
self . options [ option ] = " BSD "
elif option == " vendor " :
self . options [ option ] = " Open MPI "
elif option == " requires " :
name_prefix = " "
if ( params . ompi_name_prefix != " % {nil} " ) :
name_prefix = params . ompi_name_prefix
self . options [ option ] = name_prefix + params . ompi_name + " >= " + params . ompi_version
else :
self . options [ option ] = None
def getOption ( self , option ) :
if option in self . options . keys ( ) :
return self . options [ option ]
else :
return None
def setOption ( self , option , value ) :
if ( option == " files " ) :
# append file list
self . options [ " files " ] + = value . split ( )
elif ( option == " requires " ) :
self . options [ " requires " ] + = " , " + value
else :
# replace value
self . options [ option ] = value
def getOptions ( self ) :
return self . options
def Validate ( self ) :
if ( self . options [ " files " ] == [ ] ) :
error ( " Package %(package)s does not contain files \n " % { " package " : self . options [ " name " ] } )
sys . exit ( - 1 )
def Dump ( self , prefix = " " ) :
global options
for option in options :
print " %(prefix)s %(name)-15s : %(value)s " % { " prefix " : prefix , " name " : option , " value " : self . options [ option ] }
# return the specified package object. If not such an object exist a
# new object will be created and stored in the global packages list
def get_package ( name ) :
global packages
if not ( name in packages . keys ( ) ) :
packages [ name ] = Package ( name )
return packages [ name ]
# verbose output
def verbose ( msg ) :
if ( params . verbose or params . debug ) :
print msg
# debug output
def debug ( msg ) :
if ( params . debug ) :
print msg
# error output
def error ( msg ) :
print " +++ ERROR : " + msg
# error output
def get_compiler ( name ) :
if name in compilers . keys ( ) :
return compilers [ name ]
else :
error ( " Failed to find comiler : " + name ) ;
sys . exit ( - 1 )
# interactive shell
def shell_help ( cmd ) :
for item in shell_cmds . values ( ) :
print " %(cmd)-10s - %(help)s " % { " cmd " : item [ " name " ] , " help " : item [ " help " ] }
return True
def shell_quit ( cmd ) :
return False
def shell_list ( cmd ) :
return True
def shell_list ( cmd ) :
for package in packages . keys ( ) :
print package
return True
def shell_show ( cmd ) :
if len ( cmd ) < 2 :
print " Usage : show PACKAGE \n "
else :
if cmd [ 1 ] in packages . keys ( ) :
package = packages [ cmd [ 1 ] ]
package . Dump ( )
else :
print " Invalid package : " + cmd [ 1 ]
return True
def shell_drop ( cmd ) :
if len ( cmd ) < 2 :
print " Usage : drop PACKAGE "
else :
if cmd [ 1 ] in packages . keys ( ) :
packages . pop ( cmd [ 1 ] )
else :
print " Package not found : " + cmd [ 1 ]
return True
def shell_write ( cmd ) :
write_specfile ( packages . values ( ) )
return True
def register_shell_cmd ( name , help , function ) :
shell_cmds [ name ] = { " name " : name , " help " : help , " function " : function }
def shell ( ) :
loop = True
register_shell_cmd ( " help " , " Display list of available commands. " , shell_help )
register_shell_cmd ( " quit " , " Quit the interactive shell " , shell_quit )
register_shell_cmd ( " list " , " List all found packages " , shell_list )
register_shell_cmd ( " show " , " Display one specific package " , shell_show )
register_shell_cmd ( " drop " , " Remove the specified package from the list " , shell_drop )
register_shell_cmd ( " write " , " Write the specfile " , shell_write )
print " ompi-spec-generator interactive shell "
print " Type ' help ' to get more information about available commands. "
while loop :
try :
cmd = raw_input ( " ompi-spec-generator> " )
cmd = cmd . split ( )
if 0 == len ( cmd ) :
if ( cmd [ 0 ] in shell_cmds . keys ( ) ) :
shell_cmd = shell_cmds [ cmd [ 0 ] ]
shell_cmd_func = shell_cmd [ " function " ]
loop = shell_cmd_func ( cmd )
else :
print " Invalid command "
except Exception :
print " \n "
# interactive shell
def write_specfile ( build_packages ) :
global params
# create output file
print " --> Create output file "
verbose ( " Open outout file : %(filename)s " % { " filename " : params . output } )
specfile = open ( params . output , ' w ' )
verbose ( " Write copyright header " )
specfile . write ( copyright_template )
verbose ( " Create build macros " )
specfile . write ( " # macros to select which part of the specfile should be active \n " )
for package in build_packages :
specfile . write ( build_macro_template % { " name " : package . getOption ( " name " ) , " value " : 0 } )
specfile . write ( build_macro_template % { " name " : " build " , " value " : 0 } )
specfile . write ( build_macro_template % { " name " : " install " , " value " : 0 } )
specfile . write ( build_macro_template % { " name " : " default " , " value " : 1 } )
verbose ( " Write global macro section " )
global_params = { " name " : params . ompi_name , " prefix " : params . ompi_prefix , " url " : params . ompi_url , " version " : params . ompi_version , " output " : params . output , " extra_version " : params . ompi_extra_version , " configure_params " : params . ompi_configure_params , " name_prefix " : params . ompi_name_prefix }
specfile . write ( global_template % global_params )
verbose ( " Write compiler section " )
specfile . write ( compiler_template % get_compiler ( params . ompi_compiler ) )
verbose ( " Create package sections " )
build_cmds = " "
if params . no_build :
build_cmds + = build_command_template % { " files " : " /no_build " , " default " : " 0 " , " name " : " build " , " mode " : " -bc " , " version " : " /bin/echo unknown " }
else :
build_cmds + = build_command_template % { " files " : " /no_build " , " default " : " 1 " , " name " : " build " , " mode " : " -bc " , " version " : " /bin/echo unknown " }
if params . no_install :
build_cmds + = build_command_template % { " files " : " /no_install " , " default " : " 0 " , " name " : " install " , " mode " : " -bi " , " version " : " /bin/echo unknown " }
else :
build_cmds + = build_command_template % { " files " : " /no_install " , " default " : " 1 " , " name " : " install " , " mode " : " -bi " , " version " : " /bin/echo unknown " }
for package in build_packages :
verbose ( " Create section for " + package . getOption ( " name " ) ) ;
package_params = package . getOptions ( )
package_params [ " installed_files " ] = " "
for f in package_params [ " files " ] :
package_params [ " installed_files " ] + = " \" " + f + " \" "
specfile . write ( package_template % package_params ) ;
# create build command
build_cmds + = build_command_template % { " files " : package_params [ " installed_files " ] , " default " : " 0 " , " name " : package_params [ " name " ] , " mode " : " -bb " , " version " : package_params [ " version " ] }
verbose ( " Create build section " )
specfile . write ( build_template % { " ompi_prefix " : params . ompi_prefix } )
verbose ( " Create install section " )
inst_params = { }
inst_params [ " ompi_name " ] = params . ompi_name
inst_params [ " ompi_version " ] = params . ompi_version
if params . ompi_modulefile_path == None :
inst_params [ " modulefile_condition " ] = " 1 == 0 "
inst_params [ " modulefile_path " ] = " nirwana "
else :
inst_params [ " modulefile_condition " ] = " 0 == 0 "
inst_params [ " modulefile_path " ] = params . ompi_modulefile_path
if params . ompi_profile_files :
inst_params [ " profile_condition " ] = " 0 == 0 "
else :
inst_params [ " profile_condition " ] = " 1 == 0 "
specfile . write ( install_template % inst_params )
verbose ( " Create default section " )
default_params = { " build_cmds " : build_cmds , " version " : params . ompi_version }
specfile . write ( default_template % default_params )
verbose ( " Write changelog " )
specfile . write ( changelog )
verbose ( " Close outputfile " )
specfile . close ( )
# main function
def main ( ) :
# parse comand line parameters
global params
param_parser = optparse . OptionParser ( )
param_parser . add_option ( " -r " , " --root " , action = " store " , dest = " root " , default = " ../../../ " , help = " Specify the top root directory of the Open MPI Sources. " )
param_parser . add_option ( " -v " , " --verbose " , action = " store_true " , dest = " verbose " , default = False , help = " Dis/Enable verbose output. " )
param_parser . add_option ( " -d " , " --debug " , action = " store_true " , dest = " debug " , default = False , help = " Dis/Enable debug output. " )
param_parser . add_option ( " -p " , " --packages " , action = " store " , dest = " packages " , default = None , help = " Comma separated list of packages to build. " )
param_parser . add_option ( " -o " , " --output " , action = " store " , dest = " output " , default = None , help = " Specify the filename of the outputfile. " )
param_parser . add_option ( " -i " , " --interactive " , action = " store_true " , dest = " interactive " , default = False , help = " Enter interactive shell after all config files have been parsed. " )
param_parser . add_option ( " --no-build " , action = " store_true " , dest = " no_build " , default = False , help = " Disable the build section. " )
param_parser . add_option ( " --no-install " , action = " store_true " , dest = " no_install " , default = False , help = " Disable the installation. " )
param_parser . add_option ( " --ompi-name " , action = " store " , dest = " ompi_name " , default = " openmpi " , help = " Specify the name. " )
param_parser . add_option ( " --ompi-prefix " , action = " store " , dest = " ompi_prefix " , default = " /opt/openmpi " , help = " Specify the installation prefix. " )
param_parser . add_option ( " --ompi-url " , action = " store " , dest = " ompi_url " , default = " http://www.open-mpi.org " , help = " Specify the tarball to use. " )
param_parser . add_option ( " --ompi-version " , action = " store " , dest = " ompi_version " , default = " 1.1 " , help = " Specify the version to use. " )
param_parser . add_option ( " --ompi-extra-version " , action = " store " , dest = " ompi_extra_version " , default = " % {nil} " , help = " Specify extra version to indicate special builds. " )
param_parser . add_option ( " --ompi-name-prefix " , action = " store " , dest = " ompi_name_prefix " , default = " % {nil} " , help = " Specify and name prefix for the RPMS. " )
param_parser . add_option ( " --ompi-configure-params " , action = " store " , dest = " ompi_configure_params " , default = " % {nil} " , help = " Specify extra version to indicate special builds. " )
param_parser . add_option ( " --ompi-compiler " , action = " store " , dest = " ompi_compiler " , default = " default " , help = " Specify the compiler to use.(default: let configure decide) " )
param_parser . add_option ( " --ompi-modulefile-path " , action = " store " , dest = " ompi_modulefile_path " , default = None , help = " Sets the path of the modulefile directory. If this parameter is omitted no modulefile will be generated. " )
param_parser . add_option ( " --ompi-profile-file " , action = " store_true " , dest = " ompi_profile_files " , default = False , help = " Add file to /etc/profile.d. " )
( params , args ) = param_parser . parse_args ( )
if ( params . root == None ) :
error ( " You must specify a the top root directory (option -r). " )
sys . exit ( - 1 )
# fix parameters
params . root = os . path . abspath ( params . root )
if ( params . ompi_prefix == " /opt/openmpi " ) :
params . ompi_prefix = params . ompi_prefix + " / " + params . ompi_version
print " --> Using root " + params . root
if params . output == None :
params . output = params . ompi_name_prefix + params . ompi_name + " - " + params . ompi_version + " .spec "
# find config files
print " --> Search for configuration files "
for root , dirs , files in os . walk ( params . root ) :
for f in files :
if configext != os . path . splitext ( f ) [ 1 ] :
cf = root + " / " + f
configfiles . append ( cf )
verbose ( " Found : " + cf )
# parse config files
print " --> Parse config files "
for file in configfiles :
verbose ( " Parse " + file )
# parse configfile
config = ConfigParser . ConfigParser ( )
if not ( file in config . read ( file ) ) :
error ( " Failed to parse " + file )
sys . exit ( - 1 )
for section in config . sections ( ) :
verbose ( " Found package information : " + section )
package = get_package ( section )
for option in config . options ( section ) :
debug ( " Found " + option + " = " + config . get ( section , option ) )
# allow only predefined sections
if not ( option in options ) :
error ( " Parse error, found invalid option " )
error ( " File : " + file )
error ( " Package : " + section )
error ( " Option : " + option )
sys . exit ( - 1 )
# add data into the package object
package . setOption ( option , config . get ( section , option ) )
# shell or not shell that's the question
if params . interactive :
shell ( )
# filter packages
print " --> Select packages "
build_packages = [ ]
# filter packages
if params . packages != None :
verbose ( " Apply user profided packages list : " + params . packages ) ;
user_packages = params . packages . split ( ' , ' )
for name in packages . keys ( ) :
if name in user_packages :
build_packages . append ( packages [ name ] )
else :
verbose ( " Remove package : " + name ) ;
else :
# if nothing is specified than use all found packages
build_packages = packages . values ( )
# do sanity check on the components
print " --> Sanity check packages "
for package in build_packages :
verbose ( " Check package " + package . getOption ( " name " ) )
if params . debug :
package . Dump ( " " )
package . Validate ( )
# write output file
write_specfile ( build_packages )
# done
print " --> Finished. "
if ( " __main__ " == __name__ ) :
main ( )