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dnl -*- shell-script -*-
dnl Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved
dnl Copyright (c) 2019 Intel, Inc. All rights reserved.
dnl Additional copyrights may follow
dnl $HEADER$
# There will only be one component used in this framework, and it will
# be selected at configure time by priority. Components must set
# their priorities in their configure.m4 files. They must also set
# the shell variable $opal_pmix_base_include to a header file
# name (relative to the top OMPI source directory) that will be
# included in opal/mca/pmix/pmix-internal.h.
dnl We only want one winning component (vs. STOP_AT_FIRST_PRIORITY,
dnl which will allow all components of the same priority who succeed to
dnl win)
m4_define(MCA_opal_pmix_CONFIGURE_MODE, STOP_AT_FIRST)
# See if we want internal vs external pmix
[Build pmix support. DIR can take one of three values: "internal", "external", or a valid directory name. "internal" (or no DIR value) forces Open MPI to use its internal copy of pmix. "external" forces Open MPI to use an external installation of pmix. Supplying a valid directory name also forces Open MPI to use an external installation of pmix, and adds DIR/include, DIR/lib, and DIR/lib64 to the search path for headers and libraries. Note that Open MPI no longer supports --without-pmix.]))
# check for error
AS_IF([test "$with_pmix" = "no"],
[AC_MSG_WARN([Open MPI requires PMIX support. It can be built])
AC_MSG_WARN([with either its own internal copy of PMIX, or with])
AC_MSG_WARN([an external copy that you supply.])
AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot continue])])
# Configure all the components - always have to do this. Note that
# instead of passing in
# the traditional $1 and $2 as the first arguments, we hard-code
# "opal" and "pmix", because this macro is invoked via AC
MCA_CONFIGURE_FRAMEWORK([opal], [pmix], 1)
# Give a blank line to separate these messages from the last
# component's configure.m4 output.
echo " "
# If we aren't given a specific component, then we must find one
AS_IF([test "$with_pmix" = ""], [],
[ # STOP_AT_FIRST_PRIORITY will guarantee that we find at most
# one. We need to check here that we found *at least* one.
AS_IF([test "$MCA_opal_pmix_STATIC_COMPONENTS" = ""],
[AC_MSG_WARN([Did not find a suitable static opal pmix component])
AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot continue])])
# If we have a winning component, do some more logic
AS_IF([test "$MCA_opal_pmix_STATIC_COMPONENTS" != ""],
[ # We had a winner -- w00t!
# The winning component will have told us where their header file
# is located
AC_MSG_CHECKING([for winning pmix component header file])
AS_IF([test "$opal_pmix_base_include" = ""],
AC_MSG_WARN([Missing implementation header])
AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot continue])])
[Header to include for pmix implementation])
# If we added any -L flags to ADD_LDFLAGS, then we (might)
# need to add those directories to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
# Otherwise, if we try to AC RUN_IFELSE anything here in
# configure, it might die because it can't find the libraries
# we just linked against.
OPAL_VAR_SCOPE_PUSH([opal_pmix_base_found_l opal_pmix_base_token opal_pmix_base_tmp opal_pmix_base_dir])
eval "opal_pmix_base_tmp=\$opal_pmix_${opal_pmix_winner}_ADD_LIBS"
for opal_pmix_base_token in $opal_pmix_base_tmp; do
case $opal_pmix_base_token in
-l*) opal_pmix_base_found_l=1 ;;
AS_IF([test $opal_pmix_base_found_l -eq 1],
[eval "opal_pmix_base_tmp=\$opal_pmix_${opal_pmix_winner}_ADD_LDFLAGS"
for opal_pmix_base_token in $opal_pmix_base_tmp; do
case $opal_pmix_base_token in
opal_pmix_base_dir=`echo $opal_pmix_base_token | cut -c3-`
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$opal_pmix_base_dir
AC_MSG_WARN([Adding to LD_LIBRARY_PATH: $opal_pmix_base_dir])
# Similar to above, if this m4 is being invoked "early" via AC
# REQUIRE, print out a nice banner that we have now finished
# pre-emption and are returning to the Normal Order Of Things.
AS_IF([test "$opal_pmix_its_time_to_configure" != "1"],
[echo " "
echo "<== Pre-emptive pmix framework configuration complete."
echo "<== We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming."
echo " "]);