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# This is a comment
# Node declaration Node type (Free string) Node name (Free string)
# (Reserve word) (slot is a reserve word (free string)
# for CPU slot)
NODE Memory mem0
NODE Memory mem1
NODE Memory mem2
NODE Memory mem3
NODE slot slot0
NODE slot slot1
NODE slot slot2
NODE slot slot3
NODE Infiniband mthca0
NODE Infiniband mthca1
NODE Ethernet eth0
NODE Ethernet eth1
2015-06-23 20:59:57 -07:00
# Connection decleration From node To node:weight To node:weight ......
# (Reserve word) (declered (declered (declered
# above) above) above)
CONNECTION slot0 mem0:0 slot1:1 slot2:1 mthca0:1 eth0:1
CONNECTION slot1 mem1:0 slot0:1 slot3:1
CONNECTION slot2 mem2:0 slot1:1 slot3:1
CONNECTION slot3 mem3:0 slot1:1 slot2:1 mthca1:1 eth1:1
CONNECTION mthca0 slot0:1
CONNECTION mthca1 slot3:1
CONNECTION eth0 slot0:1
2015-06-23 20:59:57 -07:00
CONNECTION eth1 slot3:1
# end of carto file.