Number of source nodes for which this process specifies edges (non-negative integer).
.TP 1i
Array containing the \fIn\fP source nodes for which this process species edges (array of non-negative integers).
.TP 1i
Array specifying the number of destinations for each source node in the source node array (array of non-negative integers).
.TP 1i
Destination nodes for the source nodes in the source node array (array of non-negative integers).
.TP 1i
Weights for source to destination edges (array of non-negative integers).
.TP 1i
Hints on optimization and interpretation of weights (handle).
.TP 1i
Ranking may be reordered (true) or not (false) (logical).
.ft R
.TP 1i
Communicator with distibuted graph topology added (handle).
.ft R
.TP 1i
Fortran only: Error status (integer).
.ft R
MPI_Dist_graph_create creates a new communicator \fIcomm_dist_graph\fP with distrubuted
graph topology and returns a handle to the new communicator. The number of processes in
\fIcomm_dist_graph\fP is identical to the number of processes in \fIcomm_old\fP. Concretely, each process calls the
constructor with a set of directed (source,destination) communication edges as described below.
Every process passes an array of \fIn\fP source nodes in the \fIsources\fP array. For each source node, a
non-negative number of destination nodes is specied in the \fIdegrees\fP array. The destination
nodes are stored in the corresponding consecutive segment of the \fIdestinations\fP array. More
precisely, if the i-th node in sources is s, this species \fIdegrees\fP[i] \fIedges\fP (s,d) with d of the j-th
such edge stored in \fIdestinations\fP[\fIdegrees\fP[0]+...+\fIdegrees\fP[i-1]+j]. The weight of this edge is
stored in \fIweights\fP[\fIdegrees\fP[0]+...+\fIdegrees\fP[i-1]+j]. Both the \fIsources\fP and the \fIdestinations\fP arrays
may contain the same node more than once, and the order in which nodes are listed as
destinations or sources is not signicant. Similarly, different processes may specify edges
with the same source and destination nodes. Source and destination nodes must be process
ranks of comm_old. Different processes may specify different numbers of source and
destination nodes, as well as different source to destination edges. This allows a fully distributed
specification of the communication graph. Isolated processes (i.e., processes with
no outgoing or incoming edges, that is, processes that do not occur as source or destination
node in the graph specication) are allowed. The call to MPI_Dist_graph_create is collective.
If reorder = false, all processes will have the same rank in comm_dist_graph as in
comm_old. If reorder = true then the MPI library is free to remap to other processes (of
comm_old) in order to improve communication on the edges of the communication graph.
The weight associated with each edge is a hint to the MPI library about the amount or
intensity of communication on that edge, and may be used to compute a \"best\" reordering.
.ft R
Weights are specied as non-negative integers and can be used to influence the process
remapping strategy and other internal MPI optimizations. For instance, approximate count
arguments of later communication calls along specic edges could be used as their edge
weights. Multiplicity of edges can likewise indicate more intense communication between
pairs of processes. However, the exact meaning of edge weights is not specied by the MPI
standard and is left to the implementation. An application can supply the special value
MPI_UNWEIGHTED for the weight array to indicate that all edges have the same (effectively no)
weight. It is erroneous to supply MPI_UNWEIGHTED for some but not
all processes of comm_old. If the graph is weighted but \fIn\fP = 0, then MPI_WEIGHTS_EMPTY
or any arbitrary array may be passed to weights. Note that MPI_UNWEIGHTED and
MPI_WEIGHTS_EMPTY are not special weight values; rather they are special values for the
total array argument. In Fortran, MPI_UNWEIGHTED and MPI_WEIGHTS_EMPTY are objects
like MPI_BOTTOM (not usable for initialization or assignment). See MPI-3 § 2.5.4.
Almost all MPI routines return an error value; C routines as the value of the function and Fortran routines in the last argument.
Before the error value is returned, the current MPI error handler is
called. By default, this error handler aborts the MPI job, except for I/O function errors. The error handler may be changed with MPI_Comm_set_errhandler; the predefined error handler MPI_ERRORS_RETURN may be used to cause error values to be returned. Note that MPI does not guarantee that an MPI program can continue past an error.