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/** @file:
* the oob framework
#ifndef _MCA_OOB_BASE_H_
#define _MCA_OOB_BASE_H_
#include "mca/mca.h"
#include "mca/ns/ns.h"
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include "util/bufpack.h"
* Well known address
extern ompi_process_name_t mca_oob_name_any;
extern ompi_process_name_t mca_oob_name_seed;
extern ompi_process_name_t mca_oob_name_self;
* The wildcard for recieves from any peer.
#define MCA_OOB_NAME_ANY &mca_oob_name_any
* Process name of self
#define MCA_OOB_NAME_SELF &mca_oob_name_self
* Process name of seed
#define MCA_OOB_NAME_SEED &mca_oob_name_seed
* Other constants
* Receive from any tag.
#define MCA_OOB_TAG_ANY 0
* Service tags
#define MCA_OOB_TAG_NS 1
#define MCA_OOB_TAG_GPR 2
#define MCA_OOB_TAG_RTE 4
#define MCA_OOB_TAG_EXEC 5
#define MCA_OOB_TAG_USER 1000 /* user defined tags should be assigned above this level */
* General flags for send/recv
* An example of usage - to determine the size of the next available message w/out receiving it:
* int size = mca_oob_recv(name, 0, 0, MCA_OOB_TRUNC|MCA_OOB_PEEK);
#define MCA_OOB_PEEK 0x01 /**< flag to oob_recv to allow caller to peek a portion of the next available
* message w/out removing the message from the queue. */
#define MCA_OOB_TRUNC 0x02 /**< flag to oob_recv to return the actual size of the message even if
* the receive buffer is smaller than the number of bytes available */
#define MCA_OOB_ALLOC 0x04 /**< flag to oob_recv to request the oob to allocate a buffer of the appropriate
* size for the receive and return the allocated buffer and size in the first
* element of the iovec array. */
#if defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
* Obtain a string representation of the OOB contact information for
* the selected OOB channels. This string may be passed to another
* application via an MCA parameter (OMPI_MCA_oob_base_seed) to bootstrap
* communications.
* @return A null terminated string that should be freed by the caller.
* Note that mca_oob_base_init() must be called to load and select
* an OOB module prior to calling this routine.
char* mca_oob_get_contact_info(void);
* Pre-populate the cache of contact information required by the OOB
* to reach a given destination. This is required to setup a pointer
* to initial registry/name server/etc.
* @param uri The contact information of the peer process obtained
* via a call to mca_oob_get_contact_info().
int mca_oob_set_contact_info(const char*);
* A routine to ping a given process name to determine if it is reachable.
* @param name The peer name.
* @param tv The length of time to wait on a connection/response.
* Note that this routine blocks up to the specified timeout waiting for a
* connection / response from the specified peer. If the peer is unavailable
* an error status is returned.
int mca_oob_ping(ompi_process_name_t* name, struct timeval* tv);
* Extract from the contact info the peer process identifier.
* @param cinfo (IN) The contact information of the peer process.
* @param name (OUT) The peer process identifier.
* @param uris (OUT) Will return an array of uri strings corresponding
* to the peers exported protocols.
* Note the caller may pass NULL for the uris if they only wish to extact
* the process name.
int mca_oob_parse_contact_info(const char* uri, ompi_process_name_t* peer, char*** uris);
* Set the contact info for the seed daemon.
* Note that this can also be passed to the application as an
* MCA parameter (OMPI_MCA_oob_base_seed). The contact info (of the seed)
* must currently be set before calling mca_oob_base_init().
int mca_oob_set_contact_info(const char*);
* Similiar to unix writev(2).
* @param peer (IN) Opaque name of peer process.
* @param msg (IN) Array of iovecs describing user buffers and lengths.
* @param count (IN) Number of elements in iovec array.
* @param tag (IN) User defined tag for matching send/recv.
* @param flags (IN) Currently unused.
* @return OMPI error code (<0) on error number of bytes actually sent.
* This routine provides semantics similar to unix send/writev with the addition of
* a tag parameter that can be used by the application to match the send w/ a specific
* receive. In other words - a recv call by the specified peer will only succeed when
* the corresponding (or wildcard) tag is used.
* The <i>peer</i> parameter represents an opaque handle to the peer process that
* is resolved by the oob layer (using the registry) to an actual physical network
* address.
int mca_oob_send(
ompi_process_name_t* peer,
struct iovec *msg,
int count,
int tag,
int flags);
* Similiar to unix send(2) and mca_oob_send.
* @param peer (IN) Opaque name of peer process.
* @param buffer (IN) Prepacked OMPI_BUFFER containing data to send
* @param flags (IN) Currently unused.
* @return OMPI error code (<0) on error or number of bytes actually sent.
int mca_oob_send_packed(
ompi_process_name_t* peer,
ompi_buffer_t buffer,
int tag,
int flags);
* Similiar to unix readv(2)
* @param peer (IN/OUT) Opaque name of peer process or MCA_OOB_NAME_ANY for wildcard receive. In the
* case of a wildcard receive, will be modified to return the matched peer name.
* @param msg (IN) Array of iovecs describing user buffers and lengths.
* @param count (IN) Number of elements in iovec array.
* @param tag (IN/OUT) User defined tag for matching send/recv. In the case of a wildcard receive, will
* be modified to return the matched tag. May be optionally by NULL to specify a
* wildcard receive with no return value.
* @param flags (IN) May be MCA_OOB_PEEK to return up to the number of bytes provided in the
* iovec array without removing the message from the queue.
* @return OMPI error code (<0) on error or number of bytes actually received.
* The OOB recv call is similar to unix recv/readv in that it requires the caller to manage
* memory associated w/ the message. The routine accepts an array of iovecs (<i>msg</i>); however,
* the caller must determine the appropriate number of elements (<i>count</i>) and allocate the
* buffer space for each entry.
* The <i>tag</i> parameter is provided to facilitate this. The user may define tags based on message
* type to determine the message layout and size, as the mca_oob_recv call will block until a message
* with the matching tag is received.
* Alternately, the <i>flags</i> parameter may be used to peek (MCA_OOB_PEEK) a portion of the message
* (e.g. a standard message header) or determine the overall message size (MCA_OOB_TRUNC|MCA_OOB_PEEK)
* without removing the message from the queue.
int mca_oob_recv(
ompi_process_name_t* peer,
struct iovec *msg,
int count,
int* tag,
int flags);
* Similiar to unix read(2)
* @param peer (IN) Opaque name of peer process or MCA_OOB_NAME_ANY for wildcard receive.
* @param buf (OUT) Array of iovecs describing user buffers and lengths.
* @param tag (IN/OUT) User defined tag for matching send/recv.
* @return OMPI error code (<0) on error or number of bytes actually received.
* This version of oob_recv is as above except it does NOT take a iovec list
* but instead hands back a ompi_buffer_t buffer with the message in it.
* The user is responsible for freeing this buffer with ompi_buffer_free()
* when finished.
int mca_oob_recv_packed (
ompi_process_name_t* peer,
ompi_buffer_t *buf,
int* tag);
* Non-blocking versions of send/recv.
* Callback function on send/recv completion.
* @param status (IN) Completion status - equivalent to the return value from blocking send/recv.
* @param peer (IN) Opaque name of peer process.
* @param msg (IN) Array of iovecs describing user buffers and lengths.
* @param count (IN) Number of elements in iovec array.
* @param tag (IN) User defined tag for matching send/recv.
* @param cbdata (IN) User data.
typedef void (*mca_oob_callback_fn_t)(
int status,
ompi_process_name_t* peer,
struct iovec* msg,
int count,
int tag,
void* cbdata);
* Callback function on send/recv completion for buffer PACKED message only.
* i.e. only mca_oob_send_packed_nb and mca_oob_recv_packed_nb USE this.
* @param status (IN) Completion status - equivalent to the return value from blocking send/recv.
* @param peer (IN) Opaque name of peer process.
* @param buffer (IN) For sends, this is a pointer to a prepacked buffer
For recvs, OOB creates and returns a buffer
* @param tag (IN) User defined tag for matching send/recv.
* @param cbdata (IN) User data.
typedef void (*mca_oob_callback_packed_fn_t)(
int status,
ompi_process_name_t* peer,
ompi_buffer_t buffer,
int tag,
void* cbdata);
* Non-blocking version of mca_oob_send().
* @param peer (IN) Opaque name of peer process.
* @param msg (IN) Array of iovecs describing user buffers and lengths.
* @param count (IN) Number of elements in iovec array.
* @param tag (IN) User defined tag for matching send/recv.
* @param flags (IN) Currently unused.
* @param cbfunc (IN) Callback function on send completion.
* @param cbdata (IN) User data that is passed to callback function.
* @return OMPI error code (<0) on error number of bytes actually sent.
* The user supplied callback function is called when the send completes. Note that
* the callback may occur before the call to mca_oob_send returns to the caller,
* if the send completes during the call.
int mca_oob_send_nb(
ompi_process_name_t* peer,
struct iovec* msg,
int count,
int tag,
int flags,
mca_oob_callback_fn_t cbfunc,
void* cbdata);
* Non-blocking version of mca_oob_send_packed().
* @param peer (IN) Opaque name of peer process.
* @param buffer (IN) Opaque buffer handle.
* @param tag (IN) User defined tag for matching send/recv.
* @param flags (IN) Currently unused.
* @param cbfunc (IN) Callback function on send completion.
* @param cbdata (IN) User data that is passed to callback function.
* @return OMPI error code (<0) on error number of bytes actually sent.
* The user supplied callback function is called when the send completes. Note that
* the callback may occur before the call to mca_oob_send returns to the caller,
* if the send completes during the call.
int mca_oob_send_packed_nb(
ompi_process_name_t* peer,
ompi_buffer_t buffer,
int tag,
int flags,
mca_oob_callback_packed_fn_t cbfunc,
void* cbdata);
* Non-blocking version of mca_oob_recv().
* @param peer (IN) Opaque name of peer process or MCA_OOB_NAME_ANY for wildcard receive.
* @param msg (IN) Array of iovecs describing user buffers and lengths.
* @param count (IN) Number of elements in iovec array.
* @param tag (IN) User defined tag for matching send/recv.
* @param flags (IN) May be MCA_OOB_PEEK to return up to size bytes of msg w/out removing it from the queue,
* @param cbfunc (IN) Callback function on recv completion.
* @param cbdata (IN) User data that is passed to callback function.
* @return OMPI error code (<0) on error or number of bytes actually received.
* The user supplied callback function is called asynchronously when a message is received
* that matches the call parameters.
int mca_oob_recv_nb(
ompi_process_name_t* peer,
struct iovec* msg,
int count,
int tag,
int flags,
mca_oob_callback_fn_t cbfunc,
void* cbdata);
* Routine to cancel pending non-blocking recvs.
* @param peer (IN) Opaque name of peer process or MCA_OOB_NAME_ANY for wildcard receive.
* @param tag (IN) User defined tag for matching send/recv.
* @return OMPI error code (<0) on error or number of bytes actually received.
int mca_oob_recv_cancel(
ompi_process_name_t* peer,
int tag);
* Non-blocking version of mca_oob_recv_packed().
* @param peer (IN) Opaque name of peer process or MCA_OOB_NAME_ANY for wildcard receive.
* @param buffer (IN) Array of iovecs describing user buffers and lengths.
* @param count (IN) Number of elements in iovec array.
* @param tag (IN) User defined tag for matching send/recv.
* @param flags (IN) May be MCA_OOB_PEEK to return up to size bytes of msg w/out removing it from the queue,
* @param cbfunc (IN) Callback function on recv completion.
* @param cbdata (IN) User data that is passed to callback function.
* @return OMPI error code (<0) on error or number of bytes actually received.
* The user supplied callback function is called asynchronously when a message is received
* that matches the call parameters.
int mca_oob_recv_packed_nb(
ompi_process_name_t* peer,
int tag,
int flags,
mca_oob_callback_packed_fn_t cbfunc,
void* cbdata);
#if defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus)