#!/bin/sh # This script is based on static/build.sh from the ncdc git repo. # Only i486 and arm arches are supported. i486 should perform well enough, so # x86_64 isn't really necessary. I can't test any other arches. MUSL_VERSION=1.1.6 NCURSES_VERSION=5.9 export CFLAGS="-O3 -g -static" # (The variables below are automatically set by the functions, they're defined # here to make sure they have global scope and for documentation purposes.) # This is the arch we're compiling for, e.g. arm/mipsel. TARGET= # This is the name of the toolchain we're using, and thus the value we should # pass to autoconf's --host argument. HOST= # Installation prefix. PREFIX= # Path of the extracted source code of the package we're currently building. srcdir= mkdir -p tarballs # "Fetch, Extract, Move" fem() { # base-url name targerdir extractdir echo "====== Fetching and extracting $1 $2" cd tarballs if [ -n "$4" ]; then EDIR="$4" else EDIR=$(basename $(basename $(basename $2 .tar.bz2) .tar.gz) .tar.xz) fi if [ ! -e "$2" ]; then wget "$1$2" || exit fi if [ ! -d "$3" ]; then tar -xvf "$2" || exit mv "$EDIR" "$3" fi cd .. } prebuild() { # dirname if [ -e "$TARGET/$1/_built" ]; then echo "====== Skipping build for $TARGET/$1 (assumed to be done)" return 1 fi echo "====== Starting build for $TARGET/$1" rm -rf "$TARGET/$1" mkdir -p "$TARGET/$1" cd "$TARGET/$1" srcdir="../../tarballs/$1" return 0 } postbuild() { touch _built cd ../.. } # Pre-built cross-compilation binaries for musl. Handy. :) getmusl() { # Order of $HOST is different than the tar/dir names, so we need this case. case $TARGET in arm) DIR=arm-linux-musleabi ;; i486) DIR=i486-linux-musl ;; esac fem https://googledrive.com/host/0BwnS5DMB0YQ6bDhPZkpOYVFhbk0/musl-$MUSL_VERSION/ crossx86-$DIR-$MUSL_VERSION.tar.xz "musl-$TARGET" $DIR } getncurses() { fem http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/ncurses/ ncurses-$NCURSES_VERSION.tar.gz ncurses prebuild ncurses || return $srcdir/configure --prefix=$PREFIX\ --without-cxx --without-cxx-binding --without-ada --without-manpages --without-progs\ --without-tests --without-curses-h --without-pkg-config --without-shared --without-debug\ --without-gpm --without-sysmouse --enable-widec --with-default-terminfo-dir=/usr/share/terminfo\ --with-terminfo-dirs=/usr/share/terminfo:/lib/terminfo:/usr/local/share/terminfo\ --with-fallbacks="screen linux vt100 xterm" --host=$HOST\ CPPFLAGS=-D_GNU_SOURCE || exit make || exit make install.libs || exit postbuild } getncdu() { prebuild ncdu || return srcdir=../../.. $srcdir/configure --host=$HOST --with-ncursesw PKG_CONFIG=false\ CPPFLAGS=" -D_GNU_SOURCE -I$PREFIX/include -I$PREFIX/include/ncursesw"\ LDFLAGS="-static -L$PREFIX/lib -lncursesw" || exit make || exit VER=`cd '../../..' && git describe --abbrev=5 --dirty= | sed s/^v//` tar -czf ../../ncdu-linux-$TARGET-$VER-unstripped.tar.gz ncdu $HOST-strip ncdu tar -czf ../../ncdu-linux-$TARGET-$VER.tar.gz ncdu echo "====== ncdu-linux-$TARGET-$VER.tar.gz and -unstripped created." postbuild } buildarch() { TARGET=$1 case $TARGET in arm) HOST=arm-musl-linuxeabi ;; i486) HOST=i486-musl-linux ;; *) echo "Unknown target: $TARGET" ;; esac PREFIX="`pwd`/$TARGET/inst" mkdir -p $TARGET $PREFIX getmusl MBIN="`pwd`/tarballs/musl-$TARGET/bin" OLDPATH="$PATH" PATH="$PATH:$MBIN" getncurses getncdu PATH="$OLDPATH" } buildarch $1