The displayed directory sizes are now fully correct, although in its
current state it's not all that intuitive because:
directory size != sum(size of all files and subdirectories)
This should probably be fixed later on by splitting the sizes into a
shared and non-shared part.
Also, the sizes displayed after a recalculation or deletion are
incorrect, I'll fix this later on.
The directory sizes are now incorrect as hard links will be counted
twice again (as if there wasn't any detection in the first place), but
this will get fixed by adding a shared size field.
This method of keeping track of hard links is a lot faster and allows
adding an interface which lists the found links.
These ideas may not be very easy to implement, and may not be worth
the performance penalty they might introduce. But that's something that
still needs to be investigated.
When interrupinting the calculation process by pressing 'q' while
it's looping through a directory, or when a directory could be openend
but not chdir()'ed into, closedir() wasn't called.
Setting FF_BSEL after calling browse_init() causes two items to be
selected, as browse_init() makes sure something will be selected,
while calc_process() assumes nothing is, because the previously
selected item had just been deleted.
Hard link detection is now done in a separate pass on the in-memory tree,
and duplicates can be 'removed' and 're-added' on the fly. When making any
changes in the tree, all hard links are re-added before the operation and
removed again afterwards.
While this guarantees that all hard link information is correct, it does
have a few drawbacks. I can currently think of two:
1. It's not the most efficient way to do it, and may be quite slow on
large trees. Will have to do some benchmarks later to see whether
it is anything to be concerned about.
2. The first encountered item is considered as 'counted' and all items
encountered after that are considered as 'duplicate'. Because the
order in which we traverse the tree doesn't always have to be the
same, the items that will be considered as 'duplicate' can vary with
each deletion or re-calculation. This might cause confusion for
people who aren't aware of how hard links work.
Reproducable with the following steps:
- Make sure the first item in the list is a directory starting with a dot
- Make sure the next item is a normal directory
- Select first item
- Press 'h' to hide it, next item will properly be selected
- Open selected directory (right arrow), and see how the first (hidden)
directory was opened.
It's amazing how I've even found this bug, considering that really is the
only way to reproduce it...