Documented the refresh feature and made some improvements in the help window

git-svn-id: svn://blicky.net/ncdu/trunk@17 ce56bc8d-f834-0410-b703-f827bd498a76
Этот коммит содержится в:
yorhel 2007-07-29 14:53:12 +00:00
родитель b2b43689f0
Коммит 4859bc8810
2 изменённых файлов: 59 добавлений и 59 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -120,6 +120,10 @@ that the totals shown at the bottom of the screen are not correct, make
sure you haven't enabled this option.
Refresh/recalculate the current directory.

Просмотреть файл

@ -36,71 +36,71 @@ void drawHelp(int page) {
wattroff(hlp, A_BOLD);
mvwaddstr(hlp, 13, 32, "Press any key to continue");
if(page == 1)
wattron(hlp, A_REVERSE);
mvwaddstr(hlp, 0, 30, "1:Keys");
wattroff(hlp, A_REVERSE);
if(page == 2)
wattron(hlp, A_REVERSE);
mvwaddstr(hlp, 0, 39, "2:Format");
wattroff(hlp, A_REVERSE);
if(page == 3)
wattron(hlp, A_REVERSE);
mvwaddstr(hlp, 0, 50, "3:About");
wattroff(hlp, A_REVERSE);
switch(page) {
case 1:
wattron(hlp, A_BOLD);
mvwaddstr(hlp, 1, 30, "1:Keys");
wattroff(hlp, A_BOLD);
mvwaddstr(hlp, 1, 39, "2:Format");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 1, 50, "3:About");
wattron(hlp, A_BOLD);
mvwaddstr(hlp, 3, 7, "up/down");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 4, 3, "right/enter");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 5, 10, "left");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 6, 11, "n/s");
mvwaddch( hlp, 7, 13, 'd');
mvwaddch( hlp, 8, 13, 't');
mvwaddch( hlp, 9, 13, 'g');
mvwaddch( hlp,10, 13, 'p');
mvwaddch( hlp,11, 13, 'h');
mvwaddstr(hlp, 2, 7, "up/down");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 3, 3, "right/enter");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 4, 10, "left");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 5, 11, "n/s");
mvwaddch( hlp, 6, 13, 'd');
mvwaddch( hlp, 7, 13, 't');
mvwaddch( hlp, 8, 13, 'g');
mvwaddch( hlp, 9, 13, 'p');
mvwaddch( hlp,10, 13, 'h');
mvwaddch( hlp,11, 13, 'r');
mvwaddch( hlp,12, 13, 'q');
wattroff(hlp, A_BOLD);
mvwaddstr(hlp, 3, 16, "Cycle through the items");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 4, 16, "Open directory");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 5, 16, "Previous directory");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 6, 16, "Sort by name or size (asc/desc)");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 7, 16, "Delete selected file or directory");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 8, 16, "Toggle dirs before files when sorting");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 9, 16, "Show percentage and/or graph");
mvwaddstr(hlp,10, 16, "Toggle between powers of 1000 and 1024");
mvwaddstr(hlp,11, 16, "Show/hide hidden or excluded files");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 2, 16, "Cycle through the items");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 3, 16, "Open directory");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 4, 16, "Previous directory");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 5, 16, "Sort by name or size (asc/desc)");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 6, 16, "Delete selected file or directory");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 7, 16, "Toggle dirs before files when sorting");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 8, 16, "Show percentage and/or graph");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 9, 16, "Toggle between powers of 1000 and 1024");
mvwaddstr(hlp,10, 16, "Show/hide hidden or excluded files");
mvwaddstr(hlp,11, 16, "Recalculate the current directory");
mvwaddstr(hlp,12, 16, "Quit ncdu");
case 2:
mvwaddstr(hlp, 1, 30, "1:Keys");
wattron(hlp, A_BOLD);
mvwaddstr(hlp, 1, 39, "2:Format");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 2, 3, "X [size] [graph] [file or directory]");
wattroff(hlp, A_BOLD);
mvwaddstr(hlp, 1, 50, "3:About");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 3, 4, "The X is only present in the following cases:");
wattron(hlp, A_BOLD);
mvwaddstr(hlp, 3, 3, "X [size] [file or directory]");
wattroff(hlp, A_BOLD);
mvwaddstr(hlp, 5, 4, "The X is only present in the following cases:");
wattron(hlp, A_BOLD);
mvwaddch(hlp, 6, 4, '!');
mvwaddch(hlp, 7, 4, '.');
mvwaddch(hlp, 5, 4, '!');
mvwaddch(hlp, 6, 4, '.');
mvwaddch(hlp, 7, 4, '<');
mvwaddch(hlp, 8, 4, '>');
mvwaddch(hlp, 9, 4, '<');
mvwaddch(hlp,10, 4, '@');
mvwaddch(hlp,11, 4, 'e');
mvwaddch(hlp, 9, 4, '@');
mvwaddch(hlp,10, 4, 'e');
wattroff(hlp, A_BOLD);
mvwaddstr(hlp, 6, 7, "An error occured while reading this directory");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 7, 7, "An error occured while reading a subdirectory");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 8, 7, "File or directory is excluded from the statistics");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 9, 7, "Directory was on an other filesystem");
mvwaddstr(hlp,10, 7, "This is not a file nor a dir (symlink, socket, ...)");
mvwaddstr(hlp,11, 7, "Empty directory");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 5, 7, "An error occured while reading this directory");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 6, 7, "An error occured while reading a subdirectory");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 7, 7, "File or directory is excluded from the statistics");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 8, 7, "Directory was on an other filesystem");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 9, 7, "This is not a file nor a dir (symlink, socket, ...)");
mvwaddstr(hlp,10, 7, "Empty directory");
case 3:
/* Indeed, too much spare time */
mvwaddstr(hlp, 1, 30, "1:Keys");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 1, 39, "2:Format");
wattron(hlp, A_BOLD);
mvwaddstr(hlp, 1, 50, "3:About");
wattroff(hlp, A_BOLD);
wattron(hlp, A_REVERSE);
#define x 12
#define y 4
#define y 3
/* N */
mvwaddstr(hlp, y+0, x+0, " ");
mvwaddstr(hlp, y+1, x+0, " ");
@ -139,14 +139,9 @@ void drawHelp(int page) {
mvwaddstr(hlp, y+1, x+30, "Disk");
mvwaddstr(hlp, y+2, x+30, "Usage");
mvwprintw(hlp, y+4, x+30, "%s", PACKAGE_VERSION);
mvwaddstr(hlp,10, 7, "Written by Yoran Heling <projects@yorhel.nl>");
mvwaddstr(hlp,11, 16, "http://dev.yorhel.nl/ncdu/");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 9, 7, "Written by Yoran Heling <projects@yorhel.nl>");
mvwaddstr(hlp,10, 16, "http://dev.yorhel.nl/ncdu/");
case 4:
mvwaddstr(hlp, 1, 30, "1:Keys");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 1, 39, "2:Format");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 1, 50, "3:About");
mvwaddstr(hlp, 3, 3, "There is no fourth window, baka~~");
delwin(hlp); /* no need to use it anymore - free it */
@ -159,6 +154,8 @@ void showHelp(void) {
while((ch = getch())) {
switch(ch) {
case ERR:
case '1':
p = 1;
@ -168,14 +165,13 @@ void showHelp(void) {
case '3':
p = 3;
case '4':
p = 4;
if(++p > 4)
p = 4;
if(++p > 3)
p = 3;
case KEY_LEFT:
if(--p < 1)
p = 1;