Also, trim some whitespace and group one rule better. Also, fix a stray closing parenthesis in the JSON syntax, and add the missing slash to the possible escaped characters. (Reference: https://www.json.org/json-en.html.) Also, improve the ending of multiline strings in the Rust syntax.
40 строки
1.2 KiB
40 строки
1.2 KiB
## Syntax highlighting for Ada.
## Original author: Andreas K. Foerster
## License: GPL version 3 or newer
## Language reference: http://www.ada-auth.org/standards/12rm/html/RM-TTL.html
syntax ada "\.ad[abcs]$"
comment "--"
# This linter command leaves an ALI file in the working directory.
linter gcc -c -gnatc
# Reserved Words (RM 2.9)
icolor yellow "\<(abort|abs|abstract|accept|access|aliased|all|and|array|at)\>"
icolor yellow "\<(begin|body|case|constant|declare|delay|delta|do)\>"
icolor yellow "\<(else|elsif|end|entry|exception|exit|for|function|generic|goto)\>"
icolor yellow "\<(if|in|interface|is|limited|loop|mod|new|not|null|of|or|others|out|overriding)\>"
icolor yellow "\<(package|pragma|private|procedure|protected|raise|range|record|rem|renames)\>"
icolor yellow "\<(requeue|return|reverse|select|separate|some|subtype|synchronized)\>"
icolor yellow "\<(tagged|task|terminate|then|type|until|use|when|while|with|xor)\>"
# Separators / Operators
color magenta "'|&|\*|\+|\-|\.|\,|\/|:|;|\(|\)|<|>|\||="
# Attributes
color cyan "'[[:alnum:]]+"
# Numbers (RM 2.4)
color green "\<[0-9][0-9A-Fa-f_#.+-]*"
# Characters / Strings
color red "'.'|"[^"]*""
# Comments
color brightblue "--.*"
# Trailing whitespace
color ,blue "[[:space:]]+$"