Within a bracket expression, the backslash is not special, so it does not need to be escaped. The double backslashes within brackets were found with: grep -o '\[[^][]*\\\\[^][]*\]' syntax{,/extra}/*rc Also, incorporate the square brackets into some bracket expressions by listing the closing bracket first, saving a separate regex for those two brackets.
34 строки
917 B
34 строки
917 B
## Syntax highlighting for the packet-filtering rules of Netfilter.
## Original author: Arturo Borrero González <arturo@debian.org>
## License: GPL version 3 or newer
syntax nftables "\.(nft|nftables)$"
header "^#!.*(nft|nftables)"
comment "#"
# Objects and operations
color green "\<(chain|hook|policy|priority|ruleset|set|table|type|v?map)\>"
color green "\<(define|include)\>"
color red "\<(add|delete|flush|insert|remove|replace)\>"
# Families
color yellow "\<(arp|bridge|inet|ingress|ip6?|netdev)\>"
# Terminal statements
color red "\<(drop|reject)\>"
color brightblue "\<(accept|continue|(d|s)nat|goto|jump|masquerade|return)\>"
# Comments
color cyan "(^|[[:blank:]])#.*"
# Trailing whitespace
color ,green "[[:space:]]+$"
# Strings and others
color yellow ""(\\.|[^"])*"" "'(\\.|[^'])*'"
color green "[][{}():;|`$<>!=&\]"
# Basic variable names
color brightred "(\$|@)[[:alpha:]_-][[:alnum:]_.-]*"