Benno Schulenberg 3e1fc6385b syntaxes: remove quotes from each syntax name, and color it differently
The different color will make the name stand out, as it should, instead
of looking the same as all the regex strings.
2018-02-14 17:36:50 +01:00

40 строки
1.1 KiB

## Syntax highlighting for Rust.
## Copyright 2015 Luke Francl.
## Licensed under GPL version 3.
## NOTE: Rules are applied in order: later rules re-colorize matching text.
syntax rust "\.rs"
comment "//"
# Function definitions
color magenta "fn [a-z_0-9]+"
# Reserved words
color yellow "\<(abstract|alignof|as|become|box|break|const|continue|crate|do|else|enum|extern|false|final|fn|for|if|impl|in|let|loop|macro|match|mod|move|mut|offsetof|override|priv|pub|pure|ref|return|sizeof|static|self|struct|super|true|trait|type|typeof|unsafe|unsized|use|virtual|where|while|yield)\>"
# Macros
color red "[a-z_]+!"
# Constants
color magenta "[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]+"
# Traits/Enums/Structs/Types/...
color magenta "[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]+"
# Strings
color green "\".*\""
color green start="\".*\\$" end=".*\""
## NOTE: This isn't accurate, but matching "#{0,} for the end of the string is too liberal.
color green start="r#+\"" end="\"#+"
# Comments
color blue "//.*"
color blue start="/\*" end="\*/"
# Attributes
color magenta start="#!\[" end="\]"
# Some common markers
color brightcyan "(XXX|TODO|FIXME|\?\?\?)"