In Dejavu Sans Mono the old pointing triangles had a decent size, but in Noto Mono and in Ubuntu Mono (fonts that handle combining diacritics better) those triangles were massive, visually taking up more than a single cell, overlapping the closing parenthesis when they are displayed in the second column. Not nice. The new pointing small triangles look good in the Noto and Ubuntu fonts, but are real tiny in Dejavu. :| Oh well, one can't have everything. (Other triangles are not an option, because they don't degrade to actual arrows when on a Linux console.)
18 строки
594 B
18 строки
594 B
## This is meant for highlighting key combos in a nano help text.
# It should not apply to any normal file, so no fileregex.
syntax nanohelp
# Key combos:
color cyan "\^[]/4-8@A-Z\^_`◂▸▴▾-]" "[◂▸▴▾]" "\<(M|S[Hh]-[Mm])-[^")”»“」]" "\<F([1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4])"
color cyan "\<((Sh-)?Tab|Enter|Ins|(Sh-\^?)?Del|Space|Bsp|Up|Down|Left|Right|Home|End|PgUp|PgDn)\>"
# Colorize M-) and M-" only when between parentheses...
color cyan "\(M-(\)|")\)"
color normal " \(|\) "
# ...or when at start of line.
color cyan "^M-(\)|")"
# Quoted indicators:
color brightred "'(\^|M-)'"