Benno Schulenberg 27af34a853 syntax: default: colorize comments as one of the last things
So that URLs in comments don't get specially colored.
2021-12-10 12:32:17 +01:00

31 строка
773 B

## This is an example of a default syntax. The default syntax is used for
## files that do not match any other syntax.
syntax default
comment "#"
# Spaces in front of tabs.
color ,red " + +"
# Nano's release motto, then name plus version.
color italic,lime "\<[Nn]ano [1-6]\.[0-9][-.[:alnum:]]* "[^"]+""
color brightred "\<(GNU )?[Nn]ano [1-6]\.[0-9][-.[:alnum:]]*\>"
# Dates
color latte "\<[12][0-9]{3}\.(0[1-9]|1[012])\.(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\>"
# Email addresses.
color magenta "<[[:alnum:].%_+-]+@[[:alnum:].-]+\.[[:alpha:]]{2,}>"
# URLs.
color lightblue "\<https?://\S+\.\S+[^[:space:],.)]"
# Bracketed captions in certain config files.
color brightgreen "^\[[^][]+\]$"
# Comments.
color cyan "^[[:blank:]]*#.*"
# Control codes.
color orange "[[:cntrl:]]"