/************************************************************************** * nano.h -- This file is part of GNU nano. * * * * Copyright (C) 1999-2011, 2013-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Benno Schulenberg * * * * GNU nano is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * * or (at your option) any later version. * * * * GNU nano is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * * * **************************************************************************/ #ifndef NANO_H #define NANO_H 1 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #ifdef NEED_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED #ifndef _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED #define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED 1 #endif #endif #ifdef __TANDEM /* Tandem NonStop Kernel support. */ #include #define NANO_ROOT_UID 65535 #else #define NANO_ROOT_UID 0 #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIMITS_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H #include #endif /* Suppress warnings for __attribute__((warn_unused_result)). */ #define IGNORE_CALL_RESULT(call) do { if (call) {} } while(0) /* Macros for flags, indexing each bit in a small array. */ #define FLAGS(flag) flags[((flag) / (sizeof(unsigned) * 8))] #define FLAGMASK(flag) ((unsigned)1 << ((flag) % (sizeof(unsigned) * 8))) #define SET(flag) FLAGS(flag) |= FLAGMASK(flag) #define UNSET(flag) FLAGS(flag) &= ~FLAGMASK(flag) #define ISSET(flag) ((FLAGS(flag) & FLAGMASK(flag)) != 0) #define TOGGLE(flag) FLAGS(flag) ^= FLAGMASK(flag) /* Macros for allocation of character strings. */ #define charalloc(howmuch) (char *)nmalloc(howmuch) #define charealloc(ptr, howmuch) (char *)nrealloc(ptr, howmuch) /* In UTF-8 a character is at most six bytes long. */ #ifdef ENABLE_UTF8 #define MAXCHARLEN 6 #else #define MAXCHARLEN 1 #endif /* Set a default value for PATH_MAX if there isn't one. */ #ifndef PATH_MAX #define PATH_MAX 4096 #endif #ifdef USE_SLANG /* Slang support. */ #include /* Slang curses emulation brain damage, part 3: Slang doesn't define the * curses equivalents of the Insert or Delete keys. */ #define KEY_DC SL_KEY_DELETE #define KEY_IC SL_KEY_IC /* Ncurses support. */ #elif defined(HAVE_NCURSESW_NCURSES_H) #include #elif defined(HAVE_NCURSES_H) #include #else /* Curses support. */ #include #endif /* CURSES_H */ #if defined(NCURSES_VERSION_MAJOR) && (NCURSES_VERSION_MAJOR < 6) #define USING_OLD_NCURSES yes #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NLS /* Native language support. */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBINTL_H #include #endif #define _(string) gettext(string) #define P_(singular, plural, number) ngettext(singular, plural, number) #else #define _(string) (string) #define P_(singular, plural, number) (number == 1 ? singular : plural) #endif #define gettext_noop(string) (string) #define N_(string) gettext_noop(string) /* Mark a string that will be sent to gettext() later. */ #include #include #include #include #include /* If we aren't using an ncurses with mouse support, exclude any * mouse routines, as they are useless then. */ #ifndef NCURSES_MOUSE_VERSION #undef ENABLE_MOUSE #endif #if defined(ENABLE_WRAPPING) || defined(ENABLE_JUSTIFY) #define ENABLED_WRAPORJUSTIFY 1 #endif #define BACKWARD FALSE #define FORWARD TRUE #define BLIND FALSE #define VISIBLE TRUE #define JUSTFIND 0 #define REPLACING 1 #define INREGION 2 #ifdef ENABLE_COLOR #define USE_THE_DEFAULT -1 #define BAD_COLOR -2 #endif #define STANDARD_INPUT 0 /* Enumeration types. */ typedef enum { NIX_FILE, DOS_FILE, MAC_FILE } format_type; typedef enum { HUSH, NOTICE, MILD, ALERT } message_type; typedef enum { OVERWRITE, APPEND, PREPEND } kind_of_writing_type; typedef enum { SOFTMARK, HARDMARK } mark_type; typedef enum { CENTERING, FLOWING, STATIONARY } update_type; /* The kinds of undo actions. ADD...REPLACE must come first. */ typedef enum { ADD, ENTER, BACK, DEL, JOIN, REPLACE, #ifdef ENABLE_WRAPPING SPLIT_BEGIN, SPLIT_END, #endif INDENT, UNINDENT, #ifdef ENABLE_COMMENT COMMENT, UNCOMMENT, PREFLIGHT, #endif ZAP, CUT, CUT_TO_EOF, PASTE, INSERT, COUPLE_BEGIN, COUPLE_END, OTHER } undo_type; /* Structure types. */ #ifdef ENABLE_COLOR typedef struct colortype { short fg; /* This syntax's foreground color. */ short bg; /* This syntax's background color. */ short pairnum; /* The pair number for this foreground/background color combination. */ int attributes; /* Pair number and brightness composed into ready-to-use attributes. */ regex_t *start; /* The compiled regular expression for 'start=', or the only one. */ regex_t *end; /* The compiled regular expression for 'end=', if any. */ struct colortype *next; /* Next set of colors. */ int id; /* Basic id for assigning to lines later. */ } colortype; typedef struct regexlisttype { char *full_regex; /* A regex string to match things that imply a certain syntax. */ struct regexlisttype *next; /* The next regex. */ } regexlisttype; typedef struct augmentstruct { char *filename; /* The file where the syntax is extended. */ ssize_t lineno; /* The number of the line of the extendsyntax command. */ char *data; /* The text of the line. */ struct augmentstruct *next; /* Next node. */ } augmentstruct; typedef struct syntaxtype { char *name; /* The name of this syntax. */ char *filename; /* File where the syntax is defined, or NULL if not an included file. */ size_t lineno; /* The line number where the 'syntax' command was found. */ struct augmentstruct *augmentations; /* List of extendsyntax commands to apply when loaded. */ regexlisttype *extensions; /* The list of extensions that this syntax applies to. */ regexlisttype *headers; /* The list of headerlines that this syntax applies to. */ regexlisttype *magics; /* The list of libmagic results that this syntax applies to. */ char *linter; /* The command with which to lint this type of file. */ char *tab; /* What the Tab key should produce; NULL for default behavior. */ #ifdef ENABLE_COMMENT char *comment; /* The line comment prefix (and postfix) for this type of file. */ #endif colortype *color; /* The colors and their regexes used in this syntax. */ int nmultis; /* How many multiline regex strings this syntax has. */ struct syntaxtype *next; /* Next syntax. */ } syntaxtype; typedef struct lintstruct { ssize_t lineno; /* Line number of the error. */ ssize_t colno; /* Column # of the error. */ char *msg; /* Error message text. */ char *filename; /* Filename. */ struct lintstruct *next; /* Next error. */ struct lintstruct *prev; /* Previous error. */ } lintstruct; /* Flags that indicate how a multiline regex applies to a line. */ #define CNONE (1<<1) /* Yay, regex doesn't apply to this line at all! */ #define CBEGINBEFORE (1<<2) /* Regex starts on an earlier line, ends on this one. */ #define CENDAFTER (1<<3) /* Regex starts on this line and ends on a later one. */ #define CWHOLELINE (1<<4) /* Whole line engulfed by the regex, start < me, end > me. */ #define CSTARTENDHERE (1<<5) /* Regex starts and ends within this line. */ #define CWOULDBE (1<<6) /* An unpaired start match on or before this line. */ #endif /* ENABLE_COLOR */ /* More structure types. */ typedef struct linestruct { char *data; /* The text of this line. */ ssize_t lineno; /* The number of this line. */ struct linestruct *next; /* Next node. */ struct linestruct *prev; /* Previous node. */ #ifdef ENABLE_COLOR short *multidata; /* Array of which multi-line regexes apply to this line. */ #endif } linestruct; #ifndef NANO_TINY typedef struct groupstruct { ssize_t top_line; /* First line of group. */ ssize_t bottom_line; /* Last line of group. */ char **indentations; /* String data used to restore the affected lines; one per line. */ struct groupstruct *next; /* The next group, if any. */ } groupstruct; typedef struct undostruct { undo_type type; /* The operation type that this undo item is for. */ int xflags; /* Some flag data to mark certain corner cases. */ ssize_t lineno; /* The line number where the operation began or ended. */ size_t begin; /* The x position where the operation began or ended. */ char *strdata; /* String data to help restore the affected line. */ size_t wassize; /* The file size before the action. */ size_t newsize; /* The file size after the action. */ groupstruct *grouping; /* Undo info specific to groups of lines. */ linestruct *cutbuffer; /* A copy of the cutbuffer. */ ssize_t mark_begin_lineno; /* Mostly the line number of the current line; sometimes something else. */ size_t mark_begin_x; /* The x position corresponding to the above line number. */ struct undostruct *next; /* A pointer to the undo item of the preceding action. */ } undostruct; #endif /* !NANO_TINY */ #ifdef ENABLE_HISTORIES typedef struct poshiststruct { char *filename; /* The file. */ ssize_t lineno; /* Line number we left off on. */ ssize_t xno; /* The x position in the file we left off on. */ struct poshiststruct *next; /* The next item of position history. */ } poshiststruct; #endif typedef struct openfilestruct { char *filename; /* The file's name. */ linestruct *filetop; /* The file's first line. */ linestruct *filebot; /* The file's last line. */ linestruct *edittop; /* The current top of the edit window for this file. */ linestruct *current; /* The current line for this file. */ size_t totsize; /* The file's total number of characters. */ size_t firstcolumn; /* The starting column of the top line of the edit window. * When not in softwrap mode, it's always zero. */ size_t current_x; /* The file's x-coordinate position. */ size_t placewewant; /* The file's x position we would like. */ ssize_t current_y; /* The file's y-coordinate position. */ struct stat *current_stat; /* The file's current stat information. */ #ifdef ENABLE_WRAPPING linestruct *spillage_line; /* The line for prepending stuff to during automatic hard-wrapping. */ #endif #ifndef NANO_TINY linestruct *mark; /* The line in the file where the mark is set; NULL if not set. */ size_t mark_x; /* The mark's x position in the above line. */ mark_type kind_of_mark; /* Whether it is a soft (with Shift) or a hard mark. */ format_type fmt; /* The file's format -- Unix or DOS or Mac or mixed. */ char *lock_filename; /* The path of the lockfile, if we created one. */ undostruct *undotop; /* The top of the undo list. */ undostruct *current_undo; /* The current (i.e. next) level of undo. */ undostruct *last_saved; /* The undo item at which the file was last saved. */ undo_type last_action; /* The type of the last action the user performed. */ #endif bool modified; /* Whether the file has been modified. */ #ifdef ENABLE_COLOR syntaxtype *syntax; /* The syntax struct for this file, if any. */ colortype *colorstrings; /* The file's associated colors. */ #endif #ifdef ENABLE_MULTIBUFFER struct openfilestruct *next; /* The next open file, if any. */ struct openfilestruct *prev; /* The preceding open file, if any. */ #endif } openfilestruct; #ifdef ENABLE_NANORC typedef struct rcoption { const char *name; /* The name of the rcfile option. */ long flag; /* The flag associated with it, if any. */ } rcoption; #endif typedef struct keystruct { const char *keystr; /* The string that describes the keystroke, like "^C" or "M-R". */ bool meta; /* Whether this is a Meta keystroke. */ int keycode; /* The integer that, together with meta, identifies the keystroke. */ int menus; /* The menus in which this keystroke is bound. */ void (*func)(void); /* The function to which this keystroke is bound. */ #ifndef NANO_TINY int toggle; /* If a toggle, what we're toggling. */ int ordinal; /* The how-manieth toggle this is, in order to be able to * keep them in sequence. */ #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NANORC char *expansion; /* The string of keycodes to which this shortcut is expanded. */ #endif struct keystruct *next; /* Next in the list. */ } keystruct; typedef struct funcstruct { void (*func)(void); /* The actual function to call. */ int menus; /* In what menus this function applies. */ const char *desc; /* The function's short description, for example "Where Is". */ #ifdef ENABLE_HELP const char *help; /* The help-screen text for this function. */ bool blank_after; /* Whether there should be a blank line after the help text * for this function. */ #endif bool viewok; /* Is this function allowed when in view mode? */ long toggle; /* If this is a toggle, which toggle to affect. */ struct funcstruct *next; /* Next item in the list. */ } funcstruct; #ifdef ENABLE_WORDCOMPLETION typedef struct completion_word { char *word; struct completion_word *next; } completion_word; #endif /* The elements of the interface that can be colored differently. */ enum { TITLE_BAR = 0, LINE_NUMBER, GUIDE_STRIPE, SELECTED_TEXT, STATUS_BAR, ERROR_MESSAGE, KEY_COMBO, FUNCTION_TAG, NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS }; /* Enumeration used in the flags array. See the definition of FLAGMASK. */ enum { DONTUSE, CASE_SENSITIVE, CONSTANT_SHOW, NO_HELP, SUSPEND, NO_WRAP, AUTOINDENT, VIEW_MODE, USE_MOUSE, USE_REGEXP, TEMP_FILE, CUT_FROM_CURSOR, BACKWARDS_SEARCH, MULTIBUFFER, SMOOTH_SCROLL, REBIND_DELETE, RAW_SEQUENCES, NO_CONVERT, BACKUP_FILE, INSECURE_BACKUP, NO_COLOR_SYNTAX, PRESERVE, HISTORYLOG, RESTRICTED, SMART_HOME, WHITESPACE_DISPLAY, MORE_SPACE, TABS_TO_SPACES, QUICK_BLANK, WORD_BOUNDS, NO_NEWLINES, BOLD_TEXT, SOFTWRAP, POSITIONLOG, LOCKING, NOREAD_MODE, MAKE_IT_UNIX, TRIM_BLANKS, SHOW_CURSOR, LINE_NUMBERS, NO_PAUSES, AT_BLANKS, AFTER_ENDS, LET_THEM_ZAP, BREAK_LONG_LINES, JUMPY_SCROLLING, EMPTY_LINE }; /* Flags for the menus in which a given function should be present. */ #define MMAIN (1<<0) #define MWHEREIS (1<<1) #define MREPLACE (1<<2) #define MREPLACEWITH (1<<3) #define MGOTOLINE (1<<4) #define MWRITEFILE (1<<5) #define MINSERTFILE (1<<6) #define MEXTCMD (1<<7) #define MHELP (1<<8) #define MSPELL (1<<9) #define MBROWSER (1<<10) #define MWHEREISFILE (1<<11) #define MGOTODIR (1<<12) #define MYESNO (1<<13) #define MLINTER (1<<14) #define MFINDINHELP (1<<15) /* This is an abbreviation for all menus except Help and Browser and YesNo. */ #define MMOST (MMAIN|MWHEREIS|MREPLACE|MREPLACEWITH|MGOTOLINE|MWRITEFILE|MINSERTFILE|\ MEXTCMD|MWHEREISFILE|MGOTODIR|MFINDINHELP|MSPELL|MLINTER) #ifndef NANO_TINY #define MSOME MMOST|MBROWSER #else #define MSOME MMAIN|MBROWSER #endif /* Basic control codes. */ #define BS_CODE 0x08 #define TAB_CODE 0x09 #define ESC_CODE 0x1B #define DEL_CODE 0x7F /* Codes for "modified" Arrow keys, beyond KEY_MAX of ncurses. */ #define CONTROL_LEFT 0x401 #define CONTROL_RIGHT 0x402 #define CONTROL_UP 0x403 #define CONTROL_DOWN 0x404 #define CONTROL_HOME 0x405 #define CONTROL_END 0x406 #define CONTROL_DELETE 0x40D #define SHIFT_CONTROL_LEFT 0x411 #define SHIFT_CONTROL_RIGHT 0x412 #define SHIFT_CONTROL_UP 0x413 #define SHIFT_CONTROL_DOWN 0x414 #define SHIFT_CONTROL_HOME 0x415 #define SHIFT_CONTROL_END 0x416 #define CONTROL_SHIFT_DELETE 0x41D #define ALT_LEFT 0x421 #define ALT_RIGHT 0x422 #define ALT_UP 0x423 #define ALT_DOWN 0x424 #define ALT_DELETE 0x42D #define SHIFT_ALT_LEFT 0x431 #define SHIFT_ALT_RIGHT 0x432 #define SHIFT_ALT_UP 0x433 #define SHIFT_ALT_DOWN 0x434 //#define SHIFT_LEFT 0x451 //#define SHIFT_RIGHT 0x452 #define SHIFT_UP 0x453 #define SHIFT_DOWN 0x454 #define SHIFT_HOME 0x455 #define SHIFT_END 0x456 #define SHIFT_PAGEUP 0x457 #define SHIFT_PAGEDOWN 0x458 #define SHIFT_DELETE 0x45D #define SHIFT_TAB 0x45F /* A special keycode for when is pressed while the mark is on. */ #define INDENT_KEY 0x4F1 #ifdef USE_SLANG #ifdef ENABLE_UTF8 #define KEY_BAD 0xFF /* Clipped error code. */ #endif #define KEY_FLUSH 0x91 /* User-definable control code. */ #else #define KEY_FLUSH KEY_F0 /* Nonexistent function key. */ #endif #ifndef NANO_TINY /* An imaginary key for when we get a SIGWINCH (window resize). */ #define KEY_WINCH -2 /* Some extra flags for the undo function. */ #define WAS_FINAL_BACKSPACE (1<<1) #define WAS_WHOLE_LINE (1<<2) #define WAS_FINAL_LINE (1<<3) #define MARK_WAS_SET (1<<4) #define WAS_MARKED_FORWARD (1<<5) #endif /* !NANO_TINY */ /* The default number of columns from end of line where wrapping occurs. */ #define COLUMNS_FROM_EOL 8 /* The default width of a tab in spaces. */ #define WIDTH_OF_TAB 8 /* The default comment character when a syntax does not specify any. */ #define GENERAL_COMMENT_CHARACTER "#" /* The maximum number of search/replace history strings saved, not * counting the blank lines at their ends. */ #define MAX_SEARCH_HISTORY 100 /* The maximum number of bytes buffered at one time. */ #define MAX_BUF_SIZE 128 /* The largest size_t number that doesn't have the high bit set. */ #define HIGHEST_POSITIVE ((~(size_t)0) >> 1) #endif /* !NANO_H */