tweaks: trim a few comments, rename a function, and reshuffle some code
Этот коммит содержится в:
@ -119,3 +119,4 @@ Bug Reports
(you will need an account to be able to do so), or send an email
to the nano-devel list (no need to subscribe, but mention it if
you want to be CC'ed on an answer).
@ -47,9 +47,10 @@ static size_t selected = 0;
* files that can be displayed per screen row. And sort the list too. */
void read_the_list(const char *path, DIR *dir)
size_t path_len = strlen(path), index = 0;
size_t path_len = strlen(path);
const struct dirent *entry;
size_t widest = 0;
size_t index = 0;
/* Find the width of the widest filename in the current folder. */
while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
@ -91,9 +92,8 @@ void read_the_list(const char *path, DIR *dir)
/* Maybe the number of files in the directory decreased between the
* first time we scanned and the second time. index is the actual
* length of the file list, so record it. */
/* Maybe the number of files in the directory decreased between
* the first time we scanned and the second time. */
list_length = index;
/* Sort the list of names. */
@ -107,28 +107,23 @@ void read_the_list(const char *path, DIR *dir)
usable_rows = editwinrows - (ISSET(ZERO) && LINES > 1 ? 1 : 0);
/* Look for needle. If we find it, set selected to its location.
* Note that needle must be an exact match for a file in the list. */
void browser_select_dirname(const char *needle)
/* Reselect the given file or directory name, if it still exists. */
void reselect(const char *name)
size_t looking_at = 0;
for (; looking_at < list_length; looking_at++) {
if (strcmp(filelist[looking_at], needle) == 0) {
selected = looking_at;
while (looking_at < list_length && strcmp(filelist[looking_at], name) != 0)
/* If the sought name isn't found, move the highlight so that the
* changed selection will be noticed. */
if (looking_at == list_length) {
/* If the sought name was found, select it; otherwise, just move
* the highlight so that the changed selection will be noticed,
* but make sure to stay within the current available range. */
if (looking_at < list_length)
selected = looking_at;
else if (selected > list_length)
selected = list_length - 1;
/* Make sure we stay within the available range. */
if (selected >= list_length)
selected = list_length - 1;
/* Display at most a screenful of filenames from the gleaned filelist. */
@ -450,13 +445,12 @@ char *browse(char *path)
dir = NULL;
/* If given, reselect the present_name and then discard it. */
/* If something was selected before, reselect it;
* otherwise, just select the first item (..). */
if (present_name != NULL) {
present_name = NULL;
/* Otherwise, select the first file or directory in the list. */
} else
selected = 0;
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