tweaks: remove a useless prefix from a hundred constants
And use a better word to describe the concise descriptions that these constants refer to -- they are not messages.
Этот коммит содержится в:
@ -519,163 +519,163 @@ void shortcut_init(void)
/* TRANSLATORS: The next long series of strings are shortcut descriptions;
* they are best kept shorter than 56 characters, but may be longer. */
const char *nano_cancel_msg = N_("Cancel the current function");
const char *nano_help_msg = N_("Display this help text");
const char *nano_exit_msg =
const char *cancel_gist = N_("Cancel the current function");
const char *help_gist = N_("Display this help text");
const char *exit_gist =
N_("Close the current file buffer / Exit from nano")
N_("Exit from nano")
const char *nano_writeout_msg =
const char *writeout_gist =
N_("Write the current file to disk");
const char *nano_insert_msg =
const char *insert_gist =
N_("Insert another file into the current one");
const char *nano_whereis_msg =
const char *whereis_gist =
N_("Search forward for a string or a regular expression");
const char *nano_wherewas_msg =
const char *wherewas_gist =
N_("Search backward for a string or a regular expression");
const char *nano_browser_whereis_msg = N_("Search for a string");
const char *nano_browser_refresh_msg = N_("Refresh the file list");
const char *browser_whereis_gist = N_("Search for a string");
const char *browser_refresh_gist = N_("Refresh the file list");
#ifndef NANO_TINY
const char *nano_browser_lefthand_msg = N_("Go to lefthand column");
const char *nano_browser_righthand_msg = N_("Go to righthand column");
const char *nano_browser_toprow_msg = N_("Go to first row in this column");
const char *nano_browser_bottomrow_msg = N_("Go to last row in this column");
const char *browser_lefthand_gist = N_("Go to lefthand column");
const char *browser_righthand_gist = N_("Go to righthand column");
const char *browser_toprow_gist = N_("Go to first row in this column");
const char *browser_bottomrow_gist = N_("Go to last row in this column");
const char *nano_prevpage_msg = N_("Go one screenful up");
const char *nano_nextpage_msg = N_("Go one screenful down");
const char *nano_cut_msg =
const char *prevpage_gist = N_("Go one screenful up");
const char *nextpage_gist = N_("Go one screenful down");
const char *cut_gist =
N_("Cut the current line and store it in the cutbuffer");
const char *nano_uncut_msg =
const char *uncut_gist =
N_("Uncut from the cutbuffer into the current line");
const char *nano_cursorpos_msg = N_("Display the position of the cursor");
const char *cursorpos_gist = N_("Display the position of the cursor");
const char *nano_spell_msg = N_("Invoke the spell checker, if available");
const char *spell_gist = N_("Invoke the spell checker, if available");
const char *nano_replace_msg = N_("Replace a string or a regular expression");
const char *nano_gotoline_msg = N_("Go to line and column number");
const char *nano_whereis_next_msg = N_("Repeat the last search");
const char *replace_gist = N_("Replace a string or a regular expression");
const char *gotoline_gist = N_("Go to line and column number");
const char *whereis_next_gist = N_("Repeat the last search");
#ifndef NANO_TINY
const char *nano_mark_msg = N_("Mark text starting from the cursor position");
const char *nano_copy_msg =
const char *mark_gist = N_("Mark text starting from the cursor position");
const char *copy_gist =
N_("Copy the current line and store it in the cutbuffer");
const char *nano_indent_msg = N_("Indent the current line");
const char *nano_unindent_msg = N_("Unindent the current line");
const char *nano_undo_msg = N_("Undo the last operation");
const char *nano_redo_msg = N_("Redo the last undone operation");
const char *indent_gist = N_("Indent the current line");
const char *unindent_gist = N_("Unindent the current line");
const char *undo_gist = N_("Undo the last operation");
const char *redo_gist = N_("Redo the last undone operation");
const char *nano_back_msg = N_("Go back one character");
const char *nano_forward_msg = N_("Go forward one character");
const char *nano_prevword_msg = N_("Go back one word");
const char *nano_nextword_msg = N_("Go forward one word");
const char *nano_prevline_msg = N_("Go to previous line");
const char *nano_nextline_msg = N_("Go to next line");
const char *nano_home_msg = N_("Go to beginning of current line");
const char *nano_end_msg = N_("Go to end of current line");
const char *nano_prevblock_msg = N_("Go to previous block of text");
const char *nano_nextblock_msg = N_("Go to next block of text");
const char *back_gist = N_("Go back one character");
const char *forward_gist = N_("Go forward one character");
const char *prevword_gist = N_("Go back one word");
const char *nextword_gist = N_("Go forward one word");
const char *prevline_gist = N_("Go to previous line");
const char *nextline_gist = N_("Go to next line");
const char *home_gist = N_("Go to beginning of current line");
const char *end_gist = N_("Go to end of current line");
const char *prevblock_gist = N_("Go to previous block of text");
const char *nextblock_gist = N_("Go to next block of text");
const char *nano_parabegin_msg =
const char *parabegin_gist =
N_("Go to beginning of paragraph; then of previous paragraph");
const char *nano_paraend_msg =
const char *paraend_gist =
N_("Go just beyond end of paragraph; then of next paragraph");
const char *nano_firstline_msg = N_("Go to the first line of the file");
const char *nano_lastline_msg = N_("Go to the last line of the file");
const char *firstline_gist = N_("Go to the first line of the file");
const char *lastline_gist = N_("Go to the last line of the file");
#ifndef NANO_TINY
const char *nano_bracket_msg = N_("Go to the matching bracket");
const char *nano_scrollup_msg =
const char *bracket_gist = N_("Go to the matching bracket");
const char *scrollup_gist =
N_("Scroll up one line without scrolling the cursor");
const char *nano_scrolldown_msg =
const char *scrolldown_gist =
N_("Scroll down one line without scrolling the cursor");
const char *nano_prevfile_msg = N_("Switch to the previous file buffer");
const char *nano_nextfile_msg = N_("Switch to the next file buffer");
const char *prevfile_gist = N_("Switch to the previous file buffer");
const char *nextfile_gist = N_("Switch to the next file buffer");
const char *nano_verbatim_msg = N_("Insert the next keystroke verbatim");
const char *nano_tab_msg = N_("Insert a tab at the cursor position");
const char *nano_enter_msg = N_("Insert a newline at the cursor position");
const char *nano_delete_msg = N_("Delete the character under the cursor");
const char *nano_backspace_msg =
const char *verbatim_gist = N_("Insert the next keystroke verbatim");
const char *tab_gist = N_("Insert a tab at the cursor position");
const char *enter_gist = N_("Insert a newline at the cursor position");
const char *delete_gist = N_("Delete the character under the cursor");
const char *backspace_gist =
N_("Delete the character to the left of the cursor");
#ifndef NANO_TINY
const char *nano_cut_word_left_msg =
const char *cut_word_left_gist =
N_("Cut backward from cursor to word start");
const char *nano_cut_word_right_msg =
const char *cut_word_right_gist =
N_("Cut forward from cursor to next word start");
const char *nano_cut_till_eof_msg =
const char *cut_till_eof_gist =
N_("Cut from the cursor position to the end of the file");
const char *nano_justify_msg = N_("Justify the current paragraph");
const char *nano_fulljustify_msg = N_("Justify the entire file");
const char *justify_gist = N_("Justify the current paragraph");
const char *fulljustify_gist = N_("Justify the entire file");
#ifndef NANO_TINY
const char *nano_wordcount_msg =
const char *wordcount_gist =
N_("Count the number of words, lines, and characters");
const char *nano_refresh_msg =
const char *refresh_gist =
N_("Refresh (redraw) the current screen");
const char *nano_suspend_msg =
const char *suspend_gist =
N_("Suspend the editor (if suspension is enabled)");
const char *nano_completion_msg = N_("Try and complete the current word");
const char *completion_gist = N_("Try and complete the current word");
const char *nano_comment_msg =
const char *comment_gist =
N_("Comment/uncomment the current line or marked lines");
#ifndef NANO_TINY
const char *nano_savefile_msg = N_("Save file without prompting");
const char *nano_findprev_msg = N_("Search next occurrence backward");
const char *nano_findnext_msg = N_("Search next occurrence forward");
const char *nano_recordmacro_msg = N_("Start/stop recording a macro");
const char *nano_runmacro_msg = N_("Run the last recorded macro");
const char *savefile_gist = N_("Save file without prompting");
const char *findprev_gist = N_("Search next occurrence backward");
const char *findnext_gist = N_("Search next occurrence forward");
const char *recordmacro_gist = N_("Start/stop recording a macro");
const char *runmacro_gist = N_("Run the last recorded macro");
const char *nano_case_msg =
const char *case_gist =
N_("Toggle the case sensitivity of the search");
const char *nano_reverse_msg =
const char *reverse_gist =
N_("Reverse the direction of the search");
const char *nano_regexp_msg =
const char *regexp_gist =
N_("Toggle the use of regular expressions");
const char *nano_prev_history_msg =
const char *prev_history_gist =
N_("Recall the previous search/replace string");
const char *nano_next_history_msg =
const char *next_history_gist =
N_("Recall the next search/replace string");
#ifndef NANO_TINY
const char *nano_dos_msg = N_("Toggle the use of DOS format");
const char *nano_mac_msg = N_("Toggle the use of Mac format");
const char *nano_append_msg = N_("Toggle appending");
const char *nano_prepend_msg = N_("Toggle prepending");
const char *nano_backup_msg = N_("Toggle backing up of the original file");
const char *nano_execute_msg = N_("Execute external command");
const char *dos_gist = N_("Toggle the use of DOS format");
const char *mac_gist = N_("Toggle the use of Mac format");
const char *append_gist = N_("Toggle appending");
const char *prepend_gist = N_("Toggle prepending");
const char *backup_gist = N_("Toggle backing up of the original file");
const char *execute_gist = N_("Execute external command");
const char *nano_newbuffer_msg = N_("Toggle the use of a new buffer");
const char *newbuffer_gist = N_("Toggle the use of a new buffer");
const char *nano_discard_buffer_msg = N_("Close buffer without saving it");
const char *discard_buffer_gist = N_("Close buffer without saving it");
const char *nano_tofiles_msg = N_("Go to file browser");
const char *nano_exitbrowser_msg = N_("Exit from the file browser");
const char *nano_firstfile_msg = N_("Go to the first file in the list");
const char *nano_lastfile_msg = N_("Go to the last file in the list");
const char *nano_backfile_msg = N_("Go to the previous file in the list");
const char *nano_forwardfile_msg = N_("Go to the next file in the list");
const char *nano_gotodir_msg = N_("Go to directory");
const char *tofiles_gist = N_("Go to file browser");
const char *exitbrowser_gist = N_("Exit from the file browser");
const char *firstfile_gist = N_("Go to the first file in the list");
const char *lastfile_gist = N_("Go to the last file in the list");
const char *backfile_gist = N_("Go to the previous file in the list");
const char *forwardfile_gist = N_("Go to the next file in the list");
const char *gotodir_gist = N_("Go to directory");
const char *nano_lint_msg = N_("Invoke the linter, if available");
const char *nano_prevlint_msg = N_("Go to previous linter msg");
const char *nano_nextlint_msg = N_("Go to next linter msg");
const char *lint_gist = N_("Invoke the linter, if available");
const char *prevlint_gist = N_("Go to previous linter msg");
const char *nextlint_gist = N_("Go to next linter msg");
const char *nano_formatter_msg = N_("Invoke formatter, if available");
const char *formatter_gist = N_("Invoke formatter, if available");
#endif /* ENABLE_HELP */
@ -690,23 +690,23 @@ void shortcut_init(void)
add_to_funcs(do_help_void, MMOST & ~MFINDINHELP,
/* TRANSLATORS: Try to keep the following strings at most 10 characters. */
N_("Get Help"), WITHORSANS(nano_help_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Get Help"), WITHORSANS(help_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_cancel, ((MMOST & ~MMAIN & ~MBROWSER) | MYESNO),
N_("Cancel"), WITHORSANS(nano_cancel_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
N_("Cancel"), WITHORSANS(cancel_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_exit, MMAIN,
exit_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_exit_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
exit_tag, WITHORSANS(exit_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
/* Remember the entry for Exit, to be able to replace it with Close. */
exitfunc = tailfunc;
add_to_funcs(do_exit, MBROWSER,
exit_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_exitbrowser_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
exit_tag, WITHORSANS(exitbrowser_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_writeout_void, MMAIN,
N_("Write Out"), WITHORSANS(nano_writeout_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
N_("Write Out"), WITHORSANS(writeout_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ void shortcut_init(void)
if (TRUE) {
add_to_funcs(do_insertfile_void, MMAIN,
read_file_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_insert_msg), BLANKAFTER,
read_file_tag, WITHORSANS(insert_gist), BLANKAFTER,
/* We allow inserting files in view mode if multibuffer mode
* is switched on, so that we can view multiple files. */
@ -727,28 +727,28 @@ void shortcut_init(void)
} else {
add_to_funcs(do_justify_void, MMAIN,
justify_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_justify_msg), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
justify_tag, WITHORSANS(justify_gist), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_search_forward, MMAIN,
whereis_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_whereis_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
whereis_tag, WITHORSANS(whereis_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_replace, MMAIN,
replace_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_replace_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
replace_tag, WITHORSANS(replace_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_search_forward, MBROWSER,
whereis_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_browser_whereis_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
whereis_tag, WITHORSANS(browser_whereis_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_research, MBROWSER,
whereis_next_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_whereis_next_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
whereis_next_tag, WITHORSANS(whereis_next_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(goto_dir_void, MBROWSER,
N_("Go To Dir"), WITHORSANS(nano_gotodir_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Go To Dir"), WITHORSANS(gotodir_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(total_refresh, MBROWSER,
refresh_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_browser_refresh_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
refresh_tag, WITHORSANS(browser_refresh_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
@ -762,171 +762,171 @@ void shortcut_init(void)
add_to_funcs(do_cut_text_void, MMAIN,
N_("Cut Text"), WITHORSANS(nano_cut_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
N_("Cut Text"), WITHORSANS(cut_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_uncut_text, MMAIN,
uncut_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_uncut_msg), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
uncut_tag, WITHORSANS(uncut_gist), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
/* Remember the entry for Uncut, to be able to replace it with Unjustify. */
uncutfunc = tailfunc;
add_to_funcs(do_justify_void, MMAIN,
justify_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_justify_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
justify_tag, WITHORSANS(justify_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_spell, MMAIN,
N_("To Spell"), WITHORSANS(nano_spell_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
N_("To Spell"), WITHORSANS(spell_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_linter, MMAIN,
N_("To Linter"), WITHORSANS(nano_lint_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
N_("To Linter"), WITHORSANS(lint_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_formatter, MMAIN,
N_("Formatter"), WITHORSANS(nano_formatter_msg), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
N_("Formatter"), WITHORSANS(formatter_gist), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_cursorpos_void, MMAIN,
N_("Cur Pos"), WITHORSANS(nano_cursorpos_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Cur Pos"), WITHORSANS(cursorpos_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
#if (!defined(DISABLE_JUSTIFY) && (!defined(DISABLE_SPELLER) || !defined(DISABLE_COLOR)) || \
/* Conditionally placing this one here or further on, to keep the
* help items nicely paired in most conditions. */
add_to_funcs(do_gotolinecolumn_void, MMAIN,
gotoline_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_gotoline_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
gotoline_tag, WITHORSANS(gotoline_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
#ifndef NANO_TINY
add_to_funcs(do_undo, MMAIN,
N_("Undo"), WITHORSANS(nano_undo_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
N_("Undo"), WITHORSANS(undo_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_redo, MMAIN,
N_("Redo"), WITHORSANS(nano_redo_msg), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_mark, MMAIN,
N_("Mark Text"), WITHORSANS(nano_mark_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Mark Text"), WITHORSANS(mark_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_copy_text, MMAIN,
N_("Copy Text"), WITHORSANS(nano_copy_msg), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
N_("Copy Text"), WITHORSANS(copy_gist), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(case_sens_void, MWHEREIS|MREPLACE,
N_("Case Sens"), WITHORSANS(nano_case_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Case Sens"), WITHORSANS(case_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(regexp_void, MWHEREIS|MREPLACE,
N_("Regexp"), WITHORSANS(nano_regexp_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Regexp"), WITHORSANS(regexp_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(backwards_void, MWHEREIS|MREPLACE,
N_("Backwards"), WITHORSANS(nano_reverse_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Backwards"), WITHORSANS(reverse_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(flip_replace, MWHEREIS,
replace_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_replace_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
replace_tag, WITHORSANS(replace_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(flip_replace, MREPLACE,
N_("No Replace"), WITHORSANS(nano_whereis_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
N_("No Replace"), WITHORSANS(whereis_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_full_justify, MWHEREIS,
fulljustify_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_fulljustify_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
fulljustify_tag, WITHORSANS(fulljustify_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_gotolinecolumn_void, MWHEREIS,
gotoline_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_gotoline_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
gotoline_tag, WITHORSANS(gotoline_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
#ifndef NANO_TINY
add_to_funcs(do_find_bracket, MMAIN,
N_("To Bracket"), WITHORSANS(nano_bracket_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
N_("To Bracket"), WITHORSANS(bracket_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_research, MMAIN,
whereis_next_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_whereis_next_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
whereis_next_tag, WITHORSANS(whereis_next_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_findprevious, MMAIN,
N_("Previous"), WITHORSANS(nano_findprev_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Previous"), WITHORSANS(findprev_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_findnext, MMAIN,
N_("Next"), WITHORSANS(nano_findnext_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
N_("Next"), WITHORSANS(findnext_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
#endif /* !NANO_TINY */
add_to_funcs(do_left, MMAIN,
N_("Back"), WITHORSANS(nano_back_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Back"), WITHORSANS(back_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_right, MMAIN,
N_("Forward"), WITHORSANS(nano_forward_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Forward"), WITHORSANS(forward_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_left, MBROWSER,
N_("Back"), WITHORSANS(nano_backfile_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Back"), WITHORSANS(backfile_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_right, MBROWSER,
N_("Forward"), WITHORSANS(nano_forwardfile_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Forward"), WITHORSANS(forwardfile_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_prev_word_void, MMAIN,
N_("Prev Word"), WITHORSANS(nano_prevword_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Prev Word"), WITHORSANS(prevword_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_next_word_void, MMAIN,
N_("Next Word"), WITHORSANS(nano_nextword_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Next Word"), WITHORSANS(nextword_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_home, MMAIN,
N_("Home"), WITHORSANS(nano_home_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Home"), WITHORSANS(home_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_end, MMAIN,
N_("End"), WITHORSANS(nano_end_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_up_void, MMAIN|MHELP|MBROWSER,
prev_line_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_prevline_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
prev_line_tag, WITHORSANS(prevline_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_down_void, MMAIN|MHELP|MBROWSER,
next_line_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_nextline_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
next_line_tag, WITHORSANS(nextline_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
#ifndef NANO_TINY
add_to_funcs(do_scroll_up, MMAIN,
N_("Scroll Up"), WITHORSANS(nano_scrollup_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Scroll Up"), WITHORSANS(scrollup_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_scroll_down, MMAIN,
N_("Scroll Down"), WITHORSANS(nano_scrolldown_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
N_("Scroll Down"), WITHORSANS(scrolldown_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_prev_block, MMAIN,
N_("Prev Block"), WITHORSANS(nano_prevblock_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Prev Block"), WITHORSANS(prevblock_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_next_block, MMAIN,
N_("Next Block"), WITHORSANS(nano_nextblock_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Next Block"), WITHORSANS(nextblock_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_para_begin_void, MMAIN|MWHEREIS,
N_("Beg of Par"), WITHORSANS(nano_parabegin_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Beg of Par"), WITHORSANS(parabegin_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_para_end_void, MMAIN|MWHEREIS,
N_("End of Par"), WITHORSANS(nano_paraend_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
N_("End of Par"), WITHORSANS(paraend_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_page_up, MMAIN|MHELP,
prev_page_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_prevpage_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
prev_page_tag, WITHORSANS(prevpage_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_page_down, MMAIN|MHELP,
next_page_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_nextpage_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
next_page_tag, WITHORSANS(nextpage_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("First Line"), WITHORSANS(nano_firstline_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("First Line"), WITHORSANS(firstline_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Last Line"), WITHORSANS(nano_lastline_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
N_("Last Line"), WITHORSANS(lastline_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(switch_to_prev_buffer, MMAIN,
N_("Prev File"), WITHORSANS(nano_prevfile_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Prev File"), WITHORSANS(prevfile_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(switch_to_next_buffer, MMAIN,
N_("Next File"), WITHORSANS(nano_nextfile_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
N_("Next File"), WITHORSANS(nextfile_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
#if (defined(DISABLE_JUSTIFY) && (!defined(DISABLE_SPELLER) || !defined(DISABLE_COLOR)) || \
!defined(DISABLE_JUSTIFY) && defined(DISABLE_SPELLER) && defined(DISABLE_COLOR))
add_to_funcs(do_gotolinecolumn_void, MMAIN,
gotoline_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_gotoline_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
gotoline_tag, WITHORSANS(gotoline_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
#ifdef NANO_TINY
/* Place this one here only in the tiny version; otherwise further up. */
add_to_funcs(do_research, MMAIN,
whereis_next_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_whereis_next_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
whereis_next_tag, WITHORSANS(whereis_next_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_tab, MMAIN,
N_("Tab"), WITHORSANS(nano_tab_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_enter, MMAIN,
N_("Enter"), WITHORSANS(nano_enter_msg), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
N_("Enter"), WITHORSANS(enter_gist), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_delete, MMAIN,
N_("Delete"), WITHORSANS(nano_delete_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
N_("Delete"), WITHORSANS(delete_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_backspace, MMAIN,
N_("Backspace"), WITHORSANS(nano_backspace_msg),
N_("Backspace"), WITHORSANS(backspace_gist),
#ifndef NANO_TINY
@ -937,81 +937,81 @@ void shortcut_init(void)
#ifndef NANO_TINY
add_to_funcs(do_cut_prev_word, MMAIN,
/* TRANSLATORS: The next two strings refer to cutting words. */
N_("Cut Left"), WITHORSANS(nano_cut_word_left_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
N_("Cut Left"), WITHORSANS(cut_word_left_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_cut_next_word, MMAIN,
N_("Cut Right"), WITHORSANS(nano_cut_word_right_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
N_("Cut Right"), WITHORSANS(cut_word_right_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_cut_till_eof, MMAIN,
N_("CutTillEnd"), WITHORSANS(nano_cut_till_eof_msg), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
N_("CutTillEnd"), WITHORSANS(cut_till_eof_gist), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_full_justify, MMAIN,
fulljustify_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_fulljustify_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
fulljustify_tag, WITHORSANS(fulljustify_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
#ifndef NANO_TINY
add_to_funcs(do_wordlinechar_count, MMAIN,
N_("Word Count"), WITHORSANS(nano_wordcount_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Word Count"), WITHORSANS(wordcount_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_verbatim_input, MMAIN,
N_("Verbatim"), WITHORSANS(nano_verbatim_msg), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
N_("Verbatim"), WITHORSANS(verbatim_gist), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(total_refresh, MMAIN,
refresh_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_refresh_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
refresh_tag, WITHORSANS(refresh_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_suspend_void, MMAIN,
N_("Suspend"), WITHORSANS(nano_suspend_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
N_("Suspend"), WITHORSANS(suspend_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
#ifndef NANO_TINY
add_to_funcs(do_indent, MMAIN,
N_("Indent Text"), WITHORSANS(nano_indent_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
N_("Indent Text"), WITHORSANS(indent_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_unindent, MMAIN,
N_("Unindent Text"), WITHORSANS(nano_unindent_msg), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
N_("Unindent Text"), WITHORSANS(unindent_gist), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(complete_a_word, MMAIN,
N_("Complete"), WITHORSANS(nano_completion_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
N_("Complete"), WITHORSANS(completion_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_comment, MMAIN,
N_("Comment Lines"), WITHORSANS(nano_comment_msg), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
N_("Comment Lines"), WITHORSANS(comment_gist), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
#ifndef NANO_TINY
add_to_funcs(record_macro, MMAIN,
N_("Record"), WITHORSANS(nano_recordmacro_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Record"), WITHORSANS(recordmacro_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(run_macro, MMAIN,
N_("Run Macro"), WITHORSANS(nano_runmacro_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
N_("Run Macro"), WITHORSANS(runmacro_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_search_backward, MMAIN,
N_("Where Was"), WITHORSANS(nano_wherewas_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
N_("Where Was"), WITHORSANS(wherewas_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_savefile, MMAIN,
N_("Save"), WITHORSANS(nano_savefile_msg), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
N_("Save"), WITHORSANS(savefile_gist), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
N_("PrevHstory"), WITHORSANS(nano_prev_history_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("PrevHstory"), WITHORSANS(prev_history_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("NextHstory"), WITHORSANS(nano_next_history_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
N_("NextHstory"), WITHORSANS(next_history_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_gotolinecolumn_void, MWHEREIS,
gotoline_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_gotoline_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
gotoline_tag, WITHORSANS(gotoline_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(gototext_void, MGOTOLINE,
N_("Go To Text"), WITHORSANS(nano_whereis_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
N_("Go To Text"), WITHORSANS(whereis_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
#ifndef NANO_TINY
add_to_funcs(dos_format_void, MWRITEFILE,
N_("DOS Format"), WITHORSANS(nano_dos_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
N_("DOS Format"), WITHORSANS(dos_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(mac_format_void, MWRITEFILE,
N_("Mac Format"), WITHORSANS(nano_mac_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
N_("Mac Format"), WITHORSANS(mac_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
/* If we're using restricted mode, the Append, Prepend, and Backup toggles
* are disabled. The first and second are not useful as they only allow
@ -1019,65 +1019,65 @@ void shortcut_init(void)
* would write to a file not specified on the command line. */
add_to_funcs(append_void, MWRITEFILE,
N_("Append"), WITHORSANS(nano_append_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
N_("Append"), WITHORSANS(append_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(prepend_void, MWRITEFILE,
N_("Prepend"), WITHORSANS(nano_prepend_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
N_("Prepend"), WITHORSANS(prepend_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(backup_file_void, MWRITEFILE,
N_("Backup File"), WITHORSANS(nano_backup_msg), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
N_("Backup File"), WITHORSANS(backup_gist), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
/* If we're using restricted mode, file insertion is disabled, and
* thus command execution and the multibuffer toggle have no place. */
add_to_funcs(flip_execute, MINSERTFILE,
N_("Execute Command"), WITHORSANS(nano_execute_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
N_("Execute Command"), WITHORSANS(execute_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(flip_execute, MEXTCMD,
read_file_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_insert_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
read_file_tag, WITHORSANS(insert_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
#endif /* !NANO_TINY */
add_to_funcs(flip_newbuffer, MINSERTFILE|MEXTCMD,
N_("New Buffer"), WITHORSANS(nano_newbuffer_msg), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
N_("New Buffer"), WITHORSANS(newbuffer_gist), TOGETHER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(to_files_void, MWRITEFILE|MINSERTFILE,
N_("To Files"), WITHORSANS(nano_tofiles_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("To Files"), WITHORSANS(tofiles_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_page_up, MBROWSER,
prev_page_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_prevpage_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
prev_page_tag, WITHORSANS(prevpage_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_page_down, MBROWSER,
next_page_tag, WITHORSANS(nano_nextpage_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
next_page_tag, WITHORSANS(nextpage_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_first_file, (MBROWSER|MWHEREISFILE),
N_("First File"), WITHORSANS(nano_firstfile_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("First File"), WITHORSANS(firstfile_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_last_file, (MBROWSER|MWHEREISFILE),
N_("Last File"), WITHORSANS(nano_lastfile_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
N_("Last File"), WITHORSANS(lastfile_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
#ifndef NANO_TINY
add_to_funcs(do_prev_word_void, MBROWSER,
N_("Left Column"), WITHORSANS(nano_browser_lefthand_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Left Column"), WITHORSANS(browser_lefthand_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_next_word_void, MBROWSER,
N_("Right Column"), WITHORSANS(nano_browser_righthand_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Right Column"), WITHORSANS(browser_righthand_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_prev_block, MBROWSER,
N_("Top Row"), WITHORSANS(nano_browser_toprow_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Top Row"), WITHORSANS(browser_toprow_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_next_block, MBROWSER,
N_("Bottom Row"), WITHORSANS(nano_browser_bottomrow_msg), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
N_("Bottom Row"), WITHORSANS(browser_bottomrow_gist), BLANKAFTER, VIEW);
#endif /* ENABLE_BROWSER */
add_to_funcs(discard_buffer, MWRITEFILE,
N_("Discard buffer"), WITHORSANS(nano_discard_buffer_msg), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
N_("Discard buffer"), WITHORSANS(discard_buffer_gist), BLANKAFTER, NOVIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_page_up, MLINTER,
/* TRANSLATORS: Try to keep the next two strings at most 20 characters. */
N_("Prev Lint Msg"), WITHORSANS(nano_prevlint_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Prev Lint Msg"), WITHORSANS(prevlint_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
add_to_funcs(do_page_down, MLINTER,
N_("Next Lint Msg"), WITHORSANS(nano_nextlint_msg), TOGETHER, VIEW);
N_("Next Lint Msg"), WITHORSANS(nextlint_gist), TOGETHER, VIEW);
/* Start associating key combos with functions in specific menus. */
Ссылка в новой задаче
Block a user