add full multibyte character support to do_wrap()

git-svn-id: svn://svn.savannah.gnu.org/nano/trunk/nano@2394 35c25a1d-7b9e-4130-9fde-d3aeb78583b8
Этот коммит содержится в:
David Lawrence Ramsey 2005-03-19 21:15:30 +00:00
родитель 9bd56204ee
Коммит 40e211bcec
5 изменённых файлов: 194 добавлений и 198 удалений

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@ -49,16 +49,13 @@ CVS code -
based on ideas from mutt; input of Unicode characters
in hexadecimal suggested by Michael Piefel)
- More steps toward wide character/multibyte character support.
Movement and cursor display in the edit window should now
(mostly) work properly with files containing multibyte
characters, and text display of such files should now (mostly)
work properly as well. New functions control_rep(),
parse_char(), move_left(), and move_right(); changes to
do_left(), do_right(), do_delete(), breakable(), break_line(),
do_output(), get_buffer(), unget_input(), actual_x(),
strnlenpt(), display_string(), titlebar(), statusbar(),
onekey(), edit_add(), do_replace_highlight(), and
do_credits(). (David Benbennick and DLR)
New functions control_rep(), parse_char(), move_left(), and
move_right(); changes to do_left(), do_right(), do_delete(),
breakable(), break_line(), do_output(), get_buffer(),
unget_input(), actual_x(), strnlenpt(), display_string(),
titlebar(), statusbar(), onekey(), edit_add(),
do_replace_highlight(), and do_credits(). (David Benbennick
and DLR)
- Overhaul the high-level input routines for the statusbar to
make them read the shortcut lists for functions instead of
manually running them, to make nanogetstr() less complex, and
@ -99,22 +96,22 @@ CVS code -
control_mbrep(), control_wrep(), mbwidth(), mb_cur_max(),
make_mbchar(), mbstrlen(), mbstrnlen(), mbstrcasecmp(),
mbstrncasecmp(), mbstrcasestr(), and mbrevstrcasestr();
changes to help_init(), break_line(), is_byte() (moved to
chars.c), is_blank_char() (moved to chars.c), is_cntrl_char()
(moved to chars.c), nstricmp() (renamed nstrcasecmp() and
moved to chars.c), nstrnicmp() (renamed nstrncasecmp() and
moved to chars.c), nstristr() (renamed nstrcasestr() and moved
to chars.c), revstrstr() (moved to chars.c), revstristr()
(renamed revstrcasestr() and moved to chars.c), nstrnlen()
(moved to chars.c), parse_char() (renamed parse_mbchar() and
moved to chars.c), move_left() (renamed move_mbleft() and
moved to chars.c), move_right() (renamed move_mbright() and
moved to chars.c), do_home(), do_verbatim_input(),
do_delete(), do_tab(), do_enter(), indent_length(),
do_next_word(), do_prev_word(), do_wrap(), do_input(),
do_output(), is_whole_word(), strstrwrapper(), get_buffer(),
unget_input(), unget_kbinput(), get_input(), parse_kbinput(),
unparse_kbinput(), parse_verbatim_kbinput(),
changes to help_init(), do_wrap(), break_line(), is_byte()
(moved to chars.c), is_blank_char() (moved to chars.c),
is_cntrl_char() (moved to chars.c), nstricmp() (renamed
nstrcasecmp() and moved to chars.c), nstrnicmp() (renamed
nstrncasecmp() and moved to chars.c), nstristr() (renamed
nstrcasestr() and moved to chars.c), revstrstr() (moved to
chars.c), revstristr() (renamed revstrcasestr() and moved to
chars.c), nstrnlen() (moved to chars.c), parse_char() (renamed
parse_mbchar() and moved to chars.c), move_left() (renamed
move_mbleft() and moved to chars.c), move_right() (renamed
move_mbright() and moved to chars.c), do_home(),
do_verbatim_input(), do_delete(), do_tab(), do_enter(),
indent_length(), do_next_word(), do_prev_word(), do_wrap(),
do_input(), do_output(), is_whole_word(), strstrwrapper(),
get_buffer(), unget_input(), unget_kbinput(), get_input(),
parse_kbinput(), unparse_kbinput(), parse_verbatim_kbinput(),
do_statusbar_input(), do_statusbar_home(),
do_statusbar_verbatim_kbinput(), do_statusbar_output(),
do_help(), help_line_len(), and display_string(); removal of

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@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ TODO file (? means the feature may be implemented, but not definitely)
For version 1.4:
- UTF-8 support. [DONE except for edit window text wrapping and the
NO_CONVERT flag, which should allow editing UTF-8 as raw bytes.]
- UTF-8 support. [DONE except for the NO_CONVERT flag, which should
allow editing UTF-8 as raw bytes.]
- Support for paragraph searches. [DONE]
- Support for justifying the entire file at once. [DONE]
- Support for filename searches in the file browser.

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@ -1565,198 +1565,203 @@ void wrap_reset(void)
/* We wrap the given line. Precondition: we assume the cursor has been
* moved forward since the last typed character. Return value: whether
* we wrapped. */
bool do_wrap(filestruct *inptr)
bool do_wrap(filestruct *line)
size_t len = strlen(inptr->data);
size_t line_len = strlen(line->data);
/* Length of the line we wrap. */
size_t i = 0;
/* Generic loop variable. */
ssize_t wrap_loc = -1;
/* Index of inptr->data where we wrap. */
ssize_t word_back = -1;
/* Index of line->data where we wrap. */
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
const char *indentation = NULL;
const char *indent_string = NULL;
/* Indentation to prepend to the new line. */
size_t indent_len = 0; /* strlen(indentation) */
size_t indent_len = 0; /* The length of indent_string. */
const char *after_break; /* Text after the wrap point. */
size_t after_break_len; /* strlen(after_break) */
const char *after_break; /* The text after the wrap point. */
size_t after_break_len; /* The length of after_break. */
bool wrapping = FALSE; /* Do we prepend to the next line? */
const char *wrap_line = NULL;
const char *next_line = NULL;
/* The next line, minus indentation. */
size_t wrap_line_len = 0; /* strlen(wrap_line) */
char *newline = NULL; /* The line we create. */
size_t new_line_len = 0; /* Eventual length of newline. */
size_t next_line_len = 0; /* The length of next_line. */
char *new_line = NULL; /* The line we create. */
size_t new_line_len = 0; /* The eventual length of new_line. */
/* There are three steps. First, we decide where to wrap. Then, we
* create the new wrap line. Finally, we clean up. */
/* There are three steps. First, we decide where to wrap. Then, we
* create the new wrap line. Finally, we clean up. */
/* Step 1, finding where to wrap. We are going to add a new line
* after a whitespace character. In this step, we set wrap_loc as the
* location of this replacement.
* Where should we break the line? We need the last legal wrap point
* such that the last word before it ended at or before fill. If there
* is no such point, we settle for the first legal wrap point.
* A legal wrap point is a whitespace character that is not followed by
* whitespace.
* If there is no legal wrap point or we found the last character of the
* line, we should return without wrapping.
* Note that the initial indentation does not count as a legal wrap
* point if we are going to auto-indent!
* Note that the code below could be optimized, by not calling
* strnlenpt() so often. */
/* Step 1, finding where to wrap. We are going to add a new line
* after a blank character. In this step, we call break_line() to
* get the location of the last blank we can break the line at, and
* and set wrap_loc to the location of the character after it, so
* that the blank is preserved at the end of the line.
* If there is no legal wrap point, or we reach the last character
* of the line while trying to find one, we should return without
* wrapping. Note that if autoindent is turned on, we don't break
* at the end of it! */
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
i = indent_length(inptr->data);
wrap_line = inptr->data + i;
for (; i < len; i++, wrap_line++) {
/* Record where the last word ended. */
if (!is_blank_char(*wrap_line))
word_back = i;
/* If we have found a legal wrap point and the current word
* extends too far, then we stop. */
if (wrap_loc != -1 &&
strnlenpt(inptr->data, word_back + 1) > fill)
/* We record the latest legal wrap point. */
if (word_back != i && !is_blank_char(wrap_line[1]))
wrap_loc = i;
if (i == len)
/* Find the last blank where we can break the line. */
wrap_loc = break_line(line->data, fill, FALSE);
/* If we couldn't break the line, or we've reached the end of it, we
* don't wrap. */
if (wrap_loc == -1 || line->data[wrap_loc] == '\0')
return FALSE;
/* Otherwise, move forward to the character just after the blank. */
wrap_loc += move_mbright(line->data + wrap_loc, 0);
/* If we've reached the end of the line, we don't wrap. */
if (line->data[wrap_loc] == '\0')
return FALSE;
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
/* If autoindent is turned on, and we're on the character just after
* the indentation, we don't wrap. */
/* Get the indentation of this line. */
indent_string = line->data;
indent_len = indent_length(indent_string);
if (wrap_loc == indent_len)
return FALSE;
/* Step 2, making the new wrap line. It will consist of indentation
* + after_break + " " + wrap_line (although indentation and
* wrap_line are conditional on flags and #defines). */
* followed by the text after the wrap point, optionally followed by
* a space (if the text after the wrap point doesn't end in a blank)
* and the text of the next line, if they can fit without
* wrapping, the next line exists, and the same_line_wrap flag is
* set. */
/* after_break is the text that will be moved to the next line. */
after_break = inptr->data + wrap_loc + 1;
after_break_len = len - wrap_loc - 1;
/* after_break is the text that will be wrapped to the next line. */
after_break = line->data + wrap_loc;
after_break_len = line_len - wrap_loc;
assert(after_break_len == strlen(after_break));
assert(strlen(after_break) == after_break_len);
/* new_line_len will later be increased by the lengths of indentation
* and wrap_line. */
new_line_len = after_break_len;
/* We prepend the wrapped text to the next line, if the
* same_line_wrap flag is set, there is a next line, and prepending
* would not make the line too long. */
if (same_line_wrap && line->next != NULL) {
const char *end = after_break + move_mbleft(after_break,
/* We prepend the wrapped text to the next line, if the flag is set,
* and there is a next line, and prepending would not make the line
* too long. */
if (same_line_wrap && inptr->next) {
wrap_line = inptr->next->data;
wrap_line_len = strlen(wrap_line);
/* If after_break doesn't end in a blank, make sure it ends in a
* space. */
if (!is_blank_mbchar(end)) {
line->data = charealloc(line->data, line_len + 1);
line->data[line_len - 1] = ' ';
line->data[line_len] = '\0';
after_break = line->data + wrap_loc;
/* +1 for the space between after_break and wrap_line. */
if ((new_line_len + 1 + wrap_line_len) <= fill) {
next_line = line->next->data;
next_line_len = strlen(next_line);
if ((after_break_len + next_line_len) <= fill) {
wrapping = TRUE;
new_line_len += 1 + wrap_line_len;
new_line_len += next_line_len;
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
/* Indentation comes from the next line if wrapping, else from
* this line. */
indentation = wrapping ? wrap_line : inptr->data;
indent_len = indent_length(indentation);
if (wrapping)
/* The wrap_line text should not duplicate indentation.
* Note in this case we need not increase new_line_len. */
wrap_line += indent_len;
new_line_len += indent_len;
/* Now we allocate the new line and copy into it. */
newline = charalloc(new_line_len + 1); /* +1 for \0 */
new_line_len = 0;
*newline = '\0';
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
strncpy(newline, indentation, indent_len);
newline[indent_len] = '\0';
totsize += mbstrlen(newline);
new_line_len = indent_len;
strcat(newline, after_break);
/* new_line_len is now the length of the text that will be wrapped
* to the next line, plus (if we're prepending to it) the length of
* the text of the next line. */
new_line_len += after_break_len;
/* We end the old line after wrap_loc. Note that this does not eat
* the space. */
null_at(&inptr->data, wrap_loc + 1);
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
if (wrapping) {
/* If we're wrapping, the indentation will come from the
* next line. */
indent_string = next_line;
indent_len = indent_length(indent_string);
next_line += indent_len;
} else {
/* Otherwise, it will come from this line, in which case
* we should increase new_line_len to make room for it. */
new_line_len += indent_len;
totsize += mbstrnlen(indent_string, indent_len);
/* Now we allocate the new line and copy the text into it. */
new_line = charalloc(new_line_len + 1);
new_line[0] = '\0';
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
/* Copy the indentation. */
charcpy(new_line, indent_string, indent_len);
new_line[indent_len] = '\0';
new_line_len += indent_len;
/* Copy all the text after the wrap point of the current line. */
strcat(new_line, after_break);
/* Break the current line at the wrap point. */
null_at(&line->data, wrap_loc);
if (wrapping) {
/* In this case, totsize increases by 1 since we add a space
* between after_break and wrap_line. If the line already ends
* in a tab or a space, we don't add a space and decrement
* totsize to account for that. */
if (!is_blank_char(newline[new_line_len - 1]))
strcat(newline, " ");
strcat(newline, wrap_line);
inptr->next->data = newline;
/* If we're wrapping, copy the text from the next line, minus
* the indentation that we already copied above. */
strcat(new_line, next_line);
line->next->data = new_line;
} else {
filestruct *temp = (filestruct *)nmalloc(sizeof(filestruct));
/* Otherwise, make a new line and copy the text after where we
* broke this line to the beginning of the new line. */
splice_node(current, make_new_node(current), current->next);
current->next->data = new_line;
temp->data = newline;
temp->prev = inptr;
temp->next = inptr->next;
temp->prev->next = temp;
/* If temp->next is NULL, then temp is the last line of the
* file, so we must set filebot. */
if (temp->next != NULL)
temp->next->prev = temp;
filebot = temp;
/* Step 3, clean up. Here we reposition the cursor and mark, and do
* some other sundry things. */
/* Step 3, clean up. Reposition the cursor and mark, and do some
* other sundry things. */
/* Later wraps of this line will be prepended to the next line. */
/* Set the same_line_wrap flag, so that later wraps of this line
* will be prepended to the next line. */
same_line_wrap = TRUE;
/* Each line knows its line number. We recalculate these if we
* inserted a new line. */
if (!wrapping)
/* If the cursor was after the break point, we must move it. */
/* If the cursor was after the break point, we must move it. We
* also clear the same_line_wrap flag in this case. */
if (current_x > wrap_loc) {
same_line_wrap = FALSE;
current = current->next;
current_x -=
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
-indent_len +
wrap_loc + 1;
placewewant = xplustabs();
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
/* If the mark was on this line after the wrap point, we move it
* down. If it was on the next line and we wrapped, we move it
* right. */
if (mark_beginbuf == inptr && mark_beginx > wrap_loc) {
mark_beginbuf = inptr->next;
* down. If it was on the next line and we wrapped onto that line,
* we move it right. */
if (mark_beginbuf == line && mark_beginx > wrap_loc) {
mark_beginbuf = line->next;
mark_beginx -= wrap_loc - indent_len + 1;
} else if (wrapping && mark_beginbuf == inptr->next)
} else if (wrapping && mark_beginbuf == line->next)
mark_beginx += after_break_len;
#endif /* !NANO_SMALL */
return TRUE;
@ -2323,14 +2328,13 @@ void do_spell(void)
#endif /* !DISABLE_SPELLER */
#if !defined(DISABLE_HELP) || !defined(DISABLE_JUSTIFY)
#if !defined(DISABLE_HELP) || !defined(DISABLE_JUSTIFY) || !defined(DISABLE_WRAPPING)
/* We are trying to break a chunk off line. We find the last blank such
* that the display length to there is at most goal + 1. If there is no
* such blank, and force is TRUE, then we find the first blank. Anyway,
* we then take the last blank in that group of blanks. The terminating
* '\0' counts as a blank, as does a '\n' if newline is TRUE. */
ssize_t break_line(const char *line, ssize_t goal, bool newline, bool
* such blank, then we find the first blank. We then take the last
* blank in that group of blanks. The terminating '\0' counts as a
* blank, as does a '\n' if newline is TRUE. */
ssize_t break_line(const char *line, ssize_t goal, bool newline)
ssize_t blank_loc = -1;
/* Current tentative return value. Index of the last blank we
@ -2364,25 +2368,22 @@ ssize_t break_line(const char *line, ssize_t goal, bool newline, bool
if (blank_loc == -1) {
/* No blank was found that was short enough. */
if (force) {
bool found_blank = FALSE;
bool found_blank = FALSE;
while (*line != '\0') {
line_len = parse_mbchar(line, NULL, NULL, NULL);
while (*line != '\0') {
line_len = parse_mbchar(line, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (is_blank_mbchar(line) ||
(newline && *line == '\n')) {
if (!found_blank)
found_blank = TRUE;
} else if (found_blank)
return cur_loc - line_len;
if (is_blank_mbchar(line) || (newline && *line == '\n')) {
if (!found_blank)
found_blank = TRUE;
} else if (found_blank)
return cur_loc - line_len;
line += line_len;
cur_loc += line_len;
return -1;
line += line_len;
cur_loc += line_len;
return -1;
/* Move to the last blank after blank_loc, if there is one. */
@ -2401,7 +2402,7 @@ ssize_t break_line(const char *line, ssize_t goal, bool newline, bool
return blank_loc;
#if !defined(NANO_SMALL) || !defined(DISABLE_JUSTIFY)
/* The "indentation" of a line is the whitespace between the quote part
@ -3091,8 +3092,7 @@ void do_justify(bool full_justify)
/* If this line is too long, try to wrap it to the next line
* to make it short enough. */
break_pos = break_line(current->data + indent_len,
fill - strnlenpt(current->data, indent_len), FALSE,
fill - strnlenpt(current->data, indent_len), FALSE);
/* We can't break the line, or don't need to, so get out. */
if (break_pos == -1 || break_pos + indent_len == line_len)

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@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ void do_mark(void);
void wrap_reset(void);
bool do_wrap(filestruct *inptr);
bool do_wrap(filestruct *line);
bool do_int_spell_fix(const char *word);
@ -413,9 +413,8 @@ const char *do_int_speller(const char *tempfile_name);
const char *do_alt_speller(char *tempfile_name);
void do_spell(void);
#if !defined(DISABLE_HELP) || !defined(DISABLE_JUSTIFY)
ssize_t break_line(const char *line, ssize_t goal, bool newline, bool
#if !defined(DISABLE_HELP) || !defined(DISABLE_JUSTIFY) || !defined(DISABLE_WRAPPING)
ssize_t break_line(const char *line, ssize_t goal, bool newline);
#if !defined(NANO_SMALL) || !defined(DISABLE_JUSTIFY)
size_t indent_length(const char *line);

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@ -3832,7 +3832,7 @@ size_t help_line_len(const char *ptr)
/* Try to break the line at (COLS - 8) columns if we have more than
* 80 columns, and at 72 columns otherwise. */
size_t retval = break_line(ptr, help_cols, TRUE, TRUE);
size_t retval = break_line(ptr, help_cols, TRUE);
size_t retval_save = retval;
/* Get the length of the entire line up to a null or a newline. */