display: highlight the ">"/"<" continuation characters in reverse video

To make it obvious that they are not actual characters in the file.

The default highlighting is in reverse video, but this can be changed
to bold by using --bold or 'set boldtext'.

This fulfills https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?55571.
Этот коммит содержится в:
Benno Schulenberg 2019-02-12 16:16:29 +01:00
родитель 6d34b8a5cd
Коммит 252bb60036

Просмотреть файл

@ -2776,10 +2776,16 @@ int update_line(filestruct *fileptr, size_t index)
edit_draw(fileptr, converted, row, from_col);
if (from_col > 0)
if (from_col > 0) {
wattron(edit, hilite_attribute);
mvwaddch(edit, row, margin, '<');
if (strlenpt(fileptr->data) > from_col + editwincols)
wattroff(edit, hilite_attribute);
if (strlenpt(fileptr->data) > from_col + editwincols) {
wattron(edit, hilite_attribute);
mvwaddch(edit, row, COLS - 1, '>');
wattroff(edit, hilite_attribute);
if (spotlighted && !inhelp)
spotlight(light_from_col, light_to_col);