docs: remove from the FAQ some items that are no longer relevant
Этот коммит содержится в:
@ -33,24 +33,18 @@
<a href="#3.7">3.7. Tell me more about this multibuffer stuff!</a><br>
<a href="#3.8">3.8. Tell me more about this verbatim input stuff!</a><br>
<a href="#3.9a">3.9a. How do I make a .nanorc file that nano will read when I start it?</a><br>
<a href="#3.9b">3.9b. How about in Win32?</a>
<h3><a href="#4">4. Running</a></h3>
<a href="#4.1">4.1. How do I open a file with a name beginning with '+' from the command line?</a><br>
<a href="#4.2">4.2. Ack! My Backspace/Delete/Enter/Meta/double bucky key doesn't seem to work! What can I do?</a><br>
<a href="#4.3">4.3. Ack! My numeric keypad's keys don't work properly when NumLock is off! What can I do?</a><br>
<a href="#4.4">4.4. Ack! When I hold down a Meta key combination for a while, the character of the held key gets inserted now and then. What gives?</a><br>
<a href="#4.5">4.5. How do I type the F13-F16 keys listed in the help viewer? My keyboard only has F1-F12!</a><br>
<a href="#4.6">4.6. nano crashes when I type <insert keystrokes here>!</a><br>
<a href="#4.7">4.7. nano crashes when I resize my window. How can I fix that?</a><br>
<a href="#4.8a">4.8a. With what keystroke can I paste text from the clipboard into nano?</a><br>
<a href="#4.8b">4.8b. When I paste text into a document, each line gets indented further than the last. Why? And how can I stop this?</a><br>
<a href="#4.8c">4.8c. When I paste from Windows into a remote nano, nano rewraps the lines. What gives?<a><br>
<a href="#4.9">4.9. I've compiled nano with color support, but I don't see any color when I run it!</a><br>
<a href="#4.10">4.10. How do I make nano my default editor (in Pine, mutt, etc.)?</a><br>
<a href="#4.11">4.11. How do I select text for or paste text from the clipboard in an X terminal when I'm running nano in one and nano's mouse support is turned on?</a><br>
<a href="#4.12">4.12. On startup I get a message that says "Detected a legacy nano history file". Now older nano versions can't find my search history!</a>
<h3><a href="#5">5. Internationalization</a></h3>
@ -173,10 +167,6 @@
<p>Alternatively, if Unicode support is enabled (see section <a href="#5.3">5.3</a>), you can press <b>Meta-V</b> and then type a six-digit hexadecimal code (from 000000 to 10FFFF, case-insensitive), and the character with the corresponding value will be inserted. The status bar will change to "Unicode Input: ......" when you do this.</p></blockquote>
<h3><a name="3.9a"></a>3.9a. How do I make a .nanorc file that will be read when I start nano?</h3>
<blockquote><p>It's not hard at all! But, your nano must <b>not</b> have been compiled with <b>--disable-nanorc</b>. Then simply copy the <b>sample.nanorc</b> that came with the nano source or your nano package (most likely in /usr/doc/nano) to .nanorc in your home directory. If you didn't get one, the syntax of the file is simple. Flags are turned on and off by using the words <b>set</b> and <b>unset</b> plus the long option name for the feature. For example, "set nowrap" or "set smarthome".</p></blockquote>
<h3><a name="3.9b"></a>3.9b. How about in Win32?</h3>
<blockquote><p>If you're using the official nano .zip file and have extracted all the files, you should take the file nano.rc and place it somewhere on your Win32 system (for example, if you have write permission to do so, at the top of C:\). Then you must create an Environment variable called HOME which points to the directory where you put nano.rc. In Windows XP, you can get to Environment variables by right-clicking "My Computer" either on the desktop or in the Start Menu, and selecting Properties. This should bring up the System Properties panel. Then click the Advanced Tab, and there should be a button called Environment Variables. Click that to bring up the Environment Variables section. Now, under User Variables you should be able to click the New button, and make a new Variables Name called HOME, with the Variable Value of whatever path you copied nano.rc into (just the directory name; don't add nano.rc onto the end).</p>
<p>We're still working on documentation for enabling syntax highlighting on Win32; please bear with us.</p>
<p>Note that the nano.rc file must remain Unix-formatted in order for nano to understand it. In other words, you should probably use only nano to edit its config file. Other programs like Wordpad and Notepad will convert the file to DOS format when saving, and the latter does not even properly read Unix-formatted files to begin with.</p></blockquote>
<hr width="100%">
<h1><a name="4"></a>4. Running</h1>
@ -193,14 +183,6 @@
C Shell users (tcsh and csh): <b>setenv TERM vt100</b></p></blockquote>
<h3><a name="4.3"></a>4.3. Ack! My numeric keypad's keys don't work properly when NumLock is off! What can I do?</h3>
<blockquote><p>You can use the <b>-K</b> or <b>--rawsequences</b> option on the command line, or add the line <b>set rawsequences</b> to your .nanorc. However, nano's mouse support will be disabled if you do any of these things.</p></blockquote>
<h3><a name="4.4"></a>4.4. Ack! When I hold down a Meta key combination for a while, the character of the held key gets inserted now and then. What gives?</h3>
<blockquote><p>This was a bug in how nano handled consecutive escape sequences. It should be fixed since version 2.6.0.</p></blockquote>
<h3><a name="4.5"></a>4.5. How do I type the F13-F16 keys listed in the help viewer? My keyboard only has F1-F12!</h3>
<blockquote><p>It depends on the terminal type you're using. On some terminals, such as the FreeBSD console, xterm, konsole, and gnome-terminal, Shift-F1 to Shift-F4 will generate F13 to F16. On other terminals, such as the Linux console, rxvt, and Eterm, Shift-F3 to Shift-F6 will generate F13 to F16.</p></blockquote>
<h3><a name="4.6"></a>4.6. nano crashes when I type <insert keystrokes here>!</h3>
<blockquote><p>If you aren't trying some bizarre keystroke combination with some bizarre $TERM entry, chances are you have found a bug. You are welcome to submit it to the <a href="">nano-devel</a> list or in the <a href="">bug tracker</a> on Savannah.</p></blockquote>
<h3><a name="4.7"></a>4.7. nano crashes when I resize my window. How can I fix that?</h3>
<blockquote><p>Older versions of nano had this problem. Please upgrade to version 2.7.0 or newer.</p></blockquote>
<h3><a name="4.8a"></a>4.8a. With what keystroke can I paste text from the clipboard into nano?</h3>
<blockquote><p>In most desktop environments <b>Shift+Insert</b> will paste the contents of the clipboard.</p></blockquote>
<h3><a name="4.8b"></a>4.8b. When I paste text into a document, each line gets indented further than the last. Why? And how can I stop this?</h3>
@ -224,10 +206,6 @@
<p>Again, replace x.y.z with the version of nano you use.</p></blockquote>
<h3><a name="4.11"></a>4.11. How do I select text for or paste text from the clipboard in an X terminal when I'm running nano in one and nano's mouse support is turned on?</h3>
<blockquote><p>Try holding down the Shift key and selecting or pasting the text as you normally would.</p></blockquote>
<h3><a name="4.12"></a>4.12. On startup I get a message that says "Detected a legacy nano history file". Now older nano versions can't find my search history!</h3>
<blockquote><p>In nano 2.3.0, cursor-position history was introduced, and both history files now reside in a .nano subdirectory in your home directory. A newer nano will move an existing search-history file to this new location so it can continue to be used. This means that if you then try and use an earlier version of nano, it will be unable to see your current search history. To fix this, run the following command:</p>
<p><b>ln -sf ~/.nano/search_history ~/.nano_history</b></p>
<p>The "migration service" (moving the search-history file to its new location) has been deleted from nano in late 2017, since version 2.9.0. The search-history and position-history files will now be looked for first in ~/.nano/ and, when not found there, then in ~/.local/share/nano/.</p></blockquote>
<hr width="100%">
<h1><a name="5"></a>5. Internationalization</h1>
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