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/** \file panel.h
* \brief Header: defines WPanel structure
#ifndef MC__PANEL_H
#define MC__PANEL_H
#include <inttypes.h> /* uintmax_t */
#include "lib/global.h" /* gboolean */
#include "lib/fs.h" /* MC_MAXPATHLEN */
#include "lib/strutil.h"
#include "lib/widget.h" /* Widget */
#include "lib/filehighlight.h"
#include "dir.h" /* dir_list */
/*** typedefs(not structures) and defined constants **********************************************/
#define PANEL(x) ((WPanel *)(x))
#define selection(p) (&(p->dir.list[p->selected]))
#define DEFAULT_USER_FORMAT "half type name | size | perm"
#define LIST_TYPES 4
#define UP_KEEPSEL ((char *) -1)
/*** enums ***************************************************************************************/
typedef enum
list_full, /* Name, size, perm/date */
list_brief, /* Name */
list_long, /* Like ls -l */
list_user /* User defined */
} list_type_t;
typedef enum
frame_full, /* full screen frame */
frame_half /* half screen frame */
} panel_display_t;
typedef enum
} panel_update_flags_t;
/* selection flags */
typedef enum
} panel_select_flags_t;
/* run mode and params */
enum cd_enum
/*** structures declarations (and typedefs of structures)*****************************************/
struct format_e;
typedef struct panel_field_struct
const char *id;
int min_size;
gboolean expands;
align_crt_t default_just;
const char *hotkey;
const char *title_hotkey;
gboolean is_user_choice;
gboolean use_in_user_format;
const char *(*string_fn) (file_entry_t *, int);
GCompareFunc sort_routine; /* used by mouse_sort_col() */
} panel_field_t;
typedef struct
dir_list list;
vfs_path_t *root_vpath;
} panelized_panel_t;
typedef struct
Widget widget;
dir_list dir; /* Directory contents */
list_type_t list_type; /* listing type */
int active; /* If panel is currently selected */
vfs_path_t *cwd_vpath; /* Current Working Directory */
vfs_path_t *lwd_vpath; /* Last Working Directory */
GList *dir_history; /* directory history */
GList *dir_history_current; /* pointer to the current history item */
char *hist_name; /* directory history name for history file */
int marked; /* Count of marked files */
int dirs_marked; /* Count of marked directories */
uintmax_t total; /* Bytes in marked files */
int top_file; /* The file showed on the top of the panel */
int selected; /* Index to the selected file */
int list_cols; /* Number of file list columns */
int brief_cols; /* Number of columns in case of list_brief format */
gboolean is_panelized; /* Flag: special filelisting, can't reload */
panel_display_t frame_size; /* half or full frame */
char *filter; /* File name filter */
/* sort */
dir_sort_options_t sort_info;
const panel_field_t *sort_field;
int dirty; /* Should we redisplay the panel? */
gboolean user_mini_status; /* Is user_status_format used */
char *user_format; /* User format */
char *user_status_format[LIST_TYPES]; /* User format for status line */
struct format_e *format; /* Display format */
struct format_e *status_format; /* Mini status format */
int format_modified; /* If the format was changed this is set */
char *panel_name; /* The panel name */
struct stat dir_stat; /* Stat of current dir: used by execute () */
int codepage; /* panel codepage */
gboolean searching;
char search_buffer[MC_MAXFILENAMELEN];
char prev_search_buffer[MC_MAXFILENAMELEN];
char search_char[MB_LEN_MAX]; /*buffer for multibytes characters */
int search_chpoint; /*point after last characters in search_char */
int content_shift; /* Number of characters of filename need to skip from left side. */
int max_shift; /* Max shift for visible part of current panel */
} WPanel;
/*** global variables defined in .c file *********************************************************/
extern panelized_panel_t panelized_panel;
extern hook_t *select_file_hook;
extern mc_fhl_t *mc_filehighlight;
/*** declarations of public functions ************************************************************/
WPanel *panel_new_with_dir (const char *panel_name, const vfs_path_t * vpath);
void panel_clean_dir (WPanel * panel);
void panel_reload (WPanel * panel);
void panel_set_sort_order (WPanel * panel, const panel_field_t * sort_order);
void panel_re_sort (WPanel * panel);
void panel_change_encoding (WPanel * panel);
vfs_path_t *remove_encoding_from_path (const vfs_path_t * vpath);
void update_panels (panel_update_flags_t flags, const char *current_file);
int set_panel_formats (WPanel * p);
void try_to_select (WPanel * panel, const char *name);
void unmark_files (WPanel * panel);
void select_item (WPanel * panel);
void recalculate_panel_summary (WPanel * panel);
void file_mark (WPanel * panel, int idx, int val);
void do_file_mark (WPanel * panel, int idx, int val);
gboolean do_panel_cd (WPanel * panel, const vfs_path_t * new_dir_vpath, enum cd_enum cd_type);
gsize panel_get_num_of_sortable_fields (void);
char **panel_get_sortable_fields (gsize *);
const panel_field_t *panel_get_field_by_id (const char *);
const panel_field_t *panel_get_field_by_title (const char *);
const panel_field_t *panel_get_field_by_title_hotkey (const char *);
gsize panel_get_num_of_user_possible_fields (void);
char **panel_get_user_possible_fields (gsize *);
void panel_set_cwd (WPanel * panel, const vfs_path_t * vpath);
void panel_set_lwd (WPanel * panel, const vfs_path_t * vpath);
void panel_init (void);
void panel_deinit (void);
gboolean do_cd (const vfs_path_t * new_dir_vpath, enum cd_enum cd_type);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*** inline functions ****************************************************************************/
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Panel creation.
* @param panel_name the name of the panel for setup retieving
* @return new instance of WPanel
static inline WPanel *
panel_new (const char *panel_name)
return panel_new_with_dir (panel_name, NULL);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#endif /* MC__PANEL_H */