384 строки
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384 строки
11 KiB
#ifndef __VFS_H
#define __VFS_H
#if !defined(SCO_FLAVOR) || !defined(_SYS_SELECT_H)
# include <sys/time.h> /* alex: this redefines struct timeval */
#endif /* SCO_FLAVOR */
# include <utime.h>
struct utimbuf {
time_t actime;
time_t modtime;
#ifdef USE_VFS
#ifdef HAVE_MMAP
#include <sys/mman.h>
* We should really only allow /#ftp/ tree to export ftp, but midnight's users may
* like to be able to cd .. to get back where there were before ftp. How to solve?
* Ok, we'll allow /any/path/#ftp/ to access ftp tree. Broken, yes.
/* Our virtual file system layer */
typedef void * vfsid;
struct vfs_stamping;
typedef struct vfs {
struct vfs *next;
char *name; /* "FIles over SHell" */
int flags;
#define F_EXEC 1
#define F_NET 2
char *prefix; /* "#fish:" */
void *data; /* this is for filesystem's own use */
int verrno; /* can't use errno because glibc2 might define errno as function */
int (*init)(struct vfs *me); /* 1..initialized succesfully */
void (*done)(struct vfs *me);
void (*fill_names)(struct vfs *me, void (*)(char *));
int (*which)(struct vfs *me, char *path); /* Returns '-1' if this path does not belong to this filesystem */
void *(*open)(struct vfs *me, char *fname, int flags, int mode);
int (*close)(void *vfs_info);
int (*read)(void *vfs_info, char *buffer, int count);
int (*write)(void *vfs_info, char *buf, int count);
void *(*opendir)(struct vfs *me, char *dirname);
void *(*readdir)(void *vfs_info);
int (*closedir)(void *vfs_info);
int (*telldir)(void *vfs_info);
void (*seekdir)(void *vfs_info, int offset);
int (*stat)(struct vfs *me, char *path, struct stat *buf);
int (*lstat)(struct vfs *me, char *path, struct stat *buf);
int (*fstat)(void *vfs_info, struct stat *buf);
int (*chmod)(struct vfs *me, char *path, int mode);
int (*chown)(struct vfs *me, char *path, int owner, int group);
int (*utime)(struct vfs *me, char *path, struct utimbuf *times);
int (*readlink)(struct vfs *me, char *path, char *buf, int size);
int (*symlink)(struct vfs *me, char *n1, char *n2);
int (*link)(struct vfs *me, char *p1, char *p2);
int (*unlink)(struct vfs *me, char *path);
int (*rename)(struct vfs *me, char *p1, char *p2);
int (*chdir)(struct vfs *me, char *path);
int (*ferrno)(struct vfs *me);
int (*lseek)(void *vfs_info, off_t offset, int whence);
int (*mknod)(struct vfs *me, char *path, int mode, int dev);
vfsid (*getid)(struct vfs *me, char *path, struct vfs_stamping **parent);
int (*nothingisopen)(vfsid id);
void (*free)(vfsid id);
char *(*getlocalcopy)(struct vfs *me, char *filename);
void (*ungetlocalcopy)(struct vfs *me, char *filename, char *local, int has_changed);
int (*mkdir)(struct vfs *me, char *path, mode_t mode);
int (*rmdir)(struct vfs *me, char *path);
int (*ctl)(void *vfs_info, int ctlop, int arg);
int (*setctl)(struct vfs *me, char *path, int ctlop, char *arg);
#ifdef HAVE_MMAP
caddr_t (*mmap)(struct vfs *me, caddr_t addr, size_t len, int prot, int flags, void *vfs_info, off_t offset);
int (*munmap)(struct vfs *me, caddr_t addr, size_t len, void *vfs_info);
} vfs;
/* Other file systems */
extern vfs local_vfs_ops;
extern vfs tarfs_vfs_ops;
extern vfs ftpfs_vfs_ops;
extern vfs fish_vfs_ops;
extern vfs mcfs_vfs_ops;
extern vfs extfs_vfs_ops;
extern vfs sfs_vfs_ops;
extern vfs undelfs_vfs_ops;
struct vfs_stamping {
vfs *v;
vfsid id;
struct vfs_stamping *parent; /* At the moment applies to tarfs only */
struct vfs_stamping *next;
struct timeval time;
void vfs_init (void);
void vfs_shut (void);
extern int vfs_type_absolute;
vfs *vfs_type (char *path);
vfs *vfs_split (char *path, char **inpath, char **op);
vfsid vfs_ncs_getid (vfs *nvfs, char *dir, struct vfs_stamping **par);
void vfs_rm_parents (struct vfs_stamping *stamp);
char *vfs_path (char *path);
char *vfs_canon (char *path);
char *mc_get_current_wd (char *buffer, int bufsize);
int vfs_current_is_local (void);
int vfs_current_is_extfs (void);
int vfs_current_is_tarfs (void);
int vfs_file_is_local (char *name);
int vfs_file_is_ftp (char *filename);
char *vfs_get_current_dir (void);
void vfs_stamp (vfs *, vfsid);
void vfs_rmstamp (vfs *, vfsid, int);
void vfs_addstamp (vfs *, vfsid, struct vfs_stamping *);
void vfs_add_noncurrent_stamps (vfs *, vfsid, struct vfs_stamping *);
void vfs_add_current_stamps (void);
void vfs_free_resources(char *path);
void vfs_timeout_handler ();
int vfs_timeouts ();
void vfs_force_expire (char *pathname);
void vfs_fill_names (void (*)(char *));
/* Required for the vfs_canon routine */
char *tarfs_analysis (char *inname, char **archive, int is_dir);
void ftpfs_set_debug (char *file);
void ftpfs_hint_reread(int reread);
void ftpfs_flushdir(void);
# define ftpfs_flushdir()
# define ftpfs_hint_reread(x)
/* Only the routines outside of the VFS module need the emulation macros */
int mc_open (char *file, int flags, ...);
int mc_close (int handle);
int mc_read (int handle, char *buffer, int count);
int mc_write (int hanlde, char *buffer, int count);
off_t mc_lseek (int fd, off_t offset, int whence);
int mc_chdir (char *);
DIR *mc_opendir (char *dirname);
struct dirent *mc_readdir(DIR *dirp);
int mc_closedir (DIR *dir);
int mc_telldir (DIR *dir);
void mc_seekdir (DIR *dir, int offset);
int mc_stat (char *path, struct stat *buf);
int mc_lstat (char *path, struct stat *buf);
int mc_fstat (int fd, struct stat *buf);
int mc_chmod (char *path, int mode);
int mc_chown (char *path, int owner, int group);
int mc_utime (char *path, struct utimbuf *times);
int mc_readlink(char *path, char *buf, int bufsiz);
int mc_unlink (char *path);
int mc_symlink (char *name1, char *name2);
int mc_link (char *name1, char *name2);
int mc_mknod (char *, int, int);
int mc_rename (char *original, char *target);
int mc_write (int fd, char *buf, int nbyte);
int mc_rmdir (char *path);
int mc_mkdir (char *path, mode_t mode);
char *mc_getlocalcopy (char *filename);
void mc_ungetlocalcopy (char *filename, char *local, int has_changed);
char *mc_def_getlocalcopy (vfs *vfs, char *filename);
void mc_def_ungetlocalcopy (vfs *vfs, char *filename, char *local, int has_changed);
int mc_ctl (int fd, int ctlop, int arg);
int mc_setctl (char *path, int ctlop, char *arg);
#ifdef HAVE_MMAP
caddr_t mc_mmap (caddr_t, size_t, int, int, int, off_t);
int mc_unmap (caddr_t, size_t);
int mc_munmap (caddr_t addr, size_t len);
#endif /* HAVE_MMAP */
# define vfs_fill_names(x)
# define vfs_add_current_stamps()
# define vfs_current_is_local() 1
# define vfs_file_is_local(x) 1
# define vfs_file_is_ftp(x) 0
# define vfs_current_is_tarfs() 0
# define vfs_current_is_extfs() 0
# define vfs_path(x) x
# define mc_close close
# define mc_read read
# define mc_write write
# define mc_lseek lseek
# define mc_opendir opendir
# define mc_readdir readdir
# define mc_closedir closedir
# define mc_telldir telldir
# define mc_seekdir seekdir
# define mc_get_current_wd(x,size) get_current_wd (x, size)
# define mc_fstat fstat
# define mc_lstat lstat
# define mc_readlink readlink
# define mc_symlink symlink
# define mc_rename rename
#ifndef __os2__
# define mc_open open
# define mc_utime utime
# define mc_chmod chmod
# define mc_chown chown
# define mc_chdir chdir
# define mc_unlink unlink
# define mc_mmap mmap
# define mc_munmap munmap
# define mc_ctl(a,b,c) 0
# define mc_setctl(a,b,c)
# define mc_stat stat
# define mc_mknod mknod
# define mc_link link
# define mc_mkdir mkdir
# define mc_rmdir rmdir
# define is_special_prefix(x) 0
# define vfs_type(x) (vfs *)(NULL)
# define vfs_setup_wd()
# define vfs_init()
# define vfs_shut()
# define vfs_canon(p) strdup (canonicalize_pathname(p))
# define vfs_free_resources()
# define vfs_timeout_handler()
# define vfs_timeouts() 0
# define vfs_force_expire()
typedef int vfs;
# define mc_getlocalcopy(x) NULL
# define mc_ungetlocalcopy(x,y,z)
# define ftpfs_hint_reread(x)
# define ftpfs_flushdir()
#ifdef _OS_NT
# undef mc_rmdir
#ifdef OS2_NT
# undef mc_ctl
# undef mc_unlink
# define mc_ctl(a,b,c) 0
# ifndef __EMX__
# undef mc_mkdir
# define mc_mkdir(a,b) mkdir(a)
# endif
#endif /* USE_VFS */
#define mc_errno errno
int parse_ls_lga (char *p, struct stat *s, char **filename, char **linkname);
int split_text (char *p);
int parse_filetype (char c);
int parse_filemode (char *p);
int parse_filedate(int idx, time_t *t);
extern void vfs_die (char *msg);
extern char *vfs_get_password (char *msg);
void print_vfs_stats (char *fs_name, char *action, char *file_name, int have, int need);
#define MCCTL_FLUSHDIR 4 /* Unreferenced */
/* Return codes from the ${fs}_ctl routine */
#define MCERR_TARGETOPEN -1 /* Can't open target file */
#define MCERR_READ -2 /* Read error on source file */
#define MCERR_WRITE -3 /* Write error on target file */
#define MCERR_FINISH -4 /* Finished transfer */
#define MCERR_DATA_ON_STDIN -5 /* Data waiting on stdin to be processed */
extern int vfs_flags;
extern uid_t vfs_uid;
extern gid_t vfs_gid;
#define FL_NO_MCFS 2
#define FL_NO_FTPFS 4
#define FL_NO_UNDELFS 8
#define FL_NO_TARFS 16
#define FL_NO_EXTFS 32
#define FL_NO_SFS 64
#define FL_NO_FISH 128
#define FL_NO_CWDSETUP 0x40000000
extern void mc_vfs_init( void );
extern void mc_vfs_done( void );
#define ERRNOR(x,y) do { my_errno = x; return y; } while(0)
/* Midnight commander code should _not_ use other flags than those
listed above and O_APPEND */
#if (O_ALL & O_APPEND)
#warning Unexpected problem with flags, O_LINEAR disabled, contact pavel@ucw.cz
#define O_LINEAR 0
#define IS_LINEAR(a) 0
#define NO_LINEAR(a) a
#define IS_LINEAR(a) ((a) == (O_RDONLY | O_LINEAR))
#define NO_LINEAR(a) (((a) == (O_RDONLY | O_LINEAR)) ? O_RDONLY : (a))
/* O_LINEAR is strange beast, be carefull. If you open file asserting
* O_RDONLY | O_LINEAR, you promise:
* a) to read file linearily from beggining to the end
* b) not to open another file before you close this one
* (this will likely go away in future)
* O_LINEAR allows filesystems not to create temporary file in some
* cases (ftp transfer). -- pavel@ucw.cz
#define VFS_MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b) ? (a) : (b))
#define VFS_MAX(a,b) ((a)<(b) ? (b) : (a))
#ifdef HAVE_MMAP
#define MMAPNULL
#endif /* __VFS_H */