modarin256: a moderate-dark-independent 256-color skin for Midnight Commander. This skin is using colors independent from the default 16 terminal colors, i.e., no matter how the 16 standard colors are configured, the appearance of Midnight Commander will not be affected. There are 4 variants of this skin: modarin256 - default skin, no standard colors used. modarin256-defbg - like modarin256, but using the default background color for core, editor, viewer, menu and popupmenu backgrounds, for use with (semi-)transparent background colors. modarin256root modarin256root-defbg - like the other two skins, but for the root user, with red colors used instead of green colors for things like select/focus/statusbar etc., to keep reminding the user that mc is running as root. Fallback skins for 16-color terminals (poor man's skins): modarcon16 modarcon16-defbg modarcon16root modarcon16root-defbg - like everything running in a 16-color terminal, these skins look ugly and are no subsitute for the 256-color versions. As some terminals don't support using dark gray as background color, i used a black background and adjusted the remaining colors accordingly. Signed-off-by: Andrew Borodin <aborodin@vmail.ru>
26 строки
411 B
26 строки
411 B
skindir = $(pkgdatadir)/skins
skin_DATA = \
dark.ini \
darkfar.ini \
default.ini \
double-lines.ini \
featured.ini \
gotar.ini \
mc46.ini \
modarcon16-defbg.ini \
modarcon16.ini \
modarcon16root-defbg.ini \
modarcon16root.ini \
modarin256-defbg.ini \
modarin256.ini \
modarin256root-defbg.ini \
modarin256root.ini \
nicedark.ini \
sand256.ini \