For upload English hint-file to transifex, type: cd doc/hints/po && make to-transifex For download translation from Transifex type: cd doc/hints/po && make from-transifex && \ git add ../l10n/mc.hints.* && \ git commit -s -m 'Update hints files from Transifex' WARNING! For the functionality you should have installed 'tx' and 'po4a' utilities. These utilities isn't required for compile and install mc (you may install these utilities only if you want to interact with Transifex). Signed-off-by: Slava Zanko <slavazanko@gmail.com>
101 строка
3.1 KiB
101 строка
3.1 KiB
Aholkua: Erabili C-x t etiketatutako fitxategi izenak komando lerrora
Aholkua: Erabili C-x p uneko bide-izena komando lerrora kopiatzeko.
Hint: Completion: use M-Tab (or Esc+Tab). Type it twice to get a list.
Aholkua: Erabili M-p eta M-n komandoen historia atzitzeko.
Hint: Need to quote a character? Use Control-q and the character.
Hint: Tired of these messages? Turn them off from the Options/Layout menu.
Hint: Selecting directories: add a slash to the end of the matching pattern.
Aholkua: Zure terminalari funtzio teklak falta bazaizkio, erabili
Ihes+zenbakia sekuentzia.
Hint: GNU Midnight Commander-ren atariko orria:
Aholkua: Mesedez bidali akats txosten oro hona mc-devel@gnome.org
Hint: Tab changes your current panel.
Hint: VFS coolness: tap enter on a tar file to examine its contents.
Aholkua: Eskuliburu orrialde ederra ere badaukagu.
Aholkua: Lynx tankerako nabigazioa nahi duzu? Ezarri ezazu Konfigurazio
Hint: % macros work even on the command line.
Hint: M-! will allow you to execute programs and see the output in the
Hint: The file listing format can be customized; do "man mc" for details.
Hint: %D/%T expands to the tagged files in the opposite directory.
Aholkua: Zure shell soila nahi duzu? Sakatu C-o, eta itzuli MC-ra C-o berriz
Hint: Setting the CDPATH variable can save you keystrokes in cd commands.
Aholkua: Zure .* fitxategiak ikusi nahi badituzu, horrela adierazi
Konfigurazio elkarrizketan.
Aholkua: Zure *~backup fitxategiak ikusi nahi dituzu? Ezarri ezazu
Konfigurazio elkarrizketan.
Hint: Completion works on all input lines in all dialogs. Just press M-Tab.
Aholkua: Terminal moteletan -s banderak lagundu dezake.
Hint: Find File: you can work on the files found using the Panelize button.
Hint: Want to do complex searches? Use the External Panelize command.
Hint: To change directory halfway through typing a command, use M-c (quick
Note: Shell commands will not work when you are on a non-local file system.
Hint: Bring text back from the dead with C-y.
Hint: Are some of your keys not working? Look at Options/Learn keys.
Hint: To look at the output of a command in the viewer, use M-!
Hint: F13 (or Shift-F3) invokes the viewer in raw mode.
Aholkua: F4-rentzako editorea zehaztu dezakezu EDITOR shell aldagaiarekin.
Hint: You may specify the external viewer with the shell vars VIEWER or
Hint: You can disable all requests for confirmation in Options/Confirmation.
Hint: Leap to frequently used directories in a single bound with C-.
Hint: You can do anonymous FTP with mc by typing 'cd ftp://machine.edu'
Hint: FTP is built in the Midnight Commander, check the File/FTP link menu.
Hint: M-t changes quickly the listing mode.
Hint: You can specify the username when doing ftps: 'cd
Hint: You can browse RPM files by tapping enter on top of an rpm file.
Hint: To mark directories on the select dialog box, append a slash.
Aholkua: Saguaren ebaki eta itsatsi erabiltzeko maius tekla sakatu behar
izan dezakezu
Hint: Key frequently visited ftp sites in the hotlist: type C-.