191 строка
4.3 KiB
191 строка
4.3 KiB
#! @PERL@
# 1999 (c) Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@debian.org>
# This software is under GNU license
# last modification: 1999-12-08
# deba
sub bt
my ($dt) = @_;
my (@time);
@time = localtime($dt);
$bt = sprintf "%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d", $time[4], $time[3], $time[5], $time[2], $time[1];
return $bt;
sub ft
my ($f) = @_;
return "d" if -d $f;
return "l" if -l $f;
return "p" if -p $f;
return "S" if -S $f;
return "b" if -b $f;
return "c" if -c $f;
return "-";
sub fm
my ($n) = @_;
my ($m);
if( $n & 0400 ) {
$m .= "r";
} else {
$m .= "-";
if( $n & 0200 ) {
$m .= "w";
} else {
$m .= "-";
if( $n & 04000 ) {
$m .= "s";
} elsif( $n & 0100 ) {
$m .= "x";
} else {
$m .= "-";
if( $n & 0040 ) {
$m .= "r";
} else {
$m .= "-";
if( $n & 0020 ) {
$m .= "w";
} else {
$m .= "-";
if( $n & 02000 ) {
$m .= "s";
} elsif( $n & 0010 ) {
$m .= "x";
} else {
$m .= "-";
if( $n & 0004 ) {
$m .= "r";
} else {
$m .= "-";
if( $n & 0002 ) {
$m .= "w";
} else {
$m .= "-";
if( $n & 01000 ) {
$m .= "t";
} elsif( $n & 0001 ) {
$m .= "x";
} else {
$m .= "-";
return $m;
sub ls {
my ($file) = @_;
my @stat = stat($file);
# mode, nlink, uid, gid, size, mtime, filename
printf "%s%s %d %d %d %d %s CONTENTS%s\n", ft($file), fm($stat[2] & 07777),
$stat[3], $stat[4], $stat[5], $stat[7], bt($stat[9]), $file;
sub list
chop($date=`LC_ALL=C date "+%b %d %Y %H:%M"`);
chop($info_size=`apt-cache show $archive | wc -c`);
print "-r--r--r-- 1 root root $info_size $date INFO\n";
chop($debd = `dpkg -s $archive | grep -i ^Version | sed 's/^version: //i'`);
chop($deba = `apt-cache show $archive | grep -i ^Version | sed 's/^version: //i'`);
if( ! $debd ) {
print "-r-xr--r-- 1 root root $install_size $date INSTALL\n";
} elsif( $debd ne $deba ) {
print "-r-xr--r-- 1 root root $upgrade_size $date UPGRADE\n";
sub copyout
if($filename eq "INFO") {
system("apt-cache show $archive > $destfile");
} elsif($filename eq "INSTALL") {
if ( open(FILEOUT,">$destfile") ) {
print FILEOUT $pressinstall;
close FILEOUT;
system("chmod a+x $destfile");
} elsif($filename eq "UPGRADE") {
if ( open(FILEOUT,">$destfile") ) {
print FILEOUT $pressupgrade;
close FILEOUT;
system("chmod a+x $destfile");
} else {
die "extfs: $filename: No such file or directory\n";
sub run
if($filename eq "INSTALL") {
system("apt-get install $archive");
} elsif($filename eq "UPGRADE") {
system("apt-get install $archive");
} else {
die "extfs: $filename: Permission denied\n";
Don\'t use this method if you are not willing to install this package...
This is not a real file. It is a way to install the package you are browsing.
To install this package go back to the panel and press Enter on this file.
Don\'t use this method if you are not willing to upgrade this package...
This is not a real file. It is a way to upgrade the package you are browsing.
To upgrade this package go back to the panel and press Enter on this file.
umask 077;
chop($name = `if [ -f "$ARGV[1]" ]; then cat $ARGV[1]; else echo $ARGV[1]; fi`);
$name =~ s%.*/([0-9a-z.-]*)_.*%$1%;
exit 1 unless $name;
if($ARGV[0] eq "list") { &list($name); exit 0; }
elsif($ARGV[0] eq "copyout") { ©out($name,$ARGV[2],$ARGV[3]); exit 0; }
elsif($ARGV[0] eq "run") { &run($name,$ARGV[2]); exit 0; }
exit 1;