* screen.c (Xtry_to_select): Don't select a similar file when "name" can't be found in the panel (when deleting files the selection jumpped from the deleted "file" to a directory which started with the same character as "file", annoying). Strip known vfs suffixes from "name" before trying to select (I think Timur made this suggestion a few months ago). Know the vfs is mature enough to do this. * vfs/vfs.c (vfs_strip_suffix_from_filename): New function which strips known vfs suffixes from a filename and returns a malloced string which has to be freed. Possible improvement: strip vfs suffix from last path component. * vfs/extfs/*: added "umask 077" to every script.
50 строки
969 B
50 строки
969 B
#! /bin/sh
# Written by andrey joukov
# (C) 1996 2:5020/337.13@fidonet.org
# beta version 1.0
# NOTE: rar ver 2.0 by Eugene Roshal
# ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/pack
mcrarfs_list ()
$UNRAR v -c- $1 | @AWK@ -v uid=${UID-0} '
BEGIN { flag=0; date="JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec" }
/^-------/ { flag++; if (flag > 1) exit 0; next }
if (flag == 0) next
if (NF == 1) str = $1
else {
if (str ~ /^\^/)
str=substr(str, 2)
split($4, a, "-")
if (a[3] < 50)
a[3] = 2000 + a[3]
a[3] = 1900 + a[3]
if (index($6, "D") != 0)
if (index($6, ".") != 0)
printf "%s 1 %-8d %-8d %8d %3s %2d %4d %s %s\n", $6, uid, 0, $1, substr(date, (a[2]-1)*3+1, 3), a[1], a[3], $5, str
}' 2>/dev/null
mcrarfs_copyout ()
$UNRAR p -c- -inul $1 $2 > $3 2>/dev/null
umask 077
case "$1" in
list) mcrarfs_list $2; exit 0;;
copyout) mcrarfs_copyout $2 $3 $4; exit 0;;
exit 1