Egmont Koblinger 1aa16a0972 Ticket #3244: add viewbold and viewselected missing from some skins.
Change "black" and "white" to "rgb000" and "rgb555" when it's rendered
in bold, because the legacy 16 colors change their actual color in
addition to going bold in most of the terminals which is undesired.
Second, there was some unintended difference between the two gray skins
in the file type colors.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Borodin <aborodin@vmail.ru>
2014-09-02 15:32:36 +04:00

207 строки
5.8 KiB

# This skin demonstrates how to use 256 colors in mc.
# As a prerequisite, you will need to:
# 1) Have a terminal emulator that supports 256 colors (a few examples:
# xterm, Gnome terminal and other VTE derivatives, KDE's Konsole;
# iTerm for Mac OS X, PuTTY for Windows).
# 2) Adjust your TERM variable accordingly, e.g.: export TERM=xterm-256color
# Verify by running tput colors
# Each of the 256 colors has two names, you can use whichever you prefer.
# One possibility is to use the names "color0" to "color255" to access every
# color directly based on their number.
# The first 16 colors ("color0" to "color15") can also be specified by their
# names (these names are already being used by mc for 8/16 color terminals):
# black gray
# red brightred
# green brightgreen
# brown yellow
# blue brightblue
# magenta brightmagenta
# cyan brightcyan
# lightgray white
# Note that with 8/16 color terminal settings (such as TERM=xterm), colors
# of the second column can only be used for the foreground, and their actual
# interpretation varies across terminals. Some terminals show the colors
# from the first column instead (that is, you only have 8 colors), but make
# them bold. Others show the brighter version (16 foreground colors). Yet
# others make them bold and bright at the same time. Switching to 256 colors
# should end this ambiguity: you should have 16 separate colors according to
# their names, none of them are bold by default but any of them can be
# switched to bold, and all of them are available for background, too. This
# is the intended behavior, the actual behavior might vary across terminals.
# Colors of the 6x6x6 cube ("color16" to "color231") can alternatively be
# referred to as "rgb000" to "rgb555", all three digits ranging from 0 to 5,
# corresponding to the R, G and B color components.
# The 24 grayscale colors ("color232" to "color255") have the aliases "gray0"
# to "gray23".
# In addition to the 256 colors, the special word "default" means the
# default foreground or background color of your terminal, while "base" means
# mc's main colors. A missing value means falling back to the _default_ of the
# given section.
# Following the foreground and background colors, the third (optional) value
# can specify special attributes to enable. Valid values are bold, underline,
# reverse and blink. Append more with a plus sign, e.g. "underline+bold".
# Leaving the field empty makes it fall back to the attributes of _default_.
# Use any other word (e.g. "none") to prevent fallback and disable all flags.
description = Sand skin using 256 colors
256colors = true
horiz =
vert = │
lefttop = ┌
righttop = ┐
leftbottom = └
rightbottom = ┘
topmiddle = ┬
bottommiddle = ┴
leftmiddle = ├
rightmiddle = ┤
cross = ┼
dhoriz = ─
dvert = │
dlefttop = ┌
drighttop = ┐
dleftbottom = └
drightbottom = ┘
dtopmiddle = ┬
dbottommiddle = ┴
dleftmiddle = ├
drightmiddle = ┤
_default_ = black;rgb554
selected = ;rgb452
marked = rgb400
markselect = rgb400;rgb452
gauge = ;rgb452
input = ;rgb452
inputunchanged = gray;rgb452
inputmark = rgb452;gray
disabled = gray;rgb553
reverse = ;rgb452
commandlinemark = white;gray
header = red
_default_ = black;rgb553
dfocus = ;rgb452
dhotnormal = ;;underline
dhotfocus = ;rgb452;underline
dtitle = ;;underline
_default_ = rgb554;rgb320;bold
# "black" might change color when going bold, so use "rgb000" instead
errdfocus = rgb000;rgb452;bold
errdhotnormal = ;;bold+underline
errdhotfocus = rgb000;rgb452;bold+underline
errdtitle = ;;bold+underline
directory =
executable = rgb030
symlink = rgb202
hardlink =
# 404 Not Found :)
stalelink = rgb404
device = rgb231
special = rgb331
core = rgb430
temp = gray15
archive = rgb012
doc = rgb103
source = rgb310
media = rgb024
graph = rgb033
database = rgb421
_default_ = black;rgb452
menusel = ;rgb551
menuhot = ;;underline
menuhotsel = ;rgb551;underline
menuinactive =
_default_ = black;rgb553
menusel = ;rgb452;underline
menutitle = ;;underline
hotkey = black;rgb554
button = black;rgb452
_default_ = black;rgb452
_default_ = black;rgb553
helpitalic = green
helpbold = red
helplink = blue;;underline
helpslink = blue;;reverse
helptitle = ;;underline
_default_ = black;rgb554
editbold = rgb400
editmarked = ;rgb452
editwhitespace = rgb400;rgb553
editlinestate = ;rgb553
bookmark = ;rgb551
bookmarkfound = ;rgb530
editrightmargin = rgb400;rgb553
# editbg =
editframe = rgb530;
editframeactive = black;
editframedrag = rgb400;
window-state-char = ↕
window-close-char = ✕
_default_ = black;rgb554
# "black" might change color when going bold, so use "rgb000" instead
viewbold = rgb000;;bold
viewunderline = ;;underline
viewselected = rgb400;rgb452
added = ;rgb450
changedline = blue;rgb553
changednew = rgb400;rgb553
changed = ;rgb553
removed = ;rgb511
error = rgb554;rgb320
sort-sign-up =
sort-sign-down = ↓
hiddenfiles-sign-show =
hiddenfiles-sign-hide = ○
history-prev-item-sign = «
history-next-item-sign = »
history-show-list-sign = ^
filename-scroll-left-char = «
filename-scroll-right-char = »
first-vert-char =
last-vert-char = ↓
first-horiz-char = «
last-horiz-char = »
current-char = ■
background-char = ▒