Egmont Koblinger 38a6c44091 Ticket #3184: minor skin cleanups.
* Consistent indentation: All skins use now 4 spaces (the default of
mcedit). This makes it easier to copy-paste sections from one skin to
another, while maintaining consistency.
  * Spaces around the '=' sign. The version with spaces is more
readable, especially around double line characters.
  * Make the order of the sections consistent across all skins.
  * In [menu], swap the order of "menusel" and "menuhot" to make the
order consistent with the [dialog] and [error] sections.
  * Add the missing "helptitle" to sand256 skin. This is the only
functional change.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Borodin <aborodin@vmail.ru>
2014-03-16 17:07:49 +04:00

194 строки
4.1 KiB

# This is a 256 colors MidnightCommander color scheme
# based on the Xoria256 color scheme for the Vim editor
# (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2140)
# Note you'll need mc > 4.7.5 for this scheme to work (256 colors support)
# Hint: compile from the git repository
# Author : Alexander Glyzov (isee@inbox.ru)
# Last Change : Jan 11, 2011
# Special Thanks to Dmitriy Zotikov -- author of the Vim Xoria256 color scheme.
description = Xoria256
256colors = true
# [Lines]
# horiz = ─
# vert = │
# lefttop = ┌
# righttop = ┐
# leftbottom = └
# rightbottom = ┘
# topmiddle = ┬
# bottommiddle = ┴
# leftmiddle = ├
# rightmiddle = ┤
# cross = ┼
# dhoriz = ─
# dvert = │
# dlefttop = ┌
# drighttop = ┐
# dleftbottom = └
# drightbottom = ┘
# dtopmiddle = ┬
# dbottommiddle = ┴
# dleftmiddle = ├
# drightmiddle = ┤
horiz =
vert = │
lefttop = ┌
righttop = ┐
leftbottom = └
rightbottom = ┘
topmiddle = ┬
bottommiddle = ┴
leftmiddle = ├
rightmiddle = ┤
cross = ┼
dhoriz = ═
dvert = ║
dlefttop = ╔
drighttop = ╗
dleftbottom = ╚
drightbottom = ╝
dtopmiddle = ╤
dbottommiddle = ╧
dleftmiddle = ╟
drightmiddle = ╢
_default_ = color250;color234
selected = ;color60
marked = color228
markselect = color228;color60
reverse = color234;color250;
header = color180;;bold
gauge = white;black
input = color252;color60;bold
inputunchanged = color250;color60;bold
inputmark = color228;color236;bold
disabled = color244;color250
#inputhistory =
#commandhistory =
#commandlinemark = black;lightgray
_default_ = black;color250
dhotnormal = color88;;
dfocus = black;color73;
dhotfocus = color88;color73;
dtitle = color235;;bold
_default_ = white;red
errdfocus = black;lightgray
errdhotnormal = yellow;red
errdhotfocus = yellow;lightgray
errdtitle = yellow;red;bold
directory = ;;bold
executable = color114
symlink = color180
hardlink =
stalelink = rgb404
device = rgb231
special = rgb331
core = rgb430
temp = color239
archive = color174
doc = rgb033
source = color29
media = color110
graph = color182
database = color31
_default_ = black;color250
menusel = black;color73;
menuhot = color88;;
menuhotsel = color88;color73;
menuinactive = color244
_default_ = black;color250
menusel = black;color73
menutitle = ;;bold
button = black;color250
hotkey = color88;color181;bold
_default_ = black;color250
_default_ = black;color250
helpitalic = color88;;bold
helpbold = color235;;bold
helplink = color19;;
helpslink = black;color73;inverse
helptitle = color235;;bold
_default_ = color250;color234
editbold = ;;bold
editmarked = ;color60
editwhitespace = color236;color234
editlinestate = ;color235
bookmark = ;color239;
bookmarkfound = ;color239;bold
editrightmargin = color180;color235;bold
# editbg =
editframe = color244;
editframeactive = color250;
editframedrag = color73;
window-state-char = ↕
window-close-char = ✕
viewunderline = ;;underline
changedline = ;color60
changednew = black;color174
added = black;color181
changed = black;color151
removed = ;color235
folder = ;color60
error = rgb554;rgb320
sort-sign-up =
sort-sign-down = ↓
hiddenfiles-sign-show =
hiddenfiles-sign-hide = ○
history-prev-item-sign = «
history-next-item-sign = »
history-show-list-sign = ^
filename-scroll-left-char = «
filename-scroll-right-char = »
first-vert-char =
last-vert-char = ↓
first-horiz-char = «
last-horiz-char = »
current-char = ■
background-char = ▒