Leonard den Ottolander 37dae70964 * syntax/php.syntax: Reset the constant array in the script that generates
the keywords (remove duplicates). Also parse for constants in tables as the
type tagging is done inconsistently in the online PHP docs.
2005-11-20 14:42:01 +00:00

8408 строки
316 KiB

# PHP syntax file
# 2005-11-20 Leonard den Ottolander <leonard den ottolander nl>
# * regenerated from the docs at http://www.php.net
# 2005-04-16 Leonard den Ottolander <leonard den ottolander nl>
# * ' ' and " " context fixes
# 2004-09-04 Leonard den Ottolander <leonard * den ottolander nl>
# * function keywords regenerated from the docs at http://www.php.net
# * separated classes and methods
# * removed some cruft from ref.pcre.php that slipped through the script
# * added keyword for '->'
# 2003-12-25 Leonard den Ottolander <leonardjo hetnet nl>
# * function keywords generated from the docs at http://www.php.net
# 2002-06-01 Max Schedriviy <max@humgat.org>
# * many corrections from previous version
# 2001-09-17 Max Schedriviy <max@humgat.org>
# * completely rewritten
# Old version:
# kludges by Stephen Perez ;)
# (comment highlighting modifications (a la Emacs) by Paul Sheer) */
context default
# Control structures
keyword whole break brightmagenta
keyword whole case brightmagenta
keyword whole class brightmagenta
keyword whole continue brightmagenta
keyword whole declare brightmagenta
keyword whole default brightmagenta
keyword whole define brightmagenta
keyword whole do brightmagenta
keyword whole echo brightmagenta
keyword whole else brightmagenta
keyword whole elseif brightmagenta
keyword whole endif brightmagenta
keyword whole endwhile brightmagenta
keyword whole extends brightmagenta
keyword whole false brightmagenta
keyword whole for brightmagenta
keyword whole foreach brightmagenta
keyword whole function brightmagenta
keyword whole global brightmagenta
keyword whole if brightmagenta
keyword whole include brightmagenta
keyword whole include_once brightmagenta
keyword whole new brightmagenta
keyword whole require brightmagenta
keyword whole require_once brightmagenta
keyword whole return brightmagenta
keyword whole static brightmagenta
keyword whole switch brightmagenta
keyword whole true brightmagenta
keyword whole while brightmagenta
# .NET Functions
keyword whole dotnet_load yellow
# Apache-specific Functions
keyword whole apache_child_terminate yellow
keyword whole apache_get_modules yellow
keyword whole apache_get_version yellow
keyword whole apache_getenv yellow
keyword whole apache_lookup_uri yellow
keyword whole apache_note yellow
keyword whole apache_request_headers yellow
keyword whole apache_reset_timeout yellow
keyword whole apache_response_headers yellow
keyword whole apache_setenv yellow
keyword whole ascii2ebcdic yellow
keyword whole ebcdic2ascii yellow
keyword whole getallheaders yellow
keyword whole virtual yellow
# Alternative PHP Cache
keyword whole apc_cache_info yellow
keyword whole apc_clear_cache yellow
keyword whole apc_define_constants yellow
keyword whole apc_delete yellow
keyword whole apc_fetch yellow
keyword whole apc_load_constants yellow
keyword whole apc_sma_info yellow
keyword whole apc_store yellow
# Advanced PHP debugger
keyword whole apd_breakpoint yellow
keyword whole apd_callstack yellow
keyword whole apd_clunk yellow
keyword whole apd_continue yellow
keyword whole apd_croak yellow
keyword whole apd_dump_function_table yellow
keyword whole apd_dump_persistent_resources yellow
keyword whole apd_dump_regular_resources yellow
keyword whole apd_echo yellow
keyword whole apd_get_active_symbols yellow
keyword whole apd_set_pprof_trace yellow
keyword whole apd_set_session yellow
keyword whole apd_set_session_trace yellow
keyword whole apd_set_socket_session_trace yellow
keyword whole override_function yellow
keyword whole rename_function yellow
# Array Functions
keyword whole array yellow
keyword whole array_change_key_case yellow
keyword whole array_chunk yellow
keyword whole array_combine yellow
keyword whole array_count_values yellow
keyword whole array_diff yellow
keyword whole array_diff_assoc yellow
keyword whole array_diff_key yellow
keyword whole array_diff_uassoc yellow
keyword whole array_diff_ukey yellow
keyword whole array_fill yellow
keyword whole array_filter yellow
keyword whole array_flip yellow
keyword whole array_intersect yellow
keyword whole array_intersect_assoc yellow
keyword whole array_intersect_key yellow
keyword whole array_intersect_uassoc yellow
keyword whole array_intersect_ukey yellow
keyword whole array_key_exists yellow
keyword whole array_keys yellow
keyword whole array_map yellow
keyword whole array_merge yellow
keyword whole array_merge_recursive yellow
keyword whole array_multisort yellow
keyword whole array_pad yellow
keyword whole array_pop yellow
keyword whole array_product yellow
keyword whole array_push yellow
keyword whole array_rand yellow
keyword whole array_reduce yellow
keyword whole array_reverse yellow
keyword whole array_search yellow
keyword whole array_shift yellow
keyword whole array_slice yellow
keyword whole array_splice yellow
keyword whole array_sum yellow
keyword whole array_udiff yellow
keyword whole array_udiff_assoc yellow
keyword whole array_udiff_uassoc yellow
keyword whole array_uintersect yellow
keyword whole array_uintersect_assoc yellow
keyword whole array_uintersect_uassoc yellow
keyword whole array_unique yellow
keyword whole array_unshift yellow
keyword whole array_values yellow
keyword whole array_walk yellow
keyword whole array_walk_recursive yellow
keyword whole arsort yellow
keyword whole asort yellow
keyword whole compact yellow
keyword whole count yellow
keyword whole current yellow
keyword whole each yellow
keyword whole end yellow
keyword whole extract yellow
keyword whole in_array yellow
keyword whole key yellow
keyword whole krsort yellow
keyword whole ksort yellow
keyword whole list yellow
keyword whole natcasesort yellow
keyword whole natsort yellow
keyword whole next yellow
keyword whole pos yellow
keyword whole prev yellow
keyword whole range yellow
keyword whole reset yellow
keyword whole rsort yellow
keyword whole shuffle yellow
keyword whole sizeof yellow
keyword whole sort yellow
keyword whole uasort yellow
keyword whole uksort yellow
keyword whole usort yellow
# Array Functions constants
keyword whole CASE_LOWER white
keyword whole CASE_UPPER white
keyword whole COUNT_NORMAL white
keyword whole COUNT_RECURSIVE white
keyword whole EXTR_IF_EXISTS white
keyword whole EXTR_OVERWRITE white
keyword whole EXTR_PREFIX_ALL white
keyword whole EXTR_PREFIX_IF_EXISTS white
keyword whole EXTR_PREFIX_INVALID white
keyword whole EXTR_PREFIX_SAME white
keyword whole EXTR_REFS white
keyword whole EXTR_SKIP white
keyword whole SORT_ASC white
keyword whole SORT_DESC white
keyword whole SORT_LOCALE_STRING white
keyword whole SORT_NUMERIC white
keyword whole SORT_REGULAR white
keyword whole SORT_STRING white
# Aspell functions [deprecated]
keyword whole aspell_check yellow
keyword whole aspell_check_raw yellow
keyword whole aspell_new yellow
keyword whole aspell_suggest yellow
# BCMath Arbitrary Precision Mathematics Functions
keyword whole bcadd yellow
keyword whole bccomp yellow
keyword whole bcdiv yellow
keyword whole bcmod yellow
keyword whole bcmul yellow
keyword whole bcpow yellow
keyword whole bcpowmod yellow
keyword whole bcscale yellow
keyword whole bcsqrt yellow
keyword whole bcsub yellow
# PHP bytecode Compiler
keyword whole bcompiler_load yellow
keyword whole bcompiler_load_exe yellow
keyword whole bcompiler_parse_class yellow
keyword whole bcompiler_read yellow
keyword whole bcompiler_write_class yellow
keyword whole bcompiler_write_constant yellow
keyword whole bcompiler_write_exe_footer yellow
keyword whole bcompiler_write_file yellow
keyword whole bcompiler_write_footer yellow
keyword whole bcompiler_write_function yellow
keyword whole bcompiler_write_functions_from_file yellow
keyword whole bcompiler_write_header yellow
# Bzip2 Compression Functions
keyword whole bzclose yellow
keyword whole bzcompress yellow
keyword whole bzdecompress yellow
keyword whole bzerrno yellow
keyword whole bzerror yellow
keyword whole bzerrstr yellow
keyword whole bzflush yellow
keyword whole bzopen yellow
keyword whole bzread yellow
keyword whole bzwrite yellow
# Calendar Functions
keyword whole FrenchToJD yellow
keyword whole GregorianToJD yellow
keyword whole JDDayOfWeek yellow
keyword whole JDMonthName yellow
keyword whole JDToFrench yellow
keyword whole JDToGregorian yellow
keyword whole JDToJulian yellow
keyword whole JewishToJD yellow
keyword whole JulianToJD yellow
keyword whole cal_days_in_month yellow
keyword whole cal_from_jd yellow
keyword whole cal_info yellow
keyword whole cal_to_jd yellow
keyword whole easter_date yellow
keyword whole easter_days yellow
keyword whole jdtojewish yellow
keyword whole jdtounix yellow
keyword whole unixtojd yellow
# Calendar Functions constants
keyword whole CAL_DOW_DAYNO white
keyword whole CAL_DOW_LONG white
keyword whole CAL_DOW_SHORT white
keyword whole CAL_EASTER_ALWAYS_JULIAN white
keyword whole CAL_EASTER_DEFAULT white
keyword whole CAL_EASTER_ROMAN white
keyword whole CAL_FRENCH white
keyword whole CAL_GREGORIAN white
keyword whole CAL_JEWISH white
keyword whole CAL_JEWISH_ADD_ALAFIM white
keyword whole CAL_JEWISH_ADD_ALAFIM_GERESH white
keyword whole CAL_JEWISH_ADD_GERESHAYIM white
keyword whole CAL_JULIAN white
keyword whole CAL_MONTH_FRENCH white
keyword whole CAL_MONTH_GREGORIAN_LONG white
keyword whole CAL_MONTH_GREGORIAN_SHORT white
keyword whole CAL_MONTH_JEWISH white
keyword whole CAL_MONTH_JULIAN_LONG white
keyword whole CAL_MONTH_JULIAN_SHORT white
keyword whole CAL_NUM_CALS white
# CCVS API Functions [deprecated]
keyword whole ccvs_add yellow
keyword whole ccvs_auth yellow
keyword whole ccvs_command yellow
keyword whole ccvs_count yellow
keyword whole ccvs_delete yellow
keyword whole ccvs_done yellow
keyword whole ccvs_init yellow
keyword whole ccvs_lookup yellow
keyword whole ccvs_new yellow
keyword whole ccvs_report yellow
keyword whole ccvs_return yellow
keyword whole ccvs_reverse yellow
keyword whole ccvs_sale yellow
keyword whole ccvs_status yellow
keyword whole ccvs_textvalue yellow
keyword whole ccvs_void yellow
# Class/Object Functions
keyword whole call_user_method yellow
keyword whole call_user_method_array yellow
keyword whole class_exists yellow
keyword whole get_class yellow
keyword whole get_class_methods yellow
keyword whole get_class_vars yellow
keyword whole get_declared_classes yellow
keyword whole get_declared_interfaces yellow
keyword whole get_object_vars yellow
keyword whole get_parent_class yellow
keyword whole interface_exists yellow
keyword whole is_a yellow
keyword whole is_subclass_of yellow
keyword whole method_exists yellow
keyword whole property_exists yellow
# Classkit Functions
keyword whole classkit_import yellow
keyword whole classkit_method_add yellow
keyword whole classkit_method_copy yellow
keyword whole classkit_method_redefine yellow
keyword whole classkit_method_remove yellow
keyword whole classkit_method_rename yellow
# Classkit Functions constants
keyword whole CLASSKIT_ACC_PRIVATE white
keyword whole CLASSKIT_ACC_PROTECTED white
keyword whole CLASSKIT_ACC_PUBLIC white
# ClibPDF Functions
keyword whole cpdf_add_annotation yellow
keyword whole cpdf_add_outline yellow
keyword whole cpdf_arc yellow
keyword whole cpdf_begin_text yellow
keyword whole cpdf_circle yellow
keyword whole cpdf_clip yellow
keyword whole cpdf_close yellow
keyword whole cpdf_closepath yellow
keyword whole cpdf_closepath_fill_stroke yellow
keyword whole cpdf_closepath_stroke yellow
keyword whole cpdf_continue_text yellow
keyword whole cpdf_curveto yellow
keyword whole cpdf_end_text yellow
keyword whole cpdf_fill yellow
keyword whole cpdf_fill_stroke yellow
keyword whole cpdf_finalize yellow
keyword whole cpdf_finalize_page yellow
keyword whole cpdf_global_set_document_limits yellow
keyword whole cpdf_import_jpeg yellow
keyword whole cpdf_lineto yellow
keyword whole cpdf_moveto yellow
keyword whole cpdf_newpath yellow
keyword whole cpdf_open yellow
keyword whole cpdf_output_buffer yellow
keyword whole cpdf_page_init yellow
keyword whole cpdf_place_inline_image yellow
keyword whole cpdf_rect yellow
keyword whole cpdf_restore yellow
keyword whole cpdf_rlineto yellow
keyword whole cpdf_rmoveto yellow
keyword whole cpdf_rotate yellow
keyword whole cpdf_rotate_text yellow
keyword whole cpdf_save yellow
keyword whole cpdf_save_to_file yellow
keyword whole cpdf_scale yellow
keyword whole cpdf_set_action_url yellow
keyword whole cpdf_set_char_spacing yellow
keyword whole cpdf_set_creator yellow
keyword whole cpdf_set_current_page yellow
keyword whole cpdf_set_font yellow
keyword whole cpdf_set_font_directories yellow
keyword whole cpdf_set_font_map_file yellow
keyword whole cpdf_set_horiz_scaling yellow
keyword whole cpdf_set_keywords yellow
keyword whole cpdf_set_leading yellow
keyword whole cpdf_set_page_animation yellow
keyword whole cpdf_set_subject yellow
keyword whole cpdf_set_text_matrix yellow
keyword whole cpdf_set_text_pos yellow
keyword whole cpdf_set_text_rendering yellow
keyword whole cpdf_set_text_rise yellow
keyword whole cpdf_set_title yellow
keyword whole cpdf_set_viewer_preferences yellow
keyword whole cpdf_set_word_spacing yellow
keyword whole cpdf_setdash yellow
keyword whole cpdf_setflat yellow
keyword whole cpdf_setgray yellow
keyword whole cpdf_setgray_fill yellow
keyword whole cpdf_setgray_stroke yellow
keyword whole cpdf_setlinecap yellow
keyword whole cpdf_setlinejoin yellow
keyword whole cpdf_setlinewidth yellow
keyword whole cpdf_setmiterlimit yellow
keyword whole cpdf_setrgbcolor yellow
keyword whole cpdf_setrgbcolor_fill yellow
keyword whole cpdf_setrgbcolor_stroke yellow
keyword whole cpdf_show yellow
keyword whole cpdf_show_xy yellow
keyword whole cpdf_stringwidth yellow
keyword whole cpdf_stroke yellow
keyword whole cpdf_text yellow
keyword whole cpdf_translate yellow
# ClibPDF Functions constants
keyword whole CPDF_PL_1COLUMN white
keyword whole CPDF_PL_2LCOLUMN white
keyword whole CPDF_PL_2RCOLUMN white
keyword whole CPDF_PL_SINGLE white
keyword whole CPDF_PM_FULLSCREEN white
keyword whole CPDF_PM_NONE white
keyword whole CPDF_PM_OUTLINES white
keyword whole CPDF_PM_THUMBS white
# COM and .Net (Windows)
keyword whole com_addref yellow
keyword whole com_create_guid yellow
keyword whole com_event_sink yellow
keyword whole com_get yellow
keyword whole com_get_active_object yellow
keyword whole com_invoke yellow
keyword whole com_isenum yellow
keyword whole com_load yellow
keyword whole com_load_typelib yellow
keyword whole com_message_pump yellow
keyword whole com_print_typeinfo yellow
keyword whole com_propget yellow
keyword whole com_propput yellow
keyword whole com_propset yellow
keyword whole com_release yellow
keyword whole com_set yellow
keyword whole variant_abs yellow
keyword whole variant_add yellow
keyword whole variant_and yellow
keyword whole variant_cast yellow
keyword whole variant_cat yellow
keyword whole variant_cmp yellow
keyword whole variant_date_from_timestamp yellow
keyword whole variant_date_to_timestamp yellow
keyword whole variant_div yellow
keyword whole variant_eqv yellow
keyword whole variant_fix yellow
keyword whole variant_get_type yellow
keyword whole variant_idiv yellow
keyword whole variant_imp yellow
keyword whole variant_int yellow
keyword whole variant_mod yellow
keyword whole variant_mul yellow
keyword whole variant_neg yellow
keyword whole variant_not yellow
keyword whole variant_or yellow
keyword whole variant_pow yellow
keyword whole variant_round yellow
keyword whole variant_set yellow
keyword whole variant_set_type yellow
keyword whole variant_sub yellow
keyword whole variant_xor yellow
# COM and .Net (Windows) constants
keyword whole CLSCTX_ALL white
keyword whole CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER white
keyword whole CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER white
keyword whole CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER white
keyword whole CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER white
keyword whole CLSCTX_SERVER white
keyword whole CP_ACP white
keyword whole CP_MACCP white
keyword whole CP_OEMCP white
keyword whole CP_SYMBOL white
keyword whole CP_THREAD_ACP white
keyword whole CP_UTF7 white
keyword whole CP_UTF8 white
keyword whole DISP_E_DIVBYZERO white
keyword whole DISP_E_OVERFLOW white
keyword whole MK_E_UNAVAILABLE white
keyword whole NORM_IGNORECASE white
keyword whole NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE white
keyword whole NORM_IGNOREKASHIDA white
keyword whole NORM_IGNORENONSPACE white
keyword whole NORM_IGNORESYMBOLS white
keyword whole NORM_IGNOREWIDTH white
keyword whole VARCMP_EQ white
keyword whole VARCMP_GT white
keyword whole VARCMP_LT white
keyword whole VARCMP_NULL white
keyword whole VT_ARRAY white
keyword whole VT_BOOL white
keyword whole VT_BSTR white
keyword whole VT_BYREF white
keyword whole VT_CY white
keyword whole VT_DATE white
keyword whole VT_DECIMAL white
keyword whole VT_DISPATCH white
keyword whole VT_EMPTY white
keyword whole VT_ERROR white
keyword whole VT_I1 white
keyword whole VT_I2 white
keyword whole VT_I4 white
keyword whole VT_INT white
keyword whole VT_NULL white
keyword whole VT_R4 white
keyword whole VT_R8 white
keyword whole VT_UI1 white
keyword whole VT_UI2 white
keyword whole VT_UI4 white
keyword whole VT_UINT white
keyword whole VT_UNKNOWN white
keyword whole VT_VARIANT white
# Crack Functions
keyword whole crack_check yellow
keyword whole crack_closedict yellow
keyword whole crack_getlastmessage yellow
keyword whole crack_opendict yellow
# Character Type Functions
keyword whole ctype_alnum yellow
keyword whole ctype_alpha yellow
keyword whole ctype_cntrl yellow
keyword whole ctype_digit yellow
keyword whole ctype_graph yellow
keyword whole ctype_lower yellow
keyword whole ctype_print yellow
keyword whole ctype_punct yellow
keyword whole ctype_space yellow
keyword whole ctype_upper yellow
keyword whole ctype_xdigit yellow
# CURL, Client URL Library Functions
keyword whole curl_close yellow
keyword whole curl_copy_handle yellow
keyword whole curl_errno yellow
keyword whole curl_error yellow
keyword whole curl_exec yellow
keyword whole curl_getinfo yellow
keyword whole curl_init yellow
keyword whole curl_multi_add_handle yellow
keyword whole curl_multi_close yellow
keyword whole curl_multi_exec yellow
keyword whole curl_multi_getcontent yellow
keyword whole curl_multi_info_read yellow
keyword whole curl_multi_init yellow
keyword whole curl_multi_remove_handle yellow
keyword whole curl_multi_select yellow
keyword whole curl_setopt yellow
keyword whole curl_version yellow
# CURL, Client URL Library Functions constants
keyword whole CURLAUTH_ANY white
keyword whole CURLAUTH_ANYSAFE white
keyword whole CURLAUTH_BASIC white
keyword whole CURLAUTH_DIGEST white
keyword whole CURLAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE white
keyword whole CURLAUTH_NTLM white
keyword whole CURLCLOSEPOLICY_OLDEST white
keyword whole CURLE_ABORTED_BY_CALLBACK white
keyword whole CURLE_BAD_CALLING_ORDER white
keyword whole CURLE_BAD_CONTENT_ENCODING white
keyword whole CURLE_BAD_PASSWORD_ENTERED white
keyword whole CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT white
keyword whole CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST white
keyword whole CURLE_FAILED_INIT white
keyword whole CURLE_FILESIZE_EXCEEDED white
keyword whole CURLE_FILE_COULDNT_READ_FILE white
keyword whole CURLE_FTP_ACCESS_DENIED white
keyword whole CURLE_FTP_CANT_GET_HOST white
keyword whole CURLE_FTP_CANT_RECONNECT white
keyword whole CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_GET_SIZE white
keyword whole CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_RETR_FILE white
keyword whole CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_SET_ASCII white
keyword whole CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_SET_BINARY white
keyword whole CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_STOR_FILE white
keyword whole CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_USE_REST white
keyword whole CURLE_FTP_PORT_FAILED white
keyword whole CURLE_FTP_QUOTE_ERROR white
keyword whole CURLE_FTP_SSL_FAILED white
keyword whole CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_227_FORMAT white
keyword whole CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_PASS_REPLY white
keyword whole CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_PASV_REPLY white
keyword whole CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_SERVER_REPLY white
keyword whole CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_USER_REPLY white
keyword whole CURLE_FTP_WRITE_ERROR white
keyword whole CURLE_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND white
keyword whole CURLE_GOT_NOTHING white
keyword whole CURLE_HTTP_NOT_FOUND white
keyword whole CURLE_HTTP_PORT_FAILED white
keyword whole CURLE_HTTP_POST_ERROR white
keyword whole CURLE_HTTP_RANGE_ERROR white
keyword whole CURLE_LDAP_CANNOT_BIND white
keyword whole CURLE_LDAP_INVALID_URL white
keyword whole CURLE_LDAP_SEARCH_FAILED white
keyword whole CURLE_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND white
keyword whole CURLE_MALFORMAT_USER white
keyword whole CURLE_OBSOLETE white
keyword whole CURLE_OK white
keyword whole CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY white
keyword whole CURLE_PARTIAL_FILE white
keyword whole CURLE_READ_ERROR white
keyword whole CURLE_RECV_ERROR white
keyword whole CURLE_SEND_ERROR white
keyword whole CURLE_SHARE_IN_USE white
keyword whole CURLE_SSL_CACERT white
keyword whole CURLE_SSL_CERTPROBLEM white
keyword whole CURLE_SSL_CIPHER white
keyword whole CURLE_SSL_CONNECT_ERROR white
keyword whole CURLE_SSL_ENGINE_NOTFOUND white
keyword whole CURLE_SSL_ENGINE_SETFAILED white
keyword whole CURLE_SSL_PEER_CERTIFICATE white
keyword whole CURLE_TELNET_OPTION_SYNTAX white
keyword whole CURLE_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS white
keyword whole CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT white
keyword whole CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT_USER white
keyword whole CURLE_WRITE_ERROR white
keyword whole CURLFTPAUTH_DEFAULT white
keyword whole CURLFTPAUTH_SSL white
keyword whole CURLFTPAUTH_TLS white
keyword whole CURLINFO_CONNECT_TIME white
keyword whole CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE white
keyword whole CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL white
keyword whole CURLINFO_FILETIME white
keyword whole CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE white
keyword whole CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE white
keyword whole CURLINFO_NAMELOOKUP_TIME white
keyword whole CURLINFO_REDIRECT_COUNT white
keyword whole CURLINFO_REDIRECT_TIME white
keyword whole CURLINFO_REQUEST_SIZE white
keyword whole CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD white
keyword whole CURLINFO_SIZE_UPLOAD white
keyword whole CURLINFO_SPEED_DOWNLOAD white
keyword whole CURLINFO_SPEED_UPLOAD white
keyword whole CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME white
keyword whole CURLMSG_DONE white
keyword whole CURLM_BAD_EASY_HANDLE white
keyword whole CURLM_BAD_HANDLE white
keyword whole CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM white
keyword whole CURLM_INTERNAL_ERROR white
keyword whole CURLM_OK white
keyword whole CURLM_OUT_OF_MEMORY white
keyword whole CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER white
keyword whole CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER white
keyword whole CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE white
keyword whole CURLOPT_CAINFO white
keyword whole CURLOPT_CAPATH white
keyword whole CURLOPT_CLOSEPOLICY white
keyword whole CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT white
keyword whole CURLOPT_COOKIE white
keyword whole CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE white
keyword whole CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR white
keyword whole CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION white
keyword whole CURLOPT_CRLF white
keyword whole CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST white
keyword whole CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT white
keyword whole CURLOPT_DNS_USE_GLOBAL_CACHE white
keyword whole CURLOPT_EGDSOCKET white
keyword whole CURLOPT_ENCODING white
keyword whole CURLOPT_FAILONERROR white
keyword whole CURLOPT_FILE white
keyword whole CURLOPT_FILETIME white
keyword whole CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION white
keyword whole CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE white
keyword whole CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT white
keyword whole CURLOPT_FTPAPPEND white
keyword whole CURLOPT_FTPASCII white
keyword whole CURLOPT_FTPLISTONLY white
keyword whole CURLOPT_FTPPORT white
keyword whole CURLOPT_FTPSSLAUTH white
keyword whole CURLOPT_FTP_USE_EPRT white
keyword whole CURLOPT_FTP_USE_EPSV white
keyword whole CURLOPT_HEADER white
keyword whole CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION white
keyword whole CURLOPT_HTTP200ALIASES white
keyword whole CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH white
keyword whole CURLOPT_HTTPGET white
keyword whole CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER white
keyword whole CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION white
keyword whole CURLOPT_INFILE white
keyword whole CURLOPT_INFILESIZE white
keyword whole CURLOPT_INTERFACE white
keyword whole CURLOPT_KRB4LEVEL white
keyword whole CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT white
keyword whole CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME white
keyword whole CURLOPT_MAXCONNECTS white
keyword whole CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS white
keyword whole CURLOPT_MUTE white
keyword whole CURLOPT_NETRC white
keyword whole CURLOPT_NOBODY white
keyword whole CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS white
keyword whole CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL white
keyword whole CURLOPT_PASSWDFUNCTION white
keyword whole CURLOPT_PORT white
keyword whole CURLOPT_POST white
keyword whole CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS white
keyword whole CURLOPT_POSTQUOTE white
keyword whole CURLOPT_PROXY white
keyword whole CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH white
keyword whole CURLOPT_PROXYPORT white
keyword whole CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE white
keyword whole CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD white
keyword whole CURLOPT_PUT white
keyword whole CURLOPT_QUOTE white
keyword whole CURLOPT_RANDOM_FILE white
keyword whole CURLOPT_RANGE white
keyword whole CURLOPT_READFUNCTION white
keyword whole CURLOPT_REFERER white
keyword whole CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM white
keyword whole CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER white
keyword whole CURLOPT_SSLCERT white
keyword whole CURLOPT_SSLCERTPASSWD white
keyword whole CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE white
keyword whole CURLOPT_SSLENGINE white
keyword whole CURLOPT_SSLKEY white
keyword whole CURLOPT_SSLKEYPASSWD white
keyword whole CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE white
keyword whole CURLOPT_SSLVERSION white
keyword whole CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST white
keyword whole CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST white
keyword whole CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER white
keyword whole CURLOPT_STDERR white
keyword whole CURLOPT_TIMECONDITION white
keyword whole CURLOPT_TIMEOUT white
keyword whole CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE white
keyword whole CURLOPT_TRANSFERTEXT white
keyword whole CURLOPT_UPLOAD white
keyword whole CURLOPT_URL white
keyword whole CURLOPT_USERAGENT white
keyword whole CURLOPT_USERPWD white
keyword whole CURLOPT_VERBOSE white
keyword whole CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION white
keyword whole CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER white
keyword whole CURLPROXY_HTTP white
keyword whole CURLPROXY_SOCKS5 white
keyword whole CURLVERSION_NOW white
keyword whole CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0 white
keyword whole CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1 white
keyword whole CURL_HTTP_VERSION_NONE white
keyword whole CURL_NETRC_IGNORED white
keyword whole CURL_NETRC_OPTIONAL white
keyword whole CURL_NETRC_REQUIRED white
keyword whole CURL_VERSION_IPV6 white
keyword whole CURL_VERSION_KERBEROS4 white
keyword whole CURL_VERSION_LIBZ white
keyword whole CURL_VERSION_SSL white
# Cybercash Payment Functions
keyword whole cybercash_base64_decode yellow
keyword whole cybercash_base64_encode yellow
keyword whole cybercash_decr yellow
keyword whole cybercash_encr yellow
# Credit Mutuel CyberMUT functions
keyword whole cybermut_creerformulairecm yellow
keyword whole cybermut_creerreponsecm yellow
keyword whole cybermut_testmac yellow
# Cyrus IMAP administration Functions
keyword whole cyrus_authenticate yellow
keyword whole cyrus_bind yellow
keyword whole cyrus_close yellow
keyword whole cyrus_connect yellow
keyword whole cyrus_query yellow
keyword whole cyrus_unbind yellow
# Cyrus IMAP administration Functions constants
keyword whole CYRUS_CALLBACK_NOLITERAL white
keyword whole CYRUS_CALLBACK_NUMBERED white
# Date and Time Functions
keyword whole checkdate yellow
keyword whole date yellow
keyword whole date_default_timezone_get yellow
keyword whole date_default_timezone_set yellow
keyword whole date_sunrise yellow
keyword whole date_sunset yellow
keyword whole getdate yellow
keyword whole gettimeofday yellow
keyword whole gmdate yellow
keyword whole gmmktime yellow
keyword whole gmstrftime yellow
keyword whole idate yellow
keyword whole localtime yellow
keyword whole microtime yellow
keyword whole mktime yellow
keyword whole strftime yellow
keyword whole strptime yellow
keyword whole strtotime yellow
keyword whole time yellow
# Date and Time Functions constants
keyword whole DATE_ATOM white
keyword whole DATE_COOKIE white
keyword whole DATE_ISO8601 white
keyword whole DATE_RFC1036 white
keyword whole DATE_RFC1123 white
keyword whole DATE_RFC2822 white
keyword whole DATE_RFC822 white
keyword whole DATE_RFC850 white
keyword whole DATE_RSS white
keyword whole DATE_W3C white
# DB++ Functions
keyword whole dbplus_add yellow
keyword whole dbplus_aql yellow
keyword whole dbplus_chdir yellow
keyword whole dbplus_close yellow
keyword whole dbplus_curr yellow
keyword whole dbplus_errcode yellow
keyword whole dbplus_errno yellow
keyword whole dbplus_find yellow
keyword whole dbplus_first yellow
keyword whole dbplus_flush yellow
keyword whole dbplus_freealllocks yellow
keyword whole dbplus_freelock yellow
keyword whole dbplus_freerlocks yellow
keyword whole dbplus_getlock yellow
keyword whole dbplus_getunique yellow
keyword whole dbplus_info yellow
keyword whole dbplus_last yellow
keyword whole dbplus_lockrel yellow
keyword whole dbplus_next yellow
keyword whole dbplus_open yellow
keyword whole dbplus_prev yellow
keyword whole dbplus_rchperm yellow
keyword whole dbplus_rcreate yellow
keyword whole dbplus_rcrtexact yellow
keyword whole dbplus_rcrtlike yellow
keyword whole dbplus_resolve yellow
keyword whole dbplus_restorepos yellow
keyword whole dbplus_rkeys yellow
keyword whole dbplus_ropen yellow
keyword whole dbplus_rquery yellow
keyword whole dbplus_rrename yellow
keyword whole dbplus_rsecindex yellow
keyword whole dbplus_runlink yellow
keyword whole dbplus_rzap yellow
keyword whole dbplus_savepos yellow
keyword whole dbplus_setindex yellow
keyword whole dbplus_setindexbynumber yellow
keyword whole dbplus_sql yellow
keyword whole dbplus_tcl yellow
keyword whole dbplus_tremove yellow
keyword whole dbplus_undo yellow
keyword whole dbplus_undoprepare yellow
keyword whole dbplus_unlockrel yellow
keyword whole dbplus_unselect yellow
keyword whole dbplus_update yellow
keyword whole dbplus_xlockrel yellow
keyword whole dbplus_xunlockrel yellow
# Database (dbm-style) Abstraction Layer Functions
keyword whole dba_close yellow
keyword whole dba_delete yellow
keyword whole dba_exists yellow
keyword whole dba_fetch yellow
keyword whole dba_firstkey yellow
keyword whole dba_handlers yellow
keyword whole dba_insert yellow
keyword whole dba_key_split yellow
keyword whole dba_list yellow
keyword whole dba_nextkey yellow
keyword whole dba_open yellow
keyword whole dba_optimize yellow
keyword whole dba_popen yellow
keyword whole dba_replace yellow
keyword whole dba_sync yellow
# dBase Functions
keyword whole dbase_add_record yellow
keyword whole dbase_close yellow
keyword whole dbase_create yellow
keyword whole dbase_delete_record yellow
keyword whole dbase_get_header_info yellow
keyword whole dbase_get_record yellow
keyword whole dbase_get_record_with_names yellow
keyword whole dbase_numfields yellow
keyword whole dbase_numrecords yellow
keyword whole dbase_open yellow
keyword whole dbase_pack yellow
keyword whole dbase_replace_record yellow
# DBM Functions [deprecated]
keyword whole dblist yellow
keyword whole dbmclose yellow
keyword whole dbmdelete yellow
keyword whole dbmexists yellow
keyword whole dbmfetch yellow
keyword whole dbmfirstkey yellow
keyword whole dbminsert yellow
keyword whole dbmnextkey yellow
keyword whole dbmopen yellow
keyword whole dbmreplace yellow
# dbx Functions
keyword whole dbx_close yellow
keyword whole dbx_compare yellow
keyword whole dbx_connect yellow
keyword whole dbx_error yellow
keyword whole dbx_escape_string yellow
keyword whole dbx_fetch_row yellow
keyword whole dbx_query yellow
keyword whole dbx_sort yellow
# dbx Functions constants
keyword whole DBX_CMP_ASC white
keyword whole DBX_CMP_DESC white
keyword whole DBX_CMP_NATIVE white
keyword whole DBX_CMP_NUMBER white
keyword whole DBX_CMP_TEXT white
keyword whole DBX_COLNAMES_LOWERCASE white
keyword whole DBX_COLNAMES_UNCHANGED white
keyword whole DBX_COLNAMES_UPPERCASE white
keyword whole DBX_FBSQL white
keyword whole DBX_MSSQL white
keyword whole DBX_MYSQL white
keyword whole DBX_OCI8 white
keyword whole DBX_ODBC white
keyword whole DBX_PERSISTENT white
keyword whole DBX_PGSQL white
keyword whole DBX_RESULT_ASSOC white
keyword whole DBX_RESULT_INDEX white
keyword whole DBX_RESULT_INFO white
keyword whole DBX_RESULT_UNBUFFERED white
keyword whole DBX_SQLITE white
keyword whole DBX_SYBASECT white
# Direct IO Functions
keyword whole dio_close yellow
keyword whole dio_fcntl yellow
keyword whole dio_open yellow
keyword whole dio_read yellow
keyword whole dio_seek yellow
keyword whole dio_stat yellow
keyword whole dio_tcsetattr yellow
keyword whole dio_truncate yellow
keyword whole dio_write yellow
# Direct IO Functions constants
keyword whole F_DUPFD white
keyword whole F_GETFD white
keyword whole F_GETFL white
keyword whole F_GETLK white
keyword whole F_GETOWN white
keyword whole F_RDLCK white
keyword whole F_SETFL white
keyword whole F_SETLK white
keyword whole F_SETLKW white
keyword whole F_SETOWN white
keyword whole F_UNLCK white
keyword whole F_WRLCK white
keyword whole O_APPEND white
keyword whole O_ASYNC white
keyword whole O_CREAT white
keyword whole O_EXCL white
keyword whole O_NDELAY white
keyword whole O_NOCTTY white
keyword whole O_NONBLOCK white
keyword whole O_RDONLY white
keyword whole O_RDWR white
keyword whole O_SYNC white
keyword whole O_TRUNC white
keyword whole O_WRONLY white
keyword whole S_IRGRP white
keyword whole S_IROTH white
keyword whole S_IRUSR white
keyword whole S_IRWXG white
keyword whole S_IRWXO white
keyword whole S_IRWXU white
keyword whole S_IWGRP white
keyword whole S_IWOTH white
keyword whole S_IWUSR white
keyword whole S_IXGRP white
keyword whole S_IXOTH white
keyword whole S_IXUSR white
keyword whole c white
# Directory Functions
keyword whole chdir yellow
keyword whole chroot yellow
keyword whole closedir yellow
keyword whole getcwd yellow
keyword whole opendir yellow
keyword whole readdir yellow
keyword whole rewinddir yellow
keyword whole scandir yellow
# Directory Functions constants
keyword whole DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR white
keyword whole PATH_SEPARATOR white
# DOM Functions
keyword whole dom_import_simplexml yellow
# DOM Functions DOMAttr methods
keyword whole DOMAttr yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
keyword whole ->isId yellow
# DOM Functions DOMCharacterData methods
keyword whole DOMCharacterData yellow
keyword whole ->appendData yellow
keyword whole ->deleteData yellow
keyword whole ->insertData yellow
keyword whole ->replaceData yellow
keyword whole ->substringData yellow
# DOM Functions DOMComment methods
keyword whole DOMComment yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
# DOM Functions DOMDocument methods
keyword whole DOMDocument yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
keyword whole ->createAttribute yellow
keyword whole ->createAttributeNS yellow
keyword whole ->createCDATASection yellow
keyword whole ->createComment yellow
keyword whole ->createDocumentFragment yellow
keyword whole ->createElement yellow
keyword whole ->createElementNS yellow
keyword whole ->createEntityReference yellow
keyword whole ->createProcessingInstruction yellow
keyword whole ->createTextNode yellow
keyword whole ->getElementById yellow
keyword whole ->getElementsByTagName yellow
keyword whole ->getElementsByTagNameNS yellow
keyword whole ->importNode yellow
keyword whole ->load yellow
keyword whole ->loadHTML yellow
keyword whole ->loadHTMLFile yellow
keyword whole ->loadXML yellow
keyword whole ->normalize yellow
keyword whole ->relaxNGValidate yellow
keyword whole ->relaxNGValidateSource yellow
keyword whole ->save yellow
keyword whole ->saveHTML yellow
keyword whole ->saveHTMLFile yellow
keyword whole ->saveXML yellow
keyword whole ->schemaValidate yellow
keyword whole ->schemaValidateSource yellow
keyword whole ->validate yellow
keyword whole ->xinclude yellow
# DOM Functions DOMElement methods
keyword whole DOMElement yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
keyword whole ->getAttribute yellow
keyword whole ->getAttributeNS yellow
keyword whole ->getAttributeNode yellow
keyword whole ->getAttributeNodeNS yellow
keyword whole ->getElementsByTagName yellow
keyword whole ->getElementsByTagNameNS yellow
keyword whole ->hasAttribute yellow
keyword whole ->hasAttributeNS yellow
keyword whole ->removeAttribute yellow
keyword whole ->removeAttributeNS yellow
keyword whole ->removeAttributeNode yellow
keyword whole ->setAttribute yellow
keyword whole ->setAttributeNS yellow
keyword whole ->setAttributeNode yellow
keyword whole ->setAttributeNodeNS yellow
# DOM Functions DOMImplementation methods
keyword whole DOMImplementation yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
keyword whole ->createDocument yellow
keyword whole ->createDocumentType yellow
keyword whole ->hasFeature yellow
# DOM Functions DOMNamedNodeMap methods
keyword whole DOMNamedNodeMap yellow
keyword whole ->getNamedItem yellow
keyword whole ->getNamedItemNS yellow
keyword whole ->item yellow
# DOM Functions DOMNode methods
keyword whole DOMNode yellow
keyword whole ->appendChild yellow
keyword whole ->cloneNode yellow
keyword whole ->hasAttributes yellow
keyword whole ->hasChildNodes yellow
keyword whole ->insertBefore yellow
keyword whole ->isSameNode yellow
keyword whole ->isSupported yellow
keyword whole ->lookupNamespaceURI yellow
keyword whole ->lookupPrefix yellow
keyword whole ->normalize yellow
keyword whole ->removeChild yellow
keyword whole ->replaceChild yellow
# DOM Functions DOMNodelist methods
keyword whole DOMNodelist yellow
keyword whole ->item yellow
# DOM Functions DOMProcessingInstruction methods
keyword whole DOMProcessingInstruction yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
# DOM Functions DOMText methods
keyword whole DOMText yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
keyword whole ->isWhitespaceInElementContent yellow
keyword whole ->splitText yellow
# DOM Functions DOMXPath methods
keyword whole DOMXPath yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
keyword whole ->evaluate yellow
keyword whole ->query yellow
keyword whole ->registerNamespace yellow
# DOM Functions constants
keyword whole DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR white
keyword whole DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR white
keyword whole DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR white
keyword whole DOM_INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR white
keyword whole DOM_INVALID_ACCESS_ERR white
keyword whole DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR white
keyword whole DOM_INVALID_STATE_ERR white
keyword whole DOM_NAMESPACE_ERR white
keyword whole DOM_NOT_FOUND_ERR white
keyword whole DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR white
keyword whole DOM_NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR white
keyword whole DOM_SYNTAX_ERR white
keyword whole DOM_VALIDATION_ERR white
keyword whole DOM_WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR white
keyword whole XML_ATTRIBUTE_CDATA white
keyword whole XML_ATTRIBUTE_DECL_NODE white
keyword whole XML_ATTRIBUTE_ENTITY white
keyword whole XML_ATTRIBUTE_ID white
keyword whole XML_ATTRIBUTE_IDREF white
keyword whole XML_ATTRIBUTE_IDREFS white
keyword whole XML_ATTRIBUTE_NMTOKEN white
keyword whole XML_ATTRIBUTE_NMTOKENS white
keyword whole XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE white
keyword whole XML_ATTRIBUTE_NOTATION white
keyword whole XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE white
keyword whole XML_COMMENT_NODE white
keyword whole XML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE white
keyword whole XML_DOCUMENT_NODE white
keyword whole XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE white
keyword whole XML_DTD_NODE white
keyword whole XML_ELEMENT_DECL_NODE white
keyword whole XML_ELEMENT_NODE white
keyword whole XML_ENTITY_DECL_NODE white
keyword whole XML_ENTITY_NODE white
keyword whole XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE white
keyword whole XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE white
keyword whole XML_NAMESPACE_DECL_NODE white
keyword whole XML_NOTATION_NODE white
keyword whole XML_PI_NODE white
keyword whole XML_TEXT_NODE white
# DOM XML Functions
keyword whole domxml_new_doc yellow
keyword whole domxml_open_file yellow
keyword whole domxml_open_mem yellow
keyword whole domxml_version yellow
keyword whole domxml_xmltree yellow
keyword whole domxml_xslt_stylesheet yellow
keyword whole domxml_xslt_stylesheet_doc yellow
keyword whole domxml_xslt_stylesheet_file yellow
keyword whole domxml_xslt_version yellow
keyword whole xpath_eval yellow
keyword whole xpath_eval_expression yellow
keyword whole xpath_new_context yellow
keyword whole xpath_register_ns yellow
keyword whole xpath_register_ns_auto yellow
keyword whole xptr_eval yellow
keyword whole xptr_new_context yellow
# DOM XML Functions DomAttribute methods
keyword whole DomAttribute yellow
keyword whole ->name yellow
keyword whole ->set_value yellow
keyword whole ->specified yellow
keyword whole ->value yellow
# DOM XML Functions DomDocument methods
keyword whole DomDocument yellow
keyword whole ->add_root yellow
keyword whole ->create_attribute yellow
keyword whole ->create_cdata_section yellow
keyword whole ->create_comment yellow
keyword whole ->create_element yellow
keyword whole ->create_element_ns yellow
keyword whole ->create_entity_reference yellow
keyword whole ->create_processing_instruction yellow
keyword whole ->create_text_node yellow
keyword whole ->doctype yellow
keyword whole ->document_element yellow
keyword whole ->dump_file yellow
keyword whole ->dump_mem yellow
keyword whole ->get_element_by_id yellow
keyword whole ->get_elements_by_tagname yellow
keyword whole ->html_dump_mem yellow
keyword whole ->xinclude yellow
# DOM XML Functions DomDocumentType methods
keyword whole DomDocumentType yellow
keyword whole ->entities yellow
keyword whole ->internal_subset yellow
keyword whole ->name yellow
keyword whole ->notations yellow
keyword whole ->public_id yellow
keyword whole ->system_id yellow
# DOM XML Functions DomElement methods
keyword whole DomElement yellow
keyword whole ->get_attribute yellow
keyword whole ->get_attribute_node yellow
keyword whole ->get_elements_by_tagname yellow
keyword whole ->has_attribute yellow
keyword whole ->remove_attribute yellow
keyword whole ->set_attribute yellow
keyword whole ->tagname yellow
# DOM XML Functions DomNode methods
keyword whole DomNode yellow
keyword whole ->add_namespace yellow
keyword whole ->append_child yellow
keyword whole ->append_sibling yellow
keyword whole ->attributes yellow
keyword whole ->child_nodes yellow
keyword whole ->clone_node yellow
keyword whole ->dump_node yellow
keyword whole ->first_child yellow
keyword whole ->get_content yellow
keyword whole ->has_attributes yellow
keyword whole ->has_child_nodes yellow
keyword whole ->insert_before yellow
keyword whole ->is_blank_node yellow
keyword whole ->last_child yellow
keyword whole ->next_sibling yellow
keyword whole ->node_name yellow
keyword whole ->node_type yellow
keyword whole ->node_value yellow
keyword whole ->owner_document yellow
keyword whole ->parent_node yellow
keyword whole ->prefix yellow
keyword whole ->previous_sibling yellow
keyword whole ->remove_child yellow
keyword whole ->replace_child yellow
keyword whole ->replace_node yellow
keyword whole ->set_content yellow
keyword whole ->set_name yellow
keyword whole ->set_namespace yellow
keyword whole ->unlink_node yellow
# DOM XML Functions DomProcessingInstruction methods
keyword whole DomProcessingInstruction yellow
keyword whole ->data yellow
keyword whole ->target yellow
# DOM XML Functions DomXsltStylesheet methods
keyword whole DomXsltStylesheet yellow
keyword whole ->process yellow
keyword whole ->result_dump_file yellow
keyword whole ->result_dump_mem yellow
# DOM XML Functions constants
keyword whole XML_ATTRIBUTE_CDATA white
keyword whole XML_ATTRIBUTE_DECL_NODE white
keyword whole XML_ATTRIBUTE_ENTITY white
keyword whole XML_ATTRIBUTE_ID white
keyword whole XML_ATTRIBUTE_IDREF white
keyword whole XML_ATTRIBUTE_IDREFS white
keyword whole XML_ATTRIBUTE_NMTOKEN white
keyword whole XML_ATTRIBUTE_NMTOKENS white
keyword whole XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE white
keyword whole XML_ATTRIBUTE_NOTATION white
keyword whole XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE white
keyword whole XML_COMMENT_NODE white
keyword whole XML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE white
keyword whole XML_DOCUMENT_NODE white
keyword whole XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE white
keyword whole XML_DTD_NODE white
keyword whole XML_ELEMENT_DECL_NODE white
keyword whole XML_ELEMENT_NODE white
keyword whole XML_ENTITY_DECL_NODE white
keyword whole XML_ENTITY_NODE white
keyword whole XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE white
keyword whole XML_GLOBAL_NAMESPACE white
keyword whole XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE white
keyword whole XML_LOCAL_NAMESPACE white
keyword whole XML_NAMESPACE_DECL_NODE white
keyword whole XML_NOTATION_NODE white
keyword whole XML_PI_NODE white
keyword whole XML_TEXT_NODE white
keyword whole XPATH_BOOLEAN white
keyword whole XPATH_LOCATIONSET white
keyword whole XPATH_NODESET white
keyword whole XPATH_NUMBER white
keyword whole XPATH_POINT white
keyword whole XPATH_RANGE white
keyword whole XPATH_STRING white
keyword whole XPATH_UNDEFINED white
keyword whole XPATH_USERS white
# Error Handling and Logging Functions
keyword whole debug_backtrace yellow
keyword whole debug_print_backtrace yellow
keyword whole error_log yellow
keyword whole error_reporting yellow
keyword whole restore_error_handler yellow
keyword whole restore_exception_handler yellow
keyword whole set_error_handler yellow
keyword whole set_exception_handler yellow
keyword whole trigger_error yellow
keyword whole user_error yellow
# Error Handling and Logging Functions constants
keyword whole E_ALL white
keyword whole E_COMPILE_ERROR white
keyword whole E_COMPILE_WARNING white
keyword whole E_CORE_ERROR white
keyword whole E_CORE_WARNING white
keyword whole E_ERROR white
keyword whole E_NOTICE white
keyword whole E_PARSE white
keyword whole E_STRICT white
keyword whole E_USER_ERROR white
keyword whole E_USER_NOTICE white
keyword whole E_USER_WARNING white
keyword whole E_WARNING white
# Exif Functions
keyword whole exif_imagetype yellow
keyword whole exif_read_data yellow
keyword whole exif_tagname yellow
keyword whole exif_thumbnail yellow
keyword whole read_exif_data yellow
# Exif Functions constants
keyword whole EXIF_USE_MBSTRING white
# Expect Functions
keyword whole expect_expectl yellow
keyword whole expect_popen yellow
# Expect Functions constants
keyword whole EXP_EOF white
keyword whole EXP_EXACT white
keyword whole EXP_FULLBUFFER white
keyword whole EXP_GLOB white
keyword whole EXP_REGEXP white
keyword whole EXP_TIMEOUT white
# File Alteration Monitor Functions
keyword whole fam_cancel_monitor yellow
keyword whole fam_close yellow
keyword whole fam_monitor_collection yellow
keyword whole fam_monitor_directory yellow
keyword whole fam_monitor_file yellow
keyword whole fam_next_event yellow
keyword whole fam_open yellow
keyword whole fam_pending yellow
keyword whole fam_resume_monitor yellow
keyword whole fam_suspend_monitor yellow
# File Alteration Monitor Functions constants
keyword whole FAMAcknowledge white
keyword whole FAMChanged white
keyword whole FAMCreated white
keyword whole FAMDeleted white
keyword whole FAMEndExist white
keyword whole FAMExists white
keyword whole FAMMoved white
keyword whole FAMStartExecuting white
keyword whole FAMStopExecuting white
# Forms Data Format Functions
keyword whole fdf_add_doc_javascript yellow
keyword whole fdf_add_template yellow
keyword whole fdf_close yellow
keyword whole fdf_create yellow
keyword whole fdf_enum_values yellow
keyword whole fdf_errno yellow
keyword whole fdf_error yellow
keyword whole fdf_get_ap yellow
keyword whole fdf_get_attachment yellow
keyword whole fdf_get_encoding yellow
keyword whole fdf_get_file yellow
keyword whole fdf_get_flags yellow
keyword whole fdf_get_opt yellow
keyword whole fdf_get_status yellow
keyword whole fdf_get_value yellow
keyword whole fdf_get_version yellow
keyword whole fdf_header yellow
keyword whole fdf_next_field_name yellow
keyword whole fdf_open yellow
keyword whole fdf_open_string yellow
keyword whole fdf_remove_item yellow
keyword whole fdf_save yellow
keyword whole fdf_save_string yellow
keyword whole fdf_set_ap yellow
keyword whole fdf_set_encoding yellow
keyword whole fdf_set_file yellow
keyword whole fdf_set_flags yellow
keyword whole fdf_set_javascript_action yellow
keyword whole fdf_set_on_import_javascript yellow
keyword whole fdf_set_opt yellow
keyword whole fdf_set_status yellow
keyword whole fdf_set_submit_form_action yellow
keyword whole fdf_set_target_frame yellow
keyword whole fdf_set_value yellow
keyword whole fdf_set_version yellow
# Forms Data Format Functions constants
keyword whole FDFAA white
keyword whole FDFAP white
keyword whole FDFAPRef white
keyword whole FDFAS white
keyword whole FDFAction white
keyword whole FDFCalculate white
keyword whole FDFClearFf white
keyword whole FDFClrF white
keyword whole FDFDown white
keyword whole FDFDownAP white
keyword whole FDFEnter white
keyword whole FDFExit white
keyword whole FDFFf white
keyword whole FDFFile white
keyword whole FDFFlags white
keyword whole FDFFormat white
keyword whole FDFID white
keyword whole FDFIF white
keyword whole FDFKeystroke white
keyword whole FDFNormalAP white
keyword whole FDFRolloverAP white
keyword whole FDFSetF white
keyword whole FDFSetFf white
keyword whole FDFStatus white
keyword whole FDFUp white
keyword whole FDFValidate white
keyword whole FDFValue white
# filePro Functions
keyword whole filepro yellow
keyword whole filepro_fieldcount yellow
keyword whole filepro_fieldname yellow
keyword whole filepro_fieldtype yellow
keyword whole filepro_fieldwidth yellow
keyword whole filepro_retrieve yellow
keyword whole filepro_rowcount yellow
# Filesystem Functions
keyword whole basename yellow
keyword whole chgrp yellow
keyword whole chmod yellow
keyword whole chown yellow
keyword whole clearstatcache yellow
keyword whole copy yellow
keyword whole delete yellow
keyword whole dirname yellow
keyword whole disk_free_space yellow
keyword whole disk_total_space yellow
keyword whole diskfreespace yellow
keyword whole fclose yellow
keyword whole feof yellow
keyword whole fflush yellow
keyword whole fgetc yellow
keyword whole fgetcsv yellow
keyword whole fgets yellow
keyword whole fgetss yellow
keyword whole file yellow
keyword whole file_exists yellow
keyword whole file_get_contents yellow
keyword whole file_put_contents yellow
keyword whole fileatime yellow
keyword whole filectime yellow
keyword whole filegroup yellow
keyword whole fileinode yellow
keyword whole filemtime yellow
keyword whole fileowner yellow
keyword whole fileperms yellow
keyword whole filesize yellow
keyword whole filetype yellow
keyword whole flock yellow
keyword whole fnmatch yellow
keyword whole fopen yellow
keyword whole fpassthru yellow
keyword whole fputcsv yellow
keyword whole fputs yellow
keyword whole fread yellow
keyword whole fscanf yellow
keyword whole fseek yellow
keyword whole fstat yellow
keyword whole ftell yellow
keyword whole ftruncate yellow
keyword whole fwrite yellow
keyword whole glob yellow
keyword whole is_dir yellow
keyword whole is_executable yellow
keyword whole is_file yellow
keyword whole is_link yellow
keyword whole is_readable yellow
keyword whole is_uploaded_file yellow
keyword whole is_writable yellow
keyword whole is_writeable yellow
keyword whole link yellow
keyword whole linkinfo yellow
keyword whole lstat yellow
keyword whole mkdir yellow
keyword whole move_uploaded_file yellow
keyword whole parse_ini_file yellow
keyword whole pathinfo yellow
keyword whole pclose yellow
keyword whole popen yellow
keyword whole readfile yellow
keyword whole readlink yellow
keyword whole realpath yellow
keyword whole rename yellow
keyword whole rewind yellow
keyword whole rmdir yellow
keyword whole set_file_buffer yellow
keyword whole stat yellow
keyword whole symlink yellow
keyword whole tempnam yellow
keyword whole tmpfile yellow
keyword whole touch yellow
keyword whole umask yellow
keyword whole unlink yellow
# Filesystem Functions constants
keyword whole FILE_APPEND white
keyword whole FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES white
keyword whole FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES white
keyword whole FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH white
keyword whole GLOB_BRACE white
keyword whole GLOB_MARK white
keyword whole GLOB_NOCHECK white
keyword whole GLOB_NOESCAPE white
keyword whole GLOB_NOSORT white
keyword whole GLOB_ONLYDIR white
keyword whole PATHINFO_BASENAME white
keyword whole PATHINFO_DIRNAME white
keyword whole PATHINFO_EXTENSION white
# Firebird/InterBase Functions
keyword whole ibase_add_user yellow
keyword whole ibase_affected_rows yellow
keyword whole ibase_backup yellow
keyword whole ibase_blob_add yellow
keyword whole ibase_blob_cancel yellow
keyword whole ibase_blob_close yellow
keyword whole ibase_blob_create yellow
keyword whole ibase_blob_echo yellow
keyword whole ibase_blob_get yellow
keyword whole ibase_blob_import yellow
keyword whole ibase_blob_info yellow
keyword whole ibase_blob_open yellow
keyword whole ibase_close yellow
keyword whole ibase_commit yellow
keyword whole ibase_commit_ret yellow
keyword whole ibase_connect yellow
keyword whole ibase_db_info yellow
keyword whole ibase_delete_user yellow
keyword whole ibase_drop_db yellow
keyword whole ibase_errcode yellow
keyword whole ibase_errmsg yellow
keyword whole ibase_execute yellow
keyword whole ibase_fetch_assoc yellow
keyword whole ibase_fetch_object yellow
keyword whole ibase_fetch_row yellow
keyword whole ibase_field_info yellow
keyword whole ibase_free_event_handler yellow
keyword whole ibase_free_query yellow
keyword whole ibase_free_result yellow
keyword whole ibase_gen_id yellow
keyword whole ibase_maintain_db yellow
keyword whole ibase_modify_user yellow
keyword whole ibase_name_result yellow
keyword whole ibase_num_fields yellow
keyword whole ibase_num_params yellow
keyword whole ibase_param_info yellow
keyword whole ibase_pconnect yellow
keyword whole ibase_prepare yellow
keyword whole ibase_query yellow
keyword whole ibase_restore yellow
keyword whole ibase_rollback yellow
keyword whole ibase_rollback_ret yellow
keyword whole ibase_server_info yellow
keyword whole ibase_service_attach yellow
keyword whole ibase_service_detach yellow
keyword whole ibase_set_event_handler yellow
keyword whole ibase_timefmt yellow
keyword whole ibase_trans yellow
keyword whole ibase_wait_event yellow
# Firebird/InterBase Functions constants
keyword whole IBASE_BKP_CONVERT white
keyword whole IBASE_BKP_IGNORE_CHECKSUMS white
keyword whole IBASE_BKP_IGNORE_LIMBO white
keyword whole IBASE_BKP_METADATA_ONLY white
keyword whole IBASE_BKP_NO_GARBAGE_COLLECT white
keyword whole IBASE_BKP_OLD_DESCRIPTIONS white
keyword whole IBASE_COMMITTED white
keyword whole IBASE_CONCURRENCY white
keyword whole IBASE_CONSISTENCY white
keyword whole IBASE_DEFAULT white
keyword whole IBASE_FETCH_ARRAYS white
keyword whole IBASE_FETCH_BLOBS white
keyword whole IBASE_NOWAIT white
keyword whole IBASE_PRP_ACCESS_MODE white
keyword whole IBASE_PRP_ACTIVATE white
keyword whole IBASE_PRP_AM_READONLY white
keyword whole IBASE_PRP_AM_READWRITE white
keyword whole IBASE_PRP_DB_ONLINE white
keyword whole IBASE_PRP_PAGE_BUFFERS white
keyword whole IBASE_PRP_RES white
keyword whole IBASE_PRP_RESERVE_SPACE white
keyword whole IBASE_PRP_RES_USE_FULL white
keyword whole IBASE_PRP_SET_SQL_DIALECT white
keyword whole IBASE_PRP_SHUTDOWN_DB white
keyword whole IBASE_PRP_SWEEP_INTERVAL white
keyword whole IBASE_PRP_WM_ASYNC white
keyword whole IBASE_PRP_WM_SYNC white
keyword whole IBASE_PRP_WRITE_MODE white
keyword whole IBASE_READ white
keyword whole IBASE_REC_NO_VERSION white
keyword whole IBASE_REC_VERSION white
keyword whole IBASE_RES_CREATE white
keyword whole IBASE_RES_DEACTIVATE_IDX white
keyword whole IBASE_RES_NO_SHADOW white
keyword whole IBASE_RES_NO_VALIDITY white
keyword whole IBASE_RES_ONE_AT_A_TIME white
keyword whole IBASE_RES_REPLACE white
keyword whole IBASE_RES_USE_ALL_SPACE white
keyword whole IBASE_RPR_CHECK_DB white
keyword whole IBASE_RPR_FULL white
keyword whole IBASE_RPR_IGNORE_CHECKSUM white
keyword whole IBASE_RPR_KILL_SHADOWS white
keyword whole IBASE_RPR_MEND_DB white
keyword whole IBASE_RPR_SWEEP_DB white
keyword whole IBASE_RPR_VALIDATE_DB white
keyword whole IBASE_STS_DATA_PAGES white
keyword whole IBASE_STS_DB_LOG white
keyword whole IBASE_STS_HDR_PAGES white
keyword whole IBASE_STS_IDX_PAGES white
keyword whole IBASE_STS_SYS_RELATIONS white
keyword whole IBASE_SVC_GET_ENV white
keyword whole IBASE_SVC_GET_ENV_LOCK white
keyword whole IBASE_SVC_GET_ENV_MSG white
keyword whole IBASE_SVC_GET_USERS white
keyword whole IBASE_SVC_IMPLEMENTATION white
keyword whole IBASE_SVC_SERVER_VERSION white
keyword whole IBASE_SVC_SVR_DB_INFO white
keyword whole IBASE_SVC_USER_DBPATH white
keyword whole IBASE_TEXT white
keyword whole IBASE_UNIXTIME white
keyword whole IBASE_WAIT white
keyword whole IBASE_WRITE white
# Firebird/Interbase Functions (PDO_FIREBIRD)
# FriBiDi Functions
keyword whole fribidi_log2vis yellow
# FriBiDi Functions constants
keyword whole FRIBIDI_CHARSET_8859_6 white
keyword whole FRIBIDI_CHARSET_8859_8 white
keyword whole FRIBIDI_CHARSET_CP1255 white
keyword whole FRIBIDI_CHARSET_CP1256 white
keyword whole FRIBIDI_CHARSET_ISIRI_3342 white
keyword whole FRIBIDI_CHARSET_UTF8 white
# FrontBase Functions
keyword whole fbsql_affected_rows yellow
keyword whole fbsql_autocommit yellow
keyword whole fbsql_blob_size yellow
keyword whole fbsql_change_user yellow
keyword whole fbsql_clob_size yellow
keyword whole fbsql_close yellow
keyword whole fbsql_commit yellow
keyword whole fbsql_connect yellow
keyword whole fbsql_create_blob yellow
keyword whole fbsql_create_clob yellow
keyword whole fbsql_create_db yellow
keyword whole fbsql_data_seek yellow
keyword whole fbsql_database yellow
keyword whole fbsql_database_password yellow
keyword whole fbsql_db_query yellow
keyword whole fbsql_db_status yellow
keyword whole fbsql_drop_db yellow
keyword whole fbsql_errno yellow
keyword whole fbsql_error yellow
keyword whole fbsql_fetch_array yellow
keyword whole fbsql_fetch_assoc yellow
keyword whole fbsql_fetch_field yellow
keyword whole fbsql_fetch_lengths yellow
keyword whole fbsql_fetch_object yellow
keyword whole fbsql_fetch_row yellow
keyword whole fbsql_field_flags yellow
keyword whole fbsql_field_len yellow
keyword whole fbsql_field_name yellow
keyword whole fbsql_field_seek yellow
keyword whole fbsql_field_table yellow
keyword whole fbsql_field_type yellow
keyword whole fbsql_free_result yellow
keyword whole fbsql_get_autostart_info yellow
keyword whole fbsql_hostname yellow
keyword whole fbsql_insert_id yellow
keyword whole fbsql_list_dbs yellow
keyword whole fbsql_list_fields yellow
keyword whole fbsql_list_tables yellow
keyword whole fbsql_next_result yellow
keyword whole fbsql_num_fields yellow
keyword whole fbsql_num_rows yellow
keyword whole fbsql_password yellow
keyword whole fbsql_pconnect yellow
keyword whole fbsql_query yellow
keyword whole fbsql_read_blob yellow
keyword whole fbsql_read_clob yellow
keyword whole fbsql_result yellow
keyword whole fbsql_rollback yellow
keyword whole fbsql_select_db yellow
keyword whole fbsql_set_lob_mode yellow
keyword whole fbsql_set_password yellow
keyword whole fbsql_set_transaction yellow
keyword whole fbsql_start_db yellow
keyword whole fbsql_stop_db yellow
keyword whole fbsql_tablename yellow
keyword whole fbsql_username yellow
keyword whole fbsql_warnings yellow
# FrontBase Functions constants
keyword whole FBSQL_ASSOC white
keyword whole FBSQL_BOTH white
keyword whole FBSQL_ISO_READ_COMMITTED white
keyword whole FBSQL_ISO_READ_UNCOMMITTED white
keyword whole FBSQL_ISO_REPEATABLE_READ white
keyword whole FBSQL_ISO_SERIALIZABLE white
keyword whole FBSQL_ISO_VERSIONED white
keyword whole FBSQL_LOB_DIRECT white
keyword whole FBSQL_LOB_HANDLE white
keyword whole FBSQL_LOCK_DEFERRED white
keyword whole FBSQL_LOCK_OPTIMISTIC white
keyword whole FBSQL_LOCK_PESSIMISTIC white
keyword whole FBSQL_NOEXEC white
keyword whole FBSQL_NUM white
keyword whole FBSQL_RUNNING white
keyword whole FBSQL_STARTING white
keyword whole FBSQL_STOPPED white
keyword whole FBSQL_STOPPING white
keyword whole FBSQL_UNKNOWN white
# FTP Functions
keyword whole ftp_alloc yellow
keyword whole ftp_cdup yellow
keyword whole ftp_chdir yellow
keyword whole ftp_chmod yellow
keyword whole ftp_close yellow
keyword whole ftp_connect yellow
keyword whole ftp_delete yellow
keyword whole ftp_exec yellow
keyword whole ftp_fget yellow
keyword whole ftp_fput yellow
keyword whole ftp_get yellow
keyword whole ftp_get_option yellow
keyword whole ftp_login yellow
keyword whole ftp_mdtm yellow
keyword whole ftp_mkdir yellow
keyword whole ftp_nb_continue yellow
keyword whole ftp_nb_fget yellow
keyword whole ftp_nb_fput yellow
keyword whole ftp_nb_get yellow
keyword whole ftp_nb_put yellow
keyword whole ftp_nlist yellow
keyword whole ftp_pasv yellow
keyword whole ftp_put yellow
keyword whole ftp_pwd yellow
keyword whole ftp_quit yellow
keyword whole ftp_raw yellow
keyword whole ftp_rawlist yellow
keyword whole ftp_rename yellow
keyword whole ftp_rmdir yellow
keyword whole ftp_set_option yellow
keyword whole ftp_site yellow
keyword whole ftp_size yellow
keyword whole ftp_ssl_connect yellow
keyword whole ftp_systype yellow
# FTP Functions constants
keyword whole FTP_ASCII white
keyword whole FTP_AUTORESUME white
keyword whole FTP_AUTOSEEK white
keyword whole FTP_BINARY white
keyword whole FTP_FAILED white
keyword whole FTP_FINISHED white
keyword whole FTP_IMAGE white
keyword whole FTP_MOREDATA white
keyword whole FTP_TEXT white
keyword whole FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC white
# Function Handling Functions
keyword whole call_user_func yellow
keyword whole call_user_func_array yellow
keyword whole create_function yellow
keyword whole func_get_arg yellow
keyword whole func_get_args yellow
keyword whole func_num_args yellow
keyword whole function_exists yellow
keyword whole get_defined_functions yellow
keyword whole register_shutdown_function yellow
keyword whole register_tick_function yellow
keyword whole unregister_tick_function yellow
# Gettext
keyword whole bind_textdomain_codeset yellow
keyword whole bindtextdomain yellow
keyword whole dcgettext yellow
keyword whole dcngettext yellow
keyword whole dgettext yellow
keyword whole dngettext yellow
keyword whole gettext yellow
keyword whole ngettext yellow
keyword whole textdomain yellow
# GMP Functions
keyword whole gmp_abs yellow
keyword whole gmp_add yellow
keyword whole gmp_and yellow
keyword whole gmp_clrbit yellow
keyword whole gmp_cmp yellow
keyword whole gmp_com yellow
keyword whole gmp_div yellow
keyword whole gmp_div_q yellow
keyword whole gmp_div_qr yellow
keyword whole gmp_div_r yellow
keyword whole gmp_divexact yellow
keyword whole gmp_fact yellow
keyword whole gmp_gcd yellow
keyword whole gmp_gcdext yellow
keyword whole gmp_hamdist yellow
keyword whole gmp_init yellow
keyword whole gmp_intval yellow
keyword whole gmp_invert yellow
keyword whole gmp_jacobi yellow
keyword whole gmp_legendre yellow
keyword whole gmp_mod yellow
keyword whole gmp_mul yellow
keyword whole gmp_neg yellow
keyword whole gmp_or yellow
keyword whole gmp_perfect_square yellow
keyword whole gmp_popcount yellow
keyword whole gmp_pow yellow
keyword whole gmp_powm yellow
keyword whole gmp_prob_prime yellow
keyword whole gmp_random yellow
keyword whole gmp_scan0 yellow
keyword whole gmp_scan1 yellow
keyword whole gmp_setbit yellow
keyword whole gmp_sign yellow
keyword whole gmp_sqrt yellow
keyword whole gmp_sqrtrem yellow
keyword whole gmp_strval yellow
keyword whole gmp_sub yellow
keyword whole gmp_xor yellow
# GMP Functions constants
keyword whole GMP_ROUND_MINUSINF white
keyword whole GMP_ROUND_PLUSINF white
keyword whole GMP_ROUND_ZERO white
# Net_Gopher
keyword whole gopher_parsedir yellow
# HTTP Functions
keyword whole header yellow
keyword whole headers_list yellow
keyword whole headers_sent yellow
keyword whole setcookie yellow
keyword whole setrawcookie yellow
# Hyperwave Functions
keyword whole hw_Array2Objrec yellow
keyword whole hw_Children yellow
keyword whole hw_ChildrenObj yellow
keyword whole hw_Close yellow
keyword whole hw_Connect yellow
keyword whole hw_Deleteobject yellow
keyword whole hw_DocByAnchor yellow
keyword whole hw_DocByAnchorObj yellow
keyword whole hw_Document_Attributes yellow
keyword whole hw_Document_BodyTag yellow
keyword whole hw_Document_Content yellow
keyword whole hw_Document_SetContent yellow
keyword whole hw_Document_Size yellow
keyword whole hw_EditText yellow
keyword whole hw_Error yellow
keyword whole hw_ErrorMsg yellow
keyword whole hw_Free_Document yellow
keyword whole hw_GetAnchors yellow
keyword whole hw_GetAnchorsObj yellow
keyword whole hw_GetAndLock yellow
keyword whole hw_GetChildColl yellow
keyword whole hw_GetChildCollObj yellow
keyword whole hw_GetChildDocColl yellow
keyword whole hw_GetChildDocCollObj yellow
keyword whole hw_GetObject yellow
keyword whole hw_GetObjectByQuery yellow
keyword whole hw_GetObjectByQueryColl yellow
keyword whole hw_GetObjectByQueryCollObj yellow
keyword whole hw_GetObjectByQueryObj yellow
keyword whole hw_GetParents yellow
keyword whole hw_GetParentsObj yellow
keyword whole hw_GetRemote yellow
keyword whole hw_GetSrcByDestObj yellow
keyword whole hw_GetText yellow
keyword whole hw_Identify yellow
keyword whole hw_InCollections yellow
keyword whole hw_Info yellow
keyword whole hw_InsColl yellow
keyword whole hw_InsDoc yellow
keyword whole hw_InsertDocument yellow
keyword whole hw_InsertObject yellow
keyword whole hw_Modifyobject yellow
keyword whole hw_New_Document yellow
keyword whole hw_Output_Document yellow
keyword whole hw_PipeDocument yellow
keyword whole hw_Root yellow
keyword whole hw_Unlock yellow
keyword whole hw_Who yellow
keyword whole hw_changeobject yellow
keyword whole hw_connection_info yellow
keyword whole hw_cp yellow
keyword whole hw_dummy yellow
keyword whole hw_getrellink yellow
keyword whole hw_getremotechildren yellow
keyword whole hw_getusername yellow
keyword whole hw_insertanchors yellow
keyword whole hw_mapid yellow
keyword whole hw_mv yellow
keyword whole hw_objrec2array yellow
keyword whole hw_pConnect yellow
keyword whole hw_setlinkroot yellow
keyword whole hw_stat yellow
# Hyperwave Functions constants
keyword whole HW_ATTR_LANG white
keyword whole HW_ATTR_NONE white
keyword whole HW_ATTR_NR white
# Hyperwave API Functions
keyword whole hw_api_attribute yellow
keyword whole hw_api_content yellow
keyword whole hw_api_object yellow
keyword whole hwapi_hgcsp yellow
# Hyperwave API Functions hw_api methods
keyword whole hw_api yellow
keyword whole ->checkin yellow
keyword whole ->checkout yellow
keyword whole ->children yellow
keyword whole ->content yellow
keyword whole ->copy yellow
keyword whole ->dbstat yellow
keyword whole ->dcstat yellow
keyword whole ->dstanchors yellow
keyword whole ->dstofsrcanchor yellow
keyword whole ->find yellow
keyword whole ->ftstat yellow
keyword whole ->hwstat yellow
keyword whole ->identify yellow
keyword whole ->info yellow
keyword whole ->insert yellow
keyword whole ->insertanchor yellow
keyword whole ->insertcollection yellow
keyword whole ->insertdocument yellow
keyword whole ->link yellow
keyword whole ->lock yellow
keyword whole ->move yellow
keyword whole ->object yellow
keyword whole ->objectbyanchor yellow
keyword whole ->parents yellow
keyword whole ->remove yellow
keyword whole ->replace yellow
keyword whole ->setcommittedversion yellow
keyword whole ->srcanchors yellow
keyword whole ->srcsofdst yellow
keyword whole ->unlock yellow
keyword whole ->user yellow
keyword whole ->userlist yellow
# Hyperwave API Functions hw_api_attribute methods
keyword whole hw_api_attribute yellow
keyword whole ->key yellow
keyword whole ->langdepvalue yellow
keyword whole ->value yellow
keyword whole ->values yellow
# Hyperwave API Functions hw_api_content methods
keyword whole hw_api_content yellow
keyword whole ->mimetype yellow
keyword whole ->read yellow
# Hyperwave API Functions hw_api_error methods
keyword whole hw_api_error yellow
keyword whole ->count yellow
keyword whole ->reason yellow
# Hyperwave API Functions hw_api_object methods
keyword whole hw_api_object yellow
keyword whole ->assign yellow
keyword whole ->attreditable yellow
keyword whole ->count yellow
keyword whole ->insert yellow
keyword whole ->remove yellow
keyword whole ->title yellow
keyword whole ->value yellow
# Hyperwave API Functions hw_api_reason methods
keyword whole hw_api_reason yellow
keyword whole ->description yellow
keyword whole ->type yellow
# IBM DB2, Cloudscape and Apache Derby Functions
keyword whole db2_autocommit yellow
keyword whole db2_bind_param yellow
keyword whole db2_client_info yellow
keyword whole db2_close yellow
keyword whole db2_column_privileges yellow
keyword whole db2_columns yellow
keyword whole db2_commit yellow
keyword whole db2_conn_error yellow
keyword whole db2_conn_errormsg yellow
keyword whole db2_connect yellow
keyword whole db2_cursor_type yellow
keyword whole db2_exec yellow
keyword whole db2_execute yellow
keyword whole db2_fetch_array yellow
keyword whole db2_fetch_assoc yellow
keyword whole db2_fetch_both yellow
keyword whole db2_fetch_object yellow
keyword whole db2_fetch_row yellow
keyword whole db2_field_display_size yellow
keyword whole db2_field_name yellow
keyword whole db2_field_num yellow
keyword whole db2_field_precision yellow
keyword whole db2_field_scale yellow
keyword whole db2_field_type yellow
keyword whole db2_field_width yellow
keyword whole db2_foreign_keys yellow
keyword whole db2_free_result yellow
keyword whole db2_free_stmt yellow
keyword whole db2_next_result yellow
keyword whole db2_num_fields yellow
keyword whole db2_num_rows yellow
keyword whole db2_pconnect yellow
keyword whole db2_prepare yellow
keyword whole db2_primary_keys yellow
keyword whole db2_procedure_columns yellow
keyword whole db2_procedures yellow
keyword whole db2_result yellow
keyword whole db2_rollback yellow
keyword whole db2_server_info yellow
keyword whole db2_special_columns yellow
keyword whole db2_statistics yellow
keyword whole db2_stmt_error yellow
keyword whole db2_stmt_errormsg yellow
keyword whole db2_table_privileges yellow
keyword whole db2_tables yellow
# IBM DB2, Cloudscape and Apache Derby Functions constants
keyword whole DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF white
keyword whole DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_ON white
keyword whole DB2_BINARY white
keyword whole DB2_CHAR white
keyword whole DB2_CONVERT white
keyword whole DB2_DOUBLE white
keyword whole DB2_FORWARD_ONLY white
keyword whole DB2_LONG white
keyword whole DB2_PARAM_FILE white
keyword whole DB2_PARAM_IN white
keyword whole DB2_PARAM_INOUT white
keyword whole DB2_PARAM_OUT white
keyword whole DB2_PASSTHRU white
keyword whole DB2_SCROLLABLE white
keyword whole NULL white
# ICAP Functions [deprecated]
keyword whole icap_close yellow
keyword whole icap_create_calendar yellow
keyword whole icap_delete_calendar yellow
keyword whole icap_delete_event yellow
keyword whole icap_fetch_event yellow
keyword whole icap_list_alarms yellow
keyword whole icap_list_events yellow
keyword whole icap_open yellow
keyword whole icap_rename_calendar yellow
keyword whole icap_reopen yellow
keyword whole icap_snooze yellow
keyword whole icap_store_event yellow
# iconv Functions
keyword whole iconv yellow
keyword whole iconv_get_encoding yellow
keyword whole iconv_mime_decode yellow
keyword whole iconv_mime_decode_headers yellow
keyword whole iconv_mime_encode yellow
keyword whole iconv_set_encoding yellow
keyword whole iconv_strlen yellow
keyword whole iconv_strpos yellow
keyword whole iconv_strrpos yellow
keyword whole iconv_substr yellow
keyword whole ob_iconv_handler yellow
# iconv Functions constants
keyword whole ICONV_IMPL white
keyword whole ICONV_MIME_DECODE_STRICT white
keyword whole ICONV_VERSION white
# ID3 Functions
keyword whole id3_get_frame_long_name yellow
keyword whole id3_get_frame_short_name yellow
keyword whole id3_get_genre_id yellow
keyword whole id3_get_genre_list yellow
keyword whole id3_get_genre_name yellow
keyword whole id3_get_tag yellow
keyword whole id3_get_version yellow
keyword whole id3_remove_tag yellow
keyword whole id3_set_tag yellow
# ID3 Functions constants
keyword whole ID3_BEST white
keyword whole ID3_V1_0 white
keyword whole ID3_V1_1 white
keyword whole ID3_V2_1 white
keyword whole ID3_V2_2 white
keyword whole ID3_V2_3 white
keyword whole ID3_V2_4 white
# IIS Administration Functions
keyword whole iis_add_server yellow
keyword whole iis_get_dir_security yellow
keyword whole iis_get_script_map yellow
keyword whole iis_get_server_by_comment yellow
keyword whole iis_get_server_by_path yellow
keyword whole iis_get_server_rights yellow
keyword whole iis_get_service_state yellow
keyword whole iis_remove_server yellow
keyword whole iis_set_app_settings yellow
keyword whole iis_set_dir_security yellow
keyword whole iis_set_script_map yellow
keyword whole iis_set_server_rights yellow
keyword whole iis_start_server yellow
keyword whole iis_start_service yellow
keyword whole iis_stop_server yellow
keyword whole iis_stop_service yellow
# Image Functions
keyword whole gd_info yellow
keyword whole getimagesize yellow
keyword whole image2wbmp yellow
keyword whole image_type_to_extension yellow
keyword whole image_type_to_mime_type yellow
keyword whole imagealphablending yellow
keyword whole imageantialias yellow
keyword whole imagearc yellow
keyword whole imagechar yellow
keyword whole imagecharup yellow
keyword whole imagecolorallocate yellow
keyword whole imagecolorallocatealpha yellow
keyword whole imagecolorat yellow
keyword whole imagecolorclosest yellow
keyword whole imagecolorclosestalpha yellow
keyword whole imagecolorclosesthwb yellow
keyword whole imagecolordeallocate yellow
keyword whole imagecolorexact yellow
keyword whole imagecolorexactalpha yellow
keyword whole imagecolormatch yellow
keyword whole imagecolorresolve yellow
keyword whole imagecolorresolvealpha yellow
keyword whole imagecolorset yellow
keyword whole imagecolorsforindex yellow
keyword whole imagecolorstotal yellow
keyword whole imagecolortransparent yellow
keyword whole imageconvolution yellow
keyword whole imagecopy yellow
keyword whole imagecopymerge yellow
keyword whole imagecopymergegray yellow
keyword whole imagecopyresampled yellow
keyword whole imagecopyresized yellow
keyword whole imagecreate yellow
keyword whole imagecreatefromgd yellow
keyword whole imagecreatefromgd2 yellow
keyword whole imagecreatefromgd2part yellow
keyword whole imagecreatefromgif yellow
keyword whole imagecreatefromjpeg yellow
keyword whole imagecreatefrompng yellow
keyword whole imagecreatefromstring yellow
keyword whole imagecreatefromwbmp yellow
keyword whole imagecreatefromxbm yellow
keyword whole imagecreatefromxpm yellow
keyword whole imagecreatetruecolor yellow
keyword whole imagedashedline yellow
keyword whole imagedestroy yellow
keyword whole imageellipse yellow
keyword whole imagefill yellow
keyword whole imagefilledarc yellow
keyword whole imagefilledellipse yellow
keyword whole imagefilledpolygon yellow
keyword whole imagefilledrectangle yellow
keyword whole imagefilltoborder yellow
keyword whole imagefilter yellow
keyword whole imagefontheight yellow
keyword whole imagefontwidth yellow
keyword whole imageftbbox yellow
keyword whole imagefttext yellow
keyword whole imagegammacorrect yellow
keyword whole imagegd yellow
keyword whole imagegd2 yellow
keyword whole imagegif yellow
keyword whole imageinterlace yellow
keyword whole imageistruecolor yellow
keyword whole imagejpeg yellow
keyword whole imagelayereffect yellow
keyword whole imageline yellow
keyword whole imageloadfont yellow
keyword whole imagepalettecopy yellow
keyword whole imagepng yellow
keyword whole imagepolygon yellow
keyword whole imagepsbbox yellow
keyword whole imagepscopyfont yellow
keyword whole imagepsencodefont yellow
keyword whole imagepsextendfont yellow
keyword whole imagepsfreefont yellow
keyword whole imagepsloadfont yellow
keyword whole imagepsslantfont yellow
keyword whole imagepstext yellow
keyword whole imagerectangle yellow
keyword whole imagerotate yellow
keyword whole imagesavealpha yellow
keyword whole imagesetbrush yellow
keyword whole imagesetpixel yellow
keyword whole imagesetstyle yellow
keyword whole imagesetthickness yellow
keyword whole imagesettile yellow
keyword whole imagestring yellow
keyword whole imagestringup yellow
keyword whole imagesx yellow
keyword whole imagesy yellow
keyword whole imagetruecolortopalette yellow
keyword whole imagettfbbox yellow
keyword whole imagettftext yellow
keyword whole imagetypes yellow
keyword whole imagewbmp yellow
keyword whole imagexbm yellow
keyword whole iptcembed yellow
keyword whole iptcparse yellow
keyword whole jpeg2wbmp yellow
keyword whole png2wbmp yellow
# Image Functions constants
keyword whole IMAGETYPE_BMP white
keyword whole IMAGETYPE_GIF white
keyword whole IMAGETYPE_IFF white
keyword whole IMAGETYPE_JB2 white
keyword whole IMAGETYPE_JP2 white
keyword whole IMAGETYPE_JPC white
keyword whole IMAGETYPE_JPEG white
keyword whole IMAGETYPE_JPX white
keyword whole IMAGETYPE_PNG white
keyword whole IMAGETYPE_PSD white
keyword whole IMAGETYPE_SWC white
keyword whole IMAGETYPE_SWF white
keyword whole IMAGETYPE_TIFF_II white
keyword whole IMAGETYPE_TIFF_MM white
keyword whole IMAGETYPE_WBMP white
keyword whole IMAGETYPE_XBM white
keyword whole IMG_ARC_CHORD white
keyword whole IMG_ARC_EDGED white
keyword whole IMG_ARC_NOFILL white
keyword whole IMG_ARC_PIE white
keyword whole IMG_ARC_ROUNDED white
keyword whole IMG_COLOR_BRUSHED white
keyword whole IMG_COLOR_STYLED white
keyword whole IMG_COLOR_STYLEDBRUSHED white
keyword whole IMG_COLOR_TILED white
keyword whole IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT white
keyword whole IMG_GIF white
keyword whole IMG_JPEG white
keyword whole IMG_JPG white
keyword whole IMG_PNG white
keyword whole IMG_WBMP white
keyword whole IMG_XPM white
# IMAP, POP3 and NNTP Functions
keyword whole imap_8bit yellow
keyword whole imap_alerts yellow
keyword whole imap_append yellow
keyword whole imap_base64 yellow
keyword whole imap_binary yellow
keyword whole imap_body yellow
keyword whole imap_bodystruct yellow
keyword whole imap_check yellow
keyword whole imap_clearflag_full yellow
keyword whole imap_close yellow
keyword whole imap_createmailbox yellow
keyword whole imap_delete yellow
keyword whole imap_deletemailbox yellow
keyword whole imap_errors yellow
keyword whole imap_expunge yellow
keyword whole imap_fetch_overview yellow
keyword whole imap_fetchbody yellow
keyword whole imap_fetchheader yellow
keyword whole imap_fetchstructure yellow
keyword whole imap_get_quota yellow
keyword whole imap_get_quotaroot yellow
keyword whole imap_getacl yellow
keyword whole imap_getmailboxes yellow
keyword whole imap_getsubscribed yellow
keyword whole imap_header yellow
keyword whole imap_headerinfo yellow
keyword whole imap_headers yellow
keyword whole imap_last_error yellow
keyword whole imap_list yellow
keyword whole imap_listmailbox yellow
keyword whole imap_listscan yellow
keyword whole imap_listsubscribed yellow
keyword whole imap_lsub yellow
keyword whole imap_mail yellow
keyword whole imap_mail_compose yellow
keyword whole imap_mail_copy yellow
keyword whole imap_mail_move yellow
keyword whole imap_mailboxmsginfo yellow
keyword whole imap_mime_header_decode yellow
keyword whole imap_msgno yellow
keyword whole imap_num_msg yellow
keyword whole imap_num_recent yellow
keyword whole imap_open yellow
keyword whole imap_ping yellow
keyword whole imap_qprint yellow
keyword whole imap_renamemailbox yellow
keyword whole imap_reopen yellow
keyword whole imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist yellow
keyword whole imap_rfc822_parse_headers yellow
keyword whole imap_rfc822_write_address yellow
keyword whole imap_scanmailbox yellow
keyword whole imap_search yellow
keyword whole imap_set_quota yellow
keyword whole imap_setacl yellow
keyword whole imap_setflag_full yellow
keyword whole imap_sort yellow
keyword whole imap_status yellow
keyword whole imap_subscribe yellow
keyword whole imap_thread yellow
keyword whole imap_timeout yellow
keyword whole imap_uid yellow
keyword whole imap_undelete yellow
keyword whole imap_unsubscribe yellow
keyword whole imap_utf7_decode yellow
keyword whole imap_utf7_encode yellow
keyword whole imap_utf8 yellow
# IMAP, POP3 and NNTP Functions constants
keyword whole CL_EXPUNGE white
keyword whole CP_MOVE white
keyword whole CP_UID white
keyword whole ENC7BIT white
keyword whole ENC8BIT white
keyword whole ENCBASE64 white
keyword whole ENCBINARY white
keyword whole ENCOTHER white
keyword whole ENCQUOTEDPRINTABLE white
keyword whole FT_INTERNAL white
keyword whole FT_NOT white
keyword whole FT_PEEK white
keyword whole FT_PREFETCHTEXT white
keyword whole FT_UID white
keyword whole LATT_MARKED white
keyword whole LATT_NOINFERIORS white
keyword whole LATT_NOSELECT white
keyword whole LATT_UNMARKED white
keyword whole NIL white
keyword whole OP_ANONYMOUS white
keyword whole OP_DEBUG white
keyword whole OP_EXPUNGE white
keyword whole OP_HALFOPEN white
keyword whole OP_PROTOTYPE white
keyword whole OP_READONLY white
keyword whole OP_SECURE white
keyword whole OP_SHORTCACHE white
keyword whole OP_SILENT white
keyword whole SA_ALL white
keyword whole SA_MESSAGES white
keyword whole SA_RECENT white
keyword whole SA_UIDNEXT white
keyword whole SA_UIDVALIDITY white
keyword whole SA_UNSEEN white
keyword whole SE_FREE white
keyword whole SE_NOPREFETCH white
keyword whole SE_UID white
keyword whole SORTARRIVAL white
keyword whole SORTCC white
keyword whole SORTDATE white
keyword whole SORTFROM white
keyword whole SORTSIZE white
keyword whole SORTSUBJECT white
keyword whole SORTTO white
keyword whole SO_FREE white
keyword whole SO_NOSERVER white
keyword whole ST_SET white
keyword whole ST_SILENT white
keyword whole ST_UID white
keyword whole TYPEAPPLICATION white
keyword whole TYPEAUDIO white
keyword whole TYPEIMAGE white
keyword whole TYPEMESSAGE white
keyword whole TYPEMULTIPART white
keyword whole TYPEOTHER white
keyword whole TYPETEXT white
keyword whole TYPEVIDEO white
# Informix Functions
keyword whole ifx_affected_rows yellow
keyword whole ifx_blobinfile_mode yellow
keyword whole ifx_byteasvarchar yellow
keyword whole ifx_close yellow
keyword whole ifx_connect yellow
keyword whole ifx_copy_blob yellow
keyword whole ifx_create_blob yellow
keyword whole ifx_create_char yellow
keyword whole ifx_do yellow
keyword whole ifx_error yellow
keyword whole ifx_errormsg yellow
keyword whole ifx_fetch_row yellow
keyword whole ifx_fieldproperties yellow
keyword whole ifx_fieldtypes yellow
keyword whole ifx_free_blob yellow
keyword whole ifx_free_char yellow
keyword whole ifx_free_result yellow
keyword whole ifx_get_blob yellow
keyword whole ifx_get_char yellow
keyword whole ifx_getsqlca yellow
keyword whole ifx_htmltbl_result yellow
keyword whole ifx_nullformat yellow
keyword whole ifx_num_fields yellow
keyword whole ifx_num_rows yellow
keyword whole ifx_pconnect yellow
keyword whole ifx_prepare yellow
keyword whole ifx_query yellow
keyword whole ifx_textasvarchar yellow
keyword whole ifx_update_blob yellow
keyword whole ifx_update_char yellow
keyword whole ifxus_close_slob yellow
keyword whole ifxus_create_slob yellow
keyword whole ifxus_free_slob yellow
keyword whole ifxus_open_slob yellow
keyword whole ifxus_read_slob yellow
keyword whole ifxus_seek_slob yellow
keyword whole ifxus_tell_slob yellow
keyword whole ifxus_write_slob yellow
# Ingres II Functions
keyword whole ingres_autocommit yellow
keyword whole ingres_close yellow
keyword whole ingres_commit yellow
keyword whole ingres_connect yellow
keyword whole ingres_cursor yellow
keyword whole ingres_errno yellow
keyword whole ingres_error yellow
keyword whole ingres_errsqlstate yellow
keyword whole ingres_fetch_array yellow
keyword whole ingres_fetch_object yellow
keyword whole ingres_fetch_row yellow
keyword whole ingres_field_length yellow
keyword whole ingres_field_name yellow
keyword whole ingres_field_nullable yellow
keyword whole ingres_field_precision yellow
keyword whole ingres_field_scale yellow
keyword whole ingres_field_type yellow
keyword whole ingres_num_fields yellow
keyword whole ingres_num_rows yellow
keyword whole ingres_pconnect yellow
keyword whole ingres_query yellow
keyword whole ingres_rollback yellow
# Ingres II Functions constants
keyword whole INGRES_API_VERSION white
keyword whole INGRES_ASSOC white
keyword whole INGRES_BOTH white
keyword whole INGRES_CURSOR_READONLY white
keyword whole INGRES_CURSOR_UPDATE white
keyword whole INGRES_DATE_DMY white
keyword whole INGRES_DATE_FINNISH white
keyword whole INGRES_DATE_GERMAN white
keyword whole INGRES_DATE_ISO white
keyword whole INGRES_DATE_ISO4 white
keyword whole INGRES_DATE_MDY white
keyword whole INGRES_DATE_MULTINATIONAL4 white
keyword whole INGRES_DATE_YMD white
keyword whole INGRES_EXT_VERSION white
keyword whole INGRES_MONEY_LEADING white
keyword whole INGRES_MONEY_TRAILING white
keyword whole INGRES_NUM white
# IRC Gateway Functions
keyword whole ircg_channel_mode yellow
keyword whole ircg_disconnect yellow
keyword whole ircg_eval_ecmascript_params yellow
keyword whole ircg_fetch_error_msg yellow
keyword whole ircg_get_username yellow
keyword whole ircg_html_encode yellow
keyword whole ircg_ignore_add yellow
keyword whole ircg_ignore_del yellow
keyword whole ircg_invite yellow
keyword whole ircg_is_conn_alive yellow
keyword whole ircg_join yellow
keyword whole ircg_kick yellow
keyword whole ircg_list yellow
keyword whole ircg_lookup_format_messages yellow
keyword whole ircg_lusers yellow
keyword whole ircg_msg yellow
keyword whole ircg_names yellow
keyword whole ircg_nick yellow
keyword whole ircg_nickname_escape yellow
keyword whole ircg_nickname_unescape yellow
keyword whole ircg_notice yellow
keyword whole ircg_oper yellow
keyword whole ircg_part yellow
keyword whole ircg_pconnect yellow
keyword whole ircg_register_format_messages yellow
keyword whole ircg_set_current yellow
keyword whole ircg_set_file yellow
keyword whole ircg_set_on_die yellow
keyword whole ircg_topic yellow
keyword whole ircg_who yellow
keyword whole ircg_whois yellow
# PHP / Java Integration
keyword whole java_last_exception_clear yellow
keyword whole java_last_exception_get yellow
keyword whole kadm5_chpass_principal yellow
keyword whole kadm5_create_principal yellow
keyword whole kadm5_delete_principal yellow
keyword whole kadm5_destroy yellow
keyword whole kadm5_flush yellow
keyword whole kadm5_get_policies yellow
keyword whole kadm5_get_principal yellow
keyword whole kadm5_get_principals yellow
keyword whole kadm5_init_with_password yellow
keyword whole kadm5_modify_principal yellow
# KADM5 constants
keyword whole KADM5_ATTRIBUTES white
keyword whole KADM5_CLEARPOLICY white
keyword whole KADM5_FAIL_AUTH_COUNT white
keyword whole KADM5_KVNO white
keyword whole KADM5_LAST_FAILED white
keyword whole KADM5_LAST_PW_CHANGE white
keyword whole KADM5_LAST_SUCCESS white
keyword whole KADM5_MAX_LIFE white
keyword whole KADM5_MAX_RLIFE white
keyword whole KADM5_MOD_NAME white
keyword whole KADM5_MOD_TIME white
keyword whole KADM5_POLICY white
keyword whole KADM5_PRINCIPAL white
keyword whole KADM5_PRINC_EXPIRE_TIME white
keyword whole KADM5_PW_EXPIRATION white
keyword whole KADM5_RANDKEY white
keyword whole KRB5_KDB_DISALLOW_ALL_TIX white
keyword whole KRB5_KDB_DISALLOW_DUP_SKEY white
keyword whole KRB5_KDB_DISALLOW_POSTDATED white
keyword whole KRB5_KDB_DISALLOW_PROXIABLE white
keyword whole KRB5_KDB_DISALLOW_RENEWABLE white
keyword whole KRB5_KDB_DISALLOW_SVR white
keyword whole KRB5_KDB_DISALLOW_TGT_BASED white
keyword whole KRB5_KDB_NEW_PRINC white
keyword whole KRB5_KDB_PWCHANGE_SERVER white
keyword whole KRB5_KDB_REQUIRES_HW_AUTH white
keyword whole KRB5_KDB_REQUIRES_PRE_AUTH white
keyword whole KRB5_KDB_REQUIRES_PWCHANGE white
keyword whole KRB5_KDB_SUPPORT_DESMD5 white
# LDAP Functions
keyword whole ldap_8859_to_t61 yellow
keyword whole ldap_add yellow
keyword whole ldap_bind yellow
keyword whole ldap_close yellow
keyword whole ldap_compare yellow
keyword whole ldap_connect yellow
keyword whole ldap_count_entries yellow
keyword whole ldap_delete yellow
keyword whole ldap_dn2ufn yellow
keyword whole ldap_err2str yellow
keyword whole ldap_errno yellow
keyword whole ldap_error yellow
keyword whole ldap_explode_dn yellow
keyword whole ldap_first_attribute yellow
keyword whole ldap_first_entry yellow
keyword whole ldap_first_reference yellow
keyword whole ldap_free_result yellow
keyword whole ldap_get_attributes yellow
keyword whole ldap_get_dn yellow
keyword whole ldap_get_entries yellow
keyword whole ldap_get_option yellow
keyword whole ldap_get_values yellow
keyword whole ldap_get_values_len yellow
keyword whole ldap_list yellow
keyword whole ldap_mod_add yellow
keyword whole ldap_mod_del yellow
keyword whole ldap_mod_replace yellow
keyword whole ldap_modify yellow
keyword whole ldap_next_attribute yellow
keyword whole ldap_next_entry yellow
keyword whole ldap_next_reference yellow
keyword whole ldap_parse_reference yellow
keyword whole ldap_parse_result yellow
keyword whole ldap_read yellow
keyword whole ldap_rename yellow
keyword whole ldap_sasl_bind yellow
keyword whole ldap_search yellow
keyword whole ldap_set_option yellow
keyword whole ldap_set_rebind_proc yellow
keyword whole ldap_sort yellow
keyword whole ldap_start_tls yellow
keyword whole ldap_t61_to_8859 yellow
keyword whole ldap_unbind yellow
# LDAP Functions constants
keyword whole GSLC_SSL_NO_AUTH white
keyword whole GSLC_SSL_ONEWAY_AUTH white
keyword whole GSLC_SSL_TWOWAY_AUTH white
keyword whole LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS white
keyword whole LDAP_DEREF_FINDING white
keyword whole LDAP_DEREF_NEVER white
keyword whole LDAP_DEREF_SEARCHING white
keyword whole LDAP_OPT_CLIENT_CONTROLS white
keyword whole LDAP_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL white
keyword whole LDAP_OPT_DEREF white
keyword whole LDAP_OPT_ERROR_NUMBER white
keyword whole LDAP_OPT_ERROR_STRING white
keyword whole LDAP_OPT_HOST_NAME white
keyword whole LDAP_OPT_MATCHED_DN white
keyword whole LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION white
keyword whole LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS white
keyword whole LDAP_OPT_RESTART white
keyword whole LDAP_OPT_SERVER_CONTROLS white
keyword whole LDAP_OPT_SIZELIMIT white
keyword whole LDAP_OPT_TIMELIMIT white
# libxml Functions
keyword whole libxml_clear_errors yellow
keyword whole libxml_get_errors yellow
keyword whole libxml_get_last_error yellow
keyword whole libxml_set_streams_context yellow
keyword whole libxml_use_internal_errors yellow
# libxml Functions constants
keyword whole LIBXML_COMPACT white
keyword whole LIBXML_DOTTED_VERSION white
keyword whole LIBXML_DTDATTR white
keyword whole LIBXML_DTDLOAD white
keyword whole LIBXML_DTDVALID white
keyword whole LIBXML_ERR_ERROR white
keyword whole LIBXML_ERR_FATAL white
keyword whole LIBXML_ERR_NONE white
keyword whole LIBXML_ERR_WARNING white
keyword whole LIBXML_NOBLANKS white
keyword whole LIBXML_NOCDATA white
keyword whole LIBXML_NOEMPTYTAG white
keyword whole LIBXML_NOENT white
keyword whole LIBXML_NOERROR white
keyword whole LIBXML_NONET white
keyword whole LIBXML_NOWARNING white
keyword whole LIBXML_NOXMLDECL white
keyword whole LIBXML_NSCLEAN white
keyword whole LIBXML_VERSION white
keyword whole LIBXML_XINCLUDE white
# Lotus Notes Functions
keyword whole notes_body yellow
keyword whole notes_copy_db yellow
keyword whole notes_create_db yellow
keyword whole notes_create_note yellow
keyword whole notes_drop_db yellow
keyword whole notes_find_note yellow
keyword whole notes_header_info yellow
keyword whole notes_list_msgs yellow
keyword whole notes_mark_read yellow
keyword whole notes_mark_unread yellow
keyword whole notes_nav_create yellow
keyword whole notes_search yellow
keyword whole notes_unread yellow
keyword whole notes_version yellow
# LZF Functions
keyword whole lzf_compress yellow
keyword whole lzf_decompress yellow
keyword whole lzf_optimized_for yellow
# Mail Functions
keyword whole ezmlm_hash yellow
keyword whole mail yellow
# mailparse Functions
keyword whole mailparse_determine_best_xfer_encoding yellow
keyword whole mailparse_msg_create yellow
keyword whole mailparse_msg_extract_part yellow
keyword whole mailparse_msg_extract_part_file yellow
keyword whole mailparse_msg_free yellow
keyword whole mailparse_msg_get_part yellow
keyword whole mailparse_msg_get_part_data yellow
keyword whole mailparse_msg_get_structure yellow
keyword whole mailparse_msg_parse yellow
keyword whole mailparse_msg_parse_file yellow
keyword whole mailparse_rfc822_parse_addresses yellow
keyword whole mailparse_stream_encode yellow
keyword whole mailparse_uudecode_all yellow
# Mathematical Functions
keyword whole abs yellow
keyword whole acos yellow
keyword whole acosh yellow
keyword whole asin yellow
keyword whole asinh yellow
keyword whole atan yellow
keyword whole atan2 yellow
keyword whole atanh yellow
keyword whole base_convert yellow
keyword whole bindec yellow
keyword whole ceil yellow
keyword whole cos yellow
keyword whole cosh yellow
keyword whole decbin yellow
keyword whole dechex yellow
keyword whole decoct yellow
keyword whole deg2rad yellow
keyword whole exp yellow
keyword whole expm1 yellow
keyword whole floor yellow
keyword whole fmod yellow
keyword whole getrandmax yellow
keyword whole hexdec yellow
keyword whole hypot yellow
keyword whole is_finite yellow
keyword whole is_infinite yellow
keyword whole is_nan yellow
keyword whole lcg_value yellow
keyword whole log yellow
keyword whole log10 yellow
keyword whole log1p yellow
keyword whole max yellow
keyword whole min yellow
keyword whole mt_getrandmax yellow
keyword whole mt_rand yellow
keyword whole mt_srand yellow
keyword whole octdec yellow
keyword whole pi yellow
keyword whole pow yellow
keyword whole rad2deg yellow
keyword whole rand yellow
keyword whole round yellow
keyword whole sin yellow
keyword whole sinh yellow
keyword whole sqrt yellow
keyword whole srand yellow
keyword whole tan yellow
keyword whole tanh yellow
# Mathematical Functions constants
keyword whole M_1_PI white
keyword whole M_2_PI white
keyword whole M_2_SQRTPI white
keyword whole M_E white
keyword whole M_EULER white
keyword whole M_LN10 white
keyword whole M_LN2 white
keyword whole M_LNPI white
keyword whole M_LOG10E white
keyword whole M_LOG2E white
keyword whole M_PI white
keyword whole M_PI_2 white
keyword whole M_PI_4 white
keyword whole M_SQRT1_2 white
keyword whole M_SQRT2 white
keyword whole M_SQRT3 white
keyword whole M_SQRTPI white
# MaxDB PHP Extension
keyword whole maxdb_affected_rows yellow
keyword whole maxdb_autocommit yellow
keyword whole maxdb_bind_param yellow
keyword whole maxdb_bind_result yellow
keyword whole maxdb_change_user yellow
keyword whole maxdb_character_set_name yellow
keyword whole maxdb_client_encoding yellow
keyword whole maxdb_close yellow
keyword whole maxdb_close_long_data yellow
keyword whole maxdb_commit yellow
keyword whole maxdb_connect yellow
keyword whole maxdb_connect_errno yellow
keyword whole maxdb_connect_error yellow
keyword whole maxdb_data_seek yellow
keyword whole maxdb_debug yellow
keyword whole maxdb_disable_reads_from_master yellow
keyword whole maxdb_disable_rpl_parse yellow
keyword whole maxdb_dump_debug_info yellow
keyword whole maxdb_embedded_connect yellow
keyword whole maxdb_enable_reads_from_master yellow
keyword whole maxdb_enable_rpl_parse yellow
keyword whole maxdb_errno yellow
keyword whole maxdb_error yellow
keyword whole maxdb_escape_string yellow
keyword whole maxdb_execute yellow
keyword whole maxdb_fetch yellow
keyword whole maxdb_fetch_array yellow
keyword whole maxdb_fetch_assoc yellow
keyword whole maxdb_fetch_field yellow
keyword whole maxdb_fetch_field_direct yellow
keyword whole maxdb_fetch_fields yellow
keyword whole maxdb_fetch_lengths yellow
keyword whole maxdb_fetch_object yellow
keyword whole maxdb_fetch_row yellow
keyword whole maxdb_field_count yellow
keyword whole maxdb_field_seek yellow
keyword whole maxdb_field_tell yellow
keyword whole maxdb_free_result yellow
keyword whole maxdb_get_client_info yellow
keyword whole maxdb_get_client_version yellow
keyword whole maxdb_get_host_info yellow
keyword whole maxdb_get_metadata yellow
keyword whole maxdb_get_proto_info yellow
keyword whole maxdb_get_server_info yellow
keyword whole maxdb_get_server_version yellow
keyword whole maxdb_info yellow
keyword whole maxdb_init yellow
keyword whole maxdb_insert_id yellow
keyword whole maxdb_kill yellow
keyword whole maxdb_master_query yellow
keyword whole maxdb_more_results yellow
keyword whole maxdb_multi_query yellow
keyword whole maxdb_next_result yellow
keyword whole maxdb_num_fields yellow
keyword whole maxdb_num_rows yellow
keyword whole maxdb_options yellow
keyword whole maxdb_param_count yellow
keyword whole maxdb_ping yellow
keyword whole maxdb_prepare yellow
keyword whole maxdb_query yellow
keyword whole maxdb_real_connect yellow
keyword whole maxdb_real_escape_string yellow
keyword whole maxdb_real_query yellow
keyword whole maxdb_report yellow
keyword whole maxdb_rollback yellow
keyword whole maxdb_rpl_parse_enabled yellow
keyword whole maxdb_rpl_probe yellow
keyword whole maxdb_rpl_query_type yellow
keyword whole maxdb_select_db yellow
keyword whole maxdb_send_long_data yellow
keyword whole maxdb_send_query yellow
keyword whole maxdb_server_end yellow
keyword whole maxdb_server_init yellow
keyword whole maxdb_set_opt yellow
keyword whole maxdb_sqlstate yellow
keyword whole maxdb_ssl_set yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stat yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stmt_affected_rows yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stmt_bind_param yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stmt_bind_result yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stmt_close yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stmt_close_long_data yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stmt_data_seek yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stmt_errno yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stmt_error yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stmt_execute yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stmt_fetch yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stmt_free_result yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stmt_init yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stmt_num_rows yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stmt_param_count yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stmt_prepare yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stmt_reset yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stmt_result_metadata yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stmt_send_long_data yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stmt_sqlstate yellow
keyword whole maxdb_stmt_store_result yellow
keyword whole maxdb_store_result yellow
keyword whole maxdb_thread_id yellow
keyword whole maxdb_thread_safe yellow
keyword whole maxdb_use_result yellow
keyword whole maxdb_warning_count yellow
# MaxDB PHP Extension constants
keyword whole MAXDB_APPLICATION white
keyword whole MAXDB_APPVERSION white
keyword whole MAXDB_ASSOC white
keyword whole MAXDB_ASSOC_LOWER white
keyword whole MAXDB_ASSOC_UPPER white
keyword whole MAXDB_BOTH white
keyword whole MAXDB_COMPNAME white
keyword whole MAXDB_CURSORPREFIX white
keyword whole MAXDB_ISOLATIONLEVEL white
keyword whole MAXDB_NUM white
keyword whole MAXDB_PACKETCOUNT white
keyword whole MAXDB_SQLMODE white
keyword whole MAXDB_TIMEOUT white
keyword whole MAXDB_UNICODE white
# MCAL Functions
keyword whole mcal_append_event yellow
keyword whole mcal_close yellow
keyword whole mcal_create_calendar yellow
keyword whole mcal_date_compare yellow
keyword whole mcal_date_valid yellow
keyword whole mcal_day_of_week yellow
keyword whole mcal_day_of_year yellow
keyword whole mcal_days_in_month yellow
keyword whole mcal_delete_calendar yellow
keyword whole mcal_delete_event yellow
keyword whole mcal_event_add_attribute yellow
keyword whole mcal_event_init yellow
keyword whole mcal_event_set_alarm yellow
keyword whole mcal_event_set_category yellow
keyword whole mcal_event_set_class yellow
keyword whole mcal_event_set_description yellow
keyword whole mcal_event_set_end yellow
keyword whole mcal_event_set_recur_daily yellow
keyword whole mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_mday yellow
keyword whole mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_wday yellow
keyword whole mcal_event_set_recur_none yellow
keyword whole mcal_event_set_recur_weekly yellow
keyword whole mcal_event_set_recur_yearly yellow
keyword whole mcal_event_set_start yellow
keyword whole mcal_event_set_title yellow
keyword whole mcal_expunge yellow
keyword whole mcal_fetch_current_stream_event yellow
keyword whole mcal_fetch_event yellow
keyword whole mcal_is_leap_year yellow
keyword whole mcal_list_alarms yellow
keyword whole mcal_list_events yellow
keyword whole mcal_next_recurrence yellow
keyword whole mcal_open yellow
keyword whole mcal_popen yellow
keyword whole mcal_rename_calendar yellow
keyword whole mcal_reopen yellow
keyword whole mcal_snooze yellow
keyword whole mcal_store_event yellow
keyword whole mcal_time_valid yellow
keyword whole mcal_week_of_year yellow
# MCAL Functions constants
keyword whole MCAL_APRIL white
keyword whole MCAL_AUGUST white
keyword whole MCAL_DECEMBER white
keyword whole MCAL_FEBRUARY white
keyword whole MCAL_FRIDAY white
keyword whole MCAL_JANUARY white
keyword whole MCAL_JULY white
keyword whole MCAL_JUNE white
keyword whole MCAL_MARCH white
keyword whole MCAL_MAY white
keyword whole MCAL_MONDAY white
keyword whole MCAL_M_ALLDAYS white
keyword whole MCAL_M_FRIDAY white
keyword whole MCAL_M_MONDAY white
keyword whole MCAL_M_SATURDAY white
keyword whole MCAL_M_SUNDAY white
keyword whole MCAL_M_THURSDAY white
keyword whole MCAL_M_TUESDAY white
keyword whole MCAL_M_WEDNESDAY white
keyword whole MCAL_M_WEEKDAYS white
keyword whole MCAL_M_WEEKEND white
keyword whole MCAL_NOVEMBER white
keyword whole MCAL_OCTOBER white
keyword whole MCAL_RECUR_DAILY white
keyword whole MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_MDAY white
keyword whole MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_WDAY white
keyword whole MCAL_RECUR_NONE white
keyword whole MCAL_RECUR_WEEKLY white
keyword whole MCAL_RECUR_YEARLY white
keyword whole MCAL_SATURDAY white
keyword whole MCAL_SEPTEMBER white
keyword whole MCAL_SUNDAY white
keyword whole MCAL_THURSDAY white
keyword whole MCAL_TUESDAY white
keyword whole MCAL_WEDNESDAY white
# Mcrypt Encryption Functions
keyword whole mcrypt_cbc yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_cfb yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_create_iv yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_decrypt yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_ecb yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_enc_get_block_size yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_enc_get_key_size yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm_mode yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_enc_is_block_mode yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_enc_self_test yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_encrypt yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_generic yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_generic_deinit yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_generic_end yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_generic_init yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_get_block_size yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_get_cipher_name yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_get_iv_size yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_get_key_size yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_list_algorithms yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_list_modes yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_module_close yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_module_get_algo_block_size yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_module_get_supported_key_sizes yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm_mode yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_module_is_block_mode yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_module_open yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_module_self_test yellow
keyword whole mcrypt_ofb yellow
keyword whole mdecrypt_generic yellow
# Mcrypt Encryption Functions constants
keyword whole MCRYPT_DECRYPT white
keyword whole MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM white
keyword whole MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM white
keyword whole MCRYPT_ENCRYPT white
keyword whole MCRYPT_RAND white
# MCVE Payment Functions
keyword whole mcve_adduser yellow
keyword whole mcve_adduserarg yellow
keyword whole mcve_bt yellow
keyword whole mcve_checkstatus yellow
keyword whole mcve_chkpwd yellow
keyword whole mcve_chngpwd yellow
keyword whole mcve_completeauthorizations yellow
keyword whole mcve_connect yellow
keyword whole mcve_connectionerror yellow
keyword whole mcve_deleteresponse yellow
keyword whole mcve_deletetrans yellow
keyword whole mcve_deleteusersetup yellow
keyword whole mcve_deluser yellow
keyword whole mcve_destroyconn yellow
keyword whole mcve_destroyengine yellow
keyword whole mcve_disableuser yellow
keyword whole mcve_edituser yellow
keyword whole mcve_enableuser yellow
keyword whole mcve_force yellow
keyword whole mcve_getcell yellow
keyword whole mcve_getcellbynum yellow
keyword whole mcve_getcommadelimited yellow
keyword whole mcve_getheader yellow
keyword whole mcve_getuserarg yellow
keyword whole mcve_getuserparam yellow
keyword whole mcve_gft yellow
keyword whole mcve_gl yellow
keyword whole mcve_gut yellow
keyword whole mcve_initconn yellow
keyword whole mcve_initengine yellow
keyword whole mcve_initusersetup yellow
keyword whole mcve_iscommadelimited yellow
keyword whole mcve_liststats yellow
keyword whole mcve_listusers yellow
keyword whole mcve_maxconntimeout yellow
keyword whole mcve_monitor yellow
keyword whole mcve_numcolumns yellow
keyword whole mcve_numrows yellow
keyword whole mcve_override yellow
keyword whole mcve_parsecommadelimited yellow
keyword whole mcve_ping yellow
keyword whole mcve_preauth yellow
keyword whole mcve_preauthcompletion yellow
keyword whole mcve_qc yellow
keyword whole mcve_responseparam yellow
keyword whole mcve_return yellow
keyword whole mcve_returncode yellow
keyword whole mcve_returnstatus yellow
keyword whole mcve_sale yellow
keyword whole mcve_setblocking yellow
keyword whole mcve_setdropfile yellow
keyword whole mcve_setip yellow
keyword whole mcve_setssl yellow
keyword whole mcve_setssl_files yellow
keyword whole mcve_settimeout yellow
keyword whole mcve_settle yellow
keyword whole mcve_text_avs yellow
keyword whole mcve_text_code yellow
keyword whole mcve_text_cv yellow
keyword whole mcve_transactionauth yellow
keyword whole mcve_transactionavs yellow
keyword whole mcve_transactionbatch yellow
keyword whole mcve_transactioncv yellow
keyword whole mcve_transactionid yellow
keyword whole mcve_transactionitem yellow
keyword whole mcve_transactionssent yellow
keyword whole mcve_transactiontext yellow
keyword whole mcve_transinqueue yellow
keyword whole mcve_transnew yellow
keyword whole mcve_transparam yellow
keyword whole mcve_transsend yellow
keyword whole mcve_ub yellow
keyword whole mcve_uwait yellow
keyword whole mcve_verifyconnection yellow
keyword whole mcve_verifysslcert yellow
keyword whole mcve_void yellow
# MCVE Payment Functions constants
keyword whole MCVE_AGENTID white
keyword whole MCVE_AUTH white
keyword whole MCVE_BAD white
keyword whole MCVE_BANKID white
keyword whole MCVE_CALL white
keyword whole MCVE_CHAINID white
keyword whole MCVE_CLIENTNUM white
keyword whole MCVE_DENY white
keyword whole MCVE_DONE white
keyword whole MCVE_DUPL white
keyword whole MCVE_ERROR white
keyword whole MCVE_FAIL white
keyword whole MCVE_FORCE white
keyword whole MCVE_GOOD white
keyword whole MCVE_INDCODE white
keyword whole MCVE_MERCHCAT white
keyword whole MCVE_MERCHID white
keyword whole MCVE_MERCHLOC white
keyword whole MCVE_MERNAME white
keyword whole MCVE_NEW white
keyword whole MCVE_OVERRIDE white
keyword whole MCVE_PENDING white
keyword whole MCVE_PKUP white
keyword whole MCVE_PREAUTH white
keyword whole MCVE_PROC white
keyword whole MCVE_PWD white
keyword whole MCVE_RETRY white
keyword whole MCVE_RETURN white
keyword whole MCVE_SALE white
keyword whole MCVE_SERVICEPHONE white
keyword whole MCVE_SETTLE white
keyword whole MCVE_SETUP white
keyword whole MCVE_STATECODE white
keyword whole MCVE_STOREID white
keyword whole MCVE_STREET white
keyword whole MCVE_SUCCESS white
keyword whole MCVE_TERMID white
keyword whole MCVE_TIMEOUT white
keyword whole MCVE_TIMEZONE white
keyword whole MCVE_UNKNOWN white
keyword whole MCVE_UNUSED white
keyword whole MCVE_USER white
keyword whole MCVE_ZIP white
keyword whole MCVE_ZIPCODE white
keyword whole MC_ACCOUNT white
keyword whole MC_ACCT white
keyword whole MC_ADMIN white
keyword whole MC_ADMIN_BT white
keyword whole MC_ADMIN_CFH white
keyword whole MC_ADMIN_CLOSEBATCH white
keyword whole MC_ADMIN_CTH white
keyword whole MC_ADMIN_FIELDEDIT white
keyword whole MC_ADMIN_FORCESETTLE white
keyword whole MC_ADMIN_GFT white
keyword whole MC_ADMIN_GL white
keyword whole MC_ADMIN_GUT white
keyword whole MC_ADMIN_QC white
keyword whole MC_ADMIN_RENUMBERBATCH white
keyword whole MC_ADMIN_RS white
keyword whole MC_ADMIN_SETBATCHNUM white
keyword whole MC_ADMIN_UB white
keyword whole MC_AMOUNT white
keyword whole MC_APPRCODE white
keyword whole MC_AUDITTYPE white
keyword whole MC_BATCH white
keyword whole MC_BDATE white
keyword whole MC_CARDTYPES white
keyword whole MC_CARD_ALL white
keyword whole MC_CARD_AMEX white
keyword whole MC_CARD_CB white
keyword whole MC_CARD_DC white
keyword whole MC_CARD_DISC white
keyword whole MC_CARD_GIFT white
keyword whole MC_CARD_JCB white
keyword whole MC_CARD_MC white
keyword whole MC_CARD_OTHER white
keyword whole MC_CARD_VISA white
keyword whole MC_CLERKID white
keyword whole MC_COMMENTS white
keyword whole MC_CURR white
keyword whole MC_CUSTOM white
keyword whole MC_CV white
keyword whole MC_DESCLOC white
keyword whole MC_DESCMERCH white
keyword whole MC_DEVICETYPE white
keyword whole MC_EDATE white
keyword whole MC_ERRORCODE white
keyword whole MC_EXAMOUNT white
keyword whole MC_EXCHARGES white
keyword whole MC_EXCHARGES_1WAY white
keyword whole MC_EXCHARGES_GAS white
keyword whole MC_EXCHARGES_GIFT white
keyword whole MC_EXCHARGES_LATE white
keyword whole MC_EXCHARGES_LAUND white
keyword whole MC_EXCHARGES_MILE white
keyword whole MC_EXCHARGES_MINI white
keyword whole MC_EXCHARGES_NONE white
keyword whole MC_EXCHARGES_OTHER white
keyword whole MC_EXCHARGES_REST white
keyword whole MC_EXCHARGES_TELE white
keyword whole MC_EXCHARGES_VIOL white
keyword whole MC_EXPDATE white
keyword whole MC_FILE white
keyword whole MC_INQUIRY white
keyword whole MC_MARKER white
keyword whole MC_MODE_ALL white
keyword whole MC_MODE_AUTH white
keyword whole MC_MODE_BOTH white
keyword whole MC_MODE_SETTLE white
keyword whole MC_NEWBATCH white
keyword whole MC_ORIGTYPE white
keyword whole MC_PASSWORD white
keyword whole MC_PIN white
keyword whole MC_PRIORITY white
keyword whole MC_PRIO_HIGH white
keyword whole MC_PRIO_LOW white
keyword whole MC_PRIO_NORMAL white
keyword whole MC_PTRANNUM white
keyword whole MC_PWD white
keyword whole MC_RATE white
keyword whole MC_RENTERNAME white
keyword whole MC_RETURNCITY white
keyword whole MC_RETURNLOCATION white
keyword whole MC_RETURNSTATE white
keyword whole MC_STATIONID white
keyword whole MC_STREET white
keyword whole MC_SUB white
keyword whole MC_TIMESTAMP white
keyword whole MC_TRACKDATA white
keyword whole MC_TRANTYPE white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_ACTIVATE white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_ADDUSER white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_ADMIN white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_BALANCEINQ white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_CASHOUT white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_CHKPWD white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_CHNGPWD white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_CLEARERRORLOG white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_CREDIT white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_DELUSER white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_DISABLEUSER white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_EDITUSER white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_ENABLEUSER white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_ERRORLOG white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_EXPORT white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_FORCE white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_GETSUBACCTS white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_GETUSERINFO white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_IMPORT white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_INCREMENTAL white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_ISSUE white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_IVRREQ white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_IVRRESP white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_LISTSTATS white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_LISTUSERS white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_MERCHRETURN white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_OVERRIDE white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_PING white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_PREAUTH white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_PREAUTHCOMPLETE white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_REDEMPTION white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_RELOAD white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_RETURN white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_REVERSAL white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_SALE white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_SETTLE white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_SETTLERFR white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_TIP white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_TOREVERSAL white
keyword whole MC_TRAN_VOID white
keyword whole MC_TTID white
keyword whole MC_USER white
keyword whole MC_USERNAME white
keyword whole MC_USER_AGENTID white
keyword whole MC_USER_AUDDIV white
keyword whole MC_USER_BANKID white
keyword whole MC_USER_CADDIV white
keyword whole MC_USER_CARDTYPES white
keyword whole MC_USER_CHAINID white
keyword whole MC_USER_CHFDIV white
keyword whole MC_USER_CLIENTNUM white
keyword whole MC_USER_DIVNUM white
keyword whole MC_USER_DKKDIV white
keyword whole MC_USER_GBPDIV white
keyword whole MC_USER_HKDDIV white
keyword whole MC_USER_INDCODE white
keyword whole MC_USER_JPYDIV white
keyword whole MC_USER_MERCHCAT white
keyword whole MC_USER_MERCHID white
keyword whole MC_USER_MERCHLOC white
keyword whole MC_USER_MERNAME white
keyword whole MC_USER_MODE white
keyword whole MC_USER_NOKDIV white
keyword whole MC_USER_NZDDIV white
keyword whole MC_USER_PHONE white
keyword whole MC_USER_PID white
keyword whole MC_USER_PIDPWD white
keyword whole MC_USER_PPROPERTY white
keyword whole MC_USER_PROC white
keyword whole MC_USER_PWD white
keyword whole MC_USER_ROUTINGID white
keyword whole MC_USER_SEKDIV white
keyword whole MC_USER_SGDDIV white
keyword whole MC_USER_SMID white
keyword whole MC_USER_SMIDPWD white
keyword whole MC_USER_STATECODE white
keyword whole MC_USER_STOREID white
keyword whole MC_USER_SUB white
keyword whole MC_USER_TERMID white
keyword whole MC_USER_TIMEZONE white
keyword whole MC_USER_USDDIV white
keyword whole MC_USER_USER white
keyword whole MC_USER_VNUMBER white
keyword whole MC_USER_ZARDIV white
keyword whole MC_USER_ZIPCODE white
keyword whole MC_VOIDORIGTYPE white
keyword whole MC_ZIP white
# Memcache Functions
keyword whole memcache_debug yellow
# Memcache Functions Memcache methods
keyword whole Memcache yellow
keyword whole ->add yellow
keyword whole ->close yellow
keyword whole ->connect yellow
keyword whole ->decrement yellow
keyword whole ->delete yellow
keyword whole ->flush yellow
keyword whole ->get yellow
keyword whole ->getStats yellow
keyword whole ->getVersion yellow
keyword whole ->increment yellow
keyword whole ->pconnect yellow
keyword whole ->replace yellow
keyword whole ->set yellow
# Memcache Functions constants
keyword whole MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED white
# Mhash Functions
keyword whole mhash yellow
keyword whole mhash_count yellow
keyword whole mhash_get_block_size yellow
keyword whole mhash_get_hash_name yellow
keyword whole mhash_keygen_s2k yellow
# Mhash Functions constants
keyword whole MHASH_ADLER32 white
keyword whole MHASH_CRC32 white
keyword whole MHASH_CRC32B white
keyword whole MHASH_GOST white
keyword whole MHASH_HAVAL128 white
keyword whole MHASH_HAVAL160 white
keyword whole MHASH_HAVAL192 white
keyword whole MHASH_HAVAL256 white
keyword whole MHASH_MD4 white
keyword whole MHASH_MD5 white
keyword whole MHASH_RIPEMD160 white
keyword whole MHASH_SHA1 white
keyword whole MHASH_SHA256 white
keyword whole MHASH_TIGER white
keyword whole MHASH_TIGER128 white
keyword whole MHASH_TIGER160 white
# Mimetype Functions
keyword whole mime_content_type yellow
# Ming functions for Flash
keyword whole SWFAction yellow
keyword whole SWFBitmap yellow
keyword whole SWFDisplayItem yellow
keyword whole SWFFill yellow
keyword whole SWFFont yellow
keyword whole SWFGradient yellow
keyword whole SWFMorph yellow
keyword whole SWFMovie yellow
keyword whole SWFShape yellow
keyword whole SWFSprite yellow
keyword whole SWFText yellow
keyword whole SWFTextField yellow
keyword whole SWFbutton yellow
keyword whole ming_setcubicthreshold yellow
keyword whole ming_setscale yellow
keyword whole ming_useswfversion yellow
keyword whole swfbutton_keypress yellow
# Ming functions for Flash SWFBitmap methods
keyword whole SWFBitmap yellow
keyword whole ->getHeight yellow
keyword whole ->getWidth yellow
# Ming functions for Flash SWFDisplayItem methods
keyword whole SWFDisplayItem yellow
keyword whole ->Rotate yellow
keyword whole ->addColor yellow
keyword whole ->move yellow
keyword whole ->moveTo yellow
keyword whole ->multColor yellow
keyword whole ->remove yellow
keyword whole ->rotateTo yellow
keyword whole ->scale yellow
keyword whole ->scaleTo yellow
keyword whole ->setDepth yellow
keyword whole ->setName yellow
keyword whole ->setRatio yellow
keyword whole ->skewX yellow
keyword whole ->skewXTo yellow
keyword whole ->skewY yellow
keyword whole ->skewYTo yellow
# Ming functions for Flash SWFFill methods
keyword whole SWFFill yellow
keyword whole ->moveTo yellow
keyword whole ->rotateTo yellow
keyword whole ->scaleTo yellow
keyword whole ->skewXTo yellow
keyword whole ->skewYTo yellow
# Ming functions for Flash SWFGradient methods
keyword whole SWFGradient yellow
keyword whole ->addEntry yellow
# Ming functions for Flash SWFMorph methods
keyword whole SWFMorph yellow
keyword whole ->getshape1 yellow
keyword whole ->getshape2 yellow
# Ming functions for Flash SWFMovie methods
keyword whole SWFMovie yellow
keyword whole ->add yellow
keyword whole ->nextframe yellow
keyword whole ->output yellow
keyword whole ->save yellow
keyword whole ->setbackground yellow
keyword whole ->setdimension yellow
keyword whole ->setframes yellow
keyword whole ->setrate yellow
keyword whole ->streammp3 yellow
# Ming functions for Flash SWFShape methods
keyword whole SWFShape yellow
keyword whole ->addFill yellow
keyword whole ->drawCurve yellow
keyword whole ->drawCurveTo yellow
keyword whole ->drawLine yellow
keyword whole ->drawLineTo yellow
keyword whole ->movePen yellow
keyword whole ->movePenTo yellow
keyword whole ->setLeftFill yellow
keyword whole ->setLine yellow
keyword whole ->setRightFill yellow
# Ming functions for Flash SWFSprite methods
keyword whole SWFSprite yellow
keyword whole ->nextframe yellow
keyword whole ->remove yellow
keyword whole ->setframes yellow
# Ming functions for Flash SWFText methods
keyword whole SWFText yellow
keyword whole ->addString yellow
keyword whole ->getWidth yellow
keyword whole ->moveTo yellow
keyword whole ->setColor yellow
keyword whole ->setFont yellow
keyword whole ->setHeight yellow
keyword whole ->setSpacing yellow
# Ming functions for Flash SWFTextField methods
keyword whole SWFTextField yellow
keyword whole ->addstring yellow
keyword whole ->align yellow
keyword whole ->setFont yellow
keyword whole ->setHeight yellow
keyword whole ->setLeftMargin yellow
keyword whole ->setLineSpacing yellow
keyword whole ->setMargins yellow
keyword whole ->setbounds yellow
keyword whole ->setcolor yellow
keyword whole ->setindentation yellow
keyword whole ->setname yellow
keyword whole ->setrightMargin yellow
# Ming functions for Flash SWFbutton methods
keyword whole SWFbutton yellow
keyword whole ->addAction yellow
keyword whole ->addShape yellow
keyword whole ->setAction yellow
keyword whole ->setHit yellow
keyword whole ->setOver yellow
keyword whole ->setUp yellow
keyword whole ->setdown yellow
# Ming functions for Flash swffont methods
keyword whole swffont yellow
keyword whole ->getwidth yellow
# Ming functions for Flash swfmovie methods
keyword whole swfmovie yellow
keyword whole ->remove yellow
# Ming functions for Flash swfsprite methods
keyword whole swfsprite yellow
keyword whole ->add yellow
# Ming functions for Flash constants
keyword whole SWFACTION_DATA white
keyword whole SWFACTION_ENTERFRAME white
keyword whole SWFACTION_KEYDOWN white
keyword whole SWFACTION_KEYUP white
keyword whole SWFACTION_MOUSEDOWN white
keyword whole SWFACTION_MOUSEMOVE white
keyword whole SWFACTION_MOUSEUP white
keyword whole SWFACTION_ONLOAD white
keyword whole SWFACTION_UNLOAD white
keyword whole SWFBUTTON_DOWN white
keyword whole SWFBUTTON_DRAGOUT white
keyword whole SWFBUTTON_DRAGOVER white
keyword whole SWFBUTTON_HIT white
keyword whole SWFBUTTON_MOUSEDOWN white
keyword whole SWFBUTTON_MOUSEOUT white
keyword whole SWFBUTTON_MOUSEOVER white
keyword whole SWFBUTTON_MOUSEUP white
keyword whole SWFBUTTON_OVER white
keyword whole SWFBUTTON_UP white
keyword whole SWFFILL_CLIPPED_BITMAP white
keyword whole SWFFILL_LINEAR_GRADIENT white
keyword whole SWFFILL_RADIAL_GRADIENT white
keyword whole SWFFILL_TILED_BITMAP white
keyword whole SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT white
keyword whole SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_RIGHT white
keyword whole SWFTEXTFIELD_DRAWBOX white
keyword whole SWFTEXTFIELD_HASLENGTH white
keyword whole SWFTEXTFIELD_HTML white
keyword whole SWFTEXTFIELD_MULTILINE white
keyword whole SWFTEXTFIELD_NOEDIT white
keyword whole SWFTEXTFIELD_NOSELECT white
keyword whole SWFTEXTFIELD_PASSWORD white
keyword whole SWFTEXTFIELD_WORDWRAP white
# Miscellaneous Functions
keyword whole __halt_compiler yellow
keyword whole connection_aborted yellow
keyword whole connection_status yellow
keyword whole connection_timeout yellow
keyword whole constant yellow
keyword whole define yellow
keyword whole defined yellow
keyword whole die yellow
keyword whole eval yellow
keyword whole exit yellow
keyword whole get_browser yellow
keyword whole highlight_file yellow
keyword whole highlight_string yellow
keyword whole ignore_user_abort yellow
keyword whole pack yellow
keyword whole php_check_syntax yellow
keyword whole php_strip_whitespace yellow
keyword whole show_source yellow
keyword whole sleep yellow
keyword whole time_nanosleep yellow
keyword whole time_sleep_until yellow
keyword whole uniqid yellow
keyword whole unpack yellow
keyword whole usleep yellow
# Miscellaneous Functions constants
keyword whole CONNECTION_ABORTED white
keyword whole CONNECTION_NORMAL white
keyword whole CONNECTION_TIMEOUT white
keyword whole __COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__ white
# mnoGoSearch Functions
keyword whole udm_add_search_limit yellow
keyword whole udm_alloc_agent yellow
keyword whole udm_alloc_agent_array yellow
keyword whole udm_api_version yellow
keyword whole udm_cat_list yellow
keyword whole udm_cat_path yellow
keyword whole udm_check_charset yellow
keyword whole udm_check_stored yellow
keyword whole udm_clear_search_limits yellow
keyword whole udm_close_stored yellow
keyword whole udm_crc32 yellow
keyword whole udm_errno yellow
keyword whole udm_error yellow
keyword whole udm_find yellow
keyword whole udm_free_agent yellow
keyword whole udm_free_ispell_data yellow
keyword whole udm_free_res yellow
keyword whole udm_get_doc_count yellow
keyword whole udm_get_res_field yellow
keyword whole udm_get_res_param yellow
keyword whole udm_hash32 yellow
keyword whole udm_load_ispell_data yellow
keyword whole udm_open_stored yellow
keyword whole udm_set_agent_param yellow
# mnoGoSearch Functions constants
keyword whole UDM_CACHE_DISABLED white
keyword whole UDM_CACHE_ENABLED white
keyword whole UDM_CROSSWORDS_DISABLED white
keyword whole UDM_CROSSWORDS_ENABLED white
keyword whole UDM_CROSS_WORDS_DISABLED white
keyword whole UDM_CROSS_WORDS_ENABLED white
keyword whole UDM_FIELD_CATEGORY white
keyword whole UDM_FIELD_CHARSET white
keyword whole UDM_FIELD_CONTENT white
keyword whole UDM_FIELD_CRC white
keyword whole UDM_FIELD_DESC white
keyword whole UDM_FIELD_DESCRIPTION white
keyword whole UDM_FIELD_KEYWORDS white
keyword whole UDM_FIELD_LANG white
keyword whole UDM_FIELD_MODIFIED white
keyword whole UDM_FIELD_ORDER white
keyword whole UDM_FIELD_RATING white
keyword whole UDM_FIELD_SCORE white
keyword whole UDM_FIELD_SIZE white
keyword whole UDM_FIELD_TEXT white
keyword whole UDM_FIELD_TITLE white
keyword whole UDM_FIELD_URL white
keyword whole UDM_FIELD_URLID white
keyword whole UDM_ISPELL_PREFIX_DISABLED white
keyword whole UDM_ISPELL_PREFIX_ENABLED white
keyword whole UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_AFFIX white
keyword whole UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_DB white
keyword whole UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_SERVER white
keyword whole UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_SPELL white
keyword whole UDM_LIMIT_CAT white
keyword whole UDM_LIMIT_DATE white
keyword whole UDM_LIMIT_LANG white
keyword whole UDM_LIMIT_TAG white
keyword whole UDM_LIMIT_URL white
keyword whole UDM_MATCH_BEGIN white
keyword whole UDM_MATCH_END white
keyword whole UDM_MATCH_SUBSTR white
keyword whole UDM_MATCH_WORD white
keyword whole UDM_MODE_ALL white
keyword whole UDM_MODE_ANY white
keyword whole UDM_MODE_BOOL white
keyword whole UDM_MODE_PHRASE white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_BROWSER_CHARSET white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_CACHE_MODE white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_CHARSET white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_CROSSWORDS white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_CROSS_WORDS white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_DATADIR white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_FIRST_DOC white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_FOUND white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_HLBEG white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_HLEND white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_ISPELL_PREFIX white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_ISPELL_PREFIXES white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_LAST_DOC white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_LOCAL_CHARSET white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_MAX_WORDLEN white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_MAX_WORD_LEN white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_MIN_WORDLEN white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_MIN_WORD_LEN white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_NUM_ROWS white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_PAGE_NUM white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_PAGE_SIZE white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_PHRASE_MODE white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_PREFIX white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_PREFIXES white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_QSTRING white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_REMOTE_ADDR white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_SEARCHD white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_SEARCHTIME white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_SEARCH_MODE white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_SEARCH_TIME white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_STOPFILE white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_STOPTABLE white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_STOP_FILE white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_STOP_TABLE white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_SYNONYM white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_TRACK_MODE white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_VARDIR white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_WEIGHT_FACTOR white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_WORDINFO white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_WORD_INFO white
keyword whole UDM_PARAM_WORD_MATCH white
keyword whole UDM_PHRASE_DISABLED white
keyword whole UDM_PHRASE_ENABLED white
keyword whole UDM_PREFIXES_DISABLED white
keyword whole UDM_PREFIXES_ENABLED white
keyword whole UDM_PREFIX_DISABLED white
keyword whole UDM_PREFIX_ENABLED white
keyword whole UDM_TRACK_DISABLED white
keyword whole UDM_TRACK_ENABLED white
# Microsoft SQL Server Functions
keyword whole mssql_bind yellow
keyword whole mssql_close yellow
keyword whole mssql_connect yellow
keyword whole mssql_data_seek yellow
keyword whole mssql_execute yellow
keyword whole mssql_fetch_array yellow
keyword whole mssql_fetch_assoc yellow
keyword whole mssql_fetch_batch yellow
keyword whole mssql_fetch_field yellow
keyword whole mssql_fetch_object yellow
keyword whole mssql_fetch_row yellow
keyword whole mssql_field_length yellow
keyword whole mssql_field_name yellow
keyword whole mssql_field_seek yellow
keyword whole mssql_field_type yellow
keyword whole mssql_free_result yellow
keyword whole mssql_free_statement yellow
keyword whole mssql_get_last_message yellow
keyword whole mssql_guid_string yellow
keyword whole mssql_init yellow
keyword whole mssql_min_error_severity yellow
keyword whole mssql_min_message_severity yellow
keyword whole mssql_next_result yellow
keyword whole mssql_num_fields yellow
keyword whole mssql_num_rows yellow
keyword whole mssql_pconnect yellow
keyword whole mssql_query yellow
keyword whole mssql_result yellow
keyword whole mssql_rows_affected yellow
keyword whole mssql_select_db yellow
# Microsoft SQL Server Functions constants
keyword whole MSSQL_ASSOC white
keyword whole MSSQL_BOTH white
keyword whole MSSQL_NUM white
keyword whole SQLBIT white
keyword whole SQLCHAR white
keyword whole SQLFLT8 white
keyword whole SQLINT1 white
keyword whole SQLINT2 white
keyword whole SQLINT4 white
keyword whole SQLTEXT white
keyword whole SQLVARCHAR white
# Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Functions (PDO_DBLIB)
# Mohawk Software Session Handler Functions
keyword whole msession_connect yellow
keyword whole msession_count yellow
keyword whole msession_create yellow
keyword whole msession_destroy yellow
keyword whole msession_disconnect yellow
keyword whole msession_find yellow
keyword whole msession_get yellow
keyword whole msession_get_array yellow
keyword whole msession_get_data yellow
keyword whole msession_inc yellow
keyword whole msession_list yellow
keyword whole msession_listvar yellow
keyword whole msession_lock yellow
keyword whole msession_plugin yellow
keyword whole msession_randstr yellow
keyword whole msession_set yellow
keyword whole msession_set_array yellow
keyword whole msession_set_data yellow
keyword whole msession_timeout yellow
keyword whole msession_uniq yellow
keyword whole msession_unlock yellow
# mSQL Functions
keyword whole msql yellow
keyword whole msql_affected_rows yellow
keyword whole msql_close yellow
keyword whole msql_connect yellow
keyword whole msql_create_db yellow
keyword whole msql_createdb yellow
keyword whole msql_data_seek yellow
keyword whole msql_db_query yellow
keyword whole msql_dbname yellow
keyword whole msql_drop_db yellow
keyword whole msql_error yellow
keyword whole msql_fetch_array yellow
keyword whole msql_fetch_field yellow
keyword whole msql_fetch_object yellow
keyword whole msql_fetch_row yellow
keyword whole msql_field_flags yellow
keyword whole msql_field_len yellow
keyword whole msql_field_name yellow
keyword whole msql_field_seek yellow
keyword whole msql_field_table yellow
keyword whole msql_field_type yellow
keyword whole msql_fieldflags yellow
keyword whole msql_fieldlen yellow
keyword whole msql_fieldname yellow
keyword whole msql_fieldtable yellow
keyword whole msql_fieldtype yellow
keyword whole msql_free_result yellow
keyword whole msql_list_dbs yellow
keyword whole msql_list_fields yellow
keyword whole msql_list_tables yellow
keyword whole msql_num_fields yellow
keyword whole msql_num_rows yellow
keyword whole msql_numfields yellow
keyword whole msql_numrows yellow
keyword whole msql_pconnect yellow
keyword whole msql_query yellow
keyword whole msql_regcase yellow
keyword whole msql_result yellow
keyword whole msql_select_db yellow
keyword whole msql_tablename yellow
# mSQL Functions constants
keyword whole MSQL_ASSOC white
keyword whole MSQL_BOTH white
keyword whole MSQL_NUM white
# Multibyte String Functions
keyword whole mb_convert_case yellow
keyword whole mb_convert_encoding yellow
keyword whole mb_convert_kana yellow
keyword whole mb_convert_variables yellow
keyword whole mb_decode_mimeheader yellow
keyword whole mb_decode_numericentity yellow
keyword whole mb_detect_encoding yellow
keyword whole mb_detect_order yellow
keyword whole mb_encode_mimeheader yellow
keyword whole mb_encode_numericentity yellow
keyword whole mb_ereg yellow
keyword whole mb_ereg_match yellow
keyword whole mb_ereg_replace yellow
keyword whole mb_ereg_search yellow
keyword whole mb_ereg_search_getpos yellow
keyword whole mb_ereg_search_getregs yellow
keyword whole mb_ereg_search_init yellow
keyword whole mb_ereg_search_pos yellow
keyword whole mb_ereg_search_regs yellow
keyword whole mb_ereg_search_setpos yellow
keyword whole mb_eregi yellow
keyword whole mb_eregi_replace yellow
keyword whole mb_get_info yellow
keyword whole mb_http_input yellow
keyword whole mb_http_output yellow
keyword whole mb_internal_encoding yellow
keyword whole mb_language yellow
keyword whole mb_list_encodings yellow
keyword whole mb_output_handler yellow
keyword whole mb_parse_str yellow
keyword whole mb_preferred_mime_name yellow
keyword whole mb_regex_encoding yellow
keyword whole mb_regex_set_options yellow
keyword whole mb_send_mail yellow
keyword whole mb_split yellow
keyword whole mb_strcut yellow
keyword whole mb_strimwidth yellow
keyword whole mb_strlen yellow
keyword whole mb_strpos yellow
keyword whole mb_strrpos yellow
keyword whole mb_strtolower yellow
keyword whole mb_strtoupper yellow
keyword whole mb_strwidth yellow
keyword whole mb_substitute_character yellow
keyword whole mb_substr yellow
keyword whole mb_substr_count yellow
# Multibyte String Functions constants
keyword whole MB_OVERLOAD_MAIL white
keyword whole MB_OVERLOAD_REGEX white
keyword whole MB_OVERLOAD_STRING white
# muscat Functions
keyword whole muscat_close yellow
keyword whole muscat_get yellow
keyword whole muscat_give yellow
keyword whole muscat_setup yellow
keyword whole muscat_setup_net yellow
# MySQL Functions
keyword whole mysql_affected_rows yellow
keyword whole mysql_change_user yellow
keyword whole mysql_client_encoding yellow
keyword whole mysql_close yellow
keyword whole mysql_connect yellow
keyword whole mysql_create_db yellow
keyword whole mysql_data_seek yellow
keyword whole mysql_db_name yellow
keyword whole mysql_db_query yellow
keyword whole mysql_drop_db yellow
keyword whole mysql_errno yellow
keyword whole mysql_error yellow
keyword whole mysql_escape_string yellow
keyword whole mysql_fetch_array yellow
keyword whole mysql_fetch_assoc yellow
keyword whole mysql_fetch_field yellow
keyword whole mysql_fetch_lengths yellow
keyword whole mysql_fetch_object yellow
keyword whole mysql_fetch_row yellow
keyword whole mysql_field_flags yellow
keyword whole mysql_field_len yellow
keyword whole mysql_field_name yellow
keyword whole mysql_field_seek yellow
keyword whole mysql_field_table yellow
keyword whole mysql_field_type yellow
keyword whole mysql_free_result yellow
keyword whole mysql_get_client_info yellow
keyword whole mysql_get_host_info yellow
keyword whole mysql_get_proto_info yellow
keyword whole mysql_get_server_info yellow
keyword whole mysql_info yellow
keyword whole mysql_insert_id yellow
keyword whole mysql_list_dbs yellow
keyword whole mysql_list_fields yellow
keyword whole mysql_list_processes yellow
keyword whole mysql_list_tables yellow
keyword whole mysql_num_fields yellow
keyword whole mysql_num_rows yellow
keyword whole mysql_pconnect yellow
keyword whole mysql_ping yellow
keyword whole mysql_query yellow
keyword whole mysql_real_escape_string yellow
keyword whole mysql_result yellow
keyword whole mysql_select_db yellow
keyword whole mysql_stat yellow
keyword whole mysql_tablename yellow
keyword whole mysql_thread_id yellow
keyword whole mysql_unbuffered_query yellow
# MySQL Functions constants
keyword whole MYSQL_ASSOC white
keyword whole MYSQL_BOTH white
keyword whole MYSQL_CLIENT_COMPRESS white
keyword whole MYSQL_CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE white
keyword whole MYSQL_CLIENT_INTERACTIVE white
keyword whole MYSQL_CLIENT_SSL white
keyword whole MYSQL_NUM white
# MySQL Functions (PDO_MYSQL)
# MySQL Functions (PDO_MYSQL) constants
keyword whole PDO_ATTR_DRIVER_NAME white
keyword whole TRUE white
# MySQL Improved Extension
keyword whole mysqli_affected_rows yellow
keyword whole mysqli_autocommit yellow
keyword whole mysqli_bind_param yellow
keyword whole mysqli_bind_result yellow
keyword whole mysqli_change_user yellow
keyword whole mysqli_character_set_name yellow
keyword whole mysqli_client_encoding yellow
keyword whole mysqli_close yellow
keyword whole mysqli_commit yellow
keyword whole mysqli_connect yellow
keyword whole mysqli_connect_errno yellow
keyword whole mysqli_connect_error yellow
keyword whole mysqli_data_seek yellow
keyword whole mysqli_debug yellow
keyword whole mysqli_disable_reads_from_master yellow
keyword whole mysqli_disable_rpl_parse yellow
keyword whole mysqli_dump_debug_info yellow
keyword whole mysqli_embedded_connect yellow
keyword whole mysqli_enable_reads_from_master yellow
keyword whole mysqli_enable_rpl_parse yellow
keyword whole mysqli_errno yellow
keyword whole mysqli_error yellow
keyword whole mysqli_escape_string yellow
keyword whole mysqli_execute yellow
keyword whole mysqli_fetch yellow
keyword whole mysqli_fetch_array yellow
keyword whole mysqli_fetch_assoc yellow
keyword whole mysqli_fetch_field yellow
keyword whole mysqli_fetch_field_direct yellow
keyword whole mysqli_fetch_fields yellow
keyword whole mysqli_fetch_lengths yellow
keyword whole mysqli_fetch_object yellow
keyword whole mysqli_fetch_row yellow
keyword whole mysqli_field_count yellow
keyword whole mysqli_field_seek yellow
keyword whole mysqli_field_tell yellow
keyword whole mysqli_free_result yellow
keyword whole mysqli_get_client_info yellow
keyword whole mysqli_get_client_version yellow
keyword whole mysqli_get_host_info yellow
keyword whole mysqli_get_metadata yellow
keyword whole mysqli_get_proto_info yellow
keyword whole mysqli_get_server_info yellow
keyword whole mysqli_get_server_version yellow
keyword whole mysqli_info yellow
keyword whole mysqli_init yellow
keyword whole mysqli_insert_id yellow
keyword whole mysqli_kill yellow
keyword whole mysqli_master_query yellow
keyword whole mysqli_more_results yellow
keyword whole mysqli_multi_query yellow
keyword whole mysqli_next_result yellow
keyword whole mysqli_num_fields yellow
keyword whole mysqli_num_rows yellow
keyword whole mysqli_options yellow
keyword whole mysqli_param_count yellow
keyword whole mysqli_ping yellow
keyword whole mysqli_prepare yellow
keyword whole mysqli_query yellow
keyword whole mysqli_real_connect yellow
keyword whole mysqli_real_escape_string yellow
keyword whole mysqli_real_query yellow
keyword whole mysqli_report yellow
keyword whole mysqli_rollback yellow
keyword whole mysqli_rpl_parse_enabled yellow
keyword whole mysqli_rpl_probe yellow
keyword whole mysqli_rpl_query_type yellow
keyword whole mysqli_select_db yellow
keyword whole mysqli_send_long_data yellow
keyword whole mysqli_send_query yellow
keyword whole mysqli_server_end yellow
keyword whole mysqli_server_init yellow
keyword whole mysqli_set_charset yellow
keyword whole mysqli_set_opt yellow
keyword whole mysqli_sqlstate yellow
keyword whole mysqli_ssl_set yellow
keyword whole mysqli_stat yellow
keyword whole mysqli_stmt_affected_rows yellow
keyword whole mysqli_stmt_bind_param yellow
keyword whole mysqli_stmt_bind_result yellow
keyword whole mysqli_stmt_close yellow
keyword whole mysqli_stmt_data_seek yellow
keyword whole mysqli_stmt_errno yellow
keyword whole mysqli_stmt_error yellow
keyword whole mysqli_stmt_execute yellow
keyword whole mysqli_stmt_fetch yellow
keyword whole mysqli_stmt_free_result yellow
keyword whole mysqli_stmt_init yellow
keyword whole mysqli_stmt_num_rows yellow
keyword whole mysqli_stmt_param_count yellow
keyword whole mysqli_stmt_prepare yellow
keyword whole mysqli_stmt_reset yellow
keyword whole mysqli_stmt_result_metadata yellow
keyword whole mysqli_stmt_send_long_data yellow
keyword whole mysqli_stmt_sqlstate yellow
keyword whole mysqli_stmt_store_result yellow
keyword whole mysqli_store_result yellow
keyword whole mysqli_thread_id yellow
keyword whole mysqli_thread_safe yellow
keyword whole mysqli_use_result yellow
keyword whole mysqli_warning_count yellow
# MySQL Improved Extension constants
keyword whole MYSQLI_ASSOC white
keyword whole MYSQLI_AUTO_INCREMENT_FLAG white
keyword whole MYSQLI_BLOB_FLAG white
keyword whole MYSQLI_BOTH white
keyword whole MYSQLI_CLIENT_COMPRESS white
keyword whole MYSQLI_CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE white
keyword whole MYSQLI_CLIENT_NO_SCHEMA white
keyword whole MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL white
keyword whole MYSQLI_DATA_TRUNCATED white
keyword whole MYSQLI_GROUP_FLAG white
keyword whole MYSQLI_INIT_COMMAND white
keyword whole MYSQLI_MULTIPLE_KEY_FLAG white
keyword whole MYSQLI_NEED_DATA white
keyword whole MYSQLI_NOT_NULL_FLAG white
keyword whole MYSQLI_NO_DATA white
keyword whole MYSQLI_NUM white
keyword whole MYSQLI_NUM_FLAG white
keyword whole MYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT white
keyword whole MYSQLI_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE white
keyword whole MYSQLI_PART_KEY_FLAG white
keyword whole MYSQLI_PRI_KEY_FLAG white
keyword whole MYSQLI_READ_DEFAULT_FILE white
keyword whole MYSQLI_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP white
keyword whole MYSQLI_SET_FLAG white
keyword whole MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TIMESTAMP_FLAG white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_BLOB white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_DATE white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_DATETIME white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_DECIMAL white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_DOUBLE white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_ENUM white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_FLOAT white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_GEOMETRY white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_INT24 white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_LONGLONG white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG_BLOB white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_NEWDATE white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_NULL white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_SET white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_SHORT white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_STRING white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_TIME white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_TIMESTAMP white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY_BLOB white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_VAR_STRING white
keyword whole MYSQLI_TYPE_YEAR white
keyword whole MYSQLI_UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG white
keyword whole MYSQLI_UNSIGNED_FLAG white
keyword whole MYSQLI_USE_RESULT white
keyword whole MYSQLI_ZEROFILL_FLAG white
# Ncurses Terminal Screen Control Functions
keyword whole ncurses_addch yellow
keyword whole ncurses_addchnstr yellow
keyword whole ncurses_addchstr yellow
keyword whole ncurses_addnstr yellow
keyword whole ncurses_addstr yellow
keyword whole ncurses_assume_default_colors yellow
keyword whole ncurses_attroff yellow
keyword whole ncurses_attron yellow
keyword whole ncurses_attrset yellow
keyword whole ncurses_baudrate yellow
keyword whole ncurses_beep yellow
keyword whole ncurses_bkgd yellow
keyword whole ncurses_bkgdset yellow
keyword whole ncurses_border yellow
keyword whole ncurses_bottom_panel yellow
keyword whole ncurses_can_change_color yellow
keyword whole ncurses_cbreak yellow
keyword whole ncurses_clear yellow
keyword whole ncurses_clrtobot yellow
keyword whole ncurses_clrtoeol yellow
keyword whole ncurses_color_content yellow
keyword whole ncurses_color_set yellow
keyword whole ncurses_curs_set yellow
keyword whole ncurses_def_prog_mode yellow
keyword whole ncurses_def_shell_mode yellow
keyword whole ncurses_define_key yellow
keyword whole ncurses_del_panel yellow
keyword whole ncurses_delay_output yellow
keyword whole ncurses_delch yellow
keyword whole ncurses_deleteln yellow
keyword whole ncurses_delwin yellow
keyword whole ncurses_doupdate yellow
keyword whole ncurses_echo yellow
keyword whole ncurses_echochar yellow
keyword whole ncurses_end yellow
keyword whole ncurses_erase yellow
keyword whole ncurses_erasechar yellow
keyword whole ncurses_filter yellow
keyword whole ncurses_flash yellow
keyword whole ncurses_flushinp yellow
keyword whole ncurses_getch yellow
keyword whole ncurses_getmaxyx yellow
keyword whole ncurses_getmouse yellow
keyword whole ncurses_getyx yellow
keyword whole ncurses_halfdelay yellow
keyword whole ncurses_has_colors yellow
keyword whole ncurses_has_ic yellow
keyword whole ncurses_has_il yellow
keyword whole ncurses_has_key yellow
keyword whole ncurses_hide_panel yellow
keyword whole ncurses_hline yellow
keyword whole ncurses_inch yellow
keyword whole ncurses_init yellow
keyword whole ncurses_init_color yellow
keyword whole ncurses_init_pair yellow
keyword whole ncurses_insch yellow
keyword whole ncurses_insdelln yellow
keyword whole ncurses_insertln yellow
keyword whole ncurses_insstr yellow
keyword whole ncurses_instr yellow
keyword whole ncurses_isendwin yellow
keyword whole ncurses_keyok yellow
keyword whole ncurses_keypad yellow
keyword whole ncurses_killchar yellow
keyword whole ncurses_longname yellow
keyword whole ncurses_meta yellow
keyword whole ncurses_mouse_trafo yellow
keyword whole ncurses_mouseinterval yellow
keyword whole ncurses_mousemask yellow
keyword whole ncurses_move yellow
keyword whole ncurses_move_panel yellow
keyword whole ncurses_mvaddch yellow
keyword whole ncurses_mvaddchnstr yellow
keyword whole ncurses_mvaddchstr yellow
keyword whole ncurses_mvaddnstr yellow
keyword whole ncurses_mvaddstr yellow
keyword whole ncurses_mvcur yellow
keyword whole ncurses_mvdelch yellow
keyword whole ncurses_mvgetch yellow
keyword whole ncurses_mvhline yellow
keyword whole ncurses_mvinch yellow
keyword whole ncurses_mvvline yellow
keyword whole ncurses_mvwaddstr yellow
keyword whole ncurses_napms yellow
keyword whole ncurses_new_panel yellow
keyword whole ncurses_newpad yellow
keyword whole ncurses_newwin yellow
keyword whole ncurses_nl yellow
keyword whole ncurses_nocbreak yellow
keyword whole ncurses_noecho yellow
keyword whole ncurses_nonl yellow
keyword whole ncurses_noqiflush yellow
keyword whole ncurses_noraw yellow
keyword whole ncurses_pair_content yellow
keyword whole ncurses_panel_above yellow
keyword whole ncurses_panel_below yellow
keyword whole ncurses_panel_window yellow
keyword whole ncurses_pnoutrefresh yellow
keyword whole ncurses_prefresh yellow
keyword whole ncurses_putp yellow
keyword whole ncurses_qiflush yellow
keyword whole ncurses_raw yellow
keyword whole ncurses_refresh yellow
keyword whole ncurses_replace_panel yellow
keyword whole ncurses_reset_prog_mode yellow
keyword whole ncurses_reset_shell_mode yellow
keyword whole ncurses_resetty yellow
keyword whole ncurses_savetty yellow
keyword whole ncurses_scr_dump yellow
keyword whole ncurses_scr_init yellow
keyword whole ncurses_scr_restore yellow
keyword whole ncurses_scr_set yellow
keyword whole ncurses_scrl yellow
keyword whole ncurses_show_panel yellow
keyword whole ncurses_slk_attr yellow
keyword whole ncurses_slk_attroff yellow
keyword whole ncurses_slk_attron yellow
keyword whole ncurses_slk_attrset yellow
keyword whole ncurses_slk_clear yellow
keyword whole ncurses_slk_color yellow
keyword whole ncurses_slk_init yellow
keyword whole ncurses_slk_noutrefresh yellow
keyword whole ncurses_slk_refresh yellow
keyword whole ncurses_slk_restore yellow
keyword whole ncurses_slk_set yellow
keyword whole ncurses_slk_touch yellow
keyword whole ncurses_standend yellow
keyword whole ncurses_standout yellow
keyword whole ncurses_start_color yellow
keyword whole ncurses_termattrs yellow
keyword whole ncurses_termname yellow
keyword whole ncurses_timeout yellow
keyword whole ncurses_top_panel yellow
keyword whole ncurses_typeahead yellow
keyword whole ncurses_ungetch yellow
keyword whole ncurses_ungetmouse yellow
keyword whole ncurses_update_panels yellow
keyword whole ncurses_use_default_colors yellow
keyword whole ncurses_use_env yellow
keyword whole ncurses_use_extended_names yellow
keyword whole ncurses_vidattr yellow
keyword whole ncurses_vline yellow
keyword whole ncurses_waddch yellow
keyword whole ncurses_waddstr yellow
keyword whole ncurses_wattroff yellow
keyword whole ncurses_wattron yellow
keyword whole ncurses_wattrset yellow
keyword whole ncurses_wborder yellow
keyword whole ncurses_wclear yellow
keyword whole ncurses_wcolor_set yellow
keyword whole ncurses_werase yellow
keyword whole ncurses_wgetch yellow
keyword whole ncurses_whline yellow
keyword whole ncurses_wmouse_trafo yellow
keyword whole ncurses_wmove yellow
keyword whole ncurses_wnoutrefresh yellow
keyword whole ncurses_wrefresh yellow
keyword whole ncurses_wstandend yellow
keyword whole ncurses_wstandout yellow
keyword whole ncurses_wvline yellow
# Network Functions
keyword whole checkdnsrr yellow
keyword whole closelog yellow
keyword whole debugger_off yellow
keyword whole debugger_on yellow
keyword whole define_syslog_variables yellow
keyword whole dns_check_record yellow
keyword whole dns_get_mx yellow
keyword whole dns_get_record yellow
keyword whole fsockopen yellow
keyword whole gethostbyaddr yellow
keyword whole gethostbyname yellow
keyword whole gethostbynamel yellow
keyword whole getmxrr yellow
keyword whole getprotobyname yellow
keyword whole getprotobynumber yellow
keyword whole getservbyname yellow
keyword whole getservbyport yellow
keyword whole inet_ntop yellow
keyword whole inet_pton yellow
keyword whole ip2long yellow
keyword whole long2ip yellow
keyword whole openlog yellow
keyword whole pfsockopen yellow
keyword whole socket_get_status yellow
keyword whole socket_set_blocking yellow
keyword whole socket_set_timeout yellow
keyword whole syslog yellow
# Network Functions constants
keyword whole DNS_A white
keyword whole DNS_AAAA white
keyword whole DNS_ALL white
keyword whole DNS_ANY white
keyword whole DNS_CNAME white
keyword whole DNS_HINFO white
keyword whole DNS_MX white
keyword whole DNS_NS white
keyword whole DNS_PTR white
keyword whole DNS_SOA white
keyword whole DNS_TXT white
keyword whole LOG_ALERT white
keyword whole LOG_AUTH white
keyword whole LOG_AUTHPRIV white
keyword whole LOG_CONS white
keyword whole LOG_CRIT white
keyword whole LOG_CRON white
keyword whole LOG_DAEMON white
keyword whole LOG_DEBUG white
keyword whole LOG_EMERG white
keyword whole LOG_ERR white
keyword whole LOG_INFO white
keyword whole LOG_KERN white
keyword whole LOG_LOCAL0 ... LOG_LOCAL7 white
keyword whole LOG_LPR white
keyword whole LOG_MAIL white
keyword whole LOG_NDELAY white
keyword whole LOG_NEWS white
keyword whole LOG_NOTICE white
keyword whole LOG_NOWAIT white
keyword whole LOG_ODELAY white
keyword whole LOG_PERROR white
keyword whole LOG_PID white
keyword whole LOG_SYSLOG white
keyword whole LOG_USER white
keyword whole LOG_UUCP white
keyword whole LOG_WARNING white
# Newt Functions
keyword whole newt_bell yellow
keyword whole newt_button yellow
keyword whole newt_button_bar yellow
keyword whole newt_centered_window yellow
keyword whole newt_checkbox yellow
keyword whole newt_checkbox_get_value yellow
keyword whole newt_checkbox_set_flags yellow
keyword whole newt_checkbox_set_value yellow
keyword whole newt_checkbox_tree yellow
keyword whole newt_checkbox_tree_add_item yellow
keyword whole newt_checkbox_tree_find_item yellow
keyword whole newt_checkbox_tree_get_current yellow
keyword whole newt_checkbox_tree_get_entry_value yellow
keyword whole newt_checkbox_tree_get_multi_selection yellow
keyword whole newt_checkbox_tree_get_selection yellow
keyword whole newt_checkbox_tree_multi yellow
keyword whole newt_checkbox_tree_set_current yellow
keyword whole newt_checkbox_tree_set_entry yellow
keyword whole newt_checkbox_tree_set_entry_value yellow
keyword whole newt_checkbox_tree_set_width yellow
keyword whole newt_clear_key_buffer yellow
keyword whole newt_cls yellow
keyword whole newt_compact_button yellow
keyword whole newt_component_add_callback yellow
keyword whole newt_component_takes_focus yellow
keyword whole newt_create_grid yellow
keyword whole newt_cursor_off yellow
keyword whole newt_cursor_on yellow
keyword whole newt_delay yellow
keyword whole newt_draw_form yellow
keyword whole newt_draw_root_text yellow
keyword whole newt_entry yellow
keyword whole newt_entry_get_value yellow
keyword whole newt_entry_set yellow
keyword whole newt_entry_set_filter yellow
keyword whole newt_entry_set_flags yellow
keyword whole newt_finished yellow
keyword whole newt_form yellow
keyword whole newt_form_add_component yellow
keyword whole newt_form_add_components yellow
keyword whole newt_form_add_host_key yellow
keyword whole newt_form_destroy yellow
keyword whole newt_form_get_current yellow
keyword whole newt_form_run yellow
keyword whole newt_form_set_background yellow
keyword whole newt_form_set_height yellow
keyword whole newt_form_set_size yellow
keyword whole newt_form_set_timer yellow
keyword whole newt_form_set_width yellow
keyword whole newt_form_watch_fd yellow
keyword whole newt_get_screen_size yellow
keyword whole newt_grid_add_components_to_form yellow
keyword whole newt_grid_basic_window yellow
keyword whole newt_grid_free yellow
keyword whole newt_grid_get_size yellow
keyword whole newt_grid_h_close_stacked yellow
keyword whole newt_grid_h_stacked yellow
keyword whole newt_grid_place yellow
keyword whole newt_grid_set_field yellow
keyword whole newt_grid_simple_window yellow
keyword whole newt_grid_v_close_stacked yellow
keyword whole newt_grid_v_stacked yellow
keyword whole newt_grid_wrapped_window yellow
keyword whole newt_grid_wrapped_window_at yellow
keyword whole newt_init yellow
keyword whole newt_label yellow
keyword whole newt_label_set_text yellow
keyword whole newt_listbox yellow
keyword whole newt_listbox_append_entry yellow
keyword whole newt_listbox_clear yellow
keyword whole newt_listbox_clear_selection yellow
keyword whole newt_listbox_delete_entry yellow
keyword whole newt_listbox_get_current yellow
keyword whole newt_listbox_get_selection yellow
keyword whole newt_listbox_insert_entry yellow
keyword whole newt_listbox_item_count yellow
keyword whole newt_listbox_select_item yellow
keyword whole newt_listbox_set_current yellow
keyword whole newt_listbox_set_current_by_key yellow
keyword whole newt_listbox_set_data yellow
keyword whole newt_listbox_set_entry yellow
keyword whole newt_listbox_set_width yellow
keyword whole newt_listitem yellow
keyword whole newt_listitem_get_data yellow
keyword whole newt_listitem_set yellow
keyword whole newt_open_window yellow
keyword whole newt_pop_help_line yellow
keyword whole newt_pop_window yellow
keyword whole newt_push_help_line yellow
keyword whole newt_radio_get_current yellow
keyword whole newt_radiobutton yellow
keyword whole newt_redraw_help_line yellow
keyword whole newt_reflow_text yellow
keyword whole newt_refresh yellow
keyword whole newt_resize_screen yellow
keyword whole newt_resume yellow
keyword whole newt_run_form yellow
keyword whole newt_scale yellow
keyword whole newt_scale_set yellow
keyword whole newt_scrollbar_set yellow
keyword whole newt_set_help_callback yellow
keyword whole newt_set_suspend_callback yellow
keyword whole newt_suspend yellow
keyword whole newt_texbox_set_text yellow
keyword whole newt_textbox yellow
keyword whole newt_textbox_get_num_lines yellow
keyword whole newt_textbox_reflowed yellow
keyword whole newt_textbox_set_height yellow
keyword whole newt_vertical_scrollbar yellow
keyword whole newt_wait_for_key yellow
keyword whole newt_win_choice yellow
keyword whole newt_win_entries yellow
keyword whole newt_win_menu yellow
keyword whole newt_win_message yellow
keyword whole newt_win_messagev yellow
keyword whole newt_win_ternary yellow
# Newt Functions constants
keyword whole NEWT_ANCHOR_BOTTOM white
keyword whole NEWT_ANCHOR_LEFT white
keyword whole NEWT_ANCHOR_RIGHT white
keyword whole NEWT_ANCHOR_TOP white
keyword whole NEWT_ARG_APPEND white
keyword whole NEWT_ARG_LAST white
keyword whole NEWT_CHECKBOXTREE_HIDE_BOX white
keyword whole NEWT_COLORSET_ACTBUTTON white
keyword whole NEWT_COLORSET_ACTLISTBOX white
keyword whole NEWT_COLORSET_ACTTEXTBOX white
keyword whole NEWT_COLORSET_BORDER white
keyword whole NEWT_COLORSET_BUTTON white
keyword whole NEWT_COLORSET_CHECKBOX white
keyword whole NEWT_COLORSET_DISENTRY white
keyword whole NEWT_COLORSET_EMPTYSCALE white
keyword whole NEWT_COLORSET_ENTRY white
keyword whole NEWT_COLORSET_FULLSCALE white
keyword whole NEWT_COLORSET_HELPLINE white
keyword whole NEWT_COLORSET_LABEL white
keyword whole NEWT_COLORSET_LISTBOX white
keyword whole NEWT_COLORSET_ROOT white
keyword whole NEWT_COLORSET_ROOTTEXT white
keyword whole NEWT_COLORSET_SELLISTBOX white
keyword whole NEWT_COLORSET_SHADOW white
keyword whole NEWT_COLORSET_TEXTBOX white
keyword whole NEWT_COLORSET_TITLE white
keyword whole NEWT_COLORSET_WINDOW white
keyword whole NEWT_ENTRY_DISABLED white
keyword whole NEWT_ENTRY_HIDDEN white
keyword whole NEWT_ENTRY_RETURNEXIT white
keyword whole NEWT_ENTRY_SCROLL white
keyword whole NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT white
keyword whole NEWT_EXIT_FDREADY white
keyword whole NEWT_EXIT_HOTKEY white
keyword whole NEWT_EXIT_TIMER white
keyword whole NEWT_FD_EXCEPT white
keyword whole NEWT_FD_READ white
keyword whole NEWT_FD_WRITE white
keyword whole NEWT_FLAGS_RESET white
keyword whole NEWT_FLAGS_SET white
keyword whole NEWT_FLAGS_TOGGLE white
keyword whole NEWT_FLAG_BORDER white
keyword whole NEWT_FLAG_CHECKBOX white
keyword whole NEWT_FLAG_DISABLED white
keyword whole NEWT_FLAG_HIDDEN white
keyword whole NEWT_FLAG_MULTIPLE white
keyword whole NEWT_FLAG_NOF12 white
keyword whole NEWT_FLAG_PASSWORD white
keyword whole NEWT_FLAG_RETURNEXIT white
keyword whole NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL white
keyword whole NEWT_FLAG_SELECTED white
keyword whole NEWT_FLAG_SHOWCURSOR white
keyword whole NEWT_FLAG_WRAP white
keyword whole NEWT_FORM_NOF12 white
keyword whole NEWT_GRID_COMPONENT white
keyword whole NEWT_GRID_EMPTY white
keyword whole NEWT_GRID_FLAG_GROWX white
keyword whole NEWT_GRID_FLAG_GROWY white
keyword whole NEWT_GRID_SUBGRID white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_BKSPC white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_DELETE white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_DOWN white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_END white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_ENTER white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_ESCAPE white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_F1 white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_F10 white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_F11 white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_F12 white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_F2 white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_F3 white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_F4 white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_F5 white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_F6 white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_F7 white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_F8 white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_F9 white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_HOME white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_INSERT white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_LEFT white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_PGDN white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_PGUP white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_RESIZE white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_RETURN white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_RIGHT white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_SUSPEND white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_TAB white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_UNTAB white
keyword whole NEWT_KEY_UP white
keyword whole NEWT_LISTBOX_RETURNEXIT white
keyword whole NEWT_TEXTBOX_SCROLL white
keyword whole NEWT_TEXTBOX_WRAP white
# NSAPI-specific Functions
keyword whole nsapi_request_headers yellow
keyword whole nsapi_response_headers yellow
keyword whole nsapi_virtual yellow
# Object Aggregation/Composition Functions
keyword whole aggregate yellow
keyword whole aggregate_info yellow
keyword whole aggregate_methods yellow
keyword whole aggregate_methods_by_list yellow
keyword whole aggregate_methods_by_regexp yellow
keyword whole aggregate_properties yellow
keyword whole aggregate_properties_by_list yellow
keyword whole aggregate_properties_by_regexp yellow
keyword whole aggregation_info yellow
keyword whole deaggregate yellow
# Object property and method call overloading
keyword whole overload yellow
# Oracle functions
keyword whole oci_bind_by_name yellow
keyword whole oci_cancel yellow
keyword whole oci_close yellow
keyword whole oci_commit yellow
keyword whole oci_connect yellow
keyword whole oci_define_by_name yellow
keyword whole oci_error yellow
keyword whole oci_execute yellow
keyword whole oci_fetch yellow
keyword whole oci_fetch_all yellow
keyword whole oci_fetch_array yellow
keyword whole oci_fetch_assoc yellow
keyword whole oci_fetch_object yellow
keyword whole oci_fetch_row yellow
keyword whole oci_field_is_null yellow
keyword whole oci_field_name yellow
keyword whole oci_field_precision yellow
keyword whole oci_field_scale yellow
keyword whole oci_field_size yellow
keyword whole oci_field_type yellow
keyword whole oci_field_type_raw yellow
keyword whole oci_free_statement yellow
keyword whole oci_internal_debug yellow
keyword whole oci_lob_copy yellow
keyword whole oci_lob_is_equal yellow
keyword whole oci_new_collection yellow
keyword whole oci_new_connect yellow
keyword whole oci_new_cursor yellow
keyword whole oci_new_descriptor yellow
keyword whole oci_num_fields yellow
keyword whole oci_num_rows yellow
keyword whole oci_parse yellow
keyword whole oci_password_change yellow
keyword whole oci_pconnect yellow
keyword whole oci_result yellow
keyword whole oci_rollback yellow
keyword whole oci_server_version yellow
keyword whole oci_set_prefetch yellow
keyword whole oci_statement_type yellow
keyword whole ocibindbyname yellow
keyword whole ocicancel yellow
keyword whole ocicloselob yellow
keyword whole ocicollappend yellow
keyword whole ocicollassign yellow
keyword whole ocicollassignelem yellow
keyword whole ocicollgetelem yellow
keyword whole ocicollmax yellow
keyword whole ocicollsize yellow
keyword whole ocicolltrim yellow
keyword whole ocicolumnisnull yellow
keyword whole ocicolumnname yellow
keyword whole ocicolumnprecision yellow
keyword whole ocicolumnscale yellow
keyword whole ocicolumnsize yellow
keyword whole ocicolumntype yellow
keyword whole ocicolumntyperaw yellow
keyword whole ocicommit yellow
keyword whole ocidefinebyname yellow
keyword whole ocierror yellow
keyword whole ociexecute yellow
keyword whole ocifetch yellow
keyword whole ocifetchinto yellow
keyword whole ocifetchistatement yellow
keyword whole ocifreecollection yellow
keyword whole ocifreecursor yellow
keyword whole ocifreedesc yellow
keyword whole ocifreestatement yellow
keyword whole ociinternaldebug yellow
keyword whole ociloadlob yellow
keyword whole ocilogoff yellow
keyword whole ocilogon yellow
keyword whole ocinewcollection yellow
keyword whole ocinewcursor yellow
keyword whole ocinewscriptor yellow
keyword whole ocinlogon yellow
keyword whole ocinumcols yellow
keyword whole ociparse yellow
keyword whole ociplogon yellow
keyword whole ociresult yellow
keyword whole ocirollback yellow
keyword whole ocirowcount yellow
keyword whole ocisavelob yellow
keyword whole ocisavelobfile yellow
keyword whole ociserverversion yellow
keyword whole ocisetprefetch yellow
keyword whole ocistatementtype yellow
keyword whole ociwritelobtofile yellow
keyword whole ociwritetemporarylob yellow
# Oracle functions OCI-Collection methods
keyword whole OCI-Collection yellow
keyword whole ->append yellow
keyword whole ->assign yellow
keyword whole ->assignElem yellow
keyword whole ->free yellow
keyword whole ->getElem yellow
keyword whole ->max yellow
keyword whole ->size yellow
keyword whole ->trim yellow
# Oracle functions OCI-Lob methods
keyword whole OCI-Lob yellow
keyword whole ->append yellow
keyword whole ->close yellow
keyword whole ->eof yellow
keyword whole ->erase yellow
keyword whole ->export yellow
keyword whole ->flush yellow
keyword whole ->free yellow
keyword whole ->getBuffering yellow
keyword whole ->import yellow
keyword whole ->load yellow
keyword whole ->read yellow
keyword whole ->rewind yellow
keyword whole ->save yellow
keyword whole ->saveFile yellow
keyword whole ->seek yellow
keyword whole ->setBuffering yellow
keyword whole ->size yellow
keyword whole ->tell yellow
keyword whole ->truncate yellow
keyword whole ->write yellow
keyword whole ->writeTemporary yellow
keyword whole ->writeToFile yellow
# Oracle functions constants
keyword whole NULL white
keyword whole OCI_ASSOC white
keyword whole OCI_BOTH white
keyword whole OCI_B_BFILE white
keyword whole OCI_B_BIN white
keyword whole OCI_B_BLOB white
keyword whole OCI_B_CFILEE white
keyword whole OCI_B_CLOB white
keyword whole OCI_B_CURSOR white
keyword whole OCI_B_NTY white
keyword whole OCI_B_ROWID white
keyword whole OCI_B_SQLT_NTY white
keyword whole OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS white
keyword whole OCI_DEFAULT white
keyword whole OCI_DESCRIBE_ONLY white
keyword whole OCI_DTYPE_FILE white
keyword whole OCI_DTYPE_LOB white
keyword whole OCI_DTYPE_ROWID white
keyword whole OCI_D_FILE white
keyword whole OCI_D_LOB white
keyword whole OCI_D_ROWID white
keyword whole OCI_EXACT_FETCH white
keyword whole OCI_FETCHSTATEMENT_BY_ROW white
keyword whole OCI_LOB_BUFFER_FREE white
keyword whole OCI_NUM white
keyword whole OCI_RETURN_LOBS white
keyword whole OCI_RETURN_NULLS white
keyword whole OCI_SYSDATE white
keyword whole OCI_SYSDBA white
keyword whole OCI_SYSOPER white
keyword whole OCI_TEMP_BLOB white
keyword whole OCI_TEMP_CLOB white
keyword whole SQLT_BFILEE white
keyword whole SQLT_BLOB white
keyword whole SQLT_CFILEE white
keyword whole SQLT_CLOB white
keyword whole SQLT_NTY white
keyword whole SQLT_RDD white
# ODBC Functions (Unified)
keyword whole odbc_autocommit yellow
keyword whole odbc_binmode yellow
keyword whole odbc_close yellow
keyword whole odbc_close_all yellow
keyword whole odbc_columnprivileges yellow
keyword whole odbc_columns yellow
keyword whole odbc_commit yellow
keyword whole odbc_connect yellow
keyword whole odbc_cursor yellow
keyword whole odbc_data_source yellow
keyword whole odbc_do yellow
keyword whole odbc_error yellow
keyword whole odbc_errormsg yellow
keyword whole odbc_exec yellow
keyword whole odbc_execute yellow
keyword whole odbc_fetch_array yellow
keyword whole odbc_fetch_into yellow
keyword whole odbc_fetch_object yellow
keyword whole odbc_fetch_row yellow
keyword whole odbc_field_len yellow
keyword whole odbc_field_name yellow
keyword whole odbc_field_num yellow
keyword whole odbc_field_precision yellow
keyword whole odbc_field_scale yellow
keyword whole odbc_field_type yellow
keyword whole odbc_foreignkeys yellow
keyword whole odbc_free_result yellow
keyword whole odbc_gettypeinfo yellow
keyword whole odbc_longreadlen yellow
keyword whole odbc_next_result yellow
keyword whole odbc_num_fields yellow
keyword whole odbc_num_rows yellow
keyword whole odbc_pconnect yellow
keyword whole odbc_prepare yellow
keyword whole odbc_primarykeys yellow
keyword whole odbc_procedurecolumns yellow
keyword whole odbc_procedures yellow
keyword whole odbc_result yellow
keyword whole odbc_result_all yellow
keyword whole odbc_rollback yellow
keyword whole odbc_setoption yellow
keyword whole odbc_specialcolumns yellow
keyword whole odbc_statistics yellow
keyword whole odbc_tableprivileges yellow
keyword whole odbc_tables yellow
# ODBC Functions (Unified) constants
keyword whole ODBC_BINMODE_CONVERT white
keyword whole ODBC_BINMODE_PASSTHRU white
keyword whole ODBC_BINMODE_RETURN white
keyword whole ODBC_TYPE white
keyword whole SQL_BEST_ROWID white
keyword whole SQL_BIGINT white
keyword whole SQL_BINARY white
keyword whole SQL_BIT white
keyword whole SQL_CHAR white
keyword whole SQL_CONCURRENCY white
keyword whole SQL_CONCUR_LOCK white
keyword whole SQL_CONCUR_READ_ONLY white
keyword whole SQL_CONCUR_ROWVER white
keyword whole SQL_CONCUR_VALUES white
keyword whole SQL_CURSOR_DYNAMIC white
keyword whole SQL_CURSOR_FORWARD_ONLY white
keyword whole SQL_CURSOR_KEYSET_DRIVEN white
keyword whole SQL_CURSOR_STATIC white
keyword whole SQL_CURSOR_TYPE white
keyword whole SQL_CUR_USE_DRIVER white
keyword whole SQL_CUR_USE_IF_NEEDED white
keyword whole SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC white
keyword whole SQL_DATE white
keyword whole SQL_DECIMAL white
keyword whole SQL_DOUBLE white
keyword whole SQL_ENSURE white
keyword whole SQL_FLOAT white
keyword whole SQL_INDEX_ALL white
keyword whole SQL_INDEX_UNIQUE white
keyword whole SQL_INTEGER white
keyword whole SQL_KEYSET_SIZE white
keyword whole SQL_LONGVARBINARY white
keyword whole SQL_LONGVARCHAR white
keyword whole SQL_NO_NULLS white
keyword whole SQL_NULLABLE white
keyword whole SQL_NUMERIC white
keyword whole SQL_ODBC_CURSORS white
keyword whole SQL_QUICK white
keyword whole SQL_REAL white
keyword whole SQL_ROWVER white
keyword whole SQL_SCOPE_CURROW white
keyword whole SQL_SCOPE_SESSION white
keyword whole SQL_SCOPE_TRANSACTION white
keyword whole SQL_SMALLINT white
keyword whole SQL_TIME white
keyword whole SQL_TIMESTAMP white
keyword whole SQL_TINYINT white
keyword whole SQL_TYPE_DATE white
keyword whole SQL_TYPE_TIME white
keyword whole SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP white
keyword whole SQL_VARBINARY white
keyword whole SQL_VARCHAR white
# ODBC and DB2 functions (PDO_ODBC)
# oggvorbis
# oggvorbis constants
keyword whole OGGVORBIS_PCM_S16_BE white
keyword whole OGGVORBIS_PCM_S16_LE white
keyword whole OGGVORBIS_PCM_S8 white
keyword whole OGGVORBIS_PCM_U16_BE white
keyword whole OGGVORBIS_PCM_U16_LE white
keyword whole OGGVORBIS_PCM_U8 white
# OpenAL Audio Bindings
keyword whole openal_buffer_create yellow
keyword whole openal_buffer_data yellow
keyword whole openal_buffer_destroy yellow
keyword whole openal_buffer_get yellow
keyword whole openal_buffer_loadwav yellow
keyword whole openal_context_create yellow
keyword whole openal_context_current yellow
keyword whole openal_context_destroy yellow
keyword whole openal_context_process yellow
keyword whole openal_context_suspend yellow
keyword whole openal_device_close yellow
keyword whole openal_device_open yellow
keyword whole openal_listener_get yellow
keyword whole openal_listener_set yellow
keyword whole openal_source_create yellow
keyword whole openal_source_destroy yellow
keyword whole openal_source_get yellow
keyword whole openal_source_pause yellow
keyword whole openal_source_play yellow
keyword whole openal_source_rewind yellow
keyword whole openal_source_set yellow
keyword whole openal_source_stop yellow
keyword whole openal_stream yellow
# OpenAL Audio Bindings constants
keyword whole ALC_FREQUENCY white
keyword whole ALC_REFRESH white
keyword whole ALC_SYNC white
keyword whole AL_BITS white
keyword whole AL_BUFFER white
keyword whole AL_CHANNELS white
keyword whole AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE white
keyword whole AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE white
keyword whole AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN white
keyword whole AL_DIRECTION white
keyword whole AL_FALSE white
keyword whole AL_FORMAT_MONO16 white
keyword whole AL_FORMAT_MONO8 white
keyword whole AL_FORMAT_STEREO16 white
keyword whole AL_FORMAT_STEREO8 white
keyword whole AL_FREQUENCY white
keyword whole AL_GAIN white
keyword whole AL_INITIAL white
keyword whole AL_LOOPING white
keyword whole AL_MAX_DISTANCE white
keyword whole AL_MAX_GAIN white
keyword whole AL_MIN_GAIN white
keyword whole AL_ORIENTATION white
keyword whole AL_PAUSED white
keyword whole AL_PITCH white
keyword whole AL_PLAYING white
keyword whole AL_POSITION white
keyword whole AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE white
keyword whole AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR white
keyword whole AL_SIZE white
keyword whole AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE white
keyword whole AL_SOURCE_STATE white
keyword whole AL_STOPPED white
keyword whole AL_TRUE white
keyword whole AL_VELOCITY white
# OpenSSL Functions
keyword whole openssl_csr_export yellow
keyword whole openssl_csr_export_to_file yellow
keyword whole openssl_csr_new yellow
keyword whole openssl_csr_sign yellow
keyword whole openssl_error_string yellow
keyword whole openssl_free_key yellow
keyword whole openssl_get_privatekey yellow
keyword whole openssl_get_publickey yellow
keyword whole openssl_open yellow
keyword whole openssl_pkcs7_decrypt yellow
keyword whole openssl_pkcs7_encrypt yellow
keyword whole openssl_pkcs7_sign yellow
keyword whole openssl_pkcs7_verify yellow
keyword whole openssl_pkey_export yellow
keyword whole openssl_pkey_export_to_file yellow
keyword whole openssl_pkey_free yellow
keyword whole openssl_pkey_get_private yellow
keyword whole openssl_pkey_get_public yellow
keyword whole openssl_pkey_new yellow
keyword whole openssl_private_decrypt yellow
keyword whole openssl_private_encrypt yellow
keyword whole openssl_public_decrypt yellow
keyword whole openssl_public_encrypt yellow
keyword whole openssl_seal yellow
keyword whole openssl_sign yellow
keyword whole openssl_verify yellow
keyword whole openssl_x509_check_private_key yellow
keyword whole openssl_x509_checkpurpose yellow
keyword whole openssl_x509_export yellow
keyword whole openssl_x509_export_to_file yellow
keyword whole openssl_x509_free yellow
keyword whole openssl_x509_parse yellow
keyword whole openssl_x509_read yellow
# Oracle Functions [deprecated]
keyword whole ora_bind yellow
keyword whole ora_close yellow
keyword whole ora_columnname yellow
keyword whole ora_columnsize yellow
keyword whole ora_columntype yellow
keyword whole ora_commit yellow
keyword whole ora_commitoff yellow
keyword whole ora_commiton yellow
keyword whole ora_do yellow
keyword whole ora_error yellow
keyword whole ora_errorcode yellow
keyword whole ora_exec yellow
keyword whole ora_fetch yellow
keyword whole ora_fetch_into yellow
keyword whole ora_getcolumn yellow
keyword whole ora_logoff yellow
keyword whole ora_logon yellow
keyword whole ora_numcols yellow
keyword whole ora_numrows yellow
keyword whole ora_open yellow
keyword whole ora_parse yellow
keyword whole ora_plogon yellow
keyword whole ora_rollback yellow
# Oracle Functions [deprecated] constants
keyword whole ORA_BIND_IN white
keyword whole ORA_BIND_INOUT white
keyword whole ORA_BIND_OUT white
keyword whole ORA_FETCHINTO_ASSOC white
keyword whole ORA_FETCHINTO_NULLS white
# Oracle Functions (PDO_OCI)
# Output Control Functions
keyword whole flush yellow
keyword whole ob_clean yellow
keyword whole ob_end_clean yellow
keyword whole ob_end_flush yellow
keyword whole ob_flush yellow
keyword whole ob_get_clean yellow
keyword whole ob_get_contents yellow
keyword whole ob_get_flush yellow
keyword whole ob_get_length yellow
keyword whole ob_get_level yellow
keyword whole ob_get_status yellow
keyword whole ob_gzhandler yellow
keyword whole ob_implicit_flush yellow
keyword whole ob_list_handlers yellow
keyword whole ob_start yellow
keyword whole output_add_rewrite_var yellow
keyword whole output_reset_rewrite_vars yellow
# Ovrimos SQL Functions
keyword whole ovrimos_close yellow
keyword whole ovrimos_commit yellow
keyword whole ovrimos_connect yellow
keyword whole ovrimos_cursor yellow
keyword whole ovrimos_exec yellow
keyword whole ovrimos_execute yellow
keyword whole ovrimos_fetch_into yellow
keyword whole ovrimos_fetch_row yellow
keyword whole ovrimos_field_len yellow
keyword whole ovrimos_field_name yellow
keyword whole ovrimos_field_num yellow
keyword whole ovrimos_field_type yellow
keyword whole ovrimos_free_result yellow
keyword whole ovrimos_longreadlen yellow
keyword whole ovrimos_num_fields yellow
keyword whole ovrimos_num_rows yellow
keyword whole ovrimos_prepare yellow
keyword whole ovrimos_result yellow
keyword whole ovrimos_result_all yellow
keyword whole ovrimos_rollback yellow
# Paradox File Access
keyword whole px_close yellow
keyword whole px_create_fp yellow
keyword whole px_delete yellow
keyword whole px_get_field yellow
keyword whole px_get_info yellow
keyword whole px_get_parameter yellow
keyword whole px_get_record yellow
keyword whole px_get_schema yellow
keyword whole px_get_value yellow
keyword whole px_new yellow
keyword whole px_numfields yellow
keyword whole px_numrecords yellow
keyword whole px_open_fp yellow
keyword whole px_put_record yellow
keyword whole px_set_blob_file yellow
keyword whole px_set_parameter yellow
keyword whole px_set_tablename yellow
keyword whole px_set_targetencoding yellow
keyword whole px_set_value yellow
keyword whole px_timestamp2string yellow
# Paradox File Access constants
keyword whole PX_FIELD_ALPHA white
keyword whole PX_FIELD_AUTOINC white
keyword whole PX_FIELD_BCD white
keyword whole PX_FIELD_BLOB white
keyword whole PX_FIELD_BYTES white
keyword whole PX_FIELD_CURRENCY white
keyword whole PX_FIELD_DATE white
keyword whole PX_FIELD_FMTMEMOBLOB white
keyword whole PX_FIELD_GRAPHIC white
keyword whole PX_FIELD_LOGICAL white
keyword whole PX_FIELD_LONG white
keyword whole PX_FIELD_MEMOBLOB white
keyword whole PX_FIELD_NUMBER white
keyword whole PX_FIELD_OLE white
keyword whole PX_FIELD_SHORT white
keyword whole PX_FIELD_TIME white
keyword whole PX_FIELD_TIMESTAMP white
keyword whole PX_FILE_INC_SEC_INDEX white
keyword whole PX_FILE_INC_SEC_INDEX_G white
keyword whole PX_FILE_INDEX_DB white
keyword whole PX_FILE_NON_INC_SEC_INDEX white
keyword whole PX_FILE_NON_INC_SEC_INDEX_G white
keyword whole PX_FILE_NON_INDEX_DB white
keyword whole PX_FILE_PRIM_INDEX white
keyword whole PX_FILE_SEC_INDEX white
keyword whole PX_FILE_SEC_INDEX_G white
keyword whole PX_KEYTOLOWER white
keyword whole PX_KEYTOUPPER white
# Parsekit Functions
keyword whole parsekit_compile_file yellow
keyword whole parsekit_compile_string yellow
keyword whole parsekit_func_arginfo yellow
# Parsekit Functions constants
keyword whole PARSEKIT_EXTENDED_VALUE white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_IS_CONST white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_IS_TMP_VAR white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_IS_UNUSED white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_IS_VAR white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_QUIET white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_RESULT_CONST white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_RESULT_EA_TYPE white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_RESULT_JMP_ADDR white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_RESULT_OPARRAY white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_RESULT_OPLINE white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_RESULT_VAR white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_SIMPLE white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_USAGE_UNKNOWN white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_ADD white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_ADD_CHAR white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_ADD_STRING white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_ADD_VAR white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_ASSIGN white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_ASSIGN_ADD white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_ASSIGN_BW_AND white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_ASSIGN_BW_OR white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_ASSIGN_BW_XOR white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_ASSIGN_DIM white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_ASSIGN_DIV white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_ASSIGN_MOD white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_ASSIGN_MUL white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_ASSIGN_OBJ white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_ASSIGN_REF white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_ASSIGN_SL white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_ASSIGN_SR white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_ASSIGN_SUB white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_BOOL white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_BOOL_NOT white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_BOOL_XOR white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_BRK white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_BW_AND white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_BW_NOT white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_BW_OR white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_BW_XOR white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_CASE white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_CAST white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_CATCH white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_CLONE white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_CONCAT white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_CONT white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_DIV white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_DO_FCALL white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_DO_FCALL_BY_NAME white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_ECHO white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_END_SILENCE white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_EVAL_CODE white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_EXIT white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_EXT_FCALL_END white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_EXT_NOP white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_EXT_STMT white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_FETCH_CLASS white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_FETCH_DIM_IS white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_FETCH_DIM_R white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_FETCH_DIM_RW white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_FETCH_DIM_W white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_FETCH_FUNC_ARG white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_FETCH_IS white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_FETCH_OBJ_IS white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_FETCH_OBJ_R white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_FETCH_OBJ_RW white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_FETCH_OBJ_W white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_FETCH_R white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_FETCH_RW white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_FETCH_UNSET white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_FETCH_W white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_FE_FETCH white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_FE_RESET white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_FREE white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_IMPORT_CLASS white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_IMPORT_CONST white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_INIT_ARRAY white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_INIT_CTOR_CALL white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_INIT_STRING white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_INSTANCEOF white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_IS_EQUAL white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_IS_IDENTICAL white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_IS_NOT_EQUAL white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_IS_SMALLER white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_JMP white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_JMPNZ white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_JMPNZ_EX white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_JMPZ white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_JMPZNZ white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_JMPZ_EX white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_JMP_NO_CTOR white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_MOD white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_MUL white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_NEW white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_NOP white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_OP_DATA white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_POST_DEC white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_POST_DEC_OBJ white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_POST_INC white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_POST_INC_OBJ white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_PRE_DEC white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_PRE_DEC_OBJ white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_PRE_INC white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_PRE_INC_OBJ white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_PRINT white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_QM_ASSIGN white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_RECV white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_RECV_INIT white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_RETURN white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_SEND_REF white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_SEND_VAL white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_SEND_VAR white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_SEND_VAR_NO_REF white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_SL white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_SR white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_SUB white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_SWITCH_FREE white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_THROW white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_TICKS white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_UNSET_DIM_OBJ white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_UNSET_VAR white
keyword whole PARSEKIT_ZEND_USER_CLASS white
# Process Control Functions
keyword whole pcntl_alarm yellow
keyword whole pcntl_exec yellow
keyword whole pcntl_fork yellow
keyword whole pcntl_getpriority yellow
keyword whole pcntl_setpriority yellow
keyword whole pcntl_signal yellow
keyword whole pcntl_wait yellow
keyword whole pcntl_waitpid yellow
keyword whole pcntl_wexitstatus yellow
keyword whole pcntl_wifexited yellow
keyword whole pcntl_wifsignaled yellow
keyword whole pcntl_wifstopped yellow
keyword whole pcntl_wstopsig yellow
keyword whole pcntl_wtermsig yellow
# Process Control Functions constants
keyword whole SIGABRT white
keyword whole SIGALRM white
keyword whole SIGBABY white
keyword whole SIGBUS white
keyword whole SIGCHLD white
keyword whole SIGCLD white
keyword whole SIGCONT white
keyword whole SIGFPE white
keyword whole SIGHUP white
keyword whole SIGILL white
keyword whole SIGINT white
keyword whole SIGIO white
keyword whole SIGIOT white
keyword whole SIGKILL white
keyword whole SIGPIPE white
keyword whole SIGPOLL white
keyword whole SIGPROF white
keyword whole SIGPWR white
keyword whole SIGQUIT white
keyword whole SIGSEGV white
keyword whole SIGSTKFLT white
keyword whole SIGSTOP white
keyword whole SIGSYS white
keyword whole SIGTERM white
keyword whole SIGTRAP white
keyword whole SIGTSTP white
keyword whole SIGTTIN white
keyword whole SIGTTOU white
keyword whole SIGURG white
keyword whole SIGUSR1 white
keyword whole SIGUSR2 white
keyword whole SIGVTALRM white
keyword whole SIGWINCH white
keyword whole SIGXCPU white
keyword whole SIGXFSZ white
keyword whole SIG_DFL white
keyword whole SIG_ERR white
keyword whole SIG_IGN white
keyword whole WNOHANG white
keyword whole WUNTRACED white
# Regular Expression Functions (Perl-Compatible)
keyword whole preg_grep yellow
keyword whole preg_match yellow
keyword whole preg_match_all yellow
keyword whole preg_quote yellow
keyword whole preg_replace yellow
keyword whole preg_replace_callback yellow
keyword whole preg_split yellow
# Regular Expression Functions (Perl-Compatible) constants
keyword whole PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE white
keyword whole PREG_PATTERN_ORDER white
keyword whole PREG_SET_ORDER white
keyword whole PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE white
keyword whole PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY white
keyword whole PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE white
# PDF functions
keyword whole pdf_add_annotation yellow
keyword whole pdf_add_bookmark yellow
keyword whole pdf_add_launchlink yellow
keyword whole pdf_add_locallink yellow
keyword whole pdf_add_note yellow
keyword whole pdf_add_outline yellow
keyword whole pdf_add_pdflink yellow
keyword whole pdf_add_thumbnail yellow
keyword whole pdf_add_weblink yellow
keyword whole pdf_arc yellow
keyword whole pdf_arcn yellow
keyword whole pdf_attach_file yellow
keyword whole pdf_begin_page yellow
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keyword whole pdf_closepath yellow
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keyword whole pdf_concat yellow
keyword whole pdf_continue_text yellow
keyword whole pdf_curveto yellow
keyword whole pdf_delete yellow
keyword whole pdf_end_page yellow
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keyword whole pdf_endpath yellow
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keyword whole pdf_get_font yellow
keyword whole pdf_get_fontname yellow
keyword whole pdf_get_fontsize yellow
keyword whole pdf_get_image_height yellow
keyword whole pdf_get_image_width yellow
keyword whole pdf_get_majorversion yellow
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keyword whole pdf_get_parameter yellow
keyword whole pdf_get_pdi_parameter yellow
keyword whole pdf_get_pdi_value yellow
keyword whole pdf_get_value yellow
keyword whole pdf_initgraphics yellow
keyword whole pdf_lineto yellow
keyword whole pdf_makespotcolor yellow
keyword whole pdf_moveto yellow
keyword whole pdf_new yellow
keyword whole pdf_open yellow
keyword whole pdf_open_ccitt yellow
keyword whole pdf_open_file yellow
keyword whole pdf_open_gif yellow
keyword whole pdf_open_image yellow
keyword whole pdf_open_image_file yellow
keyword whole pdf_open_jpeg yellow
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keyword whole pdf_open_pdi yellow
keyword whole pdf_open_pdi_page yellow
keyword whole pdf_open_png yellow
keyword whole pdf_open_tiff yellow
keyword whole pdf_place_image yellow
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keyword whole pdf_rect yellow
keyword whole pdf_restore yellow
keyword whole pdf_rotate yellow
keyword whole pdf_save yellow
keyword whole pdf_scale yellow
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keyword whole pdf_set_char_spacing yellow
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keyword whole pdf_set_font yellow
keyword whole pdf_set_horiz_scaling yellow
keyword whole pdf_set_info yellow
keyword whole pdf_set_info_author yellow
keyword whole pdf_set_info_creator yellow
keyword whole pdf_set_info_keywords yellow
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keyword whole pdf_set_leading yellow
keyword whole pdf_set_parameter yellow
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keyword whole pdf_set_value yellow
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keyword whole pdf_show yellow
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keyword whole pdf_show_xy yellow
keyword whole pdf_skew yellow
keyword whole pdf_stringwidth yellow
keyword whole pdf_stroke yellow
keyword whole pdf_translate yellow
# PDO Functions
# PDO Functions PDO methods
keyword whole PDO yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
keyword whole ->beginTransaction yellow
keyword whole ->commit yellow
keyword whole ->errorCode yellow
keyword whole ->errorInfo yellow
keyword whole ->exec yellow
keyword whole ->getAttribute yellow
keyword whole ->getAvailableDrivers yellow
keyword whole ->lastInsertId yellow
keyword whole ->prepare yellow
keyword whole ->query yellow
keyword whole ->quote yellow
keyword whole ->rollBack yellow
keyword whole ->setAttribute yellow
# PDO Functions PDOStatement methods
keyword whole PDOStatement yellow
keyword whole ->bindColumn yellow
keyword whole ->bindParam yellow
keyword whole ->bindValue yellow
keyword whole ->closeCursor yellow
keyword whole ->columnCount yellow
keyword whole ->errorCode yellow
keyword whole ->errorInfo yellow
keyword whole ->execute yellow
keyword whole ->fetch yellow
keyword whole ->fetchAll yellow
keyword whole ->fetchColumn yellow
keyword whole ->getAttribute yellow
keyword whole ->getColumnMeta yellow
keyword whole ->nextRowset yellow
keyword whole ->rowCount yellow
keyword whole ->setAttribute yellow
keyword whole ->setFetchMode yellow
# PDO Functions constants
keyword whole FALSE white
keyword whole PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT white
keyword whole PDO::ATTR_CASE white
keyword whole PDO::ATTR_CLIENT_VERSION white
keyword whole PDO::ATTR_CONNECTION_STATUS white
keyword whole PDO::ATTR_CURSOR white
keyword whole PDO::ATTR_CURSOR_NAME white
keyword whole PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME white
keyword whole PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE white
keyword whole PDO::ATTR_FETCH_CATALOG_NAMES white
keyword whole PDO::ATTR_FETCH_TABLE_NAMES white
keyword whole PDO::ATTR_ORACLE_NULLS white
keyword whole PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT white
keyword whole PDO::ATTR_PREFETCH white
keyword whole PDO::ATTR_SERVER_INFO white
keyword whole PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION white
keyword whole PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT white
keyword whole PDO::CASE_LOWER white
keyword whole PDO::CASE_NATURAL white
keyword whole PDO::CASE_UPPER white
keyword whole PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY white
keyword whole PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL white
keyword whole PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION white
keyword whole PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT white
keyword whole PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING white
keyword whole PDO::ERR_NONE white
keyword whole PDO::FETCH_ASSOC white
keyword whole PDO::FETCH_BOTH white
keyword whole PDO::FETCH_BOUND white
keyword whole PDO::FETCH_CLASS white
keyword whole PDO::FETCH_CLASSTYPE white
keyword whole PDO::FETCH_COLUMN white
keyword whole PDO::FETCH_FUNC white
keyword whole PDO::FETCH_GROUP white
keyword whole PDO::FETCH_INTO white
keyword whole PDO::FETCH_LAZY white
keyword whole PDO::FETCH_NAMED white
keyword whole PDO::FETCH_NUM white
keyword whole PDO::FETCH_OBJ white
keyword whole PDO::FETCH_ORI_ABS white
keyword whole PDO::FETCH_ORI_FIRST white
keyword whole PDO::FETCH_ORI_LAST white
keyword whole PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT white
keyword whole PDO::FETCH_ORI_PRIOR white
keyword whole PDO::FETCH_ORI_REL white
keyword whole PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE white
keyword whole PDO::PARAM_BOOL white
keyword whole PDO::PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT white
keyword whole PDO::PARAM_INT white
keyword whole PDO::PARAM_LOB white
keyword whole PDO::PARAM_NULL white
keyword whole PDO::PARAM_STMT white
keyword whole PDO::PARAM_STR white
keyword whole PDO_PARAM_BOOL white
# PHP Options&Information
keyword whole assert yellow
keyword whole assert_options yellow
keyword whole dl yellow
keyword whole extension_loaded yellow
keyword whole get_cfg_var yellow
keyword whole get_current_user yellow
keyword whole get_defined_constants yellow
keyword whole get_extension_funcs yellow
keyword whole get_include_path yellow
keyword whole get_included_files yellow
keyword whole get_loaded_extensions yellow
keyword whole get_magic_quotes_gpc yellow
keyword whole get_magic_quotes_runtime yellow
keyword whole get_required_files yellow
keyword whole getenv yellow
keyword whole getlastmod yellow
keyword whole getmygid yellow
keyword whole getmyinode yellow
keyword whole getmypid yellow
keyword whole getmyuid yellow
keyword whole getopt yellow
keyword whole getrusage yellow
keyword whole ini_alter yellow
keyword whole ini_get yellow
keyword whole ini_get_all yellow
keyword whole ini_restore yellow
keyword whole ini_set yellow
keyword whole main yellow
keyword whole memory_get_usage yellow
keyword whole php_ini_scanned_files yellow
keyword whole php_logo_guid yellow
keyword whole php_sapi_name yellow
keyword whole php_uname yellow
keyword whole phpcredits yellow
keyword whole phpinfo yellow
keyword whole phpversion yellow
keyword whole putenv yellow
keyword whole restore_include_path yellow
keyword whole set_include_path yellow
keyword whole set_magic_quotes_runtime yellow
keyword whole set_time_limit yellow
keyword whole version_compare yellow
keyword whole zend_logo_guid yellow
keyword whole zend_version yellow
# PHP Options&Information constants
keyword whole ASSERT_ACTIVE white
keyword whole ASSERT_BAIL white
keyword whole ASSERT_CALLBACK white
keyword whole ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL white
keyword whole ASSERT_WARNING white
keyword whole CREDITS_ALL white
keyword whole CREDITS_DOCS white
keyword whole CREDITS_FULLPAGE white
keyword whole CREDITS_GENERAL white
keyword whole CREDITS_GROUP white
keyword whole CREDITS_MODULES white
keyword whole CREDITS_QA white
keyword whole CREDITS_SAPI white
keyword whole INFO_ALL white
keyword whole INFO_CONFIGURATION white
keyword whole INFO_CREDITS white
keyword whole INFO_ENVIRONMENT white
keyword whole INFO_GENERAL white
keyword whole INFO_LICENSE white
keyword whole INFO_MODULES white
keyword whole INFO_VARIABLES white
# POSIX Functions
keyword whole posix_access yellow
keyword whole posix_ctermid yellow
keyword whole posix_get_last_error yellow
keyword whole posix_getcwd yellow
keyword whole posix_getegid yellow
keyword whole posix_geteuid yellow
keyword whole posix_getgid yellow
keyword whole posix_getgrgid yellow
keyword whole posix_getgrnam yellow
keyword whole posix_getgroups yellow
keyword whole posix_getlogin yellow
keyword whole posix_getpgid yellow
keyword whole posix_getpgrp yellow
keyword whole posix_getpid yellow
keyword whole posix_getppid yellow
keyword whole posix_getpwnam yellow
keyword whole posix_getpwuid yellow
keyword whole posix_getrlimit yellow
keyword whole posix_getsid yellow
keyword whole posix_getuid yellow
keyword whole posix_isatty yellow
keyword whole posix_kill yellow
keyword whole posix_mkfifo yellow
keyword whole posix_mknod yellow
keyword whole posix_setegid yellow
keyword whole posix_seteuid yellow
keyword whole posix_setgid yellow
keyword whole posix_setpgid yellow
keyword whole posix_setsid yellow
keyword whole posix_setuid yellow
keyword whole posix_strerror yellow
keyword whole posix_times yellow
keyword whole posix_ttyname yellow
keyword whole posix_uname yellow
# POSIX Functions constants
keyword whole POSIX_F_OK white
keyword whole POSIX_R_OK white
keyword whole POSIX_S_IFBLK white
keyword whole POSIX_S_IFCHR white
keyword whole POSIX_S_IFIFO white
keyword whole POSIX_S_IFREG white
keyword whole POSIX_S_IFSOCK white
keyword whole POSIX_W_OK white
keyword whole POSIX_X_OK white
# Regular Expression Functions (POSIX Extended)
keyword whole ereg yellow
keyword whole ereg_replace yellow
keyword whole eregi yellow
keyword whole eregi_replace yellow
keyword whole split yellow
keyword whole spliti yellow
keyword whole sql_regcase yellow
# PostgreSQL Functions
keyword whole pg_affected_rows yellow
keyword whole pg_cancel_query yellow
keyword whole pg_client_encoding yellow
keyword whole pg_close yellow
keyword whole pg_connect yellow
keyword whole pg_connection_busy yellow
keyword whole pg_connection_reset yellow
keyword whole pg_connection_status yellow
keyword whole pg_convert yellow
keyword whole pg_copy_from yellow
keyword whole pg_copy_to yellow
keyword whole pg_dbname yellow
keyword whole pg_delete yellow
keyword whole pg_end_copy yellow
keyword whole pg_escape_bytea yellow
keyword whole pg_escape_string yellow
keyword whole pg_execute yellow
keyword whole pg_fetch_all yellow
keyword whole pg_fetch_all_columns yellow
keyword whole pg_fetch_array yellow
keyword whole pg_fetch_assoc yellow
keyword whole pg_fetch_object yellow
keyword whole pg_fetch_result yellow
keyword whole pg_fetch_row yellow
keyword whole pg_field_is_null yellow
keyword whole pg_field_name yellow
keyword whole pg_field_num yellow
keyword whole pg_field_prtlen yellow
keyword whole pg_field_size yellow
keyword whole pg_field_type yellow
keyword whole pg_field_type_oid yellow
keyword whole pg_free_result yellow
keyword whole pg_get_notify yellow
keyword whole pg_get_pid yellow
keyword whole pg_get_result yellow
keyword whole pg_host yellow
keyword whole pg_insert yellow
keyword whole pg_last_error yellow
keyword whole pg_last_notice yellow
keyword whole pg_last_oid yellow
keyword whole pg_lo_close yellow
keyword whole pg_lo_create yellow
keyword whole pg_lo_export yellow
keyword whole pg_lo_import yellow
keyword whole pg_lo_open yellow
keyword whole pg_lo_read yellow
keyword whole pg_lo_read_all yellow
keyword whole pg_lo_seek yellow
keyword whole pg_lo_tell yellow
keyword whole pg_lo_unlink yellow
keyword whole pg_lo_write yellow
keyword whole pg_meta_data yellow
keyword whole pg_num_fields yellow
keyword whole pg_num_rows yellow
keyword whole pg_options yellow
keyword whole pg_parameter_status yellow
keyword whole pg_pconnect yellow
keyword whole pg_ping yellow
keyword whole pg_port yellow
keyword whole pg_prepare yellow
keyword whole pg_put_line yellow
keyword whole pg_query yellow
keyword whole pg_query_params yellow
keyword whole pg_result_error yellow
keyword whole pg_result_error_field yellow
keyword whole pg_result_seek yellow
keyword whole pg_result_status yellow
keyword whole pg_select yellow
keyword whole pg_send_execute yellow
keyword whole pg_send_prepare yellow
keyword whole pg_send_query yellow
keyword whole pg_send_query_params yellow
keyword whole pg_set_client_encoding yellow
keyword whole pg_set_error_verbosity yellow
keyword whole pg_trace yellow
keyword whole pg_transaction_status yellow
keyword whole pg_tty yellow
keyword whole pg_unescape_bytea yellow
keyword whole pg_untrace yellow
keyword whole pg_update yellow
keyword whole pg_version yellow
# PostgreSQL Functions constants
keyword whole NULL white
keyword whole PGSQL_ASSOC white
keyword whole PGSQL_BAD_RESPONSE white
keyword whole PGSQL_BOTH white
keyword whole PGSQL_COMMAND_OK white
keyword whole PGSQL_CONNECTION_BAD white
keyword whole PGSQL_CONNECTION_OK white
keyword whole PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW white
keyword whole PGSQL_CONV_FORCE_NULL white
keyword whole PGSQL_CONV_IGNORE_DEFAULT white
keyword whole PGSQL_COPY_IN white
keyword whole PGSQL_COPY_OUT white
keyword whole PGSQL_DIAG_CONTEXT white
keyword whole PGSQL_DIAG_INTERNAL_QUERY white
keyword whole PGSQL_DIAG_MESSAGE_DETAIL white
keyword whole PGSQL_DIAG_MESSAGE_HINT white
keyword whole PGSQL_DIAG_MESSAGE_PRIMARY white
keyword whole PGSQL_DIAG_SEVERITY white
keyword whole PGSQL_DIAG_SOURCE_FILE white
keyword whole PGSQL_DIAG_SOURCE_FUNCTION white
keyword whole PGSQL_DIAG_SOURCE_LINE white
keyword whole PGSQL_DIAG_SQLSTATE white
keyword whole PGSQL_EMPTY_QUERY white
keyword whole PGSQL_ERRORS_DEFAULT white
keyword whole PGSQL_ERRORS_TERSE white
keyword whole PGSQL_ERRORS_VERBOSE white
keyword whole PGSQL_FATAL_ERROR white
keyword whole PGSQL_NONFATAL_ERROR white
keyword whole PGSQL_NUM white
keyword whole PGSQL_SEEK_CUR white
keyword whole PGSQL_SEEK_END white
keyword whole PGSQL_SEEK_SET white
keyword whole PGSQL_STATUS_LONG white
keyword whole PGSQL_STATUS_STRING white
keyword whole PGSQL_TRANSACTION_ACTIVE white
keyword whole PGSQL_TRANSACTION_IDLE white
keyword whole PGSQL_TUPLES_OK white
keyword whole PG_DIAG_INTERNAL_QUERY white
keyword whole PG_DIAG_STATEMENT_POSITION white
# PostgreSQL Functions (PDO_PGSQL)
# Printer Functions
keyword whole printer_abort yellow
keyword whole printer_close yellow
keyword whole printer_create_brush yellow
keyword whole printer_create_dc yellow
keyword whole printer_create_font yellow
keyword whole printer_create_pen yellow
keyword whole printer_delete_brush yellow
keyword whole printer_delete_dc yellow
keyword whole printer_delete_font yellow
keyword whole printer_delete_pen yellow
keyword whole printer_draw_bmp yellow
keyword whole printer_draw_chord yellow
keyword whole printer_draw_elipse yellow
keyword whole printer_draw_line yellow
keyword whole printer_draw_pie yellow
keyword whole printer_draw_rectangle yellow
keyword whole printer_draw_roundrect yellow
keyword whole printer_draw_text yellow
keyword whole printer_end_doc yellow
keyword whole printer_end_page yellow
keyword whole printer_get_option yellow
keyword whole printer_list yellow
keyword whole printer_logical_fontheight yellow
keyword whole printer_open yellow
keyword whole printer_select_brush yellow
keyword whole printer_select_font yellow
keyword whole printer_select_pen yellow
keyword whole printer_set_option yellow
keyword whole printer_start_doc yellow
keyword whole printer_start_page yellow
keyword whole printer_write yellow
# Program Execution Functions
keyword whole escapeshellarg yellow
keyword whole escapeshellcmd yellow
keyword whole exec yellow
keyword whole passthru yellow
keyword whole proc_close yellow
keyword whole proc_get_status yellow
keyword whole proc_nice yellow
keyword whole proc_open yellow
keyword whole proc_terminate yellow
keyword whole shell_exec yellow
keyword whole system yellow
# PostScript document creation
keyword whole ps_add_bookmark yellow
keyword whole ps_add_launchlink yellow
keyword whole ps_add_locallink yellow
keyword whole ps_add_note yellow
keyword whole ps_add_pdflink yellow
keyword whole ps_add_weblink yellow
keyword whole ps_arc yellow
keyword whole ps_arcn yellow
keyword whole ps_begin_page yellow
keyword whole ps_begin_pattern yellow
keyword whole ps_begin_template yellow
keyword whole ps_circle yellow
keyword whole ps_clip yellow
keyword whole ps_close yellow
keyword whole ps_close_image yellow
keyword whole ps_closepath yellow
keyword whole ps_closepath_stroke yellow
keyword whole ps_continue_text yellow
keyword whole ps_curveto yellow
keyword whole ps_delete yellow
keyword whole ps_end_page yellow
keyword whole ps_end_pattern yellow
keyword whole ps_end_template yellow
keyword whole ps_fill yellow
keyword whole ps_fill_stroke yellow
keyword whole ps_findfont yellow
keyword whole ps_get_buffer yellow
keyword whole ps_get_parameter yellow
keyword whole ps_get_value yellow
keyword whole ps_hyphenate yellow
keyword whole ps_lineto yellow
keyword whole ps_makespotcolor yellow
keyword whole ps_moveto yellow
keyword whole ps_new yellow
keyword whole ps_open_file yellow
keyword whole ps_open_image yellow
keyword whole ps_open_image_file yellow
keyword whole ps_place_image yellow
keyword whole ps_rect yellow
keyword whole ps_restore yellow
keyword whole ps_rotate yellow
keyword whole ps_save yellow
keyword whole ps_scale yellow
keyword whole ps_set_border_color yellow
keyword whole ps_set_border_dash yellow
keyword whole ps_set_border_style yellow
keyword whole ps_set_info yellow
keyword whole ps_set_parameter yellow
keyword whole ps_set_text_pos yellow
keyword whole ps_set_value yellow
keyword whole ps_setcolor yellow
keyword whole ps_setdash yellow
keyword whole ps_setflat yellow
keyword whole ps_setfont yellow
keyword whole ps_setgray yellow
keyword whole ps_setlinecap yellow
keyword whole ps_setlinejoin yellow
keyword whole ps_setlinewidth yellow
keyword whole ps_setmiterlimit yellow
keyword whole ps_setpolydash yellow
keyword whole ps_shading yellow
keyword whole ps_shading_pattern yellow
keyword whole ps_shfill yellow
keyword whole ps_show yellow
keyword whole ps_show_boxed yellow
keyword whole ps_show_xy yellow
keyword whole ps_string_geometry yellow
keyword whole ps_stringwidth yellow
keyword whole ps_stroke yellow
keyword whole ps_symbol yellow
keyword whole ps_symbol_name yellow
keyword whole ps_symbol_width yellow
keyword whole ps_translate yellow
# PostScript document creation constants
keyword whole ps_LINECAP_BUTT white
keyword whole ps_LINECAP_ROUND white
keyword whole ps_LINECAP_SQUARED white
keyword whole ps_LINEJOIN_BEVEL white
keyword whole ps_LINEJOIN_MITER white
keyword whole ps_LINEJOIN_ROUND white
# Pspell Functions
keyword whole pspell_add_to_personal yellow
keyword whole pspell_add_to_session yellow
keyword whole pspell_check yellow
keyword whole pspell_clear_session yellow
keyword whole pspell_config_create yellow
keyword whole pspell_config_data_dir yellow
keyword whole pspell_config_dict_dir yellow
keyword whole pspell_config_ignore yellow
keyword whole pspell_config_mode yellow
keyword whole pspell_config_personal yellow
keyword whole pspell_config_repl yellow
keyword whole pspell_config_runtogether yellow
keyword whole pspell_config_save_repl yellow
keyword whole pspell_new yellow
keyword whole pspell_new_config yellow
keyword whole pspell_new_personal yellow
keyword whole pspell_save_wordlist yellow
keyword whole pspell_store_replacement yellow
keyword whole pspell_suggest yellow
# Pspell Functions constants
keyword whole PSPELL_BAD_SPELLERS white
keyword whole PSPELL_FAST white
keyword whole PSPELL_NORMAL white
keyword whole PSPELL_RUN_TOGETHER white
# qtdom Functions
keyword whole qdom_error yellow
keyword whole qdom_tree yellow
# Radius
keyword whole radius_acct_open yellow
keyword whole radius_add_server yellow
keyword whole radius_auth_open yellow
keyword whole radius_close yellow
keyword whole radius_config yellow
keyword whole radius_create_request yellow
keyword whole radius_cvt_addr yellow
keyword whole radius_cvt_int yellow
keyword whole radius_cvt_string yellow
keyword whole radius_demangle yellow
keyword whole radius_demangle_mppe_key yellow
keyword whole radius_get_attr yellow
keyword whole radius_get_vendor_attr yellow
keyword whole radius_put_addr yellow
keyword whole radius_put_attr yellow
keyword whole radius_put_int yellow
keyword whole radius_put_string yellow
keyword whole radius_put_vendor_addr yellow
keyword whole radius_put_vendor_attr yellow
keyword whole radius_put_vendor_int yellow
keyword whole radius_put_vendor_string yellow
keyword whole radius_request_authenticator yellow
keyword whole radius_send_request yellow
keyword whole radius_server_secret yellow
keyword whole radius_strerror yellow
# Radius constants
keyword whole RADIUS_ACCESS_ACCEPT white
keyword whole RADIUS_ACCESS_CHALLENGE white
keyword whole RADIUS_ACCESS_REJECT white
keyword whole RADIUS_ACCESS_REQUEST white
keyword whole RADIUS_ACCOUNTING_OFF white
keyword whole RADIUS_ACCOUNTING_ON white
keyword whole RADIUS_ACCT_AUTHENTIC white
keyword whole RADIUS_ACCT_DELAY_TIME white
keyword whole RADIUS_ACCT_INPUT_OCTETS white
keyword whole RADIUS_ACCT_INPUT_PACKETS white
keyword whole RADIUS_ACCT_LINK_COUNT white
keyword whole RADIUS_ACCT_MULTI_SESSION_ID white
keyword whole RADIUS_ACCT_OUTPUT_OCTETS white
keyword whole RADIUS_ACCT_OUTPUT_PACKETS white
keyword whole RADIUS_ACCT_SESSION_ID white
keyword whole RADIUS_ACCT_SESSION_TIME white
keyword whole RADIUS_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE white
keyword whole RADIUS_ADMINISTRATIVE white
keyword whole RADIUS_ADSL_CAP white
keyword whole RADIUS_ADSL_DMT white
keyword whole RADIUS_ARAP white
keyword whole RADIUS_ASYNC white
keyword whole RADIUS_AUTHENTICATE_ONLY white
keyword whole RADIUS_AUTH_LOCAL white
keyword whole RADIUS_AUTH_RADIUS white
keyword whole RADIUS_AUTH_REMOTE white
keyword whole RADIUS_CABLE white
keyword whole RADIUS_CALLBACK_FRAMED white
keyword whole RADIUS_CALLBACK_ID white
keyword whole RADIUS_CALLBACK_LOGIN white
keyword whole RADIUS_CALLBACK_NAS_PROMPT white
keyword whole RADIUS_CALLBACK_NUMBER white
keyword whole RADIUS_CALLED_STATION_ID white
keyword whole RADIUS_CALLING_STATION_ID white
keyword whole RADIUS_CHAP_CHALLENGE white
keyword whole RADIUS_CHAP_PASSWORD white
keyword whole RADIUS_CLASS white
keyword whole RADIUS_COMP_IPXHDR white
keyword whole RADIUS_COMP_NONE white
keyword whole RADIUS_COMP_VJ white
keyword whole RADIUS_CONNECT_INFO white
keyword whole RADIUS_ETHERNET white
keyword whole RADIUS_FILTER_ID white
keyword whole RADIUS_FRAMED white
keyword whole RADIUS_FRAMED_IPX_NETWORK white
keyword whole RADIUS_FRAMED_IP_ADDRESS white
keyword whole RADIUS_FRAMED_IP_NETMASK white
keyword whole RADIUS_FRAMED_MTU white
keyword whole RADIUS_FRAMED_PROTOCOL white
keyword whole RADIUS_FRAMED_ROUTE white
keyword whole RADIUS_FRAMED_ROUTING white
keyword whole RADIUS_GANDALF white
keyword whole RADIUS_G_3_FAX white
keyword whole RADIUS_HDLC_CLEAR_CHANNEL white
keyword whole RADIUS_IDLE_TIMEOUT white
keyword whole RADIUS_IDSL white
keyword whole RADIUS_ISDN_ASYNC_V110 white
keyword whole RADIUS_ISDN_ASYNC_V120 white
keyword whole RADIUS_ISDN_SYNC white
keyword whole RADIUS_LOGIN white
keyword whole RADIUS_LOGIN_IP_HOST white
keyword whole RADIUS_LOGIN_LAT_GROUP white
keyword whole RADIUS_LOGIN_LAT_NODE white
keyword whole RADIUS_LOGIN_LAT_PORT white
keyword whole RADIUS_LOGIN_LAT_SERVICE white
keyword whole RADIUS_LOGIN_SERVICE white
keyword whole RADIUS_LOGIN_TCP_PORT white
keyword whole RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP2_PW white
keyword whole RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP_PW_1 white
keyword whole RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP_PW_2 white
keyword whole RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS_FILTER white
keyword whole RADIUS_NAS_IDENTIFIER white
keyword whole RADIUS_NAS_IP_ADDRESS white
keyword whole RADIUS_NAS_PORT white
keyword whole RADIUS_NAS_PORT_TYPE white
keyword whole RADIUS_NAS_PROMPT white
keyword whole RADIUS_OUTBOUND white
keyword whole RADIUS_PIAFS white
keyword whole RADIUS_PORT_LIMIT white
keyword whole RADIUS_PPP white
keyword whole RADIUS_PROXY_STATE white
keyword whole RADIUS_REPLY_MESSAGE white
keyword whole RADIUS_SDSL white
keyword whole RADIUS_SERVICE_TYPE white
keyword whole RADIUS_SESSION_TIMEOUT white
keyword whole RADIUS_SLIP white
keyword whole RADIUS_START white
keyword whole RADIUS_STATE white
keyword whole RADIUS_STOP white
keyword whole RADIUS_SYNC white
keyword whole RADIUS_TERM_ADMIN_REBOOT white
keyword whole RADIUS_TERM_ADMIN_RESET white
keyword whole RADIUS_TERM_CALLBACK white
keyword whole RADIUS_TERM_HOST_REQUEST white
keyword whole RADIUS_TERM_IDLE_TIMEOUT white
keyword whole RADIUS_TERM_LOST_CARRIER white
keyword whole RADIUS_TERM_LOST_SERVICE white
keyword whole RADIUS_TERM_NAS_ERROR white
keyword whole RADIUS_TERM_NAS_REBOOT white
keyword whole RADIUS_TERM_NAS_REQUEST white
keyword whole RADIUS_TERM_PORT_ERROR white
keyword whole RADIUS_TERM_PORT_PREEMPTED white
keyword whole RADIUS_TERM_PORT_SUSPENDED white
keyword whole RADIUS_TERM_PORT_UNNEEDED white
keyword whole RADIUS_TERM_USER_ERROR white
keyword whole RADIUS_TERM_USER_REQUEST white
keyword whole RADIUS_USER_NAME white
keyword whole RADIUS_USER_PASSWORD white
keyword whole RADIUS_VENDOR_MICROSOFT white
keyword whole RADIUS_VENDOR_SPECIFIC white
keyword whole RADIUS_VIRTUAL white
keyword whole RADIUS_WIRELESS_IEEE_802_11 white
keyword whole RADIUS_WIRELESS_OTHER white
keyword whole RADIUS_XDSL white
keyword whole RADIUS_XYLOGICS white
keyword whole RADIUS_X_25 white
keyword whole RADIUS_X_75 white
# Rar Functions
keyword whole rar_close yellow
keyword whole rar_entry_get yellow
keyword whole rar_list yellow
keyword whole rar_open yellow
# Rar Functions Rar methods
keyword whole Rar yellow
keyword whole ->extract yellow
keyword whole ->getAttr yellow
keyword whole ->getCrc yellow
keyword whole ->getFileTime yellow
keyword whole ->getHostOs yellow
keyword whole ->getMethod yellow
keyword whole ->getName yellow
keyword whole ->getPackedSize yellow
keyword whole ->getUnpackedSize yellow
keyword whole ->getVersion yellow
# Rar Functions constants
keyword whole RAR_HOST_BEOS white
keyword whole RAR_HOST_MSDOS white
keyword whole RAR_HOST_OS2 white
keyword whole RAR_HOST_UNIX white
keyword whole RAR_HOST_WIN32 white
# GNU Readline
keyword whole readline yellow
keyword whole readline_add_history yellow
keyword whole readline_callback_handler_install yellow
keyword whole readline_callback_handler_remove yellow
keyword whole readline_callback_read_char yellow
keyword whole readline_clear_history yellow
keyword whole readline_completion_function yellow
keyword whole readline_info yellow
keyword whole readline_list_history yellow
keyword whole readline_on_new_line yellow
keyword whole readline_read_history yellow
keyword whole readline_redisplay yellow
keyword whole readline_write_history yellow
# GNU Recode Functions
keyword whole recode yellow
keyword whole recode_file yellow
keyword whole recode_string yellow
# RPM Header Reading Functions
keyword whole rpm_close yellow
keyword whole rpm_get_tag yellow
keyword whole rpm_is_valid yellow
keyword whole rpm_open yellow
# RPM Header Reading Functions constants
keyword whole RPMREADER_ARCH white
keyword whole RPMREADER_ARCHIVESIZE white
keyword whole RPMREADER_BASENAMES white
keyword whole RPMREADER_BUILDARCHS white
keyword whole RPMREADER_BUILDHOST white
keyword whole RPMREADER_BUILDTIME white
keyword whole RPMREADER_CACHECTIME white
keyword whole RPMREADER_CACHEPKGPATH white
keyword whole RPMREADER_CACHEPKGSIZE white
keyword whole RPMREADER_CLASSDICT white
keyword whole RPMREADER_CONFLICTNAME white
keyword whole RPMREADER_COOKIE white
keyword whole RPMREADER_COPYRIGHT white
keyword whole RPMREADER_DEPENDSDICT white
keyword whole RPMREADER_DESCRIPTION white
keyword whole RPMREADER_DIRINDEXES white
keyword whole RPMREADER_DIRNAMES white
keyword whole RPMREADER_DISTRIBUTION white
keyword whole RPMREADER_DISTURL white
keyword whole RPMREADER_EPOCH white
keyword whole RPMREADER_EXCLUDEARCH white
keyword whole RPMREADER_EXCLUDEOS white
keyword whole RPMREADER_EXCLUSIVEOS white
keyword whole RPMREADER_FILECLASS white
keyword whole RPMREADER_FILECOLORS white
keyword whole RPMREADER_FILECONTEXTS white
keyword whole RPMREADER_FILEDEPENDSN white
keyword whole RPMREADER_FILEDEPENDSX white
keyword whole RPMREADER_FILEDEVICES white
keyword whole RPMREADER_FILEFLAGS white
keyword whole RPMREADER_FILEINODES white
keyword whole RPMREADER_FILELANGS white
keyword whole RPMREADER_FILELINKTOS white
keyword whole RPMREADER_FILEMD5S white
keyword whole RPMREADER_FILEMODES white
keyword whole RPMREADER_FILEMTIMES white
keyword whole RPMREADER_FILERDEVS white
keyword whole RPMREADER_FILESIZES white
keyword whole RPMREADER_FILESTATES white
keyword whole RPMREADER_FILEUSERNAME white
keyword whole RPMREADER_FSCONTEXTS white
keyword whole RPMREADER_GIF white
keyword whole RPMREADER_GROUP white
keyword whole RPMREADER_ICON white
keyword whole RPMREADER_INSTALLCOLOR white
keyword whole RPMREADER_INSTALLTID white
keyword whole RPMREADER_INSTALLTIME white
keyword whole RPMREADER_INSTPREFIXES white
keyword whole RPMREADER_LICENSE white
keyword whole RPMREADER_MAXIMUM white
keyword whole RPMREADER_MINIMUM white
keyword whole RPMREADER_NAME white
keyword whole RPMREADER_OBSOLETENAME white
keyword whole RPMREADER_OBSOLETES white
keyword whole RPMREADER_OLDFILENAMES white
keyword whole RPMREADER_OPTFLAGS white
keyword whole RPMREADER_OS white
keyword whole RPMREADER_PACKAGER white
keyword whole RPMREADER_PATCH white
keyword whole RPMREADER_PATCHESFLAGS white
keyword whole RPMREADER_PATCHESNAME white
keyword whole RPMREADER_PAYLOADFLAGS white
keyword whole RPMREADER_PLATFORM white
keyword whole RPMREADER_POLICIES white
keyword whole RPMREADER_POSTIN white
keyword whole RPMREADER_POSTINPROG white
keyword whole RPMREADER_POSTUN white
keyword whole RPMREADER_POSTUNPROG white
keyword whole RPMREADER_PREFIXES white
keyword whole RPMREADER_PREIN white
keyword whole RPMREADER_PREINPROG white
keyword whole RPMREADER_PREUN white
keyword whole RPMREADER_PREUNPROG white
keyword whole RPMREADER_PROVIDEFLAGS white
keyword whole RPMREADER_PROVIDENAME white
keyword whole RPMREADER_PROVIDES white
keyword whole RPMREADER_RECONTEXTS white
keyword whole RPMREADER_RELEASE white
keyword whole RPMREADER_REMOVETID white
keyword whole RPMREADER_REQUIREFLAGS white
keyword whole RPMREADER_REQUIRENAME white
keyword whole RPMREADER_RHNPLATFORM white
keyword whole RPMREADER_RPMVERSION white
keyword whole RPMREADER_SERIAL white
keyword whole RPMREADER_SIZE white
keyword whole RPMREADER_SOURCE white
keyword whole RPMREADER_SOURCEPKGID white
keyword whole RPMREADER_SOURCERPM white
keyword whole RPMREADER_SUMMARY white
keyword whole RPMREADER_TRIGGERFLAGS white
keyword whole RPMREADER_TRIGGERINDEX white
keyword whole RPMREADER_TRIGGERNAME white
keyword whole RPMREADER_URL white
keyword whole RPMREADER_VENDOR white
keyword whole RPMREADER_VERIFYSCRIPT white
keyword whole RPMREADER_VERSION white
keyword whole RPMREADER_XPM white
# runkit Functions
keyword whole runkit_class_adopt yellow
keyword whole runkit_class_emancipate yellow
keyword whole runkit_constant_add yellow
keyword whole runkit_constant_redefine yellow
keyword whole runkit_constant_remove yellow
keyword whole runkit_function_add yellow
keyword whole runkit_function_copy yellow
keyword whole runkit_function_redefine yellow
keyword whole runkit_function_remove yellow
keyword whole runkit_function_rename yellow
keyword whole runkit_import yellow
keyword whole runkit_lint yellow
keyword whole runkit_lint_file yellow
keyword whole runkit_method_add yellow
keyword whole runkit_method_copy yellow
keyword whole runkit_method_redefine yellow
keyword whole runkit_method_remove yellow
keyword whole runkit_method_rename yellow
keyword whole runkit_sandbox_output_handler yellow
keyword whole runkit_superglobals yellow
# runkit Functions constants
keyword whole CLASSKIT_ACC_PRIVATE white
keyword whole CLASSKIT_ACC_PROTECTED white
keyword whole CLASSKIT_ACC_PUBLIC white
keyword whole CLASSKIT_VERSION white
keyword whole RUNKIT_ACC_PRIVATE white
keyword whole RUNKIT_ACC_PROTECTED white
keyword whole RUNKIT_ACC_PUBLIC white
keyword whole RUNKIT_IMPORT_CLASSES white
keyword whole RUNKIT_IMPORT_CLASS_* white
keyword whole RUNKIT_IMPORT_CLASS_CONSTS white
keyword whole RUNKIT_IMPORT_CLASS_PROPS white
keyword whole RUNKIT_IMPORT_FUNCTIONS white
keyword whole RUNKIT_IMPORT_OVERRIDE white
keyword whole RUNKIT_VERSION white
# Satellite CORBA client extension [deprecated]
keyword whole OrbitEnum yellow
keyword whole OrbitObject yellow
keyword whole OrbitStruct yellow
keyword whole satellite_caught_exception yellow
keyword whole satellite_exception_id yellow
keyword whole satellite_exception_value yellow
keyword whole satellite_get_repository_id yellow
keyword whole satellite_load_idl yellow
keyword whole satellite_object_to_string yellow
# SDO Functions
# SDO Functions SDO_DAS_ChangeSummary methods
keyword whole SDO_DAS_ChangeSummary yellow
keyword whole ->beginLogging yellow
keyword whole ->endLogging yellow
keyword whole ->getChangeType yellow
keyword whole ->getChangedDataObjects yellow
keyword whole ->getOldContainer yellow
keyword whole ->getOldValues yellow
keyword whole ->isLogging yellow
# SDO Functions SDO_DAS_DataFactory methods
keyword whole SDO_DAS_DataFactory yellow
keyword whole ->addPropertyToType yellow
keyword whole ->addType yellow
keyword whole ->getDataFactory yellow
# SDO Functions SDO_DAS_DataObject methods
keyword whole SDO_DAS_DataObject yellow
keyword whole ->getChangeSummary yellow
# SDO Functions SDO_DAS_Setting methods
keyword whole SDO_DAS_Setting yellow
keyword whole ->getListIndex yellow
keyword whole ->getPropertyIndex yellow
keyword whole ->getPropertyName yellow
keyword whole ->getValue yellow
keyword whole ->isSet yellow
# SDO Functions SDO_DataFactory methods
keyword whole SDO_DataFactory yellow
keyword whole ->create yellow
# SDO Functions SDO_DataObject methods
keyword whole SDO_DataObject yellow
keyword whole ->clear yellow
keyword whole ->createDataObject yellow
keyword whole ->getContainer yellow
keyword whole ->getContainmentPropertyName yellow
keyword whole ->getSequence yellow
keyword whole ->getType yellow
# SDO Functions SDO_List methods
keyword whole SDO_List yellow
keyword whole ->insert yellow
# SDO Functions SDO_Sequence methods
keyword whole SDO_Sequence yellow
keyword whole ->getPropertyIndex yellow
keyword whole ->getPropertyName yellow
keyword whole ->insert yellow
keyword whole ->move yellow
# SDO Functions constants
keyword whole SDO_DAS_ChangeSummary::ADDITION=2 white
keyword whole SDO_DAS_ChangeSummary::DELETION=3 white
keyword whole SDO_DAS_ChangeSummary::MODIFICATION=1 white
keyword whole SDO_DAS_ChangeSummary::NONE=0 white
# SDO XML Data Access Service Functions
# SDO XML Data Access Service Functions SDO_DAS_XML methods
keyword whole SDO_DAS_XML yellow
keyword whole ->create yellow
keyword whole ->createDataObject yellow
keyword whole ->loadFromFile yellow
keyword whole ->loadFromString yellow
keyword whole ->saveDataObjectToFile yellow
keyword whole ->saveDataObjectToString yellow
keyword whole ->saveDocumentToFile yellow
keyword whole ->saveDocumentToString yellow
# SDO XML Data Access Service Functions SDO_DAS_XML_Document methods
keyword whole SDO_DAS_XML_Document yellow
keyword whole ->getEncoding yellow
keyword whole ->getNoNamespaceSchemaLocation yellow
keyword whole ->getRootDataObject yellow
keyword whole ->getRootElementName yellow
keyword whole ->getRootElementURI yellow
keyword whole ->getSchemaLocation yellow
keyword whole ->getXMLDeclaration yellow
keyword whole ->getXMLVersion yellow
keyword whole ->setEncoding yellow
keyword whole ->setNoNamespaceSchemaLocation yellow
keyword whole ->setSchemaLocation yellow
keyword whole ->setXMLDeclaration yellow
keyword whole ->setXMLVersion yellow
# SDO Relational Data Access Service Functions
# SDO Relational Data Access Service Functions SDO_DAS_Relational methods
keyword whole SDO_DAS_Relational yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
keyword whole ->applyChanges yellow
keyword whole ->createRootDataObject yellow
keyword whole ->executePreparedQuery yellow
keyword whole ->executeQuery yellow
# Semaphore, Shared Memory and IPC Functions
keyword whole ftok yellow
keyword whole msg_get_queue yellow
keyword whole msg_receive yellow
keyword whole msg_remove_queue yellow
keyword whole msg_send yellow
keyword whole msg_set_queue yellow
keyword whole msg_stat_queue yellow
keyword whole sem_acquire yellow
keyword whole sem_get yellow
keyword whole sem_release yellow
keyword whole sem_remove yellow
keyword whole shm_attach yellow
keyword whole shm_detach yellow
keyword whole shm_get_var yellow
keyword whole shm_put_var yellow
keyword whole shm_remove yellow
keyword whole shm_remove_var yellow
# Semaphore, Shared Memory and IPC Functions constants
keyword whole MSG_EXCEPT white
keyword whole MSG_IPC_NOWAIT white
keyword whole MSG_NOERROR white
# SESAM Database Functions
keyword whole sesam_affected_rows yellow
keyword whole sesam_commit yellow
keyword whole sesam_connect yellow
keyword whole sesam_diagnostic yellow
keyword whole sesam_disconnect yellow
keyword whole sesam_errormsg yellow
keyword whole sesam_execimm yellow
keyword whole sesam_fetch_array yellow
keyword whole sesam_fetch_result yellow
keyword whole sesam_fetch_row yellow
keyword whole sesam_field_array yellow
keyword whole sesam_field_name yellow
keyword whole sesam_free_result yellow
keyword whole sesam_num_fields yellow
keyword whole sesam_query yellow
keyword whole sesam_rollback yellow
keyword whole sesam_seek_row yellow
keyword whole sesam_settransaction yellow
# PostgreSQL Session Save Handler
keyword whole session_pgsql_add_error yellow
keyword whole session_pgsql_get_error yellow
keyword whole session_pgsql_get_field yellow
keyword whole session_pgsql_reset yellow
keyword whole session_pgsql_set_field yellow
keyword whole session_pgsql_status yellow
# Session Handling Functions
keyword whole session_cache_expire yellow
keyword whole session_cache_limiter yellow
keyword whole session_commit yellow
keyword whole session_decode yellow
keyword whole session_destroy yellow
keyword whole session_encode yellow
keyword whole session_get_cookie_params yellow
keyword whole session_id yellow
keyword whole session_is_registered yellow
keyword whole session_module_name yellow
keyword whole session_name yellow
keyword whole session_regenerate_id yellow
keyword whole session_register yellow
keyword whole session_save_path yellow
keyword whole session_set_cookie_params yellow
keyword whole session_set_save_handler yellow
keyword whole session_start yellow
keyword whole session_unregister yellow
keyword whole session_unset yellow
keyword whole session_write_close yellow
# Session Handling Functions constants
keyword whole SID white
# Shared Memory Functions
keyword whole shmop_close yellow
keyword whole shmop_delete yellow
keyword whole shmop_open yellow
keyword whole shmop_read yellow
keyword whole shmop_size yellow
keyword whole shmop_write yellow
# SimpleXML functions
keyword whole simplexml_import_dom yellow
keyword whole simplexml_load_file yellow
keyword whole simplexml_load_string yellow
# SimpleXML functions SimpleXMLElement methods
keyword whole SimpleXMLElement yellow
keyword whole ->asXML yellow
keyword whole ->attributes yellow
keyword whole ->children yellow
keyword whole ->xpath yellow
# SNMP Functions
keyword whole snmp_get_quick_print yellow
keyword whole snmp_get_valueretrieval yellow
keyword whole snmp_read_mib yellow
keyword whole snmp_set_enum_print yellow
keyword whole snmp_set_oid_numeric_print yellow
keyword whole snmp_set_quick_print yellow
keyword whole snmp_set_valueretrieval yellow
keyword whole snmpget yellow
keyword whole snmpgetnext yellow
keyword whole snmprealwalk yellow
keyword whole snmpset yellow
keyword whole snmpwalk yellow
keyword whole snmpwalkoid yellow
# SNMP Functions constants
keyword whole SNMP_BIT_STR white
keyword whole SNMP_COUNTER white
keyword whole SNMP_COUNTER64 white
keyword whole SNMP_INTEGER white
keyword whole SNMP_IPADDRESS white
keyword whole SNMP_NULL white
keyword whole SNMP_OBJECT_ID white
keyword whole SNMP_OCTET_STR white
keyword whole SNMP_OPAQUE white
keyword whole SNMP_TIMETICKS white
keyword whole SNMP_UINTEGER white
keyword whole SNMP_UNSIGNED white
keyword whole SNMP_VALUE_LIBRARY white
keyword whole SNMP_VALUE_OBJECT white
keyword whole SNMP_VALUE_PLAIN white
# SOAP Functions
keyword whole is_soap_fault yellow
keyword whole use_soap_error_handler yellow
# SOAP Functions SoapClient methods
keyword whole SoapClient yellow
keyword whole ->__call yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
keyword whole ->__doRequest yellow
keyword whole ->__getFunctions yellow
keyword whole ->__getLastRequest yellow
keyword whole ->__getLastRequestHeaders yellow
keyword whole ->__getLastResponse yellow
keyword whole ->__getLastResponseHeaders yellow
keyword whole ->__getTypes yellow
keyword whole ->__setCookie yellow
keyword whole ->__soapCall yellow
# SOAP Functions SoapFault methods
keyword whole SoapFault yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
# SOAP Functions SoapHeader methods
keyword whole SoapHeader yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
# SOAP Functions SoapParam methods
keyword whole SoapParam yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
# SOAP Functions SoapServer methods
keyword whole SoapServer yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
keyword whole ->addFunction yellow
keyword whole ->fault yellow
keyword whole ->getFunctions yellow
keyword whole ->handle yellow
keyword whole ->setClass yellow
keyword whole ->setPersistence yellow
# SOAP Functions SoapVar methods
keyword whole SoapVar yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
# SOAP Functions constants
keyword whole SOAP_1_1 white
keyword whole SOAP_1_2 white
keyword whole SOAP_ACTOR_NEXT white
keyword whole SOAP_ACTOR_NONE white
keyword whole SOAP_COMPRESSION_ACCEPT white
keyword whole SOAP_COMPRESSION_DEFLATE white
keyword whole SOAP_COMPRESSION_GZIP white
keyword whole SOAP_DOCUMENT white
keyword whole SOAP_ENCODED white
keyword whole SOAP_ENC_ARRAY white
keyword whole SOAP_ENC_OBJECT white
keyword whole SOAP_FUNCTIONS_ALL white
keyword whole SOAP_LITERAL white
keyword whole SOAP_PERSISTENCE_REQUEST white
keyword whole SOAP_PERSISTENCE_SESSION white
keyword whole SOAP_RPC white
keyword whole UNKNOWN_TYPE white
keyword whole XSD_1999_NAMESPACE white
keyword whole XSD_1999_TIMEINSTANT white
keyword whole XSD_ANYTYPE white
keyword whole XSD_ANYURI white
keyword whole XSD_ANYXML white
keyword whole XSD_BASE64BINARY white
keyword whole XSD_BOOLEAN white
keyword whole XSD_BYTE white
keyword whole XSD_DATE white
keyword whole XSD_DATETIME white
keyword whole XSD_DECIMAL white
keyword whole XSD_DOUBLE white
keyword whole XSD_DURATION white
keyword whole XSD_ENTITIES white
keyword whole XSD_ENTITY white
keyword whole XSD_FLOAT white
keyword whole XSD_GDAY white
keyword whole XSD_GMONTH white
keyword whole XSD_GMONTHDAY white
keyword whole XSD_GYEAR white
keyword whole XSD_GYEARMONTH white
keyword whole XSD_HEXBINARY white
keyword whole XSD_ID white
keyword whole XSD_IDREF white
keyword whole XSD_IDREFS white
keyword whole XSD_INT white
keyword whole XSD_INTEGER white
keyword whole XSD_LANGUAGE white
keyword whole XSD_LONG white
keyword whole XSD_NAME white
keyword whole XSD_NAMESPACE white
keyword whole XSD_NCNAME white
keyword whole XSD_NEGATIVEINTEGER white
keyword whole XSD_NMTOKEN white
keyword whole XSD_NMTOKENS white
keyword whole XSD_NONNEGATIVEINTEGER white
keyword whole XSD_NONPOSITIVEINTEGER white
keyword whole XSD_NORMALIZEDSTRING white
keyword whole XSD_NOTATION white
keyword whole XSD_POSITIVEINTEGER white
keyword whole XSD_QNAME white
keyword whole XSD_SHORT white
keyword whole XSD_STRING white
keyword whole XSD_TIME white
keyword whole XSD_TOKEN white
keyword whole XSD_UNSIGNEDBYTE white
keyword whole XSD_UNSIGNEDINT white
keyword whole XSD_UNSIGNEDLONG white
keyword whole XSD_UNSIGNEDSHORT white
# Socket Functions
keyword whole socket_accept yellow
keyword whole socket_bind yellow
keyword whole socket_clear_error yellow
keyword whole socket_close yellow
keyword whole socket_connect yellow
keyword whole socket_create yellow
keyword whole socket_create_listen yellow
keyword whole socket_create_pair yellow
keyword whole socket_get_option yellow
keyword whole socket_getpeername yellow
keyword whole socket_getsockname yellow
keyword whole socket_last_error yellow
keyword whole socket_listen yellow
keyword whole socket_read yellow
keyword whole socket_recv yellow
keyword whole socket_recvfrom yellow
keyword whole socket_select yellow
keyword whole socket_send yellow
keyword whole socket_sendto yellow
keyword whole socket_set_block yellow
keyword whole socket_set_nonblock yellow
keyword whole socket_set_option yellow
keyword whole socket_shutdown yellow
keyword whole socket_strerror yellow
keyword whole socket_write yellow
# Socket Functions constants
keyword whole AF_INET white
keyword whole AF_INET6 white
keyword whole AF_UNIX white
keyword whole MSG_DONTROUTE white
keyword whole MSG_OOB white
keyword whole MSG_PEEK white
keyword whole MSG_WAITALL white
keyword whole PHP_BINARY_READ white
keyword whole PHP_NORMAL_READ white
keyword whole SOCK_DGRAM white
keyword whole SOCK_RAW white
keyword whole SOCK_RDM white
keyword whole SOCK_SEQPACKET white
keyword whole SOCK_STREAM white
keyword whole SOL_SOCKET white
keyword whole SOL_TCP white
keyword whole SOL_UDP white
keyword whole SO_BROADCAST white
keyword whole SO_DEBUG white
keyword whole SO_DONTROUTE white
keyword whole SO_ERROR white
keyword whole SO_KEEPALIVE white
keyword whole SO_LINGER white
keyword whole SO_OOBINLINE white
keyword whole SO_RCVBUF white
keyword whole SO_RCVLOWAT white
keyword whole SO_RCVTIMEO white
keyword whole SO_REUSEADDR white
keyword whole SO_SNDBUF white
keyword whole SO_SNDLOWAT white
keyword whole SO_SNDTIMEO white
keyword whole SO_TYPE white
# Standard PHP Library (SPL) Functions
keyword whole class_implements yellow
keyword whole class_parents yellow
keyword whole iterator_count yellow
keyword whole iterator_to_array yellow
keyword whole spl_classes yellow
# Standard PHP Library (SPL) Functions ArrayIterator methods
keyword whole ArrayIterator yellow
keyword whole ->current yellow
keyword whole ->key yellow
keyword whole ->next yellow
keyword whole ->rewind yellow
keyword whole ->seek yellow
keyword whole ->valid yellow
# Standard PHP Library (SPL) Functions ArrayObject methods
keyword whole ArrayObject yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
keyword whole ->append yellow
keyword whole ->count yellow
keyword whole ->getIterator yellow
keyword whole ->offsetExists yellow
keyword whole ->offsetGet yellow
keyword whole ->offsetSet yellow
keyword whole ->offsetUnset yellow
# Standard PHP Library (SPL) Functions CachingIterator methods
keyword whole CachingIterator yellow
keyword whole ->__toString yellow
keyword whole ->hasNext yellow
keyword whole ->next yellow
keyword whole ->rewind yellow
keyword whole ->valid yellow
# Standard PHP Library (SPL) Functions CachingRecursiveIterator methods
keyword whole CachingRecursiveIterator yellow
keyword whole ->getChildren yellow
keyword whole ->hasChildren yellow
# Standard PHP Library (SPL) Functions DirectoryIterator methods
keyword whole DirectoryIterator yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
keyword whole ->current yellow
keyword whole ->getATime yellow
keyword whole ->getCTime yellow
keyword whole ->getChildren yellow
keyword whole ->getFilename yellow
keyword whole ->getGroup yellow
keyword whole ->getInode yellow
keyword whole ->getMTime yellow
keyword whole ->getOwner yellow
keyword whole ->getPath yellow
keyword whole ->getPathname yellow
keyword whole ->getPerms yellow
keyword whole ->getSize yellow
keyword whole ->getType yellow
keyword whole ->isDir yellow
keyword whole ->isDot yellow
keyword whole ->isExecutable yellow
keyword whole ->isFile yellow
keyword whole ->isLink yellow
keyword whole ->isReadable yellow
keyword whole ->isWritable yellow
keyword whole ->key yellow
keyword whole ->next yellow
keyword whole ->rewind yellow
keyword whole ->valid yellow
# Standard PHP Library (SPL) Functions FilterIterator methods
keyword whole FilterIterator yellow
keyword whole ->current yellow
keyword whole ->getInnerIterator yellow
keyword whole ->key yellow
keyword whole ->next yellow
keyword whole ->rewind yellow
keyword whole ->valid yellow
# Standard PHP Library (SPL) Functions LimitIterator methods
keyword whole LimitIterator yellow
keyword whole ->getPosition yellow
keyword whole ->next yellow
keyword whole ->rewind yellow
keyword whole ->seek yellow
keyword whole ->valid yellow
# Standard PHP Library (SPL) Functions ParentIterator methods
keyword whole ParentIterator yellow
keyword whole ->getChildren yellow
keyword whole ->hasChildren yellow
keyword whole ->next yellow
keyword whole ->rewind yellow
# Standard PHP Library (SPL) Functions RecursiveDirectoryIterator methods
keyword whole RecursiveDirectoryIterator yellow
keyword whole ->getChildren yellow
keyword whole ->hasChildren yellow
keyword whole ->key yellow
keyword whole ->next yellow
keyword whole ->rewind yellow
# Standard PHP Library (SPL) Functions RecursiveIteratorIterator methods
keyword whole RecursiveIteratorIterator yellow
keyword whole ->current yellow
keyword whole ->getDepth yellow
keyword whole ->getSubIterator yellow
keyword whole ->key yellow
keyword whole ->next yellow
keyword whole ->rewind yellow
keyword whole ->valid yellow
# Standard PHP Library (SPL) Functions SimpleXMLIterator methods
keyword whole SimpleXMLIterator yellow
keyword whole ->current yellow
keyword whole ->getChildren yellow
keyword whole ->hasChildren yellow
keyword whole ->key yellow
keyword whole ->next yellow
keyword whole ->rewind yellow
keyword whole ->valid yellow
# Standard PHP Library (SPL) Functions constants
keyword whole CIT_CALL_TOSTRING white
keyword whole CIT_CATCH_GET_CHILD white
keyword whole RIT_CHILD_FIRST white
keyword whole RIT_LEAVES_ONLY white
keyword whole RIT_SELF_FIRST white
# SQLite Functions
keyword whole sqlite_array_query yellow
keyword whole sqlite_busy_timeout yellow
keyword whole sqlite_changes yellow
keyword whole sqlite_close yellow
keyword whole sqlite_column yellow
keyword whole sqlite_create_aggregate yellow
keyword whole sqlite_create_function yellow
keyword whole sqlite_current yellow
keyword whole sqlite_error_string yellow
keyword whole sqlite_escape_string yellow
keyword whole sqlite_exec yellow
keyword whole sqlite_factory yellow
keyword whole sqlite_fetch_all yellow
keyword whole sqlite_fetch_array yellow
keyword whole sqlite_fetch_column_types yellow
keyword whole sqlite_fetch_object yellow
keyword whole sqlite_fetch_single yellow
keyword whole sqlite_fetch_string yellow
keyword whole sqlite_field_name yellow
keyword whole sqlite_has_more yellow
keyword whole sqlite_has_prev yellow
keyword whole sqlite_key yellow
keyword whole sqlite_last_error yellow
keyword whole sqlite_last_insert_rowid yellow
keyword whole sqlite_libencoding yellow
keyword whole sqlite_libversion yellow
keyword whole sqlite_next yellow
keyword whole sqlite_num_fields yellow
keyword whole sqlite_num_rows yellow
keyword whole sqlite_open yellow
keyword whole sqlite_popen yellow
keyword whole sqlite_prev yellow
keyword whole sqlite_query yellow
keyword whole sqlite_rewind yellow
keyword whole sqlite_seek yellow
keyword whole sqlite_single_query yellow
keyword whole sqlite_udf_decode_binary yellow
keyword whole sqlite_udf_encode_binary yellow
keyword whole sqlite_unbuffered_query yellow
keyword whole sqlite_valid yellow
# SQLite Functions constants
keyword whole SQLITE_ABORT white
keyword whole SQLITE_ASSOC white
keyword whole SQLITE_AUTH white
keyword whole SQLITE_BOTH white
keyword whole SQLITE_BUSY white
keyword whole SQLITE_CANTOPEN white
keyword whole SQLITE_CONSTRAINT white
keyword whole SQLITE_CORRUPT white
keyword whole SQLITE_DONE white
keyword whole SQLITE_EMPTY white
keyword whole SQLITE_ERROR white
keyword whole SQLITE_FULL white
keyword whole SQLITE_INTERNAL white
keyword whole SQLITE_INTERRUPT white
keyword whole SQLITE_IOERR white
keyword whole SQLITE_LOCKED white
keyword whole SQLITE_MISMATCH white
keyword whole SQLITE_MISUSE white
keyword whole SQLITE_NOLFS white
keyword whole SQLITE_NOMEM white
keyword whole SQLITE_NOTFOUND white
keyword whole SQLITE_NUM white
keyword whole SQLITE_OK white
keyword whole SQLITE_PERM white
keyword whole SQLITE_PROTOCOL white
keyword whole SQLITE_READONLY white
keyword whole SQLITE_ROW white
keyword whole SQLITE_SCHEMA white
keyword whole SQLITE_TOOBIG white
# SQLite Functions (PDO_SQLITE)
# SQLite Functions (PDO_SQLITE) PDO methods
keyword whole PDO yellow
keyword whole ->sqliteCreateAggregate yellow
keyword whole ->sqliteCreateFunction yellow
# Secure Shell2 Functions
keyword whole ssh2_auth_hostbased_file yellow
keyword whole ssh2_auth_none yellow
keyword whole ssh2_auth_password yellow
keyword whole ssh2_auth_pubkey_file yellow
keyword whole ssh2_connect yellow
keyword whole ssh2_exec yellow
keyword whole ssh2_fetch_stream yellow
keyword whole ssh2_fingerprint yellow
keyword whole ssh2_methods_negotiated yellow
keyword whole ssh2_publickey_add yellow
keyword whole ssh2_publickey_init yellow
keyword whole ssh2_publickey_list yellow
keyword whole ssh2_publickey_remove yellow
keyword whole ssh2_scp_recv yellow
keyword whole ssh2_scp_send yellow
keyword whole ssh2_sftp yellow
keyword whole ssh2_sftp_lstat yellow
keyword whole ssh2_sftp_mkdir yellow
keyword whole ssh2_sftp_readlink yellow
keyword whole ssh2_sftp_realpath yellow
keyword whole ssh2_sftp_rename yellow
keyword whole ssh2_sftp_rmdir yellow
keyword whole ssh2_sftp_stat yellow
keyword whole ssh2_sftp_symlink yellow
keyword whole ssh2_sftp_unlink yellow
keyword whole ssh2_shell yellow
keyword whole ssh2_tunnel yellow
# Secure Shell2 Functions constants
keyword whole SSH2_DEFAULT_TERMINAL white
keyword whole SSH2_DEFAULT_TERM_HEIGHT white
keyword whole SSH2_DEFAULT_TERM_UNIT white
keyword whole SSH2_DEFAULT_TERM_WIDTH white
keyword whole SSH2_FINGERPRINT_HEX white
keyword whole SSH2_FINGERPRINT_MD5 white
keyword whole SSH2_FINGERPRINT_RAW white
keyword whole SSH2_FINGERPRINT_SHA1 white
keyword whole SSH2_STREAM_STDERR white
keyword whole SSH2_STREAM_STDIO white
keyword whole SSH2_TERM_UNIT_CHARS white
keyword whole SSH2_TERM_UNIT_PIXELS white
# Stream Functions
keyword whole stream_bucket_append yellow
keyword whole stream_bucket_make_writeable yellow
keyword whole stream_bucket_new yellow
keyword whole stream_bucket_prepend yellow
keyword whole stream_context_create yellow
keyword whole stream_context_get_default yellow
keyword whole stream_context_get_options yellow
keyword whole stream_context_set_option yellow
keyword whole stream_context_set_params yellow
keyword whole stream_copy_to_stream yellow
keyword whole stream_filter_append yellow
keyword whole stream_filter_prepend yellow
keyword whole stream_filter_register yellow
keyword whole stream_filter_remove yellow
keyword whole stream_get_contents yellow
keyword whole stream_get_filters yellow
keyword whole stream_get_line yellow
keyword whole stream_get_meta_data yellow
keyword whole stream_get_transports yellow
keyword whole stream_get_wrappers yellow
keyword whole stream_register_wrapper yellow
keyword whole stream_select yellow
keyword whole stream_set_blocking yellow
keyword whole stream_set_timeout yellow
keyword whole stream_set_write_buffer yellow
keyword whole stream_socket_accept yellow
keyword whole stream_socket_client yellow
keyword whole stream_socket_enable_crypto yellow
keyword whole stream_socket_get_name yellow
keyword whole stream_socket_pair yellow
keyword whole stream_socket_recvfrom yellow
keyword whole stream_socket_sendto yellow
keyword whole stream_socket_server yellow
keyword whole stream_wrapper_register yellow
keyword whole stream_wrapper_restore yellow
keyword whole stream_wrapper_unregister yellow
# Stream Functions constants
keyword whole PSFS_ERR_FATAL white
keyword whole PSFS_FEED_ME white
keyword whole PSFS_PASS_ON white
keyword whole STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT white
keyword whole STREAM_CLIENT_PERSISTENT white
keyword whole STREAM_FILTER_ALL white
keyword whole STREAM_FILTER_READ white
keyword whole STREAM_FILTER_WRITE white
keyword whole STREAM_IPPROTO_ICMP white
keyword whole STREAM_IPPROTO_IP white
keyword whole STREAM_IPPROTO_RAW white
keyword whole STREAM_IPPROTO_TCP white
keyword whole STREAM_IPPROTO_UDP white
keyword whole STREAM_NOTIFY_AUTH_RESULT white
keyword whole STREAM_NOTIFY_COMPLETED white
keyword whole STREAM_NOTIFY_CONNECT white
keyword whole STREAM_NOTIFY_FAILURE white
keyword whole STREAM_NOTIFY_FILE_SIZE_IS white
keyword whole STREAM_NOTIFY_MIME_TYPE_IS white
keyword whole STREAM_NOTIFY_PROGRESS white
keyword whole STREAM_NOTIFY_REDIRECTED white
keyword whole STREAM_NOTIFY_RESOLVE white
keyword whole STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_ERR white
keyword whole STREAM_PF_INET white
keyword whole STREAM_PF_INET6 white
keyword whole STREAM_PF_UNIX white
keyword whole STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS white
keyword whole STREAM_SERVER_BIND white
keyword whole STREAM_SERVER_LISTEN white
keyword whole STREAM_SOCK_DGRAM white
keyword whole STREAM_SOCK_RAW white
keyword whole STREAM_SOCK_RDM white
keyword whole STREAM_SOCK_SEQPACKET white
keyword whole STREAM_SOCK_STREAM white
keyword whole STREAM_USE_PATH white
# String Functions
keyword whole addcslashes yellow
keyword whole addslashes yellow
keyword whole bin2hex yellow
keyword whole chop yellow
keyword whole chr yellow
keyword whole chunk_split yellow
keyword whole convert_cyr_string yellow
keyword whole convert_uudecode yellow
keyword whole convert_uuencode yellow
keyword whole count_chars yellow
keyword whole crc32 yellow
keyword whole crypt yellow
keyword whole echo yellow
keyword whole explode yellow
keyword whole fprintf yellow
keyword whole get_html_translation_table yellow
keyword whole hebrev yellow
keyword whole hebrevc yellow
keyword whole html_entity_decode yellow
keyword whole htmlentities yellow
keyword whole htmlspecialchars yellow
keyword whole htmlspecialchars_decode yellow
keyword whole implode yellow
keyword whole join yellow
keyword whole levenshtein yellow
keyword whole localeconv yellow
keyword whole ltrim yellow
keyword whole md5 yellow
keyword whole md5_file yellow
keyword whole metaphone yellow
keyword whole money_format yellow
keyword whole nl2br yellow
keyword whole nl_langinfo yellow
keyword whole number_format yellow
keyword whole ord yellow
keyword whole parse_str yellow
keyword whole print yellow
keyword whole printf yellow
keyword whole quoted_printable_decode yellow
keyword whole quotemeta yellow
keyword whole rtrim yellow
keyword whole setlocale yellow
keyword whole sha1 yellow
keyword whole sha1_file yellow
keyword whole similar_text yellow
keyword whole soundex yellow
keyword whole sprintf yellow
keyword whole sscanf yellow
keyword whole str_ireplace yellow
keyword whole str_pad yellow
keyword whole str_repeat yellow
keyword whole str_replace yellow
keyword whole str_rot13 yellow
keyword whole str_shuffle yellow
keyword whole str_split yellow
keyword whole str_word_count yellow
keyword whole strcasecmp yellow
keyword whole strchr yellow
keyword whole strcmp yellow
keyword whole strcoll yellow
keyword whole strcspn yellow
keyword whole strip_tags yellow
keyword whole stripcslashes yellow
keyword whole stripos yellow
keyword whole stripslashes yellow
keyword whole stristr yellow
keyword whole strlen yellow
keyword whole strnatcasecmp yellow
keyword whole strnatcmp yellow
keyword whole strncasecmp yellow
keyword whole strncmp yellow
keyword whole strpbrk yellow
keyword whole strpos yellow
keyword whole strrchr yellow
keyword whole strrev yellow
keyword whole strripos yellow
keyword whole strrpos yellow
keyword whole strspn yellow
keyword whole strstr yellow
keyword whole strtok yellow
keyword whole strtolower yellow
keyword whole strtoupper yellow
keyword whole strtr yellow
keyword whole substr yellow
keyword whole substr_compare yellow
keyword whole substr_count yellow
keyword whole substr_replace yellow
keyword whole trim yellow
keyword whole ucfirst yellow
keyword whole ucwords yellow
keyword whole vfprintf yellow
keyword whole vprintf yellow
keyword whole vsprintf yellow
keyword whole wordwrap yellow
# String Functions constants
keyword whole CHAR_MAX white
keyword whole CRYPT_BLOWFISH white
keyword whole CRYPT_EXT_DES white
keyword whole CRYPT_MD5 white
keyword whole CRYPT_SALT_LENGTH white
keyword whole CRYPT_STD_DES white
keyword whole ENT_COMPAT white
keyword whole ENT_NOQUOTES white
keyword whole ENT_QUOTES white
keyword whole HTML_ENTITIES white
keyword whole HTML_SPECIALCHARS white
keyword whole LC_ALL white
keyword whole LC_COLLATE white
keyword whole LC_CTYPE white
keyword whole LC_MESSAGES white
keyword whole LC_MONETARY white
keyword whole LC_NUMERIC white
keyword whole LC_TIME white
keyword whole STR_PAD_BOTH white
keyword whole STR_PAD_LEFT white
keyword whole STR_PAD_RIGHT white
# Shockwave Flash Functions
keyword whole swf_actiongeturl yellow
keyword whole swf_actiongotoframe yellow
keyword whole swf_actiongotolabel yellow
keyword whole swf_actionnextframe yellow
keyword whole swf_actionplay yellow
keyword whole swf_actionprevframe yellow
keyword whole swf_actionsettarget yellow
keyword whole swf_actionstop yellow
keyword whole swf_actiontogglequality yellow
keyword whole swf_actionwaitforframe yellow
keyword whole swf_addbuttonrecord yellow
keyword whole swf_addcolor yellow
keyword whole swf_closefile yellow
keyword whole swf_definebitmap yellow
keyword whole swf_definefont yellow
keyword whole swf_defineline yellow
keyword whole swf_definepoly yellow
keyword whole swf_definerect yellow
keyword whole swf_definetext yellow
keyword whole swf_endbutton yellow
keyword whole swf_enddoaction yellow
keyword whole swf_endshape yellow
keyword whole swf_endsymbol yellow
keyword whole swf_fontsize yellow
keyword whole swf_fontslant yellow
keyword whole swf_fonttracking yellow
keyword whole swf_getbitmapinfo yellow
keyword whole swf_getfontinfo yellow
keyword whole swf_getframe yellow
keyword whole swf_labelframe yellow
keyword whole swf_lookat yellow
keyword whole swf_modifyobject yellow
keyword whole swf_mulcolor yellow
keyword whole swf_nextid yellow
keyword whole swf_oncondition yellow
keyword whole swf_openfile yellow
keyword whole swf_ortho yellow
keyword whole swf_ortho2 yellow
keyword whole swf_perspective yellow
keyword whole swf_placeobject yellow
keyword whole swf_polarview yellow
keyword whole swf_popmatrix yellow
keyword whole swf_posround yellow
keyword whole swf_pushmatrix yellow
keyword whole swf_removeobject yellow
keyword whole swf_rotate yellow
keyword whole swf_scale yellow
keyword whole swf_setfont yellow
keyword whole swf_setframe yellow
keyword whole swf_shapearc yellow
keyword whole swf_shapecurveto yellow
keyword whole swf_shapecurveto3 yellow
keyword whole swf_shapefillbitmapclip yellow
keyword whole swf_shapefillbitmaptile yellow
keyword whole swf_shapefilloff yellow
keyword whole swf_shapefillsolid yellow
keyword whole swf_shapelinesolid yellow
keyword whole swf_shapelineto yellow
keyword whole swf_shapemoveto yellow
keyword whole swf_showframe yellow
keyword whole swf_startbutton yellow
keyword whole swf_startdoaction yellow
keyword whole swf_startshape yellow
keyword whole swf_startsymbol yellow
keyword whole swf_textwidth yellow
keyword whole swf_translate yellow
keyword whole swf_viewport yellow
# Shockwave Flash Functions constants
keyword whole BSDown white
keyword whole BSHitTest white
keyword whole BSOver white
keyword whole BSUp white
keyword whole ButtonEnter white
keyword whole ButtonExit white
keyword whole IdletoOverDown white
keyword whole IdletoOverUp white
keyword whole MOD_COLOR white
keyword whole MOD_MATRIX white
keyword whole MenuEnter white
keyword whole MenuExit white
keyword whole OutDowntoIdle white
keyword whole OutDowntoOverDown white
keyword whole OverDowntoIdle white
keyword whole OverDowntoOutDown white
keyword whole OverUptoIdle white
keyword whole OverUptoOverDown white
keyword whole TYPE_MENUBUTTON white
keyword whole TYPE_PUSHBUTTON white
# Sybase Functions
keyword whole sybase_affected_rows yellow
keyword whole sybase_close yellow
keyword whole sybase_connect yellow
keyword whole sybase_data_seek yellow
keyword whole sybase_deadlock_retry_count yellow
keyword whole sybase_fetch_array yellow
keyword whole sybase_fetch_assoc yellow
keyword whole sybase_fetch_field yellow
keyword whole sybase_fetch_object yellow
keyword whole sybase_fetch_row yellow
keyword whole sybase_field_seek yellow
keyword whole sybase_free_result yellow
keyword whole sybase_get_last_message yellow
keyword whole sybase_min_client_severity yellow
keyword whole sybase_min_error_severity yellow
keyword whole sybase_min_message_severity yellow
keyword whole sybase_min_server_severity yellow
keyword whole sybase_num_fields yellow
keyword whole sybase_num_rows yellow
keyword whole sybase_pconnect yellow
keyword whole sybase_query yellow
keyword whole sybase_result yellow
keyword whole sybase_select_db yellow
keyword whole sybase_set_message_handler yellow
keyword whole sybase_unbuffered_query yellow
# TCP Wrappers Functions
keyword whole tcpwrap_check yellow
# Tidy Functions
keyword whole ob_tidyhandler yellow
keyword whole tidy_access_count yellow
keyword whole tidy_clean_repair yellow
keyword whole tidy_config_count yellow
keyword whole tidy_diagnose yellow
keyword whole tidy_error_count yellow
keyword whole tidy_get_body yellow
keyword whole tidy_get_config yellow
keyword whole tidy_get_error_buffer yellow
keyword whole tidy_get_head yellow
keyword whole tidy_get_html yellow
keyword whole tidy_get_html_ver yellow
keyword whole tidy_get_opt_doc yellow
keyword whole tidy_get_output yellow
keyword whole tidy_get_release yellow
keyword whole tidy_get_root yellow
keyword whole tidy_get_status yellow
keyword whole tidy_getopt yellow
keyword whole tidy_is_xhtml yellow
keyword whole tidy_is_xml yellow
keyword whole tidy_load_config yellow
keyword whole tidy_parse_file yellow
keyword whole tidy_parse_string yellow
keyword whole tidy_repair_file yellow
keyword whole tidy_repair_string yellow
keyword whole tidy_reset_config yellow
keyword whole tidy_save_config yellow
keyword whole tidy_set_encoding yellow
keyword whole tidy_setopt yellow
keyword whole tidy_warning_count yellow
# Tidy Functions tidy methods
keyword whole tidy yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
# Tidy Functions tidyNode methods
keyword whole tidyNode yellow
keyword whole ->hasChildren yellow
keyword whole ->hasSiblings yellow
keyword whole ->isAsp yellow
keyword whole ->isComment yellow
keyword whole ->isHtml yellow
keyword whole ->isJste yellow
keyword whole ->isPhp yellow
keyword whole ->isText yellow
# Tidy Functions tidy_node methods
keyword whole tidy_node yellow
keyword whole ->get_attr yellow
keyword whole ->get_nodes yellow
keyword whole ->next yellow
keyword whole ->prev yellow
# Tidy Functions constants
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_ABBR white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_ACCEPT white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_ACCEPT_CHARSET white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_ACCESSKEY white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_ACTION white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_ADD_DATE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_ALIGN white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_ALINK white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_ALT white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_ARCHIVE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_AXIS white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_BACKGROUND white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_BGCOLOR white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_BGPROPERTIES white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_BORDER white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_BORDERCOLOR white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_BOTTOMMARGIN white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_CELLPADDING white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_CELLSPACING white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_CHAR white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_CHAROFF white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_CHARSET white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_CHECKED white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_CITE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_CLASS white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_CLASSID white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_CLEAR white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_CODE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_CODEBASE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_CODETYPE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_COLOR white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_COLS white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_COLSPAN white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_COMPACT white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_CONTENT white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_COORDS white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_DATA white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_DATAFLD white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_DATAPAGESIZE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_DATASRC white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_DATETIME white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_DECLARE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_DEFER white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_DIR white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_DISABLED white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_ENCODING white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_ENCTYPE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_FACE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_FOR white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_FRAME white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_FRAMEBORDER white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_FRAMESPACING white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_GRIDX white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_GRIDY white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_HEADERS white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_HEIGHT white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_HREF white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_HREFLANG white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_HSPACE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_HTTP_EQUIV white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_ID white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_ISMAP white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_LABEL white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_LANG white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_LANGUAGE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_LAST_MODIFIED white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_LAST_VISIT white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_LEFTMARGIN white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_LINK white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_LONGDESC white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_LOWSRC white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_MARGINHEIGHT white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_MARGINWIDTH white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_MAXLENGTH white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_MEDIA white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_METHOD white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_MULTIPLE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_NAME white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_NOHREF white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_NORESIZE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_NOSHADE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_NOWRAP white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OBJECT white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnAFTERUPDATE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnBEFOREUNLOAD white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnBEFOREUPDATE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnBLUR white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnCHANGE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnCLICK white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnDATAAVAILABLE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnDATASETCHANGED white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnDBLCLICK white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnERRORUPDATE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnFOCUS white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnKEYDOWN white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnKEYPRESS white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnKEYUP white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnLOAD white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnMOUSEDOWN white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnMOUSEMOVE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnMOUSEOUT white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnMOUSEOVER white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnMOUSEUP white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnRESET white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnROWENTER white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnROWEXIT white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnSELECT white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnSUBMIT white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_OnUNLOAD white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_PROFILE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_PROMPT white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_RBSPAN white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_READONLY white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_REL white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_REV white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_RIGHTMARGIN white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_ROWS white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_ROWSPAN white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_RULES white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_SCHEME white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_SCOPE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_SCROLLING white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_SELECTED white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_SHAPE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_SHOWGRID white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_SHOWGRIDX white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_SHOWGRIDY white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_SIZE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_SPAN white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_SRC white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_STANDBY white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_START white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_STYLE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_SUMMARY white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_TABINDEX white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_TARGET white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_TEXT white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_TITLE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_TOPMARGIN white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_TYPE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_UNKNOWN white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_USEMAP white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_VALIGN white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_VALUE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_VALUETYPE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_VERSION white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_VLINK white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_VSPACE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_WIDTH white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_WRAP white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_XMLNS white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_XML_LANG white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_XML_SPACE white
keyword whole TIDY_ATTR_XXX white
keyword whole TIDY_NODETYPE_ASP white
keyword whole TIDY_NODETYPE_CDATA white
keyword whole TIDY_NODETYPE_COMMENT white
keyword whole TIDY_NODETYPE_DOCTYPE white
keyword whole TIDY_NODETYPE_END white
keyword whole TIDY_NODETYPE_JSTE white
keyword whole TIDY_NODETYPE_PHP white
keyword whole TIDY_NODETYPE_PROCINS white
keyword whole TIDY_NODETYPE_ROOT white
keyword whole TIDY_NODETYPE_SECTION white
keyword whole TIDY_NODETYPE_START white
keyword whole TIDY_NODETYPE_STARTEND white
keyword whole TIDY_NODETYPE_TEXT white
keyword whole TIDY_NODETYPE_XMLDECL white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_A white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_ABBR white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_ACRONYM white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_ALIGN white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_APPLET white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_AREA white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_B white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_BASE white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_BASEFONT white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_BDO white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_BGSOUND white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_BIG white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_BLINK white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_BLOCKQUOTE white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_BODY white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_BR white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_BUTTON white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_CAPTION white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_CENTER white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_CITE white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_CODE white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_COL white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_COLGROUP white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_COMMENT white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_DD white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_DEL white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_DFN white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_DIR white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_DIV white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_DL white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_DT white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_EM white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_EMBED white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_FIELDSET white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_FONT white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_FORM white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_FRAME white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_FRAMESET white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_H1 white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_H2 white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_H3 white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_H4 white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_H5 white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_H6 white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_HEAD white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_HR white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_HTML white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_I white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_IFRAME white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_ILAYER white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_IMG white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_INPUT white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_INS white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_ISINDEX white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_KBD white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_KEYGEN white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_LABEL white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_LAYER white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_LEGEND white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_LI white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_LINK white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_LISTING white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_MAP white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_MARQUEE white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_MENU white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_META white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_MULTICOL white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_NOBR white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_NOEMBED white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_NOFRAMES white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_NOLAYER white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_NOSAFE white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_NOSCRIPT white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_OBJECT white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_OL white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_OPTGROUP white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_OPTION white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_P white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_PARAM white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_PLAINTEXT white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_PRE white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_Q white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_RP white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_RT white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_RTC white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_RUBY white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_S white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_SAMP white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_SCRIPT white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_SELECT white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_SERVER white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_SERVLET white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_SMALL white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_SPACER white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_SPAN white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_STRIKE white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_STRONG white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_STYLE white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_SUB white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_TABLE white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_TBODY white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_TD white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_TEXTAREA white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_TFOOT white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_TH white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_THEAD white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_TITLE white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_TR white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_TT white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_U white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_UL white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_UNKNOWN white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_VAR white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_WBR white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_XMP white
keyword whole TIDY_TAG_XXX white
# Tokenizer Functions
keyword whole token_get_all yellow
keyword whole token_name yellow
# Tokenizer Functions constants
keyword whole T_ABSTRACT white
keyword whole T_AND_EQUAL white
keyword whole T_ARRAY white
keyword whole T_ARRAY_CAST white
keyword whole T_AS white
keyword whole T_BAD_CHARACTER white
keyword whole T_BOOLEAN_AND white
keyword whole T_BOOLEAN_OR white
keyword whole T_BOOL_CAST white
keyword whole T_BREAK white
keyword whole T_CASE white
keyword whole T_CATCH white
keyword whole T_CHARACTER white
keyword whole T_CLASS white
keyword whole T_CLASS_C white
keyword whole T_CLONE white
keyword whole T_CLOSE_TAG white
keyword whole T_COMMENT white
keyword whole T_CONCAT_EQUAL white
keyword whole T_CONST white
keyword whole T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING white
keyword whole T_CONTINUE white
keyword whole T_CURLY_OPEN white
keyword whole T_DEC white
keyword whole T_DECLARE white
keyword whole T_DEFAULT white
keyword whole T_DIV_EQUAL white
keyword whole T_DNUMBER white
keyword whole T_DO white
keyword whole T_DOC_COMMENT white
keyword whole T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES white
keyword whole T_DOUBLE_ARROW white
keyword whole T_DOUBLE_CAST white
keyword whole T_DOUBLE_COLON white
keyword whole T_ECHO white
keyword whole T_ELSE white
keyword whole T_ELSEIF white
keyword whole T_EMPTY white
keyword whole T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE white
keyword whole T_ENDDECLARE white
keyword whole T_ENDFOR white
keyword whole T_ENDFOREACH white
keyword whole T_ENDIF white
keyword whole T_ENDSWITCH white
keyword whole T_ENDWHILE white
keyword whole T_END_HEREDOC white
keyword whole T_EVAL white
keyword whole T_EXIT white
keyword whole T_EXTENDS white
keyword whole T_FILE white
keyword whole T_FINAL white
keyword whole T_FOR white
keyword whole T_FOREACH white
keyword whole T_FUNCTION white
keyword whole T_FUNC_C white
keyword whole T_GLOBAL white
keyword whole T_IF white
keyword whole T_IMPLEMENTS white
keyword whole T_INC white
keyword whole T_INCLUDE white
keyword whole T_INCLUDE_ONCE white
keyword whole T_INLINE_HTML white
keyword whole T_INSTANCEOF white
keyword whole T_INTERFACE white
keyword whole T_INT_CAST white
keyword whole T_ISSET white
keyword whole T_IS_EQUAL white
keyword whole T_IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL white
keyword whole T_IS_IDENTICAL white
keyword whole T_IS_NOT_EQUAL white
keyword whole T_IS_NOT_IDENTICAL white
keyword whole T_IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL white
keyword whole T_LINE white
keyword whole T_LIST white
keyword whole T_LNUMBER white
keyword whole T_LOGICAL_AND white
keyword whole T_LOGICAL_OR white
keyword whole T_LOGICAL_XOR white
keyword whole T_METHOD_C white
keyword whole T_MINUS_EQUAL white
keyword whole T_ML_COMMENT white
keyword whole T_MOD_EQUAL white
keyword whole T_MUL_EQUAL white
keyword whole T_NEW white
keyword whole T_NUM_STRING white
keyword whole T_OBJECT_CAST white
keyword whole T_OBJECT_OPERATOR white
keyword whole T_OLD_FUNCTION white
keyword whole T_OPEN_TAG white
keyword whole T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO white
keyword whole T_OR_EQUAL white
keyword whole T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM white
keyword whole T_PLUS_EQUAL white
keyword whole T_PRINT white
keyword whole T_PRIVATE white
keyword whole T_PROTECTED white
keyword whole T_PUBLIC white
keyword whole T_REQUIRE white
keyword whole T_REQUIRE_ONCE white
keyword whole T_RETURN white
keyword whole T_SL white
keyword whole T_SL_EQUAL white
keyword whole T_SR white
keyword whole T_SR_EQUAL white
keyword whole T_START_HEREDOC white
keyword whole T_STATIC white
keyword whole T_STRING white
keyword whole T_STRING_CAST white
keyword whole T_STRING_VARNAME white
keyword whole T_SWITCH white
keyword whole T_THROW white
keyword whole T_TRY white
keyword whole T_UNSET white
keyword whole T_UNSET_CAST white
keyword whole T_USE white
keyword whole T_VAR white
keyword whole T_VARIABLE white
keyword whole T_WHILE white
keyword whole T_WHITESPACE white
keyword whole T_XOR_EQUAL white
# Unicode Functions
keyword whole i18n_loc_get_default yellow
keyword whole i18n_loc_set_default yellow
keyword whole unicode_encode yellow
# Unicode Functions constants
keyword whole U_INVALID_ESCAPE white
keyword whole U_INVALID_SKIP white
keyword whole U_INVALID_STOP white
keyword whole U_INVALID_SUBSTITUTE white
# URL Functions
keyword whole base64_decode yellow
keyword whole base64_encode yellow
keyword whole get_headers yellow
keyword whole get_meta_tags yellow
keyword whole http_build_query yellow
keyword whole parse_url yellow
keyword whole rawurldecode yellow
keyword whole rawurlencode yellow
keyword whole urldecode yellow
keyword whole urlencode yellow
# Variable Handling Functions
keyword whole debug_zval_dump yellow
keyword whole doubleval yellow
keyword whole empty yellow
keyword whole floatval yellow
keyword whole get_defined_vars yellow
keyword whole get_resource_type yellow
keyword whole gettype yellow
keyword whole import_request_variables yellow
keyword whole intval yellow
keyword whole is_array yellow
keyword whole is_bool yellow
keyword whole is_callable yellow
keyword whole is_double yellow
keyword whole is_float yellow
keyword whole is_int yellow
keyword whole is_integer yellow
keyword whole is_long yellow
keyword whole is_null yellow
keyword whole is_numeric yellow
keyword whole is_object yellow
keyword whole is_real yellow
keyword whole is_resource yellow
keyword whole is_scalar yellow
keyword whole is_string yellow
keyword whole isset yellow
keyword whole print_r yellow
keyword whole serialize yellow
keyword whole settype yellow
keyword whole strval yellow
keyword whole unserialize yellow
keyword whole unset yellow
keyword whole var_dump yellow
keyword whole var_export yellow
# Verisign Payflow Pro Functions
keyword whole pfpro_cleanup yellow
keyword whole pfpro_init yellow
keyword whole pfpro_process yellow
keyword whole pfpro_process_raw yellow
keyword whole pfpro_version yellow
# vpopmail Functions
keyword whole vpopmail_add_alias_domain yellow
keyword whole vpopmail_add_alias_domain_ex yellow
keyword whole vpopmail_add_domain yellow
keyword whole vpopmail_add_domain_ex yellow
keyword whole vpopmail_add_user yellow
keyword whole vpopmail_alias_add yellow
keyword whole vpopmail_alias_del yellow
keyword whole vpopmail_alias_del_domain yellow
keyword whole vpopmail_alias_get yellow
keyword whole vpopmail_alias_get_all yellow
keyword whole vpopmail_auth_user yellow
keyword whole vpopmail_del_domain yellow
keyword whole vpopmail_del_domain_ex yellow
keyword whole vpopmail_del_user yellow
keyword whole vpopmail_error yellow
keyword whole vpopmail_passwd yellow
keyword whole vpopmail_set_user_quota yellow
# W32api Functions
keyword whole w32api_deftype yellow
keyword whole w32api_init_dtype yellow
keyword whole w32api_invoke_function yellow
keyword whole w32api_register_function yellow
keyword whole w32api_set_call_method yellow
# W32api Functions constants
keyword whole DC_BORLAND white
keyword whole DC_CALL_CDECL white
keyword whole DC_CALL_STD white
keyword whole DC_CALL_STD_BO white
keyword whole DC_CALL_STD_M8 white
keyword whole DC_CALL_STD_MS white
keyword whole DC_FLAG_ARGPTR white
keyword whole DC_MICROSOFT white
keyword whole DC_RETVAL_MATH4 white
keyword whole DC_RETVAL_MATH8 white
# WDDX Functions
keyword whole wddx_add_vars yellow
keyword whole wddx_deserialize yellow
keyword whole wddx_packet_end yellow
keyword whole wddx_packet_start yellow
keyword whole wddx_serialize_value yellow
keyword whole wddx_serialize_vars yellow
keyword whole wddx_unserialize yellow
# win32service Functions
keyword whole win32_create_service yellow
keyword whole win32_delete_service yellow
keyword whole win32_get_last_control_message yellow
keyword whole win32_query_service_status yellow
keyword whole win32_set_service_status yellow
keyword whole win32_start_service yellow
keyword whole win32_start_service_ctrl_dispatcher yellow
keyword whole win32_stop_service yellow
# win32service Functions constants
keyword whole WIN32_ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED white
keyword whole WIN32_NO_ERROR white
keyword whole WIN32_SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN white
keyword whole WIN32_SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP white
keyword whole WIN32_SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING white
keyword whole WIN32_SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE white
keyword whole WIN32_SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE white
keyword whole WIN32_SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP white
keyword whole WIN32_SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER white
keyword whole WIN32_SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER white
keyword whole WIN32_SERVICE_PAUSED white
keyword whole WIN32_SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING white
keyword whole WIN32_SERVICE_RUNNING white
keyword whole WIN32_SERVICE_START_PENDING white
keyword whole WIN32_SERVICE_STOPPED white
keyword whole WIN32_SERVICE_STOP_PENDING white
keyword whole WIN32_SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS white
keyword whole WIN32_SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS white
# xattr Functions
keyword whole xattr_get yellow
keyword whole xattr_list yellow
keyword whole xattr_remove yellow
keyword whole xattr_set yellow
keyword whole xattr_supported yellow
# xattr Functions constants
keyword whole XATTR_CREATE white
keyword whole XATTR_DONTFOLLOW white
keyword whole XATTR_REPLACE white
keyword whole XATTR_ROOT white
# xdiff Functions
keyword whole xdiff_file_diff yellow
keyword whole xdiff_file_diff_binary yellow
keyword whole xdiff_file_merge3 yellow
keyword whole xdiff_file_patch yellow
keyword whole xdiff_file_patch_binary yellow
keyword whole xdiff_string_diff yellow
keyword whole xdiff_string_diff_binary yellow
keyword whole xdiff_string_merge3 yellow
keyword whole xdiff_string_patch yellow
keyword whole xdiff_string_patch_binary yellow
# xdiff Functions constants
keyword whole XDIFF_PATCH_NORMAL white
keyword whole XDIFF_PATCH_REVERSE white
# XML Parser Functions
keyword whole utf8_decode yellow
keyword whole utf8_encode yellow
keyword whole xml_error_string yellow
keyword whole xml_get_current_byte_index yellow
keyword whole xml_get_current_column_number yellow
keyword whole xml_get_current_line_number yellow
keyword whole xml_get_error_code yellow
keyword whole xml_parse yellow
keyword whole xml_parse_into_struct yellow
keyword whole xml_parser_create yellow
keyword whole xml_parser_create_ns yellow
keyword whole xml_parser_free yellow
keyword whole xml_parser_get_option yellow
keyword whole xml_parser_set_option yellow
keyword whole xml_set_character_data_handler yellow
keyword whole xml_set_default_handler yellow
keyword whole xml_set_element_handler yellow
keyword whole xml_set_end_namespace_decl_handler yellow
keyword whole xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler yellow
keyword whole xml_set_notation_decl_handler yellow
keyword whole xml_set_object yellow
keyword whole xml_set_processing_instruction_handler yellow
keyword whole xml_set_start_namespace_decl_handler yellow
keyword whole xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler yellow
# XML Parser Functions constants
keyword whole XML_ERROR_ASYNC_ENTITY white
keyword whole XML_ERROR_BAD_CHAR_REF white
keyword whole XML_ERROR_BINARY_ENTITY_REF white
keyword whole XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN white
keyword whole XML_ERROR_MISPLACED_XML_PI white
keyword whole XML_ERROR_NONE white
keyword whole XML_ERROR_NO_ELEMENTS white
keyword whole XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY white
keyword whole XML_ERROR_PARAM_ENTITY_REF white
keyword whole XML_ERROR_PARTIAL_CHAR white
keyword whole XML_ERROR_SYNTAX white
keyword whole XML_ERROR_TAG_MISMATCH white
keyword whole XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN white
keyword whole XML_ERROR_UNDEFINED_ENTITY white
keyword whole XML_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING white
keyword whole XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING white
keyword whole XML_OPTION_SKIP_TAGSTART white
keyword whole XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE white
keyword whole XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING white
# XML-RPC Functions
keyword whole xmlrpc_decode yellow
keyword whole xmlrpc_decode_request yellow
keyword whole xmlrpc_encode yellow
keyword whole xmlrpc_encode_request yellow
keyword whole xmlrpc_get_type yellow
keyword whole xmlrpc_is_fault yellow
keyword whole xmlrpc_parse_method_descriptions yellow
keyword whole xmlrpc_server_add_introspection_data yellow
keyword whole xmlrpc_server_call_method yellow
keyword whole xmlrpc_server_create yellow
keyword whole xmlrpc_server_destroy yellow
keyword whole xmlrpc_server_register_introspection_callback yellow
keyword whole xmlrpc_server_register_method yellow
keyword whole xmlrpc_set_type yellow
# XMLReader functions
# XMLReader functions XMLReader methods
keyword whole XMLReader yellow
keyword whole ->XML yellow
keyword whole ->close yellow
keyword whole ->expand yellow
keyword whole ->getAttribute yellow
keyword whole ->getAttributeNS yellow
keyword whole ->getAttributeNo yellow
keyword whole ->getParserProperty yellow
keyword whole ->isValid yellow
keyword whole ->lookupNamespace yellow
keyword whole ->moveToAttribute yellow
keyword whole ->moveToAttributeNo yellow
keyword whole ->moveToAttributeNs yellow
keyword whole ->moveToElement yellow
keyword whole ->moveToFirstAttribute yellow
keyword whole ->moveToNextAttribute yellow
keyword whole ->next yellow
keyword whole ->open yellow
keyword whole ->read yellow
keyword whole ->setParserProperty yellow
keyword whole ->setRelaxNGSchema yellow
keyword whole ->setRelaxNGSchemaSource yellow
# XMLReader functions constants
keyword whole XMLREADER_ATTRIBUTE white
keyword whole XMLREADER_CDATA white
keyword whole XMLREADER_COMMENT white
keyword whole XMLREADER_DEFAULTATTRS white
keyword whole XMLREADER_DOC white
keyword whole XMLREADER_DOC_FRAGMENT white
keyword whole XMLREADER_DOC_TYPE white
keyword whole XMLREADER_ELEMENT white
keyword whole XMLREADER_END_ELEMENT white
keyword whole XMLREADER_END_ENTITY white
keyword whole XMLREADER_ENTITY white
keyword whole XMLREADER_ENTITY_REF white
keyword whole XMLREADER_LOADDTD white
keyword whole XMLREADER_NONE white
keyword whole XMLREADER_NOTATION white
keyword whole XMLREADER_PI white
keyword whole XMLREADER_SUBST_ENTITIES white
keyword whole XMLREADER_TEXT white
keyword whole XMLREADER_VALIDATE white
keyword whole XMLREADER_WHITESPACE white
# XSL functions
# XSL functions XSLTProcessor methods
keyword whole XSLTProcessor yellow
keyword whole ->__construct yellow
keyword whole ->getParameter yellow
keyword whole ->hasExsltSupport yellow
keyword whole ->importStylesheet yellow
keyword whole ->registerPHPFunctions yellow
keyword whole ->removeParameter yellow
keyword whole ->setParameter yellow
keyword whole ->transformToDoc yellow
keyword whole ->transformToURI yellow
keyword whole ->transformToXML yellow
# XSL functions constants
keyword whole XSL_CLONE_ALWAYS white
keyword whole XSL_CLONE_AUTO white
keyword whole XSL_CLONE_NEVER white
# XSLT Functions
keyword whole xslt_backend_info yellow
keyword whole xslt_backend_name yellow
keyword whole xslt_backend_version yellow
keyword whole xslt_create yellow
keyword whole xslt_errno yellow
keyword whole xslt_error yellow
keyword whole xslt_free yellow
keyword whole xslt_getopt yellow
keyword whole xslt_process yellow
keyword whole xslt_set_base yellow
keyword whole xslt_set_encoding yellow
keyword whole xslt_set_error_handler yellow
keyword whole xslt_set_log yellow
keyword whole xslt_set_object yellow
keyword whole xslt_set_sax_handler yellow
keyword whole xslt_set_sax_handlers yellow
keyword whole xslt_set_scheme_handler yellow
keyword whole xslt_set_scheme_handlers yellow
keyword whole xslt_setopt yellow
# XSLT Functions constants
keyword whole XSLT_OPT_SILENT white
keyword whole XSLT_SABOPT_FILES_TO_HANDLER white
# YAZ Functions
keyword whole yaz_addinfo yellow
keyword whole yaz_ccl_conf yellow
keyword whole yaz_ccl_parse yellow
keyword whole yaz_close yellow
keyword whole yaz_connect yellow
keyword whole yaz_database yellow
keyword whole yaz_element yellow
keyword whole yaz_errno yellow
keyword whole yaz_error yellow
keyword whole yaz_es_result yellow
keyword whole yaz_get_option yellow
keyword whole yaz_hits yellow
keyword whole yaz_itemorder yellow
keyword whole yaz_present yellow
keyword whole yaz_range yellow
keyword whole yaz_record yellow
keyword whole yaz_scan yellow
keyword whole yaz_scan_result yellow
keyword whole yaz_schema yellow
keyword whole yaz_search yellow
keyword whole yaz_set_option yellow
keyword whole yaz_sort yellow
keyword whole yaz_syntax yellow
keyword whole yaz_wait yellow
# YP/NIS Functions
keyword whole yp_all yellow
keyword whole yp_cat yellow
keyword whole yp_err_string yellow
keyword whole yp_errno yellow
keyword whole yp_first yellow
keyword whole yp_get_default_domain yellow
keyword whole yp_master yellow
keyword whole yp_match yellow
keyword whole yp_next yellow
keyword whole yp_order yellow
# YP/NIS Functions constants
keyword whole YPERR_BADARGS white
keyword whole YPERR_BADDB white
keyword whole YPERR_BUSY white
keyword whole YPERR_DOMAIN white
keyword whole YPERR_KEY white
keyword whole YPERR_MAP white
keyword whole YPERR_NODOM white
keyword whole YPERR_NOMORE white
keyword whole YPERR_PMAP white
keyword whole YPERR_RESRC white
keyword whole YPERR_RPC white
keyword whole YPERR_VERS white
keyword whole YPERR_YPBIND white
keyword whole YPERR_YPERR white
keyword whole YPERR_YPSERV white
# Zip File Functions (Read Only Access)
keyword whole zip_close yellow
keyword whole zip_entry_close yellow
keyword whole zip_entry_compressedsize yellow
keyword whole zip_entry_compressionmethod yellow
keyword whole zip_entry_filesize yellow
keyword whole zip_entry_name yellow
keyword whole zip_entry_open yellow
keyword whole zip_entry_read yellow
keyword whole zip_open yellow
keyword whole zip_read yellow
# Zlib Compression Functions
keyword whole gzclose yellow
keyword whole gzcompress yellow
keyword whole gzdeflate yellow
keyword whole gzencode yellow
keyword whole gzeof yellow
keyword whole gzfile yellow
keyword whole gzgetc yellow
keyword whole gzgets yellow
keyword whole gzgetss yellow
keyword whole gzinflate yellow
keyword whole gzopen yellow
keyword whole gzpassthru yellow
keyword whole gzputs yellow
keyword whole gzread yellow
keyword whole gzrewind yellow
keyword whole gzseek yellow
keyword whole gztell yellow
keyword whole gzuncompress yellow
keyword whole gzwrite yellow
keyword whole readgzfile yellow
keyword whole zlib_get_coding_type yellow
# Zlib Compression Functions constants
keyword whole FORCE_DEFLATE white
keyword whole FORCE_GZIP white
# predefined constants
# core
keyword whole PHP_VERSION white
keyword whole PHP_OS white
keyword whole DEFAULT_INCLUDE_PATH white
keyword whole PEAR_INSTALL_DIR white
keyword whole PEAR_EXTENSION_DIR white
keyword whole PHP_EXTENSION_DIR white
keyword whole PHP_BINDIR white
keyword whole PHP_LIBDIR white
keyword whole PHP_DATADIR white
keyword whole PHP_SYSCONFDIR white
keyword whole PHP_LOCALSTATEDIR white
keyword whole PHP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH white
keyword whole PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_START white
keyword whole PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_CONT white
keyword whole PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_END white
keyword whole E_ERROR white
keyword whole E_WARNING white
keyword whole E_PARSE white
keyword whole E_NOTICE white
keyword whole E_CORE_ERROR white
keyword whole E_CORE_WARNING white
keyword whole E_COMPILE_ERROR white
keyword whole E_COMPILE_WARNING white
keyword whole E_USER_ERROR white
keyword whole E_USER_WARNING white
keyword whole E_USER_NOTICE white
keyword whole E_ALL white
# expressions, operators and other
keyword whole var white
keyword whole as white
keyword whole and white
keyword whole or white
keyword whole __FILE__ brightred
keyword whole __LINE__ brightred
keyword whole parent brightmagenta
keyword whole $this brightmagenta
keyword wholeright $+ brightgreen
keyword /\* brown
keyword \*/ brown
keyword // brown
keyword <?php white
keyword <? white
keyword ?> white
keyword <html cyan
keyword <HTML cyan
keyword <doctype cyan
keyword <DOCTYPE cyan
keyword > white
keyword < white
keyword \+ white
keyword - white
keyword \* white
keyword / white
keyword % white
keyword = white
keyword != white
keyword == white
keyword & white
keyword | white
keyword :: white
keyword -> white
keyword { brightcyan
keyword } brightcyan
keyword ( brightcyan
keyword ) brightcyan
keyword [ brightcyan
keyword ] brightcyan
keyword , brightcyan
keyword : brightcyan
keyword ; brightmagenta
context exclusive ?> <? cyan
keyword whole &*; brightgreen
context exclusive <html <? cyan
keyword whole &*; brightgreen
context exclusive <HTML <? cyan
keyword whole &*; brightgreen
context exclusive <doctype <? cyan
keyword whole &*; brightgreen
context exclusive <DOCTYPE <? cyan
keyword whole &*; brightgreen
context exclusive /\* \*/ brown
context exclusive // \n brown
context linestart # \n brown
context " " green
keyword \\" brightgreen
keyword \\\n brightgreen
keyword %% brightgreen
keyword %\[#0\s-\+,\]\[0123456789\]\[.\]\[0123456789\]\[L\]\{eEfgGoxX\} brightgreen
keyword %\[0\s-\+,\]\[0123456789\]\[.\]\[0123456789\]\[hl\]\{diu\} brightgreen
keyword %\[hl\]n brightgreen
keyword %\[.\]\[0123456789\]s brightgreen
keyword %[*] brightgreen
keyword %c brightgreen
keyword \\\{0123\}\{01234567\}\{01234567\} brightgreen
keyword \\\\ brightgreen
keyword \\' brightgreen
keyword \\\{abtnvfr\} brightgreen
context ' ' brightgreen
keyword \\' brightcyan