1998-02-27 04:54:42 +00:00

753 строки
19 KiB

# gd: the built in Midnight Commander GUI designer
# (C) 1996 the Free Software Foundation
# See the file COPYING for details
# Author: Miguel de Icaza
set min_width 10
set min_height 10
set dragging 0
set new_dialog 1
proc reset_counters {} {
global dialog_rows
global dialog_columns
global frame_count
global text_count
global line_count
set dialog_rows 4
set dialog_columns 4
set frame_count 0
set text_count 0
set line_count 0
# create a division
# what = { row, column }
# if visible then allow the user to add columns and make them visibles
proc create_division {root index what visible} {
global dialog_columns
global dialog_rows
set cn [expr $index*2]
if {$what == "row"} {
set owhat "column"
set width height
set stick we
} else {
set owhat "row"
set width width
set stick ns
set c \$dialog_${owhat}s
if {$visible} {
frame $root.$what@$cn -$width 3 -back gray -relief sunken -borderwidth 4
bind $root.$what@$cn <Enter> "$root.$what@$cn configure -back red"
bind $root.$what@$cn <Leave> "$root.$what@$cn configure -back gray"
bind $root.$what@$cn <ButtonRelease-1> "new_division $root $index $what"
} else {
frame $root.$what@$cn -$width 3
grid $root.$what@$cn -$what $cn -$owhat 0 -${what}span 1 -${owhat}span [expr $c*2] -sticky $stick
proc create_column {root column visible} {
create_division $root $column column $visible
proc create_row {root row visible} {
create_division $root $row row $visible
proc column_space {root column} {
global min_width
grid columnconfigure $root [expr $column*2+1] -minsize $min_width
proc row_space {root row} {
global min_height
grid rowconfigure $root [expr $row*2+1] -minsize $min_height
# When inserting a column or row, move all of the widgets after
# the insertion point
proc move_childs {root index what} {
global components
set pix [expr $index*2]
foreach i $components {
set info [grid info $root.$i]
set idx [lsearch $info -$what]
if {$idx >= 0} {
incr idx
set cp [lindex $info $idx]
if {$cp >= $pix} {
grid $root.$i -$what [expr $cp+2]
# Update the separators spans after a column or row has been added
proc reconfig_spans {root} {
global dialog_rows
global dialog_columns
for {set i 0} {$i <= $dialog_rows} {incr i} {
set j [expr $i*2]
grid $root.row@$j -columnspan [expr $dialog_columns*2]
for {set i 0} {$i <= $dialog_columns} {incr i} {
set j [expr $i*2]
grid $root.column@$j -rowspan [expr $dialog_rows*2]
proc new_division {root index what} {
global dialog_columns
global dialog_rows
set var [incr dialog_${what}s]
create_$what $root $var 1
${what}_space $root $var
reconfig_spans $root
move_childs $root $index $what
proc create_gui_canvas {frame} {
if {$frame == "."} { set base "" } else { set base $frame }
set bw $base.widgets
catch "frame $bw"
grid $bw -column 1 -row 1 -sticky nwse -padx 2 -pady 2 -ipady 12
proc create_workspace {frame} {
global dialog_rows
global dialog_columns
global env
global components
puts "Create_workspace llamado"
if {$frame == "."} { set base "" } else { set base $frame }
set bw $base.widgets
# If user wants to edit this, then the workspace has been already created.
if ![string compare .$env(MC_EDIT) $frame] {
return 0
create_gui_canvas $frame
$bw configure -relief sunken -borderwidth 2
canvas $base.h -back white -height 8 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2
canvas $base.v -back white -width 8 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2
grid $bw -column 1 -row 1 -sticky nwse -padx 2 -pady 2 -ipady 12
grid $base.h -column 1 -row 0 -sticky we
grid $base.v -column 0 -row 1 -sticky ns
for {set col 0} {$col <= $dialog_columns} {incr col} {
column_space $bw $col
create_column $bw $col 1
for {set row 0} {$row <= $dialog_rows} {incr row} {
row_space $bw $row
create_row $bw $row 1
proc get_stick {root widget} {
global props
set a $props(stick.n.$widget)
set b $props(stick.s.$widget)
set c $props(stick.e.$widget)
set d $props(stick.w.$widget)
return "$a$b$c$d"
# Callbacks for configuring widgets, frames and extra text
proc set_stick {root widget} {
if {$root == "."} { set base "" } else { set base $root }
grid $base.widgets.$widget -sticky [get_stick $root $widget]
proc make_sticky_button {root window widget sval} {
checkbutton $window.$sval -text $sval -variable props(stick.$sval.$widget) \
-command "set_stick $root $widget" -onvalue $sval -offvalue ""
# Configure a widget
proc config_widget {root widget} {
global components
global props
set w .config-$widget
toplevel $w
frame $w.f
make_sticky_button $root $w.f $widget n
make_sticky_button $root $w.f $widget s
make_sticky_button $root $w.f $widget e
make_sticky_button $root $w.f $widget w
label $w.f.l -text "Anchor"
pack $w.f.l $w.f.n $w.f.s $w.f.e $w.f.w
pack $w.f
proc make_radio_button {root window widget state} {
radiobutton $window.$state -text $state -variable frame_relief -value $state \
-command "$root.widgets.$widget configure -relief $state"
pack $window.$state
# Configure a frame
proc config_frame {root widget} {
set w .config-$widget
toplevel $w
make_radio_button $root $w $widget sunken
make_radio_button $root $w $widget groove
make_radio_button $root $w $widget ridge
make_radio_button $root $w $widget raised
proc set_text {root widget from} {
set text [.config-$widget.f.entry get]
puts "Texto: $text"
$root.widgets.$widget configure -text $text
proc config_text {root widget} {
config_widget $root $widget
entry .config-$widget.f.entry -text [lindex [$root.widgets.$widget configure -text] 4]
pack .config-$widget.f.entry
bind .config-$widget.f.entry <Return> "set_text $root $widget .config-$widget.f.entry"
proc config_line {root widget} {
# Nothing is configurable on a line.
proc reconfig_rows {root} {
global dialog_rows
global dialog_columns
for {set i 0} {$i < $dialog_rows} {incr i} {
set cn [expr $i*2]
grid $root.row@cn -columnspan [expr $dialog_columns*2+2]
# Set the column for a widget
proc set_widget_col {root w col} {
global dialog_columns
if {$root == "."} { set base "" } else { set base $root }
if {$col >= $dialog_columns} {
grid $base.widgets.$w -column [expr $col*2+1]
# Set the row for a widget
proc set_widget_row {root w row} {
global dialog_rows
if {$root == "."} { set base "" } else { set base $root }
if {$row >= $dialog_rows} {
grid $base.widgets.$w -row [expr $row*2+1]
# Set the number of spanning lines for a widget
proc set_span_col {root w n} {
if {$root == "."} { set base "" } else { set base $root }
grid $base.widgets.$w -columnspan [expr $n*2-1]
# Set the number of spanning rows for a widget
proc set_span_row {root w n} {
if {$root == "."} { set base "" } else { set base $root }
grid $base.widgets.$w -rowspan [expr $n*2-1]
proc set_sticky {root w s} {
global props
if {$root == "."} { set base "" } else { set base $root }
grid $base.widgets.$w -sticky $s
foreach stick_dir {n s w e} {
if [regexp $stick_dir $s] {
set props(stick.$stick_dir.$w) $stick_dir
# Start a drag
proc drag {root w x y} {
global dragging
global root_x
global root_y
if {$root == "."} { set base "" } else { set base $root }
if {!$dragging} {
set dragging 1
button $base.widgets.drag -text "$w"
place $base.widgets.drag -x [expr $x-$root_x] -y [expr $y-$root_y]
# Drop action
proc drop {root w x y} {
global root_x
global root_y
global dragging
if {$root == "."} { set base "" } else { set base $root }
set pos [grid location $base.widgets [expr $x-$root_x] [expr $y-$root_y]]
set col [expr [lindex $pos 0]/2]
set row [expr [lindex $pos 1]/2]
set_widget_row $root $w $row
set_widget_col $root $w $col
set dragging 0
catch "destroy $root.widgets.drag"
# Setup before the drag
proc button_press {root} {
global root_x
global root_y
if {$root == "."} { set base "" } else { set base $root }
set root_x [expr [winfo rootx $base.widgets]]
set root_y [expr [winfo rooty $base.widgets]]
# Extract a value from a {key value ...} list returned by Tk
proc extract_parameter {parameters key} {
return [lindex $parameters [expr [lsearch $parameters $key]+1]]
# Return the value of a variable stored in the props() array
proc get_prop {root win} {
global props
return $props($root.props.$win)
# Save the layout as defined by the user
proc save_gui {root dlg} {
global dialog_columns
global dialog_rows
global components
global frame_count
global text_count
global line_count
if {$root == "."} { set base "" } else { set base $root }
set file [open "gui$dlg.tcl" w]
puts $file "set props($dlg.columns) $dialog_columns"
puts $file "set props($dlg.rows) $dialog_rows"
puts $file "set props($dlg.frames) $frame_count"
puts $file "set props($dlg.texts) $text_count"
puts $file "set props($dlg.lines) $line_count"
set cnum [llength $components]
puts $file "set props($dlg.components) \"$components\""
puts $file "set props($dlg.count) $cnum"
# 1. dump components
foreach i $components {
set winfo [grid info $base.widgets.$i]
puts $file "set props($dlg.props.$i) \"$winfo\""
# 2. dump frames
for {set i 0} {$i < $frame_count} {incr i} {
set winfo [grid info $base.widgets.frame$i]
set relief [lindex [$base.widgets.frame$i configure -relief] end]
puts $file "set props($dlg.frame$i) \"$winfo\""
puts $file "set props($dlg.relief.frame$i) $relief"
# 3. dump texts
for {set i 0} {$i < $text_count} {incr i} {
set winfo [grid info $base.widgets.text$i]
set text [lindex [$base.widgets.text$i configure -text] end]
puts $file "set props($dlg.text$i) \"$winfo\""
puts $file "set props($dlg.text.text$i) \"$text\""
# 4. dump lines
for {set i 0} {$i < $line_count} {incr i} {
set winfo [grid info $base.widgets.line$i]
puts $file "set props($dlg.line$i) \"$winfo\""
close $file
# Setup the bindings for a given widget to make it drag and droppable
proc make_draggable {root wn short} {
bind $wn <ButtonPress-1> "button_press $root; update idletasks"
bind $wn <B1-Motion> "drag $root $short %X %Y; update idletasks"
bind $wn <ButtonRelease-1> "drop $root $short %X %Y; update idletasks"
# root, window name, what = { frame, text, widget }
proc make_config_button {root i what} {
if {$root == "."} { set base "" } else { set base $root }
frame .gui-widgets.$i
button .gui-widgets.$i.button -command "config_$what $root $i " -text "$i"
set spans [grid info $base.widgets.$i]
scale .gui-widgets.$i.scale-x -orient horizontal -from 1 -to 10 -label "span-x" \
-command "set_span_col $root $i"
scale .gui-widgets.$i.scale-y -orient horizontal -from 1 -to 10 -label "span-y" \
-command "set_span_row $root $i"
.gui-widgets.$i.scale-y set [expr 1+([lindex $spans [expr 1+[lsearch $spans -rowspan]]]-1)/2]
.gui-widgets.$i.scale-x set [expr 1+([lindex $spans [expr 1+[lsearch $spans -columnspan]]]-1)/2]
pack .gui-widgets.$i.button .gui-widgets.$i.scale-x .gui-widgets.$i.scale-y -side left
pack .gui-widgets.$i -side top
# Create a new border (these are widgets not known by mc)
proc new_border {root} {
global frame_count
if {$root == "."} { set base "" } else { set base $root }
set short frame$frame_count
set wn $base.widgets.$short
incr frame_count
# create the frame
frame $wn -relief sunken -borderwidth 2
grid $wn -row 1 -column 1 -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1 -sticky wens -padx 2 -pady 2
lower $wn
# drag and dropability
make_draggable $root $wn $short
# configurability
make_config_button $root $short frame
# Create a new line separator (these are widgets not known by mc)
proc new_line {root} {
global line_count
if {$root == "."} { set base "" } else { set base $root }
set short line$line_count
set wn $base.widgets.$short
incr line_count
# create the line
frame $wn -height 3 -bd 1 -relief sunken
grid $wn -row 1 -column 1 -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1 -sticky wens -padx 2 -pady 2
lower $wn
# drag and dropability
make_draggable $root $wn $short
# configurability
make_config_button $root $short line
# Create a new text (these are widgets not known by mc)
proc new_text {root} {
global text_count
if {$root == "."} { set base "" } else { set base $root }
set short text$text_count
set wn $base.widgets.$short
incr text_count
label $wn -text "Text..."
grid $wn -row 1 -column 1 -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1
make_draggable $root $wn $short
make_config_button $root $short text
# Start up the GUI designer
proc gui_design {root components} {
global props
global new_dialog
# May be created in layout_with_grid if reconfiguring
catch {toplevel .gui-widgets}
if {$root == "."} {
set base ""
} else {
set base $root
if {$new_dialog} {
# Work around Tk 4.1 bug
frame $base.widgets.bug-work-around
grid $base.widgets.bug-work-around -row 60 -column 60
foreach i $components {
set def_layout [catch "get_prop $root $i" val]
if {$def_layout} {
set_widget_col $root $i 0
set_widget_row $root $i 0
make_draggable $root $base.widgets.$i $i
make_config_button $root $i widget
frame .gui-widgets.buttons
button .gui-widgets.buttons.save -text "Save to: gui$root.tcl" -command "save_gui $root $root"
button .gui-widgets.buttons.abort -text "abort" -command "exit"
button .gui-widgets.buttons.newf -text "New border" -command "new_border $root"
button .gui-widgets.buttons.newl -text "New line" -command "new_line $root"
button .gui-widgets.buttons.newt -text "New text" -command "new_text $root"
.gui-widgets.buttons.save \
.gui-widgets.buttons.abort \
.gui-widgets.buttons.newf \
.gui-widgets.buttons.newt \
-side left -expand y
pack .gui-widgets.buttons
# Attempt to layout a grided dialog. If something fails, return 0
# to give the application the chance to run the GUI designer
proc layout_with_grid {dialog count} {
global props
global components
global min_width
global min_height
global env
global dialog_columns
global dialog_rows
global frame_count
global text_count
global line_count
global new_dialog
set expr "set saved_count \$props(.\$dialog.count)"
set new_dialog 1
if [catch "eval $expr"] {
puts "Calling editor, reason: count"
return 0
set bw .$dialog.widgets
if {$saved_count != $count} {
puts "Calling editor, reason: more widgets"
return 0
set new_dialog 0
# Check if the user wants to modify this dialog
if ![string compare $env(MC_EDIT) $dialog] {
set modify_dialog 1
toplevel .gui-widgets
} else {
set modify_dialog 0
# First, hack around the crash problem of Tk 4.2 beta 1
frame .$dialog.widgets.work-around
grid .$dialog.widgets.work-around -row 60 -column 60
set dialog_columns $props(.$dialog.columns)
set dialog_rows $props(.$dialog.rows)
for {set i 0} {$i <= $dialog_columns} {incr i} {
column_space $bw $i
create_column $bw $i $modify_dialog
for {set i 0} {$i <= $dialog_rows} {incr i} {
row_space $bw $i
create_row $bw $i $modify_dialog
grid .$dialog.widgets -column 0 -row 0 -ipadx 8 -ipady 8 -sticky nswe
# 1. Load the borders (first, because they may cover other widgets)
set frame_count $props(.$dialog.frames)
for {set i 0} {$i < $frame_count} {incr i} {
frame .$dialog.widgets.frame$i -relief $props(.$dialog.relief.frame$i) -borderwidth 2
eval grid .$dialog.widgets.frame$i "$props(.$dialog.frame$i)"
if {$modify_dialog} {
lower .$dialog.widgets.frame$i
make_draggable .$dialog .$dialog.widgets.frame$i frame$i
make_config_button .$dialog frame$i frame
# 1.1 Load the lines (before texts, since they may cover other widgets)
if {![catch {set line_count $props(.$dialog.lines)}]} {
for {set i 0} {$i < $line_count} {incr i} {
frame .$dialog.widgets.line$i -relief sunken -bd 1 -height 3
eval grid .$dialog.widgets.line$i "$props(.$dialog.line$i)"
if {$modify_dialog} {
lower .$dialog.widgets.line$i
make_draggable .$dialog .$dialog.widgets.line$i line$i
make_config_button .$dialog line$i line
# 2. Load the components
foreach i $components {
eval grid .$dialog.widgets.$i "$props(.$dialog.props.$i)"
raise .$dialog.widgets.$i
# 3 . Load the texts
set text_count $props(.$dialog.texts)
for {set i 0} {$i < $text_count} {incr i} {
label .$dialog.widgets.text$i -text $props(.$dialog.text.text$i)
eval grid .$dialog.widgets.text$i "$props(.$dialog.text$i)"
raise .$dialog.widgets.text$i
if {$modify_dialog} {
make_draggable .$dialog .$dialog.widgets.text$i text$i
# make_config_button .$dialog text$i text
if {$modify_dialog} {
puts "Calling editor, reason: modify_dialog set"
return 0
return 1
# For testing the GUI builder. Not used by the Midnight Commander
proc mc_create_buttons {root} {
if {$root == "."} { set base "" } else { set base $root }
button $base.widgets.button#1 -text "Oki\ndoki\nmy\friends"
button $base.widgets.button#2 -text "Cancel"
entry $base.widgets.entry#1
radiobutton $base.widgets.radio#1 -text "Primera opcion"
radiobutton $base.widgets.radio#2 -text "Segunda opcion"
radiobutton $base.widgets.radio#3 -text "Tercera opcion"
proc test_gui {} {
global components
button .a -text "A"
pack .a
toplevel .hola
create_gui_canvas .hola
set components {button#1 button#2 entry#1 radio#1 radio#2 radio#3}
mc_create_buttons .hola
if [layout_with_grid hola 6] {
puts corriendo
} else {
create_workspace .hola
gui_design .hola $components
# initialize
if ![info exists env(MC_EDIT)] {
set env(MC_EDIT) non-existant-toplevel-never-hit
if [catch {set x $mc_running}] { set mc_running 0 }
if {$use_separate_gui_files} {
if [catch "glob gui.*.tcl" files] {
set files ""
foreach i $files {
puts "loading $i..."
source $i
} else {
source $LIBDIR/gui.tcl
if {$mc_running == 0} {