/* Widgets for the Midnight Commander Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 The Free Software Foundation, Inc. Authors: Radek Doulik, 1994, 1995 Miguel de Icaza, 1994, 1995 Jakub Jelinek, 1995 Andrej Borsenkow, 1996 Norbert Warmuth, 1997 Andrew Borodin , 2009, 2010, 2013 This file is part of the Midnight Commander. The Midnight Commander is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Midnight Commander is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /** \file listbox.c * \brief Source: WListbox widget */ #include #include #include "lib/global.h" #include "lib/tty/tty.h" #include "lib/tty/mouse.h" #include "lib/skin.h" #include "lib/strutil.h" #include "lib/util.h" /* Q_() */ #include "lib/keybind.h" /* global_keymap_t */ #include "lib/widget.h" /*** global variables ****************************************************************************/ const global_keymap_t *listbox_map = NULL; /*** file scope macro definitions ****************************************************************/ /*** file scope type declarations ****************************************************************/ /*** file scope variables ************************************************************************/ /*** file scope functions ************************************************************************/ static int listbox_entry_cmp (const void *a, const void *b, void *user_data) { const WLEntry *ea = (const WLEntry *) a; const WLEntry *eb = (const WLEntry *) b; (void) user_data; return strcmp (ea->text, eb->text); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void listbox_entry_free (void *data) { WLEntry *e = data; g_free (e->text); g_free (e); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void listbox_drawscroll (WListbox * l) { Widget *w = WIDGET (l); int max_line = w->lines - 1; int line = 0; int i; int length; /* Are we at the top? */ widget_move (w, 0, w->cols); if (l->top == 0) tty_print_one_vline (TRUE); else tty_print_char ('^'); length = g_queue_get_length (l->list); /* Are we at the bottom? */ widget_move (w, max_line, w->cols); if (l->top + w->lines == length || w->lines >= length) tty_print_one_vline (TRUE); else tty_print_char ('v'); /* Now draw the nice relative pointer */ if (!g_queue_is_empty (l->list)) line = 1 + ((l->pos * (w->lines - 2)) / length); for (i = 1; i < max_line; i++) { widget_move (w, i, w->cols); if (i != line) tty_print_one_vline (TRUE); else tty_print_char ('*'); } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void listbox_draw (WListbox * l, gboolean focused) { Widget *w = WIDGET (l); const WDialog *h = w->owner; const gboolean disabled = (w->options & W_DISABLED) != 0; const int normalc = disabled ? DISABLED_COLOR : h->color[DLG_COLOR_NORMAL]; /* *INDENT-OFF* */ int selc = disabled ? DISABLED_COLOR : focused ? h->color[DLG_COLOR_HOT_FOCUS] : h->color[DLG_COLOR_FOCUS]; /* *INDENT-ON* */ int length = 0; GList *le = NULL; int pos; int i; int sel_line = -1; if (l->list != NULL) { length = g_queue_get_length (l->list); le = g_queue_peek_nth_link (l->list, (guint) l->top); } /* pos = (le == NULL) ? 0 : g_list_position (l->list, le); */ pos = (le == NULL) ? 0 : l->top; for (i = 0; i < w->lines; i++) { const char *text = ""; /* Display the entry */ if (pos == l->pos && sel_line == -1) { sel_line = i; tty_setcolor (selc); } else tty_setcolor (normalc); widget_move (l, i, 1); if (l->list != NULL && le != NULL && (i == 0 || pos < length)) { WLEntry *e = LENTRY (le->data); text = e->text; le = g_list_next (le); pos++; } tty_print_string (str_fit_to_term (text, w->cols - 2, J_LEFT_FIT)); } l->cursor_y = sel_line; if (l->scrollbar && length > w->lines) { tty_setcolor (normalc); listbox_drawscroll (l); } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int listbox_check_hotkey (WListbox * l, int key) { if (!listbox_is_empty (l)) { int i; GList *le; for (i = 0, le = g_queue_peek_head_link (l->list); le != NULL; i++, le = g_list_next (le)) { WLEntry *e = LENTRY (le->data); if (e->hotkey == key) return i; } } return (-1); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Selects from base the pos element */ static int listbox_select_pos (WListbox * l, int base, int pos) { int last = 0; base += pos; if (!listbox_is_empty (l)) last = g_queue_get_length (l->list) - 1; base = min (base, last); return base; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void listbox_fwd (WListbox * l) { if ((guint) l->pos + 1 >= g_queue_get_length (l->list)) listbox_select_first (l); else listbox_select_entry (l, l->pos + 1); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void listbox_back (WListbox * l) { if (l->pos <= 0) listbox_select_last (l); else listbox_select_entry (l, l->pos - 1); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static cb_ret_t listbox_execute_cmd (WListbox * l, unsigned long command) { cb_ret_t ret = MSG_HANDLED; int i; Widget *w = WIDGET (l); int length; if (l->list == NULL || g_queue_is_empty (l->list)) return MSG_NOT_HANDLED; switch (command) { case CK_Up: listbox_back (l); break; case CK_Down: listbox_fwd (l); break; case CK_Top: listbox_select_first (l); break; case CK_Bottom: listbox_select_last (l); break; case CK_PageUp: for (i = 0; (i < w->lines - 1) && (l->pos > 0); i++) listbox_back (l); break; case CK_PageDown: length = g_queue_get_length (l->list); for (i = 0; i < w->lines - 1 && l->pos < length - 1; i++) listbox_fwd (l); break; case CK_Delete: if (l->deletable) { gboolean is_last, is_more; length = g_queue_get_length (l->list); is_last = (l->pos + 1 >= length); is_more = (l->top + w->lines >= length); listbox_remove_current (l); if ((l->top > 0) && (is_last || is_more)) l->top--; } break; case CK_Clear: if (l->deletable && mc_global.widget.confirm_history_cleanup /* TRANSLATORS: no need to translate 'DialogTitle', it's just a context prefix */ && (query_dialog (Q_ ("DialogTitle|History cleanup"), _("Do you want clean this history?"), D_ERROR, 2, _("&Yes"), _("&No")) == 0)) listbox_remove_list (l); break; default: ret = MSG_NOT_HANDLED; } return ret; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Return MSG_HANDLED if we want a redraw */ static cb_ret_t listbox_key (WListbox * l, int key) { unsigned long command; if (l->list == NULL) return MSG_NOT_HANDLED; /* focus on listbox item N by '0'..'9' keys */ if (key >= '0' && key <= '9') { int oldpos = l->pos; listbox_select_entry (l, key - '0'); /* need scroll to item? */ if (abs (oldpos - l->pos) > WIDGET (l)->lines) l->top = l->pos; return MSG_HANDLED; } command = keybind_lookup_keymap_command (listbox_map, key); if (command == CK_IgnoreKey) return MSG_NOT_HANDLED; return listbox_execute_cmd (l, command); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Listbox item adding function */ static inline void listbox_append_item (WListbox * l, WLEntry * e, listbox_append_t pos) { if (l->list == NULL) l->list = g_queue_new (); switch (pos) { case LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END: g_queue_push_tail (l->list, e); break; case LISTBOX_APPEND_BEFORE: g_queue_insert_before (l->list, g_queue_peek_nth_link (l->list, (guint) l->pos), e); break; case LISTBOX_APPEND_AFTER: g_queue_insert_after (l->list, g_queue_peek_nth_link (l->list, (guint) l->pos), e); break; case LISTBOX_APPEND_SORTED: g_queue_insert_sorted (l->list, e, (GCompareDataFunc) listbox_entry_cmp, NULL); break; default: break; } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static inline void listbox_destroy (WListbox * l) { listbox_remove_list (l); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static cb_ret_t listbox_callback (Widget * w, Widget * sender, widget_msg_t msg, int parm, void *data) { WListbox *l = LISTBOX (w); WDialog *h = w->owner; cb_ret_t ret_code; switch (msg) { case MSG_INIT: return MSG_HANDLED; case MSG_HOTKEY: { int pos, action; pos = listbox_check_hotkey (l, parm); if (pos < 0) return MSG_NOT_HANDLED; listbox_select_entry (l, pos); send_message (h, w, MSG_ACTION, l->pos, NULL); if (l->callback != NULL) action = l->callback (l); else action = LISTBOX_DONE; if (action == LISTBOX_DONE) { h->ret_value = B_ENTER; dlg_stop (h); } return MSG_HANDLED; } case MSG_KEY: ret_code = listbox_key (l, parm); if (ret_code != MSG_NOT_HANDLED) { listbox_draw (l, TRUE); send_message (h, w, MSG_ACTION, l->pos, NULL); } return ret_code; case MSG_ACTION: return listbox_execute_cmd (l, parm); case MSG_CURSOR: widget_move (l, l->cursor_y, 0); send_message (h, w, MSG_ACTION, l->pos, NULL); return MSG_HANDLED; case MSG_FOCUS: case MSG_UNFOCUS: case MSG_DRAW: listbox_draw (l, msg != MSG_UNFOCUS); return MSG_HANDLED; case MSG_DESTROY: listbox_destroy (l); return MSG_HANDLED; case MSG_RESIZE: return MSG_HANDLED; default: return widget_default_callback (w, sender, msg, parm, data); } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int listbox_event (Gpm_Event * event, void *data) { WListbox *l = LISTBOX (data); Widget *w = WIDGET (data); if (!mouse_global_in_widget (event, w)) return MOU_UNHANDLED; /* Single click */ if ((event->type & GPM_DOWN) != 0) dlg_select_widget (l); if (g_queue_is_empty (l->list)) return MOU_NORMAL; if ((event->type & (GPM_DOWN | GPM_DRAG)) != 0) { int ret = MOU_REPEAT; Gpm_Event local; int i; local = mouse_get_local (event, w); if (local.y < 1) for (i = -local.y; i >= 0; i--) listbox_back (l); else if (local.y > w->lines) for (i = local.y - w->lines; i > 0; i--) listbox_fwd (l); else if ((local.buttons & GPM_B_UP) != 0) { listbox_back (l); ret = MOU_NORMAL; } else if ((local.buttons & GPM_B_DOWN) != 0) { listbox_fwd (l); ret = MOU_NORMAL; } else listbox_select_entry (l, listbox_select_pos (l, l->top, local.y - 1)); /* We need to refresh ourselves since the dialog manager doesn't */ /* know about this event */ listbox_draw (l, TRUE); return ret; } /* Double click */ if ((event->type & (GPM_DOUBLE | GPM_UP)) == (GPM_UP | GPM_DOUBLE)) { Gpm_Event local; int action; local = mouse_get_local (event, w); dlg_select_widget (l); listbox_select_entry (l, listbox_select_pos (l, l->top, local.y - 1)); if (l->callback != NULL) action = l->callback (l); else action = LISTBOX_DONE; if (action == LISTBOX_DONE) { w->owner->ret_value = B_ENTER; dlg_stop (w->owner); } } return MOU_NORMAL; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*** public functions ****************************************************************************/ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ WListbox * listbox_new (int y, int x, int height, int width, gboolean deletable, lcback_fn callback) { WListbox *l; Widget *w; if (height <= 0) height = 1; l = g_new (WListbox, 1); w = WIDGET (l); widget_init (w, y, x, height, width, listbox_callback, listbox_event); l->list = NULL; l->top = l->pos = 0; l->deletable = deletable; l->callback = callback; l->allow_duplicates = TRUE; l->scrollbar = !mc_global.tty.slow_terminal; widget_want_hotkey (w, TRUE); widget_want_cursor (w, FALSE); return l; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int listbox_search_text (WListbox * l, const char *text) { if (!listbox_is_empty (l)) { int i; GList *le; for (i = 0, le = g_queue_peek_head_link (l->list); le != NULL; i++, le = g_list_next (le)) { WLEntry *e = LENTRY (le->data); if (strcmp (e->text, text) == 0) return i; } } return (-1); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Selects the first entry and scrolls the list to the top */ void listbox_select_first (WListbox * l) { l->pos = l->top = 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Selects the last entry and scrolls the list to the bottom */ void listbox_select_last (WListbox * l) { int lines = WIDGET (l)->lines; int length = 0; if (!listbox_is_empty (l)) length = g_queue_get_length (l->list); l->pos = length > 0 ? length - 1 : 0; l->top = length > lines ? length - lines : 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void listbox_select_entry (WListbox * l, int dest) { GList *le; int pos; gboolean top_seen = FALSE; if (listbox_is_empty (l) || dest < 0) return; /* Special case */ for (pos = 0, le = g_queue_peek_head_link (l->list); le != NULL; pos++, le = g_list_next (le)) { if (pos == l->top) top_seen = TRUE; if (pos == dest) { l->pos = dest; if (!top_seen) l->top = l->pos; else { int lines = WIDGET (l)->lines; if (l->pos - l->top >= lines) l->top = l->pos - lines + 1; } return; } } /* If we are unable to find it, set decent values */ l->pos = l->top = 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Returns the current string text as well as the associated extra data */ void listbox_get_current (WListbox * l, char **string, void **extra) { WLEntry *e = NULL; gboolean ok; if (l != NULL) e = listbox_get_nth_item (l, l->pos); ok = (e != NULL); if (string != NULL) *string = ok ? e->text : NULL; if (extra != NULL) *extra = ok ? e->data : NULL; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ WLEntry * listbox_get_nth_item (const WListbox * l, int pos) { if (!listbox_is_empty (l) && pos >= 0) { GList *item; item = g_queue_peek_nth_link (l->list, (guint) pos); if (item != NULL) return LENTRY (item->data); } return NULL; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ GList * listbox_get_first_link (const WListbox * l) { return (l == NULL || l->list == NULL) ? NULL : g_queue_peek_head_link (l->list); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void listbox_remove_current (WListbox * l) { if (!listbox_is_empty (l)) { GList *current; int length; current = g_queue_peek_nth_link (l->list, (guint) l->pos); listbox_entry_free (LENTRY (current->data)); g_queue_delete_link (l->list, current); length = g_queue_get_length (l->list); if (length == 0) l->top = l->pos = 0; else if (l->pos >= length) l->pos = length - 1; } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ gboolean listbox_is_empty (const WListbox * l) { return (l == NULL || l->list == NULL || g_queue_is_empty (l->list)); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void listbox_set_list (WListbox * l, GList * list) { listbox_remove_list (l); if (l != NULL) { GList *ll; l->list = g_queue_new (); for (ll = list; ll != NULL; ll = g_list_next (ll)) g_queue_push_tail (l->list, ll->data); g_list_free (list); } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void listbox_remove_list (WListbox * l) { if (l != NULL) { if (l->list != NULL) { g_queue_foreach (l->list, (GFunc) listbox_entry_free, NULL); g_queue_free (l->list); } l->list = NULL; l->pos = l->top = 0; } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char * listbox_add_item (WListbox * l, listbox_append_t pos, int hotkey, const char *text, void *data) { WLEntry *entry; if (l == NULL) return NULL; if (!l->allow_duplicates && (listbox_search_text (l, text) >= 0)) return NULL; entry = g_new (WLEntry, 1); entry->text = g_strdup (text); entry->data = data; entry->hotkey = hotkey; listbox_append_item (l, entry, pos); return entry->text; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */