/* editor options dialog box Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 the Free Software Foundation Authors: 1996, 1997 Paul Sheer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "edit.h" #define OPT_DLG_H 15 #define OPT_DLG_W 72 #ifndef USE_INTERNAL_EDIT #define USE_INTERNAL_EDIT 1 #endif static char *key_emu_str[] = {N_("Intuitive"), N_("Emacs"), NULL}; static char *wrap_str[] = {N_("None"), N_("Dynamic paragraphing"), N_("Type writer wrap"), NULL}; static void i18n_translate_array (char *array[]) { while (*array!=NULL) { *array = _(*array); array++; } } void edit_options_dialog (void) { char wrap_length[32], tab_spacing[32], *p, *q; int wrap_mode = 0; int tedit_key_emulation = edit_key_emulation; int toption_fill_tabs_with_spaces = option_fill_tabs_with_spaces; int tedit_confirm_save = edit_confirm_save; int tedit_syntax_highlighting = option_syntax_highlighting; int toption_return_does_auto_indent = option_return_does_auto_indent; int toption_backspace_through_tabs = option_backspace_through_tabs; int toption_fake_half_tabs = option_fake_half_tabs; QuickWidget quick_widgets[] = { /*0 */ {quick_button, 6, 10, OPT_DLG_H - 3, OPT_DLG_H, N_("&Cancel"), 0, B_CANCEL, 0, 0, NULL}, /*1 */ {quick_button, 2, 10, OPT_DLG_H - 3, OPT_DLG_H, N_("&OK"), 0, B_ENTER, 0, 0, NULL}, /*2 */ {quick_label, OPT_DLG_W / 2, OPT_DLG_W, OPT_DLG_H - 4, OPT_DLG_H, N_("Word wrap line length : "), 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL}, /*3 */ {quick_input, OPT_DLG_W / 2 + 24, OPT_DLG_W, OPT_DLG_H - 4, OPT_DLG_H, "", OPT_DLG_W / 2 - 4 - 24, 0, 0, 0, "edit-word-wrap"}, /*4 */ {quick_label, OPT_DLG_W / 2, OPT_DLG_W, OPT_DLG_H - 5, OPT_DLG_H, N_("Tab spacing : "), 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL}, /*5 */ {quick_input, OPT_DLG_W / 2 + 24, OPT_DLG_W, OPT_DLG_H - 5, OPT_DLG_H, "", OPT_DLG_W / 2 - 4 - 24, 0, 0, 0, "edit-tab-spacing"}, /*6 */ #ifdef HAVE_SYNTAXH #define OA 1 {quick_checkbox, OPT_DLG_W / 2 + 1, OPT_DLG_W, OPT_DLG_H - 7, OPT_DLG_H, N_("synta&X highlighting"), 8, 0, 0, 0, NULL}, #else #define OA 0 #endif /* !HAVE_SYNTAXH */ /*7 */ {quick_checkbox, OPT_DLG_W / 2 + 1, OPT_DLG_W, OPT_DLG_H - 8, OPT_DLG_H, N_("confir&M before saving"), 6, 0, 0, 0, NULL}, /*8 */ {quick_checkbox, OPT_DLG_W / 2 + 1, OPT_DLG_W, OPT_DLG_H - 9, OPT_DLG_H, N_("fill tabs with &Spaces"), 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL}, /*9 */ {quick_checkbox, OPT_DLG_W / 2 + 1, OPT_DLG_W, OPT_DLG_H - 10, OPT_DLG_H, N_("&Return does autoindent"), 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL}, /*10 */ {quick_checkbox, OPT_DLG_W / 2 + 1, OPT_DLG_W, OPT_DLG_H - 11, OPT_DLG_H, N_("&Backspace through tabs"), 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL}, /*11 */ {quick_checkbox, OPT_DLG_W / 2 + 1, OPT_DLG_W, OPT_DLG_H - 12, OPT_DLG_H, N_("&Fake half tabs"), 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL}, /*12 */ {quick_radio, 5, OPT_DLG_W, OPT_DLG_H - 6, OPT_DLG_H, "", 3, 0, 0, wrap_str, "wrapm"}, /*13 */ {quick_label, 4, OPT_DLG_W, OPT_DLG_H - 7, OPT_DLG_H, N_("Wrap mode"), 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL}, /*14 */ {quick_radio, 5, OPT_DLG_W, OPT_DLG_H - 11, OPT_DLG_H, "", 2, 0, 0, key_emu_str, "keyemu"}, /*15 */ {quick_label, 4, OPT_DLG_W, OPT_DLG_H - 12, OPT_DLG_H, N_("Key emulation"), 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL}, {0}}; static int i18n_flag = 0; if (!i18n_flag) { i18n_translate_array (key_emu_str); i18n_translate_array (wrap_str); i18n_flag = 1; } sprintf (wrap_length, "%d", option_word_wrap_line_length); sprintf (tab_spacing, "%d", option_tab_spacing); quick_widgets[3].text = wrap_length; quick_widgets[3].str_result = &p; quick_widgets[5].text = tab_spacing; quick_widgets[5].str_result = &q; quick_widgets[5 + OA].result = &tedit_syntax_highlighting; quick_widgets[6 + OA].result = &tedit_confirm_save; quick_widgets[7 + OA].result = &toption_fill_tabs_with_spaces; quick_widgets[8 + OA].result = &toption_return_does_auto_indent; quick_widgets[9 + OA].result = &toption_backspace_through_tabs; quick_widgets[10 + OA].result = &toption_fake_half_tabs; if (option_auto_para_formatting) wrap_mode = 1; else if (option_typewriter_wrap) wrap_mode = 2; else wrap_mode = 0; quick_widgets[11 + OA].result = &wrap_mode; quick_widgets[11 + OA].value = wrap_mode; quick_widgets[13 + OA].result = &tedit_key_emulation; quick_widgets[13 + OA].value = tedit_key_emulation; { QuickDialog Quick_options = {OPT_DLG_W, OPT_DLG_H, -1, 0, N_(" Editor options "), "", 0}; Quick_options.widgets = quick_widgets; if (quick_dialog (&Quick_options) != B_CANCEL) { int old_syntax_hl = option_syntax_highlighting; if (p) { option_word_wrap_line_length = atoi (p); free (p); } if (q) { option_tab_spacing = atoi (q); if (option_tab_spacing <= 0) option_tab_spacing = 8; free (q); } option_syntax_highlighting = *quick_widgets[5 + OA].result; edit_confirm_save = *quick_widgets[6 + OA].result; option_fill_tabs_with_spaces = *quick_widgets[7 + OA].result; option_return_does_auto_indent = *quick_widgets[8 + OA].result; option_backspace_through_tabs = *quick_widgets[9 + OA].result; option_fake_half_tabs = *quick_widgets[10 + OA].result; if (*quick_widgets[11 + OA].result == 1) { option_auto_para_formatting = 1; option_typewriter_wrap = 0; } else if (*quick_widgets[11 + OA].result == 2) { option_auto_para_formatting = 0; option_typewriter_wrap = 1; } else { option_auto_para_formatting = 0; option_typewriter_wrap = 0; } edit_key_emulation = *quick_widgets[13 + OA].result; /* Load or unload syntax rules if the option has changed */ if (option_syntax_highlighting != old_syntax_hl) edit_load_syntax (wedit, 0, 0); return; } else { return; } } }