/* Directory routines Copyright (C) 1994 Miguel de Icaza. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #define DIR_H_INCLUDE_HANDLE_DIRENT #include #include #include #include #include #include "global.h" #include "tty.h" #include "dir.h" #include "wtools.h" #include "tree.h" /* If true show files starting with a dot */ int show_dot_files = 1; /* If true show files ending in ~ */ int show_backups = 1; /* If false then directories are shown separately from files */ int mix_all_files = 0; /* Reverse flag */ static int reverse = 1; /* Are the files sorted case sensitively? */ static int case_sensitive = OS_SORT_CASE_SENSITIVE_DEFAULT; #define MY_ISDIR(x) ( (S_ISDIR (x->buf.st_mode) || x->f.link_to_dir) ? 1 : 0) sort_orders_t sort_orders [SORT_TYPES_TOTAL] = { { N_("&Unsorted"), unsorted }, { N_("&Name"), sort_name }, { N_("&Extension"), sort_ext }, { N_("&Modify time"), sort_time }, { N_("&Access time"), sort_atime }, { N_("&Change time"), sort_ctime }, { N_("&Size"), sort_size }, { N_("&Inode"), sort_inode }, /* New sort orders */ { N_("&Type"), sort_type }, { N_("&Links"), sort_links }, { N_("N&GID"), sort_ngid }, { N_("N&UID"), sort_nuid }, { N_("&Owner"), sort_owner }, { N_("&Group"), sort_group } }; #ifdef HAVE_STRCOLL /* * g_strcasecmp() doesn't work well in some locales because it relies on * the locale-specific toupper(). On the other hand, strcoll() is case * sensitive in the "C" and "POSIX" locales, unlike other locales. * Solution: always use strcmp() for case sensitive sort. For case * insensitive sort use strcoll() if it's case insensitive for ASCII and * g_strcasecmp() otherwise. */ typedef enum { STRCOLL_NO, STRCOLL_YES, STRCOLL_TEST } strcoll_status; static int string_sortcomp (char *str1, char *str2) { static strcoll_status use_strcoll = STRCOLL_TEST; if (case_sensitive) { return strcmp (str1, str2); } /* Initialize use_strcoll once. */ if (use_strcoll == STRCOLL_TEST) { /* Only use strcoll() if it considers "B" between "a" and "c". */ if (strcoll ("a", "B") * strcoll ("B", "c") > 0) { use_strcoll = STRCOLL_YES; } else { use_strcoll = STRCOLL_NO; } } if (use_strcoll == STRCOLL_NO) return g_strcasecmp (str1, str2); else return strcoll (str1, str2); } #else #define string_sortcomp(a,b) (case_sensitive ? strcmp (a,b) : g_strcasecmp (a,b)) #endif int unsorted (const file_entry *a, const file_entry *b) { return 0; } int sort_name (const file_entry *a, const file_entry *b) { int ad = MY_ISDIR (a); int bd = MY_ISDIR (b); if (ad == bd || mix_all_files) return string_sortcomp (a->fname, b->fname) * reverse; return bd-ad; } int sort_ext (const file_entry *a, const file_entry *b) { char *exta, *extb; int r; int ad = MY_ISDIR (a); int bd = MY_ISDIR (b); if (ad == bd || mix_all_files){ exta = extension (a->fname); extb = extension (b->fname); r = string_sortcomp (exta, extb); if (r) return r * reverse; else return sort_name (a, b); } else return bd-ad; } int sort_owner (const file_entry *a, const file_entry *b) { int ad = MY_ISDIR (a); int bd = MY_ISDIR (b); if (ad == bd || mix_all_files) return string_sortcomp (get_owner (a->buf.st_uid), get_owner (a->buf.st_uid)) * reverse; return bd-ad; } int sort_group (const file_entry *a, const file_entry *b) { int ad = MY_ISDIR (a); int bd = MY_ISDIR (b); if (ad == bd || mix_all_files) return string_sortcomp (get_group (a->buf.st_gid), get_group (a->buf.st_gid)) * reverse; return bd-ad; } int sort_time (const file_entry *a, const file_entry *b) { int ad = MY_ISDIR (a); int bd = MY_ISDIR (b); if (ad == bd || mix_all_files) return (a->buf.st_mtime - b->buf.st_mtime) * reverse; else return bd-ad; } int sort_ctime (const file_entry *a, const file_entry *b) { int ad = MY_ISDIR (a); int bd = MY_ISDIR (b); if (ad == bd || mix_all_files) return (a->buf.st_ctime - b->buf.st_ctime) * reverse; else return bd-ad; } int sort_atime (const file_entry *a, const file_entry *b) { int ad = MY_ISDIR (a); int bd = MY_ISDIR (b); if (ad == bd || mix_all_files) return (a->buf.st_atime - b->buf.st_atime) * reverse; else return bd-ad; } int sort_inode (const file_entry *a, const file_entry *b) { int ad = MY_ISDIR (a); int bd = MY_ISDIR (b); if (ad == bd || mix_all_files) return (a->buf.st_ino - b->buf.st_ino) * reverse; else return bd-ad; } int sort_size (const file_entry *a, const file_entry *b) { int ad = MY_ISDIR (a); int bd = MY_ISDIR (b); if (ad == bd || mix_all_files) return (b->buf.st_size - a->buf.st_size) * reverse; else return bd-ad; } int sort_links (const file_entry *a, const file_entry *b) { int ad = MY_ISDIR (a); int bd = MY_ISDIR (b); if (ad == bd || mix_all_files) return (b->buf.st_nlink - a->buf.st_nlink) * reverse; else return bd-ad; } int sort_ngid (const file_entry *a, const file_entry *b) { int ad = MY_ISDIR (a); int bd = MY_ISDIR (b); if (ad == bd || mix_all_files) return (b->buf.st_gid - a->buf.st_gid) * reverse; else return bd-ad; } int sort_nuid (const file_entry *a, const file_entry *b) { int ad = MY_ISDIR (a); int bd = MY_ISDIR (b); if (ad == bd || mix_all_files) return (b->buf.st_uid - a->buf.st_uid) * reverse; else return bd-ad; } inline static int file_type_to_num (const file_entry *fe) { const struct stat *s = &fe->buf; if (S_ISDIR (s->st_mode)) return 0; if (S_ISLNK (s->st_mode)){ if (fe->f.link_to_dir) return 1; if (fe->f.stale_link) return 2; else return 3; } if (S_ISSOCK (s->st_mode)) return 4; if (S_ISCHR (s->st_mode)) return 5; if (S_ISBLK (s->st_mode)) return 6; if (S_ISFIFO (s->st_mode)) return 7; if (is_exe (s->st_mode)) return 8; return 9; } int sort_type (const file_entry *a, const file_entry *b) { int aa = file_type_to_num (a); int bb = file_type_to_num (b); return bb-aa; } void do_sort (dir_list *list, sortfn *sort, int top, int reverse_f, int case_sensitive_f) { int i; int dot_dot_found = 0; file_entry tmp_fe; for (i = 0; i < top + 1; i++) { /* put ".." first in list */ if (!strcmp (list->list [i].fname, "..")) { dot_dot_found = 1; if (i > 0) { /* swap [i] and [0] */ memcpy (&tmp_fe, &(list->list [0]), sizeof (file_entry)); memcpy (&(list->list [0]), &(list->list [i]), sizeof (file_entry)); memcpy (&(list->list [i]), &tmp_fe, sizeof (file_entry)); } break; } } reverse = reverse_f ? -1 : 1; case_sensitive = case_sensitive_f; qsort (&(list->list) [dot_dot_found], top + 1 - dot_dot_found, sizeof (file_entry), sort); } void clean_dir (dir_list *list, int count) { int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++){ g_free (list->list [i].fname); list->list [i].fname = 0; } } static int add_dotdot_to_list (dir_list *list, int index) { /* Need to grow the *list? */ if (index == list->size) { list->list = g_realloc (list->list, sizeof (file_entry) * (list->size + RESIZE_STEPS)); if (!list->list) return 0; list->size += RESIZE_STEPS; } memset (&(list->list) [index], 0, sizeof(file_entry)); (list->list) [index].fnamelen = 2; (list->list) [index].fname = g_strdup (".."); (list->list) [index].f.link_to_dir = 0; (list->list) [index].f.stale_link = 0; (list->list) [index].f.dir_size_computed = 0; (list->list) [index].f.marked = 0; (list->list) [index].buf.st_mode = 040755; return 1; } /* Used to set up a directory list when there is no access to a directory */ int set_zero_dir (dir_list *list) { return (add_dotdot_to_list (list, 0)); } /* If you change handle_dirent then check also handle_path. */ /* Return values: -1 = failure, 0 = don't add, 1 = add to the list */ int handle_dirent (dir_list *list, char *filter, struct dirent *dp, struct stat *buf1, int next_free, int *link_to_dir, int *stale_link) { if (dp->d_name [0] == '.' && dp->d_name [1] == 0) return 0; if (dp->d_name [0] == '.' && dp->d_name [1] == '.' && dp->d_name [2] == 0) return 0; if (!show_dot_files && (dp->d_name [0] == '.')) return 0; if (!show_backups && dp->d_name [NLENGTH (dp)-1] == '~') return 0; if (mc_lstat (dp->d_name, buf1) == -1) { message(1, MSG_ERROR, _("File '%s' exists but cannot be stat-ed: %s"), dp->d_name, strerror(errno)); return 0; } if (S_ISDIR (buf1->st_mode)) tree_store_mark_checked (dp->d_name); /* A link to a file or a directory? */ *link_to_dir = 0; *stale_link = 0; if (S_ISLNK(buf1->st_mode)){ struct stat buf2; if (!mc_stat (dp->d_name, &buf2)) *link_to_dir = S_ISDIR(buf2.st_mode) != 0; else *stale_link = 1; } if (!(S_ISDIR(buf1->st_mode) || *link_to_dir) && filter && !regexp_match (filter, dp->d_name, match_file)) return 0; /* Need to grow the *list? */ if (next_free == list->size){ list->list = g_realloc (list->list, sizeof (file_entry) * (list->size + RESIZE_STEPS)); if (!list->list) return -1; list->size += RESIZE_STEPS; } return 1; } /* handle_path is a simplified handle_dirent. The difference is that handle_path doesn't pay attention to show_dot_files and show_backups. Moreover handle_path can't be used with a filemask. If you change handle_path then check also handle_dirent. */ /* Return values: -1 = failure, 0 = don't add, 1 = add to the list */ int handle_path (dir_list *list, char *path, struct stat *buf1, int next_free, int *link_to_dir, int *stale_link) { if (path [0] == '.' && path [1] == 0) return 0; if (path [0] == '.' && path [1] == '.' && path [2] == 0) return 0; if (mc_lstat (path, buf1) == -1) return 0; if (S_ISDIR (buf1->st_mode)) tree_store_mark_checked (path); /* A link to a file or a directory? */ *link_to_dir = 0; *stale_link = 0; if (S_ISLNK(buf1->st_mode)){ struct stat buf2; if (!mc_stat (path, &buf2)) *link_to_dir = S_ISDIR(buf2.st_mode) != 0; else *stale_link = 1; } /* Need to grow the *list? */ if (next_free == list->size){ list->list = g_realloc (list->list, sizeof (file_entry) * (list->size + RESIZE_STEPS)); if (!list->list) return -1; list->size += RESIZE_STEPS; } return 1; } int do_load_dir (dir_list *list, sortfn *sort, int reverse, int case_sensitive, char *filter) { DIR *dirp; struct dirent *dp; int status, link_to_dir, stale_link; int next_free = 0; struct stat buf; int dotdot_found = 0; tree_store_start_check_cwd (); dirp = mc_opendir ("."); if (!dirp) { message (1, MSG_ERROR, _("Cannot read directory contents")); tree_store_end_check (); return set_zero_dir (list); } for (dp = mc_readdir (dirp); dp; dp = mc_readdir (dirp)) { status = handle_dirent (list, filter, dp, &buf, next_free, &link_to_dir, &stale_link); if (status == 0) continue; if (status == -1) { tree_store_end_check (); mc_closedir (dirp); return next_free; } list->list[next_free].fnamelen = NLENGTH (dp); list->list[next_free].fname = g_strdup (dp->d_name); list->list[next_free].f.marked = 0; list->list[next_free].f.link_to_dir = link_to_dir; list->list[next_free].f.stale_link = stale_link; list->list[next_free].f.dir_size_computed = 0; list->list[next_free].buf = buf; if (strcmp (dp->d_name, "..") == 0) dotdot_found = 1; next_free++; if (!(next_free % 32)) rotate_dash (); } if (next_free) { if (!dotdot_found) add_dotdot_to_list (list, next_free++); do_sort (list, sort, next_free - 1, reverse, case_sensitive); } else { tree_store_end_check (); mc_closedir (dirp); return set_zero_dir (list); } mc_closedir (dirp); tree_store_end_check (); return next_free; } int link_isdir (file_entry *file) { if (file->f.link_to_dir) return 1; else return 0; } int if_link_is_exe (char *full_name, file_entry *file) { struct stat b; if (S_ISLNK (file->buf.st_mode)) { mc_stat (full_name, &b); return is_exe (b.st_mode); } else return 1; } static dir_list dir_copy = { 0, 0 }; static void alloc_dir_copy (int size) { int i; if (dir_copy.size < size){ if (dir_copy.list){ for (i = 0; i < dir_copy.size; i++) { if (dir_copy.list [i].fname) g_free (dir_copy.list [i].fname); } g_free (dir_copy.list); dir_copy.list = 0; } dir_copy.list = g_new (file_entry, size); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) dir_copy.list [i].fname = 0; dir_copy.size = size; } } /* If filter is null, then it is a match */ int do_reload_dir (dir_list * list, sortfn * sort, int count, int rev, int case_sensitive, char *filter) { DIR *dirp; struct dirent *dp; int next_free = 0; int i, status, link_to_dir, stale_link; struct stat buf; int dotdot_found = 0; int marked_cnt; GHashTable *marked_files = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); tree_store_start_check_cwd (); dirp = mc_opendir ("."); if (!dirp) { message (1, MSG_ERROR, _("Cannot read directory contents")); clean_dir (list, count); tree_store_end_check (); return set_zero_dir (list); } alloc_dir_copy (list->size); for (marked_cnt = i = 0; i < count; i++) { dir_copy.list[i].fnamelen = list->list[i].fnamelen; dir_copy.list[i].fname = list->list[i].fname; dir_copy.list[i].f.marked = list->list[i].f.marked; dir_copy.list[i].f.dir_size_computed = list->list[i].f.dir_size_computed; dir_copy.list[i].f.link_to_dir = list->list[i].f.link_to_dir; dir_copy.list[i].f.stale_link = list->list[i].f.stale_link; if (list->list[i].f.marked) { g_hash_table_insert (marked_files, dir_copy.list[i].fname, &dir_copy.list[i]); marked_cnt++; } } for (dp = mc_readdir (dirp); dp; dp = mc_readdir (dirp)) { status = handle_dirent (list, filter, dp, &buf, next_free, &link_to_dir, &stale_link); if (status == 0) continue; if (status == -1) { mc_closedir (dirp); /* Norbert (Feb 12, 1997): Just in case someone finds this memory leak: -1 means big trouble (at the moment no memory left), I don't bother with further cleanup because if one gets to this point he will have more problems than a few memory leaks and because one 'clean_dir' would not be enough (and because I don't want to spent the time to make it working, IMHO it's not worthwhile). clean_dir (&dir_copy, count); */ tree_store_end_check (); return next_free; } list->list[next_free].f.marked = 0; /* * If we have marked files in the copy, scan through the copy * to find matching file. Decrease number of remaining marks if * we copied one. */ if (marked_cnt > 0) { file_entry *p; if (NULL != (p = g_hash_table_lookup (marked_files, dp->d_name))) { list->list[next_free].f.marked = 1; marked_cnt--; } } list->list[next_free].fnamelen = NLENGTH (dp); list->list[next_free].fname = g_strdup (dp->d_name); list->list[next_free].f.link_to_dir = link_to_dir; list->list[next_free].f.stale_link = stale_link; list->list[next_free].f.dir_size_computed = 0; list->list[next_free].buf = buf; if (strcmp (dp->d_name, "..") == 0) dotdot_found = 1; next_free++; if (!(next_free % 16)) rotate_dash (); } mc_closedir (dirp); tree_store_end_check (); g_hash_table_destroy (marked_files); if (next_free) { if (!dotdot_found) add_dotdot_to_list (list, next_free++); do_sort (list, sort, next_free - 1, rev, case_sensitive); } else next_free = set_zero_dir (list); clean_dir (&dir_copy, count); return next_free; }