/* Find file command for the Midnight Commander Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by: Miguel de Icaza, 1995 Slava Zanko , 2013 Andrew Borodin , 2013 This file is part of the Midnight Commander. The Midnight Commander is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Midnight Commander is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /** \file find.c * \brief Source: Find file command */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib/global.h" #include "lib/tty/tty.h" #include "lib/tty/key.h" #include "lib/skin.h" #include "lib/search.h" #include "lib/mcconfig.h" #include "lib/vfs/vfs.h" #include "lib/strutil.h" #include "lib/widget.h" #include "lib/util.h" /* canonicalize_pathname() */ #include "src/setup.h" /* verbose */ #include "src/history.h" /* MC_HISTORY_SHARED_SEARCH */ #include "dir.h" #include "cmd.h" /* view_file_at_line() */ #include "midnight.h" /* current_panel */ #include "boxes.h" #include "panelize.h" #include "find.h" /*** global variables ****************************************************************************/ /*** file scope macro definitions ****************************************************************/ #define MAX_REFRESH_INTERVAL (G_USEC_PER_SEC / 20) /* 50 ms */ #define MIN_REFRESH_FILE_SIZE (256 * 1024) /* 256 KB */ /*** file scope type declarations ****************************************************************/ /* A couple of extra messages we need */ enum { B_STOP = B_USER + 1, B_AGAIN, B_PANELIZE, B_TREE, B_VIEW }; typedef enum { FIND_CONT = 0, FIND_SUSPEND, FIND_ABORT } FindProgressStatus; /* find file options */ typedef struct { /* file name options */ gboolean file_case_sens; gboolean file_pattern; gboolean find_recurs; gboolean skip_hidden; gboolean file_all_charsets; /* file content options */ gboolean content_case_sens; gboolean content_regexp; gboolean content_first_hit; gboolean content_whole_words; gboolean content_all_charsets; /* whether use ignore dirs or not */ gboolean ignore_dirs_enable; /* list of directories to be ignored, separated by ':' */ char *ignore_dirs; } find_file_options_t; typedef struct { char *dir; gsize start; gsize end; } find_match_location_t; /*** file scope variables ************************************************************************/ /* button callbacks */ static int start_stop (WButton * button, int action); static int find_do_view_file (WButton * button, int action); static int find_do_edit_file (WButton * button, int action); /* Parsed ignore dirs */ static char **find_ignore_dirs = NULL; /* static variables to remember find parameters */ static WInput *in_start; /* Start path */ static WInput *in_name; /* Filename */ static WInput *in_with; /* Text */ static WInput *in_ignore; static WLabel *content_label; /* 'Content:' label */ static WCheck *file_case_sens_cbox; /* "case sensitive" checkbox */ static WCheck *file_pattern_cbox; /* File name is glob or regexp */ static WCheck *recursively_cbox; static WCheck *skip_hidden_cbox; static WCheck *content_case_sens_cbox; /* "case sensitive" checkbox */ static WCheck *content_regexp_cbox; /* "find regular expression" checkbox */ static WCheck *content_first_hit_cbox; /* "First hit" checkbox" */ static WCheck *content_whole_words_cbox; /* "whole words" checkbox */ #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET static WCheck *file_all_charsets_cbox; static WCheck *content_all_charsets_cbox; #endif static WCheck *ignore_dirs_cbox; static gboolean running = FALSE; /* nice flag */ static char *find_pattern = NULL; /* Pattern to search */ static char *content_pattern = NULL; /* pattern to search inside files; if content_regexp_flag is true, it contains the regex pattern, else the search string. */ static unsigned long matches; /* Number of matches */ static gboolean is_start = FALSE; /* Status of the start/stop toggle button */ static char *old_dir = NULL; static struct timeval last_refresh; /* Where did we stop */ static gboolean resuming; static int last_line; static int last_pos; static off_t last_off; static int last_i; static size_t ignore_count = 0; static WDialog *find_dlg; /* The dialog */ static WLabel *status_label; /* Finished, Searching etc. */ static WLabel *found_num_label; /* Number of found items */ /* This keeps track of the directory stack */ static GQueue dir_queue = G_QUEUE_INIT; /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static struct { int ret_cmd; button_flags_t flags; const char *text; int len; /* length including space and brackets */ int x; Widget *button; bcback_fn callback; } fbuts[] = { { B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, N_("&Chdir"), 0, 0, NULL, NULL }, { B_AGAIN, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Again"), 0, 0, NULL, NULL }, { B_STOP, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("S&uspend"), 0, 0, NULL, start_stop }, { B_STOP, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("Con&tinue"), 0, 0, NULL, NULL }, { B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Quit"), 0, 0, NULL, NULL }, { B_PANELIZE, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("Pane&lize"), 0, 0, NULL, NULL }, { B_VIEW, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&View - F3"), 0, 0, NULL, find_do_view_file }, { B_VIEW, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Edit - F4"), 0, 0, NULL, find_do_edit_file } }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ static const size_t fbuts_num = G_N_ELEMENTS (fbuts); static const size_t quit_button = 4; /* index of "Quit" button */ static WListbox *find_list; /* Listbox with the file list */ static find_file_options_t options = { TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL }; static char *in_start_dir = INPUT_LAST_TEXT; static mc_search_t *search_file_handle = NULL; static mc_search_t *search_content_handle = NULL; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*** file scope functions ************************************************************************/ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* don't use max macro to avoid double str_term_width1() call in widget length caclulation */ #undef max static int max (int a, int b) { return (a > b ? a : b); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void parse_ignore_dirs (const char *ignore_dirs) { size_t r = 0, w = 0; /* read and write iterators */ if (!options.ignore_dirs_enable || ignore_dirs == NULL || ignore_dirs[0] == '\0') return; find_ignore_dirs = g_strsplit (ignore_dirs, ":", -1); /* Values like '/foo::/bar: produce holes in list. * Find and remove them */ for (; find_ignore_dirs[r] != NULL; r++) { if (find_ignore_dirs[r][0] == '\0') { /* empty entry -- skip it */ MC_PTR_FREE (find_ignore_dirs[r]); continue; } if (r != w) { /* copy entry to the previous free array cell */ find_ignore_dirs[w] = find_ignore_dirs[r]; find_ignore_dirs[r] = NULL; } canonicalize_pathname (find_ignore_dirs[w]); if (find_ignore_dirs[w][0] != '\0') w++; else MC_PTR_FREE (find_ignore_dirs[w]); } if (find_ignore_dirs[0] == NULL) { g_strfreev (find_ignore_dirs); find_ignore_dirs = NULL; } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void find_load_options (void) { static gboolean loaded = FALSE; if (loaded) return; loaded = TRUE; options.file_case_sens = mc_config_get_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "file_case_sens", TRUE); options.file_pattern = mc_config_get_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "file_shell_pattern", TRUE); options.find_recurs = mc_config_get_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "file_find_recurs", TRUE); options.skip_hidden = mc_config_get_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "file_skip_hidden", FALSE); options.file_all_charsets = mc_config_get_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "file_all_charsets", FALSE); options.content_case_sens = mc_config_get_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "content_case_sens", TRUE); options.content_regexp = mc_config_get_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "content_regexp", FALSE); options.content_first_hit = mc_config_get_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "content_first_hit", FALSE); options.content_whole_words = mc_config_get_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "content_whole_words", FALSE); options.content_all_charsets = mc_config_get_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "content_all_charsets", FALSE); options.ignore_dirs_enable = mc_config_get_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "ignore_dirs_enable", TRUE); options.ignore_dirs = mc_config_get_string (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "ignore_dirs", ""); if (options.ignore_dirs[0] == '\0') MC_PTR_FREE (options.ignore_dirs); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void find_save_options (void) { mc_config_set_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "file_case_sens", options.file_case_sens); mc_config_set_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "file_shell_pattern", options.file_pattern); mc_config_set_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "file_find_recurs", options.find_recurs); mc_config_set_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "file_skip_hidden", options.skip_hidden); mc_config_set_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "file_all_charsets", options.file_all_charsets); mc_config_set_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "content_case_sens", options.content_case_sens); mc_config_set_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "content_regexp", options.content_regexp); mc_config_set_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "content_first_hit", options.content_first_hit); mc_config_set_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "content_whole_words", options.content_whole_words); mc_config_set_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "content_all_charsets", options.content_all_charsets); mc_config_set_bool (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "ignore_dirs_enable", options.ignore_dirs_enable); mc_config_set_string (mc_global.main_config, "FindFile", "ignore_dirs", options.ignore_dirs); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static inline char * add_to_list (const char *text, void *data) { return listbox_add_item (find_list, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, text, data, TRUE); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static inline void stop_idle (void *data) { widget_idle (WIDGET (data), FALSE); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static inline void status_update (const char *text) { label_set_text (status_label, text); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void found_num_update (void) { char buffer[BUF_TINY]; g_snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), _("Found: %lu"), matches); label_set_text (found_num_label, buffer); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void get_list_info (char **file, char **dir, gsize * start, gsize * end) { find_match_location_t *location; listbox_get_current (find_list, file, (void **) &location); if (location != NULL) { if (dir != NULL) *dir = location->dir; if (start != NULL) *start = location->start; if (end != NULL) *end = location->end; } else { if (dir != NULL) *dir = NULL; } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** check regular expression */ static gboolean find_check_regexp (const char *r) { mc_search_t *search; gboolean regexp_ok = FALSE; search = mc_search_new (r, NULL); if (search != NULL) { search->search_type = MC_SEARCH_T_REGEX; regexp_ok = mc_search_prepare (search); mc_search_free (search); } return regexp_ok; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void find_toggle_enable_ignore_dirs (void) { widget_disable (WIDGET (in_ignore), !ignore_dirs_cbox->state); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void find_toggle_enable_params (void) { gboolean disable = in_name->buffer[0] == '\0'; widget_disable (WIDGET (file_pattern_cbox), disable); widget_disable (WIDGET (file_case_sens_cbox), disable); #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET widget_disable (WIDGET (file_all_charsets_cbox), disable); #endif } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void find_toggle_enable_content (void) { gboolean disable = in_with->buffer[0] == '\0'; widget_disable (WIDGET (content_regexp_cbox), disable); widget_disable (WIDGET (content_case_sens_cbox), disable); #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET widget_disable (WIDGET (content_all_charsets_cbox), disable); #endif widget_disable (WIDGET (content_whole_words_cbox), disable); widget_disable (WIDGET (content_first_hit_cbox), disable); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Callback for the parameter dialog. * Validate regex, prevent closing the dialog if it's invalid. */ static cb_ret_t find_parm_callback (Widget * w, Widget * sender, widget_msg_t msg, int parm, void *data) { /* FIXME: HACK: use first draw of dialog to resolve widget state dependencies. * Use this time moment to check input field content. We can't do that in MSG_INIT * because history is not loaded yet. * Probably, we want new MSG_ACTIVATE message as complement to MSG_VALIDATE one. Or * we could name it MSG_POST_INIT. * * In one or two other places we use MSG_IDLE instead of MSG_DRAW for a similar * purpose. We should remember to fix those places too when we introduce the new * message. */ static gboolean first_draw = TRUE; WDialog *h = DIALOG (w); switch (msg) { case MSG_INIT: first_draw = TRUE; return MSG_HANDLED; case MSG_NOTIFY: if (sender == WIDGET (ignore_dirs_cbox)) { find_toggle_enable_ignore_dirs (); return MSG_HANDLED; } return MSG_NOT_HANDLED; case MSG_VALIDATE: if (h->ret_value != B_ENTER) return MSG_HANDLED; /* check filename regexp */ if (!file_pattern_cbox->state && (in_name->buffer[0] != '\0') && !find_check_regexp (in_name->buffer)) { /* Don't stop the dialog */ widget_set_state (WIDGET (h), WST_ACTIVE, TRUE); message (D_ERROR, MSG_ERROR, _("Malformed regular expression")); widget_select (WIDGET (in_name)); return MSG_HANDLED; } /* check content regexp */ if (content_regexp_cbox->state && (in_with->buffer[0] != '\0') && !find_check_regexp (in_with->buffer)) { /* Don't stop the dialog */ widget_set_state (WIDGET (h), WST_ACTIVE, TRUE); message (D_ERROR, MSG_ERROR, _("Malformed regular expression")); widget_select (WIDGET (in_with)); return MSG_HANDLED; } return MSG_HANDLED; case MSG_POST_KEY: if (h->current->data == in_name) find_toggle_enable_params (); else if (h->current->data == in_with) find_toggle_enable_content (); return MSG_HANDLED; case MSG_DRAW: if (first_draw) { find_toggle_enable_ignore_dirs (); find_toggle_enable_params (); find_toggle_enable_content (); } first_draw = FALSE; /* fall through to call MSG_DRAW default handler */ default: return dlg_default_callback (w, sender, msg, parm, data); } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * find_parameters: gets information from the user * * If the return value is TRUE, then the following holds: * * start_dir, ignore_dirs, pattern and content contain the information provided by the user. * They are newly allocated strings and must be freed when uneeded. * * start_dir_len is -1 when user entered an absolute path, otherwise it is a length * of start_dir (which is absolute). It is used to get a relative pats of find results. */ static gboolean find_parameters (char **start_dir, ssize_t * start_dir_len, char **ignore_dirs, char **pattern, char **content) { /* Size of the find parameters window */ #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET const int lines = 18; #else const int lines = 17; #endif int cols = 68; gboolean return_value; /* file name */ const char *file_name_label = N_("File name:"); const char *file_recurs_label = N_("&Find recursively"); const char *file_pattern_label = N_("&Using shell patterns"); #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET const char *file_all_charsets_label = N_("&All charsets"); #endif const char *file_case_label = N_("Cas&e sensitive"); const char *file_skip_hidden_label = N_("S&kip hidden"); /* file content */ const char *content_content_label = N_("Content:"); const char *content_use_label = N_("Sea&rch for content"); const char *content_regexp_label = N_("Re&gular expression"); const char *content_case_label = N_("Case sens&itive"); #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET const char *content_all_charsets_label = N_("A&ll charsets"); #endif const char *content_whole_words_label = N_("&Whole words"); const char *content_first_hit_label = N_("Fir&st hit"); const char *buts[] = { N_("&Tree"), N_("&OK"), N_("&Cancel") }; /* button lengths */ int b0, b1, b2, b12; int y1, y2, x1, x2; /* column width */ int cw; #ifdef ENABLE_NLS { size_t i; file_name_label = _(file_name_label); file_recurs_label = _(file_recurs_label); file_pattern_label = _(file_pattern_label); #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET file_all_charsets_label = _(file_all_charsets_label); #endif file_case_label = _(file_case_label); file_skip_hidden_label = _(file_skip_hidden_label); /* file content */ content_content_label = _(content_content_label); content_use_label = _(content_use_label); content_regexp_label = _(content_regexp_label); content_case_label = _(content_case_label); #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET content_all_charsets_label = _(content_all_charsets_label); #endif content_whole_words_label = _(content_whole_words_label); content_first_hit_label = _(content_first_hit_label); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (buts); i++) buts[i] = _(buts[i]); } #endif /* ENABLE_NLS */ /* caclulate dialog width */ /* widget widths */ cw = str_term_width1 (file_name_label); cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (file_recurs_label) + 4); cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (file_pattern_label) + 4); #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (file_all_charsets_label) + 4); #endif cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (file_case_label) + 4); cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (file_skip_hidden_label) + 4); cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (content_content_label) + 4); cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (content_use_label) + 4); cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (content_regexp_label) + 4); cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (content_case_label) + 4); #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (content_all_charsets_label) + 4); #endif cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (content_whole_words_label) + 4); cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (content_first_hit_label) + 4); /* button width */ b0 = str_term_width1 (buts[0]) + 3; b1 = str_term_width1 (buts[1]) + 5; /* default button */ b2 = str_term_width1 (buts[2]) + 3; b12 = b1 + b2 + 1; cols = max (cols, max (b12, cw * 2 + 1) + 6); find_load_options (); if (in_start_dir == NULL) in_start_dir = g_strdup ("."); find_dlg = dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, lines, cols, WPOS_CENTER, FALSE, dialog_colors, find_parm_callback, NULL, "[Find File]", _("Find File")); x1 = 3; x2 = cols / 2 + 1; cw = (cols - 7) / 2; y1 = 2; add_widget (find_dlg, label_new (y1++, x1, _("Start at:"))); in_start = input_new (y1, x1, input_colors, cols - b0 - 7, in_start_dir, "start", INPUT_COMPLETE_CD | INPUT_COMPLETE_FILENAMES); add_widget (find_dlg, in_start); add_widget (find_dlg, button_new (y1++, cols - b0 - 3, B_TREE, NORMAL_BUTTON, buts[0], NULL)); ignore_dirs_cbox = check_new (y1++, x1, options.ignore_dirs_enable, _("Ena&ble ignore directories:")); add_widget (find_dlg, ignore_dirs_cbox); in_ignore = input_new (y1++, x1, input_colors, cols - 6, options.ignore_dirs != NULL ? options.ignore_dirs : "", "ignoredirs", INPUT_COMPLETE_CD | INPUT_COMPLETE_FILENAMES); add_widget (find_dlg, in_ignore); add_widget (find_dlg, hline_new (y1++, -1, -1)); y2 = y1; /* Start 1st column */ add_widget (find_dlg, label_new (y1++, x1, file_name_label)); in_name = input_new (y1++, x1, input_colors, cw, INPUT_LAST_TEXT, "name", INPUT_COMPLETE_FILENAMES | INPUT_COMPLETE_CD); add_widget (find_dlg, in_name); /* Start 2nd column */ content_label = label_new (y2++, x2, content_content_label); add_widget (find_dlg, content_label); in_with = input_new (y2++, x2, input_colors, cw, INPUT_LAST_TEXT, MC_HISTORY_SHARED_SEARCH, INPUT_COMPLETE_NONE); in_with->label = content_label; add_widget (find_dlg, in_with); /* Continue 1st column */ recursively_cbox = check_new (y1++, x1, options.find_recurs, file_recurs_label); add_widget (find_dlg, recursively_cbox); file_pattern_cbox = check_new (y1++, x1, options.file_pattern, file_pattern_label); add_widget (find_dlg, file_pattern_cbox); file_case_sens_cbox = check_new (y1++, x1, options.file_case_sens, file_case_label); add_widget (find_dlg, file_case_sens_cbox); #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET file_all_charsets_cbox = check_new (y1++, x1, options.file_all_charsets, file_all_charsets_label); add_widget (find_dlg, file_all_charsets_cbox); #endif skip_hidden_cbox = check_new (y1++, x1, options.skip_hidden, file_skip_hidden_label); add_widget (find_dlg, skip_hidden_cbox); /* Continue 2nd column */ content_whole_words_cbox = check_new (y2++, x2, options.content_whole_words, content_whole_words_label); add_widget (find_dlg, content_whole_words_cbox); content_regexp_cbox = check_new (y2++, x2, options.content_regexp, content_regexp_label); add_widget (find_dlg, content_regexp_cbox); content_case_sens_cbox = check_new (y2++, x2, options.content_case_sens, content_case_label); add_widget (find_dlg, content_case_sens_cbox); #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET content_all_charsets_cbox = check_new (y2++, x2, options.content_all_charsets, content_all_charsets_label); add_widget (find_dlg, content_all_charsets_cbox); #endif content_first_hit_cbox = check_new (y2++, x2, options.content_first_hit, content_first_hit_label); add_widget (find_dlg, content_first_hit_cbox); /* buttons */ y1 = max (y1, y2); x1 = (cols - b12) / 2; add_widget (find_dlg, hline_new (y1++, -1, -1)); add_widget (find_dlg, button_new (y1, x1, B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, buts[1], NULL)); add_widget (find_dlg, button_new (y1, x1 + b1 + 1, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, buts[2], NULL)); find_par_start: widget_select (WIDGET (in_name)); switch (dlg_run (find_dlg)) { case B_CANCEL: return_value = FALSE; break; case B_TREE: { char *temp_dir; temp_dir = in_start->buffer; if (*temp_dir == '\0' || DIR_IS_DOT (temp_dir)) temp_dir = g_strdup (vfs_path_as_str (current_panel->cwd_vpath)); else temp_dir = g_strdup (temp_dir); if (in_start_dir != INPUT_LAST_TEXT) g_free (in_start_dir); in_start_dir = tree_box (temp_dir); if (in_start_dir == NULL) in_start_dir = temp_dir; else g_free (temp_dir); input_assign_text (in_start, in_start_dir); /* Warning: Dreadful goto */ goto find_par_start; } default: { char *s; #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET options.file_all_charsets = file_all_charsets_cbox->state; options.content_all_charsets = content_all_charsets_cbox->state; #endif options.content_case_sens = content_case_sens_cbox->state; options.content_regexp = content_regexp_cbox->state; options.content_first_hit = content_first_hit_cbox->state; options.content_whole_words = content_whole_words_cbox->state; options.find_recurs = recursively_cbox->state; options.file_pattern = file_pattern_cbox->state; options.file_case_sens = file_case_sens_cbox->state; options.skip_hidden = skip_hidden_cbox->state; options.ignore_dirs_enable = ignore_dirs_cbox->state; g_free (options.ignore_dirs); options.ignore_dirs = g_strdup (in_ignore->buffer); *content = in_with->buffer[0] != '\0' ? g_strdup (in_with->buffer) : NULL; if (in_name->buffer[0] != '\0') *pattern = g_strdup (in_name->buffer); else *pattern = g_strdup (options.file_pattern ? "*" : ".*"); *start_dir = !input_is_empty (in_start) ? in_start->buffer : (char *) "."; if (in_start_dir != INPUT_LAST_TEXT) g_free (in_start_dir); in_start_dir = g_strdup (*start_dir); s = tilde_expand (*start_dir); canonicalize_pathname (s); if (DIR_IS_DOT (s)) { *start_dir = g_strdup (vfs_path_as_str (current_panel->cwd_vpath)); /* FIXME: is current_panel->cwd_vpath canonicalized? */ /* relative paths will be used in panelization */ *start_dir_len = (ssize_t) strlen (*start_dir); g_free (s); } else if (g_path_is_absolute (s)) { *start_dir = s; *start_dir_len = -1; } else { /* relative paths will be used in panelization */ *start_dir = mc_build_filename (vfs_path_as_str (current_panel->cwd_vpath), s, (char *) NULL); *start_dir_len = (ssize_t) strlen (vfs_path_as_str (current_panel->cwd_vpath)); g_free (s); } if (!options.ignore_dirs_enable || in_ignore->buffer[0] == '\0' || DIR_IS_DOT (in_ignore->buffer)) *ignore_dirs = NULL; else *ignore_dirs = g_strdup (in_ignore->buffer); find_save_options (); return_value = TRUE; } } dlg_destroy (find_dlg); return return_value; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static inline void push_directory (vfs_path_t * dir) { g_queue_push_head (&dir_queue, (void *) dir); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static inline vfs_path_t * pop_directory (void) { return (vfs_path_t *) g_queue_pop_head (&dir_queue); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Remove all the items from the stack */ static void clear_stack (void) { g_queue_foreach (&dir_queue, (GFunc) vfs_path_free, NULL); g_queue_clear (&dir_queue); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void insert_file (const char *dir, const char *file, gsize start, gsize end) { char *tmp_name = NULL; static char *dirname = NULL; find_match_location_t *location; while (IS_PATH_SEP (dir[0]) && IS_PATH_SEP (dir[1])) dir++; if (old_dir) { if (strcmp (old_dir, dir)) { g_free (old_dir); old_dir = g_strdup (dir); dirname = add_to_list (dir, NULL); } } else { old_dir = g_strdup (dir); dirname = add_to_list (dir, NULL); } tmp_name = g_strdup_printf (" %s", file); location = g_malloc (sizeof (*location)); location->dir = dirname; location->start = start; location->end = end; add_to_list (tmp_name, location); g_free (tmp_name); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void find_add_match (const char *dir, const char *file, gsize start, gsize end) { insert_file (dir, file, start, end); /* Don't scroll */ if (matches == 0) listbox_select_first (find_list); widget_redraw (WIDGET (find_list)); matches++; found_num_update (); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static FindProgressStatus check_find_events (WDialog * h) { Gpm_Event event; int c; event.x = -1; c = tty_get_event (&event, h->mouse_status == MOU_REPEAT, FALSE); if (c != EV_NONE) { dlg_process_event (h, c, &event); if (h->ret_value == B_ENTER || h->ret_value == B_CANCEL || h->ret_value == B_AGAIN || h->ret_value == B_PANELIZE) { /* dialog terminated */ return FIND_ABORT; } if (!widget_get_state (WIDGET (h), WST_IDLE)) { /* searching suspended */ return FIND_SUSPEND; } } return FIND_CONT; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * search_content: * * Search the content_pattern string in the DIRECTORY/FILE. * It will add the found entries to the find listbox. * * returns FALSE if do_search should look for another file * TRUE if do_search should exit and proceed to the event handler */ static gboolean search_content (WDialog * h, const char *directory, const char *filename) { struct stat s; char buffer[BUF_4K]; /* raw input buffer */ int file_fd; gboolean ret_val = FALSE; vfs_path_t *vpath; struct timeval tv; time_t seconds; suseconds_t useconds; gboolean status_updated = FALSE; vpath = vfs_path_build_filename (directory, filename, (char *) NULL); if (mc_stat (vpath, &s) != 0 || !S_ISREG (s.st_mode)) { vfs_path_free (vpath); return FALSE; } file_fd = mc_open (vpath, O_RDONLY); vfs_path_free (vpath); if (file_fd == -1) return FALSE; /* get time elapsed from last refresh */ if (gettimeofday (&tv, NULL) == -1) { tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; last_refresh = tv; } seconds = tv.tv_sec - last_refresh.tv_sec; useconds = tv.tv_usec - last_refresh.tv_usec; if (useconds < 0) { seconds--; useconds += G_USEC_PER_SEC; } if (s.st_size >= MIN_REFRESH_FILE_SIZE || seconds > 0 || useconds > MAX_REFRESH_INTERVAL) { g_snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), _("Grepping in %s"), filename); status_update (str_trunc (buffer, WIDGET (h)->cols - 8)); mc_refresh (); last_refresh = tv; status_updated = TRUE; } tty_enable_interrupt_key (); tty_got_interrupt (); { int line = 1; int pos = 0; int n_read = 0; off_t off = 0; /* file_fd's offset corresponding to strbuf[0] */ gboolean found = FALSE; gsize found_len; gsize found_start; char result[BUF_MEDIUM]; char *strbuf = NULL; /* buffer for fetched string */ int strbuf_size = 0; int i = -1; /* compensate for a newline we'll add when we first enter the loop */ if (resuming) { /* We've been previously suspended, start from the previous position */ resuming = FALSE; line = last_line; pos = last_pos; off = last_off; i = last_i; } while (!ret_val) { char ch = '\0'; off += i + 1; /* the previous line, plus a newline character */ i = 0; /* read to buffer and get line from there */ while (TRUE) { if (pos >= n_read) { pos = 0; n_read = mc_read (file_fd, buffer, sizeof (buffer)); if (n_read <= 0) break; } ch = buffer[pos++]; if (ch == '\0') { /* skip possible leading zero(s) */ if (i == 0) { off++; continue; } break; } if (i >= strbuf_size - 1) { strbuf_size += 128; strbuf = g_realloc (strbuf, strbuf_size); } /* Strip newline */ if (ch == '\n') break; strbuf[i++] = ch; } if (i == 0) { if (ch == '\0') break; /* if (ch == '\n'): do not search in empty strings */ goto skip_search; } strbuf[i] = '\0'; if (!found /* Search in binary line once */ && mc_search_run (search_content_handle, (const void *) strbuf, 0, i, &found_len)) { if (!status_updated) { /* if we add results for a file, we have to ensure that name of this file is shown in status bar */ g_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), _("Grepping in %s"), filename); status_update (str_trunc (result, WIDGET (h)->cols - 8)); mc_refresh (); last_refresh = tv; status_updated = TRUE; } g_snprintf (result, sizeof (result), "%d:%s", line, filename); found_start = off + search_content_handle->normal_offset + 1; /* off by one: ticket 3280 */ find_add_match (directory, result, found_start, found_start + found_len); found = TRUE; } if (found && options.content_first_hit) break; if (ch == '\n') { skip_search: found = FALSE; line++; } if ((line & 0xff) == 0) { FindProgressStatus res; res = check_find_events (h); switch (res) { case FIND_ABORT: stop_idle (h); ret_val = TRUE; break; case FIND_SUSPEND: resuming = TRUE; last_line = line; last_pos = pos; last_off = off; last_i = i; ret_val = TRUE; break; default: break; } } } g_free (strbuf); } tty_disable_interrupt_key (); mc_close (file_fd); return ret_val; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** If dir is absolute, this means we're within dir and searching file here. If dir is relative, this means we're going to add dir to the directory stack. **/ static gboolean find_ignore_dir_search (const char *dir) { if (find_ignore_dirs != NULL) { const size_t dlen = strlen (dir); const unsigned char dabs = g_path_is_absolute (dir) ? 1 : 0; char **ignore_dir; for (ignore_dir = find_ignore_dirs; *ignore_dir != NULL; ignore_dir++) { const size_t ilen = strlen (*ignore_dir); const unsigned char iabs = g_path_is_absolute (*ignore_dir) ? 2 : 0; /* ignore dir is too long -- skip it */ if (dlen < ilen) continue; /* handle absolute and relative paths */ switch (iabs | dabs) { case 0: /* both paths are relative */ case 3: /* both paths are abolute */ /* if ignore dir is not a path of dir -- skip it */ if (strncmp (dir, *ignore_dir, ilen) == 0) { /* be sure that ignore dir is not a part of dir like: ignore dir is "h", dir is "home" */ if (dir[ilen] == '\0' || IS_PATH_SEP (dir[ilen])) return TRUE; } break; case 1: /* dir is absolute, ignore_dir is relative */ { char *d; d = strstr (dir, *ignore_dir); if (d != NULL && IS_PATH_SEP (d[-1]) && (d[ilen] == '\0' || IS_PATH_SEP (d[ilen]))) return TRUE; } break; case 2: /* dir is relative, ignore_dir is absolute */ /* FIXME: skip this case */ break; default: /* this cannot occurs */ return FALSE; } } } return FALSE; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void find_rotate_dash (const WDialog * h, gboolean show) { static size_t pos = 0; static const char rotating_dash[4] = "|/-\\"; const Widget *w = CONST_WIDGET (h); if (!verbose) return; tty_setcolor (h->color[DLG_COLOR_NORMAL]); widget_move (h, w->lines - 7, w->cols - 4); tty_print_char (show ? rotating_dash[pos] : ' '); pos = (pos + 1) % sizeof (rotating_dash); mc_refresh (); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int do_search (WDialog * h) { static struct dirent *dp = NULL; static DIR *dirp = NULL; static char *directory = NULL; struct stat tmp_stat; gsize bytes_found; unsigned short count; if (h == NULL) { /* someone forces me to close dirp */ if (dirp != NULL) { mc_closedir (dirp); dirp = NULL; } MC_PTR_FREE (directory); dp = NULL; return 1; } for (count = 0; count < 32; count++) { while (dp == NULL) { if (dirp != NULL) { mc_closedir (dirp); dirp = NULL; } while (dirp == NULL) { vfs_path_t *tmp_vpath = NULL; tty_setcolor (REVERSE_COLOR); while (TRUE) { tmp_vpath = pop_directory (); if (tmp_vpath == NULL) { running = FALSE; if (ignore_count == 0) status_update (_("Finished")); else { char msg[BUF_SMALL]; g_snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), ngettext ("Finished (ignored %zu directory)", "Finished (ignored %zu directories)", ignore_count), ignore_count); status_update (msg); } find_rotate_dash (h, FALSE); stop_idle (h); return 0; } /* handle absolute ignore dirs here */ { gboolean ok; ok = find_ignore_dir_search (vfs_path_as_str (tmp_vpath)); if (!ok) break; } vfs_path_free (tmp_vpath); ignore_count++; } g_free (directory); directory = g_strdup (vfs_path_as_str (tmp_vpath)); if (verbose) { char buffer[BUF_MEDIUM]; g_snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), _("Searching %s"), directory); status_update (str_trunc (directory, WIDGET (h)->cols - 8)); } dirp = mc_opendir (tmp_vpath); vfs_path_free (tmp_vpath); } /* while (!dirp) */ /* skip invalid filenames */ while ((dp = mc_readdir (dirp)) != NULL && !str_is_valid_string (dp->d_name)) ; } /* while (!dp) */ if (DIR_IS_DOT (dp->d_name) || DIR_IS_DOTDOT (dp->d_name)) { /* skip invalid filenames */ while ((dp = mc_readdir (dirp)) != NULL && !str_is_valid_string (dp->d_name)) ; return 1; } if (!(options.skip_hidden && (dp->d_name[0] == '.'))) { gboolean search_ok; if (options.find_recurs && (directory != NULL)) { /* Can directory be NULL ? */ /* handle relative ignore dirs here */ if (options.ignore_dirs_enable && find_ignore_dir_search (dp->d_name)) ignore_count++; else { vfs_path_t *tmp_vpath; tmp_vpath = vfs_path_build_filename (directory, dp->d_name, (char *) NULL); if (mc_lstat (tmp_vpath, &tmp_stat) == 0 && S_ISDIR (tmp_stat.st_mode)) push_directory (tmp_vpath); else vfs_path_free (tmp_vpath); } } search_ok = mc_search_run (search_file_handle, dp->d_name, 0, strlen (dp->d_name), &bytes_found); if (search_ok) { if (content_pattern == NULL) find_add_match (directory, dp->d_name, 0, 0); else if (search_content (h, directory, dp->d_name)) return 1; } } /* skip invalid filenames */ while ((dp = mc_readdir (dirp)) != NULL && !str_is_valid_string (dp->d_name)) ; } /* for */ find_rotate_dash (h, TRUE); return 1; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void init_find_vars (void) { MC_PTR_FREE (old_dir); matches = 0; ignore_count = 0; /* Remove all the items from the stack */ clear_stack (); g_strfreev (find_ignore_dirs); find_ignore_dirs = NULL; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void find_do_view_edit (gboolean unparsed_view, gboolean edit, char *dir, char *file, off_t search_start, off_t search_end) { char *fullname = NULL; const char *filename = NULL; int line; vfs_path_t *fullname_vpath; if (content_pattern != NULL) { filename = strchr (file + 4, ':') + 1; line = atoi (file + 4); } else { filename = file + 4; line = 0; } fullname_vpath = vfs_path_build_filename (dir, filename, (char *) NULL); if (edit) edit_file_at_line (fullname_vpath, use_internal_edit, line); else view_file_at_line (fullname_vpath, unparsed_view, use_internal_view, line, search_start, search_end); vfs_path_free (fullname_vpath); g_free (fullname); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static cb_ret_t view_edit_currently_selected_file (gboolean unparsed_view, gboolean edit) { char *text = NULL; find_match_location_t *location; listbox_get_current (find_list, &text, (void **) &location); if ((text == NULL) || (location == NULL) || (location->dir == NULL)) return MSG_NOT_HANDLED; find_do_view_edit (unparsed_view, edit, location->dir, text, location->start, location->end); return MSG_HANDLED; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void find_calc_button_locations (const WDialog * h, gboolean all_buttons) { const int cols = CONST_WIDGET (h)->cols; int l1, l2; l1 = fbuts[0].len + fbuts[1].len + fbuts[is_start ? 3 : 2].len + fbuts[4].len + 3; l2 = fbuts[5].len + fbuts[6].len + fbuts[7].len + 2; fbuts[0].x = (cols - l1) / 2; fbuts[1].x = fbuts[0].x + fbuts[0].len + 1; fbuts[2].x = fbuts[1].x + fbuts[1].len + 1; fbuts[3].x = fbuts[2].x; fbuts[4].x = fbuts[2].x + fbuts[is_start ? 3 : 2].len + 1; if (all_buttons) { fbuts[5].x = (cols - l2) / 2; fbuts[6].x = fbuts[5].x + fbuts[5].len + 1; fbuts[7].x = fbuts[6].x + fbuts[6].len + 1; } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void find_relocate_buttons (const WDialog * h, gboolean all_buttons) { size_t i; find_calc_button_locations (h, all_buttons); for (i = 0; i < fbuts_num; i++) fbuts[i].button->x = CONST_WIDGET (h)->x + fbuts[i].x; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static cb_ret_t find_callback (Widget * w, Widget * sender, widget_msg_t msg, int parm, void *data) { WDialog *h = DIALOG (w); switch (msg) { case MSG_KEY: if (parm == KEY_F (3) || parm == KEY_F (13)) { gboolean unparsed_view = (parm == KEY_F (13)); return view_edit_currently_selected_file (unparsed_view, FALSE); } if (parm == KEY_F (4)) return view_edit_currently_selected_file (FALSE, TRUE); return MSG_NOT_HANDLED; case MSG_RESIZE: dlg_set_size (h, LINES - 4, COLS - 16); find_relocate_buttons (h, TRUE); return MSG_HANDLED; case MSG_IDLE: do_search (h); return MSG_HANDLED; default: return dlg_default_callback (w, sender, msg, parm, data); } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Handles the Stop/Start button in the find window */ static int start_stop (WButton * button, int action) { Widget *w = WIDGET (button); (void) action; running = is_start; widget_idle (WIDGET (find_dlg), running); is_start = !is_start; status_update (is_start ? _("Stopped") : _("Searching")); button_set_text (button, fbuts[is_start ? 3 : 2].text); find_relocate_buttons (w->owner, FALSE); dlg_redraw (w->owner); return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Handle view command, when invoked as a button */ static int find_do_view_file (WButton * button, int action) { (void) button; (void) action; view_edit_currently_selected_file (FALSE, FALSE); return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Handle edit command, when invoked as a button */ static int find_do_edit_file (WButton * button, int action) { (void) button; (void) action; view_edit_currently_selected_file (FALSE, TRUE); return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void setup_gui (void) { size_t i; int lines, cols; int y; static gboolean i18n_flag = FALSE; if (!i18n_flag) { for (i = 0; i < fbuts_num; i++) { #ifdef ENABLE_NLS fbuts[i].text = _(fbuts[i].text); #endif /* ENABLE_NLS */ fbuts[i].len = str_term_width1 (fbuts[i].text) + 3; if (fbuts[i].flags == DEFPUSH_BUTTON) fbuts[i].len += 2; } i18n_flag = TRUE; } lines = LINES - 4; cols = COLS - 16; find_dlg = dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, lines, cols, WPOS_CENTER, FALSE, dialog_colors, find_callback, NULL, "[Find File]", _("Find File")); find_calc_button_locations (find_dlg, TRUE); y = 2; find_list = listbox_new (y, 2, lines - 10, cols - 4, FALSE, NULL); add_widget_autopos (find_dlg, find_list, WPOS_KEEP_ALL, NULL); y += WIDGET (find_list)->lines; add_widget_autopos (find_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1), WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM, NULL); found_num_label = label_new (y++, 4, ""); add_widget_autopos (find_dlg, found_num_label, WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM, NULL); status_label = label_new (y++, 4, _("Searching")); add_widget_autopos (find_dlg, status_label, WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM, NULL); add_widget_autopos (find_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1), WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM, NULL); for (i = 0; i < fbuts_num; i++) { if (i == 3) fbuts[3].button = fbuts[2].button; else { fbuts[i].button = WIDGET (button_new (y, fbuts[i].x, fbuts[i].ret_cmd, fbuts[i].flags, fbuts[i].text, fbuts[i].callback)); add_widget_autopos (find_dlg, fbuts[i].button, WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM, NULL); } if (i == quit_button) y++; } widget_select (WIDGET (find_list)); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int run_process (void) { int ret; search_content_handle = mc_search_new (content_pattern, NULL); if (search_content_handle) { search_content_handle->search_type = options.content_regexp ? MC_SEARCH_T_REGEX : MC_SEARCH_T_NORMAL; search_content_handle->is_case_sensitive = options.content_case_sens; search_content_handle->whole_words = options.content_whole_words; #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET search_content_handle->is_all_charsets = options.content_all_charsets; #endif } search_file_handle = mc_search_new (find_pattern, NULL); search_file_handle->search_type = options.file_pattern ? MC_SEARCH_T_GLOB : MC_SEARCH_T_REGEX; search_file_handle->is_case_sensitive = options.file_case_sens; #ifdef HAVE_CHARSET search_file_handle->is_all_charsets = options.file_all_charsets; #endif search_file_handle->is_entire_line = options.file_pattern; resuming = FALSE; widget_idle (WIDGET (find_dlg), TRUE); ret = dlg_run (find_dlg); mc_search_free (search_file_handle); search_file_handle = NULL; mc_search_free (search_content_handle); search_content_handle = NULL; return ret; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void kill_gui (void) { widget_idle (WIDGET (find_dlg), FALSE); dlg_destroy (find_dlg); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int do_find (const char *start_dir, ssize_t start_dir_len, const char *ignore_dirs, const char *pattern, const char *content, char **dirname, char **filename) { int return_value = 0; char *dir_tmp = NULL, *file_tmp = NULL; setup_gui (); /* FIXME: Need to cleanup this, this ought to be passed non-globaly */ find_pattern = (char *) pattern; content_pattern = NULL; if (content != NULL && str_is_valid_string (content)) content_pattern = g_strdup (content); init_find_vars (); parse_ignore_dirs (ignore_dirs); push_directory (vfs_path_from_str (start_dir)); return_value = run_process (); /* Clear variables */ init_find_vars (); get_list_info (&file_tmp, &dir_tmp, NULL, NULL); if (dir_tmp) *dirname = g_strdup (dir_tmp); if (file_tmp) *filename = g_strdup (file_tmp); if (return_value == B_PANELIZE && *filename) { int link_to_dir, stale_link; int i; struct stat st; GList *entry; dir_list *list = ¤t_panel->dir; char *name = NULL; dir_list_init (list); for (i = 0, entry = listbox_get_first_link (find_list); entry != NULL; i++, entry = g_list_next (entry)) { const char *lc_filename = NULL; WLEntry *le = LENTRY (entry->data); find_match_location_t *location = le->data; char *p; if ((le->text == NULL) || (location == NULL) || (location->dir == NULL)) continue; if (content_pattern != NULL) lc_filename = strchr (le->text + 4, ':') + 1; else lc_filename = le->text + 4; name = mc_build_filename (location->dir, lc_filename, (char *) NULL); /* skip initial start dir */ if (start_dir_len < 0) p = name; else { p = name + (size_t) start_dir_len; if (IS_PATH_SEP (*p)) p++; } if (!handle_path (p, &st, &link_to_dir, &stale_link)) { g_free (name); continue; } /* Need to grow the *list? */ if (list->len == list->size && !dir_list_grow (list, DIR_LIST_RESIZE_STEP)) { g_free (name); break; } /* don't add files more than once to the panel */ if (content_pattern != NULL && list->len != 0 && strcmp (list->list[list->len - 1].fname, p) == 0) { g_free (name); continue; } if (list->len == 0) /* first turn i.e clean old list */ panel_clean_dir (current_panel); list->list[list->len].fnamelen = strlen (p); list->list[list->len].fname = g_strndup (p, list->list[list->len].fnamelen); list->list[list->len].f.marked = 0; list->list[list->len].f.link_to_dir = link_to_dir; list->list[list->len].f.stale_link = stale_link; list->list[list->len].f.dir_size_computed = 0; list->list[list->len].st = st; list->list[list->len].sort_key = NULL; list->list[list->len].second_sort_key = NULL; list->len++; g_free (name); if ((list->len & 15) == 0) rotate_dash (TRUE); } if (list->len != 0) { current_panel->is_panelized = TRUE; /* absolute path */ if (start_dir_len < 0) { int ret; vfs_path_free (current_panel->cwd_vpath); current_panel->cwd_vpath = vfs_path_from_str (PATH_SEP_STR); ret = chdir (PATH_SEP_STR); (void) ret; } panelize_save_panel (current_panel); } } g_free (content_pattern); kill_gui (); do_search (NULL); /* force do_search to release resources */ MC_PTR_FREE (old_dir); rotate_dash (FALSE); return return_value; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*** public functions ****************************************************************************/ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void find_file (void) { char *start_dir = NULL, *pattern = NULL, *content = NULL, *ignore_dirs = NULL; ssize_t start_dir_len; while (find_parameters (&start_dir, &start_dir_len, &ignore_dirs, &pattern, &content)) { char *filename = NULL, *dirname = NULL; int v = B_CANCEL; if (pattern[0] != '\0') { last_refresh.tv_sec = 0; last_refresh.tv_usec = 0; is_start = FALSE; v = do_find (start_dir, start_dir_len, ignore_dirs, pattern, content, &dirname, &filename); } g_free (start_dir); g_free (ignore_dirs); g_free (pattern); if (v == B_ENTER) { if (dirname != NULL) { vfs_path_t *dirname_vpath; dirname_vpath = vfs_path_from_str (dirname); do_cd (dirname_vpath, cd_exact); vfs_path_free (dirname_vpath); if (filename != NULL) try_to_select (current_panel, filename + (content != NULL ? strchr (filename + 4, ':') - filename + 1 : 4)); } else if (filename != NULL) { vfs_path_t *filename_vpath; filename_vpath = vfs_path_from_str (filename); do_cd (filename_vpath, cd_exact); vfs_path_free (filename_vpath); } } g_free (content); g_free (dirname); g_free (filename); if (v == B_ENTER || v == B_CANCEL) break; if (v == B_PANELIZE) { panel_re_sort (current_panel); try_to_select (current_panel, NULL); break; } } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */