/* * The GNOME file viewer frontend * (C) The Free Software Foundation * * Author: Miguel de Icaza (miguel@gnu.org) */ #include #include "x.h" #include "gmc-chargrid.h" #include "dlg.h" #define WANT_WIDGETS #include "view.h" enum { CONTEXT_FILENAME, CONTEXT_POSITION, CONTEXT_BYTES, CONTEXT_GROW, CONTEXT_PERCENT }; void x_init_view (WView *view) { view->current_x = view->current_y = 0; } void x_destroy_view (WView *view) { gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (view->widget.wdata)); } static void viewer_size_changed (GtkWidget *widget, guint cols, guint lines, WView *view) { widget_set_size (&view->widget, 0, 0, lines, cols); dlg_redraw (view->widget.parent); } void x_create_viewer (WView *view) { GtkWidget *viewer; guint lines, cols; viewer = gmc_char_grid_new (); view->widget.wdata = (widget_data) viewer; gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (viewer), "size_changed", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (viewer_size_changed), view); gtk_widget_show (viewer); gmc_char_grid_get_size (GMC_CHAR_GRID (viewer), &cols, &lines); widget_set_size (&view->widget, 0, 0, lines, cols); } void x_focus_view (WView *view) { } void view_percent (WView *view, int p) { int percent; char buffer [40]; percent = (view->s.st_size == 0 || view->last_byte == view->last) ? 100 : (p > (INT_MAX/100) ? p / (view->s.st_size / 100) : p * 100 / view->s.st_size); sprintf (buffer, "%3d%%", percent); gtk_label_set (GTK_LABEL (view->gtk_percent), buffer); } void view_status (WView *view) { char buffer [80]; if (view->hex_mode) sprintf (buffer, _("Offset 0x%08x"), view->edit_cursor); else sprintf (buffer, _("Col %d"), -view->start_col); gtk_label_set (GTK_LABEL (view->gtk_offset), buffer); sprintf (buffer, _("%s bytes"), size_trunc (view->s.st_size)); gtk_label_set (GTK_LABEL (view->gtk_bytes), buffer); if (view->hex_mode) view_percent (view, view->edit_cursor - view->first); else view_percent (view, view->start_display - view->first); } void view_add_character (WView *view, int c) { gmc_char_grid_put_char ((GmcCharGrid *) (view->widget.wdata), view->current_x, view->current_y, gmc_color_pairs [view->color].fore, gmc_color_pairs [view->color].back, c); } void view_add_string (WView *view, char *s) { gmc_char_grid_put_string ((GmcCharGrid *)(view->widget.wdata), view->current_x, view->current_y, gmc_color_pairs [view->color].fore, gmc_color_pairs [view->color].back, s); } void view_gotoyx (WView *view, int r, int c) { view->current_y = r; view->current_x = c; } void view_set_color (WView *view, int font) { view->color = font; } void view_freeze (WView *view) { gmc_char_grid_freeze (GMC_CHAR_GRID (view->widget.wdata)); } void view_thaw (WView *view) { gmc_char_grid_thaw (GMC_CHAR_GRID (view->widget.wdata)); } void view_display_clean (WView *view, int h, int w) { gmc_char_grid_clear (GMC_CHAR_GRID (view->widget.wdata), 0, 0, w, h, NULL); } static int gnome_view_callback (struct Dlg_head *h, int id, int msg) { return default_dlg_callback (h, id, msg); } static GtkWidget * prepare_status (GtkWidget *s) { GtkWidget *frame, *label; frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL); gtk_frame_set_shadow_type (GTK_FRAME (frame), GTK_SHADOW_IN); label = gtk_label_new (""); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), label); gtk_box_pack_start_defaults (GTK_BOX (s), frame); return label; } static GtkWidget * gview_status (WView *view) { GtkWidget *s; s = gtk_hbox_new (0, 0); view->gtk_fname = prepare_status (s); view->gtk_offset = prepare_status (s); view->gtk_bytes = prepare_status (s); if (view->growing_buffer){ view->gtk_flags = prepare_status (s); gtk_label_set (GTK_LABEL (view->gtk_flags), "[grow]"); } view->gtk_percent = prepare_status (s); gtk_label_set (GTK_LABEL (view->gtk_fname), view->filename ? view->filename : view->command ? view->command : ""); GTK_BOX (s)->spacing = 2; return s; } void gview_quit (GtkWidget *widget, WView *view) { dlg_run_done (view->widget.parent); destroy_dlg (view->widget.parent); } void gnome_normal_search_cmd (GtkWidget *widget, WView *view) { normal_search_cmd (view); } void gnome_regexp_search_cmd (GtkWidget *widget, WView *view) { regexp_search_cmd (view); } void gnome_continue_search (GtkWidget *widget, WView *view) { continue_search (view); } void gnome_goto_line (GtkWidget *widget, WView *view) { goto_line (view); } void gnome_toggle_wrap (GtkWidget *widget, WView *view) { toggle_wrap_mode (view); } static void gnome_toggle_parse (GtkWidget *widget, WView *view) { change_viewer (view); } static void gnome_toggle_format (GtkWidget *widget, WView *view) { change_nroff (view); } static void gnome_toggle_hex (GtkWidget *widget, WView *view) { toggle_hex_mode (view); } static void gnome_monitor (GtkWidget *widget, WView *view) { set_monitor (view, 1); } GnomeUIInfo gview_file_menu [] = { GNOMEUIINFO_ITEM (N_("Goto line"), N_("Jump to a specified line number"), &gnome_goto_line, NULL), GNOMEUIINFO_ITEM (N_("Monitor file"), N_("Monitor file growing"), &gnome_monitor, NULL), GNOMEUIINFO_ITEM (N_("Quit"), N_("Terminate the viewer"), &gview_quit, NULL), { GNOME_APP_UI_ENDOFINFO, 0, 0 } }; GnomeUIInfo gview_search_menu [] = { GNOMEUIINFO_ITEM (N_("Search"), N_("String search"), gnome_normal_search_cmd, NULL), GNOMEUIINFO_ITEM (N_("Regexp search"), N_("Regular expression search"), gnome_regexp_search_cmd, NULL), GNOMEUIINFO_SEPARATOR, GNOMEUIINFO_ITEM (N_("Search again..."), N_("Continue searching"), gnome_continue_search, NULL), { GNOME_APP_UI_ENDOFINFO, 0, 0 } }; GnomeUIInfo gview_mode_menu [] = { #define WRAP_POS 0 GNOMEUIINFO_TOGGLEITEM (N_("Wrap"), N_("Wrap the text"), gnome_toggle_wrap, NULL), #if 0 /* Can not use this one yet, as it destroys the viewer, need to fix that */ GNOMEUIINFO_TOGGLEITEM ("Parsed view", NULL, gnome_toggle_parse, NULL), #endif #define FORMAT_POS 1 GNOMEUIINFO_TOGGLEITEM (N_("Formatted"), NULL, gnome_toggle_format, NULL), #define HEX_POS 2 GNOMEUIINFO_TOGGLEITEM (N_("Hex"), NULL, gnome_toggle_hex, NULL), { GNOME_APP_UI_ENDOFINFO, 0, 0 } }; GnomeUIInfo gview_top_menu [] = { { GNOME_APP_UI_SUBTREE, N_("File"), NULL, &gview_file_menu }, { GNOME_APP_UI_SUBTREE, N_("Search"), NULL, &gview_search_menu }, { GNOME_APP_UI_SUBTREE, N_("Mode"), NULL, &gview_mode_menu }, { GNOME_APP_UI_ENDOFINFO, 0, 0 } }; int view (char *_command, char *_file, int *move_dir_p, int start_line) { Dlg_head *our_dlg; GtkWidget *toplevel, *status, *scrollbar; GtkVBox *vbox; WView *wview; int midnight_colors [4]; int error; /* Create dialog and widgets, put them on the dialog */ our_dlg = create_dlg (0, 0, 0, 0, midnight_colors, gnome_view_callback, "[Internal File Viewer]", "view", DLG_NO_TED | DLG_GNOME_APP); toplevel = GTK_WIDGET (our_dlg->wdata); vbox = GTK_VBOX (gtk_vbox_new (0, 0)); gtk_window_set_policy (GTK_WINDOW (toplevel), TRUE, TRUE, TRUE); gnome_app_set_contents (GNOME_APP (toplevel), GTK_WIDGET (vbox)); gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (toplevel), _command ? _command : _file); wview = view_new (0, 0, 80, 25, 0); add_widget (our_dlg, wview); error = view_init (wview, _command, _file, start_line); if (move_dir_p) *move_dir_p = 0; /* Please note that if you add another widget, * you have to modify view_adjust_size to * be aware of it */ if (error) return !error; status = gview_status (wview); gnome_app_create_menus_with_data (GNOME_APP (toplevel), gview_top_menu, wview); /* Setup the menus checkboxes correctly */ GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (gview_mode_menu [WRAP_POS].widget)->active = wview->wrap_mode; GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (gview_mode_menu [FORMAT_POS].widget)->active = wview->viewer_nroff_flag; GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (gview_mode_menu [HEX_POS].widget)->active = wview->hex_mode; init_dlg (our_dlg); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), status, 0, 1, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), GTK_WIDGET (wview->widget.wdata), 1, 1, 0); gtk_widget_show_all (toplevel); return 1; }