/* Chmod command for Windows NT operating system This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Notes: - Preliminar. Work to be done here. (Maybe should write a command to change attributes and another to change rwx permissions. */ #include <config.h> #ifndef _OS_NT #error This file is for the NT operating system. #else #include <windows.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "tty.h" #include "mad.h" #include "util.h" #include "win.h" #include "color.h" #include "dlg.h" #include "widget.h" #include "dialog.h" /* For do_refresh() */ #include "dir.h" #include "panel.h" /* Needed for the externs */ #include "file.h" #include "main.h" #include "chmod.h" #include "achown.h" #include "chown.h" static int single_set; struct Dlg_head *ch_dlg; #define PX 5 #define PY 2 #define FX 40 #define FY 2 #define BX 6 #define BY 17 #define TX 40 #define TY 12 #define PERMISSIONS 4 #define BUTTONS 6 #define B_MARKED B_USER #define B_ALL B_USER+1 #define B_SETMRK B_USER+2 #define B_CLRMRK B_USER+3 int mode_change, need_update; int c_file, end_chmod; umode_t and_mask, or_mask, c_stat; char *c_fname, *c_fown, *c_fgrp, *c_fperm; int c_fsize; static WLabel *statl; static int normal_color; static int title_color; static int selection_color; struct { mode_t mode; char *text; int selected; WCheck *check; } check_perm[PERMISSIONS] = { { FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE, "Archive", 0, 0, }, { FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY, "Read Only", 0, 0, }, { FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN, "Hidden", 0, 0, }, { FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM, "System", 0, 0, }, /* { S_IWGRP, "write by group", 0, 0, }, { S_IRGRP, "read by group", 0, 0, }, { S_IXUSR, "execute/search by owner", 0, 0, }, { S_IWUSR, "write by owner", 0, 0, }, { S_IRUSR, "read by owner", 0, 0, }, */ }; struct { int ret_cmd, flags, y, x; char *text; } chmod_but[BUTTONS] = { { B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, 2, 33, "&Cancel", }, { B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, 2, 17, "&Set", }, { B_CLRMRK, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, 42, "C&lear marked", }, { B_SETMRK, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, 27, "S&et marked", }, { B_MARKED, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, 12, "&Marked all", }, { B_ALL, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, 0, "Set &all", }, }; static void chmod_toggle_select (void) { int Id = ch_dlg->current->dlg_id - BUTTONS + single_set * 2; attrset (normal_color); check_perm[Id].selected ^= 1; dlg_move (ch_dlg, PY + PERMISSIONS - Id, PX + 1); addch ((check_perm[Id].selected) ? '*' : ' '); dlg_move (ch_dlg, PY + PERMISSIONS - Id, PX + 3); } static void chmod_refresh (void) { attrset (normal_color); dlg_erase (ch_dlg); draw_box (ch_dlg, 1, 2, 20 - single_set, 66); draw_box (ch_dlg, PY, PX, PERMISSIONS + 2, 33); draw_box (ch_dlg, FY, FX, 10, 25); dlg_move (ch_dlg, FY + 1, FX + 2); addstr ("Name"); dlg_move (ch_dlg, FY + 3, FX + 2); addstr ("Permissions (Octal)"); dlg_move (ch_dlg, FY + 5, FX + 2); addstr ("Owner name"); dlg_move (ch_dlg, FY + 7, FX + 2); addstr ("Group name"); attrset (title_color); dlg_move (ch_dlg, 1, 28); addstr (" Chmod command "); dlg_move (ch_dlg, PY, PX + 1); addstr (" Permission "); dlg_move (ch_dlg, FY, FX + 1); addstr (" File "); attrset (selection_color); dlg_move (ch_dlg, TY, TX); addstr ("Use SPACE to change"); dlg_move (ch_dlg, TY + 1, TX); addstr ("an option, ARROW KEYS"); dlg_move (ch_dlg, TY + 2, TX); addstr ("to move between options"); dlg_move (ch_dlg, TY + 3, TX); addstr ("and T or INS to mark"); } static int chmod_callback (Dlg_head *h, int Par, int Msg) { char buffer [10]; switch (Msg) { case DLG_ACTION: if (Par >= BUTTONS - single_set * 2){ c_stat ^= check_perm[Par - BUTTONS + single_set * 2].mode; sprintf (buffer, "%o", c_stat); label_set_text (statl, buffer); chmod_toggle_select (); mode_change = 1; } break; case DLG_KEY: if ((Par == 'T' || Par == 't' || Par == KEY_IC) && ch_dlg->current->dlg_id >= BUTTONS - single_set * 2) { chmod_toggle_select (); if (Par == KEY_IC) dlg_one_down (ch_dlg); return 1; } break; #ifndef HAVE_X case DLG_DRAW: chmod_refresh (); break; #endif } return 0; } static void init_chmod (void) { int i; do_refresh (); end_chmod = c_file = need_update = 0; single_set = (cpanel->marked < 2) ? 2 : 0; if (use_colors){ normal_color = COLOR_NORMAL; title_color = COLOR_HOT_NORMAL; selection_color = COLOR_NORMAL; } else { normal_color = NORMAL_COLOR; title_color = SELECTED_COLOR; selection_color = SELECTED_COLOR; } ch_dlg = create_dlg (0, 0, 22 - single_set, 70, dialog_colors, chmod_callback, "[Chmod]", "chmod", DLG_CENTER); x_set_dialog_title (ch_dlg, "Chmod command"); #define XTRACT(i) BY+chmod_but[i].y-single_set, BX+chmod_but[i].x, \ chmod_but[i].ret_cmd, chmod_but[i].flags, chmod_but[i].text, 0, 0, NULL tk_new_frame (ch_dlg, "b."); for (i = 0; i < BUTTONS; i++) { if (i == 2 && single_set) break; else add_widgetl (ch_dlg, button_new (XTRACT (i)), XV_WLAY_RIGHTOF); } #define XTRACT2(i) 0, check_perm [i].text, NULL tk_new_frame (ch_dlg, "c."); for (i = 0; i < PERMISSIONS; i++) { check_perm[i].check = check_new (PY + (PERMISSIONS - i), PX + 2, XTRACT2 (i)); add_widget (ch_dlg, check_perm[i].check); } } static int stat_file (char *filename, struct stat *st) { // Note: - we assume attribute values fit in st.st_mode (a word, not a dword) // - we change st_mode value with attributes, not RWX permissions if (stat (filename, st)) return 0; st->st_mode = GetFileAttributes (filename); if (st->st_mode & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) return 0; return 1; } static void chmod_done (void) { if (need_update) update_panels (UP_OPTIMIZE, UP_KEEPSEL, UP_KEEPSEL); repaint_screen (); } char *next_file (void) { while (!cpanel->dir.list[c_file].f.marked) c_file++; return cpanel->dir.list[c_file].fname; } static void do_chmod (struct stat *sf) { sf->st_mode &= and_mask; sf->st_mode |= or_mask; SetFileAttributes (cpanel->dir.list [c_file].fname, sf->st_mode); do_file_mark (cpanel, c_file, 0); } static void apply_mask (struct stat *sf) { char *fname; need_update = end_chmod = 1; do_chmod (sf); do { fname = next_file (); if (!stat_file (fname, sf)) return; c_stat = sf->st_mode; do_chmod (sf); } while (cpanel->marked); } static int my_chmod (char *path, int mode) { SetFileAttributes(path, mode); return (GetFileAttributes(path) != mode); } void chmod_cmd (void) { char buffer [10]; char *fname; int i; struct stat sf_stat; do { /* do while any files remaining */ init_chmod (); if (cpanel->marked) fname = next_file (); /* next marked file */ else fname = selection (cpanel)->fname; /* single file */ if (!stat_file (fname, &sf_stat)) /* get status of file */ break; c_stat = sf_stat.st_mode; mode_change = 0; /* clear changes flag */ /* set check buttons */ for (i = 0; i < PERMISSIONS; i++){ check_perm[i].check->state = (c_stat & check_perm[i].mode) ? 1 : 0; check_perm[i].selected = 0; } tk_new_frame (ch_dlg, "l."); /* Set the labels */ c_fname = name_trunc (fname, 21); add_widget (ch_dlg, label_new (FY+2, FX+2, c_fname, NULL)); c_fown = name_trunc (get_owner (sf_stat.st_uid), 21); add_widget (ch_dlg, label_new (FY+6, FX+2, c_fown, NULL)); c_fgrp = name_trunc (get_group (sf_stat.st_gid), 21); add_widget (ch_dlg, label_new (FY+8, FX+2, c_fgrp, NULL)); sprintf (buffer, "%o", c_stat); statl = label_new (FY+4, FX+2, buffer, NULL); add_widget (ch_dlg, statl); tk_end_frame (); run_dlg (ch_dlg); /* retrieve an action */ /* do action */ switch (ch_dlg->ret_value){ case B_ENTER: if (mode_change) if (my_chmod (fname, c_stat)) message(1, "Chmod", "Change mode failed!"); need_update = 1; break; case B_CANCEL: end_chmod = 1; break; case B_ALL: case B_MARKED: and_mask = or_mask = 0; and_mask = ~and_mask; for (i = 0; i < PERMISSIONS; i++) { if (check_perm[i].selected || ch_dlg->ret_value == B_ALL) if (check_perm[i].check->state & C_BOOL) or_mask |= check_perm[i].mode; else and_mask &= ~check_perm[i].mode; } apply_mask (&sf_stat); break; case B_SETMRK: and_mask = or_mask = 0; and_mask = ~and_mask; for (i = 0; i < PERMISSIONS; i++) { if (check_perm[i].selected) or_mask |= check_perm[i].mode; } apply_mask (&sf_stat); break; case B_CLRMRK: and_mask = or_mask = 0; and_mask = ~and_mask; for (i = 0; i < PERMISSIONS; i++) { if (check_perm[i].selected) and_mask &= ~check_perm[i].mode; } apply_mask (&sf_stat); break; } if (cpanel->marked && ch_dlg->ret_value!=B_CANCEL) { do_file_mark (cpanel, c_file, 0); need_update = 1; } destroy_dlg (ch_dlg); } while (cpanel->marked && !end_chmod); chmod_done (); } #endif /*_OS_NT*/