/* Learn keys Copyright (C) 1995 The Free Software Foundation Written by: 1995 Jakub Jelinek This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tty.h" #include "global.h" #include "win.h" #include "color.h" #include "dlg.h" #include "widget.h" #include "dialog.h" /* For do_refresh() */ #include "profile.h" /* Save profile */ #include "key.h" #include "setup.h" #include "main.h" #include "learn.h" #define UX 4 #define UY 3 #define BY UY + 17 #define ROWS 13 #define COLSHIFT 23 #define BUTTONS 2 struct { int ret_cmd, flags, y, x; unsigned int hotkey; char *text; } learn_but[BUTTONS] = { { B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, 39, 'C', N_("&Cancel") }, { B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, 0, 25, 'S', N_("&Save") } }; static Dlg_head *learn_dlg; typedef struct { Widget *button; Widget *label; int ok; char *sequence; } learnkey; static learnkey *learnkeys = NULL; static int learn_total; static int learnok; static int learnchanged; static char* learn_title = N_(" Learn keys "); #ifndef HAVE_X static void learn_refresh (void) { attrset (COLOR_NORMAL); dlg_erase (learn_dlg); draw_box (learn_dlg, 1, 2, learn_dlg->lines - 2, learn_dlg->cols - 4); attrset (COLOR_HOT_NORMAL); dlg_move (learn_dlg, 1, (learn_dlg->cols - strlen (learn_title)) / 2); addstr (learn_title); } #endif static int learn_button (int action, void *param) { unsigned char *seq; Dlg_head *d = message (D_INSERT | 1, _(" Teach me a key "), _("Please press the %s\n" "and then wait until this message disappears.\n\n" "Then, press it again to see if OK appears\n" "next to its button.\n\n" "If you want to escape, press a single Escape key\n" "and wait as well."), _(key_name_conv_tab [action - B_USER].longname)); mc_refresh (); if (learnkeys [action - B_USER].sequence != NULL) { g_free (learnkeys [action - B_USER].sequence); learnkeys [action - B_USER].sequence = NULL; } seq = learn_key (); if (seq){ /* Esc hides the dialog and do not allow definitions of * regular characters */ if (*seq && strcmp (seq, "\\e") && strcmp (seq, "\\e\\e") && strcmp (seq, "^m" ) && (seq [1] || (*seq < ' ' || *seq > '~'))){ learnchanged = 1; learnkeys [action - B_USER].sequence = seq; seq = convert_controls (seq); define_sequence (key_name_conv_tab [action - B_USER].code, seq, MCKEY_NOACTION); } else { message (0, _(" Cannot accept this key "), _(" You have entered \"%s\""), seq); } g_free (seq); } dlg_run_done (d); destroy_dlg (d); dlg_select_widget (learn_dlg, learnkeys [action - B_USER].button); return 0; /* Do not kill learn_dlg */ } static int learn_move (int right) { int i, totalcols; totalcols = (learn_total - 1) / ROWS + 1; for (i = 0; i < learn_total; i++) if (learnkeys [i].button == learn_dlg->current->widget) { if (right) { if (i < learn_total - ROWS) i += ROWS; else i %= ROWS; } else { if (i / ROWS) i -= ROWS; else if (i + (totalcols - 1) * ROWS >= learn_total) i += (totalcols - 2) * ROWS; else i += (totalcols - 1) * ROWS; } dlg_select_widget (learn_dlg, (void *) learnkeys [i].button); return 1; } return 0; } static int learn_check_key (int c) { int i; for (i = 0; i < learn_total; i++) { if (key_name_conv_tab [i].code == c) { if (!learnkeys [i].ok) { dlg_select_widget (learn_dlg, learnkeys [i].button); label_set_text ((WLabel *) learnkeys [i].label, _("OK")); learnkeys [i].ok = 1; learnok++; if (learnok >= learn_total) { learn_dlg->ret_value = B_CANCEL; if (learnchanged) { if (query_dialog (learn_title, _("It seems that all your keys already\n" "work fine. That's great."), 1, 2, _("&Save"), _("&Discard")) == 0) learn_dlg->ret_value = B_ENTER; } else { message (1, learn_title, _("Great! You have a complete terminal database!\n" "All your keys work well.")); } dlg_stop (learn_dlg); } return 1; } } } switch (c) { case KEY_LEFT: case 'h': return learn_move (0); case KEY_RIGHT: case 'l': return learn_move (1); case 'j': dlg_one_down (learn_dlg); return 1; case 'k': dlg_one_up (learn_dlg); return 1; } /* Prevent from disappearing if a non-defined sequence is pressed and contains s or c. Use ALT('s') or ALT('c'). */ if (c < 255 && isalpha(c)) { c = toupper(c); for (i = 0; i < BUTTONS; i++) if (c == learn_but [i].hotkey) return 1; } return 0; } static int learn_callback (Dlg_head * h, int Par, int Msg) { switch (Msg) { case DLG_DRAW: learn_refresh (); break; case DLG_KEY: return learn_check_key (Par); } return 0; } static void init_learn (void) { int x, y, i, j; key_code_name_t *key; char buffer [BUF_TINY]; static int i18n_flag = 0; do_refresh (); #ifdef ENABLE_NLS if (!i18n_flag) { char* cp; learn_but [0].text = _(learn_but [0].text); learn_but [0].x = 78 / 2 + 4; learn_but [1].text = _(learn_but [1].text); learn_but [1].x = 78 / 2 - (strlen (learn_but [1].text) + 9); for (i = 0; i < BUTTONS; i++) { cp = strchr(learn_but [i].text, '&'); if (cp != NULL && *++cp != '\0') learn_but [i].hotkey = toupper(*cp); } learn_title = _(learn_title); i18n_flag = 1; } #endif /* ENABLE_NLS */ learn_dlg = create_dlg (0, 0, 23, 78, dialog_colors, learn_callback, "[Learn keys]", "Learn keys", DLG_CENTER); x_set_dialog_title (learn_dlg, _("Learn keys")); #define XTRACT(i) BY+learn_but[i].y, learn_but[i].x, learn_but[i].ret_cmd, learn_but[i].flags, _(learn_but[i].text), 0, 0, NULL for (i = 0; i < BUTTONS; i++) add_widget (learn_dlg, button_new (XTRACT (i))); x = UX; y = UY; for (key = key_name_conv_tab, j = 0; key->name != NULL && strcmp (key->name, "kpleft"); key++, j++); learnkeys = g_new (learnkey, j); x += ((j - 1) / ROWS) * COLSHIFT; y += (j - 1) % ROWS; learn_total = j; learnok = 0; learnchanged = 0; for (i = j - 1, key = key_name_conv_tab + j - 1; i >= 0; i--, key--) { learnkeys [i].ok = 0; learnkeys [i].sequence = NULL; g_snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%-16s", _(key->longname)); add_widget (learn_dlg, learnkeys [i].button = (Widget *) button_new (y, x, B_USER + i, NARROW_BUTTON, buffer, learn_button, 0, NULL)); add_widget (learn_dlg, learnkeys [i].label = (Widget *) label_new (y, x + 19, "", NULL)); if (i % 13) y--; else { x -= COLSHIFT; y = UY + ROWS - 1; } } add_widget (learn_dlg, label_new (UY+14, 5, _("Press all the keys mentioned here. After you have done it, check"), NULL)); add_widget (learn_dlg, label_new (UY+15, 5, _("which keys are not marked with OK. Press space on the missing"), NULL)); add_widget (learn_dlg, label_new (UY+16, 5, _("key, or click with the mouse to define it. Move around with Tab."), NULL)); } static void learn_done (void) { destroy_dlg (learn_dlg); repaint_screen (); } static void learn_save (void) { int i; int profile_changed = 0; char *section = g_strconcat ("terminal:", getenv ("TERM"), NULL); for (i = 0; i < learn_total; i++) { if (learnkeys [i].sequence != NULL) { profile_changed = 1; WritePrivateProfileString (section, key_name_conv_tab [i].name, learnkeys [i].sequence, profile_name); } } /* On the one hand no good idea to save the complete setup but * without 'Auto save setup' the new key-definitions will not be * saved unless the user does an 'Options/Save Setup'. * On the other hand a save-button that does not save anything to * disk is much worse. */ if (profile_changed) sync_profiles (); } void learn_keys (void) { int save_old_esc_mode = old_esc_mode; int save_alternate_plus_minus = alternate_plus_minus; old_esc_mode = 0; /* old_esc_mode cannot work in learn keys dialog */ alternate_plus_minus = 1; /* don't translate KP_ADD, KP_SUBTRACT and KP_MULTIPLY to '+', '-' and '*' in correct_key_code */ #ifndef HAVE_X application_keypad_mode (); #endif init_learn (); run_dlg (learn_dlg); old_esc_mode = save_old_esc_mode; alternate_plus_minus = save_alternate_plus_minus; #ifndef HAVE_X if (!alternate_plus_minus) numeric_keypad_mode (); #endif switch (learn_dlg->ret_value) { case B_ENTER: learn_save (); break; } learn_done (); }