.\" Tradotto dal 15 agosto 2002 da .\" Marco Ciampa .\" Chi vuole contribuire si aggiunga il nome qui sotto. .\" .TH mc 1 "30 Ottobre 1998" .\"SKIP_SECTION" .SH "NOME" mc \- interfaccia visuale per sistemi tipo Unix. .\"SKIP_SECTION" .SH "USO" .B mc [\-abcCdfhPstuUVx?] [\-l log] [dir1 [dir2]] [-v file] .\"NODE "DESCRIPTION" .SH "DESCRIZIONE" .LP Il Midnight Commander è un file manager per sistemi operativi di tipo Unix. .\".\"DONT_SPLIT" .\"NODE "OPTIONS" .SH "OPZIONI" .TP .I "\-a" Disabilita l'uso dei caratteri grafici per il disegno delle linee. .TP .I "\-b" Forza la visualizzazione in bianco e nero. .TP .I "\-c" Forza la modalità colore, prego vedere la sezione .\"LINK2" Colori .\"Colors" per informazioni aggiuntive. .TP .I "\-C arg" Usato per specificare un set di colori differente a riga di comando. Il formato di arg è documentato nella sezione .\"LINK2" Colori .\"Colors" \&. .TP .I "\-d" Disabilita il supporto mouse. .TP .I "\-f" Mostra i percorsi di ricerca compilati per i file del Midnight Commander. .TP .I "\-k" Reimposta i softkeys ai valori predefiniti dal database termcap/terminfo. Utile solo su terminali HP quando non vanno i tasti funzione. .TP .I "-l file" Salva il dialogo ftpfs con il server in file. .TP .I "\-P" All'uscita, il Midnight Commander stampa l'ultima directory in uso. Questa funzione non è fatta per un uso diretto, ma dovrebbe essere utilizzata da una speciale funzione shell che imposti automaticamente l'ultima directory corrente della shell come l'ultima directory in cui stava il Midnight Commander (grazie a Torben Fjerdingstad e Sergey per il contributo di questa funzione e per il codice che la implementa). Prelevate i file .B @prefix@/lib/mc/bin/mc.sh (utenti bash e zsh) e rispettivamente .B @prefix@/lib/mc/bin/mc.csh (utenti tcsh) per avere questa funzione definita. .TP .I "\-s" Abilita il modo terminale lento, in questa modalità il programma non disegna le linee e disabilita la modalità prolissa. .TP .I "\-t" Usata solo se il codice è stato compilato con Slang e terminfo: fa in modo che il Midnight Commander usi il valore della variabile .B TERMCAP per le informazioni sul terminale invece delle informazioni di sistema sul database terminali. .TP .I "\-u" Disabilita l'uso della shell concorrente (ha senso solo se il Midnight Commander è stato compilato con il supporto per la shell concorrente). .TP .I "\-U" Abilita l'uso della shell concorrente (ha senso solo se il Midnight Commander è stato compilato con il supporto per la shell concorrente impostato come una caratteristica opzionale). .TP .I "\-v file" Lancia il visualizzatore interno per il file specificato. .TP .I "\-V" Mostra la versione del programma. .TP .I "\-x" Forza la modalità xterm. Usata quando è in funzione su terminali abilitati-xterm (due modalità video e in grado di spedire sequenze mouse di escape). .PP Se specificato, il primo percorso è la directory mostrata nel pannello selezionato; il secondo è la directory mostrata nell'altro pannello. .PP .\"NODE "Overview" .SH "Panoramica" Lo schermo del Midnight Commander è diviso in quattro parti. Quasi tutto lo spazio è occupato dai due pannelli directory. Per default, la seconda linea dal fondo è la riga di comando, mentre quella in basso mostra le etichette dei tasti funzione. La riga più in alto è la .\"LINK2" riga dei menu. .\"Menu Bar" La barra dei menu può essere invisibile, ma compare se clicchi la riga più in alto con il mouse o se premi il tasto F9. .PP Il Midnight Commander fornisce la vista di due directory contemporaneamente. Uno dei due pannelli è quello corrente (la barra di selezione è presente solo in questo). Quasi tutte le operazioni hanno lougo nel pannello corrente. Alcune azioni come Rinomina e Copia usano la directory del pannello non selezionato come valore predefinito di destinazione (ma si richiede sempre una conferma prima). Per informazioni aggiuntive, vedere le sezioni sui .\"LINK2" Pannelli Directory, .\"Directory Panels" i .\"LINK2" Menu Sinistro e Destro .\"Left and Right Menus" e .\"LINK2" Menu File. .\"File Menu" .PP E' possibile eseguire comandi di sistema dal Midnight Commander semplicemente battendoli. Ogni cosa scritta apparirà sulla linea di comando e quando si preme l'invio il Midnight Commander eseguirà la riga di comando appena battuta; leggere le sezioni .\"LINK2" Shell a Riga di Comando .\"Shell Command Line" e .\"LINK2" Tasti di Ingresso .\"Input Line Keys" per saperne di più sulla riga di comando. .PP .\"NODE "Mouse Support" .SH "Supporto Mouse" Il Midnight Commander è fornito di supporto mouse. Esso viene attivato ogniqualvolta lo si esegue in un terminale .B xterm(1) (funziona anche se si fa una connessione telnet o rlogin con un'altra macchina da un xterm) o se sta funzionando su una console Linux e si ha il mouse server .B gpm in funzione. .PP Quando si fa click con il tasto sinistro in un file nel pannello directory, il file viene selezionato; se si fa click con il tasto destro il file viene marcato (o smarcato, a seconda dello stato precedente). .PP Se il file è un programma eseguibile, il doppio click su di esso lo eseguirà altrimenti se il .\"LINK2" file estensioni .\"Extension File Edit" ha un programma specifico per quell'estensione del file, il suddetto programma verrà eseguito. .PP E' anche possibile eseguire i comandi assegnati ai tasti funzione cliccando sulle etichette dei tasti. .PP Se un tasto del mouse viene premuto sulla linea in cima al pannello directory il pannello sfoglia di una pagina in alto. Allo stesso modo, un click sulla riga in basso provocherà un cambio di pagina in basso. Questo metodo dei bordi funziona anche nel .\"LINK2" Visualizzatore dell'Aiuto .\"Contents" e nal .\"LINK2" Albero Directory. .\"Directory Tree" .PP L'auto ripetizione predefinita per il mouse è di 400 millisecondi. Questa può essere cambiata in valori differenti modificando il file .\"LINK2" \&~/.mc/ini .\"Save Setup" e cambiando il parametro .I mouse_repeat_rate \&. .PP Se il Commander sta funzionando con il supporto mouse, si può saltarlo ed ottenere il funzionamento del mouse normale (taglia e incolla di testo) tenendo premuto il tasto Maiuscolo. .SH "" .\"NODE "Keys" .SH "Tasti" Alcuni comandi nel Midnight Commander presuppongono l'uso dei tasti .I Control (talvolta chiamato CTRL o CTL) e .I Meta (talvolta chiamato ALT o anche Compose). In questo manuale si utilizzeranno le seguenti abbreviazioni: .PP C- significa premere il tasto control mentre si batte il carattere . Perciò C-f sarà: premi e tieni premuto il tasto Control e premi f. .PP M- significa premere il tasto Meta o Alt mentre si batte . Se non c'è un tasto Meta o Alt, premere ESC, rilasciarlo, poi premere il carattere . .PP Tutte le linee di ingresso nel Midnight Commander usano un'approssimazione dei tasti del GNU Emacs. .PP Ci sono molte sezioni che parlano dei tasti. Le seguenti sono le principali. .PP La sezione .\"LINK2" Menu File .\"File Menu" documenta le abbreviazioni di tasti per i comandi che appaiono nel menu File. Questa sezione include i tasti funzione. Molti di questi comandi lavorano sui file selezionati o sui marcati. .PP La sezione .\"LINK2" Pannelli Directory .\"Directory Panels" documenta i tasti che selezionano o marcano i file come obiettivo per una seguente azione (l'azione normalmente deriva dal menu file). .PP La sezione .\"LINK2" Shell a Riga di Comando .\"Shell Command Line" elenca i tasti utilizzati per immettere e modificare linee di comando. Molti di questi copiano nomi di file o altro dal pannello directory alla riga di comando (per evitare troppo lavoro di battitura) o per accedere allo storico comandi. .PP I .\"LINK2" Tasti Linea di Ingresso .\"Input Line Keys" sono usati per modificare le linee di ingresso. Cioè sia la linea di comando che le linee di ingresso nelle finestre di interrogazione. .PP .\"NODE " Miscellaneous Keys" .SH " Tasti Vari" Qua ci sono alcuni tasti che non sono classificabili in nessuna delle altre categorie: .PP .B Invio. Se c'è del testo nella linea di comando (quella in fondo ai pannelli), allora quel comando viene eseguito. Se non c'è testo nella linea di comando allora se la barra di selezione è sopra una directory il Midnight Commander esegue un .B chdir(2) alla directory selezionata e ricarica le informazioni sul pannello; se la selezione è un file eseguibile allora esso viene eseguito. Per ultimo, se l'estensione del file selezionato corrisponde ad una delle estensioni presenti nel .\"LINK2" file estensioni, .\"Extension File Edit" il comando corrispondente viene eseguito. .PP .B C-l. Ridisegna tutto nel Midnight Commander. .PP .B C-x c. Esegue il comando .\"LINK2" Chmod .\"Chmod" su un file o su un gruppo di file marcati. .PP .B C-x o. Esegue il comando .\"LINK2" Chown .\"Chown" sul file corrente o sui file marcati. .PP .B C-x l. Crea un collegamento. .PP .B C-x s. Crea un collegamento simbolico . .PP .B C-x i. Imposta la modalità della visualizzazione dell'altro pannello a informazioni. .PP .B C-x q. Imposta la modalità della visualizzazione dell'altro pannello a vista rapida. .PP .B C-x !. Esegue il comando .\"LINK2" Pannellizza comando .\"External panelize" \&. .PP .B C-x h Esegue il comando .\"LINK2" aggiungi directory alla lista directory favorite .\"Hotlist" \&. .PP .B M-!, Esegue il comando Vista filtrata, descritto in .\"LINK2" Vista filtrata. .\"Internal File Viewer" .PP .B M-?, Esegui il comando .\"LINK2" Trova file .\"Find File" \&. .PP .B M-c, Mostra la finestra .\"LINK2" cambia dir veloce .\"Quick cd" \&. .PP .B C-o, Quando il programma viene eseguito in una console Linux o SCO o in un xterm, mostrerà il risultato del comando precedente. Eseguito in console Linux, il Midnight Commander usa un programma esterno (cons.saver) per gestire il salvataggio e recupero delle informazioni sullo schermo. .PP Se è stato compilato il supporto alla subsell, è possibile premere C-o in ogni momento per tornare alla schermata principale del Midnight Commander; per tornare all'applicazione basta premere C-o. Se si ha un'applicazione sospesa usando questo trucco, non si sarà in grado di eseguire altri programmi dal Midnight Commander finchè non si terminerà l'applicazione sospesa. .PP .\"NODE " Directory Panels" .SH " Pannelli Directory" Questa sezione elenca i tasti che operano sui pannelli directory. Se si desidera sapere come cambiare la visualizzazione dei pannelli, date un'occhiata alla sezione su .\"LINK2" Menu Sinistro e Destro. .\"Left and Right Menus" .PP .B Tab, C-i. Cambia il pannello corrente. L'altro pannello diventa il nuovo pannello corrente mentre il pannello corrente diventa l'altro pannello. La barra di selezione si sposta dal vecchio pannello al nuovo corrente. .PP .B Insert, C-t. Per marcare i file si può usare il tasto di Inserimento (la sequenza teminfo kich1) o la sequenza C-t (Control-t). Per smarcare i file basta marcare un file gia marcato. .PP .B M-g, M-h (o M-r), M-j. Usato per selezionare rispettivamente il file superiore, il file centrale o quello inferiore in un pannello. .PP .B C-s, M-s. Inizia una ricerca nel nella directory. Quando la ricerca è attiva i dati immessi dall'utente vengono aggiunti alla stringa di ricerca invece della riga di comando. Se l'opzione .I "Mostra mini-stato" è abilitata, la stringa di ricerca viene mostrata nella riga di mini-stato. Scrivendo, la barra di selezione si muove al prossimo file che comincia con le lettere battute. Il tasti .I "backspace" o .I canc possono essere utilizzati per correggere errori di battitura. Se viene premuto nuovamente, viene ricercata la corrispondenza seguente. .PP .B M-t Cambia il modo di visualizzazione corrente per mostrare la modalità successiva. In questo modo è possibile cambiare velocemente da listati lunghi a listati normali a listati definiti dall'utente. .PP .B C-\\\\ (control-barra retroversa). Mostra le .\"LINK2" directory favorite .\"Hotlist" e va alla directory selezionata. .PP .B + \ (più). Viene utilizzato per selezionare (marcare) un gruppo di file. Il Midnight Commander richiederà un'espressione regolare per descrivere il gruppo. Quando le .I pattern della shell sono abilitate, le espressioni regolari sono molto simili alle espressioni regolari in una shell (* significa zero o più caratteri e ? un carattere). Se le .I pattern della shell sono disabilitate, la marcatura dei file viene fatta con le normali espressioni regolari (vedere (1)). .PP Se l'espressione comincia o finisce con una barra (/), allora selezionerà directory invece che file. .PP .B \\\\ (barra retroversa). Usare il tasto "\\" per deselezionare un gruppo di file. Questo è l'opposto del tasto più. .PP .B freccia-su, C-p. Sposta la barra di selezione alla voce precedente nel pannello. .PP .B freccia-giùy, C-n. Sposta barra di selezione alla voce successiva nel pannello. .PP .B home, a1, M-<. Sposta la barra di selezione alla prima voce nel pannello. .PP .B fine, c1, M->. Sposta la barra di selezione all'ultima voce nel pannello. .PP .B pagina-giù, C-v. Sposta la barra di selezione di una pagina in basso. .PP .B pagina-su, M-v. Sposta la barra di selezione di una pagina in alto. .PP .B M-o, If the other panel is a listing panel and you are standing on a directory in the current panel, then the other panel contents are set to the contents of the currently selected directory (like Emacs' dired C-o key) otherwise the other panel contents are set to the parent dir of the current dir. .PP .B C-PageUp, C-PageDown Only when ran on the Linux console: does a chdir to ".." and to the currently selected directory respectively. .PP .B M-y Moves to the previous directory in the history, equivalent to depressing the '<' with the mouse. .PP .B M-u Moves to the next directory in the history, equivalent to depressing the '>' with the mouse. .PP .B M-S-h, M-H Displays the directory history, equivalent to depressing the 'v' with the mouse. .PP .\"NODE " Shell a Riga di Comando" .SH " Shell a riga di comando" Questa sezione elenca i tasti utili ad evitare troppe battiture nell'immissione dei comandi. .PP .B M-Invio. Copia nella riga di comando il nome del file attualmente selezionato. .PP .B C-Invio. Come M-Invio, ma funziona solo dalla console Linux. .PP .B M-Tab. Esegue automaticamente il .\"LINK2" completamento .\"Completion" del nome del file, variabile, nome utente e nome host. .PP .B C-x t, C-x C-t. Copia i file marcati (o se non vi sono file marcati, il file selezionato) del pannello corrente (C-x t) o dell'altro pannello (C-x C-t) sulla riga di comando. .PP .B C-x p, C-x C-p. La prima sequenza di tasti copia il percorso corrente sulla riga di comando e la seconda copia il percorso del pannello non selezionato sulla riga di comando. .PP .B C-q. Il comando di inserimento letterale serve per inserire caratteri che sarebbero altrimenti interpretati dal Midnight Commander (come il simbolo '+') .PP .B M-p, M-n. Use these keys to browse through the command history. M-p takes you to the last entry, M-n takes you to the next one. .PP .B M-h. Displays the history for the current input line. .PP .\"NODE " General Movement Keys" .SH " Tasti Generali di Movimento" Il visualizzatore dell'aiuto, il visualizzato dei file e l'albero directory usano un codice comune per gestire il movimento. Per questa ragione essi accettano esattamente gli stessi tasti. Ogniuno di questi però accetta anche altri tasti indipendenti. .PP Altre parti del Midnight Commander usano alcuni degli stessi tasti di movimento, perciò questa sezione può applicarsi anche a quelle sezioni. .PP .B Su, C-p. Si sposta di una linea indietro. .PP .B Giu, C-n. Si sposta di una linea avanti. .PP .B Pagina Su, M-v. Si sposta di una pagina in alto. .PP .B Pagina Giu, C-v. Si sposta di una pagina in basso. .PP .B Home, A1. Si sposta all'inizio. .PP .B Fine, C1. Si sposta alla fine. .PP Il visualizzatore dell'aiuto accetta i seguenti tasti in aggiunta a quelli menzionati sopra: .PP .B b, C-b, C-h, Backspace, Canc. Si sposta di una pagina in alto. .PP .B Barra spaziatrice. Si sposta di una pagina in basso. .PP .B u, d. Si sposta di mezza pagina in alto o in basso. .PP .B g, G. Si sposta all'inizio o alla fine. .PP .\"NODE " Input Line Keys" .SH " Tasti di Riga di Ingresso" I tasti di riga di ingresso (sono usati per la .\"LINK2" riga di comando .\"Shell Command Line" e per i dialoghi di richiesta dati nel programma) accettano questi tasti: .PP .B C-a sposta il cursore all'inizio della linea. .PP .B C-e sposta il cursore alla fine della linea .PP .B C-b, move-left sposta il cursore di una posizione a sinistra. .PP .B C-f, move-right sposta il cursore di una posizione a destra. .PP .B M-f sposta il cursore di una parola in avanti. .PP .B M-b sposta il cursore di una parola indietro. .PP .B C-h, backspace cancella il carattere precedente. .PP .B C-d, Delete cancella il carattere nel punto (sopra il cursore). .PP .B C-@ imposta il marcatore per tagliare. .PP .B C-w copia il testo tra il cursore e il marcatore in un kill buffer e rimuove il testo dalla linea di ingresso. .PP .B M-w copia il testo tra il cursore ed il marcatore in un kill buffer. .PP .B C-y inserisce il contenuto del kill buffer. .PP .B C-k elimina il testo dal cursore alla fine della linea. .PP .B M-p, M-n Usa questi tasti per navigare attraverso lo storico dei comandi. M-p posiziona sull'ultima voce, M-n posiziona sulla seguente. .PP .B M-C-h, M-Backspace cancella una parola indietro. .PP .B M-Tab fa del nomefile, comando, variabile, nomeutente e nomehost il .\"LINK2" completamento .\"Completion" automatico. .PP .SH "" .\"NODE "Menu Bar" .SH "Barra dei Menu" La barra dei menu compare premendo F9 o cliccando con il mouse sopra la riga superiore dello schermo. La barra menu possiede cinque menu: "Sinistra", "File", "Comando", "Opzioni" e "Destra". .PP I .\"LINK2" Menu Sinistra e Destra .\"Left and Right Menus" permettono di modificare l'apparenza dei pannelli directory di sinistra e di destra. .PP Il .\"LINK2" Menu File .\"File Menu" elenca le azioni che possono essere condotte sui file correntemente selezionati o marcati. .PP Il .\"LINK2" Menu Comando .\"Command Menu" elenca le azioni più generali e non ha relazione con il file correntemente selezionati o marcati. .PP Il .\"LINK2" Menu Opzioni .\"Options Menu" elenca le azioni che permettono di personalizzare il Midnight Commander. .PP .\"NODE " Left and Right Menus" .SH " Menu Sinistra e Destra" L'apparenza dei pannelli directory è modificabile tramite i menu .B "Sinistra" e .B "Destra" \&. .PP .\"NODE "" Listing Mode..." .SH " Modalità Lista..." La modalità lista serve a mostrare un elenco di file; ci sono quattro modalità elenco disponibili: .B Completa, .B Breve, .B Lunga e .B Definita dall'utente. La modalità completa mostra il nome del file, l'ampiezza del file e la data di modifica. .PP La modalità breve mostra solo il nome del file in due colonne (perciò mostrando il doppio del numero dei file che nelle altre modalità). La modalità lunga è simile a quella del comando .B "ls -l" \&. La modalità lunga usa tutta l'ampiezza dello schermo. .PP Se si sceglie il formato definibile dall'utente, è necessario specificare il formato della vista. .PP Il formato definibile dall'utente deve cominciare con una specifica dell'ampiezza del pannello. Questa può essere "half" o "full", che descrive un pannello di mezza grandezza o completa rispettivamente. .PP Dopo l'ampiezza del pannello, è possibile specificare la modalità a due colonne aggiungendo il numero "2" alla stringa di formato. .PP Dopodichè si aggiunge il nome dei campi con una specifica di ampiezza opzionale. Questi sono i campi disponibile per la visualizzazione: .PP .B name, mostra il nome del file. .PP .B size, mostra l'ampiezza del file. .PP .B bsize, è una forma alternativa del formato .B size \&. Mostra l'ampiezza del file e per le directory mostra solo SUB-DIR o UP--DIR. .PP .B type, mostra un campo di un carattere. Questo carattere è simile a quello mostrato dal comando ls con la flag -F - .B * per i file eseguibili, .B / per le directory, .B @ per i collegamenti, .B = per i socket, .B - per i dispositivi a carattere, .B + per i dispositivi a blocchi, .B | per le pipe, .B ~ per i collegamenti simbolici a directory e .B ! per i collegamenti simbolici stallati (che non puntano a niente). .PP .B mtime, la data dell'ultima modifica al file. .PP .B atime, la data dell'ultimo accesso al file. .PP .B ctime, la data della creazione del file. .PP .B perm, una stringa che rappresenta i bit dei permessi del file. .PP .B mode, un valore ottale con i permessi correnti del file. .PP .B nlink, il numero dei collegamenti al file. .PP .B ngid, il GID (numerico). .PP .B nuid, l'UID (numerico). .PP .B owner, il proprietario del file. .PP .B group, il gruppo del file. .PP .B inode, l'inode del file. .PP Puoi usare ache questi campi per sistemare la visualizzazione: .PP .B space, uno spazio nel formato visualizzazione. .PP .B mark, Un asterico se il file è marcato, uno spazio se non lo è. .PP .B |, Questo carattere viene utilizzato per aggiungere una linea verticale al formato di visualizzazione. .PP Per forzare un campo ad un'ampiezza fissa (una specifica di ampiezza) basta semplicemente aggiungere un ':' ed il numero dei caratteri che si vuole che il campo abbia; e se il numero è seguito dal simbolo '+', allora la specifica definisce l'ampiezza minima e se il programma trova che serve più spazio sullo schermo, espanderà il campo. .PP Per esempio la modalità .B Completa corrisponde a questo formato: .PP half type,name,|,size,|,mtime .PP E quella .B Lunga corrisponde a questo formato: .PP full perm,space,nlink,space,owner,space,group,space,size,space, mtime,space,name .PP Questa è una modalità interessante: .PP half name,|,size:7,|,type,mode:3 .PP I pannelli possono anche essere impostati alle modalità seguenti: .TP .B "Informazioni" La modalità informazioni mostra alcuni dati relativi al file correntemente selezionato e se possibile informazioni circa il file system corrente. .TP .B "Albero" La vista ad albero è abbastanza simile al comando .\"LINK2" albero directory .\"Directory Tree" \&. Vedere la sezione corrispondente per maggiori informazioni. .TP .B "Vista rapida" In questa modalità il pannello si imposta come un .\"LINK2" visualizzatore .\"Internal File Viewer" ridotto che mostra i contenuti del file correntemente selezionato; se si seleziona il pannello (con il tasto tab o con il mouse), si ha accesso ai normali comandi del visualizzatore. .PP .\"NODE " Sort Order..." .SH " Ordina per..." Gli otto possibili ordinamenti sono per nome, per estensione, per data di modifica, per data di accesso, per data di modifica informazioni di inode, per ampiezza, per inode e non ordinato. Nella finestra di dialogo di ordinamento è possibile scegliere il tipo di ordinamento ed è anche possibile specificare se si desidera l'ordinamento inverso selezionando la voce inverso. .PP Normalmente le directory sono ordinare prima dei file ma quest'impostazione può essere modificata dal .\"LINK2" Menu Opzioni .\"Options Menu" (oztione .B "mescola tutti i file" ). .PP .\"NODE " Filter..." .SH " Filtro..." Il comando di filtro permette di specificare un modello (per esempio .B "*.tar.gz" ) che il file deve corrispondere per essere visualizzato. Malgrado il modello del filtro, le directory e i collegamenti a directory vengono sempre visualizzati sul pannello directory. .PP .\"NODE " Reread" .SH " Ricarica" Il comando ricarica l'elenco dei file nella directory. E' utile se un'altro processo ha creato o rimosso dei file. Se si ha pannellizzato dei nomi di file in un pannello, questo ricaricherà il contenuto della directory e rimuoverà le informazioni pannellizzate (vedere sezione .\"LINK2" Pannellizza comando .\"External panelize" per ulteriori informazioni). .PP .\"NODE " File Menu" .SH " Menu File" Il Midnight Commander usa i tasti F1 - F10 come tasti veloci per i comandi che appaiono nel menu file. Le sequenze di escape per i tasti funzione sono capacità terminfo da kf1 a kf10. Su terminali senza supporto per i tasti funzione, è possibile ottenere la stessa funzionalità premendo il tasto ESC e un numero da 1 a 9 più lo 0 (corrispondentemente ai tasti da F1 a F9 e F10 rispettivamente). .PP Il file menu comprende i comandi seguenti (tasti veloci tra parentesi): .PP .B Aiuto (F1) .PP Invoca il visualizzatore incorporato di ipertesti per l'aiuto. All'interno del .\"LINK2" visualizzatore aiuto, .\"Contents" è possibile usare il tasto tab per selezionare il successivo collegamento e il tasto invio per seguirlo. I tasti Barra spaziatrice e Backspace vengono utilizzati per muoversi avanti e indietro nella pagina di aiuto. Premere F1 nuovamente per ottenere la lista completa dei tasti accettati. .PP .B Menu (F2) .PP Invoca il .\"LINK2" menu utente. .\"Menu File Edit" Il menu utente fornisce un modo semplice per dare agli utenti un menu ed aggiungere nuove funzionalità al Midnight Commander. .PP .B Visualizza (F3, Maiusc-F3) .PP Visualizza il file correntemente selezionato. Nell'ipostazione predefinita viene invocato il .\"LINK2" Visualizzatore Interno di File .\"Internal File Viewer" ma se l'opzione "Usa Visualizzatore interno" è deselezionata, verrà invocato un visualizzatore esterno specificato dalla variabile ambiente .B PAGER \&. Se .B PAGER non è definita, verrà invocato il comando "view". Se si usa invece il comando Maiusc-F3, il visualizzatore verrà invocato senza nessun tipo di formattazione o preprocessamento sul file. .PP .B Vista Filtrata (M-!) .PP Questo tasto richiede all'utente un comando ed i suoi argomenti (l'argomento predefinito è il nome del file correntemente selezionato), il risultato di tale comando viene mostrato nel visualizzatore di file interno. .PP .B Cambia (F4) .PP Invoca l'editor .B vi o l'editor specificato nella variabile d'ambiente .B EDITOR oppure l' .\"LINK2" Editor di File Interno .\"Internal File Editor" se l'opzione, "Usa Editor interno" è stata impostata. .PP .B Copia (F5) .PP Mostra una finestra di dialogo con destinazione predefinita alla directory del pannello non selezionato, che copia il file selezionato (o i file marcati, se c'e n'è almeno uno) sulla directory specificata dall'utente nella finestra di dialogo. Durante questo processo è possibile premere C-c o ESC per abortire l'operazione. Per i dettagli sulla maschera sorgente (che sarà normalmente * o ^\\(.*\\)$ a seconda dell'impostazione di 'pattern della shell') o sui caratteri jolly sulla destinazione vedere .\"LINK2" Mask copy/rename. .\"Mask Copy/Rename" .PP On some systems, it is possible to do the copy in the background by clicking on the background button (or pressing M-b in the dialog box). The .\"LINK2" Background Jobs .\"Background jobs" is used to control the background process. .PP .B Link (C-x l) .PP Create a hard link to the current file. .PP .B SymLink (C-x s) .PP Create a symbolic link to the current file. To those of you who don't know what links are: creating a link to a file is a bit like copying the file, but both the source filename and the destination filename represent the same file image. For example, if you edit one of these files, all changes you make will appear in both files. Some people call links aliases or shortcuts. .PP A hard link appears as a real file. After making it, there is no way of telling which one is the original and which is the link. If you delete either one of them the other one is still intact. It is very difficult to notice that the files represent the same image. Use hard links when you don't even want to know. .PP A symbolic link is a reference to the name of the original file. If the original file is deleted the symbolic link is useless. It is quite easy to notice that the files represent the same image. The Midnight Commander shows an "@"-sign in front of the file name if it is a symbolic link to somewhere (except to directory, where it shows a tilde (~)). The original file which the link points to is shown on mini-status line if the .I "Show mini-status" option is enabled. Use symbolic links when you want to avoid the confusion that can be caused by hard links. .PP .B Rename/Move (F6) .PP Pop up an input dialog that defaults to the directory in the non-selected panel and moves the currently selected file (or the tagged files if there is at least one tagged file) to the directory specified by the user in the input dialog. During the process, you can press C-c or ESC to abort the operation. For more details look at Copy operation above, most of the things are quite similar. .PP On some systems, it is possible to do the copy in the background by clicking on the background button (or pressing M-b in the dialog box). The .\"LINK2" Background Jobs .\"Background jobs" is used to control the background process. .PP .B Mkdir (F7) .PP Pop up an input dialog and creates the directory specified. .PP .B Delete (F8) .PP Delete the currently selected file or the tagged files in the currently selected panel. During the process, you can press C-c or ESC to abort the operation. .PP .B Quick cd (M-c) Use the .\"LINK2" quick cd .\"Quick cd" command if you have full command line and want to cd somewhere. .PP .B Select group (+) .PP This is used to select (tag) a group of files. The Midnight Commander will prompt for a regular expression describing the group. When .I Shell Patterns are enabled, the regular expression is much like the filename globbing in the shell (* standing for zero or more characters and ? standing for one character). If .I Shell Patterns is off, then the tagging of files is done with normal regular expressions (see ed (1)). .PP To mark directories instead of files, the expression must start or end with a '/'. .PP .B Unselect group (\\\\) .PP Used to unselect a group of files. This is the opposite of the .I "Select group" command. .PP .B Uscita (F10, Maiusc-F10) .PP Termina l'esecuzione del Midnight Commander. Maiusc-F10 viene usata se si esce e si sta usando lo shell wrapper. Maiusc-F10 in tal caso non vi porterà all'ultima directory utilizzata dal Midnight Commander ma vi lascerà nella directory dalla quale avete fatto partire il Midnight Commander. .PP .\"NODE " Quick cd" .SH " Cambia dir veloce" Questo comando è utile se si ha la riga di comando piena e si vuole eseguire .\"LINK2" cd .\"The cd internal command" per cambiare directory senza dover cancellare e riscrivere la riga di comando. Questo comando fa uscire una piccola finestra di dialogo che richiede l'immissione degli stessi argomenti che si darebbero al comando .B cd a riga di comando. Questo ha le stesse caratteristiche gia presenti nel comando .\"LINK2" comando interno cd. .\"The cd internal command" .PP .SH " Command Menu" The .\"LINK2" Directory tree .\"Directory Tree" command shows a tree figure of the directories. .PP The .\"LINK2" Find file .\"Find File" command allows you to search for a specific file. The "Swap panels" command swaps the contents of the two directory panels. .PP The "Panels on/off" command shows the output of the last shell command. This works only on xterm and on Linux and SCO console. .PP The Compare directories (C-x d) command compares the directory panels with each other. You can then use the Copy (F5) command to make the panels identical. There are three compare methods. The quick method compares only file size and file date. The thorough method makes a full byte-by-byte compare. The thorough method is not available if the machine does not support the mmap(2) system call. The size-only compare method just compares the file sizes and does not check the contents or the date times, it just checks the file size. .PP The Command history command shows a list of typed commands. The selected command is copied to the command line. The command history can also be accessed by typing M-p or M-n. .PP The .\"LINK2" Directory hotlist (C-\\) .\"Hotlist" command makes changing of the current directory to often used directories faster. .PP The .\"LINK2" External panelize .\"External panelize" allows you to execute an external program, and make the output of that program the contents of the current panel. .PP .\"LINK2" Extension file edit .\"Extension File Edit" command allows you to specify programs to executed when you try to execute, view, edit and do a bunch of other thing on files with certain extensions (filename endings). The .\"LINK2" Menu file edit .\"Menu File Edit" command may be used for editing the user menu (which appears by pressing F2). .PP .SH " Directory Tree" The Directory Tree command shows a tree figure of the directories. You can select a directory from the figure and the Midnight Commander will change to that directory. .PP There are two ways to invoke the tree. The real directory tree command is available from Commands menu. The other way is to select tree view from the Left or Right menu. .PP To get rid of long delays the Midnight Commander creates the tree figure by scanning only a small subset of all the directories. If the directory which you want to see is missing, move to its parent directory and press C-r (or F2). .PP You can use the following keys: .PP .\"LINK2" General movement keys .\"General Movement Keys" are accepted. .PP .B Enter. In the directory tree, exits the directory tree and changes to this directory in the current panel. In the tree view, changes to this directory in the other panel and stays in tree view mode in the current panel. .PP .B C-r, F2 (Rescan). Rescan this directory. Use this when the tree figure is out of date: it is missing subdirectories or shows some subdirectories which don't exist any more. .PP .B F3 (Forget). Delete this directory from the tree figure. Use this to remove clutter from the figure. If you want the directory back to the tree figure press F2 in its parent directory. .PP .B F4 (Static/Dynamic). Toggle between the dynamic navigation mode (default) and the static navigation mode. .PP In the static navigation mode you can use the Up and Down keys to select a directory. All known directories are shown. .PP In the dynamic navigation mode you can use the Up and Down keys to select a sibling directory, the Left key to move to the parent directory, and the Right key to move to a child directory. Only the parent, sibling and children directories are shown, others are left out. The tree figure changes dynamically as you traverse. .PP .B F5 (Copy). Copy the directory. .PP .B F6 (RenMov). Move the directory. .PP .B F7 (Mkdir). Make a new directory below this directory. .PP .B F8 (Delete). Delete this directory from the file system. .PP .B C-s, M-s. Search the next directory matching the search string. If there is no such directory these keys will move one line down. .PP .B C-h, Backspace. Delete the last character of the search string. .PP .B Any other character. Add the character to the search string and move to the next directory which starts with these characters. In the tree view you must first activate the search mode by pressing C-s. The search string is shown in the mini status line. .PP The following actions are available only in the directory tree. They aren't supported in the tree view. .PP .B F1 (Help). Invoke the help viewer and show this section. .PP .B Esc, F10. Exit the directory tree. Do not change the directory. .PP The mouse is supported. A double-click behaves like Enter. See also the section on .\"LINK2" mouse support. .\"Mouse Support" .PP .SH " Find File" The Find File feature first asks for the start directory for the search and the filename to be searched for. By pressing the Tree button you can select the start directory from the .\"LINK2" directory tree .\"Directory Tree" figure. .PP The contents field accepts regular expressions similar to egrep(1). That means you have to escape characters with a special meaning to egrep with "\\", e.g. if you search for "strcmp (" you will have to input "strcmp \\(" (without the double quotes). .PP You can start the search by pressing the Ok button. During the search you can stop from the Stop button and continue from the Start button. .PP You can browse the filelist with the up and down arrow keys. The Chdir button will change to the directory of the currently selected file. The Again button will ask for the parameters for a new search. The Quit button quits the search operation. The Panelize button will place the found files to the current directory panel so that you can do additional operations on them (view, copy, move, delete and so on). After panelizing you can press C-r to return to the normal file listing. .PP It is possible to have a list of directories that the Find File command should skip during the search (for example, you may want to avoid searches on a CDROM or on a NFS directory that is mounted across a slow link). .PP Directories to be skipped should be set on the variable .B find_ignore_dirs in the .B Misc section of your ~/.mc/ini file. .PP Directory components should be separated with a colon, here is an example: .PP .nf [Misc] find_ignore_dirs=/cdrom:/nfs/wuarchive:/afs .fi .PP You may consider using the .\"LINK2" External panelize .\"External panelize" command for some operations. Find file command is for simple queries only, while using External panelize you can do as mysterious searches as you would like. .PP .SH " External panelize" The External panelize allows you to execute an external program, and make the output of that program the contents of the current panel. .PP For example, if you want to manipulate in one of the panels all the symbolic links in the current directory, you can use external panelization to run the following command: .PP .nf find . -type l -print .fi Upon command completion, the directory contents of the panel will no longer be the directory listing of the current directory, but all the files that are symbolic links. .PP If you want to panelize all of the files that have been downloaded from your ftp server, you can use this awk command to extract the file name from the transfer log files: .PP .nf awk '$9 ~! /incoming/ { print $9 }' < /usr/adm/xferlog .fi .PP You may want to save often used panelize commands under a descriptive name, so that you can recall them quickly. You do this by typing the command on the input line and pressing Add new button. Then you enter a name under which you want the command to be saved. Next time, you just choose that command from the list and do not have to type it again. .PP .SH " Hotlist" The Directory hotlist command shows the labels of the directories in the directory hotlist. The Midnight Commander will change to the directory corresponding to the selected label. From the hotlist dialog, you can remove already created label/directory pairs and add new ones. To add new directories quickly, you can use the Add to hotlist command (C-x h), which adds the current directory into the directory hotlist, asking just for the label for the directory. .PP This makes cd to often used directories faster. You may consider using the CDPATH variable as described in .\"LINK2" internal cd command .\"The cd internal command" description. .PP .SH " Extension File Edit" This will invoke your editor on the file ~/.mc/bindings. The format of this file is as follows (the format has changed with version 3.0): .PP All lines starting with # or empty lines are thrown away. .PP Lines starting in the first column should have following format: .PP .I keyword/descNL, i.e. everything after .I keyword/ until new line is .I desc .PP keyword can be: .PP .I shell .IP (desc is then any extension (no wildcards), i.e. matches all the files *desc . Example: .tar matches *.tar) .PP .I regex .IP (desc is a regular expression) .PP .I type .IP (file matches this if `file %f` matches regular expression desc (the filename: part from `file %f` is removed)) .PP .I default .IP (matches any file no matter what desc is) .PP Other lines should start with a space or tab and should be of the format: .PP .I keyword=commandNL (with no spaces around =), where .I keyword should be: .PP .I Open (if the user presses Enter or doubleclicks it), .I View (F3), .I Edit (F4), .I Drop (user drops some files on it) or any other user defined name (those will be listed in the extension dependent pop-up menu). .I Icon name is reserved for future use by mc. .PP .I command is any one-line shell command, with the simple .\"LINK2" macro substitution. .\"Macro Substitution" .PP Target are evaluated from top to bottom (order is thus important). If some actions are missing, search continues as if this target didn't match (i.e. if a file matches the first and second entry and View action is missing in the first one, then on pressing F3 the View action from the second entry will be used. default should catch all the actions. .PP .\"NODE " Background jobs" .SH " Background Jobs" This lets you control the state of any background Midnight Commander process (only copy and move files operations can be done in the background). You can stop, restart and kill a background job from here. .PP .SH " Menu File Edit" The user menu is a menu of useful actions that can be customized by the user. When you access the user menu, the file .mc.menu from the current directory is used if it exists, but only if it is owned by user or root and is not world-writable. If no such file found, ~/.mc/menu is tried in the same way, and otherwise mc uses the default system-wide menu @prefix@/lib/mc/mc.menu. .PP The format of the menu file is very simple. Lines that start with anything but space or tab are considered entries for the menu (in order to be able to use it like a hot key, the first character should be a letter). All the lines that start with a space or a tab are the commands that will be executed when the entry is selected. .PP When an option is selected all the command lines of the option are copied to a temporary file in the temporary directory (usually /usr/tmp) and then that file is executed. This allows the user to put normal shell constructs in the menus. Also simple macro substitution takes place before executing the menu code. For more information, see .\"LINK2" macro substitution. .\"Macro Substitution" .PP Here is a sample mc.menu file: .PP .nf A Dump the currently selected file od -c %f B Edit a bug report and send it to root vi /tmp/mail.$$ mail -s "Midnight Commander bug" root < /tmp/mail.$$ M Read mail emacs -f rmail N Read Usenet news emacs -f gnus H Call the info hypertext browser info J Copy current directory to other panel recursively tar cf - . | (cd %D && tar xvpf -) K Make a release of the current subdirectory echo -n "Name of distribution file: " read tar ln -s %d `dirname %d`/$tar cd .. tar cvhf ${tar}.tar $tar = f *.tar.gz | f *.tgz & t n X Extract the contents of a compressed tar file tar xzvf %f .fi .PP .B Default Conditions .PP Each menu entry may be preceded by a condition. The condition must start from the first column with a '=' character. If the condition is true, the menu entry will be the default entry. .PP .nf Condition syntax: = or: = | ... or: = & ... Sub-condition is one of following: y syntax of current file matching pattern? for edit menu only. f current file matching pattern? F other file matching pattern? d current directory matching pattern? D other directory matching pattern? t current file of type? T other file of type? x is it executable filename? ! negate the result of sub-condition .fi .PP Pattern is a normal shell pattern or a regular expression, according to the shell patterns option. You can override the global value of the shell patterns option by writing "shell_patterns=x" on the first line of the menu file (where "x" is either 0 or 1). .PP .nf Type is one or more of the following characters: n not directory r regular file d directory l link c char special b block special f fifo (pipe) s socket x executable t tagged .fi .PP For example 'rlf' means either regular file, link or fifo. The 't' type is a little special because it acts on the panel instead of the file. The condition '=t t' is true if there are tagged files in the current panel and false if not. .PP If the condition starts with '=?' instead of '=' a debug trace will be shown whenever the value of the condition is calculated. .PP The conditions are calculated from left to right. This means .nf = f *.tar.gz | f *.tgz & t n .fi is calculated as .nf ( (f *.tar.gz) | (f *.tgz) ) & (t n) .fi .PP Here is a sample of the use of conditions: .PP .nf = f *.tar.gz | f *.tgz & t n L List the contents of a compressed tar-archive gzip -cd %f | tar xvf - .fi .PP .B Addition Conditions .PP If the condition begins with '+' (or '+?') instead of '=' (or '=?') it is an addition condition. If the condition is true the menu entry will be included in the menu. If the condition is false the menu entry will not be included in the menu. .PP You can combine default and addition conditions by starting condition with '+=' or '=+' (or '+=?' or '=+?' if you want debug trace). If you want to use two different conditions, one for adding and another for defaulting, you can precede a menu entry with two condition lines, one starting with '+' and another starting with '='. .PP Comments are started with '#'. The additional comment lines must start with '#', space or tab. .PP .SH " Options Menu" The Midnight Commander has some options that may be toggled on and off in several dialogs which are accessible from this menu. Options are enabled if they have an asterisk or "x" in front of them. .PP The .\"LINK2" Configuration .\"Configuration" command pops up a dialog from which you can change most of settings of the Midnight Commander. .PP The .\"LINK2" Display bits .\"Display bits" command pops up a dialog from which you may select which characters is your terminal able to display. .PP The .\"LINK2" Confirmation .\"Confirmation" command pops up a dialog from which you specify which actions you want to confirm. .PP The .\"LINK2" Learn keys .\"Learn keys" command pops up a dialog from which you test some keys which are not working on some terminals and you may fix them. .PP The .\"LINK2" Virtual FS .\"Virtual FS" command pops up a dialog from which you specify some VFS related options. .PP The .\"LINK2" Layout .\"Layout" command pops up a dialog from which you specify a bunch of options how mc looks like on the screen. .PP The .\"LINK2" Save setup .\"Save Setup" command saves the current settings of the Left, Right and Options menus. A small number of other settings is saved, too. .PP .SH " Configuration" The options in this dialog are divided into three groups: Panel Options, Pause after run and Other Options. .PP .B Panel Options .PP .I Show Backup Files. If enabled, the Midnight Commander will show files ending with a tilde. Otherwise, they won't be shown (like GNU's ls option -B). .PP .I Show Hidden Files. If enabled, the Midnight Commander will show all files that start with a dot (like ls -a). .PP .I Mark moves down. If enabled, the selection bar will move down when you mark a file (with either C-t or the Insert key). .PP .I Drop down menus. When this option is enabled, the pull down menus will be activated as soon as you press the .B F9 key. Otherwise, you will only get the menu title, and you will have to activate the menu either with the arrow keys or with the hotkeys. It is recommended if you are using hotkeys. .PP .I Mix all files. If this option is enabled, all files and directories are shown mixed together. If the option is off, directories (and links to directories) are shown at the beginning of the listing, and other files below. .PP .I Fast directory reload. If this option is enabled, the Midnight Commander will use a trick to determine if the directory contents have changed. The trick is to reload the directory only if the i-node of the directory has changed; this means that reloads only happen when files are created or deleted. If what changes is the i-node for a file in the directory (file size changes, mode or owner changes, etc) the display is not updated. In these cases, if you have the option on, you have to rescan the directory manually (with C-r). .PP .B Pause after run .PP After executing your commands, the Midnight Commander can pause, so that you can examine the output of the command. There are three possible settings for this variable: .IP .I Never Means that you do not want to see the output of your command. If you are using the Linux or SCO console or an xterm, you will be able to see the output of the command by typing C-o. .IP .I "On dumb terminals" You will get the pause message on terminals that are not capable of showing the output of the last command executed (any terminal that is not an xterm or the Linux console). .IP .I Always The program will pause after executing all of your commands. .PP .B Other Options .PP .I Verbose operation. This toggles whether the file Copy, Rename and Delete operations are verbose (i.e., display a dialog box for each operation). If you have a slow terminal, you may wish to disable the verbose operation. It is automatically turned off if the speed of your terminal is less than 9600 bps. .PP .I Compute totals. If this option is enabled, the Midnight Commander computes total byte sizes and total number of files prior to any Copy, Rename and Delete operations. This will provide you with a more accurate progress bar at the expense of some speed. This option has no effect, if .I Verbose operation is disabled. .PP .I Shell Patterns. By default the Select, Unselect and Filter commands will use shell-like regular expressions. The following conversions are performed to achieve this: the '*' is replaced by '.*' (zero or more characters); the '?' is replaced by '.' (exactly one character) and '.' by the literal dot. If the option is disabled, then the regular expressions are the ones described in ed(1). .PP .I Auto Save Setup. If this option is enabled, when you exit the Midnight Commander the configurable options of the Midnight Commander are saved in the ~/.mc/ini file. .PP .I Auto menus. If this option is enabled, the user menu will be invoked at startup. Useful for building menus for non-unixers. .PP .I Use internal editor. If this option is enabled, the built-in file editor is used to edit files. If the option is disabled, the editor specified in the .B EDITOR environment variable is used. If no editor is specified, .B vi is used. See the section on the .\"LINK2" internal file editor. .\"Internal File Editor" .PP .I Use internal viewer. If this option is enabled, the built-in file viewer is used to view files. If the option is disabled, the pager specified in the .B PAGER environment variable is used. If no pager is specified, the .B view command is used. See the section on the .\"LINK2" internal file viewer. .\"Internal File Viewer" .PP .I Complete: show all. By default the Midnight Commander pops up all possible .\"LINK2" completions .\"Completion" if the completion is ambiguous if you press .B M-Tab for the second time, for the first time it just completes as much as possible and in the case of ambiguity beeps. If you want to see all the possible completions already after the first .B M-Tab pressing, enable this option. .PP .I Rotating dash. If this option is enabled, the Midnight Commander shows a rotating dash in the upper right corner as a work in progress indicator. .PP .I Lynx-like motion. If this option is enabled, you may use the arrows keys to automatically chdir if the current selection is a subdirectory and the shell command line is empty. By default, this setting is off. .PP .I Advanced chown. If this option is enabled, the .\"LINK2" Advanced Chown .\"Advanced Chown" command will be invoked if you run the .\"LINK2" Chmod .\"Chmod" or .\"LINK2" Chown .\"Chown" command. .PP .I Cd follows links. This option, if set, causes the Midnight Commander to follow the logical chain of directories when changing current directory either in the panels, or using the cd command. This is the default behavior of bash. When unset, the Midnight Commander follows the real directory structure, so cd .. if you've entered that directory through a link will move you to the current directory's real parent and not to the directory where the link was present. .PP .I Safe delete. If this option is enabled, deleting files unintentionally will get more difficult. The default selection in the confirmation dialog changes from the "Yes" to the "No" button and deletion of non empty directories has to be confirmed by entering the word .I yes \&. By default this option is disabled. .PP .SH " Display bits" This is used to configure the range of visible characters on the screen. This setting may be 7-bits if your terminal/curses supports only seven output bits, ISO-8859-1 displays all the characters in the ISO-8859-1 map and full 8 bits is for those terminals that can display full 8 bit characters. .PP .SH " Confirmation" In this menu you configure the confirmation options for file deletion, overwriting, execution by pressing enter and quitting the program. .PP .SH " Learn keys" This dialog allows you to test and redefine functional keys, cursor arrows and some other keys to make them work properly on your terminal. They often don't, since many terminal databases are incomplete or broken. .PP You can move around with the Tab key and with the vi moving keys ('h' left, 'j' down, 'k' up and 'l' right). Once you press any cursor movement key and it is recognized, you can use that key as well. .PP You can test keys just by pressing each of them. When you press a key and it is recognized properly, OK should appear next to the name of that key. Once a key is marked OK it starts working as usually, e.g. F1 pressed the first time will just check that the F1 key works, but after that it will show help. The same applies to the arrow keys. The Tab key should be working always. .PP If some keys do not work properly then you won't see OK appear after pressing that key. Then you may want to redefine it. Do it by pressing the button with the name of that key (either by the mouse or by Enter or Space after selecting the button with Tab or arrows). Then a message box will appear asking you to press that key. Do it and wait until the message box disappears. If you want to abort, just press Escape once and wait. .PP When you finish with all the keys, you can Save them. The definitions for the keys you have redefined will be written into the [terminal:TERM] section of your ~/.mc/ini file (where TERM is the name of your current terminal). The definitions of the keys that were already working properly are not saved. .PP .SH " Virtual FS" This option gives you control over the settings of the .\"LINK2" Virtual File System .\"Virtual File System" information cache. .PP The Midnight Commander keeps in memory the information related to some of the virtual file systems to speed up the access to the files in the file system (for example, directory listings fetched from ftp servers). .PP Moreover in order to access the contents of compressed files (for example, compressed tar files) the Midnight Commander has to create a temporary uncompressed file on your disk. .PP Since both the information in memory and the temporary files on disk take up resources, you may want to tune the parameters of the cached information to decrease your resource usage or to maximize the speed of access to frequently used file systems. .PP The Tar file system is quite clever about how it handles tar files: it just loads the directory entries and when it needs to use the information contained in the tar file, it goes and grab it. .PP In the wild, tar files are usually kept compressed (plain tar files are species in extinction), and because of the nature of those files (the directory entries for the tar files is not there waiting for us to be loaded), the tar file system has to uncompress the file on the disk in a temporary location and then access the uncompressed file as a regular tar file. .PP Now, since we all love to browse files and tar files all over the disk, it's common that you will leave a tar file and the re-enter it later. Since uncompression is slow, the Midnight Commander will cache the information in memory for a limited amount of time, after you hit the timeout, all of the resources associated with the file system will be freed. The default timeout is set to one minute. .PP The .\"LINK2" FTP File System .\"FTP File System" keeps the directory listing it fetches from a ftp server in a cache. The cache expire time is configurable with the .I ftpfs directory cache timeout option. A low value for this option may slow down every operation on the ftp file System because every operation is accompanied by a query of the ftp server. .PP Moreover you can define a proxy host for doing ftp transfers and configure the Midnight Commander to always use the proxy host. See the section on .\"LINK2" FTP File System .\"FTP File System" for more information. .PP .SH " Layout" The layout dialog gives you a possibility to change the general layout of screen. You can specify whether the menubar, the command prompt, the hintbar and the function keybar are visible. On the Linux or SCO console you can specify how many lines are shown in the output window. .PP The rest of the screen area is used for the two directory panels. You can specify whether the area is split to the panels in vertical or horizontal direction. The split can be equal or you can specify an unequal split. .PP By default all contents of the directory panels are displayed with the same color, but you can specify whether .I permissions and .I file types are highlighted with special .\"LINK2" Colors. .\"Colors" If permission highlighting is enabled, the parts of the .I perm and .I mode .\"LINK2" display fields .\"Listing Mode..." which are valid for the user running Midnight Commander are highlighted with the color defined with the .I selected keyword. If file type highlighting is enabled, files are colored according to their file type (e.g. directory, core file, executable, ...). .PP If the .I Show Mini-Status option is enabled, one line of status information about the currently selected item is showed at the bottom of the panels. .PP .SH " Save Setup" At startup the Midnight Commander will try to load initialization information from the ~/.mc/ini file. If this file doesn't exist, it will load the information from the system-wide configuration file, located in @prefix@/lib/mc/mc.ini. If the system-wide configuration file doesn't exist, MC uses the default settings. .PP The .I Save Setup command creates the ~/.mc/ini file by saving the current settings of the .\"LINK2" Left, Right .\"Left and Right Menus" and .\"LINK2" Options .\"Options Menu" menus. .PP If you activate the .I auto save setup option, MC will always save the current settings when exiting. .PP There also exist settings which can't be changed from the menus. To change these settings you have to edit the setup file with your favorite editor. See the section on .\"LINK2" Special Settings .\"Special Settings" for more information. .PP .SH "" .SH "Executing operating system commands" You may execute commands by typing them directly in the Midnight Commander's input line, or by selecting the program you want to execute with the selection bar in one of the panels and hitting Enter. .PP If you press Enter over a file that is not executable, the Midnight Commander checks the extension of the selected file against the extensions in the .\"LINK2" Extensions File. .\"Extension File Edit" If a match is found then the code associated with that extension is executed. A very simple .\"LINK2" macro expansion .\"Macro Substitution" takes place before executing the command. .PP .SH " The cd internal command" The .I cd command is interpreted by the Midnight Commander, it is not passed to the command shell for execution. Thus it may not handle all of the nice macro expansion and substitution that your shell does, although it does some of them: .PP .I Tilde substitution The (~) will be substituted with your home directory, if you append a username after the tilde, then it will be substituted with the login directory of the the specified user. .PP For example, ~guest is the home directory for the user guest, while ~/guest is the directory guest in your home directory. .PP .I Previous directory You can jump to the directory you were previously by using the special directory name '-' like this: .B cd - .PP .I CDPATH directories If the directory specified to the .B cd command is not in the current directory, then The Midnight Commander uses the value in the environment variable .B CDPATH to search for the directory in any of the named directories. .PP For example you could set your .B CDPATH variable to ~/src:/usr/src, allowing you to change your directory to any of the directories inside the ~/src and /usr/src directories, from any place in the file system by using it's relative name (for example cd linux could take you to /usr/src/linux). .PP .SH " Macro Substitution" .PP When accessing a .\"LINK2" user menu, .\"Menu File Edit" or executing an .\"LINK2" extension dependent command, .\"Extension File Edit" or running a command from the command line input, a simple macro substitution takes place. .PP The macros are: .PP .I "%i" .IP The indent of blank space, equal the cursor column position. For edit menu only. .PP .I "%y" .IP The syntax type of current file. For edit menu only. .PP .I "%k" .IP The block file name. .PP .I "%e" .IP The error file name. .PP .I "%m" .IP The current menu name. .PP .I "%f" and .I "%p" .IP The current file name. .PP .I "%x" .IP The extension of current file name. .PP .I "%b" .IP The current file name without extension. .PP .I "%d" .IP The current directory name. .PP .I "%F" .IP The current file in the unselected panel. .PP .I "%D" .IP The directory name of the unselected panel. .PP .I "%t" .IP The currently tagged files. .PP .I "%T" .IP The tagged files in the unselected panel. .PP .I "%u" and .I "%U" .IP Similar to the %t and %T macros, but in addition the files are untagged. You can use this macro only once per menu file entry or extension file entry, because next time there will be no tagged files. .PP .I "%s" and .I "%S" .IP The selected files: The tagged files if there are any. Otherwise the current file. .PP .I "%cd" .IP This is a special macro that is used to change the current directory to the directory specified in front of it. This is used primarily as an interface to the .\"LINK2" Virtual File System. .\"Virtual File System" .PP .I "%view" .IP This macro is used to invoke the internal viewer. This macro can be used alone, or with arguments. If you pass any arguments to this macro, they should be enclosed in brackets. .IP The arguments are: .I ascii to force the viewer into ascii mode; .I hex to force the viewer into hex mode; .I nroff to tell the viewer that it should interpret the bold and underline sequences of nroff; .I unformatted to tell the viewer to not interpret nroff commands for making the text bold or underlined. .PP .I "%%" .IP The % character .PP .I "%{some text}" .IP Prompt for the substitution. An input box is shown and the text inside the braces is used as a prompt. The macro is substituted by the text typed by the user. The user can press ESC or F10 to cancel. This macro doesn't work on the command line yet. .PP .I "%var{ENV:default}" .IP If environment variable .I ENV is unset, the .I default is substituted. Otherwise, the value of .I ENV is substituted. .PP .SH " The subshell support" The subshell support is a compile time option, that works with the shells: bash, tcsh and zsh. .PP When the subshell code is activated the Midnight Commander will spawn a concurrent copy of your shell (the one defined in the .B SHELL variable and if it is not defined, then the one in the /etc/passwd file) and run it in a pseudo terminal, instead of invoking a new shell each time you execute a command, the command will be passed to the subshell as if you had typed it. This also allows you to change the environment variables, use shell functions and define aliases that are valid until you quit the Midnight Commander. .PP If you are using .B bash you can specify startup commands for the subshell in your ~/.mc/bashrc file and special keyboard maps in the ~/.mc/inputrc file. .B tcsh users may specify startup commands in the ~/.mc/tcshrc file. .PP When the subshell code is used, you can suspend applications at any time with the sequence C-o and jump back to the Midnight Commander, if you interrupt an application, you will not be able to run other external commands until you quit the application you interrupted. .PP An extra added feature of using the subshell is that the prompt displayed by the Midnight Commander is the same prompt that you are currently using in your shell. .PP The .\"LINK2" OPTIONS .\"OPTIONS" section has more information on how you can control the subshell code. .PP .SH "Chmod" The Chmod window is used to change the attribute bits in a group of files and directories. It can be invoked with the C-x c key combination. .PP The Chmod window has two parts - .I Permissions and .I File .PP In the File section are displayed the name of the file or directory and its permissions in octal form, as well as its owner and group. .PP In the Permissions section there is a set of check buttons which correspond to the file attribute bits. As you change the attribute bits, you can see the octal value change in the File section. .PP To move between the widgets (buttons and check buttons) use the .I arrow keys or the .I Tab key. To change the state of the check buttons or to select a button use .I Space. You can also use the hotkeys on the buttons to quickly activate them. Hotkeys are shown as highlighted letters on the buttons. .PP To set the attribute bits, use the Enter key. .PP When working with a group of files or directories, you just click on the bits you want to set or clear. Once you have selected the bits you want to change, you select one of the action buttons (Set marked or Clear marked). .PP Finally, to set the attributes exactly to those specified, you can use the .B [Set all] button, which will act on all the tagged files. .PP .B [Marked all] set only marked attributes to all selected files .PP .B [Set marked] set marked bits in attributes of all selected files .PP .B [Clean marked] clear marked bits in attributes of all selected files .PP .B [Set] set the attributes of one file .PP .B [Cancel] cancel the Chmod command .PP .SH "Chown" The Chown command is used to change the owner/group of a file. The hot key for this command is C-x o. .PP .SH "Advanced Chown" The Advanced Chown command is the .\"LINK2" Chmod .\"Chmod" and .\"LINK2" Chown .\"Chown" command combined into one window. You can change the permissions and owner/group of files at once. .PP .SH "File Operations" When you copy, move or delete files the Midnight Commander shows the file operations dialog. It shows the files currently being operated on and there are at most three progress bars. The file bar tells how big part of the current file has been copied so far. The count bar tells how many of tagged files have been handled so far. The bytes bar tells how big part of total size of the tagged files has been handled so far. If the verbose option is off the file and bytes bars are not shown. .PP There are two buttons at the bottom of the dialog. Pressing the Skip button will skip the rest of the current file. Pressing the Abort button will abort the whole operation, the rest of the files are skipped. .PP There are three other dialogs which you can run into during the file operations. .PP The error dialog informs about error conditions and has three choices. Normally you select either the Skip button to skip the file or the Abort button to abort the operation altogether. You can also select the Retry button if you fixed the problem from another terminal. .PP The replace dialog is shown when you attempt to copy or move a file on the top of an existing file. The dialog shows the dates and sizes of the both files. Press the Yes button to overwrite the file, the No button to skip the file, the alL button to overwrite all the files, the nonE button to never overwrite and the Update button to overwrite if the source file is newer than the target file. You can abort the whole operation by pressing the Abort button. .PP The recursive delete dialog is shown when you try to delete a directory which is not empty. Press the Yes button to delete the directory recursively, the No button to skip the directory, the alL button to delete all the directories and the nonE button to skip all the non-empty directories. You can abort the whole operation by pressing the Abort button. If you selected the Yes or alL button you will be asked for a confirmation. Type "yes" only if you are really sure you want to do the recursive delete. .PP If you have tagged files and perform an operation on them only the files on which the operation succeeded are untagged. Failed and skipped files are left tagged. .PP .SH "Mask Copy/Rename" The copy/move operations lets you translate the names of files in an easy way. To do it, you have to specify the correct source mask and usually in the trailing part of the destination specify some wildcards. All the files matching the source mask are copied/renamed according to the target mask. If there are tagged files, only the tagged files matching the source mask are renamed. .PP There are other option which you can set: .PP Follow links tells whether make the symlinks and hardlinks in the source directory (recursively in subdirectories) new links in the target directory or whether would you like to copy their content. .PP Dive into subdirs tells what to do if in the target directory exists a directory with the same name as the file/directory being copied. The default action is to copy it's content into that directory, by enabling this you can copy the source directory into that directory. Perhaps an example will help: .PP You want to copy content of a directory foo to /bla/foo, which is an already existing directory. Normally (when Dive is not set), mc would copy it exactly into /bla/foo. By enabling this option you will copy the content into /bla/foo/foo, because the directory already exists. .PP Preserve attributes tells whether to preserve the original files' permissions, timestamps and if you are root whether to preserve the original files' UID and GID. If this option is not set the current value of the umask will be respected. .PP .B "Use shell patterns on" .PP When the shell patterns option is on you can use the '*' and '?' wildcards in the source mask. They work like they do in the shell. In the target mask only the '*' and '\\' wildcards are allowed. The first '*' wildcard in the target mask corresponds to the first wildcard group in the source mask, the second '*' corresponds to the second group and so on. The '\\1' wildcard corresponds to the first wildcard group in the source mask, the '\\2' wildcard corresponds to the second group and so on all the way up to '\\9'. The '\\0' wildcard is the whole filename of the source file. .PP Two examples: .PP If the source mask is "*.tar.gz", the destination is "/bla/*.tgz" and the file to be copied is "foo.tar.gz", the copy will be "foo.tgz" in "/bla". .PP Let's suppose you want to swap basename and extension so that "file.c" will become "c.file" and so on. The source mask for this is "*.*" and the destination is "\\2.\\1". .PP .B "Use shell patterns off" .PP When the shell patterns option is off the MC doesn't do automatic grouping anymore. You must use '\\(...\\)' expressions in the source mask to specify meaning for the wildcards in the target mask. This is more flexible but also requires more typing. Otherwise target masks are similar to the situation when the shell patterns option is on. .PP Two examples: .PP If the source mask is "^\\(.*\\)\\.tar\\.gz$", the destination is "/bla/*.tgz" and the file to be copied is "foo.tar.gz", the copy will be "/bla/foo.tgz". .PP Let's suppose you want to swap basename and extension so that "file.c" will become "c.file" and so on. The source mask for this is "^\\(.*\\)\\.\\(.*\\)$" and the destination is "\\2.\\1". .PP .B "Case Conversions" .PP You can also change the case of the filenames. If you use '\\u' or '\\l' in the target mask, the next character will be converted to uppercase or lowercase correspondingly. .PP If you use '\\U' or '\\L' in the target mask, the next characters will be converted to uppercase or lowercase correspondingly up to the next '\\E' or next '\\U', '\\L' or the end of the file name. .PP The '\\u' and '\\l' are stronger than '\\U' and '\\L'. .PP For example, if the source mask is '*' (shell patterns on) or '^\\(.*\\)$' (shell patterns off) and the target mask is '\\L\\u*' the file names will be converted to have initial upper case and otherwise lower case. .PP You can also use '\\' as a quote character. For example, '\\\\' is a backslash and '\\*' is an asterisk. .PP .SH "Internal File Viewer" The internal file viewer provides two display modes: ASCII and hex. To toggle between modes, use the F4 key. If you have the GNU gzip program installed, it will be used to automatically decompress the files on demand. .PP The viewer will try to use the best method provided by your system or the file type to display the information. The internal file viewer will interpret some string sequences to set the bold and underline attributes, thus making a pretty display of your files. .PP When in hex mode, the search function accepts text in quotes and constant numbers. Text in quotes is matched exactly after removing the quotes. Each number matches one byte. You can mix quoted text with constants like this: .PP .nf "String" -1 0xBB 012 "more text" .fi .PP Note that 012 is an octal number. -1 is converted to 0xFF. .PP Some internal details about the viewer: On systems that provide the mmap(2) system call, the program maps the file instead of loading it; if the system does not provide the mmap(2) system call or the file matches an action that requires a filter, then the viewer will use it's growing buffers, thus loading only those parts of the file that you actually access (this includes compressed files). .PP Here is a listing of the actions associated with each key that the Midnight Commander handles in the internal file viewer. .PP .B F1 Invoke the builtin hypertext help viewer. .PP .B F2 Toggle the wrap mode. .PP .B F4 Toggle the hex mode. .PP .B F5 Goto line. This will prompt you for a line number and will display that line. .PP .B F6, /. Regular expression search. .PP .B ?, Reverse regular expression search. .PP .B F7 Normal search / hex mode search. .PP .B C-s, F17, n. Start normal search if there was no previous search expression else find next match. .PP .B C-r. Start reverse search if there was no previous search expression else find next match. .PP .B F8 Toggle Raw/Parsed mode: This will show the file as found on disk or if a processing filter has been specified in the mc.ext file, then the output from the filter. Current mode is always the other than written on the button label, since on the button is the mode which you enter by that key. .PP .B F9 Toggle the format/unformat mode: when format mode is on the viewer will interpret some string sequences to show bold and underline with different colors. Also, on button label is the other mode than current. .PP .B F10, Esc. Exit the internal file viewer. .PP .B next-page, space, C-v. Scroll one page forward. .PP .B prev-page, M-v, C-b, backspace. Scroll one page backward. .PP .B down-key Scroll one line forward. .PP .B up-key Scroll one line backward. .PP .B C-l Refresh the screen. .PP .B C-o Switch to the subshell and show the command screen. .PP .B ! Like C-o, but run a new shell if the subshell is not running. .PP .B "[n] m" Set the mark n. .PP .B "[n] r" Jump to the mark n. .PP .B C-f Jump to the next file. .PP .B C-b Jump to the previous file. .PP .B M-r Toggle the ruler. .PP It's possible to instruct the file viewer how to display a file, look at the .\"LINK2" Extension File Edit section .\"Extension File Edit" .SH "Internal File Editor" The internal file editor provides most of the features of common full screen editors. It is invoked using .B F4 provided the .I use_internal_edit option is set in the initialization file. It has an extendable file size limit of sixteen megabytes and edits binary files flawlessly. .PP The features it presently supports are: Block copy, move, delete, cut, paste; .I "key for key undo"; pull-down menus; file insertion; macro definition; regular expression search and replace (and our own scanf-printf search and replace); shift-arrow MSW-MAC text highlighting (for the linux console only); insert-overwrite toggle; and an option to pipe text blocks through shell commands like indent. .PP The editor is very easy to use and requires no tutoring. To see what keys do what, just consult the appropriate pull-down menu. Other keys are: Shift movement keys do text highlighting. .B Ctrl-Ins copies to the file .B cooledit.clip and .B Shift-Ins pastes from cooledit.clip. .B Shift-Del cuts to .B cooledit.clip, and .B Ctrl-Del deletes highlighted text. The completion key also does a Return with an automatic indent. Mouse highlighting also works, and you can override the mouse as usual by holding down the shift key while dragging the mouse to let normal terminal mouse highlighting work. .PP To define a macro, press .B Ctrl-R and then type out the key strokes you want to be executed. Press .B Ctrl-R again when finished. You can then assign the macro to any key you like by pressing that key. The macro is executed when you press .B Ctrl-A and then the assigned key. The macro is also executed if you press Meta, Ctrl, or Esc and the assigned key, provided that the key is not used for any other function. Once defined, the macro commands go into the file .B .mc/cedit/cooledit.macros in your home directory. You can delete a macro by deleting the appropriate line in this file. .PP .B F19 will format the currently highlighted block (plain text or .B C or .B C++ code or another). This is controlled by the file .B @prefix@/lib/mc/edit.indent.rc which is copied to .B .mc/cedit/edit.indent.rc in your home directory the first time you use it. .PP You can use scanf search and replace to search and replace a C format string. First take a look at the .B sscanf and .B sprintf man pages to see what a format string is and how it works. An example is as follows: Suppose you want to replace all occurrences of say, an open bracket, three comma separated numbers, and a close bracket, with the word .I apples, the third number, the word .I oranges and then the second number, I would fill in the Replace dialog box as follows: .PP .nf Enter search string (%d,%d,%d) Enter replace string apples %d oranges %d Enter replacement argument order 3,2 .fi .PP The last line specifies that the third and then the second number are to be used in place of the first and second. .PP It is advisable to use this feature with Prompt on replace on, because a match is thought to be found whenever the number of arguments found matches the number given, which is not always a real match. Scanf also treats whitespace as being elastic. Note that the scanf format % is very useful for scanning strings, and whitespace. .PP The editor also displays non-us characters (160+). When editing binary files, you should set .B display bits to 7 bits in the options menu to keep the spacing clean. .PP .SH "Completion" Let the Midnight Commander type for you. .PP Attempt to perform completion on the text before current position. MC attempts completion treating the text as variable (if the text begins with .B $ ), username (if the text begins with .B ~ ), hostname (if the text begins with .B @ ) or command (if you are on the command line in the position where you might type a command, possible completions then include shell reserved words and shell builtin commands as well) in turn. If none of these produces a match, filename completion is attempted. .PP Filename, username, variable and hostname completion works on all input lines, command completion is command line specific. If the completion is ambiguous (there are more different possibilities), MC beeps and the following action depends on the setting of the .I Complete: show all option in the .\"LINK2" Configuration .\"Configuration" dialog. If it is enabled, a list of all possibilities pops up next to the current position and you can select with the arrow keys and .B Enter the correct entry. You can also type the first letters in which the possibilities differ to move to a subset of all possibilities and complete as much as possible. If you press .B M-Tab again, only the subset will be shown in the listbox, otherwise the first item which matches all the previous characters will be highlighted. As soon as there is no ambiguity, dialog disappears, but you can hide it by canceling keys .B Esc, .B F10 and left and right arrow keys. If .\"LINK2" Complete: show all .\"Configuration" is disabled, the dialog pops up only if you press .B M-Tab for the second time, for the first time MC just beeps. .PP .SH "Virtual File System" The Midnight Commander is provided with a code layer to access the file system; this code layer is known as the virtual file system switch. The virtual file system switch allows the Midnight Commander to manipulate files not located on the Unix file system. .PP Currently the Midnight Commander is packaged with some Virtual File Systems (VFS): the local file system, used for accessing the regular Unix file system; the ftpfs, used to manipulate files on remote systems with the FTP protocol; the tarfs, used to manipulate tar and compressed tar files; the undelfs, used to recover deleted files on ext2 file systems (the default file system for Linux systems), fish (for manipulating files over shell connections such as rsh and ssh) and finally the mcfs (Midnight Commander file system), a network based file system. If the code was compiled with smbfs support, you can manipulate files on remote systems with the SMB (CIFS) protocol. .PP The VFS switch code will interpret all of the path names used and will forward them to the correct file system, the formats used for each one of the file systems is described later in their own section. .PP .SH " FTP File System" The ftpfs allows you to manipulate files on remote machines, to actually use it, you may try to use the panel command FTP link (accessible from the menubar) or you may directly change your current directory to it using the cd command to a path name that looks like this: .PP .I /#ftp:[!][user[:pass]@]machine[:port][remote-dir] .PP The .I user, port and .I remote-dir elements are optional. If you specify the .I user element, then the Midnight Commander will try to logon on the remote machine as that user, otherwise it will use your login name. The optional .I pass element, if present is the password used for the connection. This is not recommended (nor keeping the password in your hotlist, unless you set the appropriate permissions there, and even then it may not be entirely safe). .PP Examples: .PP .nf /#ftp:ftp.nuclecu.unam.mx/linux/local /#ftp:tsx-11.mit.edu/pub/linux/packages /#ftp:!behind.firewall.edu/pub /#ftp:guest@remote-host.com:40/pub /#ftp:miguel:xxx@server/pub .fi .PP To connect to sites behind a firewall, you will need to use the prefix ftp://! (i.e., with a bang character after the double slash) to make the Midnight Commander use a proxy host for doing the ftp transfer. You can define the proxy host in the .\"LINK2" Virtual File System .\"Virtual FS" dialog box. .PP Another option to set is the .I Always use ftp proxy option in the .\"LINK2" Virtual File System .\"Virtual FS" dialog box. This will configure the program to always use the proxy host. If this variable is set, the program will do two things: consult the @prefix@/lib/mc/mc.no_proxy file for lines containing host names that are local (if the host name starts with a dot, it is assumed to be a domain) and to assume that any hostnames without dots in their names are directly accessible. .PP If you are using the ftpfs code with a filtering packet router that does not allow you to use the regular mode of opening files, you may want to force the program to use the passive-open mode. To use this, set the ftpfs_use_passive_connections option in the initialization file. .PP The Midnight Commander keeps the directory listing in a cache. The cache expire time is configurable in the .\"LINK2" Virtual File System .\"Virtual FS" dialog box. This has the funny behavior that even if you make changes to a directory, they will not be reflected in the directory listing until you force a cache reload with the C-r key. This is a feature (when you think it's a bug, think about manipulating files on the other side of the Atlantic with ftpfs). .PP .SH " Tar File System" The tar file system provides you with read-only access to your tar files and compressed tar files by using the chdir command. To change your directory to a tar file, you change your current directory to the tar file by using the following syntax: .PP .I /filename.tar#utar/[dir-inside-tar] .PP The mc.ext file already provides a shortcut for tar files, this means that usually you just point to a tar file and press return to enter into the tar file, see the .\"LINK2" Extension File Edit .\"Extension File Edit" section for details on how this is done. .PP Examples: .PP .nf mc-3.0.tar.gz#utar/mc-3.0/vfs /ftp/GCC/gcc-2.7.0.tar#utar .fi .PP The latter specifies the full path of the tar archive. .SH " FIle transfer over SHell filesystem" .PP The fish file system is a network based file system that allows you to manipulate the files in a remote machine as if they were local. To use this, the other side has to either run fish server, or has to have bash-compatible shell. .PP To connect to a remote machine, you just need to chdir into a special directory which name is in the following format: .PP .nf /#sh:[user@]machine[:options]/[remote-dir] .fi The .I user, .I options and .I remote-dir elements are optional. If you specify the .I user element then the Midnight Commander will try to logon on the remote machine as that user, otherwise it will use your login name. .PP The .I options are 'C' - use compression and 'rsh' use rsh instead of ssh. If the .I remote-dir element is present, your current directory on the remote machine will be set to this one. .PP Examples: .PP .nf /#sh:onlyrsh.mx:r/linux/local /#sh:joe@want.compression.edu:C/private /#sh:joe@noncompressed.ssh.edu/private .fi .PP .SH " Network File System" The Midnight Commander file system is a network base file system that allows you to manipulate the files in a remote machine as if they were local. To use this, the remote machine must be running the mcserv(8) server program. .PP To connect to a remote machine, you just need to chdir into a special directory which name is in the following format: .PP .I /#mc:[user@]machine[:port][remote-dir] .PP The .I user, port and .I remote-dir elements are optional. If you specify the .I user element then the Midnight Commander will try to logon on the remote machine as that user, otherwise it will use your login name. .PP The .I port element is used when the remote machine running on a special port (see the mcserv(8) manual page for more information about ports); finally, if the .I remote-dir element is present, your current directory on the remote machine will be set to this one. .PP Examples: .PP .nf /#mc:ftp.nuclecu.unam.mx/linux/local /#mc:joe@foo.edu:11321/private .fi .PP .SH " Undelete File System" On Linux systems, if you asked configure to use the ext2fs undelete facilities, you will have the undelete file system available. Recovery of deleted files is only available on ext2 file systems. The undelete file system is just an interface to the ext2fs library to: retrieve all of the deleted files names on an ext2fs and provides and to extract the selected files into a regular partition. .PP To use this file system, you have to chdir into the special file name formed by the "/#undel" prefix and the file name where the actual file system resides. .PP For example, to recover deleted files on the second partition of the first SCSI disk on Linux, you would use the following path name: .PP .nf /#undel:sda2 .fi .PP It may take a while for the undelfs to load the required information before you start browsing files there. .PP .SH " SMB File System" The smbfs allows you to manipulate files on remote machines with SMB (or CIFS) protocol. These include Windows for Workgroups, Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, OS/2 and Samba. To actually use it, you may try to use the panel command "SMB link..." (accessible from the menubar) or you may directly change your current directory to it using the cd command to a path name that looks like this: .PP .I /#smb:machine[/service][/remote-dir] .PP The .I service and .I remote-dir elements are optional. The .I username, domain and .I password can be specified in input dialog. .PP Examples: .PP .nf /#smb:machine/Share /#smb:other_machine .fi .PP .SH "Colors" The Midnight Commander will try to detect if your terminal supports color using the terminal database and your terminal name. Sometimes it gets confused, so you may force color mode or disable color mode using the -c and -b flag respectively. .PP If the program is compiled with the Slang screen manager instead of ncurses, it will also check the variable .B COLORTERM, if it is set, it has the same effect as the -c flag. .PP You may specify terminals that always force color mode by adding the .I color_terminals variable to the Colors section of the initialization file. This will prevent the Midnight Commander from trying to detect if your terminal supports color. Example: .nf [Colors] color_terminals=linux,xterm .fi .nf color_terminals=terminal-name1,terminal-name2... .fi .PP The program can be compiled with both ncurses and slang, ncurses does not provide a way to force color mode: ncurses uses just the information in the terminal database. .PP The Midnight Commander provides a way to change the default colors. Currently the colors are configured using the environment variable .B MC_COLOR_TABLE or the Colors section in the initialization file. .PP In the Colors section, the default color map is loaded from the .I base_color variable. You can specify an alternate color map for a terminal by using the terminal name as the key in this section. Example: .PP .nf [Colors] base_color= xterm=menu=magenta:marked=,magenta:markselect=,red .fi .PP The format for the color definition is: .PP .nf =,:= ... .fi .PP The colors are optional, and the keywords are: normal, selected, marked, markselect, errors, input, reverse, gauge; Menu colors are: menu, menusel, menuhot, menuhotsel; Dialog colors are: dnormal, dfocus, dhotnormal, dhotfocus; Help colors are: helpnormal, helpitalic, helpbold, helplink, helpslink; Viewer color is: viewunderline; Special highlighting colors are: executable, directory, link, device, special, core; Editor colors are: editnormal, editbold, editmarked. .PP .I input determines the color of input lines used in query dialogs. .PP .I gauge determines the color of the filled part of the progress bar (gauge), which shows how many percent of files were copied etc. in a graphical way. .PP The dialog boxes use the following colors: .I dnormal is used for the normal text, .I dfocus is the color used for the currently selected component, .I dhotnormal is the color used to differentiate the hotkey color in normal components, whereas the .I dhotfocus color is used for the highlighted color in the currently selected component. .PP Menus use the same scheme but uses the menu, menusel, menuhot and menuhotsel tags instead. .PP Help uses the following colors: .I helpnormal is used for normal text, .I helpitalic is used for text which is emphasized in italic in the manual page, .I helpbold is used for text which is emphasized in bold in the manual page, .I helplink is used for not selected hyperlinks and .I helpslink is used for selected hyperlink. .PP Special highlight colors determine how files are displayed when file highlighting is enabled (see the section on .\"LINK2" Layout). .\"Layout .I directory is used for directories or symbolic links to directories; .I executable for executable files; .I link is used for symbolic links which are neither stalled nor linked to a directory; .I stalledlink is used for stalled symbolic links; .I device - character and block devices; .I special is used for special files, such as pipes and sockets; .I core is for core files. .PP The possible colors are: black, gray, red, brightred, green, brightgreen, brown, yellow, blue, brightblue, magenta, brightmagenta, cyan, brightcyan, lightgray and white. And there is a special keyword for transparent background. It is 'default'. The 'default' can only be used for background color. Example: .nf [Colors] base_color=normal=white,default:marked=magenta,default .fi .PP .SH "Special Settings" Most of the settings of the Midnight Commander can be changed from the menus. However, there are a small number of settings which can only be changed by editing the setup file. .PP These variables may be set in your ~/.mc/ini file: .PP .I clear_before_exec. .IP By default the Midnight Commander clears the screen before executing a command. If you would prefer to see the output of the command at the bottom of the screen, edit your ~/.mc/ini file and change the value of the field clear_before_exec to 0. .PP .I confirm_view_dir. .IP If you press F3 on a directory, normally MC enters that directory. If this flag is set to 1, then MC will ask for confirmation before changing the directory if you have files tagged. .PP .I ftpfs_retry_seconds. .IP This value is the number of seconds the Midnight Commander will wait before attempting to reconnect to an ftp server that has denied the login. If the value is zero, the login will no be retried. .PP .I ftpfs_use_passive_connections. .IP This option is off by default. This makes the ftpfs code use the passive open mode for transferring files. This is used by people that are behind a filtering packet router. This option just works if you are not using an ftp proxy. .PP .I max_dirt_limit. .IP Specifies how many screen updates can be skipped at most in the internal file viewer. Normally this value is not significant, because the code automatically adjusts the number of updates to skip according to the rate of incoming keystrokes. However, on very slow machines or terminals with a fast keyboard auto repeat, a big value can make screen updates too jumpy. .IP It seems that setting max_dirt_limit to 10 causes the best behavior, and that is the default value. .PP .I mouse_move_pages. .IP Controls whenever scrolling with the mouse is done by pages or line by line on the panels. .PP .I mouse_move_pages_viewer. .IP Controls if scrolling with the mouse is done by pages or line by line on the internal file viewer. .PP .I old_esc_mode .IP By default the Midnight Commander treats the ESC key as a key prefix (old_esc_mode=0), if you set this option (old_esc_mode=1), then the ESC key will act as a prefix key for one second, and if no extra keys have arrived, then the ESC key is interpreted as a cancel key (ESC ESC). .PP .PP .I only_leading_plus_minus .IP set special treatment for '+', '-', '*' in command line (select, unselect, reverse selection) only if command line is empty. No need to quote this characters in the middle of the command line. But we can not change selection when command line is not empty. .I panel_scroll_pages .IP If set (the default), panel will scroll by half the display when the cursor reaches the end or the beginning of the panel, otherwise it will just scroll a file at a time. .PP .I preserve_uidgid .IP If this option is set (the default), when logged in as root the default will be to preserve the UID and the GID of files. Some users prefer to disable this option, so that's why it's configurable. .PP .I show_output_starts_shell .IP This variable only works if you are not using the subshell support. When you use the C-o keystroke to go back to the user screen, if this one is set, you will get a fresh shell. Otherwise, pressing any key will bring you back to the Midnight Commander. .PP .I torben_fj_mode .IP If this flag is set, then the home and end keys will work slightly different on the panels, instead of moving the selection to the first and last files in the panels, they will act as follows: .IP The home key will: Go up to the middle line, if below it; else go to the top line unless it is already on the top line, in this case it will go to the first file in the panel. .IP The end key has a similar behavior: Go down to the middle line, if over it; else go to the bottom line unless you already are at the bottom line, in such case it will move the selection to the last file name in the panel. .PP .I use_file_to_guess_type .IP If this variable is on (the default) it will spawn the file command to match the file types listed on the .\"LINK2" mc.ext file. .\"Extension File Edit" .PP .I xterm_mode .IP If this variable is on (default is off) when you browse the file system on a Tree panel, it will automatically reload the other panel with the contents of the selected directory. .PP .SH "Terminal databases" The Midnight Commander provides a way to fix your system terminal database without requiring root privileges. The Midnight Commander searches in the system initialization file (the mc.lib file located in the Midnight Commander library directory) and in the ~/.mc/ini file for the section "terminal:your-terminal-name" and then for the section "terminal:general", each line of the section contains a key symbol that you want to define, followed by an equal sign and the definition for the key. You can use the special \\e form to represent the escape character and the ^x to represent the control-x character. .PP The possible key symbols are: .PP .nf f0 to f20 Function keys f0-f20 bs backspace home home key end end key up up arrow key down down arrow key left left arrow key right right arrow key pgdn page down key pgup page up key insert the insert character delete the delete character complete to do completion .fi .PP For example, to define the key insert to be the Escape + [ + O + p, you set this in the ini file: .PP .nf insert=\\e[Op .fi .PP The .I complete key symbol represents the escape sequences used to invoke the completion process, this is invoked with M-tab, but you can define other keys to do the same work (on those keyboard with tons of nice and unused keys everywhere). .PP .SH "" .SH "FILES" .PP The program will retrieve all of its information relative to the MC_LIBDIR environment variable, if this variable is not set, then it will fall back to the @prefix@/lib/mc directory. .PP @prefix@/lib/mc/mc.hlp .IP The help file for the program. .PP @prefix@/lib/mc/mc.ext .IP The default system-wide extensions file. .PP ~/.mc/bindings .IP User's own extension, view configuration and edit configuration file. They override the contents of the system wide files if present. .PP @prefix@/lib/mc/mc.ini .IP The default system-wide setup for the Midnight Commander, used only if the user doesn't have his own ~/.mc/ini file. .PP @prefix@/lib/mc/mc.lib .IP Global settings for the Midnight Commander. Settings in this file affect all users, whether they have ~/.mc/ini or not. Currently, only .\"LINK2" terminal settings .\"Terminal databases" are loaded from mc.lib. .PP ~/.mc/ini .IP User's own setup. If this file is present then the setup is loaded from here instead of the system-wide startup file. .PP @prefix@/lib/mc/mc.hint .IP This file contains the hints (cookies) displayed by the program. .PP @prefix@/lib/mc/mc.menu .IP This file contains the default system-wide applications menu. .PP ~/.mc/menu .IP User's own application menu. If this file is present it is used instead of the system-wide applications menu. .PP ~/.mc/Tree .IP The directory list for the directory tree and tree view features. .PP \&./.mc.menu .IP Local user-defined menu. If this file is present it is used instead of the home or system-wide applications menu. .PP .\"SKIP_SECTION" .SH "LICENZA" Questo programma è distribuito sotto i termini della Licenza Generale GNU come pubblicata dalla Free Software Foundation. Vedere l'aiuto integrato per i dettagli sulla licenza e sulla mancanza di garanzie. .\"NODE "AVAILABILITY" .SH "REPERIBILITA'" L'ultima versione di questo programma si trova su ftp://ftp.gnome.org/mirror/gnome.org/stable/sources/mc/ e sui mirror elencati sul sito GNOME http://www.gnome.org/. .\"NODE "SEE ALSO" .SH "VEDERE ANCHE" ed(1), gpm(1), mcserv(8), terminfo(1), view(1), sh(1), bash(1), tcsh(1), zsh(1). .PP .nf La pagina Web del The Midnight Commander: http://www.gnome.org/mc/ .fi .PP .\"NODE "AUTHORS" .SH "AUTORI" Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com), Janne Kukonlehto (jtklehto@paju.oulu.fi), Radek Doulik (rodo@ucw.cz), Fred Leeflang (fredl@nebula.ow.org), Dugan Porter (dugan@b011.eunet.es), Jakub Jelinek (jj@sunsite.mff.cuni.cz), Ching Hui (mr854307@cs.nthu.edu.tw), Andrej Borsenkow (borsenkow.msk@sni.de), Norbert Warmuth (nwarmuth@privat.circular.de), Mauricio Plaza (mok@roxanne.nuclecu.unam.mx), Paul Sheer (psheer@icon.co.za), Pavel Machek (pavel@ucw.cz) e Pavel Roskin (proski@gnu.org) sono gli sviluppatori di questo pacchetto. Alessandro Rubini (rubini@ipvvis.unipv.it) ha dato un notevole contribuito nella correzione e nel miglioramento del supporto del mouse nel programma, John Davis (davis@space.mit.edu) ha reso disponibile la sua libreria S-lang sotto la licenza GPL e ha risposto alle mie domande su di essa; le seguenti persone hanno contribuito al codice e in molte correzioni (in ordine alfabetico): .PP Adam Tla/lka (atlka@sunrise.pg.gda.pl), alex@bcs.zp.ua (Alex I. Tkachenko), Antonio Palama, DOS port (palama@posso.dm.unipi.it), Erwin van Eijk (wabbit@corner.iaf.nl), Gerd Knorr (kraxel@cs.tu-berlin.de), Jean-Daniel Luiset (luiset@cih.hcuge.ch), Jon Stevens (root@dolphin.csudh.edu), Juan Francisco Grigera, port su piattaforma Win32 (j-grigera@usa.net), Juan Jose Ciarlante (jjciarla@raiz.uncu.edu.ar), Ilya Rybkin (rybkin@rouge.phys.lsu.edu), Marcelo Roccasalva (mfroccas@raiz.uncu.edu.ar), Massimo Fontanelli (MC8737@mclink.it), Sergey Ya. Korshunoff (root@seyko.msk.su), Thomas Pundt (pundtt@math.uni-muenster.de), Timur Bakeyev (timur@goff.comtat.kazan.su), Tomasz Cholewo (tjchol01@mecca.spd.louisville.edu), Torben Fjerdingstad (torben.fjerdingstad@uni-c.dk), Vadim Sinolitis (vvs@nsrd.npi.msu.su) and Wim Osterholt (wim@djo.wtm.tudelft.nl). .PP .\"NODE "BUGS" .SH "BACHI" Vedere il file TODO nella distribuzione per informazioni su quello che rimane ancora da fare. .PP Se si vuole fare un rapporto di un problema nel programma, prego spedire un messaggio di post a questo indirizzo: mc-devel@gnome.org. .PP Nel rapporto è necessario fornire una descrizione dettagliata del baco, la versione del programma (mc -v mostra quest'informazione), il sistema operativo su cui si sta facendo girare il programma e, se il programma va in crash, è gradita una traccia dello stack.