/* * Midnight Commander -- GNOME frontend * * Copyright (C) 1997 The Free Software Foundation * * Author: Miguel de Icaza (miguel@gnu.org) * */ #include #include #include #include #define WANT_WIDGETS #include "x.h" #include "main.h" #include "key.h" #include "global.h" #include "dir.h" #include "panel.h" #include "gscreen.h" #include "tty.h" /* for KEY_BACKSPACE */ #include "command.h" GdkColorContext *mc_cc; #define MAX_COLOR_PAIRS 32 struct gmc_color_pairs_s gmc_color_pairs [MAX_COLOR_PAIRS]; char *default_edition_colors = "normal=black:" "selected=red:" "viewunderline=brightred,blue:" "directory=blue:" "marked=white,seagreen:" "execute=slateblue:" "link=green:" "device=magenta:" "core=red:" "special=black"; void init_pair (int index, GdkColor *fore, GdkColor *back) { if (index < 0 || index > MAX_COLOR_PAIRS){ printf ("init_pair called with invalid index\n"); exit (1); } gmc_color_pairs [index].fore = fore; gmc_color_pairs [index].back = back; } void get_color (char *cpp, GdkColor **colp) { GdkColor *new_color; gint status; new_color = g_new (GdkColor, 1); gdk_color_parse (cpp, new_color); new_color->pixel = 0; status = 0; gdk_color_context_get_pixels (mc_cc, &new_color->red, &new_color->green, &new_color->blue, 1, &new_color->pixel, &status); *colp = new_color; } static void gmc_color_init (void) { mc_cc = gdk_color_context_new (gtk_widget_get_default_visual (), gtk_widget_get_default_colormap ()); } int xtoolkit_init (int *argc, char *argv []) { LINES = 40; COLS = 80; gnome_init ("gmc", NULL, *argc, argv, 0, NULL); gmc_color_init (); /* FIXME: Maybe this should return something from gnome_init() */ return 0; } int xtoolkit_end (void) { return 1; } int dialog_key_pressed (GtkWidget *win, GdkEventKey *event, Dlg_head *h) { static int on_escape; int key; key = translate_gdk_keysym_to_curses (event); if (key == -1) return FALSE; if (!on_escape){ if (key == 27){ on_escape = 1; gtk_signal_emit_stop_by_name (GTK_OBJECT (win), "key_press_event"); return TRUE; } } else { if (key != 27){ if (key >= '0' && key <= '9') key = KEY_F(key - '0'); else key = ALT (key); if (key == ALT('<')) key = KEY_HOME; if (key == ALT('>')) key = KEY_END; } on_escape = 0; } gtk_signal_emit_stop_by_name (GTK_OBJECT (win), "key_press_event"); dlg_key_event (h, key); return TRUE; } void bind_gtk_keys (GtkWidget *w, Dlg_head *h) { gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (w), "key_press_event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (dialog_key_pressed), h); } widget_data xtoolkit_create_dialog (Dlg_head *h, int flags) { GtkWidget *win, *ted; win = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); h->grided = flags; h->idle_fn_tag = -1; if (!(flags & DLG_NO_TED)){ ted = gtk_ted_new_layout (h->name, LIBDIR "/layout"); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (win), ted); gtk_widget_show (ted); bind_gtk_keys (GTK_WIDGET (ted), h); } bind_gtk_keys (GTK_WIDGET (win), h); return (widget_data) win; } void x_set_dialog_title (Dlg_head *h, char *title) { gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (h->wdata), title); } widget_data xtoolkit_get_main_dialog (Dlg_head *h) { GtkWidget *win; win = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); return (widget_data) win; } /* Creates the containers */ widget_data x_create_panel_container (int which) { GtkWidget *win; win = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); return (widget_data) 0; } void x_panel_container_show (widget_data wdata) { printf ("x_panel_container_show\n"); gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (wdata)); } void x_add_widget (Dlg_head *h, Widget_Item *w) { if (!(h->grided & DLG_NO_TED)){ GtkTed *ted = GTK_TED (GTK_BIN (h->wdata)->child); gtk_ted_add (ted, GTK_WIDGET (w->widget->wdata), w->widget->tkname); bind_gtk_keys (GTK_WIDGET (w->widget->wdata), h); } } void x_init_dlg (Dlg_head *h) { if (!(h->grided & DLG_NO_TED)){ GtkTed *ted = GTK_TED (GTK_BIN (h->wdata)->child); Widget_Item *p, *first; first = p = h->current; do { gtk_ted_add (ted, GTK_WIDGET (p->widget->wdata), p->widget->tkname); bind_gtk_keys (GTK_WIDGET (p->widget->wdata), h); p = p->next; } while (p != first); gtk_ted_prepare (ted); gtk_grab_add (GTK_WIDGET (ted)); gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (h->wdata)); } x_focus_widget (h->current); } void x_destroy_dlg (Dlg_head *h) { if (!(h->grided & DLG_NO_TED)) gtk_grab_remove (GTK_WIDGET (GTK_BIN (h->wdata)->child)); gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET(h->wdata)); } void gtkrundlg_event (Dlg_head *h) { gtk_main (); } void edition_pre_exec () { } void edition_post_exec () { } void done_screen () { } void setup_sigwinch () { } int dialog_panel_callback (struct Dlg_head *h, int id, int msg) { return default_dlg_callback (h, id, msg); } void x_flush_events (void) { while (gtk_events_pending ()) gtk_main_iteration (); } static int gnome_idle_handler (gpointer data) { Dlg_head *h = data; (*h->callback)(h, 0, DLG_IDLE); return TRUE; } /* Turn on and off the idle message sending */ void x_set_idle (Dlg_head *h, int enable_idle) { if (enable_idle){ if (h->idle_fn_tag != -1) return; h->idle_fn_tag = gtk_idle_add (gnome_idle_handler, h); } else { if (h->idle_fn_tag == -1) return; gtk_idle_remove (h->idle_fn_tag); h->idle_fn_tag = -1; } } void create_panels (void) { Dlg_head *h; WPanel *panel; start_desktop (); cmdline = command_new (0, 0, 0); the_hint = label_new (0, 0, 0, NULL); gnome_init_panels (); h = create_dlg (0, 0, 24, 80, 0, dialog_panel_callback, "[panel]", "midnight", DLG_NO_TED); panel = create_container (h, "My Panel"); add_widget (h, panel); set_current_panel (0); run_dlg (h); }