/* gnome-open-dialog.c * Copyright (C) 1999 Red Hat Software. Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "util.h" #include #include "gnome-open-dialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include static void gnome_open_dialog_init (GnomeOpenDialog *open_dialog); static void gnome_open_dialog_class_init (GnomeOpenDialogClass *klass); static void gnome_open_dialog_destroy (GtkObject *object); static void gnome_open_dialog_generate_tree_helper (GtkCTree *ctree, GtkCTreeNode *parent, GNode *node); static GSList *get_presorted_from(char *dir); static void gnome_open_dialog_destroy_func (GtkCTree *ctree, GtkCTreeNode *node, gpointer data); static GnomeDialogClass *parent_class = NULL; #define SMALL_ICON_SIZE 20 GtkType gnome_open_dialog_get_type (void) { static GtkType open_dialog_type = 0; if (!open_dialog_type) { static const GtkTypeInfo open_dialog_info = { "GnomeOpenDialog", sizeof (GnomeOpenDialog), sizeof (GnomeOpenDialogClass), (GtkClassInitFunc) gnome_open_dialog_class_init, (GtkObjectInitFunc) gnome_open_dialog_init, /* reserved_1 */ NULL, /* reserved_2 */ NULL, (GtkClassInitFunc) NULL, }; open_dialog_type = gtk_type_unique (gnome_dialog_get_type (), &open_dialog_info); } return open_dialog_type; } static void gnome_open_dialog_class_init (GnomeOpenDialogClass *klass) { GtkObjectClass *object_class; object_class = (GtkObjectClass*) klass; parent_class = gtk_type_class (gnome_dialog_get_type ()); object_class->destroy = gnome_open_dialog_destroy; } static void gnome_open_dialog_destroy_func (GtkCTree *ctree, GtkCTreeNode *node, gpointer data) { GnomeDesktopEntry *gde; if (ctree == NULL || node == NULL) return; gde = (GnomeDesktopEntry *)gtk_ctree_node_get_row_data (GTK_CTREE (ctree),node); if (gde) gnome_desktop_entry_free (gde); } static void gnome_open_dialog_destroy (GtkObject *object) { g_return_if_fail (object != NULL); g_return_if_fail (GNOME_IS_OPEN_DIALOG (object)); g_free (GNOME_OPEN_DIALOG (object)->file_name); gtk_ctree_post_recursive (GTK_CTREE (GNOME_OPEN_DIALOG (object)->ctree), NULL, gnome_open_dialog_destroy_func, NULL); gtk_widget_unref (GNOME_OPEN_DIALOG (object)->ctree); gtk_widget_unref (GNOME_OPEN_DIALOG (object)->entry); (* GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->destroy) (object); } static void gnome_open_dialog_init (GnomeOpenDialog *open_dialog) { } /* Private internal functions */ /* this will help order our tree */ static gchar * strip_name_from_gde (GnomeDesktopEntry *gde, gboolean fname) { gchar *retval = NULL; gchar *ptr; if (gde == NULL) return NULL; if (!fname) return (g_strdup (gde->name)); if (strcmp (x_basename (gde->location), ".directory")) { return g_strdup (x_basename(gde->location)); } ptr = strrchr (gde->location, '/'); if (ptr) ptr--; while (ptr && ptr != gde->location && *ptr != '/') { ptr--; } if (ptr) { retval = g_strdup (ptr +1); ptr = strrchr (retval, '/'); if (ptr) ptr[0] = '\000'; } return retval; } static void insert_node_custom (GSList *order, GNode *sorted_list, GNode *node, gchar *name) { /* This little insertion sort is pretty ugly, but I guess * it works. It'd be good to move this information into * Gnome-libs, somewhere... */ GNode *temp_node; gchar *fname; gchar *fname2; g_return_if_fail (sorted_list != NULL); temp_node = sorted_list->children; while (order) { if (!strcmp ((gchar *) order->data, x_basename (name))) { if (temp_node) g_node_insert_before (sorted_list, temp_node, node); else g_node_append (sorted_list, node); return; } if (temp_node) { fname = strip_name_from_gde ((GnomeDesktopEntry *) temp_node->data, TRUE); if (fname && !strcmp (fname, (gchar *) order->data)) { temp_node = temp_node->next; } g_free (fname); } order = order->next; } fname2 = strip_name_from_gde (node->data, FALSE); for (;temp_node;temp_node = temp_node->next) { fname = strip_name_from_gde (temp_node->data, FALSE); if (fname && fname2 && strcmp (fname2, fname) < 0) { g_node_insert_before (sorted_list, temp_node, node); return; } g_free (fname); } g_free (fname2); g_node_append (sorted_list, node); } /* Stolen from gnomecc:tree.c */ static GNode * read_directory (gchar *directory) { DIR *parent_dir; struct dirent *child_dir; struct stat filedata; GSList *order; GNode *retval = g_node_new(NULL); GNode *new_node; parent_dir = opendir (directory); if (parent_dir == NULL) return NULL; order = get_presorted_from (directory); while ((child_dir = readdir (parent_dir)) != NULL) { new_node = NULL; if (child_dir->d_name[0] != '.') { /* we check to see if it is interesting. */ GString *name = g_string_new (directory); g_string_append (name, "/"); g_string_append (name, child_dir->d_name); if (stat (name->str, &filedata) != -1) { gchar* test; if (S_ISDIR (filedata.st_mode)) { /* it might be interesting... */ new_node = read_directory (name->str); if (new_node) /* it is interesting!!! */ insert_node_custom (order, retval, new_node, name->str); /* g_node_prepend (retval, new_node);*/ } test = strrchr(child_dir->d_name, '.'); if (test && !strcmp (".desktop", test)) { /* it's a .desktop file -- it's interesting for sure! */ new_node = g_node_new (gnome_desktop_entry_load (name->str)); insert_node_custom (order, retval, new_node, name->str); /* g_node_prepend (retval, new_node);*/ } } g_string_free (name, TRUE); } else if (!strcmp (child_dir->d_name, ".directory")) { GString *name = g_string_new (directory); g_string_append (name, "/.directory"); retval->data = gnome_desktop_entry_load (name->str); g_string_free (name, TRUE); } } closedir (parent_dir); if (retval->children == NULL) { if (retval->data) gnome_desktop_entry_free (retval->data); g_node_destroy (retval); return NULL; } return retval; } static void gnome_open_dialog_generate_tree_helper (GtkCTree *ctree, GtkCTreeNode *parent, GNode *node) { GNode *i; GtkCTreeNode *child = NULL; static char *text[2]; GnomePixmap *icon_gpixmap; gchar *icon; GdkPixmap *icon_pixmap, *icon_mask; text[0] = NULL; text[1] = NULL; for (i = node;i;i = i->next) { icon_pixmap=NULL; icon_mask=NULL; icon=NULL; icon_gpixmap = NULL; if (i->data && ((GnomeDesktopEntry *)i->data)->name) { text[0] = ((GnomeDesktopEntry *)i->data)->name; } else text[0] = NULL; if ((i->data) && ((GnomeDesktopEntry *)i->data)->icon) icon = ((GnomeDesktopEntry *)i->data)->icon; if (icon && g_file_exists (icon)) icon_gpixmap = (GnomePixmap *)gnome_pixmap_new_from_file_at_size(icon, SMALL_ICON_SIZE, SMALL_ICON_SIZE); if (icon_gpixmap) { icon_pixmap = icon_gpixmap->pixmap; icon_mask = icon_gpixmap->mask; } if (i->data && text[0]) { if (((GnomeDesktopEntry *)i->data)->type && !strcmp(((GnomeDesktopEntry *)i->data)->type,"Directory")) child = gtk_ctree_insert_node (ctree,parent,NULL, text, 3, icon_pixmap, icon_mask, icon_pixmap, icon_mask,FALSE,FALSE); else child = gtk_ctree_insert_node (ctree,parent,NULL, text, 3, icon_pixmap, icon_mask, icon_pixmap, icon_mask,TRUE,FALSE); gtk_ctree_node_set_row_data (ctree, child, i->data); } else gnome_desktop_entry_free (i->data); if (i->children) gnome_open_dialog_generate_tree_helper (ctree, child, i->children); /* if (parent == NULL) gtk_ctree_expand_recursive (ctree, child); */ } } /* Stolen from gnome-core/panel/menu.c */ static GSList * get_presorted_from(char *dir) { char buf[PATH_MAX+1]; GSList *list = NULL; char *fname = g_concat_dir_and_file(dir,".order"); FILE *fp = fopen(fname,"r"); if(!fp) { g_free(fname); return NULL; } while(fgets(buf,PATH_MAX+1,fp)!=NULL) { char *p = strchr(buf,'\n'); if(p) *p = '\0'; list = g_slist_prepend(list,g_strdup(buf)); } fclose(fp); g_free(fname); return g_slist_reverse(list); } static void gnome_open_dialog_selected_row_callback (GtkWidget *widget, GtkCTreeNode *node, gint column, gpointer *data) { GnomeDesktopEntry *gde = NULL; GnomeOpenDialog *dialog = NULL; GtkWidget *entry; if (column < 0) return; dialog = GNOME_OPEN_DIALOG (data); gde = (GnomeDesktopEntry *)gtk_ctree_node_get_row_data (GTK_CTREE (widget),node); g_return_if_fail (dialog != NULL); g_return_if_fail (gde != NULL); if (gde->exec) { entry = gnome_file_entry_gtk_entry (GNOME_FILE_ENTRY (dialog->entry)); gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry), gde->exec[0]); } } GtkWidget * gnome_open_dialog_get_tree (GnomeOpenDialog *dialog) { GtkWidget *retval; gchar *prefix; GNode *node; /* widget stuff */ retval = gtk_ctree_new (1, 0); gtk_clist_set_row_height(GTK_CLIST (retval),20); gtk_ctree_set_line_style (GTK_CTREE (retval), GTK_CTREE_LINES_DOTTED); gtk_ctree_set_expander_style (GTK_CTREE (retval), GTK_CTREE_EXPANDER_SQUARE); gtk_clist_set_column_width(GTK_CLIST (retval), 0, 150); gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT (retval), "tree_select_row", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (gnome_open_dialog_selected_row_callback), dialog); gtk_ctree_set_indent (GTK_CTREE (retval), 15); gtk_clist_set_column_auto_resize (GTK_CLIST (retval), 0, TRUE); /* set up the apps */ prefix = gnome_unconditional_datadir_file ("gnome/apps"); node = read_directory (prefix); gnome_open_dialog_generate_tree_helper (GTK_CTREE (retval), NULL, node); g_node_destroy (node); g_free (prefix); return retval; } /* Public functions */ GtkWidget * gnome_open_dialog_new (gchar *file_name) { GnomeOpenDialog *dialog; GtkWidget *label; GtkWidget *frame; GtkWidget *sw; gchar *label_string; g_return_val_if_fail (file_name != NULL, NULL); dialog = gtk_type_new (gnome_open_dialog_get_type ()); /* the first label */ label_string = g_strconcat (_("Select an application to open \""), file_name, "\" with.", NULL); label = gtk_label_new (label_string); gtk_widget_set_usize (label, 300, -1); gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT); g_free (label_string); gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE); /* The entry */ dialog->file_name = g_strdup (file_name); dialog->entry = gnome_file_entry_new ("GNOME_OPEN_DIALOG", _("Select a file to run with")); gtk_widget_ref (dialog->entry); /* Watch me do something evil... (-: */ label_string = gnome_unconditional_libdir_file (""); strcpy (label_string + strlen (label_string) - 4, "bin"); gnome_file_entry_set_default_path (GNOME_FILE_ENTRY (dialog->entry), label_string); g_free (label_string); /* the file tree */ frame = gtk_frame_new (_("Applications")); dialog->ctree = gnome_open_dialog_get_tree (dialog); gtk_widget_ref (dialog->ctree); sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (GTK_CLIST (dialog->ctree)->hadjustment, GTK_CLIST (dialog->ctree)->vadjustment); gtk_widget_set_usize (sw, 300, 170); gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (sw), GNOME_PAD_SMALL); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (sw), dialog->ctree); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), sw); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GNOME_DIALOG (dialog)->vbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GNOME_DIALOG (dialog)->vbox), frame, FALSE, FALSE, 0); frame = gtk_frame_new (_("Program to run")); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog->entry), GNOME_PAD_SMALL); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), dialog->entry); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GNOME_DIALOG (dialog)->vbox), frame, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gnome_dialog_append_button (GNOME_DIALOG(dialog), GNOME_STOCK_BUTTON_OK); gnome_dialog_append_button (GNOME_DIALOG(dialog), GNOME_STOCK_BUTTON_CANCEL); gtk_widget_show_all (GNOME_DIALOG (dialog)->vbox); return GTK_WIDGET (dialog); }