/* editor menu definitions and initialisation Copyright (C) 1996 the Free Software Foundation Authors: 1996, 1997 Paul Sheer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <config.h> #include "edit.h" #include "src/wtools.h" /* query_dialog() */ #include "src/menu.h" /* menu_entry */ #include "src/tty.h" /* KEY_F */ #include "src/key.h" /* XCTRL */ #include "src/main.h" /* drop_menus */ #include "src/learn.h" /* learn_keys */ #include "edit-widget.h" #include "editcmddef.h" #undef edit_message_dialog #define edit_message_dialog(w,x,y,h,s) query_dialog (h, s, 0, 1, _("&OK")) #define CFocus(x) static void menu_cmd (int i) { send_message ((Widget *) wedit, WIDGET_COMMAND, i); } static void menu_key (int i) { send_message ((Widget *) wedit, WIDGET_KEY, i); } static void edit_about_cmd (void) { edit_message_dialog (wedit->mainid, 20, 20, _(" About "), _("\n" " Cooledit v3.11.5\n" "\n" " Copyright (C) 1996 the Free Software Foundation\n" "\n" " A user friendly text editor written\n" " for the Midnight Commander.\n") ); } static void menu_mail_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Mail); } static void menu_load_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Load); } static void menu_new_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_New); } static void menu_save_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Save); } static void menu_save_as_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Save_As); } static void menu_insert_file_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Insert_File); } static void menu_quit_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Exit); } static void menu_mark_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Mark); } static void menu_markcol_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Column_Mark); } static void menu_ins_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Toggle_Insert); } static void menu_copy_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Copy); } static void menu_move_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Move); } static void menu_delete_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Remove); } static void menu_cut_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Save_Block); } static void menu_search_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Find); } static void menu_search_again_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Find_Again); } static void menu_replace_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Replace); } static void menu_begin_record_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Begin_Record_Macro); } static void menu_end_record_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_End_Record_Macro); } static void menu_exec_macro_cmd (void) { menu_key (XCTRL ('a')); } static void menu_exec_macro_delete_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Delete_Macro); } static void menu_c_form_cmd (void) { menu_key (KEY_F (19)); } static void menu_ispell_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Pipe_Block (1)); } static void menu_sort_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Sort); } static void menu_date_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Date); } static void menu_undo_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Undo); } static void menu_beginning_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Beginning_Of_Text); } static void menu_end_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_End_Of_Text); } static void menu_refresh_cmd (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Refresh); } static void menu_goto_line (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Goto); } static void menu_goto_bracket (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Match_Bracket); } static void menu_lit_cmd (void) { menu_key (XCTRL ('q')); } static void menu_format_paragraph (void) { menu_cmd (CK_Paragraph_Format); } static void menu_options (void) { edit_options_dialog (); } static void menu_user_menu_cmd (void) { menu_key (KEY_F (11)); } static menu_entry FileMenu[] = { {' ', N_("&Open file..."), 'O', menu_load_cmd}, {' ', N_("&New C-n"), 'N', menu_new_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("&Save F2"), 'S', menu_save_cmd}, {' ', N_("Save &as... F12"), 'A', menu_save_as_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("&Insert file... F15"), 'I', menu_insert_file_cmd}, {' ', N_("Copy to &file... C-f"), 'F', menu_cut_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("&User menu... F11"), 'U', menu_user_menu_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("A&bout... "), 'B', edit_about_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("&Quit F10"), 'Q', menu_quit_cmd} }; static menu_entry FileMenuEmacs[] = { {' ', N_("&Open file..."), 'O', menu_load_cmd}, {' ', N_("&New C-x k"), 'N', menu_new_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("&Save F2"), 'S', menu_save_cmd}, {' ', N_("Save &as... F12"), 'A', menu_save_as_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("&Insert file... F15"), 'I', menu_insert_file_cmd}, {' ', N_("Copy to &file... "), 'F', menu_cut_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("&User menu... F11"), 'U', menu_user_menu_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("A&bout... "), 'B', edit_about_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("&Quit F10"), 'Q', menu_quit_cmd} }; static menu_entry EditMenu[] = { {' ', N_("&Toggle Mark F3"), 'T', menu_mark_cmd}, {' ', N_("&Mark Columns S-F3"), 'T', menu_markcol_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("Toggle &ins/overw Ins"), 'I', menu_ins_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("&Copy F5"), 'C', menu_copy_cmd}, {' ', N_("&Move F6"), 'M', menu_move_cmd}, {' ', N_("&Delete F8"), 'D', menu_delete_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("&Undo C-u"), 'U', menu_undo_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("&Beginning C-PgUp"), 'B', menu_beginning_cmd}, {' ', N_("&End C-PgDn"), 'E', menu_end_cmd} }; #define EditMenuEmacs EditMenu static menu_entry SearReplMenu[] = { {' ', N_("&Search... F7"), 'S', menu_search_cmd}, {' ', N_("Search &again F17"), 'A', menu_search_again_cmd}, {' ', N_("&Replace... F4"), 'R', menu_replace_cmd} }; #define SearReplMenuEmacs SearReplMenu static menu_entry CmdMenu[] = { {' ', N_("&Go to line... M-l"), 'G', menu_goto_line}, {' ', N_("Go to matching &bracket M-b"), 'B', menu_goto_bracket}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("Insert &literal... C-q"), 'L', menu_lit_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("&Refresh screen C-l"), 'R', menu_refresh_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("&Start record macro C-r"), 'S', menu_begin_record_cmd}, {' ', N_("&Finish record macro... C-r"), 'F', menu_end_record_cmd}, {' ', N_("&Execute macro... C-a, KEY"), 'E', menu_exec_macro_cmd}, {' ', N_("Delete macr&o... "), 'O', menu_exec_macro_delete_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("Insert &date/time "), 'D', menu_date_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("Format p&aragraph M-p"), 'A', menu_format_paragraph}, {' ', N_("'ispell' s&pell check C-p"), 'P', menu_ispell_cmd}, {' ', N_("Sor&t... M-t"), 'T', menu_sort_cmd}, {' ', N_("E&xternal Formatter F19"), 'C', menu_c_form_cmd}, {' ', N_("&Mail... "), 'M', menu_mail_cmd} }; static menu_entry CmdMenuEmacs[] = { {' ', N_("&Go to line... M-l"), 'G', menu_goto_line}, {' ', N_("Go to matching &bracket M-b"), 'B', menu_goto_bracket}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("Insert &literal... C-q"), 'L', menu_lit_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("&Refresh screen C-l"), 'R', menu_refresh_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("&Start record macro C-r"), 'S', menu_begin_record_cmd}, {' ', N_("&Finish record macro... C-r"), 'F', menu_end_record_cmd}, {' ', N_("&Execute macro... C-x e, KEY"), 'E', menu_exec_macro_cmd}, {' ', N_("Delete macr&o... "), 'o', menu_exec_macro_delete_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("Insert &date/time "), 'D', menu_date_cmd}, {' ', "", ' ', 0}, {' ', N_("Format p&aragraph M-p"), 'a', menu_format_paragraph}, {' ', N_("'ispell' s&pell check M-$"), 'P', menu_ispell_cmd}, {' ', N_("Sor&t... M-t"), 'T', menu_sort_cmd}, {' ', N_("E&xternal Formatter F19"), 'C', menu_c_form_cmd}, {' ', N_("&Mail... "), 'M', menu_mail_cmd} }; static menu_entry OptMenu[] = { {' ', N_("&General... "), 'G', menu_options}, {' ', N_("&Save mode..."), 'S', menu_save_mode_cmd}, #ifndef NATIVE_WIN32 {' ', N_("learn &Keys..."), 'K', learn_keys} #endif /* !NATIVE_WIN32 */ }; #define OptMenuEmacs OptMenu #define menu_entries(x) sizeof(x)/sizeof(menu_entry) struct Menu *EditMenuBar[N_menus]; void edit_init_menu_normal (void) { EditMenuBar[0] = create_menu (_(" File "), FileMenu, menu_entries (FileMenu), "[Internal File Editor]"); EditMenuBar[1] = create_menu (_(" Edit "), EditMenu, menu_entries (EditMenu), "[Internal File Editor]"); EditMenuBar[2] = create_menu (_(" Sear/Repl "), SearReplMenu, menu_entries (SearReplMenu), "[Internal File Editor]"); EditMenuBar[3] = create_menu (_(" Command "), CmdMenu, menu_entries (CmdMenu), "[Internal File Editor]"); EditMenuBar[4] = create_menu (_(" Options "), OptMenu, menu_entries (OptMenu), "[Internal File Editor]"); } void edit_init_menu_emacs (void) { EditMenuBar[0] = create_menu (_(" File "), FileMenuEmacs, menu_entries (FileMenuEmacs), "[Internal File Editor]"); EditMenuBar[1] = create_menu (_(" Edit "), EditMenuEmacs, menu_entries (EditMenuEmacs), "[Internal File Editor]"); EditMenuBar[2] = create_menu (_(" Sear/Repl "), SearReplMenuEmacs, menu_entries (SearReplMenuEmacs), "[Internal File Editor]"); EditMenuBar[3] = create_menu (_(" Command "), CmdMenuEmacs, menu_entries (CmdMenuEmacs), "[Internal File Editor]"); EditMenuBar[4] = create_menu (_(" Options "), OptMenuEmacs, menu_entries (OptMenuEmacs), "[Internal File Editor]"); } void edit_done_menu (void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < N_menus; i++) destroy_menu (EditMenuBar[i]); } static void edit_drop_menu_cmd (WEdit * e, int which) { if (edit_menubar->active) return; edit_menubar->active = 1; edit_menubar->dropped = drop_menus; if (which >= 0) { edit_menubar->selected = which; edit_menubar->previous_selection = which; } else { edit_menubar->previous_selection = dlg_item_number (e->widget.parent); } dlg_select_widget (e->widget.parent, edit_menubar); } void edit_menu_cmd (WEdit * e) { edit_drop_menu_cmd (e, -1); } int edit_drop_hotkey_menu (WEdit * e, int key) { int m = 0; switch (key) { case ALT ('f'): if (edit_key_emulation == EDIT_KEY_EMULATION_EMACS) return 0; m = 0; break; case ALT ('e'): m = 1; break; case ALT ('s'): m = 2; break; case ALT ('c'): m = 3; break; case ALT ('o'): m = 4; break; default: return 0; } edit_drop_menu_cmd (e, m); return 1; }