/* Copyright (c) 1992, 1995 John E. Davis * All rights reserved. * * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public * License or the Perl Artistic License. */ #include "config.h" #include #include "_slang.h" #define INCL_BASE #define INCL_NOPM #define INCL_VIO #define INCL_KBD #define INCL_DOS #if 0 # define INCL_DOSSEMAPHORES #endif #ifdef LONG #undef LONG #endif #ifdef VOID #undef VOID #endif #include #include #include KBDINFO initialKbdInfo; /* keyboard info */ /* Code to read keystrokes in a separate thread */ typedef struct kbdcodes { UCHAR ascii; UCHAR scan; /* USHORT shift; */ } KBDCODES; #define BUFFER_LEN 4096 static KBDCODES threadKeys[BUFFER_LEN]; static int atEnd = 0; static int startBuf; static int endBuf; /* Original code used semaphores to control access to threadKeys. * It is expected that the semaphore code will be deleted after 0.97. */ #if 0 #ifdef __os2_16__ typedef USHORT APIRET; static HSEM Hmtx; #define DosRequestMutexSem(hmtx,timeout) DosSemRequest(hmtx,timeout) #define DosReleaseMutexSem(hmtx) DosSemClear(hmtx) #define DosCloseMutexSem(hmtx) DosCloseSem(hmtx) #else /* !defined(__os2_16__) */ static HMTX Hmtx; /* Mutex Semaphore */ #endif static APIRET CreateSem(void) { #ifdef __os2_16__ char SemName[32]; sprintf(SemName, "\\SEM\\jed\\%u", getpid()); return ( DosCreateSem (0, &Hmtx, SemName) ); #else return ( DosCreateMutexSem (NULL, &Hmtx, 0, 0) ); #endif } static APIRET RequestSem(void) { return ( DosRequestMutexSem (Hmtx, -1) ); } static APIRET ReleaseSem(void) { return ( DosReleaseMutexSem (Hmtx) ); } static APIRET CloseSem(void) { return( DosCloseMutexSem (Hmtx) ); } #else #define CreateSem() #define RequestSem() #define ReleaseSem() #define CloseSem() #endif static void set_kbd(void) { KBDINFO kbdInfo; kbdInfo = initialKbdInfo; kbdInfo.fsMask &= ~0x0001; /* not echo on */ kbdInfo.fsMask |= 0x0002; /* echo off */ kbdInfo.fsMask &= ~0x0008; /* cooked mode off */ kbdInfo.fsMask |= 0x0004; /* raw mode */ kbdInfo.fsMask &= ~0x0100; /* shift report off */ KbdSetStatus(&kbdInfo, 0); } static void thread_getkey () { KBDKEYINFO keyInfo; int n; while (!atEnd) { /* at end is a flag */ set_kbd(); KbdCharIn(&keyInfo, IO_NOWAIT, 0); /* get a character */ if (keyInfo.fbStatus & 0x040) { /* found a char process it */ if (keyInfo.chChar == SLang_Abort_Char) { if (SLang_Ignore_User_Abort == 0) SLang_Error = USER_BREAK; SLKeyBoard_Quit = 1; } n = (endBuf + 1) % BUFFER_LEN; if (n == startBuf) { DosBeep (500, 20); KbdFlushBuffer(0); continue; } RequestSem(); threadKeys [n].ascii = keyInfo.chChar; threadKeys [n].scan = keyInfo.chScan; /* threadKeys [n].shift = keyInfo.fsState; */ endBuf = n; ReleaseSem(); } else /* no char available*/ DosSleep (20); } } static void thread_code (void *Args) { (void) Args; startBuf = -1; /* initialize the buffer pointers */ endBuf = -1; thread_getkey (); atEnd = 0; /* reset the flag */ _endthread(); } /* The code below is in the main thread */ int SLang_init_tty(int abort_char, int dum2, int dum3) { VIOCURSORINFO cursorInfo, OldcursorInfo; (void) dum2; (void) dum3; if (abort_char == -1) abort_char = 3; /* ^C */ SLang_Abort_Char = abort_char; /* set ^C off */ signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN); signal (SIGBREAK, SIG_IGN); /* set up the keyboard */ initialKbdInfo.cb = sizeof(initialKbdInfo); KbdGetStatus(&initialKbdInfo, 0); set_kbd(); /* open a semaphore */ CreateSem(); /* start a separate thread to read the keyboard */ #if defined(__BORLANDC__) _beginthread (thread_code, 8096, NULL); #else _beginthread (thread_code, NULL, 8096, NULL); #endif VioGetCurType (&OldcursorInfo, 0); cursorInfo.yStart = 1; cursorInfo.cEnd = 15; cursorInfo.cx = 1; cursorInfo.attr = 1; if (VioSetCurType (&cursorInfo, 0)) VioSetCurType (&OldcursorInfo, 0); /* reset to previous value */ return 0; } void SLang_reset_tty (void) { atEnd = 1; /* set flag and wait until thread ends */ while (atEnd) {DosSleep (0);} CloseSem(); /* close the keyboard */ KbdSetStatus(&initialKbdInfo, 0); /* restore original state */ } #define keyWaiting() (endBuf != startBuf) /* sleep for *tsecs tenths of a sec waiting for input */ int SLsys_input_pending(int tsecs) { int count = tsecs * 5; if (count) { while(count > 0) { DosSleep(20); /* 20 ms or 1/50 sec */ if (keyWaiting ()) break; count--; } return(count); } else return(keyWaiting ()); } unsigned int SLsys_getkey () { unsigned int c; unsigned char scan; int tsecs = 300; if (!keyWaiting()) while (!SLsys_input_pending(tsecs)); /* read codes from buffer */ RequestSem(); startBuf = (startBuf + 1) % BUFFER_LEN; c = threadKeys [startBuf].ascii; scan = threadKeys [startBuf].scan; ReleaseSem(); if ((c == 8) && (scan == 0x0e)) c = 127; if (c == 0xE0) c = 0; if (c == 0) SLang_ungetkey (scan); return (c); } void SLang_set_abort_signal (void (*dum)(int)) { (void) dum; }