/* Various utilities - Unix variants Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996 the Free Software Foundation. Written 1994, 1995, 1996 by: Miguel de Icaza, Janne Kukonlehto, Dugan Porter, Jakub Jelinek, Mauricio Plaza. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include #endif #include /* my_system */ #include /* INT_MAX */ #include #include #include /* my_system */ #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H # include #endif #include "global.h" #include "fsusage.h" #include "mountlist.h" #include "dialog.h" /* message() */ #include "../vfs/vfs.h" /* mc_read() */ struct sigaction startup_handler; /* uid of the MC user */ static uid_t current_user_uid = -1; /* List of the gids of the user */ static GTree *current_user_gid = NULL; /* Helper function to compare 2 gids */ static gint mc_gid_compare (gconstpointer v, gconstpointer v2) { return ((GPOINTER_TO_UINT(v) > GPOINTER_TO_UINT(v2)) ? 1 : (GPOINTER_TO_UINT(v) < GPOINTER_TO_UINT(v2)) ? -1 : 0); } /* Helper function to delete keys of the gids tree */ static gint mc_gid_destroy (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { g_free (value); return FALSE; } /* This function initialize global GTree with the gids of groups, to which user belongs. Tree also store corresponding string with the name of the group. FIXME: Do we need this names at all? If not, we can simplify initialization by eliminating g_strdup's. */ void init_groups (void) { int i; struct passwd *pwd; struct group *grp; current_user_uid = getuid (); pwd = getpwuid (current_user_uid); g_return_if_fail (pwd != NULL); current_user_gid = g_tree_new (mc_gid_compare); /* Put user's primary group first. */ if ((grp = getgrgid (pwd->pw_gid)) != NULL) { g_tree_insert (current_user_gid, GUINT_TO_POINTER ((int) grp->gr_gid), g_strdup (grp->gr_name)); } setgrent (); while ((grp = getgrent ()) != NULL) { for (i = 0; grp->gr_mem[i]; i++) { if (!strcmp (pwd->pw_name, grp->gr_mem[i]) && !g_tree_lookup (current_user_gid, GUINT_TO_POINTER ((int) grp->gr_gid))) { g_tree_insert (current_user_gid, GUINT_TO_POINTER ((int) grp->gr_gid), g_strdup (grp->gr_name)); break; } } } endgrent (); } /* Return the index of the permissions triplet */ int get_user_permissions (struct stat *buf) { if (buf->st_uid == current_user_uid || current_user_uid == 0) return 0; if (current_user_gid && g_tree_lookup (current_user_gid, GUINT_TO_POINTER((int) buf->st_gid))) return 1; return 2; } /* Completely destroys the gids tree */ void destroy_groups (void) { g_tree_traverse (current_user_gid, mc_gid_destroy, G_POST_ORDER, NULL); g_tree_destroy (current_user_gid); } #define UID_CACHE_SIZE 200 #define GID_CACHE_SIZE 30 typedef struct { int index; char *string; } int_cache; static int_cache uid_cache [UID_CACHE_SIZE]; static int_cache gid_cache [GID_CACHE_SIZE]; static char *i_cache_match (int id, int_cache *cache, int size) { int i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) if (cache [i].index == id) return cache [i].string; return 0; } static void i_cache_add (int id, int_cache *cache, int size, char *text, int *last) { if (cache [*last].string) g_free (cache [*last].string); cache [*last].string = g_strdup (text); cache [*last].index = id; *last = ((*last)+1) % size; } char *get_owner (int uid) { struct passwd *pwd; static char ibuf [10]; char *name; static int uid_last; if ((name = i_cache_match (uid, uid_cache, UID_CACHE_SIZE)) != NULL) return name; pwd = getpwuid (uid); if (pwd){ i_cache_add (uid, uid_cache, UID_CACHE_SIZE, pwd->pw_name, &uid_last); return pwd->pw_name; } else { g_snprintf (ibuf, sizeof (ibuf), "%d", uid); return ibuf; } } char *get_group (int gid) { struct group *grp; static char gbuf [10]; char *name; static int gid_last; if ((name = i_cache_match (gid, gid_cache, GID_CACHE_SIZE)) != NULL) return name; grp = getgrgid (gid); if (grp){ i_cache_add (gid, gid_cache, GID_CACHE_SIZE, grp->gr_name, &gid_last); return grp->gr_name; } else { g_snprintf (gbuf, sizeof (gbuf), "%d", gid); return gbuf; } } /* Since ncurses uses a handler that automatically refreshes the */ /* screen after a SIGCONT, and we don't want this behavior when */ /* spawning a child, we save the original handler here */ void save_stop_handler (void) { sigaction (SIGTSTP, NULL, &startup_handler); } int my_system (int flags, const char *shell, const char *command) { struct sigaction ignore, save_intr, save_quit, save_stop; pid_t pid; int status = 0; ignore.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigemptyset (&ignore.sa_mask); ignore.sa_flags = 0; sigaction (SIGINT, &ignore, &save_intr); sigaction (SIGQUIT, &ignore, &save_quit); /* Restore the original SIGTSTP handler, we don't want ncurses' */ /* handler messing the screen after the SIGCONT */ sigaction (SIGTSTP, &startup_handler, &save_stop); if ((pid = fork ()) < 0){ fprintf (stderr, "\n\nfork () = -1\n"); return -1; } if (pid == 0){ signal (SIGINT, SIG_DFL); signal (SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL); signal (SIGTSTP, SIG_DFL); signal (SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL); if (flags & EXECUTE_AS_SHELL) execl (shell, shell, "-c", command, NULL); else execlp (shell, shell, command, NULL); _exit (127); /* Exec error */ } else { while (waitpid (pid, &status, 0) < 0) if (errno != EINTR){ status = -1; break; } } sigaction (SIGINT, &save_intr, NULL); sigaction (SIGQUIT, &save_quit, NULL); sigaction (SIGTSTP, &save_stop, NULL); #ifdef SCO_FLAVOR waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG); #endif /* SCO_FLAVOR */ return WEXITSTATUS(status); } /* Returns a newly allocated string, if directory does not exist, return 0 */ char *tilde_expand (const char *directory) { struct passwd *passwd; const char *p; char *name; if (*directory != '~') return g_strdup (directory); directory++; p = strchr (directory, PATH_SEP); /* d = "~" or d = "~/" */ if (!(*directory) || (*directory == PATH_SEP)){ passwd = getpwuid (geteuid ()); p = (*directory == PATH_SEP) ? directory+1 : ""; } else { if (!p){ passwd = getpwnam (directory); } else { name = g_malloc (p - directory + 1); strncpy (name, directory, p - directory); name [p - directory] = 0; passwd = getpwnam (name); g_free (name); } } /* If we can't figure the user name, return NULL */ if (!passwd) return 0; return g_strconcat (passwd->pw_dir, PATH_SEP_STR, p, NULL); } /* * Return the directory where mc should keep its temporary files. * This directory is (in Bourne shell terms) "${TMPDIR=/tmp}-$USER" * When called the first time, the directory is created if needed. * The first call should be done early, since we are using fprintf() * and not message() to report possible problems. */ const char * mc_tmpdir (void) { static char tmpdir[64]; const char *sys_tmp; struct passwd *pwd; if (*tmpdir) return tmpdir; sys_tmp = getenv ("TMPDIR"); if (!sys_tmp) { sys_tmp = TMPDIR_DEFAULT; } pwd = getpwuid (getuid ()); g_snprintf (tmpdir, sizeof (tmpdir), "%s/mc-%s", sys_tmp, pwd->pw_name); canonicalize_pathname (tmpdir); if (chmod (tmpdir, S_IRWXU) != 0) { /* Need to create directory. */ if (mkdir (tmpdir, S_IRWXU) != 0) { fprintf (stderr, _("Cannot create temporary directory %s: %s\n"), tmpdir, unix_error_string (errno)); g_snprintf (tmpdir, sizeof (tmpdir), sys_tmp); } } return tmpdir; } /* Pipes are guaranteed to be able to hold at least 4096 bytes */ /* More than that would be unportable */ #define MAX_PIPE_SIZE 4096 static int error_pipe[2]; /* File descriptors of error pipe */ static int old_error; /* File descriptor of old standard error */ /* Creates a pipe to hold standard error for a later analysis. */ /* The pipe can hold 4096 bytes. Make sure no more is written */ /* or a deadlock might occur. */ void open_error_pipe (void) { if (pipe (error_pipe) < 0){ message (0, _(" Warning "), _(" Pipe failed ")); } old_error = dup (2); if(old_error < 0 || close(2) || dup (error_pipe[1]) != 2){ message (0, _(" Warning "), _(" Dup failed ")); close (error_pipe[0]); close (error_pipe[1]); } close (error_pipe[1]); } /* * Returns true if an error was displayed * error: -1 - ignore errors, 0 - display warning, 1 - display error * text is prepended to the error message from the pipe */ int close_error_pipe (int error, char *text) { char *title; char msg[MAX_PIPE_SIZE]; int len = 0; if (error) title = MSG_ERROR; else title = _(" Warning "); if (old_error >= 0){ close (2); dup (old_error); close (old_error); len = read (error_pipe[0], msg, MAX_PIPE_SIZE); if (len >= 0) msg[len] = 0; close (error_pipe[0]); } if (error < 0) return 0; /* Just ignore error message */ if (text == NULL){ if (len <= 0) return 0; /* Nothing to show */ /* Show message from pipe */ message (error, title, "%s", msg); } else { /* Show given text and possible message from pipe */ message (error, title, " %s \n %s ", text, msg); } return 1; } /* Checks for messages in the error pipe, * closes the pipe and displays an error box if needed */ void check_error_pipe (void) { char error[MAX_PIPE_SIZE]; int len = 0; if (old_error >= 0){ while (len < MAX_PIPE_SIZE) { fd_set select_set; struct timeval timeout; FD_ZERO (&select_set); FD_SET (error_pipe[0], &select_set); timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 0; select (error_pipe[0] + 1, &select_set, 0, 0, &timeout); if (!FD_ISSET (error_pipe[0], &select_set)) break; read (error_pipe[0], error + len, 1); len ++; } error[len] = 0; close (error_pipe[0]); } if (len > 0) message (0, _(" Warning "), "%s", error); } static struct sigaction ignore, save_intr, save_quit, save_stop; /* INHANDLE is a result of some mc_open call to any vfs, this function returns a normal handle (to be used with read) of a pipe for reading of the output of COMMAND with arguments ... (must include argv[0] as well) which gets as its input at most INLEN bytes from the INHANDLE using mc_read. You have to call mc_doublepclose to close the returned handle afterwards. If INLEN is -1, we read as much as we can :) */ int mc_doublepopen (int inhandle, int inlen, pid_t *the_pid, char *command, ...) { int pipe0 [2], pipe1 [2]; pid_t pid; #define closepipes() close(pipe0[0]);close(pipe0[1]);close(pipe1[0]);close(pipe1[1]) pipe (pipe0); pipe (pipe1); ignore.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigemptyset (&ignore.sa_mask); ignore.sa_flags = 0; sigaction (SIGINT, &ignore, &save_intr); sigaction (SIGQUIT, &ignore, &save_quit); sigaction (SIGTSTP, &startup_handler, &save_stop); switch (pid = fork ()) { case -1: closepipes (); return -1; case 0: { sigaction (SIGINT, &save_intr, NULL); sigaction (SIGQUIT, &save_quit, NULL); switch (pid = fork ()) { case -1: closepipes (); _exit (1); case 0: { #define MAXARGS 16 int argno; char *args[MAXARGS]; va_list ap; int nulldevice; nulldevice = open ("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); close (0); dup (pipe0 [0]); close (1); dup (pipe1 [1]); close (2); dup (nulldevice); close (nulldevice); closepipes (); va_start (ap, command); argno = 0; while ((args[argno++] = va_arg(ap, char *)) != NULL) if (argno == (MAXARGS - 1)) { args[argno] = NULL; break; } va_end (ap); execvp (command, args); /* If we are here exec has failed */ _exit (0); } default: { char buffer [8192]; int i; close (pipe0 [0]); close (pipe1 [0]); close (pipe1 [1]); while ((i = mc_read (inhandle, buffer, (inlen == -1 || inlen > 8192) ? 8192 : inlen)) > 0) { write (pipe0 [1], buffer, i); if (inlen != -1) { inlen -= i; if (!inlen) break; } } close (inhandle); close (pipe0 [1]); while (waitpid (pid, &i, 0) < 0) if (errno != EINTR) break; _exit (i); } } } default: *the_pid = pid; break; } close (pipe0 [0]); close (pipe0 [1]); close (pipe1 [1]); return pipe1 [0]; } int mc_doublepclose (int pipe, pid_t pid) { int status = 0; close (pipe); waitpid (pid, &status, 0); #ifdef SCO_FLAVOR waitpid (-1, NULL, WNOHANG); #endif /* SCO_FLAVOR */ sigaction (SIGINT, &save_intr, NULL); sigaction (SIGQUIT, &save_quit, NULL); sigaction (SIGTSTP, &save_stop, NULL); return status; } /* Canonicalize path, and return a new path. Do everything in situ. The new path differs from path in: Multiple `/'s are collapsed to a single `/'. Leading `./'s and trailing `/.'s are removed. Trailing `/'s are removed. Non-leading `../'s and trailing `..'s are handled by removing portions of the path. */ char *canonicalize_pathname (char *path) { int i, start; char stub_char; if (!*path) return path; stub_char = (*path == PATH_SEP) ? PATH_SEP : '.'; /* Walk along path looking for things to compact. */ i = 0; while (path[i]) { while (path[i] && path[i] != PATH_SEP) i++; start = i++; /* If we didn't find any slashes, then there is nothing left to do. */ if (!path[start]) break; #if defined(__QNX__) && !defined(__QNXNTO__) /* ** QNX accesses the directories of nodes on its peer-to-peer ** network (Qnet) by prefixing their directories with "//[nid]". ** We don't want to collapse two '/'s if they're at the start ** of the path, followed by digits, and ending with a '/'. */ if (start == 0 && path[1] == PATH_SEP) { char *p = path + 2; char *q = strchr (p, PATH_SEP); if (q > p) { *q = 0; if (!strcspn (p, "0123456789")) { start = q - path; i = start + 1; } *q = PATH_SEP; } } #endif /* Handle multiple `/'s in a row. */ while (path[i] == PATH_SEP) i++; if ((start + 1) != i) { strcpy (path + start + 1, path + i); i = start + 1; } /* Check for trailing `/'. */ if (start && !path[i]) { zero_last: path[--i] = '\0'; break; } /* Check for `../', `./' or trailing `.' by itself. */ if (path[i] == '.') { /* Handle trailing `.' by itself. */ if (!path[i + 1]) goto zero_last; /* Handle `./'. */ if (path[i + 1] == PATH_SEP) { strcpy (path + i, path + i + 1); i = start; continue; } /* Handle `../' or trailing `..' by itself. Remove the previous ?/ part with the exception of ../, which we should leave intact. */ if (path[i + 1] == '.' && (path[i + 2] == PATH_SEP || !path[i + 2])) { while (--start > -1 && path[start] != PATH_SEP); if (!strncmp (path + start + 1, "../", 3)) continue; strcpy (path + start + 1, path + i + 2); i = start; continue; } } } if (!*path) { *path = stub_char; path[1] = '\0'; } return path; } #ifdef SCO_FLAVOR int gettimeofday( struct timeval * tv, struct timezone * tz) { struct timeb tb; struct tm * l; ftime( &tb ); if (errno == EFAULT) return -1; l = localtime(&tb.time); tv->tv_sec = l->tm_sec; tv->tv_usec = (long) tb.millitm; return 0; } #endif /* SCO_FLAVOR */ #ifdef HAVE_GET_PROCESS_STATS # include int gettimeofday (struct timeval *tp, void *tzp) { return get_process_stats(tp, PS_SELF, 0, 0); } #endif /* HAVE_GET_PROCESS_STATS */ #ifndef HAVE_PUTENV /* The following piece of code was copied from the GNU C Library */ /* And is provided here for nextstep who lacks putenv */ extern char **environ; #ifndef HAVE_GNU_LD #define __environ environ #endif /* Put STRING, which is of the form "NAME=VALUE", in the environment. */ int putenv (const char *string) { const char *const name_end = strchr (string, '='); register size_t size; register char **ep; if (name_end == NULL){ /* Remove the variable from the environment. */ size = strlen (string); for (ep = __environ; *ep != NULL; ++ep) if (!strncmp (*ep, string, size) && (*ep)[size] == '='){ while (ep[1] != NULL){ ep[0] = ep[1]; ++ep; } *ep = NULL; return 0; } } size = 0; for (ep = __environ; *ep != NULL; ++ep) if (!strncmp (*ep, string, name_end - string) && (*ep)[name_end - string] == '=') break; else ++size; if (*ep == NULL){ static char **last_environ = NULL; char **new_environ = g_new (char *, size + 2); if (new_environ == NULL) return -1; (void) memcpy ((void *) new_environ, (void *) __environ, size * sizeof (char *)); new_environ[size] = (char *) string; new_environ[size + 1] = NULL; if (last_environ != NULL) g_free ((void *) last_environ); last_environ = new_environ; __environ = new_environ; } else *ep = (char *) string; return 0; } #endif /* !HAVE_PUTENV */ #ifdef SCO_FLAVOR /* Define this only for SCO */ #ifdef USE_NETCODE #ifndef HAVE_SOCKETPAIR /* The code for s_pipe function is adapted from Section 7.9 of the "UNIX Network Programming" by W. Richard Stevens, published by Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-949876-1 (c) 1990 by P T R Prentice Hall It is used to implement socketpair function for SVR3 systems that lack it. */ #include #include /* defines queue_t */ #include /* defines struct strtdinsert */ #define SPX_DEVICE "/dev/spx" #define S_PIPE_HANDLE_ERRNO 1 /* if the above is defined to 1, we will attempt to save and restore errno to indicate failure reason to the caller; Please note that this will not work in environments where errno is not just an integer */ #if S_PIPE_HANDLE_ERRNO #include /* This is for "extern int errno;" */ #endif /* s_pipe returns 0 if OK, -1 on error */ /* two file descriptors are returned */ static int s_pipe(int fd[2]) { struct strfdinsert ins; /* stream I_FDINSERT ioctl format */ queue_t *pointer; #if S_PIPE_HANDLE_ERRNO int err_save; #endif /* * First open the stream clone device "dev/spx" twice, * obtaining the two file descriptors */ if ( (fd[0] = open(SPX_DEVICE, O_RDWR)) < 0) return -1; if ( (fd[1] = open(SPX_DEVICE, O_RDWR)) < 0) { #if S_PIPE_HANDLE_ERRNO err_save = errno; #endif close(fd[0]); #if S_PIPE_HANDLE_ERRNO errno = err_save; #endif return -1; } /* * Now link these two stream together with an I_FDINSERT ioctl. */ ins.ctlbuf.buf = (char *) &pointer; /* no control information, just the pointer */ ins.ctlbuf.maxlen = sizeof pointer; ins.ctlbuf.len = sizeof pointer; ins.databuf.buf = (char *) 0; /* no data to be sent */ ins.databuf.maxlen = 0; ins.databuf.len = -1; /* magic: must be -1 rather than 0 for stream pipes */ ins.fildes = fd[1]; /* the fd to connect with fd[0] */ ins.flags = 0; /* nonpriority message */ ins.offset = 0; /* offset of pointer in control buffer */ if (ioctl(fd[0], I_FDINSERT, (char *) &ins) < 0) { #if S_PIPE_HANDLE_ERRNO err_save = errno; #endif close(fd[0]); close(fd[1]); #if S_PIPE_HANDLE_ERRNO errno = err_save; #endif return -1; } /* all is OK if we came here, indicate success */ return 0; } int socketpair(int dummy1, int dummy2, int dummy3, int fd[2]) { return s_pipe(fd); } #endif /* ifndef HAVE_SOCKETPAIR */ #endif /* ifdef USE_NETCODE */ #endif /* SCO_FLAVOR */