# Turkish translations for (g)mc messages.
# Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Nilg№n Belma Bug№ner <nilgun@fide.org>, 2001
# Fatih Demir <kabalak@gtranslator.org>, 2000
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: mc 4.5.54\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mc-devel@gnome.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-01-06 13:46+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-11-06 05:50+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Nilg№n Belma Bug№ner <nilgun@fide.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Turkish <gnu-tr-u12a@lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-9\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 0.9.5\n"

#, fuzzy
msgid " Choose syntax highlighting "
msgstr "&SЎzdizimi ayd¤nlatma"

#, fuzzy
msgid "< Auto >"
msgstr " Hakk¤nda "

msgid "< Reload Current Syntax >"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid " Cannot open %s for reading "
msgstr " Veri yolu okumak iчin aч¤l¤rken hata olu■tu"

msgid "Error"
msgstr "Hata"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid " Error reading from pipe: %s "
msgstr " Veri yolundan okumada hata "

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid " Cannot open pipe for reading: %s "
msgstr " Veri yolu okumak iчin aч¤l¤rken hata olu■tu"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid " Cannot get size/permissions for %s "
msgstr " Dosya izin/uzunluk bilgileri al¤namad¤: "

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid " %s is not a regular file "
msgstr " GЎsterilemiyor: normal bir dosya deЁil "

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid " File %s is too large "
msgstr " Dosya чok fazla b№y№k: "

msgid "Macro recursion is too deep"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid " Enter file name: "
msgstr " Sat¤r¤ girin: "

msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Uyar¤"

msgid " File has hard-links. Detach before saving? "
msgstr ""

msgid "&Yes"
msgstr "&Evet"

msgid "&No"
msgstr "&Hay¤r"

msgid "&Cancel"
msgstr "&Vazgeч"

msgid "The file has been modified in the meantime. Save anyway?"
msgstr ""

msgid " Error writing to pipe: "
msgstr " Veri yoluna yazarken hata: "

msgid " Cannot open pipe for writing: "
msgstr " Veri yolu yazmak iчin aч¤l¤rken hata olu■tu: "

msgid "Quick save "
msgstr "╟abuk "

msgid "Safe save "
msgstr "G№venli "

msgid "Do backups -->"
msgstr "Yedekle -->"

msgid "&OK"
msgstr "&Tamam"

msgid "Extension:"
msgstr "Uzant¤:"

msgid " Edit Save Mode "
msgstr " Kaydetme kipini d№zenle "

msgid " Save As "
msgstr " Farkl¤ kaydet "

msgid " A file already exists with this name. "
msgstr " Bu isimde bir dosya zaten var. "

#, fuzzy
msgid "&Overwrite"
msgstr "▄st№ne yaz"

msgid " Cannot save file. "
msgstr " Dosyay¤ kaydederken hata olu■tu. "

msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Vazgeч"

msgid " Delete macro "
msgstr " Makroyu sil "

msgid " Cannot open temp file "
msgstr " Geчici dosyay¤ aчarken hata olu■tu "

msgid " Cannot open macro file "
msgstr " Makro dosyas¤n¤ aчarken hata olu■tu "

msgid " Cannot overwrite macro file "
msgstr " Makro dosyas¤n¤n №st№ne yazarken hata olu■tu "

msgid " Save macro "
msgstr " Makroyu kaydet "

msgid " Press the macro's new hotkey: "
msgstr " Yeni Makro tu■una bas¤n¤z: "

msgid " Press macro hotkey: "
msgstr " Macro tu■una bas: "

msgid " Load macro "
msgstr " Makroyu y№kle "

msgid " Confirm save file? : "
msgstr " Dosya kaydelirken sorulsun mu?: "

msgid " Save file "
msgstr " Dosyay¤ kaydet"

msgid "&Save"
msgstr "&Kaydet"

msgid ""
" Current text was modified without a file save. \n"
" Continue discards these changes. "
msgstr ""
"Mevcut metin kaydedilmemi■ deЁi■iklikler iчeriyor.\n"
" Bu deЁi■iklikler yoksay¤larak devam edilsin mi?"

#, fuzzy
msgid "C&ontinue"
msgstr "Devam et"

msgid " Load "
msgstr " Y№kle "

msgid " Block is large, you may not be able to undo this action. "
msgstr " Blok чok b№y№k, bu eylem geri al¤namayabilir. "

msgid "O&ne"
msgstr "&Biri"

msgid "A&ll"
msgstr "&T№m№"

msgid "&Skip"
msgstr "&Atla"

msgid "&Replace"
msgstr "&Yerle■tir"

msgid " Replace with: "
msgstr " Bununla deЁi■tir: "

msgid " Confirm replace "
msgstr " Yer deЁi■ikliЁini onaylat "

msgid "scanf &Expression"
msgstr "scanf &Deyimi"

msgid "replace &All"
msgstr "&T№m№n№n yerini deЁi■tir"

msgid "pro&Mpt on replace"
msgstr "Yerle■tirirken &Sor"

msgid "&Backwards"
msgstr "&Geriye doЁru"

msgid "&Regular expression"
msgstr "&D№zenli ifade"

msgid "&Whole words only"
msgstr "&Sadece tam kelimeler"

msgid "case &Sensitive"
msgstr "Harf b№y№kl№Ё№ne &Duyarl¤"

msgid " Enter replacement argument order eg. 3,2,1,4 "
msgstr "YerdeЁi■tirme s¤ras¤n¤ girin (Ўrn: 3,2,1,4) "

msgid " Enter replacement string:"
msgstr " Yerle■tirilecek metni verin:"

msgid " Enter search string:"
msgstr " Aranacak metni girin:"

msgid " Replace "
msgstr " DeЁi■tir"

msgid "Search"
msgstr "Ara"

msgid ""
" Invalid regular expression, or scanf expression with too many conversions "
msgstr " DeЁi■tirmelerin чoЁunda scanf deyimi ya da d№zenli ifade geчersiz "

msgid " Error in replacement format string. "
msgstr " Yerle■tirme biчimi dizgesinde hata. "

#, fuzzy
msgid " Replacement too long. "
msgstr " Yerle■tirilecek metni verin:"

#, c-format
msgid " %ld replacements made. "
msgstr " %ld yerle■tirme yap¤ld¤. "

msgid " Search string not found "
msgstr " Aranan metin bulunamad¤ "

#, c-format
msgid " %d items found, %d bookmarks added "
msgstr " %d bulma gerчekle■ti, %d yer imi eklendi "

msgid "Quit"
msgstr "╟¤k"

msgid " File was modified, Save with exit? "
msgstr " DeЁi■iklikler ч¤karken dosyaya kaydedilsin mi? "

#, fuzzy
msgid "&Cancel quit"
msgstr "╟¤k¤■¤ durdur"

#, fuzzy
msgid " Error "
msgstr "Hata"

msgid " This function is not implemented. "
msgstr ""

msgid " Copy to clipboard "
msgstr " Panoya kopyala "

msgid " Unable to save to file. "
msgstr " Dosya kaydedilemedi. "

msgid " Cut to clipboard "
msgstr " Panoya kes "

msgid " Goto line "
msgstr " Sat¤ra git "

msgid " Enter line: "
msgstr " Sat¤r¤ girin: "

msgid " Save Block "
msgstr " Bloku kaydet "

msgid " Insert File "
msgstr " Dosya ▌чer "

msgid " Cannot insert file. "
msgstr " Dosyay¤ iчerirken hata olu■tu. "

msgid " Sort block "
msgstr " Bloku s¤rala "

msgid " You must first highlight a block of text. "
msgstr " ╓nce bir metin blokunu ayd¤nlatmal¤s¤n¤z. "

msgid " Run Sort "
msgstr " S¤ralamay¤ чal¤■t¤r "

msgid " Enter sort options (see manpage) separated by whitespace: "
msgstr ""
" S¤ralama seчeneklerini (man sayfas¤na bak¤n¤z) bo■luklarla ay¤rarak veriniz:"

msgid " Sort "
msgstr " S¤rala "

msgid " Cannot execute sort command "
msgstr " S¤ralama yap¤l¤rken bir hata olu■tu "

msgid " Sort returned non-zero: "
msgstr " S¤ralama s¤f¤rdan farkl¤ deЁer dЎnd№rd№: "

msgid "Paste output of external command"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter shell command(s):"
msgstr " Komut yaftas¤: "

#, fuzzy
msgid "External command"
msgstr "DiЁer komut"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot execute command"
msgstr " S¤ralama yap¤l¤rken bir hata olu■tu "

msgid "Error creating script:"
msgstr "BetiЁi olu■tururken hata:"

msgid "Error reading script:"
msgstr "Betik okunurken hata:"

msgid "Error closing script:"
msgstr "Betik kapat¤l¤rken hata:"

msgid "Script created:"
msgstr "Betik olu■turuldu:"

msgid "Process block"
msgstr "Bloku i■le"

msgid " Mail "
msgstr " Posta"

msgid " Copies to"
msgstr " Kopyalar "

msgid " Subject"
msgstr " Konu "

msgid " To"
msgstr " Kime"

msgid " mail -s <subject> -c <cc> <to>"
msgstr " mail -s <konu> -c <karbonkopya> <kime>"

msgid " Insert Literal "
msgstr " Harfi iчer "

msgid " Press any key: "
msgstr " Bir tu■a bas¤n¤z: "

msgid " Execute Macro "
msgstr " Macro'yu чal¤■t¤r "

msgid "&Dismiss"
msgstr "&B¤rak"

msgid " Emacs key: "
msgstr " Emacs tu■u: "

#, c-format
msgid ""
"File \"%s\" is already being edited\n"
"User: %s\n"
"Process ID: %d"
msgstr ""

msgid "File locked"
msgstr ""

msgid "&Grab lock"
msgstr ""

msgid "&Ignore lock"
msgstr ""

msgid " About "
msgstr " Hakk¤nda "

msgid ""
"                Cooledit  v3.11.5\n"
" Copyright (C) 1996 the Free Software Foundation\n"
"       A user friendly text editor written\n"
"           for the Midnight Commander.\n"
msgstr ""
"              Cooledit  v3.11.5\n"
" TelifHakk¤ (C) 1996 the Free Software Foundation\n"
"      Kullan¤c¤ dostu bir metin d№zenleyici\n"
"        Midnight Commander iчin yaz¤ld¤\n"

msgid "&Open file..."
msgstr "D&osyay¤ aч..."

msgid "&New              C-n"
msgstr "&Yeni             C-n"

msgid "&Save              F2"
msgstr "&Kaydet            F2"

msgid "Save &as...       F12"
msgstr "&Farkl¤ kaydet    F12"

msgid "&Insert file...   F15"
msgstr "Dosyay¤ &iчer...  F15"

msgid "Copy to &file...  C-f"
msgstr "Dosyaya k&opyala  C-f"

msgid "&User menu...     F11"
msgstr "K&ullan¤c¤ men№s№...   F11"

msgid "A&bout...            "
msgstr "&Hakk¤nda...         "

msgid "&Quit             F10"
msgstr "&╟¤k¤■            F10"

msgid "&New            C-x k"
msgstr "&Yeni           C-x k"

msgid "Copy to &file...     "
msgstr "&Dosyaya kopyala...  "

msgid "&Toggle Mark       F3"
msgstr "&Seчim             F3"

msgid "&Mark Columns    S-F3"
msgstr "S№tunlar¤ &Seч   S-F3"

msgid "Toggle &ins/overw Ins"
msgstr "&Ins/Owr          Ins"

msgid "&Copy              F5"
msgstr "&Kopyala         F5"

msgid "&Move              F6"
msgstr "&Ta■¤              F6"

msgid "&Delete            F8"
msgstr "&Sil               F8"

msgid "&Undo             C-u"
msgstr "&Geri al          C-u"

msgid "&Beginning     C-PgUp"
msgstr "&Ba■lang¤ca    C-PgUp"

msgid "&End           C-PgDn"
msgstr "&Sona          C-PgDn"

msgid "&Search...         F7"
msgstr "&Ara...            F7"

msgid "Search &again     F17"
msgstr "&Tekrar Ara       F17"

msgid "&Replace...        F4"
msgstr "&Yerle■tir...      F4"

msgid "&Go to line...            M-l"
msgstr "&Sat¤ra git...           M-l"

msgid "Go to matching &bracket   M-b"
msgstr "E■le■en &Paranteze Git   M-b"

msgid "Insert &literal...       C-q"
msgstr "&Harfi iчer...           C-q"

msgid "&Refresh screen          C-l"
msgstr "Ekran¤ &Tazele           C-l"

msgid "&Start record macro      C-r"
msgstr "&Makro kayd¤n¤ ba■lat    C-r"

msgid "&Finish record macro...  C-r"
msgstr "Makro kayd¤n¤ &Bitir...  C-r"

msgid "&Execute macro...   C-a, KEY"
msgstr "Makro ╟a&l¤■t¤r...  C-a, TU▐"

msgid "Delete macr&o...            "
msgstr "makr&oyu sil...             "

msgid "Insert &date/time           "
msgstr "t&arih/zaman ekle           "

msgid "Format p&aragraph        M-p"
msgstr "p&Aragraf¤ biчimle       M-p"

msgid "'ispell' s&pell check    C-p"
msgstr "'ispell' sЎzel &denetimi C-p"

msgid "Sor&t...                 M-t"
msgstr "s¤ra&La...               M-t"

msgid "Paste o&utput of...      M-u"
msgstr ""

msgid "E&xternal Formatter      F19"
msgstr "D&¤■ Biчimlendirici      F19"

msgid "&Mail...                    "
msgstr "&Posta...                   "

msgid "&Execute macro... C-x e, KEY"
msgstr "Ma&Kro чal¤■t¤r...C-x e, TU▐"

msgid "'ispell' s&pell check    M-$"
msgstr "'ispell' sЎ&Zel denetim  M-$"

msgid "&General...  "
msgstr "&Genel...        "

msgid "&Save mode..."
msgstr "Ka&Ydetme kipi..."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Learn &Keys..."
msgstr "&Tu■lar¤ ЎЁren..."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Syntax &Highlighting..."
msgstr "&SЎzdizimi ayd¤nlatma"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Save setu&p..."
msgstr "Ayarlar¤ &Kaydet"

msgid " File "
msgstr " Dosya "

msgid " Edit "
msgstr " DeЁi■tir "

msgid " Sear/Repl "
msgstr " Ara/DeЁi■ "

msgid " Command "
msgstr " Komut "

msgid " Options "
msgstr " Seчenekler "

msgid "Intuitive"
msgstr "Geleneksel"

msgid "Emacs"
msgstr "Emacs"

#, fuzzy
msgid "User-defined"
msgstr "Ku&llan¤c¤ tan¤ml¤:"

msgid "None"
msgstr "Hiчbiri"

msgid "Dynamic paragraphing"
msgstr "Dinamik paragraflama"

msgid "Type writer wrap"
msgstr "Daktilo sarmalamas¤"

msgid "Word wrap line length: "
msgstr "sat¤r sarmalama uzunluЁu: "

msgid "Tab spacing: "
msgstr "Sekme uzunluЁu: "

msgid "Synta&x highlighting"
msgstr "&SЎzdizimi ayd¤nlatma"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Save file &position"
msgstr " Dosyay¤ kaydet"

msgid "Confir&m before saving"
msgstr "kaydet&Meden Ўnce sor"

msgid "Fill tabs with &spaces"
msgstr "&Sekmeleri bo■luklarla deЁi■tir"

msgid "&Return does autoindent"
msgstr "&Return otogirintileme yapar"

msgid "&Backspace through tabs"
msgstr "&Geri silme sekmeleri izler"

msgid "&Fake half tabs"
msgstr "Sahte &Yar¤m sekmeler"

msgid "Wrap mode"
msgstr "Sarmalama kipi"

msgid "Key emulation"
msgstr "Tu■ ayar¤"

msgid " Editor options "
msgstr " D№zenleyici seчenekleri "

msgid "Help"
msgstr "Yard¤m"

msgid "Save"
msgstr "Kaydet"

msgid "Mark"
msgstr "Seч"

msgid "Replac"
msgstr "DeЁ■tir"

msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopyala"

msgid "Move"
msgstr "Ta■¤"

msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Sil"

msgid "PullDn"
msgstr "AnaMen№"

msgid " Load syntax file "
msgstr " SЎzdizimi dosyas¤n¤ y№kle "

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot open file %s \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" %s dosyas¤ aч¤lamad¤ \n"
" %s "

#, c-format
msgid " Error in file %s on line %d "
msgstr " %s dosyas¤ %d sat¤r¤nda hata "

#, c-format
msgid "bind: Wrong argument number, bind <key> <command>"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "bind: Bad key value `%s'"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "bind: Ehh...no key?"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "bind: Unknown key: `%s'"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "bind: Unknown command: `%s'"
msgstr " Chown komutu "

#, c-format
msgid "%s: Syntax: %s <n> <command> <label>"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: Unknown command: `%s'"
msgstr " Chown komutu "

#, c-format
msgid "%s: fn should be 1-10"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%s: fopen(): %s"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s:%d: unknown command `%s'"
msgstr " Chown komutu "

#, c-format
msgid "%s:%d: %s"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s not found!"
msgstr "Uyar¤: %s dosyas¤ yok\n"

msgid "&Set"
msgstr "&Tamam"

msgid "S&kip"
msgstr "A&tla"

msgid "Set &all"
msgstr "T№m№n№ &belirle"

msgid "owner"
msgstr "sahibi"

msgid "group"
msgstr "grup"

msgid "other"
msgstr "diЁer"

msgid "On"
msgstr " "

msgid "Flag"
msgstr "▌m"

msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Kip"

#, c-format
msgid "%6d of %d"
msgstr "%6d / %d"

msgid " Chown advanced command "
msgstr " Dosya Ўzellikleri "

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot chmod \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" chmod \"%s\" yap¤lamad¤ \n"
" %s "

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot chown \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" chown \"%s\" yap¤lamad¤ \n"
" %s "

msgid " Background process error "
msgstr " Artalan i■lem hatas¤ "

msgid " Unknown error in child "
msgstr " Ast s№reчte bilinmeyen hata "

msgid " Child died unexpectedly "
msgstr " Ast s№reч anla■¤lmayan bir sebeple чЎkt№"

msgid " Background protocol error "
msgstr " Artalan protokol hatas¤ "

msgid ""
" Background process sent us a request for more arguments \n"
" than we can handle. \n"
msgstr ""
"Artalan i■lemi elde edilebilenden daha fazla arg№man iчin  bir istek "
"bildirdi. \n"

msgid "&Full file list"
msgstr "&Tam dosya listesi"

msgid "&Brief file list"
msgstr "╓&zet dosya listesi"

msgid "&Long file list"
msgstr "&Uzun dosya listesi"

msgid "&User defined:"
msgstr "Ku&llan¤c¤ tan¤ml¤:"

msgid "Listing mode"
msgstr "Listeleme kipi"

msgid "user &Mini status"
msgstr "&Mini durum sat¤r¤"

msgid "&Reverse"
msgstr "Te&rs"

msgid "case sensi&tive"
msgstr "&Harf b№y№kl№Ё№ne duyarl¤"

msgid "Sort order"
msgstr "S¤ralama t№r№"

#, fuzzy
msgid " confirm di&Rectory hotlist delete "
msgstr "Di&zin Geчmi■i               C-\\"

msgid " confirm &Exit "
msgstr " ╟¤&k¤■ta onay iste"

msgid " confirm e&Xecute "
msgstr " чal¤■t¤rma o&nay¤ iste "

msgid " confirm o&Verwrite "
msgstr " №&st№ne yazma onay¤ iste "

msgid " confirm &Delete "
msgstr " sil&me onay¤ iste "

msgid " Confirmation "
msgstr " Onaylama "

msgid "Full 8 bits output"
msgstr "Tam 8-bitlik ч¤kt¤"

msgid "ISO 8859-1"
msgstr "ISO 8859-1"

msgid "7 bits"
msgstr "7 bit"

msgid "F&ull 8 bits input"
msgstr "Ta&m 8-bitlik girdi"

msgid " Display bits "
msgstr " Bitleri gЎster "

msgid "Other 8 bit"
msgstr "DiЁer 8 bit"

msgid "Input / display codepage:"
msgstr "Girdi / gЎsterme karakter k№mesi:"

msgid "&Select"
msgstr "&Seч"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Use passive mode over pro&xy"
msgstr "Ka&Ydetme kipi..."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Use &passive mode"
msgstr "Ka&Ydetme kipi..."

msgid "&Use ~/.netrc"
msgstr ""

msgid "&Always use ftp proxy"
msgstr "&Daima ftp vekili kullan"

msgid "sec"
msgstr "sn"

msgid "ftpfs directory cache timeout:"
msgstr "ftpfs dizin arabelleЁinde zamana■¤m¤:"

msgid "ftp anonymous password:"
msgstr "anonim ftp parolas¤:"

msgid "Timeout for freeing VFSs:"
msgstr "VFS'leri bo■altma zamana■¤m¤:"

msgid " Virtual File System Setting "
msgstr " Sanal Dosya Sistemi Ayarlar¤ "

msgid "Quick cd"
msgstr "╟abuk dizin deЁi■tirme"

msgid "cd"
msgstr "cd"

msgid "Symbolic link filename:"
msgstr "Sembolik baЁ ismi:"

msgid "Existing filename (filename symlink will point to):"
msgstr "Mevcut dosya (Sembolik baЁ¤n hedefi):"

msgid "Symbolic link"
msgstr "Sembolik baЁ"

msgid "Running "
msgstr "╟al¤■¤yor "

msgid "Stopped"
msgstr "Durduruldu"

msgid "&Stop"
msgstr "&Durdur"

msgid "&Resume"
msgstr "Y&eniden devam et"

msgid "&Kill"
msgstr "&╓ld№r"

msgid "Background Jobs"
msgstr "Artalan ▌■leri"

msgid "Domain:"
msgstr "Alan ad¤: "

msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Kullan¤c¤: "

msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Parola:"

#, c-format
msgid "Password for \\\\%s\\%s"
msgstr "\\\\%s\\%s iчin parola"

#, c-format
msgid "Warning: file %s not found\n"
msgstr "Uyar¤: %s dosyas¤ yok\n"

#, c-format
msgid "Cannot translate from %s to %s"
msgstr "%s, %s olarak чevrilemiyor"

msgid "execute/search by others"
msgstr "ba■kalar¤ чal¤■t¤rabilir"

msgid "write by others"
msgstr "ba■kalar¤ yazabilir"

msgid "read by others"
msgstr "ba■kalar¤ okuyabilir"

msgid "execute/search by group"
msgstr "gruptakiler чal¤■t¤rabilir"

msgid "write by group"
msgstr "gruptakiler yazabilir"

msgid "read by group"
msgstr "gruptakiler okuyabilir"

msgid "execute/search by owner"
msgstr "sahibi чal¤■t¤rabilir"

msgid "write by owner"
msgstr "sahibi yazabilir"

msgid "read by owner"
msgstr "sahibi okuyabilir"

msgid "sticky bit"
msgstr "sabit bit"

msgid "set group ID on execution"
msgstr "gruptakiler чal¤■t¤rabilir"

msgid "set user ID on execution"
msgstr "kullan¤c¤ чal¤■t¤rabilir"

msgid "C&lear marked"
msgstr "▌■a&retlenenleri Temizle"

msgid "S&et marked"
msgstr "S&eчimi ba■lat"

msgid "&Marked all"
msgstr "T№&m№n№ seч"

msgid "Name"
msgstr "▌sim"

msgid "Permissions (Octal)"
msgstr "▌zinler (Sekizlik)"

msgid "Owner name"
msgstr "Sahibi"

msgid "Group name"
msgstr "Grup ismi"

msgid "Use SPACE to change"
msgstr "DeЁi■tirirken BO▐LUK tu■unu"

msgid "an option, ARROW KEYS"
msgstr "gezinirken OK TU▐LARINI,"

msgid "to move between options"
msgstr "i■aretlemede T veya INS"

msgid "and T or INS to mark"
msgstr "tu■lar¤n¤ kullanabilirsiniz"

msgid " Permission "
msgstr " ▌zinler "

msgid "Chmod command"
msgstr "Chmod komutu"

msgid "Set &users"
msgstr "K&ullan¤c¤lar¤ belirle"

msgid "Set &groups"
msgstr "&Gruplar¤ belirle"

msgid " Name "
msgstr " ▌sim "

msgid " Owner name "
msgstr " Sahibi "

msgid " Group name "
msgstr " Grup ismi "

msgid " Size "
msgstr " Boyut "

msgid " User name "
msgstr " Kullan¤c¤ ismi "

msgid " Chown command "
msgstr " Chown komutu "

msgid "<Unknown user>"
msgstr "<Bilinmeyen>"

msgid "<Unknown group>"
msgstr "<Bilinmeyen>"

msgid "Files tagged, want to cd?"
msgstr "Dosyalar i■aretli, dizin deЁi■sin mi?"

msgid "Cannot change directory"
msgstr "Dizin deЁi■tirilemedi"

msgid " View file "
msgstr " Dosyay¤ gЎster "

msgid " Filename:"
msgstr " Dosyaismi:"

msgid " Filtered view "
msgstr " GЎr№n№m S№zgeci "

msgid " Filter command and arguments:"
msgstr " S№zgeч komutlar¤ ve arg№manlar¤:"

msgid "Create a new Directory"
msgstr "Yeni bir dizin Olu■tur"

msgid " Enter directory name:"
msgstr " Dizin ismi:"

msgid " Filter "
msgstr " S№zgeч "

msgid " Set expression for filtering filenames"
msgstr " Dosya isimlerini s№zmede kullan¤lacak ifadeyi belirtin"

msgid "  Malformed regular expression  "
msgstr " D№zenli ifade yanl¤■  "

msgid " Select "
msgstr " Seч "

msgid " Unselect "
msgstr " Seчimi b¤rak "

msgid "Extension file edit"
msgstr "Uzant¤ dosyas¤ d№zenleme"

msgid " Which extension file you want to edit? "
msgstr " Hangi uzant¤ dosyas¤ d№zenlenecek? "

msgid "&User"
msgstr "&Kullan¤c¤"

msgid "&System Wide"
msgstr "&Sistem чap¤nda"

msgid " Menu edit "
msgstr " Menu D№zenleme "

msgid " Which menu file do you want to edit? "
msgstr " D№zenlenecek men№ hangisi? "

msgid "&Local"
msgstr "Yere&l"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Syntax file edit"
msgstr "Men&№ dosyas¤n¤ d№zenle"

#, fuzzy
msgid " Which syntax file you want to edit? "
msgstr " Hangi uzant¤ dosyas¤ d№zenlenecek? "

msgid " Compare directories "
msgstr " Dizinleri kar■¤la■t¤r"

msgid " Select compare method: "
msgstr " Kar■¤la■t¤rma yЎntemini seчin: "

msgid "&Quick"
msgstr "&╟abuk"

msgid "&Size only"
msgstr "&Sadece uzunluk"

msgid "&Thorough"
msgstr "&Titiz"

msgid " Both panels should be in the listing mode to use this command "
msgstr "Bu komutu kullanmak iчin her iki panelde liste gЎr№n№m№nde olmal¤"

msgid " The command history is empty "
msgstr " Komut geчmi■i bo■ "

msgid " Command history "
msgstr " Komut Geчmi■i "

msgid ""
" Not an xterm or Linux console; \n"
" the panels cannot be toggled. "
msgstr ""
" Bir xterm ya da Linux konsolu deЁil;\n"
" Paneller deЁi■tirilemez. "

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Link %s to:"
msgstr " baЁ: %s "

msgid " Link "
msgstr " Sabit BaЁ: "

#, c-format
msgid " link: %s "
msgstr " baЁ: %s "

#, c-format
msgid " symlink: %s "
msgstr " sembaЁ: %s"

#, c-format
msgid " Symlink `%s' points to: "
msgstr "%s sembolik baЁ¤n¤n hedefi:"

msgid " Edit symlink "
msgstr " Sembolik baЁ¤ d№zenle "

#, c-format
msgid " edit symlink, unable to remove %s: %s "
msgstr " sembolik baЁ d№zenleme, %s silinemedi: %s "

#, c-format
msgid " edit symlink: %s "
msgstr " sembolik baЁ d№zenleme: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "`%s' is not a symbolic link"
msgstr "`%s' bir sembolik baЁ deЁil"

#, c-format
msgid " Cannot chdir to %s "
msgstr " %s dizinine geчilemedi"

msgid " Enter machine name (F1 for details): "
msgstr " makina ismi (ayr¤nt¤lar iчin F1): "

msgid " Link to a remote machine "
msgstr " Bir uzak makinaya baЁ "

msgid " FTP to machine "
msgstr " makinaya FTP "

#, fuzzy
msgid " Shell link to machine "
msgstr " makinaya SMB baЁ "

msgid " SMB link to machine "
msgstr " makinaya SMB baЁ "

msgid " Undelete files on an ext2 file system "
msgstr " Bir ext2 dosya sistemi №zerinde silinen dosyalar¤ kurtar¤r "

msgid ""
" Enter device (without /dev/) to undelete\n"
"   files on: (F1 for details)"
msgstr ""
" Kurtar¤lacak dosyalar¤n bulunduЁu ayg¤t¤n ismini\n"
" (/dev/ olmadan - Ayr¤nt¤lar iчin F1) verin"

msgid " Setup "
msgstr " Ayarlar "

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid " Setup saved to ~/%s"
msgstr " Ayarlar kaydedildi: ~/"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot chdir to \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" \"%s\" dizinine geчilemedi \n"
" %s "

msgid " Cannot execute commands on non-local filesystems"
msgstr " Yerel dosya sistemi d¤■¤nda komut чal¤■t¤r¤lamaz"

msgid " The shell is already running a command "
msgstr " Kabukta halen bir komut etkin "

msgid "&Unsorted"
msgstr "&S¤ras¤z"

msgid "&Name"
msgstr "▌s&me gЎre"

msgid "&Extension"
msgstr "&Uzant¤s¤na gЎre"

msgid "&Modify time"
msgstr "D№&zenleme tarihine gЎre"

msgid "&Access time"
msgstr "&Eri■im zaman¤na gЎre"

msgid "C&Hange time"
msgstr "D&№Ё№m DeЁi■im zaman¤na gЎre"

msgid "&Size"
msgstr "&Boyutuna gЎre"

msgid "&Inode"
msgstr "D№Ё№m &numaras¤na gЎre"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot read directory contents"
msgstr "Dizin deЁi■tirilemedi"

#, c-format
msgid "Press any key to continue..."
msgstr "Bir tu■a bas¤n¤z..."

#, c-format
msgid "Type `exit' to return to the Midnight Commander"
msgstr "Midnight Commander'a dЎnmek iчin `exit' yaz¤n¤z"

#, c-format
msgid " Cannot fetch a local copy of %s "
msgstr " `%s'in yerel kopyas¤ al¤namad¤ "

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot create temporary command file \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" Geчici komut dosyas¤ olu■turulam¤yor:\n"
" %s "

msgid " Parameter "
msgstr " Parametre "

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid " %s%s file error"
msgstr " dosya hatas¤"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The format of the %smc.ext file has changed with version 3.0.  It seems that "
"the installation failed.  Please fetch a fresh copy from the Midnight "
"Commander package."
msgstr ""
"mc.ext dosyas¤ s№r№m 3.0 ile deЁi■ti.\n"
"Kurulum ba■ar¤s¤z gЎr№n№yor. L№tfen, Midnight\n"
"Commander paketinden temiz bir kopyas¤yla deЁi■tirin."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid " ~/%s file error "
msgstr " dosya hatas¤"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The format of the ~/%s file has changed with version 3.0.  You may either "
"want to copy it from %smc.ext or use that file as an example of how to write "
msgstr ""

msgid " Copy "
msgstr " Kopyala "

msgid " Move "
msgstr " Ta■¤ma "

msgid " Delete "
msgstr " Sil "

msgid " Invalid target mask "
msgstr " Geчersiz hedef mask¤ "

msgid " Cannot make the hardlink "
msgstr " Sabit baЁ olu■turulamad¤ "

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot read source link \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" Kaynak baЁ¤ \"%s\" okunamad¤ \n"
" %s "

msgid ""
" Cannot make stable symlinks across non-local filesystems: \n"
" Option Stable Symlinks will be disabled "
msgstr ""
"Yerel dosya sistemleri d¤■¤ndakilere sembolik baЁlar kararl¤ olamaz:\n"
" Sembolik BaЁlarda Kararl¤l¤k seчeneЁi kapat¤lacak"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot create target symlink \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" Hedef sembolik baЁ \"%s\" olu■turulam¤yor \n"
" %s"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot overwrite directory \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" \"%s\" dizininin №st№ne yaz¤lam¤yor \n"
" %s"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot stat source file \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" \"%s\" kaynak dosyas¤ durumlanam¤yor \n"
" %s"

#, c-format
msgid " `%s' and `%s' are the same file "
msgstr " `%s' ve `%s' ayn¤ dosyad¤r "

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot create special file \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" \"%s\" Ўzel dosyas¤ olu■turulam¤yor \n"
" %s"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot chown target file \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" \"%s\" hedef dosyas¤n¤n sahibi deЁi■tirilemiyor \n"
" %s"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot chmod target file \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" \"%s\" dosyas¤n¤n kipi deЁi■tirilemiyor \n"
" %s"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot open source file \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" kaynak dosyas¤ aч¤lam¤yor \n"
" %s"

msgid " Reget failed, about to overwrite file "
msgstr " dosyan¤n №st№ne yaz¤lmas¤nda, Reget ba■ar¤s¤z "

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot fstat source file \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" kaynak dosyas¤na fstat yap¤lam¤yor\n"
" %s"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot create target file \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" hedef dosyas¤ olu■turulam¤yor \n"
" %sw"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot fstat target file \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" hedef dosyas¤ fstat yap¤lam¤yor \n"
" %s"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot read source file \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" kaynak dosyas¤ okunam¤yor \n"
" %s"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot write target file \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" \"%s\" hedef dosyas¤na yaz¤lam¤yor \n"
" %s"

msgid "(stalled)"
msgstr "(duraklad¤)"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot close source file \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" kaynak dosyas¤ kapat¤lam¤yor \n"
" %s"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot close target file \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" hedef dosyas¤ kapat¤lam¤yor \n"
" %s"

msgid "Incomplete file was retrieved. Keep it?"
msgstr " Tamamlanmam¤■ dosya al¤nd¤. Korunsun mu?"

msgid "&Delete"
msgstr "&Sil"

msgid "&Keep"
msgstr "&Koru"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot stat source directory \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" kaynak dizini durumlanam¤yor \n"
" %s"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Source \"%s\" is not a directory \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" kaynak dizini bir dizin deЁil\n"
" %s "

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot copy cyclic symbolic link \n"
" `%s' "
msgstr ""
" Devirli sembolik baЁ kopyalanamaz \n"
" `%s' "

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Destination \"%s\" must be a directory \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
"Hedef \"%s\" bir dizin olmal¤ \n"
" %s "

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot create target directory \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" Hedef dizin \"%s\" olu■turulam¤yor \n"
" %s"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot chown target directory \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" Hedef \"%s\" dizininin sahibi deЁi■tirilemiyor \n"
" %s "

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot stat file \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" \"%s\" dosyas¤ durumlanam¤yor \n"
" %s "

#, c-format
msgid " Cannot overwrite directory `%s' "
msgstr " %s dizinin №st№ne yaz¤lam¤yor "

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot move file \"%s\" to \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" \"%s\" dosyas¤ \"%s\" e ta■¤nam¤yor \n"
" %s"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot remove file \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" \"%s\" dosyas¤ silinemiyor \n"
" %s "

#, c-format
msgid " `%s' and `%s' are the same directory "
msgstr " `%s' ve `%s' ayn¤ dizin "

#, c-format
msgid " Cannot overwrite directory \"%s\" %s "
msgstr "\"%s\" dizininin №st№ne yaz¤lam¤yor %s"

#, c-format
msgid " Cannot overwrite file \"%s\" %s "
msgstr "\"%s\" dosyas¤n¤n №st№ne yaz¤lam¤yor %s"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot move directory \"%s\" to \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" \"%s\" dizini \"%s\"e ta■¤nam¤yor \n"
" %s "

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot delete file \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" dosyas¤ silinemiyor \n"
" %s "

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot remove directory \"%s\" \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" dizini silinemiyor \n"
" %s "

msgid "1Copy"
msgstr "1Kopyala"

msgid "1Move"
msgstr "1Ta■¤"

msgid "1Delete"
msgstr "1Sil"

#, no-c-format
msgid "%o %f \"%s\"%m"
msgstr "%o %f \"%s\"%m"

#, no-c-format
msgid "%o %d %f%m"
msgstr "%o %d %f%m"

msgid "file"
msgstr "dosya:"

msgid "files"
msgstr "dosya"

msgid "directory"
msgstr "dizin:"

msgid "directories"
msgstr "dizin"

msgid "files/directories"
msgstr "dosya/dizin"

msgid " with source mask:"
msgstr " bu maskla:"

msgid " to:"
msgstr " iчin baЁ dosyas¤:"

msgid " Cannot operate on \"..\"! "
msgstr " \"..\" №zerinde i■lem yap¤lam¤yor! "

msgid " Sorry, I could not put the job in background "
msgstr " ▌■ artalana konulamad¤ "

msgid "&Retry"
msgstr "&Tekrar"

msgid "&Abort"
msgstr "▌&ptal"

msgid ""
"   Directory not empty.   \n"
"   Delete it recursively? "
msgstr ""
"   Dizin bo■ deЁil.     \n"
"   Ard¤■¤k silinsin mi? "

msgid ""
"   Background process: Directory not empty \n"
"   Delete it recursively? "
msgstr ""
"    Artalan s№reч: Dizin bo■ deЁil \n"
"    Ard¤■¤k silinsin mi? "

msgid " Delete: "
msgstr " Silinecek: "

msgid "Non&e"
msgstr "&hiчbiri"

#, c-format
msgid "ETA %d:%02d.%02d"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%.2f MB/s"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%.2f KB/s"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%ld B/s"
msgstr ""

msgid "File"
msgstr "Dosya"

msgid "Count"
msgstr "Say¤"

msgid "Bytes"
msgstr "Bayt"

msgid "Source"
msgstr "Kaynak"

msgid "Target"
msgstr "Hedef"

msgid "Deleting"
msgstr "Siliniyor"

#, c-format
msgid "Target file \"%s\" already exists!"
msgstr "Hedef dosya \"%s\" zaten var!"

msgid "If &size differs"
msgstr "Boyut &Farkl¤ysa"

msgid "&Update"
msgstr "&G№ncelle"

msgid "Overwrite all targets?"
msgstr "T№m hedeflerin №st№ne yaz¤ls¤n m¤?"

msgid "&Reget"
msgstr "&Reget"

msgid "A&ppend"
msgstr "Sonuna &Ekle"

msgid "Overwrite this target?"
msgstr "▄zerine yaz¤ls¤n m¤?"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Target date: %s, size %llu"
msgstr "Hedef tarihi: %s, boyutu %llu"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Source date: %s, size %llu"
msgstr "Kaynak tarihi: %s, boyutu %llu"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Target date: %s, size %u"
msgstr "Hedef tarihi: %s, boyutu %u"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Source date: %s, size %u"
msgstr "Kaynak tarihi: %s, boyutu %u"

msgid " File exists "
msgstr " Dosya var "

msgid " Background process: File exists "
msgstr "Artalan s№reч: Dosya var "

msgid "preserve &Attributes"
msgstr "&Nitelikleri koru"

msgid "follow &Links"
msgstr "&BaЁlar¤ izle"

msgid "to:"
msgstr "buraya:"

msgid "&Using shell patterns"
msgstr "&Kabuk masklar¤n¤ kullanarak"

msgid "&Background"
msgstr "A&rtalan"

msgid "&Stable Symlinks"
msgstr "Kararl¤ &Sembolik BaЁlar"

msgid "&Dive into subdir if exists"
msgstr "Varsa altdizine &Dal"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid source pattern `%s' \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
"Geчersiz kaynak mask¤ `%s' \n"
" %s"

msgid "&Suspend"
msgstr "A&sk¤ya Al"

msgid "Con&tinue"
msgstr "&Devam Et"

msgid "&Chdir"
msgstr "Di&zin deЁi■tir"

msgid "&Again"
msgstr "&Tekrar"

msgid "&Quit"
msgstr "╟¤&k"

msgid "Pane&lize"
msgstr "Pane&lle"

msgid "&View - F3"
msgstr "&GЎr№nt№le - F3"

msgid "&Edit - F4"
msgstr "D№z&enle - F4"

msgid "&Find recursively"
msgstr ""

msgid "Start at:"
msgstr "Ba■lang¤ч:"

msgid "Filename:"
msgstr "Dosyaismi:"

msgid "Content: "
msgstr "▌чerik: "

msgid "&Tree"
msgstr "&AЁaч"

msgid "Find File"
msgstr "Dosyay¤ bul"

#, c-format
msgid "Grepping in %s"
msgstr "%s'de Grepliyor"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Bitirildi"

#, c-format
msgid "Searching %s"
msgstr "%s aran¤yor"

msgid "Searching"
msgstr "Aran¤yor"

msgid " Help file format error\n"
msgstr " Yard¤m dosyas¤ biчim hatas¤\n"

msgid " Internal bug: Double start of link area "
msgstr " Yaz¤l¤m hatas¤: BaЁ alan¤nda чift ba■lang¤ч "

#, c-format
msgid " Cannot find node %s in help file "
msgstr " Yard¤m dosyas¤nda %s d№Ё№m№ bulunamad¤ "

msgid "Index"
msgstr "▌ndeks"

msgid "Prev"
msgstr "╓nceki"

msgid "&Move"
msgstr "&Ta■¤"

msgid "&Remove"
msgstr "Ka&ld¤r"

msgid "&Append"
msgstr "Sonuna &Ekle"

msgid "&Insert"
msgstr "A&raya ekle"

msgid "New &Entry"
msgstr "Y&eni Girdi"

msgid "New &Group"
msgstr "Yeni &Grup"

msgid "&Up"
msgstr "&Yukar¤"

msgid "&Add current"
msgstr "Mev&cudu ekle"

#, fuzzy
msgid "&Refresh"
msgstr "Te&rs"

msgid "Fr&ee VFSs now"
msgstr "VFS'lerini ■imdi b&o■alt"

msgid "Change &To"
msgstr "DeЁi■&tir"

msgid "Subgroup - press ENTER to see list"
msgstr "Altgrup - listeyi gЎrmek iчin ENTER'a bas¤n"

msgid "Active VFS directories"
msgstr "Etkin VFS dizinleri"

msgid "Directory hotlist"
msgstr "Dizin listesi"

msgid " Directory path "
msgstr " Dizin yolu "

msgid " Directory label "
msgstr " Dizin ad¤ "

#, c-format
msgid "Moving %s"
msgstr "%s ta■¤n¤yor"

msgid "New hotlist entry"
msgstr "Yeni liste girdisi"

msgid "Directory label"
msgstr "Dizin ad¤"

msgid "Directory path"
msgstr "Dizin yolu"

msgid " New hotlist group "
msgstr "Yeni liste grubu"

msgid "Name of new group"
msgstr "Yeni grup ismi"

#, c-format
msgid "Label for \"%s\":"
msgstr "\"%s\" iчin Etiket:"

msgid " Add to hotlist "
msgstr " Listeye Ekle "

msgid " Remove: "
msgstr " Kald¤r: "

msgid ""
" Are you sure you want to remove this entry?"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
" Group not empty.\n"
" Remove it?"
msgstr ""
" Grup bo■ deЁil\n"
" Kald¤r¤ls¤n m¤?"

msgid " Top level group "
msgstr "▄st d№zey grup"

msgid " Hotlist Load "
msgstr " Listeyi Y№kle "

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"MC was unable to write ~/%s file, your old hotlist entries were not deleted"
msgstr "dosyas¤na yazamad¤, eski listeniz silinmedi"

#, c-format
msgid "Midnight Commander %s"
msgstr "Midnight Commander %s"

#, c-format
msgid "File:       %s"
msgstr " Dosya ismi:   %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Free nodes: %d (%d%%) of %d"
msgstr "%d (%%%d) / %d serbest d№Ё№m"

msgid "No node information"
msgstr "D№Ё№m bilgileri yok"

#, c-format
msgid "Free space: %s (%d%%) of %s"
msgstr "%s (%%%d) / %s serbest alan"

msgid "No space information"
msgstr "Alan bilgileri yok"

#, c-format
msgid "Type:      %s "
msgstr "T№r№:          %s"

msgid "non-local vfs"
msgstr "yerel olmayan vfs"

#, c-format
msgid "Device:    %s"
msgstr "Ayg¤t: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Filesystem: %s"
msgstr "Dosya sistemi: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Accessed:  %s"
msgstr "Eri■im:        %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Modified:  %s"
msgstr "DeЁi■im:       %s"

#. TRANSLATORS: "Status changed", like in the stat(2) man page
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Status:    %s"
msgstr "Olu■turma:     %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Dev. type: major %lu, minor %lu"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Size:      %s"
msgstr "Boyut:      %s"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid " (%ld block)"
msgid_plural " (%ld blocks)"
msgstr[0] " (%ld blok)"
msgstr[1] " (%ld blok)"

#, c-format
msgid "Owner:     %s/%s"
msgstr "Sahibi:        %s/%s"

#, c-format
msgid "Links:     %d"
msgstr "BaЁlar:        %d"

#, c-format
msgid "Mode:      %s (%04o)"
msgstr "Kip:           %s (%04o)"

#, c-format
msgid "Location:  %Xh:%Xh"
msgstr "Konum:         %Xh:%Xh"

msgid "File:       None"
msgstr " Dosya ismi:    Yok"

msgid "&Vertical"
msgstr "Di&key"

msgid "&Horizontal"
msgstr "&Yatay"

#, fuzzy
msgid "&Xterm window title"
msgstr "&Xterm yard¤m sat¤r¤"

msgid "h&Intbar visible"
msgstr "&Yard¤m sat¤r¤ gЎster"

msgid "&Keybar visible"
msgstr "&Tu■ komutlar¤n¤ gЎster"

msgid "command &Prompt"
msgstr "Komut ▌&stemi"

msgid "show &Mini status"
msgstr "&Mini durum gЎster"

msgid "menu&Bar visible"
msgstr "Men№ ╟&ubuЁunu gЎster"

msgid "&Equal split"
msgstr "&E■it bЎl"

msgid "pe&Rmissions"
msgstr "i&zinler"

msgid "&File types"
msgstr "Dosya t№&rleri"

msgid " Panel split "
msgstr " Panel bЎl№■№m№ "

msgid " Highlight... "
msgstr " Ayd¤nlat..."

msgid " Other options "
msgstr " DiЁer ayarlar "

msgid "output lines"
msgstr "ч¤kt¤ sat¤rlar¤"

msgid "Layout"
msgstr "Yerle■im"

msgid "Learn keys"
msgstr "Tu■lar¤ ЎЁret"

msgid " Teach me a key "
msgstr " Bir tu■u ЎЁret "

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please press the %s\n"
"and then wait until this message disappears.\n"
"Then, press it again to see if OK appears\n"
"next to its button.\n"
"If you want to escape, press a single Escape key\n"
"and wait as well."
msgstr ""
"%s tu■una bas¤n\n"
" ve bu ileti kalkana kadar bekleyin.\n"
"Sonra bu tu■a tekrar bast¤Ё¤n¤zda butonun\n"
"yan¤nda OK gЎr№n№r.\n"
"escape'e basmak isterseniz, bir kere bas¤n\n"
" ve sonucu gЎr№n."

msgid " Cannot accept this key "
msgstr " Bu tu■ kabul edilemez "

#, c-format
msgid " You have entered \"%s\""
msgstr " \"%s\" tu■una bast¤n¤z"

#. TRANSLATORS: This label appears near learned keys.  Keep it short.
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

msgid ""
"It seems that all your keys already\n"
"work fine. That's great."
msgstr ""
"T№m tu■lar¤n¤z doЁru чal¤■¤yor.\n"
"Bu чok iyi."

msgid "&Discard"
msgstr "▌p&tal"

msgid ""
"Great! You have a complete terminal database!\n"
"All your keys work well."
msgstr ""
"Tebrikler! Tam bir terminal veritaban¤n¤z var!\n"
"T№m tu■lar¤n¤z doЁru чal¤■¤yor."

msgid "Press all the keys mentioned here. After you have done it, check"
msgstr "Burada gЎsterilen t№m tu■lara bas¤n. Bunu yapt¤ktan sonra OK ile"

msgid "which keys are not marked with OK.  Press space on the missing"
msgstr "i■aretlenmemi■ tu■lar¤ kontrol edin. Tu■u atamak iчin bo■luk"

msgid "key, or click with the mouse to define it. Move around with Tab."
msgstr "tu■una bas¤n ya da fareyle t¤klay¤n. Tab ile dola■abilirsiniz."

msgid ""
" The Commander can't change to the directory that \n"
" the subshell claims you are in.  Perhaps you have \n"
" deleted your working directory, or given yourself \n"
" extra access permissions with the \"su\" command? "
msgstr ""
" Commander istediЁiniz dizine geчemiyor \n"
" Ya bu dizini sildiniz ya da \"suа\" \n"
" komutuyla kendinize fazladan haklar \n"
" verdiniz? "

msgid " The Midnight Commander "
msgstr " The Midnight Commander "

msgid " Do you really want to quit the Midnight Commander? "
msgstr " Midnight Commander'dan gerчekten ч¤kmak istiyor musunuz? "

msgid "&Listing mode..."
msgstr "&Listeleme kipi..."

msgid "&Quick view     C-x q"
msgstr "Dosya iчe&RiЁi     C-x q"

msgid "&Info           C-x i"
msgstr "&Bilgi kipi        C-x i"

msgid "&Sort order..."
msgstr "&S¤ralama t№r№..."

msgid "&Filter..."
msgstr "&S№zgeч..."

msgid "&Network link..."
msgstr "&AЁ baЁ¤..."

msgid "FT&P link..."
msgstr "FT&P baЁ¤..."

#, fuzzy
msgid "S&hell link..."
msgstr "S&MB baЁ¤..."

msgid "SM&B link..."
msgstr "S&MB baЁ¤..."

msgid "&Rescan         C-r"
msgstr "Taz&ele            C-r"

msgid "&User menu          F2"
msgstr "K&ullan¤c¤ men№s№             F2"

msgid "&View               F3"
msgstr "&GЎr№n№m                      F3"

msgid "Vie&w file...         "
msgstr "Bir dos&ya gЎster...  "

msgid "&Filtered view     M-!"
msgstr "GЎr№n№m &S№zgeci             M-!"

msgid "&Edit               F4"
msgstr "Dosyay¤ D№z&enle              F4"

msgid "&Copy               F5"
msgstr "Dosya/Dizini &Kopyala         F5"

msgid "c&Hmod           C-x c"
msgstr "Dosya ki&Pini deЁi■tir     C-x c"

msgid "&Link            C-x l"
msgstr "Sabi&t BaЁ Olu■tur         C-x l"

msgid "&SymLink         C-x s"
msgstr "Se&mbolik BaЁ olu■tur      C-x s"

msgid "edit s&Ymlink  C-x C-s"
msgstr "Sembolik &BaЁ¤ d№zenle   C-x C-s"

msgid "ch&Own           C-x o"
msgstr "Sa&hip/Grup deЁi■tir       C-x o"

msgid "&Advanced chown       "
msgstr "&Dosya ╓zelliklerini DeЁi■tir   "

msgid "&Rename/Move        F6"
msgstr "Ta■¤ma / &Ad DeЁi■tirme       F6"

msgid "&Mkdir              F7"
msgstr "Yeni Di&zin olu■tur           F7"

msgid "&Delete             F8"
msgstr "Dosya / Dizini Si&L           F8"

msgid "&Quick cd          M-c"
msgstr "╟abuk Dizin de&Ёi■tirme      M-c"

msgid "select &Group      M-+"
msgstr "Bl&ok Seчimi                 M-+"

msgid "u&Nselect group    M-\\"
msgstr "Blok seчimi&ni kald¤r        M-\\"

msgid "reverse selec&Tion M-*"
msgstr "Seчimi Tersine ╟e&vir        M-*"

msgid "e&Xit              F10"
msgstr "&╟¤k¤■            F10"

msgid "&Directory tree"
msgstr "&Dizin aЁac¤"

msgid "&Find file            M-?"
msgstr "Dosya b&ul                    M-?"

msgid "s&Wap panels          C-u"
msgstr "Panelleri yer &deЁi■tir       C-u"

msgid "switch &Panels on/off C-o"
msgstr "&Panelleri kapat/aч           C-o"

msgid "&Compare directories  C-x d"
msgstr "&Dizinleri kar■¤la■t¤r      C-x d"

msgid "e&Xternal panelize    C-x !"
msgstr "D¤■ar¤da&n panelle          C-x !"

msgid "show directory s&Izes"
msgstr "diz&in boyutlar¤n¤ gЎster"

msgid "command &History"
msgstr "komut &Geчmi■i"

msgid "di&Rectory hotlist    C-\\"
msgstr "Di&zin Geчmi■i               C-\\"

msgid "&Active VFS list      C-x a"
msgstr "Etkin &VFS listesi          C-x a"

msgid "&Background jobs      C-x j"
msgstr "&Ardalan i■lemleri          C-x j"

msgid "&Undelete files (ext2fs only)"
msgstr "Dosyalar¤ k&urtar (sadece ext2fs)"

msgid "&Listing format edit"
msgstr "&Listeleme biчimini d№zenle"

msgid "Edit &extension file"
msgstr "Dosya &Uzant¤lar¤n¤ d№zenle"

msgid "Edit &menu file"
msgstr "Men&№ dosyas¤n¤ d№zenle"

msgid "Edit edi&tor menu file"
msgstr "Men№ d&№zenleyici d№zenleme"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit &syntax file"
msgstr "Men&№ dosyas¤n¤ d№zenle"

msgid "&Configuration..."
msgstr "&Yap¤land¤rma..."

msgid "&Layout..."
msgstr "&Yerle■im...     "

msgid "c&Onfirmation..."
msgstr "&Onaylama..."

msgid "&Display bits..."
msgstr "Bit &gЎsterimi..."

msgid "learn &Keys..."
msgstr "&Tu■lar¤ ЎЁren..."

msgid "&Virtual FS..."
msgstr "&Sanal Dosya Sistemi..."

msgid "&Save setup"
msgstr "Ayarlar¤ &Kaydet"

msgid " &Above "
msgstr " &▄st "

msgid " &Left "
msgstr " &Sol "

msgid " &File "
msgstr " &Dosya "

msgid " &Command "
msgstr " &Komut "

msgid " &Options "
msgstr " Seчe&nekler "

msgid " &Below "
msgstr " &Alt"

msgid " &Right "
msgstr " &SaЁ "

msgid " Information "
msgstr " Bilgi       "

msgid ""
" Using the fast reload option may not reflect the exact \n"
" directory contents. In this case you'll need to do a   \n"
" manual reload of the directory. See the man page for   \n"
" the details.                                           "
msgstr ""
" ╟abuk dizin tazeleme seчeneЁi kullan¤ld¤Ё¤nda dizin \n"
" iчeriklerindeki anl¤k deЁi■iklikler gЎsterilmez. Bu \n"
" durumda dizin iчeriЁini kendiniz tazelemek zorunda \n"
" kalacaks¤n¤z. Daha detayl¤ bilgi iчin man sayfalar¤na\n"
" bak¤n¤z."

msgid "Menu"
msgstr "KMen№"

msgid "The TERM environment variable is unset!\n"
msgstr "TERM чevre deЁi■keni atanmam¤■!\n"

#, c-format
msgid "GNU Midnight Commander %s\n"
msgstr "GNU Midnight Commander %s\n"

msgid "[flags] [this_dir] [other_panel_dir]\n"
msgstr "[seчenekler] [bu_dizin] [diЁer_panel_dizini]\n"

msgid "+number"
msgstr ""

msgid "Set initial line number for the internal editor"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Please send any bug reports (including the output of `mc -V')\n"
"to mc-devel@gnome.org\n"
msgstr ""
"L№tfen, `mc -V' ч¤kt¤s¤n¤ da iчeren bir hata raporunu\n"
"mc-devel@gnome.org adresine gЎnderiniz\n"

#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"--colors KEYWORD={FORE},{BACK}\n"
"{FORE} and {BACK} can be omitted, and the default will be used\n"
"   Global:       errors, reverse, gauge, input, viewunderline\n"
"   File display: normal, selected, marked, markselect\n"
"   Dialog boxes: dnormal, dfocus, dhotnormal, dhotfocus, errdhotnormal,\n"
"                 errdhotfocus\n"
"   Menus:        menu, menuhot, menusel, menuhotsel\n"
"   Editor:       editnormal, editbold, editmarked\n"
"   Help:         helpnormal, helpitalic, helpbold, helplink, helpslink\n"
"   File types:   directory, executable, link, stalelink, device, special, "
"   black, gray, red, brightred, green, brightgreen, brown,\n"
"   yellow, blue, brightblue, magenta, brightmagenta, cyan,\n"
"   brightcyan, lightgray and white\n"
msgstr ""
"--colors ANAHTAR-KEL▌ME={╓N},{ARKA}\n"
" {╓N} ve {ARKA} verilmeyebilir, bu durumda Ўntan¤ml¤lar kullan¤l¤r\n"
" Anahtar kelimeler\n"
"   Genel:           errors, reverse, gauge, input\n"
"   Dosya gЎsterimi: normal, selected, marked, markselect\n"
"   Diloglar:        dnormal, dfocus, dhotnormal, dhotfocus\n"
"   Men№ler:         menu, menuhot, menusel, menuhotsel\n"
"   Yard¤m:          helpnormal, helpitalic, helplink, helpslink\n"
"   Dosya t№rleri:   directory, executable, link, stalelink, device, special, "
"   black, gray, red, brightred, green, brightgreen, brown,\n"
"   yellow, blue, brightblue, magenta, brightmagenta, cyan,\n"
"   brightcyan, lightgray and white\n"

msgid "Displays this help message"
msgstr "Bu yard¤m iletisini gЎsterir"

msgid "Displays the current version"
msgstr "S№r№m№ gЎsterir"

msgid "Forces xterm features"
msgstr "xterm Ўzelliklerini etkinle■tirir"

msgid "Disable mouse support in text version"
msgstr "Metin s№r№m№nde fare desteЁini kapat¤r"

msgid "Tries to use termcap instead of terminfo"
msgstr "Terminfo yerine termcap kullanmay¤ dener"

msgid "Resets soft keys on HP terminals"
msgstr "HP terminallerde soft tu■lar¤ s¤f¤rlar"

msgid "To run on slow terminals"
msgstr "Yava■ terminallerde чal¤■t¤rmak"

msgid "Use stickchars to draw"
msgstr "Pencere чizgilerinde чubuk karakterleri kullan¤l¤r"

msgid "Requests to run in black and white"
msgstr "Siyah/Beyaz olarak чal¤■t¤rma isteЁi"

msgid "Request to run in color mode"
msgstr "Renkli kipte чal¤■t¤rma isteЁi"

msgid "Specifies a color configuration"
msgstr "Bir renk yap¤land¤rmas¤ belirtir"

msgid "Displays a help screen on how to change the color scheme"
msgstr "Renk ■emas¤n¤n deЁi■tirilmesi ile ilgili yard¤m ekran¤n¤ gЎsterir"

msgid "Log ftp dialog to specified file"
msgstr "ftp dialog g№nl№Ё№n№ belirtilen dosyaya yazar"

msgid "Set debug level"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Print data directory"
msgstr "dizin:"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Print last working directory to specified file"
msgstr "Program ч¤k¤■¤nda чal¤■¤lan dizini basar"

msgid "Enables subshell support (default)"
msgstr "Altkabuk desteЁini etkinle■tirir (Ўntan¤ml¤)"

msgid "Disables subshell support"
msgstr "Altkabuk desteЁini kapat¤r"

msgid "Launches the file viewer on a file"
msgstr "Bir dosyay¤ dosya gЎstericide aчar"

msgid "Edits one file"
msgstr "Dosya d№zenler"

msgid "safe de&Lete"
msgstr "g№venilir si&lme"

msgid "cd follows lin&Ks"
msgstr "cd &BaЁlar¤ izler"

msgid "L&ynx-like motion"
msgstr "L&ynx benzeri hareket"

msgid "rotatin&G dash"
msgstr "dЎnen чiz&Gi"

msgid "co&Mplete: show all"
msgstr "ta&Mamen: t№m№n№ gЎster"

msgid "&Use internal view"
msgstr "Kendi gЎstericisini K&ullan"

msgid "use internal ed&It"
msgstr "kendi d№&zenleyicisini kullan"

msgid "auto m&Enus"
msgstr "otomatik m&En№ler"

msgid "&Auto save setup"
msgstr "&Ayarlar¤ otomatik kaydet"

msgid "shell &Patterns"
msgstr "kabuk &Masklar¤"

msgid "Compute &Totals"
msgstr "&Toplamlar¤ hesapla"

msgid "&Verbose operation"
msgstr "ayr¤nt¤&L¤ i■lem"

msgid "&Fast dir reload"
msgstr "&╟abuk dizin tazeleme"

msgid "mi&X all files"
msgstr "dizin ve dosyalar¤ ka&R¤■t¤r"

msgid "&Drop down menus"
msgstr "A■aЁ¤ aч¤lan men&▄ler"

msgid "ma&Rk moves down"
msgstr "A■aЁ¤ ha&Reket i■aretler"

msgid "show &Hidden files"
msgstr "&Gizli dosyalar¤ gЎster"

msgid "show &Backup files"
msgstr "&Yedek dosyalar¤ gЎster"

msgid "&Never"
msgstr "a&Sla"

msgid "on dumb &Terminals"
msgstr "on dumb &Terminals"

msgid "Alwa&ys"
msgstr "&Daima"

msgid " Panel options "
msgstr " Panel seчenekleri"

msgid " Pause after run... "
msgstr " ╟al¤■t¤rd¤ktan sonra beklet... "

msgid "Configure options"
msgstr "Yap¤land¤rma seчenekleri"

msgid "&Add new"
msgstr "Yeni &Ekle"

msgid "External panelize"
msgstr "D¤■ panelleme"

msgid "Command"
msgstr "Komut"

msgid "Other command"
msgstr "DiЁer komut"

msgid " Add to external panelize "
msgstr " D¤■ panellemeye ekle "

msgid " Enter command label: "
msgstr " Komut yaftas¤: "

msgid " Cannot run external panelize in a non-local directory "
msgstr " Bir uzak dizine girilirken d¤■ panalleme чal¤■t¤r¤lamaz "

msgid "Find rejects after patching"
msgstr "Yamadan sonraki reddedilenleri bul"

msgid "Find *.orig after patching"
msgstr "Yamadan sonraki .orig dosyalar¤n¤ bul"

msgid "Find SUID and SGID programs"
msgstr "SUID ve SGID uygulamalar¤ bul"

msgid "Cannot invoke command."
msgstr "komut hat¤rlatmaz."

msgid "Pipe close failed"
msgstr "Veri yolu kapat¤lamad¤"

msgid "missing argument"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "unknown option"
msgstr "<Bilinmeyen>"

msgid "invalid numeric value"
msgstr ""

msgid "Show this help message"
msgstr "Bu yard¤m iletisini gЎster"

msgid "Display brief usage message"
msgstr "K¤sa bir kullan¤m iletisi gЎsterir"

msgid "ARG"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Usage:"
msgstr "Kullan¤c¤: "

msgid "[dev]"
msgstr ""

msgid "UP--DIR"
msgstr "▄ST-D▌Z"

msgid "SYMLINK"
msgstr ""

msgid "SUB-DIR"
msgstr "ALT-D▌Z"

msgid "Size"
msgstr "Boyut"

msgid "MTime"
msgstr "DeЁTrh"

msgid "ATime"
msgstr "Er■Trh"

msgid "CTime"
msgstr "Ol■Trh"

msgid "Permission"
msgstr "▌zinler"

msgid "Perm"
msgstr "▌zin"

msgid "Nl"
msgstr "Nl"

msgid "Inode"
msgstr "I-d№Ё№m"

msgid "UID"
msgstr "KullKim"

msgid "GID"
msgstr "GrupKim"

msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Sahibi"

msgid "Group"
msgstr "Grup"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s byte"
msgid_plural "%s bytes"
msgstr[0] "%s bayt"
msgstr[1] "%s bayt"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s in %d file"
msgid_plural "%s in %d files"
msgstr[0] "%s bayt (%d dosyada)"
msgstr[1] "%s bayt (%d dosyada)"

msgid "<readlink failed>"
msgstr "<baЁ okumas¤ ba■ar¤s¤z>"

msgid "Unknown tag on display format: "
msgstr "GЎsterme biчeminde bilinmeyen etiket:"

msgid "User supplied format looks invalid, reverting to default."
msgstr "Kullan¤c¤ tan¤ml¤ biчim geчersiz: Ўntan¤ml¤s¤ kullan¤lacak."

msgid " Do you really want to execute? "
msgstr "Gerчekten чal¤■t¤rmak istiyor musunuz?"

msgid "View"
msgstr "GЎr№n№m"

msgid "Edit"
msgstr "D№zenle"

msgid "RenMov"
msgstr "Ta■¤"

msgid "Mkdir"
msgstr "DizinAч"

msgid " Choose input codepage "
msgstr " Girdi karakter k№mesini seчin "

msgid "-  < No translation >"
msgstr "-  < ╟eviri yok >"

msgid ""
"To use this feature select your codepage in\n"
"Setup / Display Bits dialog!\n"
"Do not forget to save options."
msgstr ""
"Bu ЎzelliЁi kullanmak iчin\n"
"Seчenekler - > Bitleri GЎster penceresinde\n"
"kendi karakter k№menizi seчiniz.\n"
"Ayarlar¤ kaydetmeyi de unutmay¤n¤z."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Screen size %dx%d is not supported.\n"
"Check the TERM environment variable.\n"
msgstr ""
"%dx%d ekran boyutu desteklenmiyor.\n"
"TERM ortam deЁi■kenini kontrol ediniz.\n"

msgid ""
"GNU Midnight Commander is already\n"
"running on this terminal.\n"
"Subshell support will be disabled."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Cannot open named pipe %s\n"
msgstr " %s isimli veri yolu aч¤lamad¤\n"

msgid " The shell is still active. Quit anyway? "
msgstr " Kabuk hala etkin. Yine de ч¤k¤ls¤n m¤? "

#, c-format
msgid "Warning: Cannot change to %s.\n"
msgstr "Uyar¤: %s'e geчilemedi.\n"

msgid "With builtin Editor\n"
msgstr "Yerle■ik D№zenleyiciyle\n"

msgid "Using system-installed S-Lang library"
msgstr "Sisteme kurulu S-lang kitapl¤Ё¤ kullan¤larak"

msgid "Using included S-Lang library"
msgstr "Paket iчindeki S-lang kitapl¤Ё¤ kullan¤larak"

msgid "with termcap database"
msgstr "termcap veritaban¤ ile"

msgid "with terminfo database"
msgstr "terminfo veritaban¤ ile"

msgid "Using the ncurses library"
msgstr "ncurses kitapl¤Ё¤ kullan¤larak"

msgid "With optional subshell support"
msgstr "Seчimlik altkabuk desteЁiyle"

msgid "With subshell support as default"
msgstr "╓ntan¤ml¤ olarak altkabuk desteЁiyle"

msgid "With support for background operations\n"
msgstr "Ardalan i■lemleri desteЁiyle\n"

msgid "With mouse support on xterm and Linux console\n"
msgstr "xterm ve Linux konsolunda fare desteЁi ile\n"

msgid "With mouse support on xterm\n"
msgstr "xterm №zerinde fare desteЁi ile\n"

msgid "With support for X11 events\n"
msgstr "X11 eylemleri desteЁiyle\n"

msgid "With internationalization support\n"
msgstr "i18n desteЁiyle\n"

msgid "With multiple codepages support\n"
msgstr "╟oklu karakter k№mesi desteЁiyle\n"

#, c-format
msgid "Virtual File System:"
msgstr "Sanal Dosya Sistemi:"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot open the %s file for writing:\n"
msgstr ""
"%s dosyas¤ yazmak iчin aч¤lam¤yor:\n"

#, c-format
msgid "Copy \"%s\" directory to:"
msgstr "\"%s\" dizininin kopyalanacaЁ¤ yer:"

#, c-format
msgid "Move \"%s\" directory to:"
msgstr "\"%s\" dizininin ta■¤nacaЁ¤ yer:"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot stat the destination \n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" Hedef durumlanam¤yor\n"
" %s "

#, c-format
msgid "  Delete %s?  "
msgstr "  %s silinsin mi ?  "

msgid "Static"
msgstr "Statik"

msgid "Dynamc"
msgstr "Dinamik"

msgid "Rescan"
msgstr "Tazele"

msgid "Forget"
msgstr "Unut"

msgid "Rmdir"
msgstr "Dizini sil"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the %s file:\n"
msgstr ""
"%s dosyas¤na yaz¤lam¤yor:\n"

msgid " Format error on file Extensions File "
msgstr " Extensions File dosyas¤nda biчim hatas¤"

#, c-format
msgid " The %%var macro has no default "
msgstr " %%var makrosunun bir Ўntan¤m¤ yok "

#, c-format
msgid " The %%var macro has no variable "
msgstr " %%var makrosunun bir deЁi■keni yok "

msgid " Debug "
msgstr " Hata ay¤klama "

msgid " ERROR: "
msgstr " HATA: "

msgid " True:  "
msgstr " DoЁru:  "

msgid " False: "
msgstr " Yanl¤■: "

msgid " Warning -- ignoring file "
msgstr " Uyar¤: -- dosya yoksay¤l¤yor "

#, c-format
msgid ""
"File %s is not owned by root or you or is world writable.\n"
"Using it may compromise your security"
msgstr ""
"%s dosyas¤n¤n sahibi deЁi■tirilemedi.\n"
"Dosyan¤n kullan¤m¤ g№venliЁi bozabilir"

#, c-format
msgid " No suitable entries found in %s "
msgstr " %s iчinde tahsis edilebilir bir girdi yok"

msgid " User menu "
msgstr " Kullan¤c¤ men№s№ "

msgid "%b %e %H:%M"
msgstr "%e %b %H:%M"

msgid "%b %e  %Y"
msgstr "%e %b  %Y"

msgid "(invalid)"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s is not a directory\n"
msgstr "dizin:"

#, c-format
msgid "Directory %s is not owned by you\n"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Cannot set correct permissions for directory %s\n"
msgstr ""
" Hedef dizin \"%s\" olu■turulam¤yor \n"
" %s"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %s: %s\n"
msgstr ""
" Hedef dizin \"%s\" olu■turulam¤yor \n"
" %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Temporary files will be created in %s\n"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Temporary files will not be created\n"
msgstr ""

msgid " Pipe failed "
msgstr " Veri yolu aч¤lamad¤ "

msgid " Dup failed "
msgstr " Tekrar ba■ar¤s¤z "

#, fuzzy
msgid " Cannot spawn child process "
msgstr " Alt uygulama чal¤■t¤r¤lamad¤ "

msgid "Empty output from child filter"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot open \"%s\"\n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" \"%s\" aч¤lam¤yor\n"
" %s "

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot stat \"%s\"\n"
" %s "
msgstr ""
" \"%s\" durumlanam¤yor\n"
" %s "

msgid " Cannot view: not a regular file "
msgstr " GЎsterilemiyor: normal bir dosya deЁil "

#, c-format
msgid "File: %s"
msgstr "Dosya: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Offset 0x%08lx"
msgstr "Offset 0x%08lx"

#, c-format
msgid "Line %lu Col %lu"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%s bytes"
msgstr "%s bayt"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ">= %s bytes"
msgstr "%s bayt"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Error while closing the file: \n"
" %s \n"
" Data may have been written or not. "
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot save file: \n"
" %s "
msgstr " Dosyay¤ kaydederken hata olu■tu. "

msgid "Invalid hex search expression"
msgstr "Onalt¤l¤k arama ifadesi geчersiz "

msgid " Invalid regular expression "
msgstr " D№zenli ifade geчersiz "

#, c-format
msgid ""
" The current line number is %d.\n"
" Enter the new line number:"
msgstr ""
" ▐imdiki sat¤r numaras¤ %d.\n"
" Yeni sat¤r numaras¤n¤ verin:"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" The current address is 0x%lx.\n"
" Enter the new address:"
msgstr ""
" ▐imdiki adres 0x%lx.\n"
" Yeni adresi verin:"

msgid " Goto Address "
msgstr " Adrese Git "

#, fuzzy
msgid " Invalid address "
msgstr " Yanl¤■ parola "

msgid " Enter regexp:"
msgstr " D№zenli ifadeyi girin:"

msgid "ButtonBar|Help"
msgstr ""

msgid "ButtonBar|Quit"
msgstr ""

msgid "ButtonBar|Ascii"
msgstr ""

msgid "ButtonBar|Hex"
msgstr ""

msgid "ButtonBar|Goto"
msgstr ""

msgid "ButtonBar|Line"
msgstr ""

msgid "ButtonBar|View"
msgstr ""

msgid "ButtonBar|Edit"
msgstr ""

msgid "ButtonBar|Save"
msgstr ""

msgid "ButtonBar|UnWrap"
msgstr ""

msgid "ButtonBar|Wrap"
msgstr ""

msgid "ButtonBar|RxSrch"
msgstr ""

msgid "ButtonBar|HxSrch"
msgstr ""

msgid "ButtonBar|Search"
msgstr ""

msgid "ButtonBar|Raw"
msgstr ""

msgid "ButtonBar|Parse"
msgstr ""

msgid "ButtonBar|Unform"
msgstr ""

msgid "ButtonBar|Format"
msgstr ""

msgid " History "
msgstr " Geчmi■ "

msgid "Function key 1"
msgstr "▌■lev tu■u 1"

msgid "Function key 2"
msgstr "▌■lev tu■u 2"

msgid "Function key 3"
msgstr "▌■lev tu■u 3"

msgid "Function key 4"
msgstr "▌■lev tu■u 4"

msgid "Function key 5"
msgstr "▌■lev tu■u 5"

msgid "Function key 6"
msgstr "▌■lev tu■u 6"

msgid "Function key 7"
msgstr "▌■lev tu■u 7"

msgid "Function key 8"
msgstr "▌■lev tu■u 8"

msgid "Function key 9"
msgstr "▌■lev tu■u 9"

msgid "Function key 10"
msgstr "▌■lev tu■u 10"

msgid "Function key 11"
msgstr "▌■lev tu■u 11"

msgid "Function key 12"
msgstr "▌■lev tu■u 12"

msgid "Function key 13"
msgstr "▌■lev tu■u 13"

msgid "Function key 14"
msgstr "▌■lev tu■u 14"

msgid "Function key 15"
msgstr "▌■lev tu■u 15"

msgid "Function key 16"
msgstr "▌■lev tu■u 16"

msgid "Function key 17"
msgstr "▌■lev tu■u 17"

msgid "Function key 18"
msgstr "▌■lev tu■u 18"

msgid "Function key 19"
msgstr "▌■lev tu■u 19"

msgid "Function key 20"
msgstr "▌■lev tu■u 20"

msgid "Backspace key"
msgstr "Geriye silme tu■u "

msgid "End key"
msgstr "Gri End tu■u"

msgid "Up arrow key"
msgstr "Gri yukar¤ ok tu■u"

msgid "Down arrow key"
msgstr "Gri a■aЁ¤ ok tu■u"

msgid "Left arrow key"
msgstr "Gri sola ok tu■u"

msgid "Right arrow key"
msgstr "Gri saЁa ok tu■u"

msgid "Home key"
msgstr "Gri Home tu■u"

msgid "Page Down key"
msgstr "Gri PgDn tu■u"

msgid "Page Up key"
msgstr "Gri PgUp tu■u"

msgid "Insert key"
msgstr "Gri Ins tu■u"

msgid "Delete key"
msgstr "Gri Del tu■u"

msgid "Completion/M-tab"
msgstr "Tamamlama/M-tab"

msgid "+ on keypad"
msgstr "Gri +"

msgid "- on keypad"
msgstr "Gri -"

msgid "* on keypad"
msgstr "Gri *"

msgid "Left arrow keypad"
msgstr "Say¤larda sola ok"

msgid "Right arrow keypad"
msgstr "Say¤larda saЁa ok"

msgid "Up arrow keypad"
msgstr "Say¤larda yukar¤ ok"

msgid "Down arrow keypad"
msgstr "Say¤larda a■aЁ¤ ok"

msgid "Home on keypad"
msgstr "Say¤larda Home tu■u"

msgid "End on keypad"
msgstr "Say¤larda End tu■u"

msgid "Page Down keypad"
msgstr "Say¤larda PgDn tu■u"

msgid "Page Up keypad"
msgstr "Say¤larda PgUp tu■u"

msgid "Insert on keypad"
msgstr "Say¤larda Ins tu■u"

msgid "Delete on keypad"
msgstr "Say¤larda Del tu■u"

msgid "Enter on keypad"
msgstr "Say¤larda Enter tu■u"

msgid "Slash on keypad"
msgstr "Say¤larda / tu■u"

msgid "NumLock on keypad"
msgstr "Numlock tu■u"

msgid "Background process:"
msgstr "Artalan i■lemi:"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot open cpio archive\n"
msgstr ""
"cpio ar■ivi aч¤lamad¤\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Premature end of cpio archive\n"
msgstr ""
"cpio ar■ivi sonland¤r¤lmam¤■\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Corrupted cpio header encountered in\n"
msgstr ""
"bozuk cpio ba■l¤Ё¤ saptand¤"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Inconsistent hardlinks of\n"
"in cpio archive\n"
msgstr ""
"sabit baЁlar¤ karars¤z\n"
"cpio ar■ivinde)"

#, c-format
msgid "%s contains duplicate entries! Skipping!"
msgstr "%s ikiy№zl№ girdiler iчeriyor! Atlan¤yor"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unexpected end of file\n"
msgstr ""
"dosyas¤n¤n sonu belirsiz"

#, c-format
msgid "Directory cache expired for %s"
msgstr "Dizin arabelleЁinde %s iчin zamana■¤m¤"

msgid "Starting linear transfer..."
msgstr "DoЁrusal aktar¤m ba■lang¤c¤..."

#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: %s %3d%% (%lu bytes transferred)"
msgstr "%s : %s : %s %3d%% (%lu bayt aktar¤ld¤)"

#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: %s %lu bytes transferred"
msgstr "%s : %s : %s %lu bayt aktar¤ld¤"

msgid "Getting file"
msgstr "Dosya al¤nmas¤"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot open %s archive\n"
msgstr ""
"%s ar■ivini aчamad¤"

msgid "Inconsistent extfs archive"
msgstr "Karars¤z extfs ar■ivi"

#, c-format
msgid "fish: Disconnecting from %s"
msgstr "fish: %s baЁlant¤s¤ kapan¤yor"

msgid "fish: Waiting for initial line..."
msgstr "fish: Kendi sat¤r¤ iчin bekliyor..."

msgid "Sorry, we cannot do password authenticated connections for now."
msgstr ""
"▄zg№n№m, ■imdilik parola ile kimlik bildirimi yap¤lan baЁlant¤lar yap¤lam¤yor"

msgid " fish: Password required for "
msgstr " fish: Parola gerekli "

msgid "fish: Sending password..."
msgstr "fish: Parola gЎnderimi..."

msgid "fish: Sending initial line..."
msgstr "fish: Sat¤r gЎnderimi..."

msgid "fish: Handshaking version..."
msgstr "fish: S№r№m anla■mas¤..."

msgid "fish: Setting up current directory..."
msgstr "fish: ╟al¤■ma dizini belirlenmesi..."

#, c-format
msgid "fish: Connected, home %s."
msgstr "fish: BaЁlant¤ kuruldu, Ev %s."

#, c-format
msgid "fish: Reading directory %s..."
msgstr "fish: %s dizini okunuyor..."

#, c-format
msgid "%s: done."
msgstr "%s: bitti."

#, c-format
msgid "%s: failure"
msgstr "%s: ba■ar¤s¤z"

#, c-format
msgid "fish: store %s: sending command..."
msgstr "fish: %s kaydet: komut gЎnderiliyor..."

msgid "fish: Local read failed, sending zeros"
msgstr "fish: Yerel okuma ba■ar¤s¤z, s¤f¤rlar gЎnderiliyor"

#, c-format
msgid "fish: storing %s %d (%lu)"
msgstr "fish: %s %d (%lu) kaydediliyor"

msgid "zeros"
msgstr "s¤f¤rlar"

msgid "Aborting transfer..."
msgstr "Aktar¤m durduruluyor..."

msgid "Error reported after abort."
msgstr "Durdurma sonra hata raporland¤."

msgid "Aborted transfer would be successful."
msgstr "Aktar¤m¤n durdurulmas¤ ba■ar¤ld¤."

#, c-format
msgid "ftpfs: Disconnecting from %s"
msgstr "ftpfs: %s baЁlant¤s¤ kesiliyor"

msgid " FTP: Password required for "
msgstr "FTP: Parola gerekli: "

msgid "ftpfs: sending login name"
msgstr "ftpfs: kullan¤c¤ ismi gЎnderiliyor"

msgid "ftpfs: sending user password"
msgstr "ftpfs: kullan¤c¤ parolas¤ gЎnderiliyor"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "FTP: Account required for user %s"
msgstr "FTP: Parola gerekli: "

#, fuzzy
msgid "Account:"
msgstr "Say¤"

#, fuzzy
msgid "ftpfs: sending user account"
msgstr "ftpfs: kullan¤c¤ parolas¤ gЎnderiliyor"

msgid "ftpfs: logged in"
msgstr "ftpfs: giri■ tamamland¤: "

#, c-format
msgid "ftpfs: Login incorrect for user %s "
msgstr "ftpfs: kullan¤c¤ %s iчin baЁlant¤ reddedildi"

msgid "ftpfs: Invalid host name."
msgstr "ftpfs: Makina ismi geчersiz."

msgid "ftpfs: Invalid host address."
msgstr "ftpfs: Makina adresi geчersiz."

#, c-format
msgid "ftpfs: making connection to %s"
msgstr "ftpfs: %s ile baЁlant¤ kuruluyor"

msgid "ftpfs: connection interrupted by user"
msgstr "ftpfs: baЁlant¤ kullan¤c¤ taraf¤ndan kesildi"

#, c-format
msgid "ftpfs: connection to server failed: %s"
msgstr "ftpfs: Sunucuya baЁlant¤ ba■ar¤s¤z: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Waiting to retry... %d (Control-C to cancel)"
msgstr "Yinelemek iчin bekleniyor... %d (iptal etmek iчin Ctrl-C)"

msgid "ftpfs: could not setup passive mode"
msgstr "ftpfs: pasif kip ayarlanamad¤"

msgid "ftpfs: aborting transfer."
msgstr "ftpfs: aktar¤m durduruluyor"

#, c-format
msgid "ftpfs: abort error: %s"
msgstr "ftpfs: ч¤k¤■ hatas¤: %s"

msgid "ftpfs: abort failed"
msgstr "ftpfs: durdurma ba■ar¤s¤z"

msgid "ftpfs: CWD failed."
msgstr "ftpfs: CWD ba■ar¤s¤z"

msgid "ftpfs: couldn't resolve symlink"
msgstr "ftpfs: sembolik baЁ чЎz№mlenemedi"

msgid "Resolving symlink..."
msgstr "Sembolik baЁ чЎz№mleniyor..."

#, c-format
msgid "ftpfs: Reading FTP directory %s... %s%s"
msgstr "ftpfs: %s FTP dizini okunuyor... %s%s"

msgid "(strict rfc959)"
msgstr "(kesin rfc959)"

msgid "(chdir first)"
msgstr "(Ўnce chdir)"

msgid "ftpfs: failed; nowhere to fallback to"
msgstr "ftpfs: ba■ar¤s¤z; son чare yok"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "ftpfs: storing file %lu (%lu)"
msgstr "ftpfs: %d dosyas¤ kaydediliyor (%lu)"

msgid ""
"~/.netrc file has incorrect mode.\n"
"Remove password or correct mode."
msgstr ""
"~/.netrc dosyas¤ doЁru kipte deЁil .\n"
"Ya parolay¤ silin ya da kipi d№zeltin."

msgid " MCFS "
msgstr " MCFS "

msgid " The server does not support this version "
msgstr " Sunucu bu s№r№m№ desteklemiyor "

msgid ""
" The remote server is not running on a system port \n"
" you need a password to log in, but the information may \n"
" not be safe on the remote side.  Continue? \n"
msgstr ""
" Kar■¤daki sunucu bir sistem port'unda чal¤■m¤yor, \n"
" giri■ yapmak iчin bir parola laz¤m, fakat bu bilgi \n"
" kar■¤ tarafta g№venilir olmayabilir. Devam edilsin mi ?\n"

msgid " MCFS Password required "
msgstr " MCFS parolas¤ gerekli "

msgid " Invalid password "
msgstr " Yanl¤■ parola "

#, c-format
msgid " Cannot locate hostname: %s "
msgstr " Makina ismi bulunamad¤: %s "

#, c-format
msgid " Cannot create socket: %s "
msgstr " Soket olu■turulamad¤: %s "

#, c-format
msgid " Cannot connect to server: %s "
msgstr " Sunucuya baЁlan¤lamad¤: %s "

msgid " Too many open connections "
msgstr " ╟ok fazla aч¤k baЁlant¤ var "

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Warning: Invalid line in %s:\n"
msgstr ""
"Uyar¤: %s iчindeki sat¤r geчersiz:\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Warning: Invalid flag %c in %s:\n"
msgstr ""
"Uyar¤: %2$s iчindeki %1$c seчeneЁi geчersiz:\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" reconnect to %s failed\n"
" "
msgstr ""
" %s ile tekrar baЁlant¤ kurulamad¤\n"
" "

msgid " Authentication failed "
msgstr " Kimlik Kan¤tlama ba■ar¤s¤z "

#, c-format
msgid " Error %s creating directory %s "
msgstr " %s %s dizinini yarat¤yor "

#, c-format
msgid " Error %s removing directory %s "
msgstr " %s %s dizinini siliyor "

#, c-format
msgid " %s opening remote file %s "
msgstr " %s kar■¤daki %s dosyas¤n¤ aч¤yor "

#, c-format
msgid " %s removing remote file %s "
msgstr " %s kar■¤daki %s dosyas¤n¤ siliyor "

#, c-format
msgid " %s renaming files\n"
msgstr " %s dosyalar¤ yeniden adland¤r¤l¤yor\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot open tar archive\n"
msgstr ""
"tar ar■ivini aч¤lamad¤"

msgid "Inconsistent tar archive"
msgstr "Tar ar■ivi d№zg№n deЁil"

msgid "Unexpected EOF on archive file"
msgstr "Ar■iv dosyas¤nda dosya sonu belirsiz"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"doesn't look like a tar archive."
msgstr ""
"bir tar ar■ivine benzemiyor. "

msgid " undelfs: error "
msgstr " undelfs: hata "

msgid " not enough memory "
msgstr " bellek yetersiz"

msgid " while allocating block buffer "
msgstr " blok tamponu ayr¤l¤rken"

#, c-format
msgid " open_inode_scan: %d "
msgstr " open_inode_scan: %d "

#, c-format
msgid " while starting inode scan %d "
msgstr " %d i-d№Ё№m taramas¤ ba■lat¤l¤rken"

#, c-format
msgid "undelfs: loading deleted files information %d inodes"
msgstr "undelfs: silinen dosya bilgisi %d i-d№Ё№mden y№kleniyor"

#, c-format
msgid " while calling ext2_block_iterate %d "
msgstr "ext2_block_iterate %d чaЁr¤l¤rken"

msgid " no more memory while reallocating array "
msgstr " dizi yeniden ayr¤l¤rken bellek kalmad¤"

#, c-format
msgid " while doing inode scan %d "
msgstr " %d i-d№Ё№m taramas¤ yap¤l¤rken "

msgid " Ext2lib error "
msgstr " Ext2lib hatas¤ "

#, c-format
msgid " Cannot open file %s "
msgstr " %s dosyas¤ aч¤lamad¤ "

msgid "undelfs: reading inode bitmap..."
msgstr "undelfs: i-d№Ё№m bite■lemi okunuyor..."

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot load inode bitmap from: \n"
" %s \n"
msgstr ""
" %s'den\n"
" i-d№Ё№m bite■lemi y№klenemedi.\n"

msgid "undelfs: reading block bitmap..."
msgstr "undelfs: blok bite■lemi okunuyor..."

#, c-format
msgid ""
" Cannot load block bitmap from: \n"
" %s \n"
msgstr ""
" %s'den \n"
" blok bite■lemi y№klenemedi. \n"

msgid " vfs_info is not fs! "
msgstr " vfs_info bir fs deЁil! "

msgid " You have to chdir to extract files first "
msgstr " Dosyalar¤ ч¤karmadan Ўnce dizin deЁi■tirmelisiniz "

msgid " while iterating over blocks "
msgstr " bloklar №zerinden tekrarlan¤rken"

msgid "Cannot parse:"
msgstr "Ayr¤■t¤r¤lamad¤:"

msgid "More parsing errors will be ignored."
msgstr "Ayr¤■t¤rma hatalar¤ bundan sonra yoksay¤lacak."

msgid "Internal error:"
msgstr "▌ч hata:"

msgid "Changes to file lost"
msgstr "DeЁi■iklikler kay¤p"

#~ msgid "&Home"
#~ msgstr "&Ev"

#~ msgid "&Type"
#~ msgstr "&T№r№"

#~ msgid "&Links"
#~ msgstr "&BaЁlar"

#~ msgid "N&GID"
#~ msgstr "N&GID"

#~ msgid "N&UID"
#~ msgstr "N&UID"

#~ msgid "&Owner"
#~ msgstr "&Sahibi"

#~ msgid "&Group"
#~ msgstr "&Grup"

#~ msgid "MC was unable to write ~/"
#~ msgstr " MC ~/"

#~ msgid " (%ld blocks)"
#~ msgstr " (%ld blok)"

#~ msgid " Notice "
#~ msgstr " Uyar¤ "

#~ msgid ""
#~ " The Midnight Commander configuration files \n"
#~ " are now stored in the ~/.mc directory, the \n"
#~ " files have been moved now\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " Midnight Commander yap¤land¤rma dosyalar¤ \n"
#~ " art¤k ~/.mc dizininde bulunmaktad¤r ve \n"
#~ " dosyalar bu dizine ta■¤nm¤■t¤r \n"

#~ msgid "%s bytes in %d files"
#~ msgstr "%s bayt (%d dosyada)"

#~ msgid " Cannot open file for reading: "
#~ msgstr " Dosya okunmak iчin aч¤l¤rken hata olu■tu: "

#~ msgid " Not an ordinary file: "
#~ msgstr " Normal bir dosya deЁil: "

#~ msgid "Format of the "
#~ msgstr "Biчim "

#~ msgid ""
#~ " file has changed\n"
#~ "with version 3.0. You may want either to\n"
#~ "copy it from "
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " dosyas¤ s№r№m 3.0 ile deЁi■ti.\n"
#~ "Dosyay¤ mc.ext dosyas¤ndan kopyalayabilir\n"
#~ "ya da "

#~ msgid ""
#~ "mc.ext or use that\n"
#~ "file as an example of how to write it.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "nas¤l yaz¤lacaЁ¤na\n"
#~ "bir Ўrnek olarak kullanabilirsiniz.\n"

#~ msgid "mc.ext will be used for this moment."
#~ msgstr "■imdilik mc.ext kullan¤lacak."

#~ msgid " Cannot open file "
#~ msgstr " Dosya aч¤lamad¤ "

#~ msgid "Col %d"
#~ msgstr "S№tun %d"

#~ msgid "  [grow]"
#~ msgstr "  [b№y№terek]"

#~ msgid "Ascii"
#~ msgstr "Ascii"

#~ msgid "Hex"
#~ msgstr "Onalt¤l¤k"

#~ msgid "Goto"
#~ msgstr "Git"

#~ msgid "Line"
#~ msgstr "Sat¤r"

#~ msgid "RxSrch"
#~ msgstr "D№z▌fAra"

#~ msgid "EdHex"
#~ msgstr "OnaltD№zn"

#~ msgid "EdText"
#~ msgstr "MetnD№zn"

#~ msgid "UnWrap"
#~ msgstr "Sarma"

#~ msgid "Wrap"
#~ msgstr "Sarmala"

#~ msgid "HxSrch"
#~ msgstr "OnaltAra"

#~ msgid "Raw"
#~ msgstr "Temel"

#~ msgid "Parse"
#~ msgstr "Tara"

#~ msgid "Unform"
#~ msgstr "BiчKald"

#~ msgid "Format"
#~ msgstr "Biчim"

#~ msgid "User menu available only in mcedit invoked from mc"
#~ msgstr "Kullan¤c¤ men№s№ sadece mc ile чaЁr¤lan mcedit iчinde kullan¤■l¤d¤r"

#~ msgid " Socket source routing setup "
#~ msgstr "Soket kaynak g№zergah¤ ayar¤"

#~ msgid " Enter host name to use as a source routing hop: "
#~ msgstr " Bir kaynak g№zergah¤ sekmesi olarak kullan¤lacak makina ismi: "

#~ msgid " Host name "
#~ msgstr " Makina ismi "

#~ msgid " Error while looking up IP address "
#~ msgstr " IP adresi denetlenirken hata "

#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "refresh stack underflow!\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "tazeleme y¤Ё¤n¤ ta■t¤!\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "\n"

#~ msgid " Listing format edit "
#~ msgstr " Liste biчemi d№zenleme "

#~ msgid " New mode is \"%s\" "
#~ msgstr " Yeni kip: \"%s\" "

#~ msgid "&Drive...       M-d"
#~ msgstr "S№r№&c№...      M-d"

#~ msgid "Use to debug the background code"
#~ msgstr "Artalan kodunda hata ay¤klamakta kullan¤l¤r"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Force subshell execution"
#~ msgstr "kullan¤c¤ чal¤■t¤rabilir"

#~ msgid " No action taken "
#~ msgstr " Hareket yok "

#~ msgid " Cannot set source routing (%s)"
#~ msgstr " Kaynak g№zergah¤ (%s) belirlenemedi"