/* * (C) 1998 the Free Software Foundation * * Written by Miguel de Icaza */ #include #include "myslang.h" #include "util.h" #include #include #include #include "gconf.h" #include "dlg.h" #undef HAVE_LIBGPM #include "mouse.h" #include "key.h" #include "widget.h" #include "wtools.h" #include "dialog.h" #include "color.h" #include "gmain.h" #include "gwidget.h" Dlg_head *last_query_dlg; static int sel_pos; void query_set_sel (int new_sel) { sel_pos = new_sel; } static void pack_button (WButton *button, GtkBox *box) { if (!button) return; gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), GTK_WIDGET (button->widget.wdata), 0, 0, 0); } int query_dialog (char *header, char *text, int flags, int count, ...) { va_list ap; WLabel *label; GtkWidget *dialog; int i, result = -1; gchar **buttons; char *stock; GSList *allocated = NULL; if (header == MSG_ERROR) header = _("Error"); /* extract the buttons from the args */ buttons = g_malloc (sizeof (gchar[flags + 1])); va_start (ap, count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++){ char *text; char *clean_text; char *sign; text = va_arg (ap, char *); clean_text = g_strdup (text); allocated = g_slist_append (allocated, clean_text); sign = strchr (clean_text, '&'); if (sign && sign [1] != 0) strcpy (sign, sign+1); stock = stock_from_text (clean_text); if (stock) buttons [i] = stock; else buttons [i] = clean_text; } va_end (ap); buttons[i] = NULL; dialog = gnome_message_box_newv (text, header, buttons); result = gnome_dialog_run_and_close (GNOME_DIALOG (dialog)); g_slist_foreach (allocated, g_free, NULL); g_slist_free (allocated); return result; } /* To show nice messages to the users */ Dlg_head *message (int error, char *header, char *text, ...) { va_list args; char buffer [4096]; Dlg_head *d; /* Setup the display information */ strcpy (buffer, "\n"); va_start (args, text); vsprintf (&buffer [1], text, args); strcat (buffer, "\n"); va_end (args); query_dialog (header, buffer, error, 1, _("&Ok")); d = last_query_dlg; if (error & D_INSERT){ x_flush_events (); return d; } return d; } int translate_gdk_keysym_to_curses (GdkEventKey *event) { int keyval = event->keyval; switch (keyval){ case GDK_BackSpace: return KEY_BACKSPACE; case GDK_Tab: if (event->state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) return '\t'; /* return KEY_BTAB */ return '\t'; case GDK_KP_Enter: case GDK_Return: return '\n'; case GDK_Escape: return 27; case GDK_Delete: case GDK_KP_Delete: return KEY_DC; case GDK_KP_Home: case GDK_Home: return KEY_HOME; case GDK_KP_End: case GDK_End: return KEY_END; case GDK_KP_Left: case GDK_Left: return KEY_LEFT; case GDK_KP_Right: case GDK_Right: return KEY_RIGHT; case GDK_KP_Up: case GDK_Up: return KEY_UP; case GDK_KP_Down: case GDK_Down: return KEY_DOWN; case GDK_KP_Page_Up: case GDK_Page_Up: return KEY_PPAGE; case GDK_KP_Page_Down: case GDK_Page_Down: return KEY_NPAGE; case GDK_KP_Insert: case GDK_Insert: return KEY_IC; case GDK_Menu: return KEY_F(9); case GDK_F1: return KEY_F(1); case GDK_F2: return KEY_F(2); case GDK_F3: return KEY_F(3); case GDK_F4: return KEY_F(4); case GDK_F5: return KEY_F(5); case GDK_F6: return KEY_F(6); case GDK_F7: return KEY_F(7); case GDK_F8: return KEY_F(8); case GDK_F9: return KEY_F(9); case GDK_F10: return KEY_F(10); case GDK_F11: return KEY_F(11); case GDK_F12: return KEY_F(12); case GDK_F13: return KEY_F(13); case GDK_F14: return KEY_F(14); case GDK_F15: return KEY_F(15); case GDK_F16: return KEY_F(16); case GDK_F17: return KEY_F(17); case GDK_F18: return KEY_F(18); case GDK_F19: return KEY_F(19); case GDK_F20: return KEY_F(20); /* The keys we ignore */ case GDK_Control_L: case GDK_Control_R: case GDK_Meta_L: case GDK_Meta_R: case GDK_Alt_L: case GDK_Alt_R: case GDK_Shift_L: case GDK_Shift_R: return -1; default: if ((event->keyval >= 0x20) && (event->keyval <= 0xff)){ int key = event->keyval; if (event->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK){ return key - 'a' + 1; } if (event->state & GDK_MOD1_MASK){ return ALT (key); } return key; } } return -1; }