/* Server for the Midnight Commander Virtual File System. Routines for the tcp connection, includes the primitive rpc routines. Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Miguel de Icaza This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include <config.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <signal.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #ifdef HAVE_PMAP_SET #include <rpc/rpc.h> #include <rpc/pmap_prot.h> #ifdef HAVE_RPC_PMAP_CLNT_H #include <rpc/pmap_clnt.h> #endif #endif #ifdef USE_TERMNET #include <termnet.h> #endif #include <errno.h> #include "tcputil.h" #include "../src/dialog.h" /* for message () */ #include "utilvfs.h" #include "mcfs.h" /* for mcserver_port definition */ #define CHECK_SIG_PIPE(sock) if (got_sigpipe) \ { tcp_invalidate_socket (sock); return got_sigpipe = 0; } extern void tcp_invalidate_socket (int); extern void vfs_die (char *); int got_sigpipe; /* Reads a block on dest for len bytes from sock */ /* Returns a boolean indicating the success status */ int socket_read_block (int sock, char *dest, int len) { int nread, n; for (nread = 0; nread < len;){ n = read (sock, dest+nread, len-nread); if (n <= 0){ tcp_invalidate_socket (sock); return 0; } nread += n; } return 1; } int socket_write_block (int sock, char *buffer, int len) { int left, status; for (left = len; left > 0;){ status = write (sock, buffer, left); CHECK_SIG_PIPE (sock); if (status < 0) return 0; left -= status; buffer += status; } return 1; } int send_string (int sock, char *string) { return socket_write_block (sock, string, strlen (string)); } int rpc_send (int sock, ...) { long int tmp, len, cmd; char *text; va_list ap; va_start (ap, sock); for (;;){ cmd = va_arg (ap, int); switch (cmd){ case RPC_END: va_end (ap); return 1; case RPC_INT: tmp = htonl (va_arg (ap, int)); write (sock, &tmp, sizeof (tmp)); CHECK_SIG_PIPE (sock); break; case RPC_STRING: text = va_arg (ap, char *); len = strlen (text); tmp = htonl (len); write (sock, &tmp, sizeof (tmp)); CHECK_SIG_PIPE (sock); write (sock, text, len); CHECK_SIG_PIPE (sock); break; case RPC_BLOCK: len = va_arg (ap, int); text = va_arg (ap, char *); tmp = htonl (len); write (sock, text, len); CHECK_SIG_PIPE (sock); break; default: vfs_die ("Unknown rpc message\n"); } } } typedef struct sock_callback_t { int sock; void (*cback)(int); struct sock_callback_t *link; } sock_callback_t; sock_callback_t *sock_callbacks = 0; static void check_hooks (int sock) { sock_callback_t *callback, *prev; for (prev=callback = sock_callbacks; callback; callback = callback->link){ if (callback->sock != sock){ prev = callback; continue; } callback->sock = -1; (callback->cback)(sock); if (callback == sock_callbacks){ sock_callbacks = callback->link; } else { prev->link = callback->link; } g_free (callback); return; } } int rpc_get (int sock, ...) { long int tmp, len; char *text, **str_dest; int *dest, cmd; va_list ap; va_start (ap, sock); check_hooks (sock); for (;;){ cmd = va_arg (ap, int); switch (cmd){ case RPC_END: va_end (ap); return 1; case RPC_INT: if (socket_read_block (sock, (char *) &tmp, sizeof (tmp)) == 0) return 0; dest = va_arg (ap, int *); *dest = ntohl (tmp); break; /* returns an allocated string */ case RPC_LIMITED_STRING: case RPC_STRING: if (socket_read_block (sock, (char *)&tmp, sizeof (tmp)) == 0) return 0; len = ntohl (tmp); if (cmd == RPC_LIMITED_STRING) if (len > 16*1024){ /* silently die */ abort (); } if (len > 128*1024) abort (); text = g_new0 (char, len+1); if (socket_read_block (sock, text, len) == 0) return 0; str_dest = va_arg (ap, char **); *str_dest = text; text [len] = '\0'; break; case RPC_BLOCK: len = va_arg (ap, int); text = va_arg (ap, char *); if (socket_read_block (sock, text, len) == 0) return 0; break; default: vfs_die ("Unknown rpc message\n"); } } } void rpc_add_get_callback (int sock, void (*cback)(int)) { sock_callback_t *new; new = g_new (sock_callback_t, 1); new->cback = cback; new->sock = sock; new->link = sock_callbacks; sock_callbacks = new; } #if defined(IS_AIX) || defined(linux) || defined(SCO_FLAVOR) \ || defined(__QNX__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__bsdi__) static void sig_pipe (int unused) #else static void sig_pipe (void) #endif { got_sigpipe = 1; } void tcp_init (void) { struct sigaction sa; got_sigpipe = 0; sa.sa_handler = sig_pipe; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask); sigaction (SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL); } int get_remote_port (struct sockaddr_in *sin, int *version) { #ifdef HAVE_PMAP_GETMAPS int port; struct pmaplist *pl; *version = 1; port = mcserver_port; for (pl = pmap_getmaps (sin); pl; pl = pl->pml_next) if (pl->pml_map.pm_prog == RPC_PROGNUM && pl->pml_map.pm_prot == IPPROTO_TCP && pl->pml_map.pm_vers >= *version) { *version = pl->pml_map.pm_vers; port = pl->pml_map.pm_port; } return port; #else #ifdef HAVE_PMAP_GETPORT int port; for (*version = RPC_PROGVER; *version >= 1; (*version)--) if (port = pmap_getport (sin, RPC_PROGNUM, *version, IPPROTO_TCP)) return port; #endif /* HAVE_PMAP_GETPORT */ #endif /* HAVE_PMAP_GETMAPS */ *version = 1; return mcserver_port; }