/* Virtual File System: Midnight Commander file system. Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997 The Free Software Foundation Written by Miguel de Icaza Andrej Borsenkow Norbert Warmuth This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* Namespace: exports mcfs_vfs_ops, tcp_invalidate_socket */ #include #ifdef WITH_MCFS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* POSIX-required by sys/socket.h and netdb.h */ #include /* struct hostent */ #include /* AF_INET */ #include /* struct in_addr */ #ifdef HAVE_ARPA_INET_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_PMAP_SET #include #include #ifdef HAVE_RPC_PMAP_CLNT_H #include #endif #endif #include "utilvfs.h" #include "vfs.h" #include "mcfs.h" #include "mcfsutil.h" #include "tcputil.h" #include "../src/dialog.h" #define MCFS_MAX_CONNECTIONS 32 static struct _mcfs_connection { char *host; char *user; char *home; int sock; int port; int version; } mcfs_connections[MCFS_MAX_CONNECTIONS]; #define mcserver_port 9876 typedef struct _mcfs_connection mcfs_connection; typedef struct { int handle; mcfs_connection *conn; } mcfs_handle; static char *mcfs_gethome (mcfs_connection * mc); static int my_errno; static struct vfs_class vfs_mcfs_ops; /* Extract the hostname and username from the path */ /* path is in the form: hostname:user/remote-dir */ static char * mcfs_get_host_and_username (char *path, char **host, char **user, int *port, char **pass) { return vfs_split_url (path, host, user, port, pass, 0, 0); } static void mcfs_fill_names (struct vfs_class *me, void (*func) (char *)) { int i; char *name; for (i = 0; i < MCFS_MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++) { if (mcfs_connections[i].host == 0) continue; name = g_strconcat ("/#mc:", mcfs_connections[i].user, "@", mcfs_connections[i].host, NULL); (*func) (name); g_free (name); } } /* This routine checks the server RPC version and logs the user in */ static int mcfs_login_server (int my_socket, char *user, int port, int port_autodetected, char *netrcpass, int *version) { int result; char *pass; /* Send the version number */ rpc_send (my_socket, RPC_INT, *version, RPC_END); if (0 == rpc_get (my_socket, RPC_INT, &result, RPC_END)) return 0; if (result != MC_VERSION_OK) { message_1s (1, _(" MCFS "), _(" The server does not support this version ")); close (my_socket); return 0; } /* FIXME: figure out why last_current_dir used to be passed here */ rpc_send (my_socket, RPC_INT, MC_LOGIN, RPC_STRING, "/", RPC_STRING, user, RPC_END); if (0 == rpc_get (my_socket, RPC_INT, &result, RPC_END)) return 0; if (result == MC_NEED_PASSWORD) { if (port > 1024 && port_autodetected) { int v; v = query_dialog (_("Warning"), _ (" The remote server is not running on a system port \n" " you need a password to log in, but the information may \n" " not be safe on the remote side. Continue? \n"), 3, 2, _("&Yes"), _("&No")); if (v == 1) { close (my_socket); return 0; } } if (netrcpass != NULL) pass = g_strdup (netrcpass); else pass = vfs_get_password (_(" MCFS Password required ")); if (!pass) { rpc_send (my_socket, RPC_INT, MC_QUIT, RPC_END); close (my_socket); return 0; } rpc_send (my_socket, RPC_INT, MC_PASS, RPC_STRING, pass, RPC_END); wipe_password (pass); if (0 == rpc_get (my_socket, RPC_INT, &result, RPC_END)) return 0; if (result != MC_LOGINOK) { message_1s (1, _(" MCFS "), _(" Invalid password ")); rpc_send (my_socket, RPC_INT, MC_QUIT, RPC_END); close (my_socket); return 0; } } return my_socket; } static int get_remote_port (struct sockaddr_in *sin, int *version) { #ifdef HAVE_PMAP_GETMAPS int port; struct pmaplist *pl; *version = 1; port = mcserver_port; for (pl = pmap_getmaps (sin); pl; pl = pl->pml_next) if (pl->pml_map.pm_prog == RPC_PROGNUM && pl->pml_map.pm_prot == IPPROTO_TCP && pl->pml_map.pm_vers >= *version) { *version = pl->pml_map.pm_vers; port = pl->pml_map.pm_port; } return port; #else #ifdef HAVE_PMAP_GETPORT int port; for (*version = RPC_PROGVER; *version >= 1; (*version)--) if (port = pmap_getport (sin, RPC_PROGNUM, *version, IPPROTO_TCP)) return port; #endif /* HAVE_PMAP_GETPORT */ #endif /* HAVE_PMAP_GETMAPS */ *version = 1; return mcserver_port; } /* This used to be in utilvfs.c, but as it deals with portmapper, it is probably useful for mcfs */ static int open_tcp_link (char *host, int *port, int *version, char *caller) { struct sockaddr_in server_address; unsigned long inaddr; struct hostent *hp; int my_socket; if (!*host) return 0; memset ((char *) &server_address, 0, sizeof (server_address)); server_address.sin_family = AF_INET; /* Try to use the dotted decimal number */ if ((inaddr = inet_addr (host)) != -1) memcpy ((char *) &server_address.sin_addr, (char *) &inaddr, sizeof (inaddr)); else { if ((hp = gethostbyname (host)) == NULL) { message_2s (1, caller, _(" Cannot locate hostname: %s "), host); return 0; } memcpy ((char *) &server_address.sin_addr, (char *) hp->h_addr, hp->h_length); } /* Try to contact a remote portmapper to obtain the listening port */ if (*port == 0) { *port = get_remote_port (&server_address, version); if (*port < 1) return 0; } else *version = 1; server_address.sin_port = htons (*port); if ((my_socket = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { message_2s (1, caller, _(" Cannot create socket: %s "), unix_error_string (errno)); return 0; } if (connect (my_socket, (struct sockaddr *) &server_address, sizeof (server_address)) < 0) { message_2s (1, caller, _(" Cannot connect to server: %s "), unix_error_string (errno)); close (my_socket); return 0; } return my_socket; } static int mcfs_open_tcp_link (char *host, char *user, int *port, char *netrcpass, int *version) { int my_socket; int old_port = *port; my_socket = open_tcp_link (host, port, version, " MCfs "); if (my_socket <= 0) return 0; /* We got the connection to the server, verify if the server implements our version of the RPC mechanism and then login the user. */ return mcfs_login_server (my_socket, user, *port, old_port == 0, netrcpass, version); } static int mcfs_get_free_bucket_init = 1; static mcfs_connection * mcfs_get_free_bucket (void) { int i; if (mcfs_get_free_bucket_init) { mcfs_get_free_bucket_init = 0; for (i = 0; i < MCFS_MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++) mcfs_connections[i].host = 0; } for (i = 0; i < MCFS_MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++) { if (!mcfs_connections[i].host) return &mcfs_connections[i]; } /* This can't happend, since we have checked for max connections before */ vfs_die ("Internal error: mcfs_get_free_bucket"); return 0; /* shut up, stupid gcc */ } /* This routine keeps track of open connections */ /* Returns a connected socket to host */ static mcfs_connection * mcfs_open_link (char *host, char *user, int *port, char *netrcpass) { static int mcfs_open_connections = 0; int i, sock, version; mcfs_connection *bucket; /* Is the link actually open? */ if (mcfs_get_free_bucket_init) { mcfs_get_free_bucket_init = 0; for (i = 0; i < MCFS_MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++) mcfs_connections[i].host = 0; } else for (i = 0; i < MCFS_MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++) { if (!mcfs_connections[i].host) continue; if ((strcmp (host, mcfs_connections[i].host) == 0) && (strcmp (user, mcfs_connections[i].user) == 0)) return &mcfs_connections[i]; } if (mcfs_open_connections == MCFS_MAX_CONNECTIONS) { message_1s (1, MSG_ERROR, _(" Too many open connections ")); return 0; } if (! (sock = mcfs_open_tcp_link (host, user, port, netrcpass, &version))) return 0; bucket = mcfs_get_free_bucket (); mcfs_open_connections++; bucket->host = g_strdup (host); bucket->user = g_strdup (user); bucket->home = 0; bucket->port = *port; bucket->sock = sock; bucket->version = version; return bucket; } static int is_error (int result, int errno_num) { if (!(result == -1)) return my_errno = 0; else my_errno = errno_num; return 1; } static int the_error (int result, int errno_num) { if (result == -1) my_errno = errno_num; else my_errno = 0; return result; } static char * mcfs_get_path (mcfs_connection **mc, char *path) { char *user, *host, *remote_path; char *pass; int port; /* An absolute path name, try to determine connection socket */ if (strncmp (path, "/#mc:", 5)) return NULL; path += 5; /* Port = 0 means that open_tcp_link will try to contact the * remote portmapper to get the port number */ port = 0; if ((remote_path = mcfs_get_host_and_username (path, &host, &user, &port, &pass))) if (!(*mc = mcfs_open_link (host, user, &port, pass))) { g_free (remote_path); remote_path = NULL; } g_free (host); g_free (user); if (pass) wipe_password (pass); if (!remote_path) return NULL; /* NOTE: tildes are deprecated. See ftpfs.c */ { int f = !strcmp (remote_path, "/~"); if (f || !strncmp (remote_path, "/~/", 3)) { char *s; s = concat_dir_and_file (mcfs_gethome (*mc), remote_path + 3 - f); g_free (remote_path); remote_path = s; } } return remote_path; } /* Simple function for routines returning only an integer from the server */ static int mcfs_handle_simple_error (int sock, int return_status) { int status, error; if (0 == rpc_get (sock, RPC_INT, &status, RPC_INT, &error, RPC_END)) return the_error (-1, EIO); if (is_error (status, error)) return -1; if (return_status) return status; return 0; } /* Nice wrappers */ static int mcfs_rpc_two_paths (int command, char *s1, char *s2) { mcfs_connection *mc; char *r1, *r2; if ((r1 = mcfs_get_path (&mc, s1)) == 0) return -1; if ((r2 = mcfs_get_path (&mc, s2)) == 0) { g_free (r1); return -1; } rpc_send (mc->sock, RPC_INT, command, RPC_STRING, r1, RPC_STRING, r2, RPC_END); g_free (r1); g_free (r2); return mcfs_handle_simple_error (mc->sock, 0); } static int mcfs_rpc_path (int command, char *path) { mcfs_connection *mc; char *remote_file; if ((remote_file = mcfs_get_path (&mc, path)) == 0) return -1; rpc_send (mc->sock, RPC_INT, command, RPC_STRING, remote_file, RPC_END); g_free (remote_file); return mcfs_handle_simple_error (mc->sock, 0); } static int mcfs_rpc_path_int (int command, char *path, int data) { mcfs_connection *mc; char *remote_file; if ((remote_file = mcfs_get_path (&mc, path)) == 0) return -1; rpc_send (mc->sock, RPC_INT, command, RPC_STRING, remote_file, RPC_INT, data, RPC_END); g_free (remote_file); return mcfs_handle_simple_error (mc->sock, 0); } static int mcfs_rpc_path_int_int (int command, char *path, int n1, int n2) { mcfs_connection *mc; char *remote_file; if ((remote_file = mcfs_get_path (&mc, path)) == 0) return -1; rpc_send (mc->sock, RPC_INT, command, RPC_STRING, remote_file, RPC_INT, n1, RPC_INT, n2, RPC_END); g_free (remote_file); return mcfs_handle_simple_error (mc->sock, 0); } static char * mcfs_gethome (mcfs_connection *mc) { char *buffer; if (mc->home) return g_strdup (mc->home); else { rpc_send (mc->sock, RPC_INT, MC_GETHOME, RPC_END); if (0 == rpc_get (mc->sock, RPC_STRING, &buffer, RPC_END)) return g_strdup (PATH_SEP_STR); mc->home = buffer; return g_strdup (buffer); } } /* The callbacks */ static void * mcfs_open (struct vfs_class *me, char *file, int flags, int mode) { char *remote_file; mcfs_connection *mc; int result, error_num; mcfs_handle *remote_handle; if (!(remote_file = mcfs_get_path (&mc, file))) return 0; rpc_send (mc->sock, RPC_INT, MC_OPEN, RPC_STRING, remote_file, RPC_INT, flags, RPC_INT, mode, RPC_END); g_free (remote_file); if (0 == rpc_get (mc->sock, RPC_INT, &result, RPC_INT, &error_num, RPC_END)) return 0; if (is_error (result, error_num)) return 0; remote_handle = g_new (mcfs_handle, 2); remote_handle->handle = result; remote_handle->conn = mc; return remote_handle; } static int mcfs_read (void *data, char *buffer, int count) { mcfs_handle *info = (mcfs_handle *) data; int result, error; int handle; mcfs_connection *mc; mc = info->conn; handle = info->handle; rpc_send (mc->sock, RPC_INT, MC_READ, RPC_INT, handle, RPC_INT, count, RPC_END); if (0 == rpc_get (mc->sock, RPC_INT, &result, RPC_INT, &error, RPC_END)) return the_error (-1, EIO); if (is_error (result, error)) return 0; if (0 == rpc_get (mc->sock, RPC_BLOCK, result, buffer, RPC_END)) return the_error (-1, EIO); return result; } static int mcfs_write (void *data, char *buf, int nbyte) { mcfs_handle *info = (mcfs_handle *) data; mcfs_connection *mc; int handle; mc = info->conn; handle = info->handle; rpc_send (mc->sock, RPC_INT, MC_WRITE, RPC_INT, handle, RPC_INT, nbyte, RPC_BLOCK, nbyte, buf, RPC_END); return mcfs_handle_simple_error (mc->sock, 1); } static int mcfs_close (void *data) { mcfs_handle *info = (mcfs_handle *) data; mcfs_connection *mc; int handle, result, error; if (!data) return -1; handle = info->handle; mc = info->conn; rpc_send (mc->sock, RPC_INT, MC_CLOSE, RPC_INT, handle, RPC_END); if (0 == rpc_get (mc->sock, RPC_INT, &result, RPC_INT, &error, RPC_END)) return the_error (-1, EIO); is_error (result, error); g_free (data); return result; } static int mcfs_errno (struct vfs_class *me) { return my_errno; } typedef struct dir_entry { char *text; struct dir_entry *next; struct stat my_stat; int merrno; } dir_entry; typedef struct { mcfs_connection *conn; int handle; dir_entry *entries; dir_entry *current; } opendir_info; static void * mcfs_opendir (struct vfs_class *me, char *dirname) { opendir_info *mcfs_info; mcfs_connection *mc; int handle, error_num; char *remote_dir; int result; if (!(remote_dir = mcfs_get_path (&mc, dirname))) return 0; rpc_send (mc->sock, RPC_INT, MC_OPENDIR, RPC_STRING, remote_dir, RPC_END); g_free (remote_dir); if (0 == rpc_get (mc->sock, RPC_INT, &result, RPC_INT, &error_num, RPC_END)) return 0; if (is_error (result, error_num)) return 0; handle = result; mcfs_info = g_new (opendir_info, 1); mcfs_info->conn = mc; mcfs_info->handle = handle; mcfs_info->entries = 0; mcfs_info->current = 0; return mcfs_info; } static int get_stat_info (mcfs_connection * mc, struct stat *buf); static int mcfs_loaddir (opendir_info *mcfs_info) { int status, error; mcfs_connection *mc = mcfs_info->conn; int link = mc->sock; int first = 1; rpc_send (link, RPC_INT, MC_READDIR, RPC_INT, mcfs_info->handle, RPC_END); for (;;) { int entry_len; dir_entry *new_entry; if (!rpc_get (link, RPC_INT, &entry_len, RPC_END)) return 0; if (entry_len == 0) break; new_entry = g_new (dir_entry, 1); new_entry->text = g_new0 (char, entry_len + 1); new_entry->next = 0; if (first) { mcfs_info->entries = new_entry; mcfs_info->current = new_entry; first = 0; } else { mcfs_info->current->next = new_entry; mcfs_info->current = new_entry; } if (!rpc_get (link, RPC_BLOCK, entry_len, new_entry->text, RPC_END)) return 0; /* Then we get the status from the lstat */ if (!rpc_get (link, RPC_INT, &status, RPC_INT, &error, RPC_END)) return 0; if (is_error (status, error)) new_entry->merrno = error; else { new_entry->merrno = 0; if (!get_stat_info (mc, &(new_entry->my_stat))) return 0; } } mcfs_info->current = mcfs_info->entries; return 1; } static void mcfs_free_dir (dir_entry *de) { if (!de) return; mcfs_free_dir (de->next); g_free (de->text); g_free (de); } static union vfs_dirent mcfs_readdir_data; /* The readdir routine loads the complete directory */ /* It's too slow to ask the server each time */ /* It now also sends the complete lstat information for each file */ static struct stat *cached_lstat_info; static void * mcfs_readdir (void *info) { opendir_info *mcfs_info; char *dirent_dest; mcfs_info = (opendir_info *) info; if (!mcfs_info->entries) if (!mcfs_loaddir (mcfs_info)) return NULL; if (mcfs_info->current == 0) { cached_lstat_info = 0; mcfs_free_dir (mcfs_info->entries); mcfs_info->entries = 0; return NULL; } dirent_dest = mcfs_readdir_data.dent.d_name; strncpy (dirent_dest, mcfs_info->current->text, MC_MAXPATHLEN); dirent_dest[MC_MAXPATHLEN] = 0; cached_lstat_info = &mcfs_info->current->my_stat; mcfs_info->current = mcfs_info->current->next; compute_namelen (&mcfs_readdir_data.dent); return &mcfs_readdir_data; } static int mcfs_closedir (void *info) { opendir_info *mcfs_info = (opendir_info *) info; dir_entry *p, *q; rpc_send (mcfs_info->conn->sock, RPC_INT, MC_CLOSEDIR, RPC_INT, mcfs_info->handle, RPC_END); for (p = mcfs_info->entries; p;) { q = p; p = p->next; g_free (q->text); g_free (q); } g_free (info); return 0; } static time_t mcfs_get_time (mcfs_connection *mc) { int sock = mc->sock; if (mc->version == 1) { struct tm tt; rpc_get (sock, RPC_INT, &tt.tm_sec, RPC_INT, &tt.tm_min, RPC_INT, &tt.tm_hour, RPC_INT, &tt.tm_mday, RPC_INT, &tt.tm_year, RPC_INT, &tt.tm_mon, RPC_END); tt.tm_year -= 1900; tt.tm_isdst = 0; return mktime (&tt); } else { char *buf; long tm; rpc_get (sock, RPC_STRING, &buf, RPC_END); sscanf (buf, "%lx", &tm); g_free (buf); return (time_t) tm; } } static int get_stat_info (mcfs_connection *mc, struct stat *buf) { long mylong; int sock = mc->sock; buf->st_dev = 0; rpc_get (sock, RPC_INT, &mylong, RPC_END); #ifdef HAVE_ST_RDEV buf->st_rdev = mylong; #endif rpc_get (sock, RPC_INT, &mylong, RPC_END); buf->st_ino = mylong; rpc_get (sock, RPC_INT, &mylong, RPC_END); buf->st_mode = mylong; rpc_get (sock, RPC_INT, &mylong, RPC_END); buf->st_nlink = mylong; rpc_get (sock, RPC_INT, &mylong, RPC_END); buf->st_uid = mylong; rpc_get (sock, RPC_INT, &mylong, RPC_END); buf->st_gid = mylong; rpc_get (sock, RPC_INT, &mylong, RPC_END); buf->st_size = mylong; if (!rpc_get (sock, RPC_INT, &mylong, RPC_END)) return 0; #ifdef HAVE_ST_BLOCKS buf->st_blocks = mylong; #endif buf->st_atime = mcfs_get_time (mc); buf->st_mtime = mcfs_get_time (mc); buf->st_ctime = mcfs_get_time (mc); return 1; } static int mcfs_stat_cmd (int cmd, char *path, struct stat *buf) { char *remote_file; mcfs_connection *mc; int status, error; if ((remote_file = mcfs_get_path (&mc, path)) == 0) return -1; rpc_send (mc->sock, RPC_INT, cmd, RPC_STRING, remote_file, RPC_END); g_free (remote_file); if (!rpc_get (mc->sock, RPC_INT, &status, RPC_INT, &error, RPC_END)) return the_error (-1, errno); if (is_error (status, error)) return -1; if (get_stat_info (mc, buf)) return 0; else return the_error (-1, EIO); } static int mcfs_stat (struct vfs_class *me, char *path, struct stat *buf) { return mcfs_stat_cmd (MC_STAT, path, buf); } static int mcfs_lstat (struct vfs_class *me, char *path, struct stat *buf) { int path_len = strlen (path); int entry_len = strlen (mcfs_readdir_data.dent.d_name); /* Hack ... */ if (strcmp (path + path_len - entry_len, mcfs_readdir_data.dent.d_name) == 0 && cached_lstat_info) { *buf = *cached_lstat_info; return 0; } return mcfs_stat_cmd (MC_LSTAT, path, buf); } static int mcfs_fstat (void *data, struct stat *buf) { mcfs_handle *info = (mcfs_handle *) data; int result, error; int handle, sock; sock = info->conn->sock; handle = info->handle; rpc_send (sock, RPC_INT, MC_FSTAT, RPC_INT, handle, RPC_END); if (!rpc_get (sock, RPC_INT, &result, RPC_INT, &error, RPC_END)) return the_error (-1, EIO); if (is_error (result, error)) return -1; if (get_stat_info (info->conn, buf)) return 0; else return the_error (-1, EIO); } static int mcfs_chmod (struct vfs_class *me, char *path, int mode) { return mcfs_rpc_path_int (MC_CHMOD, path, mode); } static int mcfs_chown (struct vfs_class *me, char *path, int owner, int group) { return mcfs_rpc_path_int_int (MC_CHOWN, path, owner, group); } static int mcfs_utime (struct vfs_class *me, char *path, struct utimbuf *times) { mcfs_connection *mc; int status; char *file; if (!(file = mcfs_get_path (&mc, path))) return -1; status = 0; if (mc->version >= 2) { char abuf[BUF_SMALL]; char mbuf[BUF_SMALL]; long atime, mtime; atime = (long) times->actime; mtime = (long) times->modtime; g_snprintf (abuf, sizeof (abuf), "%lx", atime); g_snprintf (mbuf, sizeof (mbuf), "%lx", mtime); rpc_send (mc->sock, RPC_INT, MC_UTIME, RPC_STRING, file, RPC_STRING, abuf, RPC_STRING, mbuf, RPC_END); status = mcfs_handle_simple_error (mc->sock, 0); } g_free (file); return (status); } static int mcfs_readlink (struct vfs_class *me, char *path, char *buf, int size) { char *remote_file, *stat_str; int status, error; mcfs_connection *mc; if (!(remote_file = mcfs_get_path (&mc, path))) return -1; rpc_send (mc->sock, RPC_INT, MC_READLINK, RPC_STRING, remote_file, RPC_END); g_free (remote_file); if (!rpc_get (mc->sock, RPC_INT, &status, RPC_INT, &error, RPC_END)) return the_error (-1, EIO); if (is_error (status, errno)) return -1; if (!rpc_get (mc->sock, RPC_STRING, &stat_str, RPC_END)) return the_error (-1, EIO); status = strlen (stat_str); if (status < size) size = status; strncpy (buf, stat_str, size); g_free (stat_str); return size; } static int mcfs_unlink (struct vfs_class *me, char *path) { return mcfs_rpc_path (MC_UNLINK, path); } static int mcfs_symlink (struct vfs_class *me, char *n1, char *n2) { return mcfs_rpc_two_paths (MC_SYMLINK, n1, n2); } static int mcfs_rename (struct vfs_class *me, char *a, char *b) { return mcfs_rpc_two_paths (MC_RENAME, a, b); } static int mcfs_chdir (struct vfs_class *me, char *path) { char *remote_dir; mcfs_connection *mc; int status, error; if (!(remote_dir = mcfs_get_path (&mc, path))) return -1; rpc_send (mc->sock, RPC_INT, MC_CHDIR, RPC_STRING, remote_dir, RPC_END); g_free (remote_dir); if (!rpc_get (mc->sock, RPC_INT, &status, RPC_INT, &error, RPC_END)) return the_error (-1, EIO); if (is_error (status, error)) return -1; return 0; } static int mcfs_lseek (void *data, off_t offset, int whence) { mcfs_handle *info = (mcfs_handle *) data; int handle, sock; sock = info->conn->sock; handle = info->handle; /* FIXME: off_t may be too long to fit */ rpc_send (sock, RPC_INT, MC_LSEEK, RPC_INT, handle, RPC_INT, (int) offset, RPC_INT, whence, RPC_END); return mcfs_handle_simple_error (sock, 1); } static int mcfs_mknod (struct vfs_class *me, char *path, int mode, int dev) { return mcfs_rpc_path_int_int (MC_MKNOD, path, mode, dev); } static int mcfs_mkdir (struct vfs_class *me, char *path, mode_t mode) { return mcfs_rpc_path_int (MC_MKDIR, path, mode); } static int mcfs_rmdir (struct vfs_class *me, char *path) { return mcfs_rpc_path (MC_RMDIR, path); } static int mcfs_link (struct vfs_class *me, char *p1, char *p2) { return mcfs_rpc_two_paths (MC_LINK, p1, p2); } /* We do not free anything right now: we free resources when we run * out of them */ static vfsid mcfs_getid (struct vfs_class *me, const char *p, struct vfs_stamping **parent) { *parent = NULL; return (vfsid) - 1; } static int mcfs_nothingisopen (vfsid id) { return 0; } static void mcfs_free (vfsid id) { /* FIXME: Should not be empty */ } /* Gives up on a socket and reopnes the connection, the child own the socket * now */ static void my_forget (char *path) { char *host, *user, *pass, *p; int port, i, vers; if (strncmp (path, "/#mc:", 5)) return; path += 5; if (path[0] == '/' && path[1] == '/') path += 2; if ((p = mcfs_get_host_and_username (path, &host, &user, &port, &pass)) == 0) { g_free (host); g_free (user); if (pass) wipe_password (pass); return; } for (i = 0; i < MCFS_MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++) { if ((strcmp (host, mcfs_connections[i].host) == 0) && (strcmp (user, mcfs_connections[i].user) == 0) && (port == mcfs_connections[i].port)) { /* close socket: the child owns it now */ close (mcfs_connections[i].sock); /* reopen the connection */ mcfs_connections[i].sock = mcfs_open_tcp_link (host, user, &port, pass, &vers); } } g_free (p); g_free (host); g_free (user); if (pass) wipe_password (pass); } static int mcfs_setctl (struct vfs_class *me, char *path, int ctlop, void *arg) { switch (ctlop) { case VFS_SETCTL_FORGET: my_forget (path); return 0; } return 0; } void init_mcfs (void) { vfs_mcfs_ops.name = "mcfs"; vfs_mcfs_ops.prefix = "mc:"; vfs_mcfs_ops.fill_names = mcfs_fill_names; vfs_mcfs_ops.open = mcfs_open; vfs_mcfs_ops.close = mcfs_close; vfs_mcfs_ops.read = mcfs_read; vfs_mcfs_ops.write = mcfs_write; vfs_mcfs_ops.opendir = mcfs_opendir; vfs_mcfs_ops.readdir = mcfs_readdir; vfs_mcfs_ops.closedir = mcfs_closedir; vfs_mcfs_ops.stat = mcfs_stat; vfs_mcfs_ops.lstat = mcfs_lstat; vfs_mcfs_ops.fstat = mcfs_fstat; vfs_mcfs_ops.chmod = mcfs_chmod; vfs_mcfs_ops.chown = mcfs_chown; vfs_mcfs_ops.utime = mcfs_utime; vfs_mcfs_ops.readlink = mcfs_readlink; vfs_mcfs_ops.symlink = mcfs_symlink; vfs_mcfs_ops.link = mcfs_link; vfs_mcfs_ops.unlink = mcfs_unlink; vfs_mcfs_ops.rename = mcfs_rename; vfs_mcfs_ops.chdir = mcfs_chdir; vfs_mcfs_ops.ferrno = mcfs_errno; vfs_mcfs_ops.lseek = mcfs_lseek; vfs_mcfs_ops.mknod = mcfs_mknod; vfs_mcfs_ops.getid = mcfs_getid; vfs_mcfs_ops.nothingisopen = mcfs_nothingisopen; vfs_mcfs_ops.free = mcfs_free; vfs_mcfs_ops.mkdir = mcfs_mkdir; vfs_mcfs_ops.rmdir = mcfs_rmdir; vfs_mcfs_ops.setctl = mcfs_setctl; vfs_register_class (&vfs_mcfs_ops); } static void mcfs_free_bucket (int bucket) { g_free (mcfs_connections[bucket].host); g_free (mcfs_connections[bucket].user); g_free (mcfs_connections[bucket].home); /* Set all the fields to zero */ mcfs_connections[bucket].host = mcfs_connections[bucket].user = mcfs_connections[bucket].home = 0; mcfs_connections[bucket].sock = mcfs_connections[bucket].version = 0; } static int mcfs_invalidate_socket (int sock) { int i, j = -1; for (i = 0; i < MCFS_MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++) if (mcfs_connections[i].sock == sock) { mcfs_free_bucket (i); j = 0; } if (j == -1) return -1; /* It was not our sock */ /* Break from any possible loop */ mc_chdir ("/"); return 0; } void tcp_invalidate_socket (int sock) { mcfs_invalidate_socket (sock); } #endif /* WITH_MCFS */