Some debug-related code will compile just in mainteiner mode.
Also, added new parameter for configure script: --enable-werror
Signed-off-by: Slava Zanko <>
Added check for result of
PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GLIB, [glib-2.0 >= 2.6], [glib_found=yes], [:])
Now if glib not found or if glib have version less than 2.6 configure script
will exit with error message.
Signed-off-by: Slava Zanko <>
Added support of filenames highlighting in panels.
Now rules of highlighting described into external file filehighlight.ini
Number of highlight rules is unlimited (in opposite to X-Stranger patch).
Highlight will made by:
* file type (directory, regular, symlink, special device etc.)
* extensions of filenames (ends of filenames)
* regular expressions
Big thanks to X-Stranger <> for idea
and to Alexey Kaminsky <> for testing.
Signed-off-by: Slava Zanko <>
* File version.h will be created (or changed) automatically
* Fixed versions for rpm packages - all '-' changed to '.' in RPM_VERSION variable
* when version.h is changed (or deleted) ./configure script will be invoked
Signed-off-by: Slava Zanko <> Added check for minimal version of Glib2
Since Glib2-2.15 API of file-ini module was changed.
Old API:
void g_key_file_remove_key(...)
New API:
gboolean g_key_file_remove_key(...)
Therefore need to check version of Glib and fix return parameter from mc_config_del_param and mc_config_del_group for success build
Work with ini-file added in Glib2 since version 2.6, therefore in added this check.
* doc/*: moved manpages to doc/man/
* NEWS INSTALL README: moved to doc and left a symlink in .
* m-utf-8: (223 commits)
Fix wildcard pattern in file select and file find dialogs
Project builds with option --disable-charsets
Deleted because glib1 don't work with utf-8
fix building without --enable-charset
Total replacement to mc_search stuff in all places
Search engine: if found_len parameter NULL, then mc_search_run don't try to fill them
src/view.c: Reworked search stuff to usage src/search
refactoring: rename edit/editcmd_dialog.c:editcmd_dialog__get_search_types_list to
Search engine: development of hex search complete
Search engine: remove forgotten debug string and reindent file
Search engine: if present glib-2.14 and higher, libpcre don't linked
Search engine: now used regexp external engines:
src/find.c: Fixed core dump if content search pattern no present
edit/editcmd_dialogs.c: fixed state of search type between dialog window calls
Find files: checkbox 'Regular expression' for content search now default unchecked
Find files: changes for usage of new search engine:
Fix copy of current/opposite path to command line: remove charset info from path
src/ add some header files to Make-tracking
Fixed editor menu reloading.