Suppose we have 3 files with version in their names:
* file-2.1.tgz
* file-2.2.tgz
* file-2.10.tgz
It is impossible to see them in natural order using standard facilities,
they will be sorted in alphabet order:
* file-2.1.tgz
* file-2.10.tgz
* file-2.2.tgz
There was some attempts to fix this. I've picked up the patch by Roland Illig <roland illig gmx de>
( and adopted it for today's git snapshot.
It adds "version" option to the sort menu, which uses copy of strverscmp function from glibc.
Signed-off-by: Slava Zanko <>
extfs vfs plugins are read from following places:
1. ~/.mc/extfs.d directory.
2. /usr/libexec/mc/extfs.d direcotry.
Priority of plugins installed in user home directory
is highest. If there are two plugins with same names
exist in user home and system directories, the plugin
from user home is used.
Signed-off-by: Andrew Borodin <>
Reimplemented EXTFS VFS to be friendly to package-based
systems. Currently, MC requires to edit extfs.ini file
to add new plugin to MC VFS. After upgrade, all changes
to this files will be lost.
To solve that problem, MC configuration system should
support ".d" pattern.
Initial step: refactoring of current extfs code:
cleanup, type accuracy, indentation.
Signed-off-by: Andrew Borodin <>
Fixed showing of datetime format in various locales (such as Polish locale)
Added new options in config file:
timeformat_recent=%d.%m.%y %H:%M
timeformat_old=%d.%m.%y %H:%M
timeformat_recent - for files with mtime between now
and "6 moths old" (like "Nov 2 00:56")
timeformat_old - for other files (like "Jun 23 2007")
Signed-off-by: Slava Zanko <>
Generally, Ctrl-\ is a default assignment to SIGQUIT signal.
S-Lang breaks this assignment. NCurses doesn't, therefore
MC just quits when user presses the Ctrl-\ key.
This commit emulates the S-Lang way in NCurses-based MC.
Signed-off-by: Andrew Borodin <>
Comment by Oswald Buddenhagen:
first, you decided to ignore my advice about not
obfuscating the code with nonsense-checks, and on top of that you
broke the string comparison (just see what happens when you try a user
named "ftpmaster").
This commit contain changes for respect this critic.
Signed-off-by: Slava Zanko <>
Look at mcserv.c near 1019
The chroot() call's return value isn't handled - this may a security risk.
Signed-off-by: Slava Zanko <>
The lslR VFS does not work with ls-lR files created in en_US.UTF-8 locale and with files and directories started with whitespaces.
Followed patch fixes both issues.
Signed-off-by: Slava Zanko <>
Fixed warings: local variable shadows a global declaration.
Signed-off-by: Andrew Borodin <>
Signed-off-by: Ilia Maslakov <>
Reported-By: Dr. Stefan Thurner (TU-Chemnitz)
Since 4.7, on monochrome terminals (eg. xterm-mono) the
selections are not visible anymore (pre 4.7 inverted
the selected text).
Probably this has to do w/ the new skinning stuff.
Fix issue: added additional check for b&w terminal into skins engine.
Signed-off-by: Slava Zanko <>
* moved src/fileloc.h into lib/fileloc.h
* moved src/timefmt.h into lib/timefmt.h
* removed unneedded includes into src/util.c
Signed-off-by: Slava Zanko <>
* moved src/global.h into lib/global.h
* moved glibcompat.[ch] from ./src/ into ./lib/
* moved fs.h from ./src/ into ./lib/
Signed-off-by: Slava Zanko <>