Build find file dialogs in normal order.
Adjust resize handling. Signed-off-by: Andrew Borodin <>
Этот коммит содержится в:
@ -64,11 +64,6 @@
/*** file scope macro definitions ****************************************************************/
/* Size of the find window */
#define FIND2_Y (LINES - 4)
#define FIND2_X_USE (FIND2_X - 20)
/*** file scope type declarations ****************************************************************/
/* A couple of extra messages we need */
@ -114,19 +109,14 @@ typedef struct
/*** file scope variables ************************************************************************/
/* button callbacks */
static int start_stop (WButton * button, int action);
static int find_do_view_file (WButton * button, int action);
static int find_do_edit_file (WButton * button, int action);
/* Parsed ignore dirs */
static char **find_ignore_dirs = NULL;
/* Size of the find parameters window */
static int FIND_Y = 19;
static int FIND_Y = 18;
static int FIND_X = 68;
static int FIND2_X = 64;
/* static variables to remember find parameters */
static WInput *in_start; /* Start path */
static WInput *in_name; /* Filename */
@ -165,10 +155,8 @@ static int last_pos;
static size_t ignore_count = 0;
static Dlg_head *find_dlg; /* The dialog */
static WButton *stop_button; /* pointer to the stop button */
static WLabel *status_label; /* Finished, Searching etc. */
static WLabel *found_num_label; /* Number of found items */
static WListbox *find_list; /* Listbox with the file list */
/* This keeps track of the directory stack */
#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 14, 0)
@ -186,22 +174,32 @@ static dir_stack *dir_stack_base = 0;
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
static struct
int ret_cmd;
button_flags_t flags;
const char *text;
int len; /* length including space and brackets */
int x;
Widget *button;
bcback_fn callback;
} fbuts[] =
{N_("&Suspend"), 11, 29},
{N_("Con&tinue"), 12, 29},
{N_("&Chdir"), 11, 3},
{N_("&Again"), 9, 17},
{N_("&Quit"), 8, 43},
{N_("Pane&lize"), 12, 3},
{N_("&View - F3"), 13, 20},
{N_("&Edit - F4"), 13, 38}
{ B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, N_("&Chdir"), 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
{ B_AGAIN, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Again"), 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
{ B_STOP, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Suspend"), 0, 0, NULL, start_stop },
{ B_STOP, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("Con&tinue"), 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
{ B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Quit"), 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
{ B_PANELIZE, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("Pane&lize"), 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
{ B_VIEW, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&View - F3"), 0, 0, NULL, find_do_view_file },
{ B_VIEW, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Edit - F4"), 0, 0, NULL, find_do_edit_file }
/* *INDENT-ON* */
static const size_t fbuts_num = G_N_ELEMENTS (fbuts);
const size_t quit_button = 4; /* index of "Quit" button */
static WListbox *find_list; /* Listbox with the file list */
static find_file_options_t options = {
@ -212,7 +210,20 @@ static char *in_start_dir = INPUT_LAST_TEXT;
static mc_search_t *search_file_handle = NULL;
static mc_search_t *search_content_handle = NULL;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*** file scope functions ************************************************************************/
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* don't use max macro to avoid double str_term_width1() call in widget length caclulation */
#undef max
static int
max (int a, int b)
return (a > b ? a : b);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
parse_ignore_dirs (const char *ignore_dirs)
@ -477,59 +488,105 @@ static gboolean
find_parameters (char **start_dir, ssize_t * start_dir_len,
char **ignore_dirs, char **pattern, char **content)
/* Size of the find parameters window */
const int lines = 19;
const int lines = 18;
int cols = 68;
gboolean return_value;
/* file name */
const char *file_case_label = N_("Cas&e sensitive");
const char *file_pattern_label = N_("&Using shell patterns");
const char *file_name_label = N_("File name:");
const char *file_recurs_label = N_("&Find recursively");
const char *file_skip_hidden_label = N_("S&kip hidden");
const char *file_pattern_label = N_("&Using shell patterns");
const char *file_all_charsets_label = N_("&All charsets");
const char *file_case_label = N_("Cas&e sensitive");
const char *file_skip_hidden_label = N_("S&kip hidden");
/* file content */
const char *content_content_label = N_("Content:");
const char *content_use_label = N_("Sea&rch for content");
const char *content_case_label = N_("Case sens&itive");
const char *content_regexp_label = N_("Re&gular expression");
const char *content_first_hit_label = N_("Fir&st hit");
const char *content_whole_words_label = N_("&Whole words");
const char *content_case_label = N_("Case sens&itive");
const char *content_all_charsets_label = N_("A&ll charsets");
const char *content_whole_words_label = N_("&Whole words");
const char *content_first_hit_label = N_("Fir&st hit");
const char *buts[] = { N_("&OK"), N_("&Cancel"), N_("&Tree") };
const char *buts[] = { N_("&Tree"), N_("&OK"), N_("&Cancel") };
int b0, b1, b2;
/* button lengths */
int b0, b1, b2, b12;
int y1, y2, x1, x2;
/* column width */
int cw;
int cbox_position;
gboolean disable;
int i = sizeof (buts) / sizeof (buts[0]);
while (i-- != 0)
buts[i] = _(buts[i]);
size_t i;
file_case_label = _(file_case_label);
file_pattern_label = _(file_pattern_label);
file_name_label = _(file_name_label);
file_recurs_label = _(file_recurs_label);
file_skip_hidden_label = _(file_skip_hidden_label);
file_pattern_label = _(file_pattern_label);
file_all_charsets_label = _(file_all_charsets_label);
file_case_label = _(file_case_label);
file_skip_hidden_label = _(file_skip_hidden_label);
/* file content */
content_content_label = _(content_content_label);
content_use_label = _(content_use_label);
content_regexp_label = _(content_regexp_label);
content_case_label = _(content_case_label);
content_all_charsets_label = _(content_all_charsets_label);
content_use_label = _(content_use_label);
content_case_label = _(content_case_label);
content_regexp_label = _(content_regexp_label);
content_first_hit_label = _(content_first_hit_label);
content_whole_words_label = _(content_whole_words_label);
content_first_hit_label = _(content_first_hit_label);
for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (buts); i++)
buts[i] = _(buts[i]);
#endif /* ENABLE_NLS */
b0 = str_term_width1 (buts[0]) + 6; /* default button */
b1 = str_term_width1 (buts[1]) + 4;
b2 = str_term_width1 (buts[2]) + 4;
/* caclulate dialog width */
/* widget widths */
cw = str_term_width1 (file_name_label);
cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (file_recurs_label) + 4);
cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (file_pattern_label) + 4);
cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (file_all_charsets_label) + 4);
cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (file_case_label) + 4);
cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (file_skip_hidden_label) + 4);
cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (content_content_label) + 4);
cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (content_use_label) + 4);
cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (content_regexp_label) + 4);
cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (content_case_label) + 4);
cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (content_all_charsets_label) + 4);
cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (content_whole_words_label) + 4);
cw = max (cw, str_term_width1 (content_first_hit_label) + 4);
/* button width */
b0 = str_term_width1 (buts[0]) + 3;
b1 = str_term_width1 (buts[1]) + 5; /* default button */
b2 = str_term_width1 (buts[2]) + 3;
b12 = b1 + b2 + 1;
cols = max (cols, max (b12, cw * 2 + 1) + 6);
find_load_options ();
@ -539,103 +596,108 @@ find_parameters (char **start_dir, ssize_t * start_dir_len,
disable = !options.content_use;
find_dlg =
create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, FIND_Y, FIND_X, dialog_colors,
find_parm_callback, NULL, "[Find File]", _("Find File"),
create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, lines, cols, dialog_colors, find_parm_callback, NULL, "[Find File]",
_("Find File"), DLG_CENTER);
add_widget (find_dlg,
button_new (FIND_Y - 3, FIND_X * 3 / 4 - b1 / 2, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, buts[1],
add_widget (find_dlg,
button_new (FIND_Y - 3, FIND_X / 4 - b0 / 2, B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, buts[0], 0));
x1 = 3;
x2 = cols / 2 + 1;
cw = (cols - 7) / 2;
y1 = 2;
cbox_position = FIND_Y - 5;
add_widget (find_dlg, label_new (y1++, x1, _("Start at:")));
in_start =
input_new (y1, x1, input_get_default_colors (), cols - b0 - 7, in_start_dir, "start",
add_widget (find_dlg, in_start);
content_first_hit_cbox =
check_new (cbox_position--, FIND_X / 2 + 1, options.content_first_hit,
widget_disable (WIDGET (content_first_hit_cbox), disable);
add_widget (find_dlg, content_first_hit_cbox);
add_widget (find_dlg, button_new (y1++, cols - b0 - 3, B_TREE, NORMAL_BUTTON, buts[0], NULL));
content_whole_words_cbox =
check_new (cbox_position--, FIND_X / 2 + 1, options.content_whole_words,
widget_disable (WIDGET (content_whole_words_cbox), disable);
add_widget (find_dlg, content_whole_words_cbox);
ignore_dirs_cbox =
check_new (y1++, x1, options.ignore_dirs_enable, _("Ena&ble ignore directories:"));
add_widget (find_dlg, ignore_dirs_cbox);
in_ignore =
input_new (y1++, x1, input_get_default_colors (), cols - 6,
options.ignore_dirs != NULL ? options.ignore_dirs : "", "ignoredirs",
widget_disable (WIDGET (in_ignore), !options.ignore_dirs_enable);
add_widget (find_dlg, in_ignore);
add_widget (find_dlg, hline_new (y1++, -1, -1));
y2 = y1;
/* Start 1st column */
add_widget (find_dlg, label_new (y1++, x1, file_name_label));
in_name =
input_new (y1++, x1, input_get_default_colors (), cw, INPUT_LAST_TEXT, "name",
add_widget (find_dlg, in_name);
/* Start 2nd column */
content_label = label_new (y2++, x2, content_content_label);
add_widget (find_dlg, content_label);
in_with =
input_new (y2++, x2, input_get_default_colors (), cw, INPUT_LAST_TEXT,
in_with->label = content_label;
widget_disable (WIDGET (in_with), disable);
add_widget (find_dlg, in_with);
content_use_cbox = check_new (y2++, x2, options.content_use, content_use_label);
add_widget (find_dlg, content_use_cbox);
/* Continue 1st column */
recursively_cbox = check_new (y1++, x1, options.find_recurs, file_recurs_label);
add_widget (find_dlg, recursively_cbox);
file_pattern_cbox = check_new (y1++, x1, options.file_pattern, file_pattern_label);
add_widget (find_dlg, file_pattern_cbox);
file_case_sens_cbox = check_new (y1++, x1, options.file_case_sens, file_case_label);
add_widget (find_dlg, file_case_sens_cbox);
content_all_charsets_cbox = check_new (cbox_position--, FIND_X / 2 + 1,
file_all_charsets_cbox =
check_new (y1++, x1, options.file_all_charsets, file_all_charsets_label);
add_widget (find_dlg, file_all_charsets_cbox);
skip_hidden_cbox = check_new (y1++, x1, options.skip_hidden, file_skip_hidden_label);
add_widget (find_dlg, skip_hidden_cbox);
/* Continue 2nd column */
content_regexp_cbox = check_new (y2++, x2, options.content_regexp, content_regexp_label);
widget_disable (WIDGET (content_regexp_cbox), disable);
add_widget (find_dlg, content_regexp_cbox);
content_case_sens_cbox = check_new (y2++, x2, options.content_case_sens, content_case_label);
widget_disable (WIDGET (content_case_sens_cbox), disable);
add_widget (find_dlg, content_case_sens_cbox);
content_all_charsets_cbox =
check_new (y2++, x2, options.content_all_charsets, content_all_charsets_label);
widget_disable (WIDGET (content_all_charsets_cbox), disable);
add_widget (find_dlg, content_all_charsets_cbox);
content_case_sens_cbox =
check_new (cbox_position--, FIND_X / 2 + 1, options.content_case_sens, content_case_label);
widget_disable (WIDGET (content_case_sens_cbox), disable);
add_widget (find_dlg, content_case_sens_cbox);
content_whole_words_cbox =
check_new (y2++, x2, options.content_whole_words, content_whole_words_label);
widget_disable (WIDGET (content_whole_words_cbox), disable);
add_widget (find_dlg, content_whole_words_cbox);
content_regexp_cbox =
check_new (cbox_position--, FIND_X / 2 + 1, options.content_regexp, content_regexp_label);
widget_disable (WIDGET (content_regexp_cbox), disable);
add_widget (find_dlg, content_regexp_cbox);
content_first_hit_cbox =
check_new (y2++, x2, options.content_first_hit, content_first_hit_label);
widget_disable (WIDGET (content_first_hit_cbox), disable);
add_widget (find_dlg, content_first_hit_cbox);
cbox_position = FIND_Y - 6;
skip_hidden_cbox = check_new (cbox_position--, 3, options.skip_hidden, file_skip_hidden_label);
add_widget (find_dlg, skip_hidden_cbox);
file_all_charsets_cbox =
check_new (cbox_position--, 3, options.file_all_charsets, file_all_charsets_label);
add_widget (find_dlg, file_all_charsets_cbox);
file_case_sens_cbox = check_new (cbox_position--, 3, options.file_case_sens, file_case_label);
add_widget (find_dlg, file_case_sens_cbox);
file_pattern_cbox = check_new (cbox_position--, 3, options.file_pattern, file_pattern_label);
add_widget (find_dlg, file_pattern_cbox);
recursively_cbox = check_new (cbox_position, 3, options.find_recurs, file_recurs_label);
add_widget (find_dlg, recursively_cbox);
/* This checkbox is located in the second column */
content_use_cbox =
check_new (cbox_position, FIND_X / 2 + 1, options.content_use, content_use_label);
add_widget (find_dlg, content_use_cbox);
in_with =
input_new (8, FIND_X / 2 + 1, input_get_default_colors (), FIND_X / 2 - 4, INPUT_LAST_TEXT,
content_label = label_new (7, FIND_X / 2 + 1, _("Content:"));
in_with->label = content_label;
widget_disable (WIDGET (in_with), disable);
add_widget (find_dlg, in_with);
add_widget (find_dlg, content_label);
in_name = input_new (8, 3, input_get_default_colors (),
add_widget (find_dlg, in_name);
add_widget (find_dlg, label_new (7, 3, _("File name:")));
in_ignore = input_new (5, 3, input_get_default_colors (), FIND_X - 6,
options.ignore_dirs != NULL ? options.ignore_dirs : "",
widget_disable (WIDGET (in_ignore), !options.ignore_dirs_enable);
add_widget (find_dlg, in_ignore);
ignore_dirs_cbox =
check_new (4, 3, options.ignore_dirs_enable, _("Ena&ble ignore directories:"));
add_widget (find_dlg, ignore_dirs_cbox);
add_widget (find_dlg, button_new (3, FIND_X - b2 - 2, B_TREE, NORMAL_BUTTON, buts[2], 0));
in_start = input_new (3, 3, input_get_default_colors (),
FIND_X - b2 - 6, in_start_dir, "start", INPUT_COMPLETE_DEFAULT);
add_widget (find_dlg, in_start);
add_widget (find_dlg, label_new (2, 3, _("Start at:")));
/* buttons */
y1 = max (y1, y2);
x1 = (cols - b12) / 2;
add_widget (find_dlg, hline_new (y1++, -1, -1));
add_widget (find_dlg, button_new (y1, x1, B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, buts[1], NULL));
add_widget (find_dlg, button_new (y1, x1 + b1 + 1, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, buts[2], NULL));
dlg_select_widget (in_name);
@ -983,9 +1045,9 @@ search_content (Dlg_head * h, const char *directory, const char *filename)
if (file_fd == -1)
return FALSE;
g_snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), _("Grepping in %s"), str_trunc (filename, FIND2_X_USE));
g_snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), _("Grepping in %s"), filename);
status_update (str_trunc (buffer, WIDGET (h)->cols - 8));
status_update (buffer);
mc_refresh ();
tty_enable_interrupt_key ();
@ -1128,9 +1190,11 @@ find_rotate_dash (const Dlg_head * h, gboolean finish)
if (verbose)
const Widget *w = WIDGET (h);
pos = (pos + 1) % 4;
tty_setcolor (h->color[DLG_COLOR_NORMAL]);
widget_move (h, FIND2_Y - 7, FIND2_X - 4);
widget_move (h, w->lines - 7, w->cols - 4);
tty_print_char (finish ? ' ' : rotating_dash[pos]);
mc_refresh ();
@ -1221,11 +1285,10 @@ do_search (Dlg_head * h)
if (verbose)
char buffer[BUF_SMALL];
char buffer[BUF_MEDIUM];
g_snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), _("Searching %s"),
str_trunc (directory, FIND2_X_USE));
status_update (buffer);
g_snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), _("Searching %s"), directory);
status_update (str_trunc (directory, WIDGET (h)->cols - 8));
/* mc_stat should not be called after mc_opendir
because vfs_s_opendir modifies the st_nlink
@ -1366,6 +1429,45 @@ view_edit_currently_selected_file (int unparsed_view, int edit)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
find_calc_button_locations (const Dlg_head * h, gboolean all_buttons)
const int cols = WIDGET (h)->cols;
int l1, l2;
l1 = fbuts[0].len + fbuts[1].len + fbuts[is_start ? 3 : 2].len + fbuts[4].len + 3;
l2 = fbuts[5].len + fbuts[6].len + fbuts[7].len + 2;
fbuts[0].x = (cols - l1) / 2;
fbuts[1].x = fbuts[0].x + fbuts[0].len + 1;
fbuts[2].x = fbuts[1].x + fbuts[1].len + 1;
fbuts[3].x = fbuts[2].x;
fbuts[4].x = fbuts[2].x + fbuts[is_start ? 3 : 2].len + 1;
if (all_buttons)
fbuts[5].x = (cols - l2) / 2;
fbuts[6].x = fbuts[5].x + fbuts[5].len + 1;
fbuts[7].x = fbuts[6].x + fbuts[6].len + 1;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
find_relocate_buttons (const Dlg_head * h, gboolean all_buttons)
size_t i;
find_calc_button_locations (h, all_buttons);
for (i = 0; i < fbuts_num; i++)
fbuts[i].button->x = WIDGET (h)->x + fbuts[i].x;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static cb_ret_t
find_callback (Dlg_head * h, Widget * sender, dlg_msg_t msg, int parm, void *data)
@ -1378,11 +1480,14 @@ find_callback (Dlg_head * h, Widget * sender, dlg_msg_t msg, int parm, void *dat
return view_edit_currently_selected_file (unparsed_view, 0);
if (parm == KEY_F (4))
return view_edit_currently_selected_file (0, 1);
dlg_set_size (h, LINES - 4, COLS - 16);
find_relocate_buttons (h, TRUE);
case DLG_IDLE:
do_search (h);
@ -1398,7 +1503,8 @@ find_callback (Dlg_head * h, Widget * sender, dlg_msg_t msg, int parm, void *dat
static int
start_stop (WButton * button, int action)
(void) button;
Widget *w = WIDGET (button);
(void) action;
running = is_start;
@ -1406,7 +1512,10 @@ start_stop (WButton * button, int action)
is_start = !is_start;
status_update (is_start ? _("Stopped") : _("Searching"));
button_set_text (stop_button, fbuts[is_start ? 1 : 0].text);
button_set_text (button, fbuts[is_start ? 3 : 2].text);
find_relocate_buttons (w->owner, FALSE);
dlg_redraw (w->owner);
return 0;
@ -1442,84 +1551,69 @@ find_do_edit_file (WButton * button, int action)
static void
setup_gui (void)
size_t i;
int lines, cols;
int y;
static gboolean i18n_flag = FALSE;
if (!i18n_flag)
int i = sizeof (fbuts) / sizeof (fbuts[0]);
while (i-- != 0)
for (i = 0; i < fbuts_num; i++)
fbuts[i].text = _(fbuts[i].text);
fbuts[i].len = str_term_width1 (fbuts[i].text) + 3;
if (fbuts[i].flags == DEFPUSH_BUTTON)
fbuts[i].len += 2;
fbuts[2].len += 2; /* DEFPUSH_BUTTON */
i18n_flag = TRUE;
#endif /* ENABLE_NLS */
* Dynamically place buttons centered within current window size
int l0 = max (fbuts[0].len, fbuts[1].len);
int l1 = fbuts[2].len + fbuts[3].len + l0 + fbuts[4].len;
int l2 = fbuts[5].len + fbuts[6].len + fbuts[7].len;
int r1, r2;
/* Check, if both button rows fit within FIND2_X */
FIND2_X = max (l1 + 9, COLS - 16);
FIND2_X = max (l2 + 8, FIND2_X);
/* compute amount of space between buttons for each row */
r1 = (FIND2_X - 4 - l1) % 5;
l1 = (FIND2_X - 4 - l1) / 5;
r2 = (FIND2_X - 4 - l2) % 4;
l2 = (FIND2_X - 4 - l2) / 4;
/* ...and finally, place buttons */
fbuts[2].x = 2 + r1 / 2 + l1;
fbuts[3].x = fbuts[2].x + fbuts[2].len + l1;
fbuts[0].x = fbuts[3].x + fbuts[3].len + l1;
fbuts[4].x = fbuts[0].x + l0 + l1;
fbuts[5].x = 2 + r2 / 2 + l2;
fbuts[6].x = fbuts[5].x + fbuts[5].len + l2;
fbuts[7].x = fbuts[6].x + fbuts[6].len + l2;
lines = LINES - 4;
cols = COLS - 16;
find_dlg =
create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, FIND2_Y, FIND2_X, dialog_colors, find_callback, NULL,
"[Find File]", _("Find File"), DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE);
create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, lines, cols, dialog_colors, find_callback, NULL, "[Find File]",
_("Find File"), DLG_CENTER);
add_widget (find_dlg,
button_new (FIND2_Y - 3, fbuts[7].x, B_VIEW, NORMAL_BUTTON,
fbuts[7].text, find_do_edit_file));
add_widget (find_dlg,
button_new (FIND2_Y - 3, fbuts[6].x, B_VIEW, NORMAL_BUTTON,
fbuts[6].text, find_do_view_file));
add_widget (find_dlg,
button_new (FIND2_Y - 3, fbuts[5].x, B_PANELIZE, NORMAL_BUTTON, fbuts[5].text,
find_calc_button_locations (find_dlg, TRUE);
add_widget (find_dlg,
button_new (FIND2_Y - 4, fbuts[4].x, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, fbuts[4].text, NULL));
stop_button =
button_new (FIND2_Y - 4, fbuts[0].x, B_STOP, NORMAL_BUTTON, fbuts[0].text, start_stop);
add_widget (find_dlg, stop_button);
add_widget (find_dlg,
button_new (FIND2_Y - 4, fbuts[3].x, B_AGAIN, NORMAL_BUTTON, fbuts[3].text, NULL));
add_widget (find_dlg,
button_new (FIND2_Y - 4, fbuts[2].x, B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, fbuts[2].text, NULL));
y = 2;
find_list = listbox_new (y, 2, lines - 10, cols - 4, FALSE, NULL);
add_widget_autopos (find_dlg, find_list, WPOS_KEEP_ALL, NULL);
y += WIDGET (find_list)->lines;
status_label = label_new (FIND2_Y - 7, 4, _("Searching"));
add_widget (find_dlg, status_label);
add_widget_autopos (find_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1), WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM, NULL);
found_num_label = label_new (FIND2_Y - 6, 4, "");
add_widget (find_dlg, found_num_label);
found_num_label = label_new (y++, 4, "");
add_widget_autopos (find_dlg, found_num_label, WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM, NULL);
find_list = listbox_new (2, 2, FIND2_Y - 10, FIND2_X - 4, FALSE, NULL);
add_widget (find_dlg, find_list);
status_label = label_new (y++, 4, _("Searching"));
add_widget_autopos (find_dlg, status_label, WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM, NULL);
add_widget_autopos (find_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1), WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < fbuts_num; i++)
if (i == 3)
fbuts[3].button = fbuts[2].button;
fbuts[i].button =
WIDGET (button_new
(y, fbuts[i].x, fbuts[i].ret_cmd, fbuts[i].flags, fbuts[i].text,
add_widget_autopos (find_dlg, fbuts[i].button, WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM, NULL);
if (i == quit_button)
dlg_select_widget (find_list);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Ссылка в новой задаче
Block a user